Mil Nat Review 1
Mil Nat Review 1
Mil Nat Review 1
b. When a different television station offers 28. Sesame Street, Math Dali, Batibot, and
television programs to attract an audience Sineskwela are examples of this kind of
from another television station airing a television programming.
major event. a. Entertainment Programming
c. When putting a power cast on a specific b. Educational Programming
program. c. Informative Programming
d. When an unpopular television program is d. Societal Programming
scheduled between two popular ones. 29. This type of radio broadcasting consumes a
20. What is the first electronic mass medium? higher amount of power and is more popular
a. Television commercially.
b. Computer
c. Radio a. DZ
d. Turing machine b. DX
21. Which of the following is not an MTRCB c. FM
content criteria? d. AM
a. Nudity 30. Informative Programming aims to provide
b. Language factual content to its viewers. Which of the
c. Horror following is not an example of informative
d. Nationality programming?
22. Which film production stage where the audio a. SalamatDok
and visual materials are edited? b. Failon Ngayon
a. Pre-production c. Kara Mia
b. Production d. CNN News
c. Post-Production 31. TV shows are broken down into segments to
d. Distribution make way for these. These gaps in between
23. What type of film makes use of computer- shows are essential as they usually pay for the
generated images or characters? existence of the show on the air.
a. Documentary a. Music
b. Narrative b. Advertisement
c. Animation c. Production
d. Experimental d. Lecture Series
24. What is Netiquette? 32. This phase of the production process includes
a. The proper way use of manners and fleshing out the story idea, writing a draft of
etiquette on the internet the script, and figuring out the financial
b. Using a net to catch a fish logistics of the project.
c. Being mean to other people on the digital a. Distribution
world b. Production
d. Using proper manners at the dinner table c. Post-production
25. It is an element of radio which creates a d. Development
different mood and is used to heighten 33. When finding a reliable source, which of these
dramatic scenes. is important to do:
a. Voice
b. Sound effects a.
Verify the date on the website
c. Music b.
Look at all the advertisements
d. None of the above c.
Change all the information on the website
26. Trademark refers to creations of the mind such d.
Copy all the text word for word and say it's
as inventions, literary and artistic works, and your own
symbols, logos, names, and images used in 34. When doing research and finding a reliable
commerce. source, you should do the following:
a. True a. Find out the author of the site and their
b. False point of view.
27. Intellectual Property is a legal device that gives b. Look at all the advertisements.
the creator of a literary piece, artwork, c. Change all the information on the website.
musical, or other creative work the sole right d. Make sure the site has cool videos.
to publish and sell that work. 35. When researching a topic which of these
a. True would likely be most reliable?
b. False a. a blog