Pathogenesis MRSA Infection
Pathogenesis MRSA Infection
Pathogenesis MRSA Infection
Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile pathogen capable of causing a wide range of human diseases. However,
the role of different virulence factors in the development of staphylococcal infections remains incompletely
face components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules” zwitterionic capsule (both positively and negatively charged)
(MSCRAMMs), that mediate adherence to host tissues. can also induce abscess formation [17, 18]. The MSCRAMM
MSCRAMMs bind molecules such as collagen, fibronectin, and protein A binds the Fc portion of immunoglobulin [31] and,
fibrinogen, and different MSCRAMMs may adhere to the same as a result, may prevent opsonization. S. aureus may also secrete
host-tissue component. MSCRAMMs appear to play a key role chemotaxis inhibitory protein of staphylococci or the extra-
in initiation of endovascular infections, bone and joint infections, cellular adherence protein, which interfere with neutrophil ex-
and prosthetic-device infections. Different S. aureus strains may travasation and chemotaxis to the site of infection (reviewed
have different constellations of MSCRAMMs and so may be by Foster [16]). In addition, S. aureus produces leukocidins
predisposed to causing certain kinds of infections [5–8]. that cause leukocyte destruction by the formation of pores in
Once S. aureus adheres to host tissues or prosthetic materials, the cell membrane [19].
it is able to grow and persist in various ways. S. aureus can form During infection, S. aureus produces numerous enzymes, such
biofilms (slime) on host and prosthetic surfaces, enabling it to as proteases, lipases, and elastases, that enable it to invade and
persist by evading host defenses and antimicrobials [9]. The abil- destroy host tissues and metastasize to other sites. S. aureus is
ity to form and reside in biofilms is one reason why prosthetic- also capable of producing septic shock. It does this by interacting
device infections, for example, can be so difficult to eradicate with and activating the host immune system and coagulation
without removal of the device. In vitro, S. aureus can also invade pathways. Peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acid, and a-toxin may all
and survive inside epithelial cells, including endothelial cells, play a role [22–24] (reviewed by Lowy [32]). In addition to
which theoretically may also allow it to escape host defenses, causing septic shock, some S. aureus strains produce superan-
particularly in endocarditis [10–12, 30]. S. aureus is also able to tigens, resulting in various toxinoses, such as food poisoning and
form small-colony variants (SCVs), which may contribute to toxic shock syndrome [25, 33]. Unlike the structural components
persistent and recurrent infection. In vitro, SCVs are able to noted earlier, these superantigens can produce a sepsis-like syn-
“hide” in host cells without causing significant host-cell damage drome by initiating a “cytokine storm.” Some strains also pro-
and are relatively protected from antibiotics and host defenses. duce epidermolysins or exfoliative toxins capable of causing
They can later revert to the more virulent wild-type phenotype, scalded skin syndrome or bullous impetigo [26].
possibly resulting in recurrent infection [13–15]. Regulation of expression of staphylococcal virulence factors
S. aureus has many other characteristics that help it evade plays a central role in pathogenesis. To reduce undue metabolic
the host immune system during an infection (reviewed by Fos- demands, expression occurs in a coordinated fashion—only
ter [16]). Its main defense is production of an antiphagocytic when required by the bacterium. Expression of MSCRAMMs
microcapsule (most clinical isolates produce type 5 or 8). The generally occurs during logarithmic growth (replication),
Type of virulence factors Selected factors Genes Associated clinical syndromes Reference(s)
Involved in attachment MSCRAMMs (e.g., clumping factors, fibro- clfA, clfB, fnbA, fnbB, cna, sdr, bbp Endocarditis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, [5–8]
nectin-binding proteins, collagen, and and prosthetic-device and catheter
bone sialoprotein-binding proteins) infections
Involved in persistence Biofilm accumulation (e.g., polysaccharide ica locus, hemB mutation Relapsing infections, cystic fibrosis, and [9–15]
intercellular adhesion), small-colony vari- syndromes as described above for
ants, and intracellular persistence attachment
Involved in evading/destroying host Leukocidins (e.g., PVL and g-toxin), capsu- lukS-PV, lukF-PV, hlg, cap5 and 8 gene Invasive skin infections and necrotizing [16–20]
defenses lar polysaccharides (e.g., 5 and 8), pro- clusters, spa, chp, eap, psm-a gene pneumonia (CA-MRSA strains that cause
tein A, CHIPS, Eap, and phenol-soluble cluster these are often associated with PVL) ab-
modulins scesses (associated with capsular
Involved in tissue invasion/penetration Proteases, lipases, nucleases, hyaluronate V8, hysA, hla, plc, sepA Tissue destruction and metastatic [21]
lyase, phospholipase C, and metallopro- infections
teases (elastase)
Involved in toxin-mediated disease and/ Enterotoxins, toxic shock syndrome toxin- sea-q (no sef), tstH, eta, etb, hla Food poisoning, toxic shock syndrome, [22–26]
or sepsis 1, exfoliative toxins A and B, a-toxin, scalded skin syndrome, bullous impetigo,
peptidoglycan, and lipoteichoic acid and sepsis syndrome
With poorly defined role in virulence Coagulase, ACME, and bacteriocin arc cluster, opp-3 cluster, bsa [27, 28]
NOTE. ACME, arginine catabolic mobile element; CA-MRSA, community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus; CHIPS, chemotaxis inhibitory protein of staphylococci; Eap, extracellular adherence protein;
MSCRAMMs, microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules; PVL, Panton-Valentine leukocidin. Adapted from Projan and Novick [21] and Archer [29].
Several factors may have 11 role in S. aureus pathogenesis.
a b
Clone name complex Other names of clone
ST5-MRSA-II 5 New York/Japanese, GISA, and USA100
ST5-MRSA-IV 5 USA800 and Pediatric
ST228-MRSA-I 5 Southern Germany
ST8-MRSA-II 8 Irish-1
ST8-MRSA-IV 8 UK EMRSA-2, -6, USA300, and USA500
ST239-MRSA-III 8 UK EMRSA-1, -4, -11, Portuguese, Brazilian, and Viennese
ST247-MRSA-I 8 UK EMRSA-5, -17, and Iberian
ST250-MRSA-I 8 First MRSA and Archaic
ST22-MRSA-IV 22 UK EMRSA-15 and Barnim
ST36-MRSA-II 30 UK EMRSA-16 and USA200
ST30-MRSA-IV 30 Southwest Pacific
NOTE. EMRSA, epidemic MRSA; GISA, glycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus. Adapted from [51],
with permission from Elsevier.
The clone name is comprised of the sequence type (ST), which is the multilocus sequence type
based on the sequences of 7 housekeeping genes, and the MRSA staphylococcal cassette chromosome
(SCC) mec type.
Only select “other names” are included. Additional sources: Enright et al. [49], McDougal et al.
[52], Tenover et al. [53], and Melles et al. [54].
experiments. BECC A1 strains produced significantly more bio- as the MW2 strain) [52]. Subsequently, clonal outbreaks of skin
film than did the other strains. They also had higher adhesion and soft-tissue infection caused by CA-MRSA were also re-
to polystyrene, as well as to bronchial epithelial cells, and were ported among prison inmates, men who have sex with men,
more likely to invade these cells. The presence of accessible soldiers, and athletes, particularly football players [61–64]. The
fibronectin-binding domains appeared to be necessary for a strain responsible for these infections was ST8 and PFGE type
high level of invasion. These in vitro studies suggest that this USA300 [53]. Cases of CA-MRSA skin infection and necrotiz-
particular clone may be successful because it has an enhanced ing pneumonia were reported internationally as well [65, 66].
ability to bind, persist, and invade [57]. Whether these attri- In addition to causing necrotizing pneumonia, CA-MRSA
butes are present in other HA-MRSA epidemic clones is has recently been reported to cause infections or infectious
unknown. complications in situations in which S. aureus or MRSA is an
unusual pathogen. These have included cases of necrotizing
PATHOGENESIS OF CA-MRSA INFECTION fasciitis caused by PFGE type USA300 [67], as well as cases of
Until the 1990s, MRSA rarely caused infections among com- pyomyositis [68, 69], purpura fulminans with toxic shock syn-
munity members without exposure to the health care setting drome [70], and Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome [71].
(one exception is injection drug users). An outbreak of CA- The number of CA-MRSA infections appears to be increas-
MRSA infections occurred between 1989 and 1991 among in- ing, and the strains responsible for these infections have now
digenous Australians in western Australia without health care entered the health care setting, blurring the line between “com-
contact [58]. CA-MRSA infections were also reported in people munity” and “hospital” strains [72, 73]. The strains that cause
from neighboring regions [59]. In the late 1990s, several cases these virulent infections carry SCCmecIV (sometimes
of aggressive MRSA infection also occurred among individuals SCCmecV), the smallest of the SCCs that confer methicillin
in the United States without established risk factors for MRSA. resistance, and are generally susceptible to several non–b-lactam
Four children died of CA-MRSA infections in Minnesota and antibiotics. This is in contrast to the multidrug-resistant nos-
North Dakota from 1997 to 1999. All the cases were rapidly ocomial MRSA strains that carry larger SCCmec types [74, 75].
fatal and were associated with necrotizing pneumonia or pul- CA-MRSA strains may also have a growth advantage over HA-
monary abscesses and sepsis [60]. The strain responsible for MRSA strains [27, 76].
these infections was ST1 and PFGE type USA400 (also known Although SCCmecIV has appeared in several different genetic