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climate control
fluid & gas handling
process control
sealing & shielding

P3X Series
Membrane dryers
Catalogue no. PDE2640TCUK September 2016
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical
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Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

The Problem The Efficient Solution

Compressed air is an essential power source that is widely The Parker P3X Series membrane air dryers employ an
used throughout industry. This safe, powerful and reliable utility advanced molecular membrane technology that dries the
can be the most important part of your production process. compressed air and lowers the pressure dewpoint (PDP). The
compact space saving design offer the user uncomprimised
However, your compressed air will contain water, dirt, wear performance from a dedicated “point-of-use” air dryer. It is easy
particles and even degraded lubricating oil which all mix to install and will transform an ordinary process into a highly
together to form an unwanted condensate. This condensate reliable and efficient production operation.
often acidic, rapidly wears tools and pneumatic machinery,
The membrane material is formed into bundles of individual
blocks valves and orifices causing high maintenance and costly fibres retained in a cartridge. Water vapour escapes through
air leaks. It also corrodes piping systems and can bring your the walls of the fibre to a sweep chamber from where it is
production process to an extermely expensive standstill. continuously vented to atmosphere as a gas. A fraction of the
The use of high efficiency compressed air filters fitted with dried air is routed through the sweep chamber to continuously
purge and exhaust moisture vapour.
condensate drains will remove the oil, water and dirt particles
to eliminate the abrasive sludge in the compressed air system. The P3X series membrane dryers can be used for many years
to dry air continuously. They instantly respond to any change
In many cases this action alone is not enough, as modern in inlet conditions. The P3X dryers perform at temperatures
production systems and processes demand an even higher between 2° and 60° C (ambient or inlet) and handle pressure
level of air quality. Where required “ point of use” membrane air from 5 bar to 16 bar. The inlet flow rate and pressure determine
dryers can provide the correct air quality, without the need for the outlet dew point suppression. In other words, membrane
drying the complete compressed air installation, which can be dryers deliver a constant level of drying protection that follow
both costly and totally unnecessary. the rise or fall of the inlet dew point temperature.
Prefilters mounted immediately upstream of the membrane
Modular design interfaces dryer keep out liquids and solids to allow an almost unlimited
with the P3X series service life. Because water vapour passes right through the
membrane material, it does not accumulate there,
Compressed so membranes do not become saturated and never need to
air inlet be regenerated. The P3X membrane dryers have no moving
parts to wear out, they are non-electric and are suitable for
hazardous application areas. They require no RF shielding or
protection, they do not use refrigerant gas or potentially dusty
Compressed air desiccants.
The P3X membrane dryer is based upon well proven principles
Purge air which offer a simple cost effect alternative to refrigeration and
desiccant dryers.
Available in 6 sizes, the membrane dryer is compatible with the
modular P3X air preparation series which can easily be
connected to the P3X filters providing a clean dry air system at
the point-of-use.

Return flow Individual membrane

tube tube cross section

Advanced molecular
membrane tubes

Purge air release

Membrane tube

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Advantages of the P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Dried compressed air

is immediate

No electrical connection

Suitable for hazardous areas

No CFC’s/FC’s

Compatible with the

P3X series modular air
preparation series

Low pressure drop

No moving parts

No drying medium required

Low purge air usage

Low operating costs

Dryer types with PDP reduction & flow values

Central refrigeration dryers

Moduflex Lite Point-of-use

Membrane dryers Application area:
Semi conductor production
Measuring machinery (air bearing)
Food Processing
Painting workshops
Moduflex Point-of-use Packaging Machinery
Desiccant dryers Instrumentation
Process equipment
Dental technology

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

• Removes water vapour & lowers the PDP

• Compact design
• No electrical connections necessary
• Suitable for hazardous environments
• No moving parts
• Maintenance & wear free
• No change in air consumption
• Low pressure drop less than 0.1 bar
• Minimal purge air consumption
• Modular design - compatible with the P3X air prep series

Membrane dryer
Port size Size Description Order Code

G1/2 10 Membrane dryer with return tube P3XJA14CA1N

G1/2 15 Membrane dryer with return tube P3XJA14CB1N
G1/2 20 Membrane dryer with return tube P3XJA14CC1N
G1/2 25 Membrane dryer with return tube P3XJA14CD1N
G1/2 35 Membrane dryer serial type P3XJA14CE1N
G1/2 50 Membrane dryer serial type P3XJA14CF1N

Note: For NPT threaded connections replace the 6th digit from 1 to 9 i.e. P3XJA94CA1N

Wall mounting bracket kit

Order Code For optimum system performance and maintenance free
conditions, Parker recommend the dryer is preceeded with
P3XKA00MWD Top & bottom wall mounting bracket a 5 micron and 0.01 coalescer filter from the P3X series.

Complete Filter / Dryer System combinations available on request

F + Fc + MD F + Fc + MD + R F + Fc + MD + R + Fa

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Technical Information

Size 10 Size 15 Size 20 Size 25 Size 35 Size 50

Port size G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2 G1/2
Medium and Jmin C
O +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2
Ambient temperature Jmin C
O +60 +60 +60 +60 +60 +60
Weight (kg) 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.2 4.2
Operating pressure range Pmin bar 5 5 5 5 5 5
Input Pmax bar 16 16 16 16 16 16
Maximum flow Qmax l/min 560 840 1120 1400 1960 2800
m /h 3
33.6 50.4 67.2 84 117.5 168
Nominal flow Qmax l/min 167 250 333 417 583 833
m /h 3
10 15 20 25 35 50
Purging air requirement % ca. 10 ca. 10 ca. 10 ca. 10 ca. 10 ca. 10
Pressured drop Dp bar 0.02-0.05 0.02-0.05 0.02-0.05 0.02-0.05 0.06 0.12

P3XJA14CD1N - Compact

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- No electric power supply required


- Minimal purge air consumption

1 2 1 2 - Low pressure drop

- No change in air composition

Mounting Instructions
Recommended mounting sequence

flow direction




5 micron coalescing

P3X Regulator

P3X 5 P3X 0.01

micron micron
filter coalescing



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fitting dimension fitting dimension

Dimensions in mm

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Selection Criteria
To correctly select the dryer best suited for your application, the following information is required to ensure optimum performance
and trouble free operation.

• Maximum inlet pressure dew point ( OC )

• Outlet PDP ( OC )
• Working pressure (bar)
• Maximum inlet flow rate (m3/h)

Conversion factor for calculation of corrected flow rate

Operating pressure 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
range p (bar)
Conversion factor 0.57 0.78 1.0 1.21 1.42 1.64 1.85 2.06 2.28 2.49 2.70 2.92

Working Example:

Selecting a dryer with an inlet pressure dew point of 35OC, a PDP

reduction of 35K with a working / operating pressure of 6 bar and an
inlet flow of 11 m3/h.

Step 1
From the correction factor table select the required pressure (6 bar)
and read below the corrected factor value (0.78)

Step 2
To adjust the flow for your application, divide the required flow by the
0.78 correction factor

Sizing capacity = Actual flow 11 m3/h = 14.1 m3/h

Correction factor 0.78

Step 3
Plot the values on the selection graph (below). Where the dew point
reduction value of 35K intersects with the corrected flow value of
14.1 m3/h, select the dryer flow curve which is equal or above the
intersection point. For example: the optimum dryer would be
size 25 (P3XJA14CD1N)

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2

Flow rate in relation to pressure

dewpoint reduction and inlet

P3XJA14CA1N (Size 10)

Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

P3XJA14CB1N (Size 15)

Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2

Flow rate in relation to pressure

dewpoint reduction and inlet

P3XJA14CC1N (Size 20)

Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

P3XJA14CD1N (Size 25)

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Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Series Membrane Dryers

Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2

Flow rate in relation to pressure

dewpoint reduction and inlet

P3XJA14CE1N (Size 35)

Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

P3XJA14CF1N (Size 50)

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Flow rate at compressed air inlet

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Pressure dewpoint reduction

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
P3X Moduflex Lite Series

P3X - Moduflex Lite Air Preparation System

Nano Mist Simple. Convincing in the Details.

There are innovations that bring selective improvements.
And then there are real innovations. Innovations that set new standards.
Like the new Parker Moduflex Lite series.
The Moduflex Lite FRL system is constructed from ultra
light weigh technopolymers instead of the traditional
aluminium or zinc die cast, this means that is up to
45% lighter than conventional units. This non-metal
construction also means that the Moduflex Lite is
corrosion free enabling it to be used in harsh industrial
environments where anti freeze or aggressive synthetic
oils are present.

The use of technopolymers in the design of Moduflex Lite

has facilitated a universal body design, this has resulted
in reducing the number of variants required to cover the
full spectrum of applications. This can dramatically lower
logistic costs and simplify stock holding for customers
making the Moduflex Lite a very cost effective solution.

New Nano Mist Technology,

New Lubricator Concept.
With conventional lubricators, only the oil volume per time unit can be
adjusted. If the demand changes, the quantity dispensed still remains
The Moduflex Lite lubricator concept sets new benchmarks here.
For the first time, the oil volume is automatically adjusted to the flow
rate. This ensures that there is neither too little nor too much oil in the
system, which leads to clear economic and ecological advantages.
In addition, with conventional systems, the distance between the
lubricator and the equipment has to be less than 8 meters. With larger
distances, the dispensed oil is deposited as a wall flow.
The new lubricator principle of the Moduflex Lite allows for distances of
up to 40 meters. This opens up new scope for the design of even more
efficient production systems.

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Pneumatic Division - Europe
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