Orbit MCR Release Notes Rev AN - 9.5.1
Orbit MCR Release Notes Rev AN - 9.5.1
Orbit MCR Release Notes Rev AN - 9.5.1
RELEASE NOTE For: MDS ORBIT MCR/ECR Firmware Version 9.5.1
New Features
1. 4GB+4GY dual cell offering
● Same functionality as existing Orbit 4GY and 4GB cell offerings
● 4GB occupies the leftmost slot; 4GY occupies the rightmost slot
● 4GB appears as interface “Cell” and 4GY appears as interface “Cell2”
Special Notes
3. Firewall Robustness
● The Orbit Firewall is a powerful tool for restricting unintended traffic. As a protective measure, if the
Orbit Firewall ever experiences an unexpected error, all traffic is dropped with the exception of HTTPS
and SSH protocols. These protocols can be used to recover the device to a functional state.
o The W53 Wi-Fi module in 802.11g mode may experience low upstream throughput. [5827]
o In some newer ECR devices, the ingress rate limiting user interface will not include an Ingress Burst value.
Ingress Rate is also restricted to specific values (64-40000, 45000, 50000, 67000, and 75000kbps). [5847]
o When changing the TX power of the W53 Wi-Fi, the device needs to be either disabled and re-enabled, or
the entire system rebooted for the change in power to take effect. [5803]
o For W51 WiFi, when changing device mode, make sure device is disabled first, then re-enable device in
new mode [5850]
o When using OpenVPN, if data is not able to pass over the VPN or the status page indicates that the
service is in error, then the unit must be rebooted to recover. [5857]
o Avoid binding a service to a radio interface. This may cause erratic behavior. [5422]
o Firewall filters that have a layer 2 rule can only be applied to a bridge or VLAN interface. They will not be
displayed in the tab complete or pulldown menus for other types of interfaces. [5644]
o Binding the SSH, SNMP, or NETCONF service to an IPv4 or IPv6 address can cause boot errors if that
address's interface is not up at the time of boot. This can happen if the unit is rebooted with the interface
disabled or in the case of WiFi, if a connection is not made shortly after boot. To mitigate this issue,
firewall can be set to control what traffic passes on each interface. [5289]
o When using OpenVPN, verify that the clients are connecting properly. An errant client it can prevent a
valid client from connecting correctly. [5295]
o When using Orbit Wi-Fi AP, typically using CCMP, high data rate may cause temporary Wi-Fi disconnects.
We do not recommend upgrading to code 9.0.3 or later if using as a Wi-Fi AP with the standard Wi-Fi
module (W51). [5059]
o When using OpenVPN server, if multiple clients connect with the same client certificate, the assigned IP
address will be in conflict. Ensure unique certificates are used among all clients and restart the OpenVPN
server. [5043]
o VRF interface packet statistics may not match the member interfaces. Use the member interface
statistics instead. [5034]
o When enabling tamper detection, the UI will become unresponsive for a few minutes. Reboot to effect
faster recovery. [5030]
o For a system with LW radios, if degraded performance is observed immediately following a radio
configuration change, effect recovery by disabling then re-enabling the LwRadio interface. [4712]
o Exports of large serial captures might fail. Retry the operation capturing data for a smaller interval of time.
o If TACACS+ user authentication is used, and the server is routable, but not reachable, the system may lock
up and reboot while attempting to authenticate a user. [4611]
o If broadcast reprogramming does not complete, restart the transfer to continue reprogramming. [4283]
o On a Web-based file transfer (From Local File) through remote proxy, if the WebUI gets stuck in the file
transfer state, performing the operation via CLI can restore operation. The CLI file transfer request need
not be successful. [4395]
o When performing bulk changes to the SNMP service if the commit operations fails, it may be necessary to
break the changes up into a set of smaller commits. You must discard current changes (or reboot) and
enter the changes in smaller sets. [4520]
o If polling an LN remote in backward compatible mode via DLINK, the timeout of the poller, must be longer
than the timeout configured in the radio. [4356]
o In a very large LN network with multiple polling threads, it may be necessary to reduce the traffic entering
the LN AP prior to initiating broadcast reprogramming. [4180]
o Destination NAT is not currently supported for IPv6. [4196]
o If a unit repeatedly fails to receive an over the air broadcast reprogram, connect to the unit and copy the
active image over the inactive image to attempt to recover the state. Restart the broadcast
reprogramming if it has stopped. [3681]
o The CLI must be used to switch between LN Operating modes Profile and Single Config. [3555]
o When changing between single LN configuration and LN profiles the error message "could not load config"
may be displayed. This is a false error.
If you upgrade to this version then return back to an earlier version, values may need to be manually
adjusted. [3661]
o When doing requests on the CLI with many arguments, ensure that the nested arguments (ones with {} )
are provided last. [727]
o The remote web proxy will not function if the device disables firmware push. [2581]
o Transporting Mirrored Bits (TM) protocol is only supported on NX interfaces. [3164]
o Broadcast reprogramming of the firmware certificate may not correctly show the status at the broadcast
sender. [3281]
o When configuring the Static Routes Next Hop parameter, leave the Outgoing Interface blank. Otherwise,
the routing table will not be properly configured, and data passing may stop. [2139]
o When changing terminal server modes and you experience an error committing, refresh and review the
settings. [2375]
o Operation as a Store-and-Forward device is not recommended in 7 level FSK modems. Operation with
system ID is not recommended with 7 level FSK modems. [2361]
o If running Mirrored Bits (TM) protocol on an NX network, we recommend using Orbit FW version 7.1.1 or
earlier. [3132,3159]
o QOS does not operate handle the DSCP field correctly. To ensure proper QOS priority use the TOS
equivalent. [2304]
o In rare cases, allowing a confirmed commit to timeout (i.e., no user confirm) and rollback the configuration
may cause the device to reboot. After the device reboots, it will be running the previous configuration.
o For Orbit LN using 7FSK modems, operation with a repeater is not recommended. [3182]
o Entering control-C during ping may cause the display of overall ping statistics to be suppressed. [1378]
o When making changes to QOS settings, changes will not occur after committing if traffic flow is already in
progress. Reset the interface (or reboot the device) to ensure that changes will be in effect. [1876]
o Carefully review the summary of changes at the end of the firewall wizard to ensure all the changes are
expected. [2401]
o If there are more than 50 routes in a radio's routing table, the routes will not be correctly displayed via the
CLI. [1266]
o When using RADIUS user authentication with multiple servers, incorrect routes will cause authentication
to fail. [1377]
o There may be occasions where alerts are erroneously displayed on the web interface. [2400]
o With multiple RADIUS servers configured for user authentication and none are reachable, it is possible
that it will take a long time for the fallback authentication (if enabled) to be evaluated as each RADIUS
server communication times out. [2399]
o VLAN priority is not preserved if passed from one VLAN trunk to another. [1533]
o When performing 802.1x port authentication, if the radius server is not reachable when the Ethernet
cable is inserted, then it may need to be reinserted to re-initiate authentication. [1545]
o Setting peer-endpoint to any in DMVPN will cause all traffic on all interfaces attempt to use the VPN.
o In some cases, changes to IPSec configurations (VPN) will require a reboot to take effect. It is good
practice to reboot the device after making changes to the VPN configuration. [1575]
o In some cases, changes to the GRE interface configuration (VPN) will require a reboot to take effect. It is
good practice to reboot the device after making changes to the VPN configuration. [1481]
o Attempting to send invalid firmware over broadcast reprogramming may cause a services manager
failure. [2398]
o When a WiFi Station is in the bridge, the STP status information for the WiFi device is not available. [434]
o Changing a WiFi interface from an enabled Station with an IP address and filters to a disabled, bridged,
Access Point without an IP address and filter may cause a netmgr failure. This internal failure will be
logged as an event and the device will recover on its own. [1570]
o Showing status on a disconnected interface may cause a netmgr failure. This internal failure will be logged
as an event and the device will recover on its own. [2397]
o Rebooting a device functioning as a WiFi Station Bridge may cause a service outage to other WiFi
connected devices. The other WiFi devices will resume connections on their own after a short time.
(approx. 30 seconds) [139]
- When IPv4 MTU is configured explicitly by the user AND the configured MTU is LOWER than currently
active MTU value, then new IPv4 MTU value is applied to the cellular interface. NOTE: The user should
never configure MTU value higher than one supported by the cellular network.
- When IPv4 MTU is configured explicitly by the user AND the configured MTU is GREATER than currently
active MTU value, then new IPv4 MTU value is NOT applied to the cellular interface. In this case, the user
must disable and re-enable cellular interface. [2589]
o When issuing a repeat command on the CLI, add the additional syntax "| nomore" (without quotes).
o When running VRRP on a Bridge interface we recommend disabling STP (spanning tree protocol). [2384]
o In the CLI, deleting a single entry in a leaf-list with bracket notation will delete the entire list. Do not use
brackets in the command when deleting an element in the list. [93]
o When changing COM port usage from terminal server to passthrough we recommend a 2-stage process.
Remove the terminal server followed by its own commit first; then create the passthrough instance using
a separate commit. [2341]
o Timeout of MODBUS transactions can cause dropped TCP connections. Workaround is to increase poll
rate or increase transaction timeout. [2312]
o Basic webui only supports units with an NX, LN, or LW radio (with an optional Wi-Fi module). Standalone
Wi-Fi, Cell, and Cell with Wi-Fi are not currently supported. [1988]
o For Wi-Fi, in some cases the configured power may not be used; instead a lower capped value may be
applied to ensure proper regulatory constraints. [1891]
o For LN in transparent mode, if the over-the-air rate is greater than your serial port rate, we recommend
increasing either SCD (soft carrier dekey) on x790 or data key hold time on MPRS to at least 5ms to
eliminate potential gaps in the transmission. [1888]
o If you are experiencing unexpected fragmentation of data on your LN virtual radio channel or transparent
serial, try increasing the vmin and vtime on the virtual serial port. [1756]
o If you are experiencing unexpected fragmentation of data on your LN virtual radio channel or transparent
serial, try increasing the vmin and vtime on the virtual serial port. [2225]
o When using terminal server in TCP polled mode, configure the serial port's vmin value to be greater than
the largest possible response in bytes. [1783]
o A QoS modify policy is not tied to an interface and must be deleted to disable it. [1542]
o In rare cases where an NX or LN access point does not associate new remotes, disabling and then
reenabling the access point may resolve the issue. [1806]
o When configuring L7W (Licensed 700MHz Wide), do not set NIC-id. It is not supported in this release and
will prevent link establishment. [3747]
o Station bridged WiFi clients behave differently from normal (i.e., non-bridged) clients. Station bridged
clients can communicate directly to each other, while normal clients are isolated and IP traffic will not
pass between them. [1805]
o To limit the possibility of a cell connected unit not being accessible after a factory reset, we explicitly no
longer block HTTPs and SSH ports from being initiated from over the cell link. As a part of provisioning,
these ports should be disabled by modifying the IN_UNTRUSTED rules if they are not required. [2422]
o Interfaces that user can name (bridges, vlans, etc.) should not have spaces in them. [411]
· Note: If the USB port is in use as a Terminal Server and the ORBIT is rebooted (or connection
interrupted) the USB cable must be disconnected and reconnected and the Terminal Session on the
connected device must be restarted. [194]
o In WebUI, there are no preconfigured file servers. This facility is only accessible from the CLI. [2410]
o On a Microsoft CA server, the SCEP template used should not include Extended Key Usage. [2053,2409]
o SCEP operations require certificate information to contain a Common Name, otherwise the operation will
fail. No direct indication of failure is provided. [2052,2408]
o When the Wi-Fi interface is enabled with Dual SSIDs, Station Bridging operation is restricted to the first
alphanumeric SSID. [2407]
o Wi-Fi Station Bridging is not interoperable with other vendor’s Wi-Fi devices. [2405]
o Internet Explorer version 8 is no longer supported. Please upgrade this application to version 11, or use
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Microsoft Edge. [2403]
o The Terminal Server may fail if polling with VMIN = 1. Disable then re-enable the Terminal Server to regain
functionality. [2402]
o The HTTP Protocol is not supported for exporting files. [753]
o The Web UI rejects a password change with the backslash character if repeated two times in a row
example: Y1 \ \ n%*". The CLI and SSH reject a password change with a single backslash character,
example: Tech\123. [1121,983]