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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752


Mohamad Shammout*1
*1Master Graduate At Istanbul Aydin University, Social Science Institute, Istanbul, Turkey.
A good work environment is essential for guaranteeing employee performance and avoiding excessive stress,
which can negatively impact job performance. Several aspects of the working environment have a role in job
satisfaction and employee performance. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate firstly the relationship
between the employee performance and work environment and determining the impact of work environment
has on employees’ performances at work. A real estate company Investo Global was chosen for this study sue to
accessibility and feasibility. The target population of the study was found to be 120, through the RAO Soft
sample size was found to be 92 which were the respondents of the study and will be tested, with confidence
level of 95% while remaining 5% was considered as error. To collect data a structured quantitative
questionnaire was adapted from the prior research with permission and referenced. A mixed methodology was
selected for this study. The data collected is analyzed through SPSS, the cross-sectional approach was used. To
test the data each of the questions were separately first analyzed and interpreted and to see the contribution of
each variable and contribution to the work performance of Investo Global employees, Pearson’s Correlation
Analysis was used to see relationship of variables. The factors which were selected for measuring work
environment were employee benefits, supervisors and coworker’s support, training and development,
adequate workload, physical work environment. The results show all the variables had a significant and
positive relationship with employee performance. The most dominating variable out of all was employee
benefits as considered by the employees of Investo Global which effect their work performance greatly.
Keywords: Work Environment, Employees’ Performance, Employees, Work Environment.
The efforts and the performance of the workforce is the soul and the heart of an organization. Performance of
the employees greatly participates in the success of the organization. A great difference can be noted even with
a slightest of change in the employees’ performance, an exceptional performance leads to exceptional
performance of the organization. Crucial measures must be taken for meeting the end goals on the organization.
The employees’ behavior is influenced by the work environment that depicts effectiveness and the efficiency at
the work environment (BUSHIRI, 2017).
The humans are affected by surroundings whether in the physical forms or it be a non-physical form are
considered as the environment. The literal meaning of work environment is the surroundings in which people
work in for achieving goals of the organization. This includes tools, systems, structures, and procedures which
includes all things effecting performance of the employees it may either impact negatively or positively
(Satyvendra, 2019). A research by (BUSHIRI, 2017) refers to work environment where group of people work in
completing the task. The physical environment of the workplace environment is the location and the
surrounding area with tangible assets in the work area such as ventilation, noise levels, quality of air in the
workplace, parking lots, tangible perks for example lunch, tea, and coffees, building of offices, setup of the office
(Mathew, 2015).
Advancement in technology have also brought in more competitive challenges for fulfilling the organizational
demands of work environment. The incentives and physical set up is just one factor of the workplace
environment, the workplace environment also includes the intangible factors that have a vital role in the
success of any organization which cannot be seen but can be measured via success and results of those
intangible facts for example policies, incentives, rules, work culture, work relationship, supervisor’s support,
compatibility with colleagues and many more factors (Genzorová, 2017).
The pointers for employee performance for administration could be measured via various factors works
commitments (Schaufeli et al. 2006), family struggles due to work (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1995), depression
(Radloff, 1987), work identity, job fit (Kristof-Brown et al., 2006), job satisfaction (Hackman and Oldham, 1976)
and many more aspects. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Working environment can stimulate job effectiveness. Nonetheless, workplace is a forerunner for the
employees’ achievement and performance (Ángel del Brío, et al. 2007). The employees’ performance with the
job satisfaction level have been seen in relationship amongst different employees and how it affects those
(Böckermanand Ilmakunnas, 2012). Increased level of job satisfaction shows greater level of employees’
achievement at work even in complicated jobs for longer run Blase, 2002; Manthei, and Solmon, 2008).
Moreover, if an employee feels he is a misfit at work, it does not mean he necessarily is not appropriate for job
or does not possess the skills to do it. There might be various other work environmental reasons that might
stress them out and make them think they are an unsuitable match for their job, eventually effecting their work
performance as observed by a study (Sturman and Walsh, 2014). For instance, if he is demanded work with out
of his capacity and is not given enough support to do that job or enough time for it. Even though he might be
given rewards in achieving those targets. He might still be not satisfied causing job stress and no support from
the supervisor as stated by (Leblebici, 2012). It would also result in low productivity and performance.
The working environment and job dissatisfaction not only leads to poor performance of employees but also
may psychologically affect them making them feel demotivated and restlessness at work eventually effecting
success of an organization (Abowd, et al. 1999). Consequently, presently employees are focused on current
situation and occurrence of work environment to measure the employees’ performance at different working
environment and to see at what conditions employees work best (Satyvendra, 2019).
Indivuduals are happy to have a job as to financially manage themselves for survival but they no longer see
workplace as their second home, even though they sepnt most of their day’s time at workplace. They often feel
they are forced in accomodating themselves into uncomforatble environmental conditions in office place which
gradually results in depression, stress and even detoriates their health in long run (Jena, 2016).
Working environmental conditions are key determinants of work quality and employees’ performance level
(Genzorová, 2017). The way working environment engages employees influence their desires in learning new
skills and capabilities and also affect their motivation levels in their performance and productivity as examined
by (BUSHIRI, 2017). An increasinlgy growing competition amongst compewting firms and even amongst the
countries; effective and efficient performance from employees has become a must need for any firm (Awan,
The literature by Minarsih, Gagah and Suwati in the year 2016, have explained that the main objective of work
for an individual is not only getting paid but also to feel self satisfied and comfortable under the working
conditions they face everyday. The performance of employees are influenced by many factors suc as working
conditions, motivation level, support and leadership much more as shown in the study by (Satyvendra, 2019).
To achieve lofty aims, the organizations need to focus on even small things that might impoct their goals.
Employees are an unavoidable assets of an organization who are greatly impacting the goals of an
organizationm if not performing well. Poor environmental conditions at work and poor managemnt by
supervisors might lead to bigger difference in achieving their goals. Thus making it hard to achieve and at times
impossible to meet those objectives in worst conditions (Okasheh2, 2017).
However, all organizations have different sets of workforce working in their organizations, it would be logaical
to say employees’ performance can be the consequences of organizational performances and they are directly
interlinked with eachother as seen in the research Shaheen and Shafi, 2011; Mehdi, Ajabe, Hashim and
Solomon, 2012; Huselid, 2017. Subsequently, failure of individuals or poor performance of staff working in four
walls taking diverse task and not been taken care of their needs result in oorganizational failure.
The study by Popoola, Ayeni and Tella 2017, stated organizations that are well managed will always see their
workers as root resources in gaining productivity, performance and quality. Such organizations not only look at
employees as capital investments but as a fundamental source of their improvement and success. For
achieveing improvement and ultimately success a rising need for satisfying employees at workplace by
improving working environment is required to make them loyal and committed to their work (Leblebici, 2012)
The pivotal role played by the workplace environment keeps the employees’ cool and contented towards work.
That’s why the organizations should pay keen attention towards the working environment the location of the
office, design, policies, and procedures that they formulate ensuring it to boost employees’’ motivation at work @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
that they are determined in achieving their target objectives thereby to generate productivity and optimizing
employees’ performances at work (Awan, 2015). A research by (Jena, 2016) reports efficiency, effectiveness,
and core competencies as the key factors of the performances of employee evaluation to attract potential
customers and to retain them by delivering good quality service leading to organizational success.
Few of the research as mentioned above have explained the importance of working environment on the
performances of the employees, which further either directly or indirectly effects in the organizational success.
This study will be discussing the factors of the workplace environment in details and their effects on the
performances of the employees at work.
1.1. Study problem
The aim of this study is to discover the effects of the workplace environment on the employees’ performances
at work. This study focuses on examining current work environment in organizations and to analyze employee
performances in that environment. The workplace environment will be explored in the study through various
factors that affect its employees and their behavior at work.
The identified problem in the ever growing and the evolving market have also brought advancement in the
organizational practices along with which the organizations are also been exposed to several noticeable
challenges and changes for example, higher rate of turnover as compared to prior years, dissatisfaction of
employees at work, poor work conditions, intensity in the workload etc.
The facts mentioned above have brought in many concerns for the organizations which also questions the
success of organizations. These facts are evident that there are issues unknown or unsolved at workplace which
influences employees’ performances at work thus prevents them to work also efficiently and effectively
increasing their dissatisfaction in employees, demotivating them eventually impacts on the organization’s
success. Therefore, this study will firstly analyze what factors are involved in the workplace environment and
then study their effects on the employees’ wellbeing at work and specifically their performances.
The performance of employees in firm is a significant asset for sustaining productivity level and performance of
employees at work. Unfortunately, the main organizational and/or industries work environment in considered
unhealthy and unsafe. Borman (2004) stated factors that affect working environment influencing employees’
performances. Ilic and Khamisa, Oldenburg Peltzer (2015) stated that there is more attention required in
dealing and identification of workplace environmental conditions that influence the employees’ performance
and health. The employees’ can be diversely and negatively influenced towards the working conditions and
perceive work environment with negativity which might cause them chronic stress and sufferings every day.
Opperman (2002) referred work environment as systems, procedures, tools, structure and/or conditions at the
working place of an employee which could be favorable or unfavorable to the productivity levels of individuals.
Rules, policies, resources, culture, work relationship, locations, internal and the external factors of environment
all are included under the umbrella of work environment influencing job functions and performances. Prior
studies, viewed one aspect with one general fact which would influence job satisfaction of employees like
promotions, pays, empowerment of employees, remuneration, psychological empowerment, workload, health
facilities and more. All these mentioned factors were from the previous research namely Rizwan & Mukhtar,
2014; Universities Case & Nyanchoka, 2017; Kamariah, Po Li; Za-hirah, 2012 Breau & Rhéaume, 2014; Raziq &
Maulabakhsh, 2015; Sun, 2016).
1.2. Importance of the Study.
This research will open more meaningful concerns thus paving way for future research as the study is being
conducted in the anticipation of it. The finding will help research to have insightful knowledge of the two
variables namely working environment and the employee’ performance at work and their relationship with
each other. The researchers will be able to get more possible outcomes and therefore opportunities to them for
researching on the broad topic.
For the organizations, this study will help them to review and reevaluate their working conditions,
environmental policies and revising them accordingly in the best possible way to meet the needs and
satisfaction of their employees at workplace and to meet the organizational goals. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Moreover, the paper will also be addressing solutions to identified problems in the best possible way therefore
contributing to assist in the future studies as resourceful material for the studies conducted in the same/similar
domain. Thus, the study will also be depicting the present needs and the demands of the workforce at
workplace which would help organizations to improve and shape their policies according to the wellbeing of
their employees.
The importance of this studies lies in delivering a clear and right message to the readers respective to the topic
of the significance of keeping the working environment comfortable and pleasant for the employees at work. It
will also communicate about the outcomes how keeping the workplace environment contributes to the
increased and improved work performances thus eventually yielding organizational productivity.
These are following points divided as follow:
• Organization’s performance plays important role in the GDP of country. Therefore, this paper has good
importance over this.
• The failure of any organization in market could be a reason of employees’ performance level, when
organization’s overlook the importance of giving attention to employees at work.
• The paper aims to find importance of workplace environment and how it influences the employees’
work performance.
1.3. Study Objectives.
The objective of the study is to examine the impact of workplace environment of employees’ performance. This
research will develop the understanding of two variables namely workplace environment and the employee
performance and the relationship amongst these two variables. The objective of this research is clearly defined
into two categories as below:
Primary Objectives
• Checking whether there is any relationship that is significant between the workplace environment and
employees’ performance
• Finding out whether there is any impact of the employee benefits, workload, coworker’s support,
training and development and the physical factors on employees’ performance.
Secondary objectives
• Finding new solutions, recommendations, suggestions, ideas in changing work environment to improve
employees’ performances.
• Absorbing the dynamic and diverse knowledge of work environment in the real estate sector.
• To have recommendations for future researchers.
1.4 Purpose of Study
The aim of this research is reducing errors and any delays that are caused by the weak workplace environment
thus effecting the employees’ performances to perform the tasks for improving them to work with efficiency
and effectiveness.
1.5. Study Hypothesis.
H0: Work environment has no significant relationship with employees’ performance
H1: Work environment has a significant relationship with employee’ performance
H20: There is no significant impact of training and development on employees’ performance
H2: There is a significant impact of training and development on employees’ performance
H30: There is no significant impact of employee benefits on employees’ performance
H3: There is a significant impact of employee benefits on employees’ performance
H40: There is no significant impact of physical factors on employees’ performance
H4: There is a significant impact of physical factors on employees’ performance
H50: There is no significant impact of workload on employees’ performance
H5: There is a significant impact of workload on employees’ performance @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
H60: There is no significant impact of supervisor and coworkers’ support on employees’ performance
H6: There is a significant impact of supervisor and coworkers’ support on employees’ performance
1.6. Importance of employee development.
People generally consider employee development as an intrusive factor which could be achieved via group
training. Unfortunately, it is not the only factor but one of many factors to be considered in the development of
employees while the rest of the factors are generally overlooked. The employee development could be
manifested via various ways of evaluation, feedback, educational programs, and training. If the execution is
correctly implemented the training of the employees’ performance at workplace can encourage many positive
factors such as growth within employees and the organization they work in (Katcher and Snyder, 2003).
1.7. Employee Performance.
Amongst the main issues of the current organizations is the employees’ performance level in yielding desired
results. Prior studies have had studied employees’ performances via various aspects which were found in the
domain of the organizational behavior- OB and the human resources-HR (Nur Shifaa Athirah Saidi1, 2019).
Having an effective human resource management in an organization means to have an efficient workforce with
an improved work performances which is an essential part of any organization to meet the desired results and
success. Whereas the performance of employees is the significant achievement of the task after the execution of
employees’ efforts on the work. The performance of employees is imperative for the organizational success
(Genzorová, 2017)
Previous research suggested the deployment of lucrative incentives schemes for motivating their employees for
their meaningful and useful participation at job would give out remarkable results (Utin Nina Hermina1, 2019).
Simultaneously, few but prominent fragmented sources gave of evidence that employees are escalated by
financial rewards and offers thus elevating their performance level. More sources show offers such as
promotions, participations, and appraisals motivates the employees to perform better with devotion and
dedication (Mohamed, 2016).
There has been an unpredictable growth in the business market environment as per the competition intensity.
The organizations are being challenged to keep up with the fast-paced changes in the market to meet new
standards in market. Thereby, these challenges could be accepted and achieved only by keeping the work staff
on their toes, keeping them aware of the new market trends with updates standards improving their
performances at work (Awan, 2015). If the new challenges are not met an organization would face various
alarming problems which may put their organizations at risk (Ali, 2016).
The organizational objectives could be achieved via determination (A. Firmansyah, 2020). The organizational
resources and valuable assets in abundance are meaningless until the employees’ performance are not
appropriately allocated in achieving organizational goals and objectives with meeting targets timely (BUSHIRI
C. P., 2014). The performance of employees are the work quality employees perform and the achievement of the
objectives in accordance with the employees’ responsibility they have been assigned with. Another research by
(Genzorová, 2017), refers to performance of employees as work standards, predetermined criteria, targets,
objectives achieved within a certain time and achieved desired results individually and as a team is a successful
employee, performance.
(Nur Shifaa Athirah Saidi1, 2019) describes performance level of employees simply as the doings of the
individual with the assigned responsibilities. The management of performance refers to the activities carried
out by the upper management in improving the performances of individual employees, to achieve
organizational goals collectively including individual work and group works of an organization (Genzorová,
(Franklin Dang Kum, 2014) stated an action or actions of employees doing in carrying out work in achieving
objectives of organization. The performance is a series and combination of traits, abilities, and skills that
employees have for execution in the appropriate time and where it is required for achieving goals in time with
desired outcomes (Mathew, 2015).
For a better understanding of the jobs, the relationship between people, situational factors, performance,
productivity and all these aspects are to be analyzed. Job performance is considered one of the significant @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
factors influencing the organizational profitability (Nátalia Stalmašeková, 2017). Employees’ performance is a
leading factor for achieving business success (Utin Nina Hermina1, 2019). The individual performance level in
achieving tasks is not only beneficial for the organization but it also creates a satisfaction level within the
employees itself (N. Kamarulzaman, 2011).
The behavior and/or activities executed for accomplishing objectives and goals of an organization is known to
be employee performance (Yingjun, 2019). The work done by individuals and/or groups in each time to achieve
task reflecting the quality of work done to accomplish objectives is called job performance (Satyvendra, 2019).
This is an essential component of any organization which greatly influence organizational succes and it’s
sustainability in long run.
Various factors influence performance level in job of an employee which includes physical working
environment, standardized operating procedures and policies, meaningfulness in work done, equipment being
used for doing the work, reward in the system (good/bad), performance expectancies, performance feedback,
skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors (Okasheh, 2017). The physical working environment is a vast and
prominent aspect under the work environment which greatly influence the performance and productivity of
the employees and has been vastly researched and studied as it can intervene, hinder, and/or set limits of the
series of work behavior displayed by employees having potential influence on the task being performed.
1.8. Work environment.
The work environment refer to day to day efficiency in work and productivity including how the work is being
done, where it is being done and when was it done and all the elements associated with it which are required to
do that work comes under the work environment (Jena, 2016). The career development of any employee can be
improved if they pursue good opportunities with healthy and positive work environment which is comfortable
and satisfactory to work in and helps in achieving both individual and organizational success with alignment of
its core values.
Work environment is said to be the physical settings or conditions, social features, all other aspects that are
directly or indirectly affecting performance in a job of an employee and all the organization in general comes
under the term work environment. These elements of work environment can impact in various ways like it may
influence the wellbeing of an individual, relationship with colleagues at organization, collaboration, efficiency,
health of employee and more (Awan, 2015). Company culture, condition where work in being done, physical
working conditions are few elements that signifies the work environment at any organization (Ali, 2016).
The employees having positive and a healthy mental condition at work provided with a good and positive work
situations is having motivational strength in obtaining desired organizational results and such employees may
outperform with exceptional outcomes. The persistence of motivation in an employee is considered a driving
force in achieving desired goals with positivity and satisfaction (BUSHIRI C. P., 2014). A contribution process
with determining perseverance, intensity and direction to meet objectives and targets is a measure of
individual and group performance and analyzing how well the targets are being achieved (Franklin Dang Kum,
The workplace environment is simply a physical location where an employee perform their daily tasks
(Genzorová, 2017). The place could either be as small and private as a home office or as public and big as any
big organization, industry. The work area is one significant social place where a centric concept for various
things and multiple activities take place on daily basis which are very important in shaping one organization
and even one’s future of the career they have (Satyvendra, 2019).
The advancement in technology with newer and more integrated communication system have led to a newer
way of working such as virtual workspaces, this is a kind of workplace which is not found in its physical form
but it does exist and multiple activities takes place within this system. Other typical and traditional work
environment includes the workplace itself, the structure of the workplace, air quality, noise levels, temperature,
other benefits like coffee stations, parking lots, childcare facilities and much more.
A workplace environment which is thought to be perfect or at least close to perfect is the one which makes the
employees feel secure, safe, stress free, engaged, motivated, and satisfied doing their job in, they feel the place is
like their second home to them. The employee is enthusiastic coming to work daily and gets enough time to @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
spend with his/her family as well. The engagement scholars such as Schaufeli et al. (2006) refers the positive
work environment as "absorption, dedication and vigor" addressing the non-work and work roles at working
Employees working in a positive and systematic work environment is confident in their work and feel their
work is not demanding more than what is required from them, they are nor using up their family time at work
or other non-work meaningful activities and roles they have for achieving the work targets they have (Nátalia
Stalmašeková, 2017). They are positively and emotionally connected with their work which are characterized
with good and positive feelings and vibes, they experience goodness and conduction of positivity, liveliness in
doing it. They have great balance over work and private life, these individuals have feeling of appreciation, and
have a good fit of their capabilities with work requirements.
Anything existing and surrounding the individuals can easily affect while he is working is a work environment
(Ali, 2016). Both the external and the internal conditions influencing work spirits resulting in effecting the work
of any employee in their performances is known to be workplace environment. A decent workplace
environment is a place where employees can perform their job securely, ideally, in healthy atmosphere, in their
comfort zone, with stress-free condition.
Various studies have categorized the working environment of many organizations to be toxic and conducive as
found in the research by Chaddha, Pandey and Noida, 2011; Metiboba, 2012; Assaf and Alswalha, 2013;
Akinyele, 2010 these are few of many research papers who identified the work environment practiced in
organizations to be unhealthy and imperfect. (Genzorová, 2017) believed the layout and design of an
organization particularly the physical conditions influence on the work behavior of an employee. Banking
system is important for the economy (Ugurlu,2019). An indicated by (Nátalia Stalmašeková, 2017), few factors
influencing work conditions are water supply both fresh drinking and using, cleanliness, coloring, lighting,
music, security, temperature, and ventilation.
Various studies on work environment stated employees show their satisfaction through the work environment
they have been provided with. The features that included in work environment and preferred by the employees
which are contributing to their workspaces performances and satisfaction are sufficient natural lighting,
ventilation, acoustic environmental conditions, air quality, good smell, temperature Veitch, Charles, Geerts and
Marquardt, 2008.
Ergonomic furniture has also been discussed to have positive impact on health of workers, therefore
employees’ productivity level in a study by Hameed and Amjad, 2009; Dilani, 2004; Walters and Glencross,
2010; Veitch and Newsham, 2000. A survey was conducted in 31 branches of a particular bank which confirmed
that having an ergonomic and a convenient design in office encourages work staff in increasing and improving
their performances greatly at work. The author Chandrasekar, 2011 also asserted unhealthy and unsafe
working conditions such as poorly ventilated workspace, immoderate noise, inadequacy in lighting, poor air
quality, inappropriate temperature influence employees’’ productivity and destroy their health and mind.
1.9. Destructive Working Environment.
A toxic work environment diversely effects employees starting from their health issues and mental conditions.
A toxic environment at work can be characterized as stressful working conditions, restricted information flow,
unclear work task, inflexible work situations, lack of communication with supervisor and amongst coworkers,
misunderstanding amongst colleagues and upper level of management, all these gaps and issues may create
real objective and message of an organization to get defamed and workers may get unclear messages which
may create insufficient understanding or even be incorrect in worst situations (Ali, 2016).
Imbalance in work-life of an employee could also be one major factor for poor performance level from an
employee. The employees maybe facing an issue on getting time off from work when they require it (Hermina,
2019). Organizational culture could be another most significant toxic trait of any organization, for instance
maybe an organization is prioritizing the results to achieve organization’s objectives in the expense their
workforce retention, satisfaction at work, their mental health.
These toxic traits and worse working conditions in an organization may not give required attention to their
workforce wellbeing resulting in bad influence in the organizational image and in worse situation even decline @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
of organizational success. If such organizational behavior stays for a long term the organization may exacerbate
the situation even more and influence the workers performance badly that may give big losses to the
organizations and not meeting targets and objectives with desired expected results and in desired time
(Genzorová, 2017).
1.10. Job Stress.
Individuals are pressurized with meeting demands with insufficient resources provided to them effects their
physical and psychological health, this state is called stress. Stress created in individuals cannot be compared to
other individuals, therefore there is not exact measure of stress which could be considered for all.
Achievements of goals are weakened for both individuals and/or organizations if an individual is in stress
(Michie, 2002).
The key principles which helps in preventing work stress includes opportunities given to employees in
participating freely in his/her working situations, to bring in positive changes in development of their skills and
improvement in their work, technology used to help them to efficiently perform their work with ease and
adapting to mental aptitudes and physical conditions in their own way.
Organizational works, job content and daily targets should be designed in such a manner that individuals’
performing them are not exposed to in any case to the mental or physical stress which, maybe a leading fact to
accidents or illnesses. Remuneration forms and work hours distribution should also be considered while
designing jobs, restricted and excessively controlled work design should be limited and/or avoided; the work
should be such that it gives opportunities to learn new things, variety in daily tasks, social interactions, training,
and coherence between various operations at work. It should give opportunities for vocational and personal
development and self-determination, create professional responsibilities (Gardelland Gustavsen, 2008).
1.11. Constructive Working Environment.
The work conditions which balances both the happiness of the employees at work and also prioritizes success
of organization is referred as having a positive and near to perfect work environment (Kamarulzaman,
2018).An organization which cares for its staff and ensures the organizational includes balance of work-life
easier for its employees such as flexible working conditions for instance allowing the employees to work from
home when they need it, having unobstructed flow of ideas between employees and managers with no fear to
experiencing mean compliments and negative criticism, pay off policies, reasonable vacation periods etc.
While designing the work environment, the interior and exterior spaces of an organization should be
considered, it should be designed in such a way that it is spacious enough for the employees to perform their
work, it should not interrupt their privacy at the same time ensuring their work has transparency and are not
questionable, separate rooms or places for lunch and meeting rooms should be included (Awan, 2015).
Apart from spaces in office there are numerous more factors to focus on like opportunities for employees such
as activities, trips, trainings, discussions that may increase employees’ morale helping them to feel good and
achieve goals of organization (Kamarulzaman, 2018). Employees should have clear knowledge of organizational
mission and objectives. Organization is also responsible to take good care of their employees in respect to their
wellbeing like giving them sick leaves, having their health insurances, paid off leaves, vacations, trips etc.
These were few of the considerations which have been mentioned there are more factors that should be
considered for creating a workplace with positivity and a healthy environment which encourages growth
(BUSHIRI, 2017, Ugurlu,2009). Precisely, humanely treatment giving to employees but rather not using them as
tools in an organization is key success factor for any workplace environment.
1.12. Importance of Constructive Working Environment.
Work environment which is positive yields remarkable and noticeable results motivating and engaging
employees in their work leads in increased level of satisfaction and decrease in retention in an organization,
creating a healthy and happy work environment free of stress and negativity (Genzorová, 2017).Work
environment which is healthy encourages employees to share their thoughts and ideas at work, allowing them
to participate organization’s meeting discussions for the success of organizational goals and helps it to grow
(Hermina, 2019). Positivity in workplace increases motivation and dedication towards job enhancing @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
productivity level and reduces absenteeism, which also reduces employees’ compensation on medical claims
and health related issues (Kum, 2014).
1.13. Work Commitment.
The employees’ positively and emotionally connected to their job and organization is referred as work
commitment. Various studies aimed to discover various ways for improving employees’ experiences of the job
they do, to increase their commitment towards their work and organization. Three of work commitment
components are affection commitment, continuance commitment and the normative commitment as suggested
by an author (Meyer and Allen, 1991), which are categorized in accordance with psychological states.
The model had two aims; firstly, to help interpreting existing research and serving as framework for further
research (Meyer and Allen, 1991). The three mentioned components of commitment characterizes employees’
commitment to his/her work. The commitment of employees predict variables of work like turnover rate,
behavior of organization, job performances, productivity and all activities included in an organization.
Job insecurities, stress at work, workload, controlled and restricted environment are few of the negative
attributes which distance the commitment of employees at organization (Meyer, et al. 2007). Scientists found
work environment as a key factor in job satisfaction level of employees which have been studies at several
decades and has been a matter of discussion between job analysts.
The relationship between satisfaction level and commitment of an individual’s work proves employees to be
satisfied and has strong commitments towards his/her job. A strong relation have been observed in prior
various studies between job satisfaction and the commitment to organization of staff in multiple countries.
Furthermore, prior results of research indicated a significant relation between job satisfaction and employees’
commitment to job, and showed satisfaction as a predictor which is reliable to measure commitment at job
(Dirani and Kuchinke, 2011;Veličković, et al. 2014).
1.14. Workload on employees.
Increased level of workload in employees have greater influence of stress level on the employees. In the year
2017 a survey conducted by (BUSHIRI C. P., 2017), showed 60% of the employees agreed upon the workload
been increased over the past five years’ time. The most challenging task at work for the employees’ heavier
workloads with competing deadlines were very difficult to around which was proved by about 25%
respondents in the survey. 22% respondents expressed biggest barriers at work were the excessive amount of
workload which created almost impossible to balance work and personal life. The survey clearly depicted how
the excessive workload significantly influenced the employees at job. The results were alarming, the aftermath
of such situations should be realized on prior basis, to avoid key concerns of the employees’ issues and resolve
them on immediate basis.
Excessive workload comes with stress and exhaustion in an employee and it negatively influences their spirits,
productivity, health, morale, and motivation level (Al-Shammari, 2015). The organizations must plan out
workload equally, evenly distributing it between the employees and in the number of days one should complete
the task should be achievable and practical to do it, to avoid and burden and stress on any employee (Mohamed,
2016). To plan things on prior basis is not only benefitting employees but it also helps firm to have an efficient
and healthy growth.
The work divided evenly between days and amongst employees reduces stress level, workload and chances of
error made, which means it also saves time for correction Competing market conditions compel the employees
to compromise over workload, whether due to job insecurity or due to financial issues (Mathew, 2015). The
staff working for longer time at job are considered as being committed and loyal to an organization. A very
common practice by the employers is to impose long extra working hours for completing tasks and meeting
deadlines. Employees who work overtime are dedicated and responsible towards their job. Such practices
results in burnout and increased stress level in the employees which can be identified in long terms.
The employees exposed to stress and burnouts diversely influence performance in an organization (Hermina,
2019). Excessive workload creates difficulty in meeting deadlines, frequent conflicts amongst employees,
demotivation, and restlessness as observed in employees. Poor mental health, sleep deprivation, detachment to @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
work, fatigue are few notable apparent symptoms observed in employees who struggle with workload (Kum,
Several more research proved direct relationship of exhaustion in employees due to workload influencing their
work performance (Genzorová, 2017). A diminishing level of performance could be observed over the time of
employees’ having lots of workloads for a long time. Digestive disorder and higher blood pressure is another
prominent disease employees have been seen suffering from who are influenced from the job burnouts (A.
Awan, 2015).
The workload employees face on frequent basis are underestimated and overlooked while evaluating HR
management policies and rules. In accordance with the research by (Kum, 2014), in his report he found out
46% of it’s informants reported to have job stress at work due to heavy workloads they faced on daily basis.
Around 26% of informants expressed burnouts frequently due to higher workloads. Workloads causes fatigue,
stress, exhaustion and anxiety resulting in health sufferings, low performance at work, conflicts at workplace,
accidents and injuries. Some of the noticeable aspects of heavy workloads influencing performances of
employees are poorer health, low morale, freqently occurring errors, less innovation and creativeness seen in
employees, less interests, poor communication.
1.15. Managing of Employees’ workload.
The management of workload of employees on regular basis is healthy practice for organization and employee
both. Managing workload also decreases employee turnover rates, improving level of performance which helps
to generate higher return for organization (BUSHIRI, 2017). Efficiency and effectiveness should not be avoided
while managing workload as efficiency is an important factor in achieving organizational goals. Excess
workload with short deadlines increases the chances of making error (Genzorová, 2017). Organizations should
be structured and organized in such a way that employees have flexibility in performing their work both in
normal days and when there is excessive workdays, a combination of less workdays and more workdays,
decreases the chances of burn outs in employees. Heavy workload should not be a frequent practice from the
organization as it impacts the work environment in an organization negatively (Hermina, 2019).
There are various way to cut down workloads, one way could be cutting off meaningless and irrelevant tasks
from work and revising the work which is time consuming with efficiency (Jena, 2016). Sometimes the
organization needs to outsource a task rather than making it do in the organization itself as a wise decision.
This is when an organization believes the task could not be performed by the employees requires expert and is
time consuming, from which time could be saved and used for other important tasks (Kum, 2014). The
organizations are sometimes required to spend money to hire experts or to buy advance equipment for
automating some tasks, to lessen the workload of the employees so that they can focus more or other tasks
where their attention is more needed.
To schedule workload before the business cycle even begins, is not an extra work but a necessity which every
business should practice (Mathew, 2015). A standard way cannot be allocated for managing workload as all
organizations and businesses are operated in different way which requires different ways to manage workload,
but planning strategies and activities needed to be done ahead of time is a wise practice for all firms. This helps
organization to be ready for facing any challenges that may come ahead and helps the employees to focus on
main issues.
Reducing workload also gives opportunity to employees in participating various beneficial activities at work
which can encourage discussion in meetings by individuals, trainings, workshops, team building and more
interactive and social activities which is ultimately helpful in improving work environment of any organization
(Mohamed, 2016). Such activities help in boosting motivation in employees and build strong bond between
employees and organization. It also develop understanding between all employees. The employees who are
feeling down and fatigue can be motivated and uplifted by the support from their colleagues and supervisor.
There should be a collaborative and even distribution of work for all the team (Awan, 2015)
Employees build foundation of any organization; they are the ones who can make or even break the structure of
organization. The organization should ensure the people working in the organization are productive all times
or at least most of the times, they work with diligence and motivation, they are focused on their job (BUSHIRI, @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
2017). It is inevitable that even the best of the employees can get low and distracted from work, feeling
disengaged with what they do, therefore effecting their performances (Al-Shammari, 2015). Conflict at office,
insufficient or no training, stress at job, poor or disconnected communication are prominent and apparent facts
influencing work performance of employees. If the problems are timely addressed it would help in sustaining
the organizations and create competitive advantage.
1.16. Training and development.
A formal, organized, and systematic modification of learning behavior having outcome as education,
instructions, planned experiences and development (Genzorová, 2017). The series of processes of the skills
equipped, knowledge, attitude for handling responsibilities in an organization delivering these abilities to
employees as referred as training. On contrary, developing is known as core competencies improving and
grooming in employees for meeting future demands and to adapt to new environment and meet challenges (Ali,
2016). Modifying knowledge, skills and/or attitudes by experiences of learning by planned processes and
achieving effectiveness and the efficiency of individuals in series of practices and activities considering it to be
development and training. To meet needs organizations, conduct frequent training and development programs.
IT system, processes, procedures, management, technical skills are all part of training program. There are
several types of training such as technical training might include specific to industry, it related training, training
for supervisor, training for management, executive and compliance training, sales training, development
training, customer skill training, services and quality training, business practices training (Awan, 2015). (A.
Firmansyah, 2020) shed some knowledge on the importance of the training and development programs and
how it makes an organization accelerate its position via complementary and learning roles which are delivered
to employees which boost their performance and help them achieve organizational goals.
More researches such as (Afrina Susiarty, 2019) & (Kum, 2014), talks about traditional and conventional model
training, they further state how these programs are only subjective giving information rather than they help in
building individuals core competencies and abilities for learning for the employees. Development is a process of
long and gradual education organizing, utilizing, systematic processes via managers’ conceptual and theoretical
learning and knowledge with purpose of achieving efficiency at work. According to (Genzorová, 2017),
development is referred as growth level of individuals and their self-realization. (N. Kamarulzaman, 2011),
explains training as acquiring knowledge and skills.
Training and development helps to improve competencies within organization and creates competitive
advantage and helps contribute to success of organizational objectives (BUSHIRI, 2017). While addressing the
employees’ needs, training and development is another way to fulfill their needs. These training and
development helps create opportunities for development in employees which ensure their employability for
future (Kum, 2014). Development is a series of procedures and progresses which takes over gradual time and is
a life learning process.
On the job training and development can help employees get updated with knowledge and skills. These training
helps employees stay in harmony with demands and requirements in job, preparing them to meet challenges
and play a game changer role when required. Socializing is one way of training where employees know about
the values desired that helps to increase organization and person fit (Boone and Hartog, 2011). When people
learn of the organization, they work in helps them to integrate well. Likewise, an evidence proves employees
recognize their organization thus reflecting organizational values (Kristof-Brown and Guay, 2011).
1.17. Job Satisfactions.
Job satisfaction has been perceived in various ways by different researchers, reporters and practitioners.
Generally, Job satisfaction is referred as degree of likeness of the job employees’ work for. Various studies have
been specifically dedicated to measure job satisfaction and related it to commitment with organization.
Satisfaction has been studied under various education, demographics, age, race, gender, and capability at work.
Generally, job satisfaction research designs work on a fit paradigm for environment-person. Job satisfaction is
an essential research area (Dirani and Kuchinke, 2011).
Job satisfaction is a multidimensional psychological response from employees towards their job, which are
having cognitive means evaluation, affective means emotional and the behavioral aspects (Hulin and Judge, @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
2003). The measurement of job satisfaction differs in scope which evaluate effective personal feelings about
job, these are emotions reflecting job characteristics (Thompson and Phua, 2012; Kalleberg, 1997). Therefore,
job satisfaction reflects on one’s level of happiness and pleasure at their job. Moreover, flexible, and shared
work environment creates positive outcome which increases the value in shareholders’ equity. Some studies
propose there is a correlation between financial achievement and employee satisfaction.
1.18 Supervisor & Coworkers’ support at work.
The employees work environment can either be a daily pleasurable experience or a nightmare depending on
their relationship with their supervisor and coworkers. If an employee has a good relationship with his/her
coworkers and supervisors and they are supportive with him/her, it will make life easy for that employee with
stress less and friendly environment (Ali, 2016). On contrary, if an employee has annoying and irritating
coworkers and their supervisor in discouraging, they will always be frustrated and will stay in consistent stress
making life difficult for them. Various studies conducted previously on the workplace environment and support
of supervisor (Jena, 2016).
A researcher convincingly (Afrina Susiarty, 2019) argued on the social relations at workplace that contribute on
employees’ productivity, satisfaction, and wellbeing. Current research focus on how employees perceive
supervisors and coworkers support (Nátalia Stalmašeková, 2017). The employees to a greater extent have
communication and interaction with supervisor and coworkers on regular basis. Support from supervisor and
coworkers is referred as assistance provided and guidance given by them to an employee when he needs it to
complete the task given to him/her, by sharing knowledge, expertise and encouraging him/her by motivating
them to perform well (Mohamed, 2016).
Material benefits and rewards given to employees at work like appraisals, pay and ranks helps in influencing
employees along with increased support and guidance from supervisor and coworkers via radiating positivity
and motivation at work while they perform their job (Kum, 2014). Various more influencing effects other than
support and guidance from supervisor and coworkers could be maintain mental health, having physical fitness
and working with good mood and positivity.
Supervisor and coworkers’ behavior at work could be viewed as political and self-enhancing at times. Hence,
not all the time they could be considered as radiating constructive attitude towards work. It is not always
considered a good think to accept support offered by your supervisor and/or coworkers, it can sometimes be
negative impression reflecting incompetency and incapability in employee, which would prove lack of ability
and/or independency in an employee (Genzorová, 2017). Overwhelming number of evidence proves the
support from supervisor and/or coworkers influences positively and greatly in an employees’ performances (A.
Awan, 2015). Support from the supervisors and coworkers has been controversial until now.
Support from supervisor and coworkers have been a topic of discussion in various workplace settings and
increasing focus seen in team/group building work in various organization (Yingjun, 2019). There have been
found a healthy relationship between supervisor and coworkers’ support to their peer employees and having
open and transparent discussions. From these discussion new creative ideas are born which is good for the
organization and creates increasing involvement and greater connection of employees to their job (Okasheh,
2017). It is also significantly seen the support from supervisor and coworkers helps employees feel satisfied,
secure and they feel motivated to do their work which eventually influence their performance (Utin Nina
Hermina, 2019).
As study by (Ali, 2016), stated how coworkers support is so effective and influential when it comes to cancelling
out job stress and managing workload. Another study focuses on positive effects on work performance and how
it decreases stress level in employees when they have support from their supervisor and coworkers (A.
Firmansyah, 2020). A feeling of value to the organization makes an employee more satisfied and less stressful
to the job they do, minimum inclination towards intentions to quit job (Jena, 2016). An increased influence of
coworker’s support in an organization’s environment is associated with positivity and coherent workplace
environment where everyone work as a team rather than as individual workers.
Recently, there have been a focus shift from social support given to employees to buffer relationship with them
to a more emotional connection with them to lessen the effect on employees of feeling exhausted, stressful, @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
intentions to quit job and demotivation. The emotional support have been seen to work out better and
significantly influential yielding positivity in employees. Prior studies have been using support from supervisor
and coworkers as moderator to buffer the variable effects such as stress, performance, commitment,
motivation, loyalty, satisfaction, and stress (Iskandar Muda, 2014).
All these studied had an aim to find deeper knowledge on support from coworkers and supervisor and its
influence on work performance. All these necessary information hold particular importance for any
organization which would help them measuring the impact of support in an organization towards employees’
work performance both on individual basis and as team. Alongside, will help organizational environment to be
positive, supportive, and friendly for employees which would yield good results, when employees are happy
and satisfied, they will perform better.
1.19. Employee benefits.
Employee benefit can be defined as compensation in any form apart from monthly salary/wages that is paid to
staff for their work they do for organization. Developing industrial relationship with corporate employees’
benefits can be classified as child and elder care, holidays paid, vacations, sick leaves, social security, retirement
plans, hospitalization. According to two factor theories of motivation and hygiene, benefits for employees was
important with certain working standards (Hermina, 2019). Benefits influence motivation so forth influences
performance. Employees’ benefits is an important component to satisfy and maintain good relationship with
employees. If employees are given with good incentive package, they might feel committed to job and feel
valued in their position.
A provision has been seen on employee benefits to be necessary on all employers to provide benefits for its
employees in the suitable form according to different organization. There is no such thing as standard
employee benefit package which could work out for all. It is a liability on employers to provide employee
benefits which needs to be mandatorily paid. In addition, some organizations also give fringe benefits along
with necessary benefits which makes employees feel even more valued and satisfied (BUSHIRI C. , 2014).
It is generally seen in many organizations how employee benefits are taken for granted as organizations only
gives off such benefits only to their most important employees. Providing positive valences for their staff to
make them feel valuable, makes organization more powerful and rewarding. Reward system influences
significantly on employees’ perception and their performances (Ali, 2016).
A bloom has been seen in the benefit and rewarding industry over time. Organizations have been investing in
development programs to attract, retain and motivate their workers (BUSHIRI C., 2014). If reward system in
any organization can cater the requirements of their employees it can yield magnificent results in return from
their employees. Therefore, investing in employees never go wasted if done rightly and with intention to
improve their performance at work.
A noticeable role played by organizations is the reward system they give and their behavioral environmental
role which can apparently be seen. Giving or benefits and rewards to employees should not be considered as
liability, because if invested rightly on employees they would payback in significant results (Genzorová, 2017).
Therefore, successful organization have always given importance to the employee benefit package.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs also emphasizes on employee benefits alongside needs and safety. Employee
benefits can include pensions, health insurance, car insurance, severance pay, and assistance plan, and seniority
plan, small and frequent rewards. Need of security is another benefit yet more a necessity which small
organization may overlook and could cause employees to quit job if not met well.
Small rewards even through appreciation cards, cash, time offs, and compensation increases the confidence in
employees and satisfaction level (Ali, 2016). These benefits if appropriately given could create happiness and a
healthy environment radiating positivity in employees, it may also affect employees’ health and increase their
morale (Genzorová, 2017). The wellness of employees depends on how they are treated at their workplace
which also reflects on their work and increases or decreases retention rate according to it. It also helps in
building trusts and greater commitment towards work, when employees feel organization as their family, they
may also support it during its low times and not leave the organization and go (Nátalia Stalmašeková, 2017). @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Few main benefits and rewards an organization could give to its employees are insurance, time offs, pensions,
compensation, paid leaves, life cycle benefits, vacations, paid leaves, sick leaves. Few other noticeable benefits
are small events such as brunch, tea parties, parking lot, annual picnics, sports facilities, appreciations such as
employee of month, celebrating birthdays, flexibility in work hours, surprising with cash bonuses, supporting
financial by giving off free education who requires it etc.
1.20. Physical factors in work environment.
Physical factors could directly influence work environment and employee performance, comfort, concentration,
safety, satisfaction, morale, health, and emotions (BUSHIRI C. P., 2017). Building age, design, layout, ventilation,
space, noise, air quality, lightening, and radiation also influences employees (Nur Shifaa Athirah Saidi, 2019).
The work environment setup is essential to be considered as most of the activities and operations are done
under this work setup which could directly affect performance and productivity of any employee (N.
Kamarulzaman, 2011).
Physical work environment influences quality and quantity of work being performed by employees. When
physical structure of organization is poorly designed it may create inefficiency, dissatisfaction, and less
productivity in employees. If such conditions are prevailed for longer time, they influence health and wellbeing
of employees and create delays in achieving targets and organizational goals (Mathew, 2015).
Various studies show how unfavorable work environment conditions can affect performance of employees in
various ways. Majority of researchers stated similar facts as there are multiple factor which when combined
contribute to a negative or a positive impression of an organization on employees’ productivity and
performance (Kum, 2014). These factors trigger the performance and either motivate or demotivate an
employee to work according to what he feels.
Equipment in an organization can also be the cause of disruption in an employee’s performance if standard
office tools are not provided to them. This factor is specifically influencing employees working in service sector.
Slightest of disorder can be the reason such as the wall colour of an organization like if the organization is
painted with dull, gloomy color portraying darkness it may affect the employees’ mood as well, they may feel
dull, sleepy, and tired eventually effecting their work performance too (Jena, 2016). Therefore, even small
details in an organization can be bothersome for its employees and should be given attention.
Employees can accomplish more when they have been given facilitation, suitable environment, physical and
mental consideration. When they have been given with quality environment, considerate focus on what they
need and fulfill their requirements, they may feel like a home and work with optimum efforts thus yielding
desired results.
2.1 Introduction.
This chapter discusses methods and techniques used for testing and evaluating the data collected. The collected
data will be examined and explained in detail evaluating the results found. The chapter includes research
design, sampling technique, selected population and sample size, instruments for testing data, deployed
techniques, methods used to collect data. These methods used in this paper have been applied in a similar study
by (BUSHIRI C., 2014). The study further addresses ethical concerns while doing the study.
2.2 Materials and Methods of Research.
The reason to conduct this study was to find out how work environment could influence the work behavior
performance in job of the employees at Investo Global, which would also be helpful to give a general view on a
real estate sector particularly in Turkey. It will give us a meaningful answer how the two variables are related
to each other.
Secondly, this study will assist and serve as a support to upcoming researchers who are interested in the
respective study. It will help them to have a core idea and structure the basis of their study. As this study only
tests selected chosen factors of work environment influencing employees’ performances, there are many other
factors that have not been studied or could be studied in future. One such example is how technology at work
has been influencing work performances or how working hours could affect their performances and health. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
These are just the two factors out of many I listed. So further research can look for their interest of study and
where there is a need to bring up updated studies.
Thirdly, for the readers both organizations and employees. In terms of employees, they will have good
knowledge on how they could voice for their rights on what they require at work and what influences their
performances at work and can discuss with their organizations to help them perform better. On other side for
the organizations, they will have an effective observation of their responsibilities and what lacks in their
organization which could help boost employees’ performances and improve work environment.
2.3. Study Population.
A group of people having one or more common characteristics which could interests the researcher is known as
population of the research study (Creswell, 2005). It is simply group of individuals collected for a specific
research study. The group is not necessarily only humans in form of consumers and/or employees, they could
also be products, process, objects, interval of time and anything depending on the type of research the
researcher is planning to do.
There could be an infinite population which refers to infinite number of people as population or definite
population with defined group number. This study has a definite population number with one hundred and
twenty (120) employees as respondents who work in Investo Global. The population was selected due to the
feasibility and accessibility of the respondents. The permission was first taken from the authorities of human
resource department of the organization before selecting the population. The approval was generously given by
the organization along with the number of employees they had in their organization which is my population
2.4. Demographic Variables of Study Sample.
Table 1: Educational level of employees
Gender Frequency Percentage
Male 55 59.78%
Female 37 40.22%
Total 92 100%
The table 1 above depicts out of 100% respondents around 59.78% of the employees who answered the survey
were males (55), whereas the remaining 40.22% of the respondents of the survey were females (37).
Table 2: Age of employees
Age Frequency Percentage
20-25 18 19.56%
26-35 46 50%
36-45 22 23.91%
46+ 6 6.52%
Total 92 100%
The table 2 above shows the age group of employees of the Investo Global employees the least age group of
employees belonged to 46 and above age with a percentage of 6.52% who were mostly in the upper level of
management, followed by 19.50% of the respondents were of the age group 20-25, 23.91% of responses were
from the respondents of age group 36-45, half of the respondents were from the age group 26-25 with a
percentage of 50%.
Table 3: Educational level of employees
Educational level Frequency Percentage
College 5 5.5%
Bachelors 12 13% @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
Masters 33 35.86%
Master and above 42 45.65%
Total 92 100%
The table 3 shows the results as most of the employees of Investo Global have masters and above master’s level
of education with a percentage of 81.5% whereas the remaining 18.5% of the employees have college and
bachelors’ level of education.
3.1. My supervisor helps in improving work environment in organization.


60% [VALUE]



Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 1: Supervisors’ helps in improving work environment.

The above figure 1 clealry shows 61% and 24% respondent agreed and strongly agreed respectively when
asked them about the support and help of their supervisors in improving their work performance and
ultimately improving work environment in Investo Global. 12% of the respondent showed neutral response
neither agreed nor denied. Whereas 2% and 1% disgreed and strongly disagreed respectively on the support
and help from their supervisors on improvement of their work performance level.
3.2. My performance level is improved with the help and support from my supervisor.

40.0% 38%
15.0% 12.8%
5.0% 0.5% 1.5%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 2: Supervisors’ support influences improvement in work performance

The respondents had significantly positive response towards the supervisor’s support required in improving
work environment as can be depicted in the figure 2. Majority of the respondents of 44% agreed to the
statement, around 12.8% strongly showed acceptance to the support required from supervisors to improve @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
performance at work. Around 38% respondents had neutral response whereas 1.5% and 0.5% disagreed and
strongly disagreed respectively to the supervisors support playing role in work performance.
3.3. I believe good relationship with coworkers helps in building a good work environment.

20% 12%
10% 2.1%
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 3: Good relationship with coworkers helps in building good work environment
When asked to the respondents regarding their relationship with coworkers and how it helps to build a
conducive work environment in their respective organization. The results are shown as in figure 3, which is
noticeably shown how whooping 77.9% out of 100% respondents strongly agreed in how their good
relationship with coworkers have contributed to positive work environment, followed by 12% also agreed to it,
whereas 8% respondents had neutral response over the statement. Meager 2.1% respondents disagreed to the
significance of relationship with coworkers at work.
3.4. Good training and development programs helps an employee to contribute to the good work
environment of an organization. (Kum, 2014)

60% 52%

40% 34.5%


20% 12%
10% 1.5%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Figure 4: Training & Development influences work environment

If the training and development programs are well and systematically designed to meet the objectives of an
organization and to train the employees with the skill set they are required will eventually contribute in the
improvement of organizational work environment. Majority of the respondent as we can clearly see in the bar
chart above showed 52% strongly agreed to the statement and 34.5% also agreed whereas 12% showed
neutral response only 1.5% of the respondents did not agree upon the statement. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
3.5. Good training and development programs helps an employee to improve their work performance
and develop new skills required for the job.

10% 2%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 5: Training & Development influences work performances

The above figure 5 makes it evident 50% of the respondents strongly agreed on their performance being
influenced with training and development, 28% also agreed while 15% showed neutral response neither they
disagreed nor they agreed on the influence of training and development on their performance. 5% respondents
showed disagreement and about 2% strongly disagreed to the influence of training and development on their
work performance.
3.6 Good employee benefits such as rewards and incentives helps in creating good and positive work

80% 76%
20% 13%
10% 6% 5%
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 6: Good employee benefits helps in creating positive work environment

The above figure 6 shows how good work environment can be created if the employees are given with good
employee rewards and benefits, A significant 78% of the employees strongly agrees, 13% agreed and 5%
showed neutral response. 6% respondent seems to disagree to the statement made above.
3.7. Bonus, promotions and appraisals encourages us to perform better and motivates us to achieve
organizational goals. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752

35.0% 33%
15.0% 15%

5.0% 1.5% 3%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Figure 7: Good employee benefits encourages employees to perform better

It could be observed from the above figure 7, how majority of the people 47.5% strongly agreed and 33%
agreed on their performance level being improved when they are motivated with bonuses, appraisal and
promotions. 15% were neutral with the idea, while remaining disagreed.
3.8 Adequacy in workload (task and time given to complete the task) helps me in participating in
developing a good work environment.




20% 14%

Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Figure 8: Adequate workload helps in developing good work environment

From the above figure 8, we observed majority of the respondents had a neutral response (53%) to the
statement above. 18.7% and 9.5% agreed and strongly agreed to the adequacy in workload help in developing
good work environment. 14% and 4.8% strongly disagreed and disagreed respectively.
3.9. Adequate workload helps me in increasing my level of performance at organization. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752

40% 34.2%
15% 9.2%
10% 4.6%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Figure 9: Adequate workload helps to increase employees’ performance

The figure 9 above illustrates the result of the employees who answered how effective is adequate workload in
increasing work performance. 34.2% employees answered with neutral response, 44% agreed and 9.2%
strongly agreed. While the remaining 12.6% showed disagreement.
3.10 I feel I work in an inappropriate working condition (insufficient ventilation, lightening,
inappropriate temperature, air quality, congested office setup), which contributes to the bad work

Figure 4.10
25% 22.6%
20% 18%
15% 11.0%
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 10: Inappropriate physical working condition contributes to the bad work environment.
From the above figure 10, 44% and 22.6% respondents agreed and strongly agreed that inappropriate working
conditions such as insufficient lightening, ventilation, low air quality, inappropriate temperature, and office
setup affect the work environment negatively. 11% showed neutral response. 18% and 4.4% respondents
disagreed and strongly disagreed respectively.
3.11. I feel I work in an inappropriate working condition (insufficient ventilation, inappropriate
temperature, air quality, congested office setup), which affects my level of performance at work. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752

Figure 4.11

50.0% 44%


20.0% 12.8% 14.2%


Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Figure 11: Inappropriate physical work condition influences employees’ work performance negatively
Inappropriate physical working conditions influenced about 58% of the employees who strongly agreed and
agreed. 62% of the employees did not pay much attention to the influence of work condition on their work
performance. Whereas, the rest 33.8% of the employees who respondent to the survey showed disagreement.
3.12 Hypotheses findings and results
Table 4: Correlation Testing on Hypotheses
H1 Work environment has a significant relationship with r = 0.741 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
employee’ performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H1
H2 There is a significant impact of training and development on r = 0.595 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
employees’ performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H2
H3 There is a significant impact of employee benefits on r = 0.744 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
employees’ performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H3
H4 There is a significant impact of physical factors on employees’ r = 0.531 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H4
H5 There is a significant impact of workload on employees’ r = 0.533 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H5
H6 There is a significant impact of supervisor & coworker’s r = 0.643 (Strong positive) p = 0.000 (p
support on employees’ performance <0.050) Hence, fail to reject H5
The above table 4 it is easily observed that the Pearson r value is greater than 0.000 for all the hypotheses
mentioned above, which indicates that there is positive correlation between work environment as calculate via
selected factors and employee performances. It can also be seen that p value sig (2-tailed) were less than the
0.05 indicating significant correlation between workplace environment via selected factors (training and
development, adequate workload, employees benefit, supervisor/ coworkers support and physical factors) and
employee performances.
This tabulated results proves the significance in relationship of work environment factors chosen for this study
to the employees’ performances ta work. All the independent variables employee benefits, supervisor/
coworkers support, adequate workload, training & development and physical work conditions are significantly
in relationship to the dependent variable employees’ performances. The dominant variable we can see in this
study is the employees’ benefits.
According to the H1 results r=0.741 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050) indicated that a significant correlation existed
between work environment and the employees’ performances after first separately testing the selected factors
and the studying the overall impact, this result was supporting the (BUSHIRI C., 2014) who also conducted the @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
study with finding evidences on different factors and authenticated that how work environment widely plays a
role in improving the level of performances of employees in any organization.
In accordance to H2, the finding show strong relationship of r = 0.595 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050) indicating
significant correlation of physical work environment with the employee performances at Invest Global. The
result was supported by the researcher Naharuddin et al. (2013), his findings also had similar evidences on
how inappropriate physical work conditions such as improper setup in office, lack of noise cancellation from
outside, insufficient lightening, ventilation and also air quality disturbs employees creating discomfort and
negatively influencing their level of performances.
Moreover, H3 results proved to be the most dominant out of all the factors selected in influencing the work
performance of the employees at Investo Global with the Pearson value of r = 0.744 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050)
indication employee benefits were most influencing at Investo Global to motivate them to perform better. When
asked to them about why employee benefits were the foremost important factor out of all other factors. They
responded saying as it is a real estate company and they work for achieve sale targets with providing best
services to get good rewards in the form of sales commission and other acknowledging benefits. If the rewards
are not convincing and employees and not given with best employee benefit packages such as rewards,
appraisals, bonuses. The performances level would effect and employees would be demotivated towards the
work they perform. The importance of employee rewards and benefits were also found in a research by
(Genzorová, 2017) with similar results. Prior research also proves how job safety and benefits guarantees
employees of their compensation, benefits, promotions development, thus any organization that has low
benefits and safety policies for its employees, this would demotivate their employees and they might not timely
complete their task leading to low performance of employees (Gayathiri & Ramakrishnan, 2013; Mun, Hu Ying,
Lew, & Tan, 2017)
On the basis of H4, physical factors also plays a significant role in influencing work performance of the
employees at Investo Global with the Pearson value r = 0.531 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050). It shows a weak but
positive correlation showing relationship where employees expressed their experiences saying physical
conditions matter to them as to be focused on their work and not get exhausted and tired while doing their job
as they have to spend daily half of their day at the office place, similarly (Nur Shifaa Athirah Saidi, 2019) also
identified the findings and validated the importance of it influencing on work performance.
The H5 investigated on the relationship between adequate workload and employees’ performances at Investo
Global with the Pearson value r = 0.533 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050). The workload did not seen as a problem in
Investo Global. The employees seemed to be satisfied and thought the workload have not been an issue to
impact on their performance. As the prior study stated the flexible working hours given to the employees to
complete their tasks enhance employees’ ability to perform better with more dedication and enthusiasm (Henly
et al., 2010).
The H6 investigated the influence of supervisor and coworkers support on employee performances at Investo
Global. The Pearson value was found to be r = 0.643 and p = 0.000 (p <0.050) Hence, showing it had a strong
positive correlation. The support of supervisor led employees to perform better as also validated in the
previous research by Razak (2008) who found support from supervisor was vital and inspired employees
positively boosting their self-confidence at work. The coworkers support is another most important factor that
plays a vital role in employees’ performance. Employees in good relationship with their coworkers feel obliged
being in good term with their coworkers and are responsible in achieving goals along with their colleagues
(Ariani, 2015; Thao & Hwang, 2017; Vischer, 2007).
This study investigated different dimensions of work environment to measure employee performance. The
analysis was done in a Turkish real estate company Investo Global which had 120 employees. The sample size
was drawn out from Rao soft application which showed 92 as its sample size having confidence level of 95%
and error margin to be 5%. For the collection of primary data, a structured questionnaire was adapted from (A.
Awan, 2015) study, the secondary data was referred from prior research, books, reports, articles and
referenced well. Each of the factors chosen for measuring work environment was carefully examined in detail @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:03/Issue:11/November-2021 Impact Factor- 6.752
with reviewing what prior research have to say. The respondents were from all hierarchical level of the
organization managerial and operation staff. The demographical questions were first asked to know analyze
what level of education they had, what age group they belonged to and gender. The results showed 59% of the
employees were males while the rest were females, which shows the organization is open to all genders and do
not discriminate between them. When looked at the education level of employees, most of the respondents
approximately 80% employees were having master level education or above. The age of the employees was
also measured where majority of them were found to be in between mid-20s-35.
The questionnaire had questions regarding each of the factors and it was first checked for its validation and
reliability. The questionnaire was then circulated amongst the respondents. There was a question for each of
the variables chosen for measuring work environment upon employee performance. To make it effortless and
less time consuming the questionnaire was structured in a Likert scale format.
Each of the questions was evaluated and interpreted in detail. At the end Pearson Correlation analysis was run
to see and compare the relationship of each variable with employee performance. Out of all the most
dominating variable found was employee benefits that motivated the employees the most towards performing
better. All other variables also showed significant amount of positive relation over the influence of work
performance, which was also validated from the prior studies.
The results were favorable, almost all the results showed the organization was good and positive in motivating
its employees to work better and fulfilled their work environment necessities. Finally, it was clear enough to
how much work environment plays an important role in the work performance of employees and contributes
to a significant level in organizational success.
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