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climate control
fluid & gas handling
process control
sealing & shielding
P3X Series
Membrane dryers
Catalogue no. PDE2640TCUK September 2016
P3X Series Membrane Dryers
This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical
expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions
and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance,
safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change
by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.
The items described in this document are available for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. Any sale contract entered into by Parker will be governed by
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Compressed air is an essential power source that is widely The Parker P3X Series membrane air dryers employ an
used throughout industry. This safe, powerful and reliable utility advanced molecular membrane technology that dries the
can be the most important part of your production process. compressed air and lowers the pressure dewpoint (PDP). The
compact space saving design offer the user uncomprimised
However, your compressed air will contain water, dirt, wear performance from a dedicated “point-of-use” air dryer. It is easy
particles and even degraded lubricating oil which all mix to install and will transform an ordinary process into a highly
together to form an unwanted condensate. This condensate reliable and efficient production operation.
often acidic, rapidly wears tools and pneumatic machinery,
The membrane material is formed into bundles of individual
blocks valves and orifices causing high maintenance and costly fibres retained in a cartridge. Water vapour escapes through
air leaks. It also corrodes piping systems and can bring your the walls of the fibre to a sweep chamber from where it is
production process to an extermely expensive standstill. continuously vented to atmosphere as a gas. A fraction of the
The use of high efficiency compressed air filters fitted with dried air is routed through the sweep chamber to continuously
purge and exhaust moisture vapour.
condensate drains will remove the oil, water and dirt particles
to eliminate the abrasive sludge in the compressed air system. The P3X series membrane dryers can be used for many years
to dry air continuously. They instantly respond to any change
In many cases this action alone is not enough, as modern in inlet conditions. The P3X dryers perform at temperatures
production systems and processes demand an even higher between 2° and 60° C (ambient or inlet) and handle pressure
level of air quality. Where required “ point of use” membrane air from 5 bar to 16 bar. The inlet flow rate and pressure determine
dryers can provide the correct air quality, without the need for the outlet dew point suppression. In other words, membrane
drying the complete compressed air installation, which can be dryers deliver a constant level of drying protection that follow
both costly and totally unnecessary. the rise or fall of the inlet dew point temperature.
Prefilters mounted immediately upstream of the membrane
Modular design interfaces dryer keep out liquids and solids to allow an almost unlimited
with the P3X series service life. Because water vapour passes right through the
membrane material, it does not accumulate there,
Compressed so membranes do not become saturated and never need to
air inlet be regenerated. The P3X membrane dryers have no moving
parts to wear out, they are non-electric and are suitable for
hazardous application areas. They require no RF shielding or
protection, they do not use refrigerant gas or potentially dusty
Compressed air desiccants.
The P3X membrane dryer is based upon well proven principles
Purge air which offer a simple cost effect alternative to refrigeration and
desiccant dryers.
Available in 6 sizes, the membrane dryer is compatible with the
modular P3X air preparation series which can easily be
connected to the P3X filters providing a clean dry air system at
the point-of-use.
Advanced molecular
membrane tubes
Membrane tube
No electrical connection
No CFC’s/FC’s
No moving parts
Membrane dryer
Port size Size Description Order Code
Note: For NPT threaded connections replace the 6th digit from 1 to 9 i.e. P3XJA94CA1N
F + Fc + MD F + Fc + MD + R F + Fc + MD + R + Fa
Technical Information
P3XJA14CD1N - Compact
Mounting Instructions
Recommended mounting sequence
flow direction
5 micron coalescing
P3X Regulator
Dimensions in mm
Selection Criteria
To correctly select the dryer best suited for your application, the following information is required to ensure optimum performance
and trouble free operation.
Operating pressure 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
range p (bar)
Conversion factor 0.57 0.78 1.0 1.21 1.42 1.64 1.85 2.06 2.28 2.49 2.70 2.92
Working Example:
Step 1
From the correction factor table select the required pressure (6 bar)
and read below the corrected factor value (0.78)
Step 2
To adjust the flow for your application, divide the required flow by the
0.78 correction factor
Step 3
Plot the values on the selection graph (below). Where the dew point
reduction value of 35K intersects with the corrected flow value of
14.1 m3/h, select the dryer flow curve which is equal or above the
intersection point. For example: the optimum dryer would be
size 25 (P3XJA14CD1N)
Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2
Flow rate at compressed air inlet
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Flow rate at compressed air inlet
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Pressure dewpoint reduction
Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2
Flow rate at compressed air inlet
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Flow rate at compressed air inlet
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Pressure dewpoint reduction
Membrane dryers
P3X Series - G1/2
Flow rate at compressed air inlet
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© 2016 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved. Catalogue PDE2640TCUK - V2 - September 2016