Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning
Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning
Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning
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To cite this article: Timothy D. Lee , Stephan P. Swinnen & Deborah J. Serrien (1994) Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning, Quest,
46:3, 328-344, DOI: 10.1080/00336297.1994.10484130
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O 1994 National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education
are these types of videos useful? There are both theoretical and empirical reasons
to be skeptical.
In 1984, the United States National Academy of Sciences was asked by
Army Research Institute to form a committee to investigate the value of various
instructional techniques. One of the techniques investigated was a series of tapes
known as SyberVision. The use of expert models from which to learn sport
skills such as tennis, golf, or bowling was justified by their "neuromuscular
programming" theory. According to the documentation provided by SyberVision,
"the more you see and hear pure movement, the deeper it becomes imprinted
in your nervous system . . . and the more likely you are to perform it as a
conditioned reflex" (cited in Druckman & Swets, 1988, p. 7; see also DeVore,
DeVore, & Michaelson, 1981). However, the committee found no specific evi-
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dence that supported these claims (see also Austin & Miller, 1992).
These conclusions should not be all that surprising. The use of experts as
models appears to encourage more the process of imitation than true learning
through observation. When watching these videos, the observer is encouraged
to mimic what the model has demonstrated. Bandura, a pioneer in the field of
social modeling, discredits imitation as a method that minimizes the power of
modeling. In his words, "modeling imparts conceptions and rules for generating
variant forms of behavior to suit different purposes and circumstances. In skill
acquisition, modelling is more accurately represented as rule learning than as
response mimicry" (Bandura, 1986, p. 48).
The repetitious nature of the skills demonstrated by experts in these videos
also appears to imply that repeated exposure to a desirable performance will
"stamp in" a representation of consistent, errorless performance. This assump-
tion, however, appears to ignore the fact that errorless practice and rote repetition
are poor learning strategies (Magill, 1993b; Schmidt, 1988).
Although research suggests that observational learning does occur using
expert models, the findings suggest that a novice who is learning a motor skill
can also be an effective model. Although most of this research is recent, it was
anticipated many years ago by Twitmyer (1931). He compared two groups of
subjects who learned to trace a pencil maze while blindfolded. Subjects in one
group (the learning models), practiced the task on two different days. During
this time, subjects in a second group (the observers) watched and recorded the
results of the learning models. These observers then performed the task on a
third day. Since the learning models performed without previous observation of
a model, their results were used as control data. The performance of the observers
was better than the models' performance on the very first trial, and remained
better throughout the learning session.
Although Twitmyer may have done the first study using unskilled models
in an observation experiment, a study by Adams (1986) has sparked the recent
research efforts. Similar to the Twitmyer method, a model practiced in the
presence of an observer, after which the observer practiced the task. In Adams'
study, the model practiced a movement timing task for 50 trials and observed
under one of two conditions. The two groups of observers differed in terms
of the augmented feedback provided while observing: one group received the
movement time augmented feedback that was delivered to the model, whereas
the other group did not receive this additional information (this feedback was
crucial for the model to learn the task). Adams found that the observers performed
better than the models, with the best performance achieved by the observers who
also received the models' augmented feedback.
But how effective is a learning model when directly compared to an expert
model? A few studies have made this comparison, but the results are mixed.
Experiments by Weir and Leavitt (1990) and by Pollock and Lee (1992) found
no differences due to the performance level of the model. For example, in the
Pollock and Lee (1992) study, subjects watched a model perform 15 trials on a
computer game that required pursuit tracking. The benefit due to previous observa-
tion was evident on the first postobservation trial, and this benefit remained
throughout practice. There was no difference due to the model's skill level.
However, a study by McCullagh and Caird (1990) did find that performance
after watching a learning model was better than after watching an expert model.
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McCullagh and Caird's task was similar to the task used by Adams (1986).
Subjects conducted a series of six acquisition blocks. Each block included watch-
ing five performances of a model, followed by five performance trials. The
different observation groups watched either an expert model or a learning model.
While watching the learning model, groups of observers either received the
model's augmented feedback after each attempt or did not receive the feedback
(similar to Adams's method). The findings of the observers' performance trials
during acquisition, an immediate retention test, a retention test 1 day later, and
a delayed transfer test (to a novel timing goal) are illustrated in Figure 1. The
findings are clear. Observation of the learning model while also receiving the
model's augmented feedback resulted in the best observational learning.
While studies comparing the value of expert versus learning models in
acquiring sport skills has begun (McCullagh & Meyer, 1993), we conjecture that,
at a minimum, observing a learning model will be no less effective than observing
an expert model. In some circumstances, it may even be more effective. The
skill kvel of the model has an impact on the observer's cognitive effort to learn
from the motor behavior that was demonstrated. An expert model provides a
precise representation of how a skilled action should be performed. However, a
learning model more actively engages the observer in the problem-solving pro-
cesses that characterize learning (Adams, 1986). The observer can clearly observe
the movement behavior of the model and the success of the model's subsequent
attempts to reduce performance error. Indeed, observers have reported to us that
it was difficult to suppress making comments to a live, learning model when
the model failed to make an obvious correction of a movement behavior. One
implication of this finding is that observing the possible errors that can be made
on-a task and the success of various attempts to solve these errors provides a
conceptual insight into the cognitive basis of the task to be learned. Such a
process seems well suited to the skill observation process.
Correct Model
* Learning Model (no KRI
- I @ Learning Model (with KRI] n
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was provided by retention and transfer tests after the temporary effects no longer
exerted an influence on performance (see Schmidt, 1988). The second conclusion
was that if the augmented feedback literature was reevaluated using retention
and transfer data, the evidence pointed to a view that was quite different from
the prevailing view. We begin by considering some of the augmented feedback
variables and their effects on learning, then describe Schmidt's ideas about the
guiding role of augmented feedback on motor learning.
Summary Feedback
Summary feedback is related to the temporal delay of feedback discussed
above. In this method, feedback is delayed until after a series of trials have been
completed; feedback is then provided in a manner that summarizes the preceding
trials (Lavery, 1962). An experiment by Schmidt, Young, Shapiro, and Swinnen
(1989) illustrates the effects of summary feedback.
Subjects in this study were divided into four groups, according to the
number of trials that were summarized on a graph and presented to the subject
as augmented feedback. In the "Sum 1" group, feedback was provided after
every trial. In the "Sum 5," "Sum 10," and "Sum 15" groups, feedback was
provided on a graph about the 5, 10, or 15 preceding trials, illustrating how
performance either changed or remained consistent over trials. Immediate and
delayed tests of retention followed the practice period.
0 Delayed
Downloaded by [University of Sydney] at 22:20 13 March 2015
5 , - - - - 4 .
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 1 2
10 Min 2 Days
Acquisition Retention
Blocks of 15 Trials
Figure 2 - Effects of augmented feedback when provided either instantaneously,
after an unfilled delay period, or after a delay during which an estimate of the
feedback is made. Note. From "Information Feedback for Skill Acquisition: Instanta-
neous Knowledgeof Results Degrades Learning" by S.P. Swinnen, R.A. Schmidt, D.E.
Nicholson, and D.C. Shapiro, 1990, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning,
Memory, and Cognition, 16, p. 709. Copyright 1990 by American Psychological Associ-
ation. Reprinted with permission.
The results are illustrated in Figure 3. Two sets of findings are important.
First, acquisition performance was negatively related to size of the summary:
the large; the sumkary, the poorer the acquisition performance. Second, delayed
retention performance was positively related to the summary size. The best
performance was achieved by the Sum 15 and Sum 10 groups, and the worst
performance by the Sum 5 and Sum 1 groups. These findings are particularly
interesting because of the opposite effects that the summary conditions had on
practice performance and on learning and because of the direct relevance of these
findings to teaching sport skills (Wright, Snowden, & Willoughby, 1990).
Relative Frequency
The frequency of providing augmented feedback was another of the prevail-
ing views that was challenged by Schmidt. The belief (e.g., Bilodeau, 1966) was
that the absolute frequency of augmented feedback (i.e., the number of times
that feedback was provided) was a critical variable in learning, but that relative
Sum 1
Sum 5
e Sum 10
0 Sum 15
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1 2 3 4 5 6 Irnrn Del
Acquisition Retention
(15 trials/block) (25 trials/block)
Figure 3 - Effects of augmented feedback when provided as a summary of the
preceding 5, 10, or 15 trials. Note. From "Summary Knowledge of Results for Skill
Acquisition: Support for the Guidance Hypothesis," by R.A. Schmidt, D.E. Young,
D.C. Shapiro, and S. Swinnen, 1989, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning
Memory, and Cognition, 15, p. 355. Copyright 1989 by American Psychological Associ-
ation. Reprinted with permission.
frequency (the ratio of feedback-provided trials to the total number of trials) was
not an important variable for learning. However, much of the evidence to support
this view was based on data from the practice period rather than from retention
tests. In their review of this literature, Salmoni et al. (1984) found a few studies that
included retention tests following relative frequency manipulations. Surprisingly,
these studies showed that relative frequency might indeed be an important variable
in learning-that low relative frequencies might be better than high relative
frequencies of augmented feedback. Subsequent studies have since confirmed
these effects (e.g., Lee, White, & Carnahan, 1990; Winstein & Schmidt, 1990;
Wulf & Schmidt, 1989).
An interesting corollary to the relative frequency effects has also emerged.
Using a movement timing task, Shenvood (1988) provided subjects with aug-
mented feedback only when their errors exceeded certain tolerance limits about
the goal. For one group of subjects, augmented feedback was provided on every
trial (a "0% bandwidth"). For other subjects, augmented feedback was provided
only when performance error was greater than +5%, or greater than f10% of the
goal. By this manipulation, Shenvood also influenced the frequency schedule by
which augmented feedback was provided (since feedback was not provided for
trials on which performance was within the bandwidth limits).
Contextual Interference
Another intriguing research issue investigated in recent years is the contex-
tual interference effect. This finding was first studied by Shea and Morgan (1979)
and has been replicated many times since (for reviews see Chamberlin & Lee,
1993; Magill & Hall, 1990). In the Shea and Morgan (1979) study, two groups
of subjects each learned three simple laboratory tasks. All aspects of the practice
sessions were identical with the exception of the order in which the tasks were
practiced. Under the blocked order, all practice trials on one of the tasks were
completed before practice on another task was undertaken. This procedure is
similar to practice "drills" because of the repetitive nature of the practice.
In contrast, the other group practiced the tasks in a random order, such
that they were switching from one task to another throughout practice. The
random order resulted in considerably more interference between tasks compared
to a blocked order. Thus, it was not too surprising that random practice resulted
in much poorer acquisition performance than blocked practice (see Figure 4).
What was rather surprising were the results of these two groups on retention
tests conducted minutes and days later. On both retention tests the random group
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2.6- 0
2.4 - Blocked
2 2.2 -
.E 2.0
I 1.8 -
+ O\
I- 1.6
a O\
a O-0
1.4 - \
"0 0
1.2 - 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 min 10 day
Acquisition Retention
Blocks of 9 Trials
Figure 4 - Effects of blocked and random practice orders on acquisition and
retention performance. Note. From "Contextual Interference Effects on the Acquisi-
tion, Retention, and Transfer of a Motor Skill" by J.B. Shea and R.L. Morgan,
1979, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human learning and Memory, 5, p. 183.
Copyright 1979 by American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission.
discussed in terms of different theoretical constructs than those described for the
augmented feedback findings.
One account for the contextual interference effect (e-g., Shea & Morgan,
1979; Shea & Zimny, 1983) is that random practice encourages a learner to
compare and contrast the methods and strategies used for performing the different
tasks. Switching between tasks during practice provides the learner with better
contrastive knowledge than the drill, repetitive-type practice that occurs under a
blocked order. This contrast between tasks makes learning each task more distinc-
tive and memorable, resulting in the advantages seen later in retention.
Another explanation for the contextual interference effect can best be de-
scribed using an analogy. If you are asked to mentally multiply two numbers
(e.g., 34 x 26 = ?), it would take some work, but could be done with effort. If
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the same question were asked a short time later, the answer could be given right
away if the solution from the previous mental effort was still in working memory.
If however, that answer had been forgotten, then the question would have to be
solved again. Lee and Magill (1983, 1985) used a similar idea to explain the
contextual interference effect. Random practice requires a learner to approach a
task by developing a strategy or plan of action. However, such a plan is inappropri-
ate to maintain in memory since the task on the next trial is different. Thus, a
new plan of action needs to be developed. By the time the previous task is
performed again, the plan that had been developed for it last time has been lost
from memory, and a new plan of action must be developed. This process continues
throughout random practice. In contrast, the same plan of action can be used again
and again during blocked practice since the same task is practiced repeatedly. The
consequence is that having learned to develop a plan of action when necessary
(under random practice) makes the learning both more memorable and better
suited for novel-~erformancesituations.
Both theoretical orientations to the contextual interference effect have re-
ceived quite a bit of empirical attention (for recent studies, see Shea & Titzer,
1993; Wulf & Lee, 1993). It is also interesting to note that there have been a
number of experiments undertaken to examine the contextual interference effect
in acquiring sport skills, and the findings appear to replicate the findings from
laboratory experiments quite well. Practice and retentionltransfer findings show-
ing the "typical" blockedlrandom differences have been found for learning
badminton serves (Goode & Magill, 1986; Wrisberg, 1991; Wrisberg & Liu,
1991) and in rifle shooting (Boyce & Del Rey, 1990).
Most of the laboratory experiments and field tests of contextual interference
effects have been conducted using subjects who were unskilled at the tasks to
be learned. However, in a recent study, Hall, Domingues, and Cavazos (1994)
found interesting contextual interference effects for athletes who had already
achieved a high level of performance. In this study, college-level baseball players
received two sessions of extra batting practice per week for 6 weeks. One group
of subjects received 15 curve balls, 15 fast balls, and 15 change-ups in a blocked
order during each session. Another group of subjects received the same number
and types of pitches in a random order. A control group of subjects received no
extra batting practice. Scores (in terms of the number of solid hits) were recorded
on a random pretest, on two practice sessions (Sessions 5 and 8), and on both a
randomly ordered and a blocked ordered transfer test.
@ Blocked
W Control
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Figure 5 - Effects of blocked, random, and no extra practice on the batting perfor-
mance of college-level baseball players. Note. From "The Effects of Contextual
Interference on Extra Batting Practice" by K.G. Hall, D.A. Domingues, and R.
Cavazos, 1994, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 78, p. 838. Copyright 1994 by Perceptual
and Motor Skills. Reprinted by permission.
The findings from the Hall et al. (1994) study are illustrated in Figure 5.
Several points of interest are notable. First, the extra batting practice improved
performance, as noted by the better performance on the transfer tests by both the
random and blocked groups, compared to the control group. Second, performance
during the practice sessions was generally better for the blocked group than for
the random group. Third, transfer performance was better for the random practice
group than for the blocked practice group, regardless of the order in which the
transfer trials were conducted. The most exciting aspect of these results however,
was that this "typical" contextual interference effect was found for subjects who
had previously achieved a high level of performance on the criterion task.
Cognitive Effort
The three areas of research discussed above provide rather diverse examples
of cognitive effort in motor skill learning. In each area of research we have
provided examples that illustrate how conditions of practice either promoted or
diminished the decision-making activities of the subject learning a motor skill.
Some instructors feel that watching the expert execute the same sport skill time
and again, with flawless precision, should engender some type of passive diffusion
of that knowledge into the observer. The advantages seen by observing a learning
model suggest an advantage gained through a rather different process. In this
case, the observer is watching the model attempt a performance. If the observer
is also able to receive some feedback about the success of that performance, then
the observer is in the position to judge, independent of the model, what would
be appropriate to do next. In short, the observer becomes actively involved, albeit
vicariously, in the process of learning. The observer joins the learning model in
the trial-and-error process.
Augmented feedback is a means of supplementing the sources of feedback
normally available to an individual. As a source of information that complements
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the always present sources, augmented feedback serves a restrictive role. Opti-
mally, augmented feedback should be used to help a person to interpret the sources
of feedback that are always available. Augmented feedback should provide a
knowledge referent, or "reliability check," to insure that intrinsic sources of
feedback are correctly being interpreted. For example, the reasons for an errant
golf shot are often available from watching the flight of the ball. How to interpret
this intrinsic feedback, however, is something that must be learned (Miller,
Cross, & Barnhart, 1992). The optimal role of augmented feedback is to assist
the learner to correctly interpret this intrinsic feedback.
For augmented feedback to serve its most useful role, it must be given in
such a way that it helps without discouraging the performer from learning to
interpret intrinsic feedback. Learning to interpret one's own intrinsic feedback
requires cognitive effort. However, that learning can be weakened if the aug-
mented feedback serves a role in which it undermines the effort to learn to
interpret one's own intrinsic feedback. There is no need for the learner to try to
interpret the intrinsic feedback when augmented feedback is provided instantane-
ously upon movement completion and when it follows every trial. In a way,
cognitive effort is suppressed, yet performance improves quite well without it.
Encouraging the interpretation of performance, reducing the relative frequency
(combined with performance bandwidths), and increasing the summary sizes of
augmented feedback all positively impact the cognitive effort to interpret intrinsic
sources of information.
Practice drills are good procedures for learning skills. However, many
motor skills that are undertaken daily do not involve repetitive actions. This
problem became clear recently when one of us was teaching a boy how to tie
his shoes. The thought processes that he undertook in tying his shoes were clearly
evident by the slow and deliberate actions of his fingers at work. These were
repeated on the next shoe, but to a far less degree. We wonder what would have
happened if he had been asked to keep practicing for 15 minutes. No doubt,
success would have come more quickly and easily. However, would success have
been achieved any easier the next morning? Evidence regarding the contextual
interference effect suggests not.
Solving a problem by recalling a recent solution bypasses the cognitive
effort involved in the decision-making process. When a task requires that these
decisions be learned, conditions should be arranged such that these decisions are
practiced. Arranging practice conditions that serve to avoid this cognitive effort
hinders the learning process.
training conditions?" There are several answers to the question. One could be
that the research picture is not all that clear. In this paper we have built an
argument for the role of cognitive effort in learning motor skills based on a
limited set of data. The generalizability of these ideas await further research.
If the research picture is accurate however, then Bjork argues that nonpro-
ductive training manipulationscontinue to be used for at least two further reasons.
One relates to the performancePearning distinction. Some of the temporary bene-
fits to performance seen during practice favored the use of practice manipulations
that actually resulted in poor retention. One example is contextual interference.
If an instructor were to value a practice manipulation in terms of how quickly
a standard of performance was achieved, then blocked training would be seen
as a much better arrangement of practice orders than random training. However,
an appreciation for the assessment of learning in terms of retention and transfer
(Magill, 1993b; Schmidt, 1988) would produce the opposite conclusion. Related
to this same issue is the fact that instructors of training programs may only be
involved with the learner for the period of time during which the practice occurs.
Perhaps they are satisfied with the benefits to performance seen by their training
methods, or perhaps they are not aware of the impact their training regimes have
on longer term retention or transfer after their involvement with the learner has
been completed.
The second reason given by Bjork (in press) for the continued use of
nonproductive training conditions is due to the subjective experiences of the
learner. Rapid improvements on a motor skill are reassuring, and the learner may
develop illusions about the progress made on a skill as a result of conditions
of practice that favour rapid, short-term benefits. These incorrect subjective,
sometimes anecdotal assessments tend to foster continued belief in the training
programs. In contrast, training programs that are structured to promote cognitive
effort during learning may not be given full value by the subjective experiences
of the learner because of the decelerated rates of improvement that may occur.
For these reasons, the instructor is faced with roles of both assisting the learner
with the skill to be learned and educating the learner about learning.
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The North American Society for Sport History will hold its 23rd
annual conference in Long Beach, California, May 26-29, 1995. Anyone
interested in organizing a session or presenting a paper should submit
abstracts for review by October 15, 1994, to Nancy L. Struna, Department
of Kinesiology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-2611.
All participants must register for the conferenceand be members of NASSH.