Final Copy - Eng Gr-10-q1 m2
Final Copy - Eng Gr-10-q1 m2
Final Copy - Eng Gr-10-q1 m2
Department of Education
National Capital Region
First Quarter-Module 2
Graphic Organizers as Textual Aids
You the effect the
have understood of textual aids
topic of thislike advance
module organizers,
if you titles, non-
can already:
linear illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a text
1. identify common examples and uses of graphic organizers;
2. explain how graphic organizers can help readers in understanding texts;
3. make use of appropriate graphic organizers in presenting information
from texts read.
What I Know
Answer the questions below. Select your answers from the choices given. Write
the letter of your choice.
1. Which is NOT a common example of a graphic organizer?
A. Venn diagram C. network tree
B. bar graph D. process chart
4. You read a paragraph about the different ways lack of sleep is harmful to
humans. What graphic organizer is best to use if you want to present the
details of this paragraph in a different way?
A. cause-effect chart C. Venn diagram
B. problem-solution chart D. network tree
Acids and bases are two special kinds of chemicals. Scientists use a pH
scale to measure how acidic or basic a liquid is. pH is a number from 0 to 14.
From 0 to 7 are acids, with 0 being the strongest. From 7 to 14 are bases with
14 being the strongest base. Acids are described as sour, while bases are often
bitter. If a liquid has a pH of 7, it's neutral. This would be something like
distilled water. Acids and bases also have differences when it comes to taste:
acids are typically sour while bases are commonly bitter. Acids and bases are
both found in nature, in the foods we eat and drink, and even in our very own
Graphic Organizers as Textual Aids
What’s In
In Module 1, you practiced the skill of listening/reading for useful
information for daily living. What again are the steps in listening/reading for
information? Write it below.
Left-brain or right-brain?
Do you know that our brain, the organ which controls our entire body is
divided into two parts? Each part or hemisphere of the brain controls a unique part
in our bodies. For example, the left hemisphere is believed to control thinking and
problem solving while the right controls creativity and emotions. Because of this
division, many believe in the idea that every person has a dominant side of the
brain. There are those who are left-brain dominant and there are others who are
right-brain dominant. Let us know more about them by looking at the diagram
Which one are you? Are you the logical or the more emotional one? Are you
into Math and Science or more into the arts? While scientists are still looking for a
100% proof that left or right brain dominance really do exist, it is nonetheless very
fascinating to know that we as human beings are all created uniquely. Whether we
truly have much of our left-brain or is controlled more by the right, it is clear that
1. As a reader, what is the effect of the inserted diagram in the text to you?
What information did you learn from this diagram?
2. Complete the statement: According to the text, people who are right-
brain dominant are…
One of the most useful textual aids are graphic organizers. Graphic
organizers can be used to present different kinds of information: to summarize, to
show the steps in a process, to give similarities and differences or to present causes
and effects. You can find common examples of graphic organizers below.
1) Network Tree
Main Topic
3) Venn Diagram
This can be used to give the similarities and differences between two topics
(ex. two countries in Asia). Write the differences on the separate circles and the
similarities on the overlapping parts.
Topic 1 Topic 2
You can use this to present different effects of an event (What are the effects
of COVID-19 pandemic to people?) or different causes of a single event (ex. What are
the causes of poverty?).
Effect 1
Effect 2
Aside from the graphic organizers we have discussed, what other graphic
organizers have you used in your classes? In what subjects do you use graphic
organizers the most?
Answer the activities that will follow to practice your skill about using different
graphic organizers.
Activity 1
How do you think early humans look like? Are they like us, modern human
beings? Read the text below to find out more.
Humans first appeared on the planet around 300 000 years ago
according to most scientists. The earliest humans are called Neanderthals
and Cro-Magnons. They were named from the places where their fossils
were discovered: the Neanderthals from the Neander Valley in Germany,
and the Cro-Magnons from a place in France.
What have you learned about early humans after doing the Venn diagram?
Activity 2
What do you know about bullying? Read the following paragraph to find out
more about this serious issue. After reading, complete the network tree that you
will find after the text.
Bullying the network
is an actiontree graphic
made by a organizer
person orbelow using
a group of the information
persons from
to another
thattext. Writeharm
causes the graphic organizer
or damage on physical,
to the a separateemotional
piece of paper.
and even on things or
properties that a person owns. Actions considered as bullying make the victim
Main Topic
feel unsafe or threatened. In schools, an action is also considered bullying if it
prevents or stops another student from studying, and if the action is disturbing
1) of other2)students.3)
the learning
4)5) 6)
Acts of bullying can be physical, verbal, and even digital. Physical bullying
includes actions like punching, pushing, kicking, and even the use of objects to
harm another person physically. Verbal acts of bullying include name-calling,
What have
teasing, you learned
saying foul orabout bullying
improper after accomplishing
language to another, the
andnetwork tree?
even commenting
negatively on another person’s physical appearance. The last type of bullying is
more digital in nature and is now popularly called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is
the use of digital or electronic ways to harm others. This include harassment and
threatening others thru social media posts and in other digital formats like text,
email, private messages or chat, and even online games.
Digestion begins in the mouth where teeth shred the food as a person
1. WhatThis
is process
the authoris trying
in the text?digestion where
What is his foodfor
purpose iswriting?
down into smaller pieces. The tongue mixes the food with saliva, which is a
mixture of water and enzymes produced by the salivary glands. Saliva begins
2. process of chemical
According digestion.
to the text, It starts
in what part the
of the breakdown
human of starch
body does into simple
food digestion
begin? In what part does it end?
After the food becomes soft and moist, the tongue pushes it to the
esophagus. Movements of the smooth muscles in the esophagus push the food
3. Whattherole
opening to in
do acids thethe
playstomach continues
in the digestion the digestion by
of food?
squeezing its contents with its muscles. Acids in the stomach begin breaking
down protein. The acid also kills bacteria that may have been swallowed with
the food. After several hours in the stomach, the food becomes a soupy
4. Which of the four graphic organizers we have studied in this module is best
to use in presenting the information from the text? Draw this graphic
The foodand
organizer then
fillpasses to the
it up with small intestine. Tiny
information/details fromfinger-like
the text. projections
called villi line the small intestine. Digested food passes into the blood through
the walls of the villi. Materials that cannot be absorbed in the blood pass into
the large intestine. In here, little digestion takes place. The large intestine
2. When a reader looks at a process flow chart, he/she will… Which best
completes this statement?
A. realize the reasons why an event took place
B. see the steps in how to accomplish something
C. identify the connections between ideas
D. determine the commonalities and differences between two ideas
What graphic organizer will you use for this paragraph? Create this
graphic organizer and fill it up with information/details from the text (6 pts).
Write it on a separate sheet of paper.
Read the text. After reading, think of a graphic organizer that can be used to
present the information in the text you have read.
Create this graphic organizer on a separate sheet and fill-it up with the
information from the text. Attach a copy of the text (photocopy, scan, or picture)
together with your graphic organizer.
Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division
Janet S. Cajuguiran
191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989
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