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Simulation of the Effects of Tray Dryer Parameters on Plantain Drying Process

Using Matlab

Article in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research · October 2019


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2 authors:

Joshua AZUATALAM Godwin Koyejo Oduola

University of Port Harcourt

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 299
ISSN 2229-5518

Simulation of the Effects of Tray Dryer

Parameters on Plantain Drying Process
Using Matlab
A.J. Godwin and 2*M. K. Oduola
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Correspondence Author: 2*

ABSTRACT: Tray dryers remain the most extensively used dryers because of their simplicity and economic design.
Optimal tray dryer design involving the determination of its optimum operating parameters may eliminate or
reduce non-uniformity of drying and increase dryer efficiency. This paper investigates the effects of dryer
parameters on one another and the plantain drying process by simulating the parameters of a tray dryer in order
to evaluate effects of major decision variables including temperature, time, fan efficiency and air quantity controlled
by the ratio of the heater housing area to the cabinet area. The design equation of a tray dryer was programmed
to give various output based on changes in the input parameter for 2600Kg of plantain in a M-Function File
environment using matlab software. It was observed that temperature has the greatest effect on the drying process
and with other parameter kept constant, achieving drying of a material at a higher temperature implies higher
cost of fuel generation and lower cost of fan, while achieving drying at an earlier time implies higher cost of
power and fan. Similarly, an increase in the ratio of the heater housing area to the cabinet housing area led to a
lower cost of fan and vice versa, while fan’s efficiency has only influence on the cost of the fan.

KEYWORDS - design parameters, drying temperature, matlab, simulation, tray dryer.


Removal of water present in solid materials up to a certain level for bone-dried products has ever been a matter
of concern in food preservation and pharmaceutical industries. This is necessitated by the fact most
microorganisms/ enzymes causing spoilage are rendered incapable under dehydrated conditions. As a
consequence, for the wide variety of available dehydrated food and related products there exists an ever-growing
concern for meeting quality specifications and conserving energy. This in turn necessitates a thorough
understanding of the drying operation and solution of the problems related to the design and operation of dryers.
Among the several alternatives available for drying food products such as using fluidized bed, spray
dryer, drum dryer, and tray (cabinet) dryer with their enormous applications and countless drawbacks,
particular emphasis has been placed on tray dryers because of the advantages of simplicity and design
economy. The drying medium in these dryers is hot air or combustion gases coming from a furnace,
which makes them adaptable to the drying of almost any material that can be put in a tray. The
operation of a tray dryer is simple compared to other dryer types and do not require any formal training as the
majority of farmers involved in the production reside in rural areas where unskilled labour is predominant. In case
of breakdown, all the parts of a tray dryer can be manufactured locally and within the country as compared to
spray dryers and some others which require some imported parts, causing unnecessary delay in production. Many
of the dryer types apart from fluidized bed and tray dryer operate at temperatures greater than 75C thereby
producing only pre-gelatinized plantain flour. On the other hand, cabinet (tray) dryer can operate at variable
temperature producing both pre-gelatinized and gelatinized plantain flour which of course is an advantage to
producers rather than having two different dryers for the two flour types. The fluidized bed in this instance was
not being an option due to its susceptibility to collapsing, especially when heavier sizes are introduced. In addition,
the tray dryer handles wider range of materials compared to other dryer types. Sometimes, these farmers also farm

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 300
ISSN 2229-5518
other product (mixed farming) and would also desire to process or preserve them through drying. Hence tray dryer
is a multipurpose dryer to dry different farm produce [1 – 4].
Drying as a method of preserving agricultural produce is not only limited to plantain but also applicable
to other food stuffs numerous to mention. Moreover, many business men and women are willing to invest in the
flour business which is a booming business all over the world especially in Africa where various agricultural
products like yam, cassava and plantain flour are major forms of flour consumed in addition to some others like
corn flour, wheat flour and others which are essential in the baking industries. In particular, plantain is a staple
carbohydrate food grown mostly in the southern part of Nigeria and in the tropical region of the world. In south
western Nigeria, plantain is chipped, dried and milled into fine powder known as plantain flour processible in hot
water above 80C to produce plantain “fufu”, a dough that is much comparable to those made from yam and
cassava, which are among the most highly consumed staple foods. The meal is gaining particular attention due to
recent discoveries on its ability to lower blood sugar and uses as a readily available medicine for diabetes [5].
Since plantain has high moisture content, the chips are subjected to drying traditionally using heat from sun but
this method requires much time which may result to spoilage, organism attack as well developing off- flavor on
storage after drying. Because of these problems, there is need to develop an effective drying technology to convert
the product into stable form for industrial and export purposes [3,4].
Generally, with respect to the rate and total drying time, dryer performance is dependent on the factors
such as characteristics of air, product characteristics and equipment characteristics. Despite the many
commercially available drying techniques at present, fruits and vegetables are still processed by the method of hot
air drying largely because it is the simplest and most economical. Although there are other moisture/liquid removal
processes such as settling, filtration, super critical extraction, centrifugation etc. where the liquid/moisture is
removed by mechanical means with significant amount of moisture still retained in the material. This remaining
moisture/liquid is removed by drying. One example is in the production of condensed milk which involves
evaporation while the production of milk powder involves drying.
Four major factors of a tray dryer are surface area of material, air humidity, temperature and quantity of
air [6,7]. However, from design equation of a tray dryer, its parameters are temperature, time, fan efficiency and
the quantity of air which is controlled by the ratio of the heater housing area to the cabinet area. Drying ought to
be controlled because of the valuableness and susceptibility of food to spoilage. Drying food very slowly, gives
opportunity for microorganisms to grow and cause food spoilage or poisoning or even makes the food not saleable.
When foods are not saleable, then profit and money are lost. On the other hand, fast drying can cause loss of
quality, such as nutritional value, colour and flavour. Therefore, a balance should be made between obtaining the
highest material quality and lowest cost.
As pointed out earlier, of the four factors of a tray dryer, the last three factors of a tray dryer relate to the
drying air and not all the factors really affect the optimization of a tray dryer as temperature is the most effective
way of controlling the other two factors [7]. However, for a tray dryer, there are four main parameters that
influence its optimization (in terms of quality of product, operation and configuration) of a tray dryer. These are:
time, dimensions (area) of the heater housing and the drying house, efficiency of the industrial fan and drying
temperature. The quality of any material to be dried using a tray dryer all depend on these factors. Since simulation
entails various changes in some input parameters concurrent observation of simultaneous changes in other variable
it was therefore needful to program the entire design equation of a tray dryer in a matlab environment for quick
synthesis and tabulation.
A considerable number of research works has been done regarding the design of tray dryers using various
design approaches [1 – 4, 6 – 14]. Bertin and Blazquez [15] presented a mathematical model for a tunnel
dehydrator, of the California type, for plum drying, and searched for the optimum capacity of the
dryer. A mathematical model for the semi-batch operation of industrial dryers with trucks and trays had been
reported and analysed by Kiranoudis et al. [4]. Design aspects were discussed concerning problems involving
both single dryer and systems of parallel dryers. In both cases, optimum ftowsheet configuration and operation
conditions w e r e sought and verified by appropriate formulation of design and optimization strategies.
Very recently, Watharkar et al. [1] investigated thin layer drying of Bhimkol pulp in a hot air dryer at 40°C, 50°C
and 60°C respectively and used a general drying code developed in MATLAB R2014a to study the drying kinetics.
Despite the obvious importance of deriving design methodologies in this field, limited efforts are
cited in the literature. However, no work was found regarding matlab simulation of a tray dryer design
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 301
ISSN 2229-5518
parameters. Therefore, the aim of this work is to adapt the entire design equation of a tray dryer in a matlab
environment for quick synthesis and simulation in order to determine the effects of each parameter on one another
and the drying process using plantain as a case study.


Mbd = Mass of bone dry sample L = Length

MWF = Mass of wet feed Dh = Hydraulic diameter
Mr = Moisture content removed in Ac = Cross sectional area
TFa = Reference temperature of feed = Velocity (Average)
Mp = Mass of plantain = Mbd Red = Reynolds’ number

Cpp = Specific heat capacity of

= Relative roughness
plantain at constant pressure
g = Acceleration due to gravity
Tv = Vaporization temperature
Cpw = Specific heat capacity of water
= Kinematic viscosity
at constant pressure
hw = Head loss for water
Tb = Final temperature Tv
MTW = Total mass of water in the feed
= density of water
ΔHv = Heat of vaporization of water
HHH = Head loss of heater housing
MWL = Mass of water left in the sample
HL = Head loss
Mwr = Mass of water removed
KL = Constant
Mc = Moisture content
HTL = Total head loss
Md = Mass of dry sample
HM = Head loss of material
Xc = Mass fraction of carbohydrate
Xp = Mass fraction of protein
Xf = Mass fraction of fat
Xa = Mass fraction of ash
Xw = Mass fraction of water
QL = Heat loss
h = Convective heat transfer
σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant
K = Thermal conductivity
dx = Thickness available for heat
A = Surface area
C1 , C2 , C3 , C4 , C 5 = Constants
T = Temperature in Kelvin
Tr = Reduced temperature
Tc = Critical temperature
M = Molecular weight
Q = Power
t = time
Mair = Mass flow rate of air
QT = Total power
Cpair = Specific heat capacity of air
ΔT = Temperature difference

= Specific volume of air

Vair = Volumetric flow rate of air

= Velocity of heater housing

= Velocity of drying chamber

A1 = Cross sectional area of heater
A2 = Cross – sectional area of drying
ΔP = hair = Pressure head loss of air
f = Friction factor

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 302
ISSN 2229-5518


The tray dryer considered in this study uses a configuration typical for a number of industrial applications with semi-
batch operating trays. Air is blown over the trays containing particles of the product being dried, which are evenly
distributed on the surface of each tray such that the product has uniform moisture content upon drying.
Recirculated air is heated by combustion gases from a conventional burner operating with a hydrocarbon fuel and fresh
air needed for fuel combustion under controlled temperature and humidity of the drying air stream entering the product.

Figure 1. A typical Industrial Tray Dryer (Adapted from Kiranoudis et al. [4])

The development of mathematical model of the tray dryer will obviously take into consideration on one hand
the heat and mass balances of air streams and product trays in the dryer and the burner as well as other heat/mass transfer
processes taking place during the course of drying. However, the heat and mass transfer phenomena occurring during
drying are very complicated processes involving coupled transfer mechanisms within both the solid and the gas phase,
and as a result their solution demands considerable computational time. A simplified model is considered in this work,
which is tailored for a case study of tray dryer design for plantain. The steps involved in the development of the newly
proposed tray dryer design equation used for the programming and simulation are presented below.

Mass of dry sample (1)

Mass of water removed (2)

Total mass of water (MTW): (3)

where mass of bone-dry material Mbd =988

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 303
ISSN 2229-5518


[12, 17] (5)

Where Hv is in J/kmol and Tr is the reduced temperature. The constants are given for water as:

C1 10-7 = 5.2053 C1 = 52053000, C2 = 0.3199, C3 = -0.212, C4 = 0.25795

T = C + 273.16 in degree Kelvin, T= 333.16k. But
(Tc is 647.10k and Tc = 0.51485) (6)

But molecular weight of water is:

Heat duty is (7)

Where TA = 65C, = Room temperature 25C and

Power requirement based on 20% heat loss (8)

The mass flow rate is given as (9)

Value of CPair at 60C is 1.009 kJ/kgK from literature.

The volume flow rate of air is (10)

The velocities of the air are and (11)

Total head loss = sum of all head losses (12)

𝑉̇𝑎𝑖𝑟 ×𝐻𝑇𝐿
Fan horse power = (13)


The following steps below illustrate the program workflow of how the program was coded.
Using the MATLAB editor to create a file [18, 19]:
Step 1: Click on File, followed by clicking New and then click M-file
Step 2: on the first line of the function M-file, write as:
function variable name = output (variable name)
It is a good practice to use a percentage sign to define the function in order to remember the program
after a long time or for anyone to understand the program (nevertheless, this is not a must, as the program
will still execute).
Step 3: % define function to be executed
Step 4: Declare all variables (assign variables to all constant values).
Step 5: Base on the number of equations, define all equation or variables to be calculated by separating
each by semi-colon as:
Variable name 1 = expression 1; … variable name n = expression n

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 304
ISSN 2229-5518
Step 6: variable A = input (‘please insert the value of variable A =’); Repeat step 6
Step 7: variable B = input (‘please insert the value of variable B =’)
Step 8: Repeat step 6
Step 9: variable C = input (‘compute the value of variable C =’)
Step 10: Repeat step 6; variable D1 = input (‘put variable D1 =’) ; ….variable Dn = input (‘put variable
Dn =’)
Step 11: Repeat step 6
Step 12: if variable p > value, disp(‘character, declare variables’)
Step 13: else end
Step 14: Repeat step 6
Step 15: variable p = (‘input variable p’); variable = expression
Step 16: end
Step 17: Save the program
Step 18: Run the program by clicking “RUN” button. Procedures for creating M-function file were cited
in literature [18, 19].

The entire design procedure has been programmed using M-Function file in MATLAB version 7.5. When
this program below is copied and pasted on the editor window and saved, it becomes executable when the Run
design button is clicked or when the file name used in saving it is called from the command prompt.

function y=desgn(x)
% calculate the mass of dried material
Mr=0.57; a1=0.62; Mwf=2600; Md=Mwf-(Mwf*Mr);
% calculate the mass of water removed during drying
% calculate mass of bone dried material
Mbd=Mwf-(Mwf*a1); Mp=Mbd;
% Determine the specific heat capacity of unripe plantain
xc=0.305; xp=0.013; xf=0.001; xa=0.007; xw=0.674;
Cpp=1.424*xc + 1.549*xp + 1.675*xf + 0.837*xa + 4.187*xw;
% calculate the latent heat of evaporation of water at 60 degree celsius.
% notice the division by 1000 is to convert to kiloJoules
C1=5.2053e+7; C2=0.3199; C3=-0.212; C4=0.25795; M=18.015; Tc=647.1;
Tb=input('please insert the value of Tb='); T=Tb+273.16;
Hv=(C1*(1-Tr)^(C2 + C3*Tr + C4*Tr^2))/(1000*M)
% calculate the heat needed to dry the material in KJ
Tfa=25; t=input('please insert the value of t='); Cpw=4.18;
Q=Mp*Cpp*(Tb-Tfa) + Mtw*Cpw*(Tb-Tfa) + Mwr*Hv
% calculate the heat rate required in kiloWatt
% determine the total heat rate to be produced, assuming LP is the percentage loss
LP=input('compute the value of LP='); Qrt=Qr/LP
% to calculate the mass flow rate Ma, the specific volume Sv,
% volumetric flowrate Vfr1 and Vfr.
Cpa=1.009; Doa=1.067;Vk=18.9e-6;L1=input('put L1=');B1=input('put B1=');H1=input('put H1=');
L2=input('put L2=');B2=input('put B2=');H2=input('put H2='); A1=B1*H1, A2=B2*H2
Ma=Qrt/(Cpa*(Tb-Tfa)), Sv=1/Doa; Vfr1=Ma*Sv; Vfr=(Ma*Sv)/4.91747e-4
% calculate the velocity of air first and second and the Raynold number Re
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 305
ISSN 2229-5518
% respectively respectively
U1=Vfr1/A1, U2=Vfr1/A2, Re=(U1*L1)/Vk;
if Re>4000,disp('TURBULENT FLOW, E/D=3e-5, f=0.016')
else end
% determine the first perimeter, the hydraulic diameter and static pressure
% of air due to friction in heating in meters of air
f=0.016; P1=2*(L1+H1); Dh=(4*A1)/P1; g=9.81; ha=f*(L1/Dh)*((U1+U2)/2)^2*(1/2*g);
% determine the static pressure in meters of water for the above static
% pressure
Dow=983.2; hw=((Doa*ha)/Dow)*39.36;
% determine the static pressure due to sudden expansion in meter of air and
% then meter of water.
HL=(1-(A1/A2))^2*(U1^2/2*g); Hl=((HL*Doa)/Dow)*39.36;
% Determine the total static pressure loss
Hm=2.095; Htl=hw + Hl + Hm
% Compute the Horsepower of the fan
eff=input('put eff='); FHp=(Vfr*Htl)/(6356*eff)


The MATLAB simulation results are presented in Tables 1 – 3 as well as Figs. 2 – 4 and are discussed under the
effect of dimension, industrial fan’s efficiency, time and average drying temperature.

Table 1. The effects of dimensions on the design variables at time of 6 x 3600 and efficiency of 0.75; the
parameters Hv = 2.36x 103 kJ/kg; Q = 3.8487 x 106 kJ; Qr = 178.1796 kW; Qrt = 222.7246 kW; Ma = 6.3068
kg/s and Vfr = 1.2020 x 104 cfm are kept constant.

Dimension (m2) (m2) (m/s) (m/s) (inch) (HP)

(L x B x H) A1 A2 U1 U2 Htl FHP
1x1x1 1 4.4 5.9108 1.3434 6.5099 16.4146
4 x 2.2 x 2
1.2 x 1.2 x2 2.4 4.2 2.4628 1.4073 2.3385 5.8964
4 x 2.1 x 2
1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 1.44 5.06 4.1047 1.1681 3.9250 9.8970
4 x 2.3 x 2.2
1x1x1 1 5.06 5.9108 1.1681 6.8496 17.2711
4 x 2.3 x 2.2

From the results presented in Table 1, it is observed that while the all other variables are left constant, an increase
in the ratio of the area of the heater housing (Fig. 2) to the drying/cabinet housing leads to a decrease in the
velocities of air at both sections and will ultimately lead to a decrease in horse power rating (FHp), meaning
cheaper cost of fan. Higher horsepower implies higher purchase cost. Whichever is the case, a bit higher fan horse
power than calculated value should always be used for allowance purpose, since dampers can always be used in
situation of excess air and are far cheaper compared to fan’s replacement [6].

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 10, October-2019 306
ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 2. Effect of area ratio (A1/A2) on tray dryer design parameters.

Table 2. The effects of fan’s efficiency on the design variables at time of 6 x 3600 and dimensions of (1.2 x 1.2
x 2m) Vs (4 x 2.1 x 2m) with the parameters Hv = 2.36x 103 kJ/kg; Q = 3.8487 x 106 kJ; Qr = 178.1796 kW;
Qrt = 222.7246 kW; Ma = 6.3068 kg/s and Vfr = 1.2020 x 104 cfm kept constant.

Efficiency U1 (m/s) U2 (m/s) Htl (inch) FHP (HP)

60% 2.4628 1.4073 2. 3385 7.3705

70% 2.4628 1.4073 2. 3385 6.3176
75% 2.4628 1.4073 2. 3385 5.8964
85% 2.4628 1.4073 2. 3385 5.2027

The effect of the fan’s efficiency is almost negligible to the entire process, but significant to the horse
power of the fan (Table 2). An increase in the efficiency (eff.) leads to a decrease in the horse power rating of the
fan which would imply better performance and lower cost while a decrease in efficiency would lead to an opposite

Table 3. Effects of time on design variables at 75% efficiency, dimensions of (1.2 x 1.2 x 2m) Vs
(4 x 2.1 x 2m) and constant Hv = 2.36x 103 kJ/kg and Q = 3.8487 x 106 kJ.

Time Qr (KW) Qrt (KW) Vfr (CFM) U1 (m/s) U2 (m/s) Htl (inch) FHP (HP)
Ma , kg/s
6 hrs 178.1796 222.7246 6.3068 1.2020 x 104 2.4628 1.4073 2.3385 5.8964
5 hrs 213.8156 267.2695 7.5682 1.4424 x 104 2.9554 1.6888 2.4456 7.3998
4 hrs 267.2695 334.0868 9.4602 1.8030 x 104 3.6942 2.1110 2.6428 9.9956

From Table 3, the results of the simulation show that time is the second most effective variable after
temperature in the sense that it causes a change in almost all the variables apart from the latent heat of water (Hv)
and the heat duty (Q) which are independent of time. The significance of this is that trying to achieve dryer at an
earlier time would imply higher high cost of power generation and fan purchase. It is recommended that for drying
of plantain, the drying should not be achieved earlier than four hours to avoid case hardening.

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ISSN 2229-5518

Figure 3. Variations of drying time with various design variables at 75% efficiency and
dimensions of (1.2 x 1.2 x 2m) Vs (4 x 2.1 x 2m).

Figure 4. Variations of drying temperature with various design variables at 75% efficiency and
dimensions of (1.2 x 1.2 x 2m) Vs (4 x 2.1 x 2m).

Evident from the chat in Fig. 4 on the effect of drying temperature is the fact that temperature is the most
effective parameter or variable, wherein a change in temperature leads to significant variations of all the variables.
The significance of this is that achieving drying at higher temperature implies higher cost of power generation
and lower cost of fan when other parameters are unchanged. This is in line with what was reported in the literature


The major parameters of a tray dryer have effects on one another and in turn, on the drying process.
Temperature was found to be the most effective parameter, seconded by time. A change in temperature alone
caused a significant change on all other variables. Although a combination of parameters is needed for quality
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ISSN 2229-5518
drying, it was discovered that with only temperature control the other factors. As different material has different
drying properties, care should be taken to avoid case hardening. This research would therefore be useful for both
small and large scale plantain processing industries using tray dryers to gain insight at what temperature to operate
on in order to obtain good product quality when other factors are arbitrary specified and also to eliminate the stress
or rigour of trying to control too many tray dryer parameters when just one (temperature) solves the problem.


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