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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2019

Pearson GCE
In Biology Spec B (8BI0) Paper 02
Core Cellular Physiology and Ecology
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Summer 2019
Publications Code 8BI01_01_1906_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2019
General Marking Guidance

 All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they
mark the last.
 Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.
 Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
 There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately.
 All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if
the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response
is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
 Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
 When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader
must be consulted.
 Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
 In questions marked with an asterisk (*), marks will be awarded for the ability to structure answers logically showing how
the points are related or follow on from each other where appropriate.
Using the Mark Scheme

Examiners should look for qualities to reward rather than faults to penalise. This does NOT mean giving credit for incorrect or
inadequate answers, but it does mean allowing candidates to be rewarded for answers showing correct application of principles
and knowledge. Examiners should therefore read carefully and consider every response: even if it is not what is expected it may
be worthy of credit.

The mark scheme gives examiners:

 an idea of the types of response expected
 how individual marks are to be awarded
 the total mark for each question
 examples of responses that should NOT receive credit.

/ means that the responses are alternatives and either answer should receive full credit.
( ) means that a phrase/word is not essential for the award of the mark, but helps the examiner to get the sense of the expected
Phrases/words in bold indicate that the meaning of the phrase or the actual word is essential to the answer.
ecf/TE/cq (error carried forward) means that a wrong answer given in an earlier part of a question is used correctly in answer to a
later part of the same question.

Candidates must make their meaning clear to the examiner to gain the mark. Make sure that the answer makes sense. Do not give
credit for correct words/phrases which are put together in a meaningless manner. Answers must be in the correct context.
Answer Mark
1(a) The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because it is not atrioventricular valve

B is not correct because it is not the mitral valve

D is not correct because it is not the tricuspid valve


Answer Mark
1(b) The only correct answer is D

A is not correct because this corresponds with atrial contraction

B is not correct because this corresponds with ventricular excitation

C is not correct because this corresponds with ventricular excitation

Answer Mark
1(c) The only correct answer is D

A is not correct because it is not the atrioventricular node (AVN)

B is not correct because it is not the bundle of His

C is not correct because it is not the septum

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(d)(i) An answer that makes reference to one of the following:

 (beating / contraction) does not involve

{nerve / stimulus / impulse}

 (beating / contraction / impulse / depolarisation)

{within muscle / initiated on its own}

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
1(d)(ii) An answer that makes reference to four of the following:

 exercise involves muscle contraction (1)

 therefore {oxygen / glucose} needed for respiration /

need to remove carbon dioxide (1)

 new pacemaker can change cardiac output (1)

 new pacemaker enables {activity / exercise} (1)

 new pacemaker can reduce heart rate when resting (1)

Answer Mark
2(a) The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because it is found in animal cells

C is not correct because it is not made of phospholipid

D is not correct because it is does not prevents lipid soluble molecules from entering the cell

Answer Mark
2(b) The only correct answer is C

A is not correct because it not a function of cholesterol

B is not correct because it not a function of cholesterol

D is not correct because it not a function of cholesterol

Question Additional Mark
Number Guidance
2(c) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following:

 small / lipophilic / lipid-soluble / non-polar molecules enter by diffusion (1)

 large / water-soluble / charged / polar molecules use

transport proteins / carrier proteins / protein channels (1)

 active transport / facilitated diffusion (1)

 large (macro)molecules / proteins / viruses by endocytosis / exocytosis / vesicles (1)


Answer Additional Guidance Mark
volume affects
{pigment concentration / pigment dilution / absorbance}
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(d)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 temperature affects {diffusion / permeability} (1)

 temperature affects
{pigment release / betalain / absorbance} (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(d)(iii) Example of calculation
 determine the sum of the differences squared
0.42 ÷ 6 = 0.07
 calculate standard deviation
square root of 0.07 = 0.26
0.26 / 0.264 (2)
Correct answer with no working
gains full marks

ACCEPT one mark for 0.42 / 0.418/

0.4184 in working
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(d)(iv) An answer that makes reference to one of the following:

 SD includes all of the data / all 7 values (1)

 range only includes the highest and lowest values /

only two values (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
2(d)(v) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 increases permeability (1)

 because it affects {phospholipids / lipid bilayer} (1)


(Total for Question 2 = 13 marks)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
 measure cell diameter Example of calculation

 convert mm to μm and divide by 20 10mm = 10 000 μm

10 000 ÷ 20 = 500

450 / 500 / 550 / 600 (2) Correct answer with no working

gains full marks

ACCEPT one mark for 9mm / 10mm /

11mm / 12mm / 0.9cm / 1.0cm / 1.1cm /
1.2cm in working
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(a)(ii) An answer that makes reference to the following:

Similarities: ACCEPT converse for all Mps

 both have {all cell types / erythrocytes / neutrophils / lymphocytes

/ monocytes / platelets /
white blood cells / leucocytes} (1)

 in both erythrocytes are most abundant (1)


 adult 1 has more {erythrocytes / red cells / platelets} (1)

 adult 1 has fewer {neutrophils / lymphocytes / monocytes / white ACCEPT adult 1 has 2 neutrophils
blood cells / leucocytes} (1) while adult 2 has 4
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(a)(iii) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 more {neutrophils / lymphocytes / monocytes / ACCEPT other valid medical

white blood cells / leucocytes / phagocytes} conditions for all Mps
caused by {infection / disease / pathogen /
named pathogen / bacteria / virus / allergy /
immune response / leukaemia / inflammation / smoking} (1)

 fewer {erythrocytes / red cells} caused by ACCEPT adult 1 lives at altitude

{lack of iron / anaemia / inheritance / leukaemia / cancer} (1)

 fewer platelets caused by {inheritance / leukaemia / anaemia /

alcohol} (1) (2)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
same {volume / dilution} of blood
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
3(b) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 fewer {erythrocytes / red cells / less haemoglobin}

to transport oxygen (1)

 therefore {less respiration / more anaerobic respiration} (1)

 therefore less {energy / ATP} (1)

Answer Mark
4(a) The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because it did not lose more water

C is not correct because we have no information on this

D is not correct because absorption and loss are not equal


Answer Mark
4(b) The only correct answer is B

A is not correct because bright conditions increase rate

C is not correct because warm dry conditions increases rate

D is not correct because warm and bright conditions increases rate

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4(c)(i) An answer that makes reference to the following:


 both measure uptake of water (1)

 both use seal to prevent evaporation (1)


 bubble potometer uses shoot /

mass potometer uses {plant with roots / plant} (1)

 bubble potometer is {quicker to get results / allows repeats} /

mass potometer takes longer (to get results) (1)

 bubble potometer only measures water absorbed /

mass potometer measures water absorbed and lost (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
4c(ii) A description that includes four of the following:

 measure distance bubble moves (1)

 measure time / cm min-1 / cm3 min-1 (1)

 method described to vary wind speed (1) ACCEPT change fan speed /
use fan at different distances

 use same {light / temperature / humidity / carbon dioxide} (1)

 repeat readings / calculate a mean (1)

Answer Mark
5(a) The only correct answer is A

B is not correct because it is incorrect order

C is not correct because it is incorrect order

D is not correct because it is incorrect order


Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(b)(i) A description that makes reference to four of the following:

 compare {anatomy / morphology / physical characteristics} (1)

 observe behaviour /
(occupy different) niches (1)

 use {electrophoresis / DNA profiling / DNA sequencing /

protein biochemistry molecular phylogeny / bioinformatics} (1)

 unable to breed with other species and produce fertile offspring (1) ACCEPT converse
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following:

 some species can interbreed and produce fertile offspring / difficult ACCEPT ring species or sibling
to determine if can interbreed and produce fertile offspring (1) species

 species are {evolving / changing} over time (1)

 there is variation within a species / sexual dimorphism /

polymorphism (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(c) An explanation that makes reference to three of the following:

 sympatric (speciation) (1) IGNORE allopatric

 occupy different niches /

competition for food /
behavioural change / behavioural / ecological isolation (1)

 less {breeding / reproduction / mating} with other fly (1)

 reproductive isolation / no gene flow / different selection pressure /

evolve separately (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
5(d) An explanation that makes reference to two of the following:

 mutation (1) ACCEPT

non-disjunction /
description of non-
 unable to {breed / reproduce / mate / produce zygote} (1)

 because {gametes} have different numbers of chromosomes (1)

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(a)(i) Example of calculation
 figures read from graph and change calculated
1685 - 400 = 1285
 rate calculated
1285 ÷ 30 = 42.83 / 43

41.67 to 43.33 (2) Correct answer with no

working gains full marks

ACCEPT one mark for ÷ 30 in

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
6(a)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 total number (of endangered species) increases (1)

 adding new species (each year) determines the total (1) ACCEPT no new species listed
means no change in total

 few species coming off total (1)

 rapid increase in total from 1985 to 2000/1 /

little change in total between 2000/1 and 2009 /
few new species between 2000/1 and 2009 (1) (4)
Indicative content
*6b Answers will be credited according to candidate's deployment of knowledge and understanding of the material in relation
to the qualities and skills outlined in the generic mark scheme.

The indicative content below is not prescriptive and candidates are not required to include all the material which is
indicated as relevant. Additional content included in the response must be scientific and relevant.

Reasons for keeping zoos:

 education about endangered animals / public awareness / research

 save endangered species / protect endangered species / safe environment / protect from poachers, habitat loss,
starvation, predators / vaccinated / protected from disease
 breeding programs
 reintroduce animals into the wild
 minimise inbreeding / exchange semen / exchange animals
 money used for conservation

Reasons against zoos:

 animals suffer stress, boredom, confinement, change behaviour / habitat differs

 certain species favoured
 captive breeding programs may not successfully release animals back into the wild
 removing individuals from the wild will further endanger the wild population
 people can observe wildlife in the wild or visit a sanctuary
 conservation more successful in situ / in a reserve
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No awardable content
The explanation will contain basic information with some attempt made to link knowledge and understanding
to the given context.

1 1-2 Explains one reason for OR one reason against = 1

Explains one reason for AND explains one reasons against OR

two reasons for / two reasons against = 2
An explanation will be given with occasional evidence of analysis, interpretation and/or evaluation of the
scientific information.

The explanation shows some linkages and lines of scientific reasoning with some structure.
Explains two reasons for and one against = 3 Explains one reason for and two against = 3

Explains two reasons for and two against = 4

An explanation is given which is supported throughout by evidence from the analysis, interpretation and/or
evaluation of the scientific information.

The explanation shows a well-developed and sustained line of scientific reasoning which is clear, coherent and
logically structured.
3 5-6

Explains two reasons for and three against or Explains three reasons for and two against = 5

Offers an opinion / summary / conclusion = 6

Answer Additional Guidance Mark
7(a)(i)  radius calculated Example of calculation

 surface area calculated 180 ÷ 2 = 90mm = 0.09m

4 x 3.142 x (0.09)2
0.102 / 0.1018 / 0.1017 / 0.10178 / 0.1017876 (2)
4 x 3.142 x 8100 = 101800.8 ÷
1000000 = 0.1018008

4 x 3.14 x 8100 = 101736 ÷

1000000 = 0.101736

Correct answer with no

working gains full marks

ACCEPT one mark for 0.102

expressed in different version
eg. 1.02 OR 0.1018008 /
0.101736 expressed in
different version eg. 101800.8
1017876 expressed in
different version
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
7(a)(ii) Example of calculation
3 3
 convert dm to m so units are in m
0.003054 m3 = volume
 surface area to volume ratio calculated
0.102 ÷ 0.003054 = 33.4 : 1
33.39 : 1 / 33.4 : 1 / 33 : 1 /

0.102 : 0.003054 /

1 : 0.03 / 1 : 0.030 / 1 : 0.0299 (1)


Answer Additional Guidance Mark
7b(i) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 increases surface area to volume ratio (1)

 more oxygen into {blood / capillaries} /

more carbon dioxide out of {blood / capillaries} (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
7(b)(ii) An explanation that makes reference to the following:

 {alveoli / capillaries} are thin / one cell thick / close to each other} so
short diffusion distance (1)

 {blood supply / blood flow / capillaries} maintains

{diffusion / concentration} gradient (1)

 {moist / surfactant} to allow gases to dissolve /

surfactant prevents collapse of alveoli (1)
Answer Additional Guidance Mark
8 An answer that makes reference to the following:

 use range of at least five carbon dioxide concentrations (1)

 use same {size / age / sex / species} of locust / same locust (1)

 repeat readings (1)

 count abdomen contractions in stated time period (1) ACCEPT spiracle

movements in stated
time period
 allow recovery (1)

 standardisation of {size of syringe / container / temperature / oxygen / light /

time of day} (1)

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