This document compares the competencies required for the qualification of Computer Systems Servicing NC II against the learning outcomes of the current training regulations. It finds that all of the basic competencies, common competencies, and core competencies exactly match the requirements. No training gaps or additional requirements were identified. The competencies cover topics such as installing and configuring computer systems, setting up networks and servers, and maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks. The competency assessment was prepared by the instructor Rose Cecille M. Falcon and compares the qualification requirements to the training outcomes.
This document compares the competencies required for the qualification of Computer Systems Servicing NC II against the learning outcomes of the current training regulations. It finds that all of the basic competencies, common competencies, and core competencies exactly match the requirements. No training gaps or additional requirements were identified. The competencies cover topics such as installing and configuring computer systems, setting up networks and servers, and maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks. The competency assessment was prepared by the instructor Rose Cecille M. Falcon and compares the qualification requirements to the training outcomes.
This document compares the competencies required for the qualification of Computer Systems Servicing NC II against the learning outcomes of the current training regulations. It finds that all of the basic competencies, common competencies, and core competencies exactly match the requirements. No training gaps or additional requirements were identified. The competencies cover topics such as installing and configuring computer systems, setting up networks and servers, and maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks. The competency assessment was prepared by the instructor Rose Cecille M. Falcon and compares the qualification requirements to the training outcomes.
This document compares the competencies required for the qualification of Computer Systems Servicing NC II against the learning outcomes of the current training regulations. It finds that all of the basic competencies, common competencies, and core competencies exactly match the requirements. No training gaps or additional requirements were identified. The competencies cover topics such as installing and configuring computer systems, setting up networks and servers, and maintaining and repairing computer systems and networks. The competency assessment was prepared by the instructor Rose Cecille M. Falcon and compares the qualification requirements to the training outcomes.
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Name of Student: Zamora, Mark I.
Date: February 20, 2017
REQUIRED UNITS OF CURRENT COMPETENCY/ TRAINING GAPS/ COMPETENCY LEARNING OUTCOME REQUIREMENTS BASED ON CBC BASIC COMPETENCIES 1. Participate in 1. Participate in Workplace Workplace Communication Communication 1.1 Obtain and convey 1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information? workplace information? 1.2 Participate in 1.2 Participate in workplace meeting and workplace meeting and discussion? discussion? 1.3 Complete relevant 1.3 Complete relevant work-related document? work-related document? 2. Work In a Team 2. Work In a Team Environment Environment 2.1 Describe team role 2.1 Describe team role and scope? and scope? 2.3 Identify own role and 2.3 Identify own role responsibility within and responsibility team? within team? 2.2 Work as a team 2.2 Work as a team member? member? 3. Practice Career 3. Practice Career Professionalism Professionalism 3.1 Integrate personal 3.1 Integrate personal objectives with objectives with organizational goals? organizational goals? 3.2 Set and meet work 3.2 Set and meet work priorities? priorities? 3.3 Maintain 3.3 Maintain professional growth and professional growth development? and development? 4. Practice Occupational 4. Practice Health and Safety Occupational Health Procedure and Safety Procedure 4.1 Identify hazards and 4.1 Identify hazards risks? and risks? 4.2 Evaluate hazards 4.2 Evaluate hazards and risks? and risks? 4.3 Control hazards and 4.3 Control hazards risks? and risks? 4.4 Maintain 4.4 Maintain occupational health and occupational health safety awareness? and safety awareness? COMMON COMPETENCIES 1. Apply Quality 1. Apply Quality Standards Standards 1.1 Assess quality of 1.1 Assess quality of received materials? received materials? 1.2 Assess own work? 1.2 Assess own work? 1.3 Engage in quality 1.3 Engage in quality improvement? improvement? 2. Perform Computer 2. Perform Computer Operations Operations 2.1 Plan and prepare for 2.1 Plan and prepare task to be taken for task to be taken undertaken? undertaken? 2.2 Input data into a 2.2 Input data into a computer? computer? 2.3 Access information 2.3 Access information using computer? using computer? 2.4 Produce output/data 2.4 Produce using computer system? output/data using computer system? 2.5 Use basic functions 2.5 Use basic functions of a www-browser to of a www-browser to locate information? locate information? 2.6 Maintain computer 2.6 Maintain computer equipment and systems? equipment and systems? 3. Perform Mensuration 3. Perform Mensuration and Calculation and Calculation 3.1 Select measuring 3.1 Select measuring instruments? instruments? 3.2 Carry out 3.2 Carry out measurements and measurements and calculation? calculation? 3.3 Maintain measuring 3.3 Maintain instruments? measuring instruments? 4. Prepare and Interpret 4. Prepare and Technical Drawing Interpret Technical Drawing 4.1 Identify different 4.1 Identify different kinds of technical kinds of technical drawings? drawings? 4.2 Interpret technical 4.2 Interpret technical drawing? drawing? 4.3 Prepare/make 4.3 Prepare/make changes to changes to electrical/electronic electrical/electronic schematics and schematics and drawings? drawings? 4.4 Store technical 4.4 Store technical drawings and drawings and equipment/instruments equipment/instrument ? s? 5. Use Hand Tools 5. Use Hand Tools 5.1Plan and prepare for 5.1Plan and prepare for tasks to be undertaken? tasks to be undertaken? 5.2 Prepare hand tools? 5.2 Prepare hand tools? 5.3 Use appropriate 5.3 Use appropriate hand tools and test hand tools and test equipment? equipment? 5.4 Maintain hand tools? 5.4 Maintain hand tools? 6. Terminate and 6. Terminate and Connect Electrical Connect Electrical Wiring and Electronic Wiring and Electronic Circuit Circuit 6.1 Plan and prepare for 6.1 Plan and prepare termination/connection for of electrical termination/connection wiring/electronics of electrical circuits? wiring/electronics circuits? 6.2 Terminate/connect 6.2 Terminate/connect electrical electrical wiring/electronic wiring/electronic circuits? circuits? 6.3 Test 6.3 Test termination/connections termination/connection of electrical s of electrical wiring/electronics wiring/electronics circuits? circuits? 7. Test Electronic 7. Test Electronic Components Components 7.1 Determine criteria 7.1 Determine criteria for testing electronics for testing electronics components? components? 7.2 Plan an approach for 7.2 Plan an approach competent testing? for competent testing? 7.3 Test components? 7.3 Test components? 7.4 Evaluate the testing 7.4 Evaluate the testing process? process? CORE COMPETENCIES 1. Install and Configure 1. Install and Computer Systems Configure Computer Systems 1.1 Assemble computer 1.1 Assemble hardware? computer hardware? 1.2 Prepare installer? 1.2 Prepare installer? 1.3 Install operating 1.3 Install operating system and drivers for system and drivers peripherals/devices? for peripherals/devices? 1.4. Install application 1.4. Install software? application software? 1.5 Conduct testing 1.5 Conduct testing and documentation? and documentation? 2. Set-up Computer 2. Set-up Computer Networks Networks 2.1 Install network 2.1 Install network cables? cables? 2.2 Set network 2.2 Set network configuration? configuration? 2.3 Set 2.3 Set router/Wi- router/Wi-Fi/wireless Fi/wireless access access point/repeater point/repeater configuration? configuration? 2.4 Inspect and test the 2.4 Inspect and test configured computer the configured networks? computer networks? 3. Set-up Computer 3. Set-up Computer Servers Servers 3.1 Set-up user access? 3.1 Set-up user access? 3.2 Configure network 3.2 Configure services? network services? 3.3 Perform testing, 3.3 Perform testing, documentation and documentation and pre-deployment pre-deployment procedures? procedures? 4. Maintain and Repair 4. Maintain and Computer Systems and Repair Computer Networks Systems and Networks 4.1 Plan and prepare 4.1 Plan and prepare for maintenance and for maintenance and repair? repair? 4.2 Maintain computer 4.2 Maintain systems and networks? computer systems and networks? 4.3 Diagnose faults of 4.3 Diagnose faults of computer systems and computer systems networks? and networks? 4.4 Rectify/correct 4.4 Rectify/correct defects in computer defects in computer systems and networks? systems and networks? 4.5 Inspect and test the 4.5 Inspect and test computer systems and the computer networks? systems and networks? Prepared by: