IMG - 0076 PSME Code 2012 75

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located in the path of travel of exhaust products after as smoke, spray, mists, fogs, non-

the initial filtration. corrosive fumes and gases, light fine

dusts, or powders.
SHALL - lndicates a mandatory requirement.
Glass 2. Ducts conveying moderately abrasive
SINGLE HAZARD AREA - As considered in the particulate in light concentrations, such
applicable extinguishing system standard (see as sawdust and grain dust, and buffing
Section 513.2) or as determined by the Authority and polishing dust.
Having Jurisdiction.
Glass 3. Ducts conveying Class 2 materials in
SOLID COOKING FUEL - Any solid, organic, high concentrations and highly abrasive
consumable fuel such as briquette, mesquite, hard- materials in low concentrations, such as
wood, or charcoal. [NFPA 96:3.3.43] manganese, steel chips, and coke.

SOLID FUEL COOKING EQUIPMENT - Cooking Glass 4. Ducts conveying highly abrasive
equipment that is fired with solid cooking fuel. This material in high concentrations.
equipment includes ovens, tandoori charcoal pots,
grills, broilers, rotisseries, barbecue pits, or any other Glass 5. Ducts conveying corrosives, such
type of cooking equipment that derives all or part of as acid vapors.
its heat source from the burning of solid cooking fuel.
503.0 Motors, Fans, and Filters.
SOLVENT - A substance (usually liquid) aapable of
dissolving or dispersing another substance; a chem- 503.1 General. Motors and fans shall be sized to
ical compound designed and used to convert solidi- provide the required air movement. Motors in areas
fied grease into a liquid or semi-liquid state in order that contain flammable vapors or dusts shall be of a
to facilitate a cleaning operation. [NFPA 96:3.3.44] type approved for such environments. A manually
operated remote control installed at an approved
SPARK ARRESTER - A device or method that location shall be provided to shut off fans or blowers
minimizes the passage of airborne sparks and in flammable vapor or dust systems. Electrical equip-
embers into a plenum, duct, and flue. [NFPA ment used in operations that generate explosive or
96:3.3.461 flammable vapors, fumes, or dusts shall be inter-
locked with the ventilation system so that the equip-
TERMINATION - -The final or intended end portion ment cannot be operated unless the ventilation fans
of a duct system that is designed and functions to are in operation. Motors for fans used to convey
fulfill the obligations of the system in a satisfactory flammable vapors or dusts shall be located outside
manner. the duct or shall be protected with approved shields
and dust proofing. Motors and fans shall be acces-
THERMAL RECOVERY UNIT -A device or series sible for servicing and maintenance.
of devices whose purpose is to reclaim only the heat
content of air, vapors, gases, or fluids that are being 503.2 Fans. Parts of fans in contact with explosive
expelled through the exhaust system and to transfer or flammable vapors, fumes, or dusts shall be of
the thermal energy so reclaimed to a location nonfenous or non-sparking materials or their casinj
whereby a useful purpose can be served. shall be lined or constructed of such material. When 'tq

[NFPA96:3.3.47] the size and hardness of materials passing through

a fan could produce a spark, both the fan and the
TRAP - A cup like or U-shaped configuration located casings shall be of non-sparking materials. When
on the inside of a duct system component where fans are required to be spark resistant, their bearings
liquids can accumulate. [NFPA 96:3.3.49] shall not be within the airstream and all parts of the
fans hall be grounded. Fans in systems handling
UPRIGHT BROILER - An appliance used in the materials that are likely to clog the blades, and fans
preparation of food whereby foods are exposed tor in buffing or woodworking exhaust systems, shall be
intense radiant heat, and perhaps to convective of the radial blade or tube axial type.
heat, with the food and the radiant source not limited
to a horizontal mode. [NFPA 96:] Equipment used to exhaust explosive or flammable
vapors, fumes, or dusts shall bear an identification
502.1 Product Conveying Ducts - Glassification. plate stating the ventilation rate for which the system
Product conveying ducts shall be classified was designed.
according to their use, as follows:
Fans located in systems conveying corrosives shall
Class 1. Ducts conveying non-abrasives, such be of materials that are resistant to the corrosive or



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