Nationalism in Europe

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Nationalism in Europe

1) 1789- French revolution

2) 1804 - Establishment of Napoleonic code

3) 1834 - formation of zollverin

4) 1815 - treaty of Vienna

5) 1807 - Guiseppe Mazzini

6) 1831 - Mazzini was sent to exile for revolution in Liguria

7) July 1830 - bourbon kings were overthrown

8) 1824 - lord Byron death

9) 1832 - treaty of Constantinople

10) 1831 - rebellion of polish people was crushed by Russian rule

11) 1848 - population of Paris came on road and made Louis Philippe to flee

12) 1845 - weavers of Silesia revolt against contractors

13) 4 June 1845 - weavers marched

14) 18 May 1848 - 831 representatives marched to take part in Frankfurt parliament

15) 1867 - Habsburg rulers granted autonomy to Hungarians

16) 18 January 1871 - Prussian king William I was proclaimed German emperor

17) 1859 - Sardinia Piedmont succeeded in defeating Austrian forces

18) 1861 - Victor Emmanual II was proclaimed king of Italy

19) 1707 - Act of union between England and Scotland and formation of Great Britain

20) 1801 - Ireland was forcibly incorporated into United Kingdom

After French Revolution

 The idea of la patrie (the fatherland) and le citeyon (citizen) emphasized notion of united
community enjoying equal rights under constitution.
 Estates general was renamed as National assembly
 New hymns were composed, oaths were taken.
 A centralized administrative system was setup with uniform laws for all citizens.
 Internal custom duties were removed and a new weights and measures adopted.
 French language became the common language of nation.

Napolean's entry
 Napolean code was established in 1804
 It established equality before law and secure right to property
 Napolean simplified administrative divisions, abolished feudal system and freed peasants from
 Guild restrictions were removed
 Transport and communication were improved

Liberalism - The term Liberalism derived from Latin word liber meaning free. In the economic sphere
liberalism stood for abolishment of state imposed restrictions.

 In 1834 a custom union created by Prussia later joined by most of German states.
 The union abolished tariff barriers and reduced number of currencies from 30 to 2.
 The creation of network of railways.
Napolean's Defeat/Treaty of Vienna
 In 1815 The European power who defeated Napolean met at Vienna to draw up a settlement for
 The Congress was hosted by Duke Metternich.
 The Bourbon Dynasty was restored to power and France lost the territories it had annexed under
 A series of states setup boundaries to prevent expansion of France.

Guiseppe Mazzini
 Guiseppe Mazzini was born in Genoa 1807.
 He became member of secret society named carbonari.
 In 1831 he was sent to exile for his revolution in Liguria.
 He found two secret societies Young Italy in Marseilles, Young Europe In Berne.
 Duke Metternich described him as the "most dangerous enemy of social order".

When France sneezes rest of Europe catches cold

 In 1815 France, The Bourbon dynasty was overthrown by liberal revolutionaries.
 After the revolution in France Belgium broke from united kingdom of Netherland.

Greece Independence
 Greek had been a part of Ottoman Empire.
 Struggle for Independence in Greece started in 1821.
 The English poet Lord Byron organized funds and later went to fight in war, he died in 1824.
 In 1832 Greece got Independence by treaty of Constantinople.

 Romanticism was a cultural movement which sought to develop a particular form of nationalist
 Romantic artists and poets generally criticized glorification of reason and science and focused instead
on emotions, intuitions and mystical feelings.
 German Philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder discovered among the common people.
 Folk songs and Folk poetry was popularized as true spirit of nation.
Weavers of Silesia
 In 1845 weavers of Silesia started a revolt against contractors who supplied raw materials and gave
them orders for finished textiles but reduced their payments.
 On 4 June weavers emerged in large number and marched at the contractors mansion demanding high
 Contactors fled the house and came with army after 24 hours.
 11 weavers were shot.

Frankfurt Parliament
 In German regions a large number of members of political associations came together in the city of
Frankfurt and decided to vote for all German National Assembly.
 On 18 May 1848 831 elected representatives marched to take their places in the Frankfurt parliament.
 When the Frankfurt Parliament was convened in St Paul, women were admitted only as observers to
stand in the visitors gallery.

German Unification
 The middle class Germans who in 1848 tried to unite different regions of German confederation into
government by an elected parliament.
 They were repressed by monarchy but supported by Junkers of Prussia.
 Prussia took leadership of national unification.
 Its chief minster otto van Bismarck, was architecture of process caried out with the help of Prussian
army and Bureaucracy.
 Three wars were fought in 7 years with defeat of Austria, Denmark and France.
 In 18 January 1871 The Prussian king William I was proclaimed as the German Emperor.

Italy Unification
 King Victor Emmanual II ruler of Sardinia Piedmont started unification of Italy through his chief
minister Cavour.
 In 1859 Under leadership of Cavour Sardinia Piedmont defeated Austrian forces.
 Guiseppe Garibaldi joined the unification.
 In 1860 they succeeded in getting support of peasants of Sicilia and won Kingdom of two Sicilies.
 In 1861 Victor Emmanual was proclaimed King of Italy.

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