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Journal of Business, Management, and Accounting Volume 2

Issue 1
March Edition 2020



Yuan Badrianto* & Muhamad Ekhsan

Department of Management, Pelita Bangsa University

Keywords : Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.

Abstract : Improving employee performance is one of the main factors for companies to achieve goals. In addition to
being a factor in achieving goals, employee performance is also a way to measure the quality of human
resources in a company. Some factors that can influence the success of employee performance include the
work environment and job satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an influence
of the work environment and job satisfaction variables on employee performance. This study is to examine
the effect of work environment and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT. Nesinak Industries. The
company is engaged in manufacturing automotive and electronic spare parts made from rubber. The sample
in this study amounted to 88 respondents who worked in the production department. This research uses
quantitative methods. Data for conducting this research was obtained through filling out questionnaires by
predetermined respondents. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis method. Based
on the results of the t test (partial) and f test (simultaneous) of this study, showed that the variable work
environment and job satisfaction bring a positive and significant effect on employee performance partially
and simultaneously.

Management is the science and art of regulating the process of utilizing human resources and other
resources effectively and efficiently to achieve a certain goal. HR Management is a field of management that
specifically studies the relationship and role of humans in organizations. The element of HR management is
human beings who are the workforce in the organization. Humans always play an active and dominant role in
every activity of the organization, because humans become planners, actors, and determinants of the realization
of organizational goals. This goal would not have been possible without the active role of the employees, no
matter how sophisticated the tools of the organization. (Donni, 2014). PT. Nesinak Industries is a manufacturing
company originating from Japan, a subsidiary of the Japanese group Gomunoinaki. PT Nesinak Industries
manufactures automotive and electronic spare parts made from rubber. PT Nesinak Industries was established in
Indonesia in 1997. It is located on Jalan Akasia 3 block A3 no.08, delta silicone 01 Bekasi, West Java. PT Nesinak
Industries continues to grow from year to year, and received many awards from well-known corporate customers
such as Epson, Asmo, Denso etc., for the quality of the products produced and manufactured by PT Nesinak
Idustries. This year, PT Nesinak Industries has 740 employees.
The products produced by PT Nesinak Industries have reached hundreds of models and types of products,
from many customers as well. This achievement is certainly achieved by hard work, commitment, discipline and
good management, so that PT Nesinak Industries is one of the high-quality manufacturing companies. The
amount of production produced by a company must be supported by a company environment that is sufficient to
accommodate production which is increasingly growing, because the place and environment that cannot
accommodate the amount of production, will affect employee job satisfaction and can affect the performance of
these employees, even the quality and performance of employees will decline. This is what happened at PT
Nesinak Industries, from year to year the production produced is increasing, but not supported by an adequate

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environment to accommodate a lot of production, so that many employees complain about the situation, because
they do not get job satisfaction and it affects the quality of employee performance.
The first factor affecting performance is the work environment. According to Nitisemito (2000: 183), "the
work environment is all that exists around workers and can influence it in carrying out work that has been
entrusted". The work environment according to Sedarmayantira (2001: 1), is "all things that exist in the
environment of workers both physical and psychological, in which a person works either as an individual or as a
group. The opinions expressed above can be used to draw conclusions about the work environment. Work
environment is everything that exists around workers both inside and outside the room including those that are
physical or not that affect employees in carrying out the tasks they carry. (Mohammad Kamif et al, 2016). The
work environment is a place where employees do activities every day. A conducive work environment provides
a sense of security and allows employees to work optimally. The work environment can affect employees'
emotions. If the employee likes the work environment in which he / she works, then the employee will feel
comfortable at work, doing his activities so that working time is used effectively. Productivity will be high and
automatic employee performance is also high (Anggi, 2015).
The second factor that affects employee performance is job satisfaction. Roe and Davis (2008), said that
high job satisfaction will encourage the realization of organizational goals effectively. While a low level of job
satisfaction is a threat that will bring destruction or setback to the organization quickly or slowly. Robbins (2006)
states that job satisfaction is an individual's general attitude towards his work. (Donni, 2016). Gibson, Ivancevich,
and Donnely (2010), stated that job satisfaction is someone's attitude towards their service, that attitude comes
from their perception of their work. George and Jones (2007), stated that job satisfaction is a collection of
feelings, beliefs, and thoughts about how someone responds to their work. (Donni, 2016).
PT Nesinak Industries creates a comfortable and conducive working environment among all employees
and does not neglect cleanliness and health aspects. create job descriptions that are easily understood and done
by employees, so employees feel satisfied working in the company. PT. Nesinak Industries also provides training
in stages in each department with the 5R concept (concise, neat, clean, caring and diligent), so that employees
feel comfortable with their work environment so that employee job satisfaction can be achieved, this is very
effective to improve employee performance so can achieve the target according to company expectations. The
factors that influence employee performance have been proven empirically and theoretically. Theoretically it can
be seen from several research results related to employee performance. For example, research conducted by
Anggi Pratama (2015) states that the work environment has a great influence on employee performance. Titik
Rosita and Tri Yuniati (2016) stated that employee performance will get better if job satisfaction is getting better.
This research will discuss the effect of work environment and job satisfaction on employee performance at PT.
Nesinak Industries.

Work Environment

The work environment is a place where employees do activities every day. A conducive work environment
provides a sense of security and allows employees to work optimally. The work environment can affect
employees' emotions. If the employee likes the work environment in which he / she works, then the employee
will feel comfortable at work, doing his activities so that working time is used effectively. Productivity will be
high and automatically employee performance is also high. (Anggi, 2015).
Work environment indicators according to (Nitisemito, 2000: 127) cited in the 2015 Anggi journal, are as
- lighting
- Air temperature
- noise
- Decoration / layout
- Employee relations

Job Satisfaction

Robbins (2006), job satisfaction as an individual's general attitude towards his job. Gibson, Ivancevich,
and Donnely (2010), job satisfaction is someone's attitude towards their service, that attitude comes from their

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perception of their work. George and Jones (2007), job satisfaction is a collection of feelings, beliefs, and
thoughts about how a person responds to his work. (Donni, 2016). Job satisfaction is a collection of employees'
feelings towards their work, whether they like / dislike / dislike / dislike as a result of employee interactions with
the work environment or as a perception of mental attitude, as well as the results of employee evaluations of their
work. Employees' feelings about work reflect their attitudes and behavior at work. (Donni, 2016). Indicators of
job satisfaction according to Malthis (2008) cited in the journal Titik Rosita and Tri Yuniati 2016, are as follows:
- Enjoys the work
- Loves the work
- Work morale
- Discipline
- Work performance

Employee Performance

Mathis and Jackson (2001), performance is basically what employees do or don't do in carrying out their
work. Rivai and Sagala (2009), performance is a real behavior that is displayed by everyone as a work
achievement produced by employees in accordance with their role in the organization. (Donni, 2016). Benardin
and Russel (2000), performance is the result of being produced by certain job functions over a certain period of
time. the results of the work are the results of women's abilities, expertise, and desires that are achieved. (Donni,
2016). Performance evaluation indicators according to Mondy, Noe, Premeaux (1999). (Donni, 2016).
- Job quantity
- Quality of work
- Independence
- initiative
- Adaptability
- Cooperation


Work Environment
Job Satisfaction

Figure 1. Research Framework

Source: Researcher data, 2018.

1. H1: The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
2. H2: Employee job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance
3. H3: The work environment and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee

This research uses a quantitative approach, quantitative approach is used to measure the effect between
the variables tested both directly and indirectly. with this approach it is hoped that efforts to understand employee
performance and the factors that influence it can be carried out comprehensively, thus this research is also a
causal research (cause and effect). This research was conducted on the employees of PT. Nesinak Industries. The
place of this research is PT Nesinak Industries, located at Jl. Akasia 3 block A3 no.08 (Delta Silicone 01), Bekasi,

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West Java, Indonesia. The time will take place in this study for 5 months, from April 2018 - August 2018. The
data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis method.


Validity and Reliability Test

All items in each variable Correct Item-Total Correlation values are above the value of r table that is
greater than 0.2096, thus it is stated that all statement items in the questionnaire are declared valid, so that they
can be used in research. Cronbach Alpha values for variables X1, Variables X2 and Y are above 0,700, which
means that they are very reliable. Thus the data can be used for research.

Classic assumption Test

The classic assumption test aims to test whether in the regression model, the independent variable and the
dependent variable both have normal data distribution or not.

Normality Test

Figure 2. P-Plot
Source: SPSS Output, 2018.

Testing the normality graphically produces a Normal P-P plot of the residual regression data that can be
seen in the figure. The graph shows that the distribution of residual value points on the Normal P-P plot plot
spreads around and follows the direction of the diagonal line. This shows that the variable data used for the
multiple regression analysis came from normally distributed data.

Multicollinearity Test

Table 1. Multicollinearity Test


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 4,764 1,860 2,5 ,01

61 2

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Work ,586 ,111 ,560 5,2 ,00 ,173 5,784

Environemnt 70 0

Job ,423 ,120 ,373 3,5 ,00 ,173 5,784

Satisfaction 13 1
Source: SPSS Output, 2018.

In the multicollinearity test table obtained each independent variable has a value of Tolerance = 0.173 and
VIF 5.784. Because the Tolerance value is greater than the minimum requirement (0.173> 0.10) and the VIF
value is lower than the maximum requirement (5.784 <10), it can be concluded that the multiple linear regression
analysis does not have multicollinearity problems (the model developed is appropriate).

Heteroscedasticity Test

Figure 3. Scatterplot
Source: SPSS Output, 2018.

The scatter plot graph shows that the points calculated (the intersection between the residual and predictive
values) are relatively randomly spread above and below the origin and do not form certain patterns. It can be said
that the multiple regression analysis of X1 and X2 against Y is really linear because it does not have a
heteroscedasticity problem so that the multiple linear regression analysis can be continued.

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Table 2. Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 4,764 1,860 2,561 ,012

Work Environemnt ,586 ,111 ,560 5,270 ,000

Job Satisfaction ,423 ,120 ,373 3,513 ,001
Source: SPSS Output, 2018.

From the table above, a double linear regression equation model can be arranged based on column B. The
multiple linear regression equation model results of the study are as follows:

Ŷ = 4.765 + 0.586X1 + 0.423X2

The multiple linear regression equation model results of the analysis can be interpreted as follows:

• A constant value of a = 4,765, meaning that if X1 and X2 rise or are positive, then Y will rise or be

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• Regression coefficient X1 of b1 = 0.586 indicates that X1 has an effect on Y in a positive direction.

• Regression coefficient X2 of b2 = 0.423 indicates that X2 influences Y in a positive direction.

Table 3. Simultaneous Test Results

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1422,633 2 711,316 213,404 ,000b
Residual 283,322 85 3,333
Total 1705,955 87
Source: SPSS Output, 2018.


Effect of Work Environment on Employee Performance

The first hypothesis that presented a positive and significant effect between the work environment on
employee performance was 58.6%. Based on the partial test results for the work environment variables obtained
tcount = 5.270 with a significance value of 0.000 with a probability of less than 0.05 and tcount smaller than
ttable. This shows that partially the work environment variables, that there is an influence of the work
environment on employee performance.

Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

The second hypothesis which presents a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction on employee
performance by 42.3%. Based on the partial test results for the variable work satisfaction obtained tcount = 3.513
with a significant value of 0.001 with a significant probability far less than 0.05 and tcount greater than ttable
then. This shows that partially job satisfaction variables, that there is an influence of job satisfaction variables on
employee performance.

Effect of Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

The third hypothesis that presents the influence of work environment and job satisfaction together on
employee performance. This means that the work environment and job satisfaction together affect employee
performance. Based on the results of simultaneous tests can be seen in the value of the F test and significant.
Because the significant probability is much smaller than the value of 0.05 and the value of Fcount = 213.404 is
greater than Ftable = 4.02. This shows that simultaneously which states that there is a joint influence between
work environment variables and job satisfaction on employee performance.

From the conclusions of the hypothesis testers that have been done, the results of the analysis of the factors
affecting employee performance indicate that work environment factors have a positive relationship with
employee performance. This shows that the work environment factors significantly influence employee
performance, meaning that in this case the work environment for employee performance needs to be improved
to improve employee performance. Based on the analysis of the factors that affect employee performance shows
that job satisfaction factors have a positive relationship with employee performance. This shows that job
satisfaction factors significantly influence employee performance, meaning that in this case job satisfaction is
important in improving employee performance. The results of the analysis of the factors that affect employee
performance appear that together (simultaneously) the two variables namely the work environment variables and
job satisfaction analyzed affect employee performance. This shows that simultaneous work environment and job
satisfaction significantly influence employee performance.

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Volume 2, Issue 1 available at http://e-journal.stie-kusumanegara.ac.id

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