The Rise of Nationlism in Europe (Time Line)

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Time line

Year Event[s]
 1688  British parliament seizes power from the monarchy

 1707  Act of Union between Scotland and England

 1785 &  Grimm Brothers Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm were
1786 born

 The first clear expression of nationalism came with the

 1789
French Revolution

 1797  Napoleon invades Italy; Napoleonic wars begin

 Civil Code or Napoleonic Code removed all privileges based

 1804
on birth & established equality

 1807  Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini was born

 1812  Grimm brothers published their first collection of tales

 1813  Napoleon lost the battle of Leipzig

 1814-1815  Fall of Napoleon; the Vienna Peace Settlement

 The defeat of Napoleon by Britain, Russia, Prussia and

 1815

 1821  Greek struggle for independence begins

 1821  Nationalism sparked off amongst the Greeks

 1824  English poet Lord Byron died of fever

 1824  Massacre at Chios, Eugene Delacroix

 July 1830  The first upheaval took place in France

 Giuseppe Mazzini was sent to exile for attempting a

 1831
revolution in Liguria

 1831  An armed rebellion took place against Russian rule

 Treaty of Constantinople recognized Greece as an

 1832
independent nation

 1833  The founding of Young Europe in Berne

 A Customs Union or Zollverein was formed at the initiative

 1834
of Prussia

 1845  Weavers in Silesia led a revolt against contractors

 French artist named Frédéric Sorrieu prepared a series of

 1848
four prints visualising ‘Democratic and social Republics’

 Revolutions in Europe; artisans, industrial workers and

peasants revolt against economic hardships; middle classes
 1848 demand constitutions and representative governments;
Italians, Germans, Magyars, Poles, Czechs, etc. demand

 18 May  831 elected representatives marched in a festive procession

1848 to take their places in the Frankfurt parliament

 Tactful diplomatic alliance with France engineered by

 1859 Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont succeeded in defeating the
Austrian forces

 1859-1870  Unification of Italy

 1861  Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of united Italy

 Unification of Germany
 1866-1871

 1867  Habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarians

 January  Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed German Emperor in

1871 a ceremony held at Versailles

 Slav nationalism gathers force in the Habsburg and

 1905
Ottoman Empires

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