Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behaviour
Importance of OB
While working in an organization, it is very important to
understand others behavior as well as make others
understand ours. In order to maintain a healthy working
environment, we need to adapt to the environment and
understand the goals we need to achieve. This can be
done easily if we understand the importance of OB.
Following points bring out the importance of OB:
An organization consists of people with different traits,
personality, skills, qualities, interests, background,
beliefs, values and intelligence. In order to maintain a
healthy environment, all the employees should be
treated equally and be judged according to their work
and other aspects that affects the firm.
Technology can be defined as the implementation of
scientific knowledge for practical usage. It also provides
the resources required by the people that affect their
work and task performance in the right direction.
All companies function within a given internal and
external environment. Internal environment can be
defined as the conditions, factors, and elements within
an enterprise that influences the activities, choices made
by the firm, and especially the behavior of the
employees. While external environment can be defined
as outside factors that affect the company’s ability to
operate. Some of them can be manipulated by the
company’s marketing, while others require the company
to make adjustments.
Nature of people
Nature of the organization
Nature of People
In simple words, nature of people is the basic qualities of
a person, or the character that personifies an individual
they can be similar or unique. Talking at the
organizational level, some major factors affecting the
nature of people have been highlighted. They are:
Features of Motivation
Motivation is an internal feeling, that is, it defines the
psychological state of a person. It is a continuous process
and we should make sure that it is not disturbed. A
person should be encouraged completely.
Motivation consists of three interacting and dependent
Importance of Motivation:
We need to motivate employees because of the
following reasons:
Physiological Needs:
Every individual needs to take care of the basic
requirements required to sustain. These requirements
include food to eat, clothing to wear and shelter to live
in. These necessities are relatively independent of each
other but are finite.
Safety Needs:
Everybody wants to stay in a protected environment with
minimal danger so that they can have a peaceful life.
Safety needs basically includes protection from
physiological danger like accident and having economic
security like bank accounts, health insurance
In an enterprise, it includes job security, salary
increment, etc. The managerial practice to satisfy this
involves offering pension scheme, provident fund,
gratuity etc.
Social Needs:
We have all heard that man is a social animal, we want to
be there with those people where we are loved and we
are accepted as we are; nobody wants to be judged. This
is a common requirement every human desires.
This theory helps managers to think about encouraging
their employees by identifying employee needs. In short,
it presents motivation as constantly changing force,
expressing itself to the constant need for fulfilment of
new and higher levels of needs.
Esteem means the typical human desire to be accepted
and valued by others. People often involve in a
profession or hobby to gain recognition, earn fame and
respect. According to Maslow, the needs of humans have
strict guidelines – the hierarchies rather than being
sharply separated, are interrelated. This means that
esteem and the consequent levels are not strictly
separated but are closely related.
Self-actualization means realizing one’s full potential.
Maslow describes this as a desire to complete everything
that one can, to become the most that one can be.