4 ReviewonNoise
4 ReviewonNoise
4 ReviewonNoise
7 1,392
2 authors, including:
Qutubuddin S. M.
Poojya Doddappa Appa College of Engineering, Gulbarga
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Occupational Health, Safety and Ergonomic issues in Pulse Processing Industry View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Qutubuddin S. M. on 20 February 2015.
Qutubuddin S.M., 2Hebbal S.S. and 3A.C.S. Kumar
PDA College of Engineering Gulbarga-585102, Karnataka, India
JNTU College of Engineering, Hyderabad, A.P., India
E-mail: syedqutub16@gmail.com, shivahebbal@yahoo.co.in,
*Corresponding Author E-mail: syedqutub16@gmail.com
The field of ergonomics is rapidly becoming a key area of interest to industrial
organizations, which are concerned with providing a comfortable, safe, and pleasant
working area for their employees as well as producing high quality user-friendly
products to customers at the same time stressing on continuous improvement in
productivity. This interest in applying ergonomic principles to industrial workplaces
44 Qutubuddin S.M. et al
and products is most likely a result of correlations established between the design of a
workplace on ergonomics principles and the resulting productivity and health of the
worker [19]. Effective application of ergonomics in work system design can achieve a
balance between worker characteristics and task demands. This can enhance worker
productivity; provide worker safety, physical and mental well-being and job
satisfaction. Many research studies have shown positive effects of applying
ergonomics principles in workplaces, occupational health and safety, machine design,
job design, environment and facilities design [2].
Therefore, in designing a manufacturing work system, the designer should not
only attempt to maximize worker productivity, but also try to improve worker
satisfaction and minimize safety hazards. It is possible to achieve such a desirable
goal through proper application of ergonomics principles.
Realizing the significance of utilizing ergonomic principals and data for the
design of manufacturing systems the authors have conducted a survey to know about
the level of awareness and application of ergonomics principle in Indian
manufacturing industries with sufficient sample size. In addition, a literature survey
was carried out on these aspects. The outcome of both surveys indicated following
three important aspects regarding the application of ergonomics in industries.
The application of ergonomic expertise in manufacturing organizations is not to
the expected level; however, the manufacturing industries have realized the
significance of ergonomics principle and data.
There is an urgent need to identify a mechanism to enable the manufacturing
industries to easily employ ergonomics principals and data for their routine activates
The development of a user friendly computer assisted system that readily provides
any requisite information and directions for application of ergonomics and data is the
need of manufacturing organizations since, it may lead to the implementation of
ergonomics knowledge and data in the design and decision-making processes of
manufacturing organizations
Further, the available literature reveals that the following are the two major key
areas that must be focused for the application of ergonomics. One is anthropometry,
which is the branch of ergonomics that deals with body shape and size. People
possess different sizes and there is a need to take these variations in physical
characteristics into account whenever anything is designed for their use. It deals with
the compilation and application of anthropometric data for the design of workplaces
and products. The other key area is environmental ergonomics to provide better
working environment.
Numerous factors can make up a working environment. These include noise,
vibration, light, heat and cold, particulates in the air, gases, air pressures, gravity, etc.
The applied ergonomist must consider how these factors, in the integrated
environment, will affect the human occupants. Three effects are usually considered;
those on the health, comfort and performance of the occupants [16]. A continuous and
dynamic interaction between people and their surroundings produces physiological
and psychological strain on the person. This can lead to discomfort, annoyance, subtle
and direct affects on performance and productivity, affects on health and safety, and
death. Although there have been many studies on human responses to the
A Review on Effect of Industrial Noise 45
environment (light, noise, heat, cold, etc.) and much is known, it is only with the
development of ergonomics as a discipline that the unique features of environmental
ergonomics are beginning to emerge
Understanding the significance of application of ergonomics for the
manufacturing activities and acknowledging the need of the manufacturing
organizations, a research plan that involves the development of a user friendly
Computer Assisted Interactive and Intelligent Industrial Ergonomics System
(CAIIIES) has been started. For this the ergonomics knowledge and data has been
collected from various sources, classified, compiled and arranged systematically. The
major functions that are performed by the proposed system includes well defined
procedures to perform tasks related to application of anthropometric data of a user
population to suggest suitable values for the design of workplace and product and
suggestions for illumination, noise and temperature for a given working system.
It allows the user to select the Guidelines to identify and analyze the problems
related to ergonomics and also to assess the level of application of ergonomics. It
serves as a user manual for applying ergonomics knowledge and data for
manufacturing organization. Even a user with a little ergonomics knowledge can use
this as a starting point from which expertise can be received to find ergonomic
solutions to design of work systems.
As a part of this research work another survey was carried out to assess the level
of problems due to industrial noise since, many investigations in industrial plants
show that workers usually point out noise as the most important problem. The survey
was conducted through personal interview with the help of a list of questionnaire,
which are listed in table 1. The output of the survey clearly points that management of
noise is one of the significant area of ergonomics and there is a need to concentrate on
this aspect. The current paper presents significant aspects and affects of industrial
noise on performance of workers and also on overall productivity.
1. Noise level……………… ( ) dB
2. Exposure time: ( ) hours ( ) minutes ( these two data items are estimated by
interviewer if necessary )
3. Do you work in a noisy industry such as construction, woodworking; plastics
processing; engineering; textile ; general fabrication; forging, foundries Yes /
4. Are you using noisy powered tools or machinery for more than half an hour
each DayYes / No
5. How many noise sources around you? ; i. One ii. Two iii. More than two
46 Qutubuddin S.M. et al
6. How long the distances between you and the noise sources?
a. one-two (m) b. two-five(m) c- more than five (m)
16. Specify the reason for not using personal protective equipment (PPE)?
i) Feel uncomfortable, ii) Do not have habit, iii) Due to negligence, iv) Not
provided by the company
17. How many hours do you work in a day? ; i) 8 hours ii) more than 8 hours
18. Do you work overtime? How much overtime/week you have?
i) 5–10 hours, ii) 11–15 hours, iii) 16–20 hours, iv) 21–25 hours
19. Are you satisfied with your work environment? Rate your satisfaction level.
i) Highly, ii) Moderate, iii) Low, iv) Least, v) Not at all
Noise levels are measured using a sound level meter. The meter responds to
pressure changes of the noise producing a sound level. When the noise level varies an
integrating sound level meter will provide the average noise level for the sampling
Considerable works / surveys have been reported in the literature on noise
management and noise hazard prevention. A few examples of such reported works are
given in this section. Krisada et al [11] have proposed a decision support system for
designing effective noise hazard prevention (NHP) strategies. NHP consists of four
modules: (a) database, (b) input, (c) algorithms, and (d) solution. The user can choose
48 Qutubuddin S.M. et al
among single-, two-, and three-approach solution procedures. Heuristic and genetic
algorithms are used to determine appropriate noise controls (NCs). From the given
noise condition and NC budget, NHP recommends a minimum-cost NHP strategy that
prevents any worker’s daily noise exposure from exceeding the permissible level.
Foluwasayo et al [3] have conducted a study to determine the prevalence of
sensorineural hearing loss among the workers in a steel rolling mill in Nigeria. Each
of the 150 randomly selected subjects had a structured questionnaire administered to
them, followed by a full otological examination. Of these, 116 had tympanometry and
pure-tone audiometry. Also a noise mapping of their respective work units was done.
The workers were exposed to noise levels varying from 49 to 93 dBA. About 28.2%
of the 103 who had their audiogram analysed had mild to moderate sensorineural
hearing loss in their better ear and 56.8% of them had mild to moderate sensorineural
hearing loss in their worse ear. Wiesław Fiebig [20] has proposed a paper to discuss
about noise generation mechanisms and techniques for noise reduction in fluid power
units. Major noise sources in fluid power units can be identified with a sound intensity
method. It has been proved that components of power units with larger sound
radiating surfaces such as an electric motor and an oil reservoir produce a major part
of global noise radiation.
Pedro and Miguel [17] have presented a study which was carried out with a
sample of 434 industrial workers exposed to noise pressure levels greater than the
action level defined in Portuguese legislation (85 dB(A)). The study aims to analyze
the role of individual risk recognitions in hearing protection devices’ (HPD)
utilization rates. A questionnaire was developed to assess workers’ risk perception of
high-noise exposure and their utilization of HPD. The multivariate data analysis of the
several variables considered revealed that risk recognition in general and self-efficacy
in particular, plays a significant role as a predictor of workers’ behaviour with respect
to the use of HPD. Furthermore, these results do suggest that risk recognition should
be considered as an essential issue in the design and implementation of any Hearing
Conservation Program, in particular in what concerns workers’ training.
Iqbal Ahmed Khan et al [8] presented a study in which the main objective was to
investigate the combined effect of noise and vibration on the performance of a
readability task in a mobile driving environment. Subjects performed a readability
task on a laptop computer in a sitting posture with their backs supported with a
backrest under varying levels of noise and vibration. The data in terms of the mean
number of characters read per minute were collected and statistically analyzed.
Results showed that the individual effect of noise, vibration, and the operators’ gender
as well as the interaction between gender and noise, and gender and vibration were
statistically significant. However, the combined effect of noise and vibration was not
found to be statistically significant. Results also indicated that gender was statistically
significant at all levels of noise as well as vibration, and noise and vibration were
statistically significant at both levels of gender.
Lee and Kong [10] have carried out a study to determine optimum locations of
alarm devices and the effects of hearing protection in an extremely noisy
environment. A machining facility has been selected as a working environment
because it usually generates extremely high noise level. First, an analytical model is
A Review on Effect of Industrial Noise 49
presented for predicting the optimal number of alarm devices, their locations, and
their sound intensities if equipment operators have no hearing protection
Lakhwinder et al [12] have undertaken a study to assess heat and noise exposure
and occupational safety practices in small and medium scale casting and forging units
(SMEs) of Northern India. They conducted personal interviews of 350 male workers
of these units through a comprehensive questionnaire and collected information on
heat and noise exposure, use of protective equipment, sweat loss and water intake,
working hour. The ambient wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT index) was measured
using quest temp 34/36o area heat stress monitor. A-weighted Leq ambient noise was
measured using a quest sound level meter "ANSI SI. 43-1997 (R 2002) type-1 model
SOUNDPRO SE/DL". They also incorporated OSHA norms for hearing conservation
which include - an exchange rate of 5dB(A), criterion level at 90dB(A), criterion time
of eight hours, threshold level is equal to 80dB(A), upper limit is equal to 140dB(A)
and with F/S response rate. Results of the study revealed that occupational heat
exposure in melting, casting, forging and punching sections is high compared to
ACGIH/NIOSH norms. Ambience noise in various sections like casting / molding,
drop forging, cutting presses, punching, grinding and barreling process was found to
be more than 90dB(A). About 95% of the workers suffered speech interference where
as high noise annoyance was reported by only 20%. Overall, 68% workers were not
using any personal protective equipment (PPE). The study concluded that the
proportion of SME workers exposed to high level heat stress and noise (60 - 72
hrs/week) is high.
Although attempt have been made to set standards for some of the most major
sources of noise, but still industrial organizations are often unable to monitor them
and employ them for the design of work environment and also equipment. With this
idea, the proposed work is undertaken in order to focus on these significant aspects
and present a review of the causes and effects of noise, especially on human
Sleep Disturbance
It is common knowledge that noise can disturb sleep. Uninterrupted sleep is known to
be a pre-requisite for good physiological and mental functioning of healthy
persons.[7]. Sleep disturbance, on the other hand, is considered to be a major
environmental noise effect. The primary sleep disturbance effects are; difficulty in
falling asleep; awakenings; and alterations of sleep stages or depth. Other primary
physiological effects can also be induced by noise during sleep, including increased
blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased finger pulse, and changes in respiration
and an increase in body movements. [1]
One of the most salient effects of noise on humans is annoyance. A noise is said to be
annoying if an exposed individual or a group of individuals would reduce noise, avoid
or leave the noisy area if possible. However, apart from “annoyance”, people may feel
a variety of negative emotions when exposed to community noise, and may report
anger, disappointment, dissatisfaction, withdrawal, helplessness, depression, anxiety,
distraction, or exhaustion. [9].
Regulations on Noise
The available noise regulations require employers to prevent or reduce risks to
employee’s health and safety from exposure to noise at work. Employees also have
duties under the regulations too. The regulations require an employer to:
• Assess the risks to employees from noise at work by identifying noise hazards
• Take action to reduce the noise exposure that reduces those risks
• Provide employees with hearing protection equipment if the noise exposure
cannot be reduced by employing other methods
• Make sure the legal limits on noise exposure are not exceeded
• Provide employees with information, instruction and training
• Carry out health surveillance where there is a risk to health fron noise hazards
As per the Noise Regulation Rules (2000) of India the following are the
recommended limiting values in dB related noise, in different areas [23]
As highlighted in the current paper the effect of noise in industrial activities affects
workers performance and leads to reduction in productivity as it reduces the
efficiency of the work force and under utilization of available resources. Legal
provisions in many countries require the hazard prevention by control programmes.
Principles and measures for engineering noise control, as well as hearing conservation
programmes and their management, are required, always placing control of noise at
the source in the center of any preventive strategy
Hence, the authors have identified a long-term research activity to bring out a
computer assisted ergonomics system that readily provides standards or guidelines for
incorporating ergonomically important aspects in the design of work place.
It is decided to propose a strategy for progressively controlling the exposure to
noise in industry as much as possible. And to suggest a method that could be used by
the workers and management themselves to control exposures to noise as much as
possible, and then, in later stages, identify more complex solutions and organize
personal protection and medical surveillance
It should be noted that the various factors that make a total work environment of
the workplace are usually considered separately and there is need to attempt to
integrate the effects of all environmental factors and quantification of effects of all the
factors. The authors plan to work in these directions and report the progress in
subsequent papers.
[1] Berglund et. al, 1996, “Sources and effects of low frequency noise”, Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 99, pp.2985-3002
[2] Das B, and Sengupta, A. 1996, “Industrial workstation design: a systematic
ergonomic approach”. Applied Ergonomics, 27(3), pp. 157–163.
[3] Foluwasayo E. Ologe, Tanimola M., Akande Toye and G. Olajide -2006,
“Occupational noise exposure and sensorineural hearing loss among workers of
a steel rolling mill” Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 263: pp. 618–621
[4] Evans & Maxwell -1997, “Chronic noise exposure and reading deficits”
Environment and Behaviour 29, pp. 638-656
[5] Freeman -1984, “Mental Health and the Environment”. Churchill Livingstone,
London, U.K
[6] Halpern – 1984, “Mental Health and the Built Environment.More than Bricks
and Mortar?” Taylor and Francis Ltd., London, U.K
[7] Hobson -1989, “Sleep”, Scientific American Library, W.H.Freeman & Co.
New York
[8] Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Zulquernain Mallick and Zahid A. Khan - 2007, “A Study
on the Combined Effect of Noise and Vibration on Operators’ Performance of a
Readability Task in a Mobile Driving Environment”, International Journal of
Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE), Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 127–136
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