Daily Req
Daily Req
Daily Req
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. ________________________ AGE: _64________________________ MARITAL STATUS:_Married__________________
DIAGNOSIS: _Myocardial Infarction ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Complete Blood Your doctor WBC: 5.0 – 10.0 x10^q/L 10.0 Normal Pre-procedure:
Count - A complete may suggest a 1. Explain test procedure
blood count (CBC) is complete blood Hematocrit: 35 – 55 % 47 Normal to patient. Explain that
a blood test used to count if you slight discomfort may
evaluate your overall are Hemoglobin: 150 – 400 214 Normal be felt when the skin is
health and detect a experiencing x10^3/uL punctured.
wide range of weakness, 2. Encourage to avoid
disorders, including fatigue, fever, Neutrophil: 55 – 70% 77 There is an elevation because stress, if possible,
anemia, infection, and inflammation, of the inflammatory process because altered
leukemia. bruising or in response to myocardial physiologic status
bleeding. A injury. influences and changes
complete blood normal hematologic
count may help Lymphocyte: 20 – 40% 21 Normal values.
diagnose the 3. Explain that fasting is
cause of these Eosinophil: 1-3 2 Normal not necessary. However,
signs and fatty meals may alter
symptoms. If Basophil: 0-1 0 Normal some test results as a
your doctor result of lipidemia.
suspects you
have an
infection, the Intra-procedure:
test can also
help confirm 1. Apply manual pressure
that diagnosis. and dressings over
If you have puncture site on
been diagnosed removal of dinner.
with a blood
disorder that Post-procedure:
affects blood 1. Monitor the puncture
cell counts, site for oozing or
your doctor hematoma formation.
may use 2. Instruct to resume
complete blood normal activities and
counts to diet.
monitor your
A complete
blood count
may be used to
monitor your
health if you're
that may affect
blood cell
1. Apply pressure to
puncture site.
2. Monitor site for oozing
or hematoma formation.
3. Instruct to resume
normal activities and
Nisi Dominus Frustra
Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. ________________________ AGE: _64________________________ MARITAL STATUS:_Married__________________
DIAGNOSIS: _Myocardial Infarction ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Complete Blood Your doctor WBC: 5.0 – 10.0 x10^q/L 10.0 Normal Pre-procedure:
Count - A complete may suggest a 1. Explain test procedure
blood count (CBC) is complete blood Hematocrit: 35 – 55 % 47 Normal to patient. Explain that
a blood test used to count if you slight discomfort may
evaluate your overall are Hemoglobin: 150 – 400 214 Normal be felt when the skin is
health and detect a experiencing x10^3/uL punctured.
wide range of weakness, 2. Encourage to avoid
disorders, including fatigue, fever, Neutrophil: 55 – 70% 77 There is an elevation because stress, if possible,
anemia, infection, and inflammation, of the inflammatory process because altered
leukemia. bruising or in response to myocardial physiologic status
bleeding. A injury. influences and changes
complete blood normal hematologic
count may help Lymphocyte: 20 – 40% 21 Normal values.
diagnose the 3. Explain that fasting is
cause of these Eosinophil: 1-3 2 Normal not necessary. However,
signs and fatty meals may alter
symptoms. If Basophil: 0-1 0 Normal some test results as a
your doctor result of lipidemia.
suspects you
have an
infection, the Intra-procedure:
test can also
help confirm 1. Apply manual pressure
that diagnosis. and dressings over
If you have puncture site on
been diagnosed removal of dinner.
with a blood
disorder that Post-procedure:
affects blood 1. Monitor the puncture
cell counts, site for oozing or
your doctor hematoma formation.
may use 2. Instruct to resume
complete blood normal activities and
counts to diet.
monitor your
A complete
blood count
may be used to
monitor your
health if you're
that may affect
blood cell
1. Apply pressure to
puncture site.
2. Monitor site for oozing
or hematoma formation.
3. Instruct to resume
normal activities and
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia ___________________________ AGE: _65 years old_______________ MARITAL STATUS:_Married_______________
DIAGNOSIS: _Myocardial Infarction ________________________________________________________________________________________
SUBJECTIVE Acute pain related to decreased After 8 hours of nursing 1. Assess for vital signs and 1. To differentiate After 8 hours of
DATA: myocardial blood flow as evidenced interventions and health symptoms of pain such as angina pain from nursing
by bradycardia teachings the patient will: facial grimacing, rubbing of pain related to interventions
- “Nag huot neck or jaw, reluctance to other causes. and health
ahung dughan, Angina can result from any condition - Remain free from pain move, increased blood teachings my
naglisod ko ug in which there is a decrease in oxygen - Maintain stable vital pressure, and tachycardia. patient was free
ginhawa maong delivery by the coronary arteries, an signs. Note onset, duration, from pain,
nagpa admit mi increase in cardiac workload, or an - Maintain a relaxed location, and pattern of pain. maintains stable
sa hospital” as increase in the myocardium’s oxygen body posture. vital signs, and
verbalized by requirements. The most common 2. Use a pain rating scale to 2. To monitor the relaxed body
patient. cause is atherosclerosis, but angina assess the patient’s effectiveness of posture. Able to
can result from aortic stenosis, mitral perception of the pain’s medications given verbalize,
stenosis or insufficiency, hypotension, severity. for pain relief. “medyo gaan2
OBJECTIVE hyperthyroidism, anemia, ventricular na ahung pamati
DATA: arrhythmias, or hypertension. dai, dili na sakit
- Bradycardic 3. Instruct the patient to notify 3. To minimize ug huot ahung
- Elevated blood a nurse immediately when ischemia produced dughan.”
pressure experiencing pain. Have the by increased
- Lethargic patient stop current activity, myocardial work
VS taken as follows: and place him on bed rest in load.
T: 35.7 C a semi- to high Fowler’s
position. 4. To provide optimal
PR: 44bpm
oxygenation to the
RR: 30cpm
4. Administer oxygen as myocardium.
BP: 140/90 mmHg ordered.
O2: 96%
5. Observe for associated 5. Decreased cardiac
symptoms: dyspnea, nausea output stimulates
and vomiting, dizziness, sympathetic and
palpitations, desire to parasympathetic
micturate. nervous system,
causing a variety
of vague sensations
that patient may
not identify as
related to anginal
SUBJECTIVE Readiness for enhanced knowledge After 8 hours of nursing 1. Examine the patient’s 1. A baseline of the Goal partially
DATA: intervention and health current knowledge about patient’s met. After 8
teaching, the patient will: Myocardial Infarction. knowledge is a hours of nursing
- “Kinahanglan unique way to intervention,
humnon gajud - Be free of preventable develop a teaching patient was able
nahu ahung complications/progression plan’s starting to ask questions
tambal dai para of illness point without about medical
dili na mag sige - Demonstrate proactive overwhelming the diagnosis and
ug huot ahung management by patient. the specific
dughan, ug dili anticipating and planning regimen.
na pod mag sige for eventualities of
inom ug condition/potential 2. Examine the preparedness 2. Modifications in a
ilimnon.” As complications of the patient to gain person’s health
verbalized by - Assume responsibility for knowledge about their and hospitalization
the patient. managing treatment health condition. can have an impact
regimen on their ability to
- Ask questions regarding digest and process
diagnosis information.
DATA: 3. Ascertain the patient’s 3. There are various
- Patient shows preferred learning style. methods for
positivity learning the same
toward relevant data. The
treatment patient’s learning
- Conscious and process determines
coherent the use of specific
teaching and
VS taken as learning materials
follows: to facilitate
T: 35.5 C learning.
PR: 88bpm
RR: 19cpm 4. Provide the patient with 4. Assuring the
BP: physical comfort. patient’s
130/90mmHg comfortability
allows them to
O2: 97%
focus on what is
being explained or
SUBJECTIVE Readiness for enhanced knowledge After 8 hours of nursing 1. Examine the patient’s 1. A baseline of Goal partially
DATA: intervention and health current knowledge about the patient’s met. After 8
teaching, the patient will: Myocardial Infarction. knowledge is a hours of nursing
- “Kinahanglan unique way to intervention,
humnon gajud - Be free of preventable develop a patient was able
nahu ahung complications/progression teaching plan’s to ask questions
tambal dai para of illness starting point about medical
dili na mag sige - Demonstrate proactive without diagnosis and
ug huot ahung management by overwhelming the specific
dughan, ug dili anticipating and planning the patient. regimen.
na pod mag sige for eventualities of
inom ug condition/potential 2. Examine the preparedness 2. Modifications
ilimnon.” As complications of the patient to gain in a person’s
verbalized by - Assume responsibility for knowledge about their health and
the patient. managing treatment health condition. hospitalization
regimen can have an
- Ask questions regarding impact on their
diagnosis ability to digest
and process
- Patient shows 3. There are
positivity 3. Ascertain the patient’s various
toward preferred learning style. methods for
treatment learning the
- Conscious and same relevant
coherent data. The
VS taken as learning
follows: process
T: 35.5 C determines the
PR: 88bpm use of specific
RR: 19cpm teaching and
BP: learning
130/90mmHg materials to
O2: 97%
4. Assuring the
4. Provide the patient with patient’s
physical comfort. comfortability
allows them to
focus on what
is being
explained or
5. This technique
5. Assist the patient in assists the
incorporating news patient in
information about the constantly
disease and its management making
into his daily life. adjustments
that will
outcomes in
6. Questions can
6. Encourage patient to ask help for open
questions or clarifications. communication
and patients
and confirm
of the
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. _________________ AGE: _64______________________ MARITAL STATUS:_Married_______________
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. _________________ AGE: _64______________________ MARITAL STATUS:_Married_______________
5. Demonstrate ways
to promote a Discussion 7 minutes
healthy lifestyle
through having
proper nutrition.
Nisi Dominus Frustra
Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. _________AGE: _64________________________ CIVIL STATUS: _Married___________________________
DIAGNOSIS: _Myocardial Infarction___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Generic Name: Atorvastatin Inhibits HMG- As adjunct for primary Pregnancy, breastfeeding, Side effects: • Instruct patient to
Brand Name: Lipitor CoA reductase hypercholesterolemia hypersensitivity, active CNS: Headache, asthenia, follow a standard
enzyme, which dysbetalipoproteinemia, hepatic disease insomnia cholesterol-lowering
Therapeutic Class: Antilipemic reduces elevated triglyceride Precautions: Previous EENT: Lens opacities diet before and during
Pharmacological Class: HMG-CoA cholesterol levels, prevention of hepatic disease, GI: Abdominal cramps, therapy.
reductase inhibitors synthesis; high CV disease by alcoholism, severe acute constipation, diarrhea, flatus, • Before treatment
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: doses reduction of heart risk infections, trauma, severe heartburn, dyspepsia, assess patient for
• Adult: PO 10-20 mg/day, usual range lead to plaque in those with mildly metabolic disorders, nausea, increased serum underlying causes for
10-80 mg/day, dosage adjustments regression elevated cholesterol electrolyte imbalance transaminase hypercholesterolemia
may be made in 2- to 4-week intervals, GU: Impotence, UTI and obtain a baseline
max 80 mg/day; patients who require INTEG: Rash lipid profile. Obtain
>45% reduction in LDL may be started MISC: Hypersensitivity; periodic LFT results
at 40mg/day gynecomastia (child) and lipid levels before
Available forms: Tabs 10, 20, 40, 80 MS: Arthralgia, myalgia, starting treatment and
mg myositis at 4 and 12 weeks after
initiation, or after an
increase in dosage and
Adverse effects:
periodically thereafter.
CNS: insomnia.
• Watch for signs of
myositis and myopathy
EENT: nasopharyngitis, (unexplained muscle
pharyngolaryngeal pain. pain, tenderness,
weakness, malaise,
GI: abdominal pain, dark urine, fever).
diarrhea, dyspepsia, • Assess bowel status:
flatulence, nausea. constipation, stool
softeners may be
GU: UTI. needed; if severe, add
fiber, water to diet
Musculoskeletal: • Evaluate therapeutic:
rhabdomyolysis, arthralgia, decrease in LDL, total
myalgia, extremity pain, cholesterol,
muscle spasms, triglycerides, CAD;
musculoskeletal pain. increase in HDL
• Teach patient that
Skin: rash. blood work and eye
exam will be necessary
during treatment.
• To report blurred
vision, severe GI
symptoms, headache,
muscle pain, and
• Teach patient to avoid
Generic Name: Enalapril Inhibits ACE, Hypertension, HF, • Contraindicated in Side effects: • Closely monitor BP
Brand Name: Vasotec preventing left ventricular patients CNS: Insomnia, dizziness, response to drug.
conversion of dysfunction hypersensitive to paresthesia, headache, • Monitor CBC with
Therapeutic Class: Antihypertensives angiotensin I to fatigue, anxiety
drug, in those with differential counts
Pharmacological Class: ACE angiotensin II, a Unlabeled uses: a history of before and during
inhibitors potent Diabetic angioedema CV: Hypotension, chest pain, therapy.
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: vasoconstrictor. nephropathy, related to previous tachycardia, syncope, angina, • Instruct patient to
Hypertension Less angiotensin hypertensive treatment with an orthostatic hypotension report breathing
• Adult: PO 2.5-5 mg/day, may increase II decreases emergency/urgency, ACE inhibitor, and difficulty or swelling of
or decrease to desired response, range peripheral arterial post-MI, in patients with EENT: Tinnitus; visual face, eyes, lips, or
10-40 mg/day in 1-2 divided doses; IV resistance, proteinuria, hereditary or changes; sore throat; double tongue. Swelling of the
0.625-1.25 mg q6hr over 5 min decreasing renal crisis in idiopathic vision; dry, burning eyes face and throat
• Child: PO 0.08 mg/kg/day in 1-2 aldosterone scleroderma angioedema. (including swelling of
divided doses, max 0.58 mg/kg/day secretion, • Contraindicated in GI: Nausea, vomiting, colitis, the larynx) may occur,
• Child: IV 5-10 mcg/kg/dose q8-24hr reducing sodium combination with cramps, diarrhea, especially after first
and water aliskiren in constipation, flatulence, dry dose.
Hypertensive emergency/urgency retention, and patients with mouth, loss of taste, • Advise patient to report
(unlabeled) lowering BP. diabetes and with signs of infection, such
• Adult: IV 1.25-5 mg q6hr neprilysin GU: increased frequency of as fever and sore
Available forms: Enalapril: tabs 2.5, 5, inhibitors (e.g., polyuria or oliguria throat.
10, 20 mg; enalaprilat: inj 1.25 mg/mL sacubitril). • Inform patient that
• Use cautiously in INTEG: Rash, purpura, light-headedness can
renally impaired alopecia, hyperhidrosis, occur, especially
patients or those photosensitivity during first few days of
with aortic therapy. Tell patient to
stenosis or META: Hyperkalemia rise slowly to minimize
hypertrophic this effect and to notify
cardiomyopathy. RESP: Dyspnea, dry cough, prescriber if symptoms
crackles develop. If fainting
Adverse effects: occurs, advise patient
to stop drug and call
prescriber immediately.
CNS: asthenia, headache, • Tell patient to use
dizziness, fatigue, vertigo, caution in hot weather
syncope, weakness. and during exercise.
CV: hypotension, chest pain, Inadequate fluid intake,
angina. vomiting, diarrhea, and
excessive perspiration
GI: anorexia, diarrhea, can lead to
nausea, lightheadedness and
abdominal pain, vomiting. fainting.
• Advise patient to avoid
GU: decreased renal function salt substitutes; these
(especially in products may contain
patients with bilateral renal potassium, which can
artery stenosis or HF). cause high potassium
levels in patients taking
Hematologic: bone this drug.
marrow depression.
Generic Name: Omeprazole Inhibits proton Gastroesophageal Contraindicated in patients Side effects: • Tell patient to swallow
Brand Name: Losec pump activity by reflux disease hypersensitive to drug or CNS: Headache, dizziness, tablets whole and not to
binding to (GERD), severe its components and in asthenia open, crush, or chew
Therapeutic Class: Antiulcer drugs hydrogen– erosive patients receiving them.
Pharmacological Class: PPIs potassium esophagitis, rilpivirine-containing GI: Diarrhea, abdominal pain, • Give patient
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: adenosine poorly products. vomiting, nausea, instructions on how to
Active duodenal ulcers triphosphatase, responsive constipation, flatulence, acid take oral suspension.
• Adult: PO 20 mg/day × 4-8 wk; located at systemic GERD, regurgitation, abdominal • Instruct patient to take
associated with H. pylori 40 mg q AM secretory surface pathologic swelling, anorexia, irritable drug at least 30 to 60
and clarithromycin 500 mg tid on days 1- of gastric parietal hypersecretory colon, esophageal candidiasis, minutes before meals.
14, then 20 mg/day on days 15-28 cells, to conditions dry mouth, • Caution patient to avoid
suppress gastric (Zollinger- hazardous activities if
Heartburn (OTC) acid secretion. Ellison INTEG: Rash, dry skin, dizziness occurs.
• Adult: PO 1 del rel tab (20 mg)/day syndrome, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia • Teach patient to
before AM meal with glass of water × 14 systemic recognize and report
days mastocytosis, MISC: Back pain, fever, signs and symptoms of
Available forms: Del rel caps 10, 20, 40 multiple fatigue, malaise low magnesium levels.
mg; del rel tabs 20 mg; granules for oral endocrine • Evaluate therapeutic
susp 2.5, 10 mg (del rel) adenomas); RESP: Upper respiratory response: absence of
treatment of infections, cough, epistaxis epigastric pain,
Gastric ulcer active duodenal swelling, fullness,
• Adult: PO 40 mg/day 4-8 wk ulcers Adverse effects: bleeding: decreased
• Geriatric: PO ≤20 mg/day with/without CNS: asthenia, dizziness, GERD, esophagitis
anti-infective for headache. symptoms
pylori GI: abdominal pain,
Unlabeled uses: diarrhea, flatulence, nausea,
NSAID-induced vomiting, acid regurgitation.
prophylaxis, Musculoskeletal: back pain,
stress gastritis
prophylaxis Respiratory: cough, URI.
Skin: rash.
Nisi Dominus Frustra
Tunga-Tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte, Philippines
PATIENT’S NAME: _Ladonia, Jose Sr. _________AGE: _64________________________ CIVIL STATUS: _Married___________________________
DIAGNOSIS: _Myocardial Infarction___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Generic Name: Clopidogrel Inhibits the Reducing the Contraindicated in patients Side effects: • Advise patient that it
Brand Name: Plavix binding of the risk of stroke, hypersensitive to drug or CNS: Headache, dizziness, may take longer than
P2Y12 component MI, vascular its components, in depression, confusion, usual to stop bleeding
Therapeutic Class: Antiplatelet drugs of ADP to its death, peripheral those with a history of hallucinations, fatal and to refrain from
Pharmacological Class: Platelet platelet arterial disease hypersensitivity or intracranial bleeding activities in which
aggregation inhibitors receptor, impeding in high-risk hematologic reaction to trauma and bleeding
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: ADP-mediated patients, acute other thienopyridines, and CV: Edema, hypertension, may occur.
Recent MI, stroke, peripheral arterial activation and coronary in those with pathologic chest pain • Encourage patient to
disease, TIA subsequent syndrome, bleeding (such as peptic wear a seat belt when in
• Adult: PO 75 mg/day with/without platelet transient ulcer GI: Nausea, vomiting, a car.
aspirin aggregation, and ischemic attack or intracranial diarrhea, constipation, GI • Instruct patient to notify
irreversibly (TIA), unstable hemorrhage). discomfort, prescriber if unusual
Acute coronary syndrome modifies the angina bleeding or bruising
• Adult: PO loading dose 300 mg, then 75 platelet ADP Unlabeled uses: HEMA: Epistaxis, purpura occurs.
mg/day with aspirin receptor. Cardiac surgery • Tell patient to inform
(infant and INTEG: Rash, pruritus all health care
child), Kawasaki providers, including
disease MISC: UTI, dentists, before
hypercholesterolemia, chest undergoing procedures
or starting new drug
pain, fatigue, flulike therapy, about taking
syndrome drug.
• Inform patient that drug
MS: Arthralgia, back pain may be taken without
regard to meals.
RESP: Upper respiratory tract • Evaluate therapeutic
infection, dyspnea, rhinitis, response.
bronchitis. cough
Adverse effects:
GI: GI bleeding, pancreatitis,
hepatic failure
GU: Glomerulonephritis
HEMA: Bleeding
(major/minor from any site),
neutropenia, aplastic anemia,
agranulocytosis, thrombotic
thrombocytopenia purpura
INTEG: Anaphylaxis
MISC: Intercranial
hemorrhage, toxic epidermal
necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson
RESP: Bronchospasm
Generic Name: Enoxaparin Accelerates Prevention of Hypersensitivity to this Side effects: - Instruct patient and
Brand Name: Lovenox formation of DVT (inpatient or product, heparin, pork; CNS: Fever, confusion family to watch for
antithrombin III– outpatient), PE active major bleeding, signs of bleeding or
Therapeutic Class: Anticoagulants thrombin complex (inpatient) in hip hemophilia, leukemia with GI: Nausea abnormal bruising and
Pharmacological Class: Low- and and knee bleeding, to notify prescriber
molecular-weight heparins deactivates replacement, thrombocytopenic purpura, INTEG: Ecchymosis, immediately.
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: thrombin, abdominal surgery heparin-induced injection site hematoma - Tell patient to
DVT/PE prophylaxis preventing at risk for thrombocytopenia immediately report
Moderate risk—general surgery, conversion of thrombosis; META: Hyperkalemia in signs and symptoms of
nonsurgery 40-60 yr, major surgery <40 fibrinogen to unstable angina, Precautions: Pregnancy, renal failure spinal or epidural
yr with no risk factors fibrin. Drug acute MI, breastfeeding, children, hematoma, such as
• Adult: SUBCUT 20 mg daily has a higher coronary artery geriatric patients, low- MS: Osteoporosis numbness (especially
antifactor-Xa-to- thrombosis weight men (<57 kg), of the lower limbs) and
Treatment of DVT or PE antifactor-IIa Unlabeled uses: women (<45 kg), severe SYST: Edema, peripheral muscle weakness
activity ratio than Antiphospholipid renal/hepatic disease, edema - Tell patient to avoid
• Adult: SUBCUT 1 mg/kg q12hr heparin. antibody severe hypertension, OTC drugs containing
(without PE, outpatient); 1 mg/kg q12hr syndrome, arterial subacute bacterial aspirin or other
or 1.5 mg/kg/day (with or without PE, thromboembolism endocarditis, Adverse effects: salicylates unless
inpatient); warfarin should be started prophylaxis, acute nephritis, recent HEMA: Hemorrhage from ordered by prescriber.
within 72 hr, continued ≥5 days until cerebral burn, spinal surgery, any site, hypochromic - Inform patient that a
INR is 2-3 (at least 3 days) thromboembolism, indwelling catheters, anemia, thrombocytopenia, longer-than-usual time
percutaneous hypersensitivity to benzyl bleeding may be needed to stop
coronary alcohol bleeding and that
Prevention of ischemic complications intervention SYST: Angioedema, bruising or bleeding
in unstable angina or non–Q-wave anaphylaxis may occur more easily.
MI/non-ST - Instruct patient to
inform physicians and
• Adult: SUBCUT/IV 1 mg/kg q12hr dentists of all
until stable with aspirin 100-325 mg/day medications being
× ≥2 days taken, including OTC
products, such as
Available forms: Prefilled syringes/inj aspirin or other
30 mg/0.3 mL, 40 mg/0.4 mL, 60 mg/0.6 NSAIDs.
mL, 80 mg/0.8 mL, 100 mg/1 mL, 120
mg/0.8 mL, 150 mg/mL; multidose vials
100 mg/mL (3 mL)
Generic Name: Lactulose Prevents Chronic Hypersensitivity, low- Side effects: - Assess stool color,
Brand Name: Constillac, Generlac, absorption of constipation, to galactose diet GI: Nausea, vomiting, amount, and
Cholac ammonia in colon prevent and treat anorexia, abdominal cramps, consistency.
by acidifying hepatic Precautions: Pregnancy, diarrhea, flatulence, - Assess cause of
Therapeutic Class: Laxatives stool; increases encephalopathy, breastfeeding, geriatric distention, belching constipation; determine
Pharmacological Class: Lactose water, softens including patients, debilitated whether fluids, bulk, or
synthetic derivative stool. hepatic precoma patients, diabetes mellitus META: Hypernatremia exercise is missing from
Actual Dose, Timing and Route: and coma in lifestyle; use of
Constipation patients with constipating products
• Adult: PO 15-30 mL/day (10-20 g), severe hepatic - Assess for cramping,
may increase to 60 mL/day prn disease, rectal bleeding, nausea,
• Child: PO 7.5 mL/day treatment of vomiting; if these
subclinical symptoms occur,
hepatic product should be
encephalopathy discontinued.
- Teach patient to not use
laxatives long term.
- Teach patient to take
medication on an empty
stomach for rapid