Hema Platelet Disorders
Hema Platelet Disorders
Hema Platelet Disorders
Definition of Terms
Phosphatidylserine -serves as
procoagulant surface; when exposed
to the outer leaflet of the platelet
membrane, PS serve as binding
sites for circulating protein
Description Mild bleeding tendency due to platelet
one of the inherited giant platelet dysfunction, thrombocytopenia,
disorders (IGPDs) anemia, asplenia, tubular aggregate
improper platelet function and myopathy, congenital miosis &
increased platelet cell size ichthyosis
autosomal dominant Headaches and recurrent stroke-like
mutation in the gene that encodes a episodes
specific enzyme known as nonmuscle Terms
myosin heavy chain 9 (the MYH9 STIM1- Stromal interaction molecule
gene). The gene locus is 22q11.2 1
o involved in controlling the entry
Pathophysiology of positively charged calcium
Mutation in MYH9 gene (chromosome atoms (calcium ions) into cells
22q11.2) Alteration in NMMHC-IIA when levels of the ions are low
Macrothrombocytopenia specifically through channels
MH FT EP SP called calcium-release activated
A S S S calcium (CRAC) channels.
MACROTHROMBOC + + + + ORAI1- Calcium release-activated
YTOPENIA calcium channel protein 1
INCLUSION BODIES + + - + o A calcium selective ion channel
(LARGE) (L) (S) (S) that in humans is encoded by
HEARING LOSS - + + (+) the ORAI1 gene. It mediates
NEPHRITIS - + + - Ca2+ influx following depletion of
CATARACTS - + - (+) intracellular Ca2+ stores and
Increased bleeding tendency channel activation by the
Signs and symptoms Ca2+sensor
Bleeding from the gums Pathophysiology
Increased Bleeding Time Normal Pathway
o Calcium levels are low Upon
Menorrhagia sensing Ca2+, STIM1
undergoes a conformational
CBC – decreased platelet count
change enabling it to interact
Bleeding Time- prolonged
with ORAI1 ORAI1 opens
Clotting Time- prolonged Calcium influx adequate Ca
PBS – macrothrombocytes, leukocyte ions ORAI1 closes
inclusion bodies Abnormal Pathway
Platelet Count - decreased o Gain-of-function mutation of
Genetic Sequencing – MYH9 Gene STIM STIM1 senses calcium
sequencing STIM1 undergoes a
conformational change enabling
Treatment and Management it to interact with ORAI1
Platelet transfusion ORAI1 opens Calcium influx
STIM1 activated does not
Other Names calcium influx platelet
Stormorken-Sjaastad-Langslet breakdown increased
Syndrome bleeding tendency
York Platelet Syndrome (YPS)
Thrombocytopathy, Asplenia, Miosis Laboratory Diagnosis
STRMK Genetic Testing:
o Molecular genetic tests
o Chromosomal genetic tests
o Biochemical genetic tests Abnormal Pathway results to:
New Born testing (CentoICU) o ASPIRIN-LIKE DEFECTS
(Germany) -Hereditary absence or
CentoICU platinum plus (Germany) abnormalities of the components of
Hereditary ichthyosis (NGS panel of the thromboxane pathway
53 genes) (Portugal) -Abnormal Aggregation seen with:
Hereditary ichthyosis (NGS panel of Impaired release of
53 genes) (Portugal) (ADP)
STIM1 Deletion/duplication Epinephrine
analysis(United States) Collagen
o Collagen Receptor Deficiency
Treatment • GP Ia/IIa or a2β1 Integrin
Meloxicam for TAM deficiency
-lacked an aggregation
Platelet transfusion
response to collage
Calcium Gluconate
-platelets do not adhere to
• Glycoprotein VI deficiency
- responsible for platelet
signaling and activation
leading to TxA2 formation
Thromboxane-a member of a family of -Platelets failed to aggregate
lipids (eicosanoids) in response to collagen
Thromboxane A2 (TxA2)-is a type of -adhesion to collagen is also
thromboxane produced by activated impaired
platelets that has prothrombotic -decreased ability to
properties form bloodclots.
Thromboxane Synthase-an enzyme o Adenosine Receptor Deficiency
found in platelets • P2x1 Receptor Deficiency
Arachidonic Acid-precursor of - ion channel that upon
activation causes an influx of
Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)-
calcium. Calcium activates
causes platelets to undergo shape
change, release granule contents, and phospholipase A2, which
aggregate liberates arachidonic acid.
Collagen-substrate for adhesion of -It causes platelet shape
platelets change and aids in the
Epinephrine- potentiates the effects of activation process of other
other agonists and at higher agonists. Platelet shape
concentrations, initiate platelet changes facilitate aggregation
responses including aggregation,
serotonin secretion and arachidonic -no calcium influx
pathway activation -arachidonic acid is not
Pathophysiology • P2Y1 Receptor Deficiency
Normal Pathway -difficulty in platelet change
o Phospholipid membrane --- shape, aggregation,
(Phospholipase A2) thromboxane A2 generation
Arachidonic Acid --- and thrombus formation.
(Cyclooxygenase) • P2Y12 (P2TAC) receptor
Prostaglandin H2 --- deficiency
(Thromboxane Synthase) - is important for:
Thromboxane A2 platelet shape change
thromboxane A2
procoagulant activity
adhesion to immobilized Missense Mutation
fibrinogen o a point mutation in which a
single nucleotide change results
thrombus formation
in a codon that codes for a
under shear conditions.
different amino acid
-no platelet activation
Frameshift Mutation
• Epinephrine Receptor Deficiency o deletion or insertion in a DNA
• a2–Adrenergic Receptor sequence that shifts the way the
Deficiency sequence is read
-decreased platelet
Signs and Symptoms
activation and aggregation
in response to epinephrine Eczema
are known Immunodeficiency
- located on blood vessels Bleeding
and sympathetic terminals Recurrent Infections
where they mediate
Laboratory Diagnosis
vasoconstriction and inhibit
Platelet Count
norepinephrine release.
Genetic Test
Immunoglobulin Test
Laboratory Diagnosis
Bleeding time (BT) - prolonged Treatment
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Antimicrobial
(APTT)- prolonged Platelet transfusions to prevent
Prothrombin time (PT)- prolonged bleeding
Platelet count direct and indirect- Topical steroid to prevent eczema
slightly decrease
Blood Transfusion Description
It is an inherited bleeding disorders
characterized with abnormal platelet
WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME which involves in blood coagulation.
Due to absence of alpha-granules in
Background platelet and resulting the appearing of
X-linked disorder gray when viewed under microscope
thrombocytopenia, eczema, and The platelet appears to be large and
immune deficiency. fewer than unusual
AKA eczema-thrombocytopenia- (macrothrombocytopenia) due to
immunodeficiency syndrome
mutation that disrupting in production
1937- Alfred Wiskott
of alpha-granules.
1954- Robert Aldrich
It has autosomal recessive pattern of
Gene mutation or defect in WAS Gene inheritance
(Xp11.22-23) ----Missense/Frameshift The proteins stored in alpha-granules help
mutation- Formation of WAS protein platelet stick to one another
A lack of a-granules impairs the normal -NBEAL2- found in chromosome 3
activity of platelets during clotting
Laboratory Features
Prolonged prothrombin time
and thrombin time
Prolonged activated partial
thromboplastin time
Undetectable functional fibrinogen
Absence or immunoreactive fibrinogen
HEREDITARY AFIBROGENEMIA Platelet defects may be secondary to the
metabolic defect
Introduction Prolonged bleeding time
Afibrinogenemia is considered as rare Induced platelet aggregation
hereditary bleeding disorder with
autosomal recessive genetic WALDENSTORM MACROGLOBULINEMIA
transmission, caused by mutations of
any one out of the three genes located Introduction
on chromosome 4, responsible for Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia or
lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma is a
coding of three polypeptide chains,
monoclonal gammopathy that causes
constituents of fibrinogen. excessive B cell production of IgM and
Afibrinogenemia, is a rare hereditary decreased production of the other
bleeding disorder having autosomal immunoglobulins.
recessive genetic transmission and It is a very uncommon, slow-growing
prevalence of 1:1,000,000 live birth. cancer that begins in the immune system.
It is a rare congenital coagulopathy Increased IgM production thickens the
that leads to life-threatening bleeding. blood.
Characterized by the absence of
fibrinogen (also known as coagulation Epidemiology
factor I) in the blood, a protein that is AGE SPECIFIC: varies between 63-68
essential in the blood clotting years of age
(coagulation) process. RACE: higher incidence among white
Affected individuals may be people
susceptible to severe bleeding SEX: more common in older men than
(hemorrhaging) episodes, particularly
during infancy and childhood. Prognosis
- Patient's Age
- B2-Microglobulin Level
It is caused by:
- Monoclonal Protein Level
1. FGA Gene
- Hemoglobin Concentration
2. FGB Gene
- Platelet Count
3. FGG Gene
Signs and Symptoms 1. There is B-cell neoplasm in WM
Nosebleeds that are difficult to stop characterized by lymphoplasmo-
Bleeding in the mucus membranes proliferative disorder with infiltration of the
Bleeding in the joints bone marrow and IgM protein.
Bruising easily
Gastrointestinal bleeding
2. This proliferative disorder is associated abnormal protein. It can be taken
with production of abnormally large intravenously or in the form of a pill.
amounts of IgM.
3. The basic abnormality in this 2. Plasma exchange
macroglobulinemia is uncontrolled If thickening of the blood causes
proliferation of lymphocyte and plasma problems, plasma exchange can be used
cells. to wash the IgM protein out of your
bloodstream and replace it with healthy
Signs and Symptoms plasma. It is very effective procedure
weakness which requires only one or two treatments
fatigue attributable to anemia to lower blood protein levels.
chronic anemia and bleeding episodes
increased blood viscosity 3. Biotherapy
lymphadenopathy & Biotherapy may be used alone or in
hepatosplenomegaly coordination with chemotherapy. Biological
therapy, as it is often known, boosts your
Presence of Malignant Cells with immune system's ability to fight cancer and
Lymphoid and Plasmacytoid Morphology help decrease side effects from certain types
Specimen: Bone Marrow Aspirate of cancer treatments.
1. Chemotherapy
Medicines are used that attack
abnormal cells to reduce their effect on
healthy bone marrow and lower the level of