Personality Test - OCK
Personality Test - OCK
Personality Test - OCK
5. You are usually the first to react to a sudden event: the telephone ringing or
unexpected question
YES yes uncertain no NO
10. When making a decision, you rely more on your feelings than on analysis of
the situation
YES yes uncertain no NO
12. You believe the best decision is one which can be easily changed
YES yes uncertain no NO
13. You often ponder the root cause of phenomena and things
YES yes uncertain no NO
14. You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate about various options
YES yes uncertain no NO
16. You are inclined to rely more on improvisation than on prior planning
YES yes uncertain no NO
17. You spend your leisure time actively socializing with a group of people,
attending parties, shopping, etc.
YES yes uncertain no NO
21. You know how to put every minute of your time to good purpose
YES yes uncertain no NO
23. After prolonged socializing you feel you need to get away and be alone
YES yes uncertain no NO
25. You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences
YES yes uncertain no NO
26. You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
YES yes uncertain no NO
31. You rapidly get involved in the social life of a new workplace
YES yes uncertain no NO
32. The more people you speak to, the better you feel
YES yes uncertain no NO
33. You tend to rely on your experience rather than on theoretical alternatives
YES yes uncertain no NO
34. As a rule, you proceed only when you have a clear and detailed plan
YES yes uncertain no NO
37. When with a group of people, you enjoy being directly involved and being at
the centre of attention
YES yes uncertain no NO
38. You are more inclined to experiment than to follow familiar approaches
YES yes uncertain no NO
39. You are strongly touched by the stories about people's troubles
YES yes uncertain no NO
42. For you, it is easier to gain knowledge through hands-on experience than from
books or manuals
YES yes uncertain no NO
43. You think that almost everything can be analyzed
YES yes uncertain no NO
44. For you, no surprises is better than surprises - bad or good ones
YES yes uncertain no NO
47. You have good control over your desires and temptations
YES yes uncertain no NO
49. You usually place yourself nearer to the side than in the center of the room
YES yes uncertain no NO
50. When solving a problem you would rather follow a familiar approach than seek
a new one
YES yes uncertain no NO
52. When considering a situation you pay more attention to the current situation
and less to a possible sequence of events
YES yes uncertain no NO
53. When solving a problem you consider the rational approach to be the best
YES yes uncertain no NO
55. Your decisions are based more on the feeling of a moment than on the
thorough planning
YES yes uncertain no NO
56. You prefer to spend your leisure time alone or relaxing in a tranquil atmosphere
YES yes uncertain no NO
60. As a rule, current preoccupations worry you more than your future plans
YES yes uncertain no NO
63. You willingly involve yourself in matters which engage your sympathies
YES yes uncertain no NO
64. You easily perceive various ways in which events could develop
YES yes uncertain no NO
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