6-ANITA PUSPITA SARI - Pattern Exercises (List, Sequence)

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Exercise 2

Read each paragraph. Look for the slgnal words and underline them. Then write the
main idea, the signal words, and the examples on the lines below. Compare your
work with another student.

Electronic Mail
1. E-mail (electronic mail) uses computers for communication. It has several
important advantages over phones and regular mail. The main advantage
of e-mail is that it takes very little time to send and receive messages. From
your computer, you can contact someone far away (or in the next office).
Seconds later, they have your message. If they are at their computer, you
can get a response instantly, too. Another reason people like to use e-mail
is that for just a few cents you can send a message to someone in another
part of the world. You don't have to worry about the time difference or
slow mail delivery. Your message is sent immediately, and your friends or
colleagues can send a response at their convenience. Lastly, e-mail allows
you to send a single message to many people at the same time.

Main Idea: Several advantages of using e-mail.

Signal Words Examples

The main advantage takes very little time to send and receive messages

Seconds Later get a response instantly

Another reason a few cents, immediately, and convenience

Lastly send a message to many people at the same time

2. Communicating by e-mail is becoming increasingly popular for many reasons. First, it is a

popular way to send messages among people who do not like to use the telephone.
Second, it is useful for sending suggestions or requests. The person who receives them has
time to think about their response. Also, e-mail messages always look the same, no matter
who sends them. This means you don't have to worry about the quality of your letter
paper. Furthermore, e-mail messages are uniform. They give no clues to the sender's age,
gender, race, or physical condition. In addition, they do not give away the sender's
feelings or emotional condition.
Main Idea: Reasons e-mail becoming popular

Signal Words Examples

First send messages among people who do not like to use the telephone.

Second useful for sending suggestions or requests

Also always look the same about the quality of letter paper

Furthermore are uniform

In Addition do not give away the sender's feelings or emotional condition

3. One advertising executive explained why he preferred not to use e-mail. He gave a variety
of reasons for why it was not useful for his business. The main reason was that he had no
time to learn to use the system. Aside from that fact, he disliked e-mail because he felt
that it was too impersonal. In addition, he said it was too fast and easy. He preferred a
means of communication that encouraged a more careful and thoughtful style of work. He
felt, too, that you lose a lot of information with e-mail. Sinceyou do not hear the sender's
voice, you can tell nothing about them as a person.
Main Idea: a variety reasons to not using e-mail

Signal Words Examples

The main reason had no time to learn to use the system

Aside from that too impersonal

In addition too fast and easy

Too lose a lot of information

Exercise 5
Read each paragraph. Look for the slgnal words and underline them. Then write the main Idea, the signal
words, and the examples on the lines below. Compare your work wlth another student.
1. A trip to another country requires a certain amount of planning. First, you must
decide where you would like to go. Next, you need to look at maps and books
about those places. When you have decided where to go, you should find out how
to get there. An agent can tell you about ways to travel and the cost. Then, you
should find out what kind of documents you will need to enter the country. In the
meantime, you may want to find out the language spoken there. If you don't
already know it, you might want to learn a few important words and phrases.
Finally, you should make a packing list to make sure you bring everything
necessary for a pleasant trip.
Main Idea: some planning to trip to another country

Signal Words Examples

First decide where would like to go

Next look at maps and books about those places and how to get there

Then find out what kind of documents are needed to enter the country

In the meantime find out the language spoken there

Finally make a packing list

2. In the last seventy-five years, air travel has become the primary means of long-
distance transportation around the world. The airplane was adopted for passenger
service in Europe in 1919. Later, in 1927, people in the United States began to
travel by air. In those days, people flew in small, two-engine propeller planes.
Each plane carried 21 passengers and flew at about 305 km/hr. By 1950, planes
could carry up to 100 passengers at about 480 km/hr. In 1989, the United States
airlines alone carried about 452 million passengers, mostly on high-speed jet
aircraft. The modern jetliner of the 1990s can carry more than 300 passengers at
a speed of more than 885 km/hr.
Main Idea: The primary air travel of long-distance transportation around the world

Signal Words Examples

In 1919 The airplane was adopted for passenger service in Europe

In 1927 people in the United States began to travel by air

In those days people flew in small, two-engine propeller planes.

By 1950 could carry up to 100 passengers at about 480 km/hr.

In 1989 carried about 452 million passengers, mostly on high-speed jet aircraft

1990s carry more than 300 passengers at a speed of more than 885 km/hr.
3. No matter where you travel by plane, the process is usually the same. You arrive at the
airport at least an hour before the plane is scheduled to leave. Right away, you show your
tickets and your passport to the agent. You get a seat assignment and check your suitcases.
Then, you go to the gate where you will board your plane. As you walk there, you may
stop to buy magazines and candy or make a last-minute telephone call. When you arrive at
the gate, your carry-on bags are examined by a special x-ray machine. You must also walk
through a metal-detector. Finally, an agent announces that it is time to board your plane,
and you are on your way.
Main Idea: traveling by plane anywhere has the same process

Signal Words Examples

An hour arrive at the airport
Right away show tickets and passport to the agent

Then go to the gate where will board the plane

As you walk there buy magazines and candy

When you arrive carry-on bags are examined by a special x-ray machine

Finally time to board the plane

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