Gyan Vihar Mock Test 2 For 11th
Gyan Vihar Mock Test 2 For 11th
Gyan Vihar Mock Test 2 For 11th
(b) 1s 2 2s 2 2p3 - An element belonging to 3rd period (c) Alkaline alkali metal A noble gas
earth metal
and 5th group
(c) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 - A d – block element 3p 6 3d8 4s 2 (d) Alkali Alkaline A noble gas
(d) 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s3 3p 6 - An element from 18th group metal earth metal
22. Indicate the wrong statement on the basis of the periodic 27. First and second ionisation enthalpies (in kJ/mol) of few
table. elements are given below.
(a) The most electronegative element in the periodic table is
Element I E1 I E2
(b) Scandium is the first transition element and belongs to (i) 520 7300
fourth period. (ii) 900 1760
(c) There are three transition series in the periodic table each (iii) 1680 3380
containing 10 elements. (iv) 2082 3963
(d) Along a period halogens have maximum negative electron Which of the above elements will form halides with formula
gain enthalpy.
MX 2 ?
23. What is the decreasing order of basicity of hydroxides of the
alkaline earth metals? (a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(a) Be(OH) 2 > Mg(OH) 2 > Sr(OH) 2 > Ba(OH) 2 (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i) and (iv)
28. The electronic states X and Y of an atom are depicted below:
(b) Mg(OH) 2 > Be(OH) 2 > Ba(OH) 2 > Sr(OH) 2 2 2 6 1
X :1s 2s 2p 3s
(c) Ba(OH) 2 > Sr(OH) 2 > Mg(OH) > Be(OH) 2
Y :1s 2 2s 2 2P 6 3s 2 3p6 4s1
(d) Sr(OH) 2 > Be(OH) 2 > Mg(OH) 2 > Ba(OH) 2
Which of the following statements is not correct?
24. Which of the following statements is not correct about the
(a) X represents an alkali metal.
electron gain enthalpy?
(a) In general, the electron gain enthalpy becomes less (b) Energy is required to change X into Y.
negative in going from top to bottom in a group (c) Y represents ground state of the element.
(b) the electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative in a (d) Less energy is required to remove an electron from X than
period from left to right. from Y.
(c) The elements having stable configuration like noble gases 29. What are the two radii shown as ‘a’ and ‘b’ in the figure
known as?
have large positive electron gain enthalpies.
(d) Electron gain enthalpy of O or F is less than that of
succeeding element.
25. Beryllium has higher ionisation enthalpy than boron. This can
be explained as, (a) a = Atomic radius, b = Molecular radius
(a) Beryllium has higher size than boron hance its ionisation (b) a = Covalent radius, b = van der Waals’ radius
enthalpy is higher (c) a = Ionic radius, b = Covalent radius
(b) Penetration of 2p – electrons to the nucleus is more than (d) a = Covalent radius, b = Atomic radius
the 2s – electrons 30. The electronic configuration of gadolinium (atomic number
(c) It is easier to remove electron from 2p – orbital as 64 ) is
compared to 2s – orbital due to more penetration of s – (a) [Xe]4f 3 5d 5 6s 2 (b) [Xe]4f 7 5d 2 6s1
(c) [Xe]4f 7 5d1 6s 2 (d) [Xe]4f 8 5d 6 6s 2
(d) Ionisation energy increases in a period.
26. Few elements are matched with their successive ionisation
energies. Identify the elements.
Element IE1 (kJ/mol) IE 2 (kJ/mol)
X 2372 5251
Y 520 7297
Z 900 1758
(a) A noble Alkali metal Alkaline earth
gas metal