Tle 6 (Industrial Arts) Week 9 Day 2
Tle 6 (Industrial Arts) Week 9 Day 2
Tle 6 (Industrial Arts) Week 9 Day 2
Lesson Plan in EPP/ TLE 6
(Industrial Arts)
2nd Quarter
6 Courageous 1:00-1:50 PM
6 Optimistic 1:50-2:40 PM
6 Responsible 2:40-3:20 PM
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard
Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in recycling waste material
B. Performance standard
P Recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”
C. Learning Competencies
Explains the process and the importance of recycling
D. Learning Objectives:
Recycles the identified products/waste material into functional items (binding of used paper into
notebook or memo pad; bottled plastic into lampshades
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Process of Recycling
Lesson: Recycling
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Teachers:
1.Book: Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 pp 200-Josephine C. Bernardino,
Maria Gracia A. Fulgencio, Estifania
Gloria L. Lee, Alma L. Paragas, Edita T. Rafael
2.Book: TLE 6 K to 12 pp 195-Susana V. Guinea
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. Procedure
A. Review/Presentation of the New Lesson
What are the process of recycling?
B. Motivation
How did we lessen the waste materials in the environment??
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Lesson
Recycling is the processing of used items to obtain materials that can be used to make new
products. (For example, plastic bottles may be made into lanterns.) Recycling may involve a series
of steps to transform a used material into a new product.
Identify materials that can be recycled into a useful product. These include batteries, electrical
equipment, furniture, glass, metal, paint/oil, paper, plastic, textiles, wood, etc.
Find out the location of various recycling plants and sell your used products for recycling.
The benefits of recycling are the following: it decreases the amount of waste in landfills, it prevents
pollution and help the environment save energy, and greenhouse gas emission that contribute to
climate change from waste collected reduced. Last recycling nowadays became popular since it
may be a source of income .
D. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment)
G. Evaluation
H. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation
I. Reflection:
_ Pupil did not find difficulties in answering the lesson.
_ Pupils found difficulties in answering the lesson.
_ Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest.
_ Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties encountered in
answering the question asked by the teacher.
_ Majoriity of the pupils finished their work on time.
_ Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary behavior.
J. Remarks:
_ Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
_ Lesson not carried.