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Abstract: The study investigates the applicability of solid desiccant system for drying of freshly harvested wheat grains in
order to reduce the moisture to an optimum level. Fast and low-temperature drying systems are required by today’s drying
industries in order to provide economical and safe drying. Therefore, comparison of desiccant drying has been made with the
conventional method in terms of drying kinetics, allowable time for safe storage, the total time for drying cycle, and overall
energy consumption. It has been found that the air conditions of proposed desiccant drying system provides a high drying rate
and longer allowable storage time for the safe drying. As the desiccants possess water adsorbing ability by means of vapor
pressure deficit, therefore, the desiccant system successfully provides low-temperature drying which ensures the quality of
wheat grains. Overall energy consumption is estimated for both conventional hot air drying and desiccant drying system. It
has been found that the desiccant system requires less energy as drying is accomplished at minimum level of air flow and within
allowable storage time. In addition, the overall performance index of the desiccant system is higher at all temperatures.
The study is useful for developing a low-cost and sustainable drying technology for various agricultural products.
Keywords: desiccant, drying, grain, wheat, performance evaluation
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20191201.3854
Citation: Hanif S, Sultan M, Miyazaki T, Koyama S. Investigation of energy-efficient solid desiccant system for the drying
of wheat grains. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2019; 12(1): 221–228.
a traditional plastic covered greenhouse[22,23]. Focusing this study Similarly, in another study by [7], the desiccant drying consumes
solely on drying application, Figure 1 presents the influence of high only 13.29 MJ/kg energy as compared to 60.4 MJ/kg in case of
drying temperature on the quality of wheat grains which clearly cocoa beans. In case of DDS, it is very important to select the
shows the damage in wheat quality. In addition, pictorial view of optimum working range of system components to obtain maximum
insect attack[24] is also superimposed on the same figure which energy saving[37]. The drying time decreases with the decrease in
could be expected when non-favor able temperature/humidity air humidity and increase in air temperature, and collectively based
conditions are employed to the grains. In this scenario, desiccant on the net vapor pressure difference between grains and the
drying can be an optimum solution to provide low temperature encountered air. Therefore, the DDS can also play a role to
drying by providing a certain level of vapor pressure difference. reduce the drying time by providing fast adsorption rate process.
Drying of agricultural produce is usually expensive and it is In this regard, many studies on desiccant materials have been
considered high energy consuming process, i.e. 10%-25% of the reported for total moisture adsorption equilibrium[38,39] and
total energy[25]. Conventional drying methods include, drying by moisture adsorption rate[40,41]. Similarly, different parameters of
airflow, vacuum drying, and freeze-drying but these methods result desiccant based drying system are optimized for energy
in low drying rate[26-28]. Mainly there are two types of strategies minimization, e.g. drying air temperature and drying rate[42];
in practice, one of them is hybrid technology (combination of two desiccant rotor speed for optimum dehumidification and enthalpy
or more different technologies) i.e., radio-frequency and recovery[43]; maximum energy saving[44]; desiccant rotor speed,
microwave, infra-red combined with convective dryers[29], temperature and velocity of regeneration air[43]. Consequently, the
microwave combined with freeze dryers[30] and infra-red combined study is objected towards the performance evaluation of DDS in
with freeze dryers[31] and others are desiccant based drying compared with conventional drying system (CDS). Consequently,
technologies, for example, heat pump drying[32]. drying speed and corresponding energy requirements have been
estimated and compared for both systems.
ln ERH = exp(−C3 M ) (2)
T3 + C2
where, M represents the moisture content (dry basis) of the wheat
grains in this study. The dry basis moisture content is the ratio of
wheat moisture contents and dry grains of wheat, kg/kg. In
order to reduce the moisture content of the wheat grains for safe
annual storage to the optimum limit of the moisture content (i.e.
14%)[34], the drying time can be calculated by means of drying rate
simply by using the well-known drying rate equation as given by
Equation (3):
a. Schematic diagram
( M i − M i +1 )
t = Wd i =1
⎛ dw ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ dt ⎠
where, t is drying time, s; M is moisture content (dry basis); Wd is
drying matter of wheat grains, kg; and w is weight of moisture, kg.
⎛ dw ⎞
The term ⎜ ⎟ is drying rate, kg/s, which is calculation by
⎝ dt ⎠
means of following relationship:
⎛ dw ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = ka A(Yo − Yi ) (4)
⎝ dt ⎠
where, ka and A are the mass transfer coefficient, kg/(s·m2) and
area of drying structure/bin, m2, respectively; Yi and Yo are absolute
humidity of air, g/(kg DA) at inlet and outlet end of dryer,
As the mass transport is not a constant rate process, therefore,
drying is considered as combination of constant and falling drying
rate. It is assumed that the moisture is removed from the grain
b. Psychrometric cycle of the system
surface by the dry airflow for the first drying period. Later, water
Figure 2 Proposed solid desiccant drying system (DDS) for
ceased to behave as it is on free surface and transported from the
drying of wheat grains
grain inside to the surface, thereafter, drying rate decreases which
3 Research methodology is known as falling drying rate. Consequently, thin layer drying
model in the form of time and temperature, is used to predict the
In this study, authors used 10 t of wheat gains initially moisture content of grains during drying process as defined by
containing typical 26% of moisture contents (dry basis), for the Equation (5)[48]:
calculations of CDS and DDS. The dryer size is determined by
Mt − Me
the drying area required per kg of wheat grains. Total volume = ( τ1T3 + τ 2 )exp( τ 3t ) + ( τ 4T3 + τ 5 ) exp( τ 6t ) (5)
Mo − Me
required for wheat grains is calculated by means of Equation (1):
W where, constants are τ1 = 0.03197, τ1 = –1.009; τ3 = –0.034; τ4 =
V= t (1) –0.032; τ5 = 1.9918; τ6 = –0.009. The parameters T, t, Mt, Mo and
Me are drying air temperature (°C), drying time (min), moisture
where, Wt is total weight of moist wheat grains, kg; and ρb is the
content (dry basis) at time t, initial moisture content (dry basis) at
wheat bulk density, kg/m3. Therefore, volume of the drying bin of
t = 0, and equilibrium moisture content at t = ∞, respectively.
the wheat grain is 12.98 m3. The dryer area and height used for
Equilibrium moisture contents (Me) is calculated by using
the drying calculation are 7.42 m2 and 1.75 m, respectively. As
Modified-Chung-Pfost Equation as defined by Equation (2) in the
very high drying temperature can affect the quality of wheat grains,
following form[48]:
therefore, drying temperature is limit to 60°C according to the
guidelines of FAO[45]. 1 ⎛ T + C2 ⎞
Me = ln ⎜ 3 ln RH 3 ⎟ (6)
The modified Chung-Pfost Equation[46] can be used for the −C3 ⎝ −C1 ⎠
measurements of equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) of the air As thin layer drying model equation cannot precisely evaluate
streams in the drying chamber. Therefore, it has been used in this the drying time of 10 t wheat grains, therefore, for the sake of
study for the measurement of ERH of the air in the wheat drying simplicity and counterbalance, it is only used to calculate the
chamber. The modified Chung-Pfost Equation has been defined successive change in moisture content used in Equation (3), i.e.
in the form as given by Equation (2)[46]. It can be noticed that the Mi – Mi+1. However, mass transfer coefficient is determined by
Equation (1) uses three empirical coefficients, i.e. C1, C2 and C3, assuming packed bed air flow and governing equations as defined
which are supposed to optimize for the best fit against the moisture by Equations (7) to (10)[49]:
isotherm equations for the particular grains. In this study, the
h Nuk ⎛ 1 − ε ⎞
optimized parameters are obtained for the wheat grains from ka = = ⎜ ⎟ (7)
c p C p Dp ⎝ ε ⎠
literature [47]. Consequently, the numerical values of the
1 2 1
optimized parameters of C1, C2 and C3 for desorption isotherms of
N u = (0.5 Re 2 + 0.2 Re 3 ) Pr 3 (8)
wheat are 545.25, 64.047 and 0.17316, respectively.
224 January, 2019 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at https://www.ijabe.org Vol. 12 No.1
State 4: Humidity of air is increased as it carries moisture from indicated that increase in drying air temperature accompanied by a
the wheat grains. This process is supposed to follow the decrease in drying time. This is due to the fact that increase in air
isenthalpic process. temperature speeds up the heat transfer between drying air and
State 5: It is same as state 1 conditions, i.e. ambient air wheat grains due to the vapor pressure difference. In addition,
conditions. high temperature may not favorable in order to keep the optimum
State 6: Sensible heating of the air at T6 to regenerate desiccant quality of wheat grains as reported in the introduction section. As
wheel. the maximum recommended drying temperature is 60°C for wheat
State 7: Exhaust air conditions of the regeneration air from the and 44°C for seeds[37]. However, beyond this limit, it may affect
desiccant wheel. It corresponds to the process 1 to 2. the quality of grains in terms of color, vitamins, and nutrients.
Grains drying at industrial level requires safe storage limit of
moisture contents, otherwise, spoiling of grains may be the
development of molds and fungus. Therefore, the allowable safe
storage time is calculated by using Equation (13). Table 1
represents the allowable safe storage time for both drying methods
at different supply air conditions. The allowable time for safe
storage is based on initial moisture content and equilibrium
temperature (T4). Therefore, DDS method gives more allowable
time as compared to the conventional system because it possesses
low temperature at return air side (T4). Drying of grains within
the allowable time period is shown in Table 1. By increasing the
supply air temperature for the same drying system, drying air
velocity is adjusted to compensate the drying time within the
allowable time. It can be seen that relatively higher drying air
velocity is used for high-temperature supply air because allowable
time decreases with high temperature. Higher air velocity is
considered in case of conventional drying, it has less potential to
carry out moisture and takes more time for the drying of the same
quantity of grains. Minimum drying air velocity is optimized for
all cases to complete the drying cycle which is about 2 h before the
allowable time. Thermal and mechanical energy consumption per
Figure 3 Simplified scheme and arrangement of the methodology kg of dried grain is calculated for the moisture removal from 26%
used for the analysis of drying systems to 14% on dry basis, as presented in Figure 6. Total energy is
increasing with the increase in drying temperature for both systems.
4 Results and discussion
It is ranging from 0.46 MJ to 0.50 MJ/kg of grain for DDS,
The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) is determined for whereas, it is ranging from 0.46 MJ to 0.56 MJ/kg of grain in case
DDS and CDS by using Equation (6). Figure 4 presents the of CDS. On the other hand, thermal energies consumed are
drying of wheat grains from initial moisture content 26% (dry basis) 0.44 MJ/kg, 0.46 MJ/kg, 0.48 MJ/kg and 0.484 MJ/kg of grain for
to equilibrium moisture content at different drying air temperatures DDS and 0.46 MJ/kg, 0.50 MJ/kg, 0.53 MJ/kg and 0.55 MJ/kg of
varying from 50°C to 60°C. The drying curves show that drying grain for CDS, at drying air temperature of 44°C, 50°C, 55°C and
rate is constant at the start of drying process whereas it decreases as 60°C, respectively. Conventional drying system consumed more
the moisture content approaches to the equilibrium moisture thermal energy as compared to the desiccant drying for all drying
content. Drying rate decreases as the moisture gradient between air temperatures. Drying of grains at relatively higher ambient air
the inside and outside of the grains decrease near the equilibrium humidity is the fact, which brings higher equilibrium moisture
conditions. In comparison with CDS, the DDS possesses high content for CDS method. It ultimately decreases moisture
drying rate and takes relatively less time to approach a particular removal rate due to high vapor pressure. Therefore, high drying
EMC value in order to provide a certain level of wheat grains air velocity is required to complete drying cycle within allowable
drying. This behavior is consistent at all drying air temperatures. storage time which results in more energy consumption.
As EMC is a function of temperature and relative humidity,
therefore, DDS drying air conditions are associated with the small
value of EMC hence more driving potential for moisture ratio as
expressed by Equation (5). However, drying air conditions of
CDS require high EMC consequently delay in moisture content
The effect of drying air temperature on drying cycle is
presented in Figures 5a and 5d for both drying methods at 44°C,
50°C, 55°C and 60°C, respectively, in order to dry wheat grains up
to a standard level of moisture content, i.e. 14% dry basis. It has
been found that desiccant drying requires less drying time at all
drying temperatures as compared to conventional drying method.
This is due to the fact that dehumidified air provides more driving Figure 4 Effect of drying temperature on the drying time for
force for evaporation at same drying air temperature. It is also wheat grains by means of drying curves
226 January, 2019 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at https://www.ijabe.org Vol. 12 No.1
a. 44°C b. 50°C
c. 55°C d. 60°C
Figure 5 Comparison of drying time between CDS and DDS in order to dry wheat grains from 26% to 14% moisture contents
at drying air temperature of 44°C, 50°C, 55°C and 60°C
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