MD in General Medicine (Revised)
MD in General Medicine (Revised)
MD in General Medicine (Revised)
The purpose of post graduate (PG) education in General Medicine is to create specialists who
would provide appropriate health care to the community and advance the cause of science
through research, training and teaching the medical fraternity.
The competency-based training programme aims to produce a postgraduate doctor who after
required training should be able to deal effectively with the medical needs of the community.
The postgraduate specialist is also expected to know the principles of research methodology
and be able to update himself with advances and practice evidence-based medicine. They
should be trained to work in synchrony with faculty in super-speciality courses of Medicine
and to follow a holistic approach to medical care which would lead to the development of good
quality teachers. This document has been prepared by subject-content specialists of the
National Medical Commission. The Expert Group of the National Medical Commission had
attempted to render uniformity without compromise to the purpose and content of the
document. Compromise in purity of syntax has been made in order to preserve the purpose and
content. This has necessitated retention of “domains of learning” under the heading
• Practice internal medicine with competence, with the help of scientific knowledge in
an evidence based fashion.
• Plan and deliver comprehensive treatment using the principles of rational drug therapy.
• Plan and advise measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients.
• Manage emergencies efficiently by providing Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced
Life Support (ALS).
• Recognize conditions that may be outside of scope of general medicine and refer to an
appropriate specialist.
• Exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain professional integrity, honesty and
high ethical standards.
• Become a motivated ‘teacher’ - defined as one keen to share knowledge and skills with
a colleague or a junior or any learner.
• Continue to evince keen interest in continuing education and use appropriate learning
• Undertake audit related to patient care, morbidity and mortality, use information
technology tools and carry out research - both basic and clinical, with the aim of
publishing the work and presenting the work at scientific forums.
• Estimate the financial burden of care and practice health economics and rational
approach to investigations.
By the end of the course, the student should have acquired knowledge (cognitive
domain), professionalism (affective domain) and skills (psychomotor domain) as
given below:
B. Affective Domain:
1. Should be able to function as a part of a team, develop an attitude of cooperation
with colleagues, and interact with the patient, relatives, paramedical and medical
colleagues to provide the best possible comprehensive care.
2. Always adopt ethical principles and maintain professional etiquette in dealing with
patients, relatives and other health personnel and to respect the rights of the patient
including the right to information and second opinion.
3. Develop communication skills to interact with patients, relatives, peers and
paramedical staff, with special emphasis on breaking bad news empathetically.
4. Should demonstrate equity and equality when dealing with individuals of special
groups (differently abled and LGBTQIA+).
The post graduate student, at the end of the course should be able to perform the
following skills, independently (PI) or under supervision (PS):
Interpretation Skills
Interpretation of results of the following investigations, considering clinical data (history &
examination findings).
• Ultrasonography (PI)
• EEG (PI)
While eliciting clinical history and performing physical examination, emphasize on:
• Communicating health and disease,
• Providing referral,
• Genetic counseling,
Course contents:
A: Cognitive domain:
Basic Sciences
3. Applied biochemical basis of various diseases including fluid and electrolyte disorders:
Common pathological changes in various organs associated with diseases and their
correlation with clinical signs.
Understanding of various pathogenic processes and possible therapeutic
interventions, and
Preventive measures at various levels to reverse or arrest the progression of
5. Knowledge about various microorganisms, their special characteristics important for their
pathogenetic potential or of diagnostic help:
9. Knowledge about various poisons with specific reference to different geographical and
clinical settings - their diagnosis and management.
Systemic Medicine
10. Preventive and environmental issues, including principles of preventive health care,
immunization and occupational, environmental medicine and bioterrorism,
Health tourism,
Heat and altitude related disorders.
12. Genetics:
● Overview of the paradigm of genetic contribution to health and disease
● Principles of Human Genetics
● Genetic basis of medical disorders
● Single gene and chromosomal disorders
● Genetic counseling
● Prevention of genetic disorders
● Genetic analysis
● Gene therapy
13. Immunology:
● Innate and adaptive immune systems
● Mechanisms of immune mediated cell injury
● HLA system, primary and secondary immune-deficiency,
● Allergic disorders: urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis and other allergic disorders.
● Transplantation immunology, immunocomplex disorders, organ specific and
multisystem immune disorders, monoclonal antibodies.
14. Cardio-vascular diseases:
● Chronic kidney disease
● Glomerular diseases
● Nephrotic syndrome
● Reno vascular hypertension
● Cystic Diseases of the kidney
● Tubulo-interstitial diseases
● Nephrolithiasis
● Urinary tract infection and pyelonephritis
● Diabetes and the kidney
● Obstructive uropathy and treatment of irreversible renal failure
● Dialysis
● Renal involvement in systemic diseases
● Hematopoiesis
● Anemias
● Leucopenia and leukocytosis
● Myelo-proliferative disorders
● Bone marrow failure syndromes
● Plasma cell disorders
● Disorders of hemostasis and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation
● Platelet Disorders
● Hypercoagulable conditions
● Blood components and transfusion medicine
20. Oncology:
● Epidemiology
● Biology and genetics of cancer
● Approach to patient with cancer
● Early detection or prevention of cancer
● Infection in cancer patients
● Oncological emergencies
● Paraneoplastic syndromes and endocrine manifestations of tumours
● Metastatic cancer of unknown primary site
● Hematological malignancies
● Cancers of various organ systems and cancer chemotherapy
● Rehabilitation and palliative care in cancer patients.
● Hemochromatosis
● Wilson’s disease
● Porphyrias
● Other inborn errors of metabolism.
22. Nutritional diseases:
● Viral diseases - DNA viruses, RNA viruses, HIV infection, Emerging viral diseases
- Coronavirus, Nipha virus, H1N1 virus, Hantavirus.
● Fungal infections,
● Protozoal infections,
● Helminthic infections.
26. Neurology
28. Dermatology:
30. Miscellaneous
● Medical illnesses in pregnancy
● Peri-operative evaluations
General principles
Acquisition of competencies being the keystone of doctoral medical education, such training
should be skills oriented. Learning in the program, essentially autonomous and self-directed,
and emanating from academic and clinical work, shall also include assisted learning. The
formal sessions are meant to supplement this core effort.
All students joining the postgraduate (PG) courses shall work as full-time (junior) residents
during the period of training, attending not less than 80% of the training activity during the
calendar year, and participating in all assignments and facets of the educational process. They
shall maintain a log book for recording the training they have undergone, and details of the
procedures done during laboratory and clinical postings in real time.
Teaching-Learning methods
This should include a judicious mix of demonstrations, symposia, journal clubs, clinical
meetings, seminars, small group discussion, bed-side teaching, case-based learning,
simulation-based teaching, self-directed learning, integrated learning, interdepartmental
meetings and any other collaborative activity with the allied departments. Methods with
exposure to the applied aspects of the subject relevant to basic/clinical sciences should also be
used. The suggested examples of teaching-learning methods are given below but are not
limited to these. The frequency of various below mentioned teaching-learning methods
can vary based on the subject’s requirements, competencies, work load and overall
working schedule in the concerned subject.
Self Directed Learning (SDL) is an extension of the role of lifelong learner envisaged in the
goals of the Indian Medical Graduate. All postgraduate students are expected to learn through
Problem Based Learning, SDL, Project Based learning etc. Various forms of self-learning
including those mediated through IT - enhanced methodologies must be adopted. Specific
hours need not be ear-marked, but these should be integrated into day to day practice.
Post graduates in all specialities are expected to learn through work-based discussions and
experiential learning. Beyond documentations in logbook, they should demonstrate
competency related to patient care, interpretation and communication skills during the routine
work in wards, OPD, ICUs, district residency postings etc. They should be involved in teaching
of Undergraduate (MBBS) students also.
A. Lectures: Didactic lectures should be used sparingly. A minimum of 10 lectures per year
in the concerned PG department is suggested. Topics are to be selected as per subject
requirements. All postgraduate trainees will be required to attend these lectures. Lectures can
cover topics such as:
1. Subject related important topics as per specialty requirement
2. Recent advances
3. Research methodology and biostatistics
4. Salient features of Undergraduate/Postgraduate medical curriculum
5. Teaching and assessment methodology.
G. (a). Rotational clinical / community / institutional postings
Depending on local institutional policy and the subject specialty needs, postgraduate
trainees may be posted in relevant departments/ units/ institutions. The aim would be to
acquire more in-depth knowledge as applicable to the concerned specialty. Postings would
be rotated between various units/departments and details to be included in the specialty-
based Guidelines. Few examples are listed below:
● Broad specialty departments
● Emergency/Casualty department
● Super specialty departments e.g. Cardiology / Endocrinology / Nephrology / Medical
Oncology etc.
● Laboratory-based specialty units/departments e.g. Biochemistry/Microbiology/
Infection control unit/Laboratory Medicine etc.
G. (b). Posting under “District Residency Programme” (DRP):
All postgraduate students pursuing MS/MS in broad specialties in all Medical
Colleges/Institutions shall undergo a compulsory rotation of three months in District
Hospitals/District Health System as a part of the course curriculum, as per the
Postgraduate Medical Education (Amendment) Regulations (2020). Such rotation shall
take place in the 3rd or 4th or 5th semester of the Postgraduate programme and the rotation
shall be termed as “District Residency Programme” and the PG medical student
undergoing training shall be termed as “District Resident”.
Every posting should have its defined learning objectives. It is recommended that the
departments draw up objectives and guidelines for every posting offered in conjunction
with the collaborating department/s or unit/s. This will ensure that students acquire
expected competencies and are not considered as an additional helping hand for the
department / unit in which they are posted. The PG student must be tagged along with
those of other relevant departments for bedside case discussion/basic science exercises as
needed, under the guidance of an assigned faculty.
H. Teaching research skills
Writing a thesis should be used for inculcating research knowledge and skills. All
postgraduate students shall conduct a research project of sufficient depth to be presented
to the University as a postgraduate thesis under the supervision of an eligible faculty
member of the department as guide and one or more co-guides who may be from the same
or other departments.
In addition to the thesis project, every postgraduate trainee shall participate in at least one
additional research project that may be started or already ongoing in the department. It is
preferable that this project will be in an area different from the thesis work. For instance,
if a clinical research project is taken up as thesis work, the additional project may deal with
community/field/laboratory work. Diversity of knowledge and skills can thereby be
I. Training in teaching skills
MEU/DOME should train PG students in education methodologies and assessment
techniques. The PG students shall conduct UG classes in various courses and a faculty shall
observe and provide feedback on the teaching skills of the student.
J. Log book
During the training period, the postgraduate student should maintain a Log Book indicating
the duration of the postings/work done in Wards, OPDs, Casualty and other areas of
posting. This should indicate the procedures assisted and performed and the teaching
sessions attended. The log book entries must be done in real time. The log book is thus a
record of various activities by the student like: (1) Participation & performance, (2)
attendance, (3) participation in sessions, (4) completion of pre-determined activities, and
(5) acquisition of selected competencies.
The Log Book should be used in the internal assessment of the student; should be checked
and assessed periodically by the faculty members imparting the training. The PG students
will be required to produce completed log book in original at the time of final practical
examination. It should be signed by the Head of the Department. A proficiency certificate
from the Head of Department regarding the clinical competence and skillful performance
of procedures by the student will be submitted by the PG student at the time of the
The PG students shall be trained to reflect and record their reflections in log book
particularly of the critical incidents. Components of good teaching practices must be
assessed in all academic activity conducted by the PG student and at least two sessions
dedicated for assessment of teaching skills must be conducted every year of the PG
program. The teaching faculty are referred to the MCI Logbook Guidelines uploaded on
the Website.
Other aspects
● The Postgraduate trainees must participate in the teaching and training program of
undergraduate students and interns attending the department.
● Trainees shall attend accredited scientific meetings (CME, symposia, and conferences)
at least once a year.
● Department shall encourage e-learning activities.
● The Postgraduate trainees should undergo training in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS)
and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS).
● The Postgraduate trainees must undergo training in information technology and use of
Formative assessment should be continual and should assess medical knowledge, patient
care, procedural & academic skills, interpersonal skills, professionalism, self-directed
learning and ability to practice in the system.
General Principles
Internal Assessment should be frequent, cover all domains of learning and used to provide
feedback to improve learning; it should also cover professionalism and communication skills.
1. Log book of work done during the training period including rotation postings, departmental
presentations, and internal assessment reports should be submitted.
2. At least two presentations at national level conference. One research paper should be
published / accepted in an indexed journal. (It is suggested that the local or University
Review committee assess the work sent for publication).
The summative examination would be carried out as per the Rules given in the latest
shall be held in advance before the Clinical and Practical examination, so that the answer books
can be assessed and evaluated before the commencement of the clinical/Practical and Oral
The final clinical examination in broad specialty clinical subjects should include:
• Cases pertaining to major systems (eg. one long case and three short cases)
• Stations for clinical, procedural and communication skills
• Log Book Records and reports of day-to-day observation during the training
• It is emphasized that Oral/viva voce examination shall be comprehensive enough to
test the post graduate student’s overall knowledge of the subject.
Recommended Reading:
03-05 international Journals and 02 national (all indexed) journals.
Annexure 1
Participation and
contribution to health
care quality
2.6 improvement
3 attributes
Responsibility and
3.1 accountability
Contribution to growth
of learning of the
3.2 team
Conduct that is
ethical appropriate
and respectful at all
3.3 times
5 Disposition
Has this assessment
been discussed with Yes No
the trainee?
If not explain
Subject Expert Group members for preparation of REVISED Guidelines for
competency based postgraduate training programme for MD in General