Common Mistakes in DC-DC Converters
Common Mistakes in DC-DC Converters
Common Mistakes in DC-DC Converters
Reproduced from
2018 Texas Instruments Power Supply Design Seminar
Topic 5
TI Literature Number: SLUP384
If you want to learn from the mistakes of others, this session is for you. This practical presentation goes
through a number of common mistakes in point-of-load DC/DC converter design and testing. With an
engaging, interactive format, this session covers issues found in converter capabilities, component
selection, control design, board layout and measurement techniques. The causes of the design mistakes
and how to avoid them in future designs are explained.
Topic 5
switching regulators. It is a simple and effective ΔIL = VL• Δt/L
mechanism to step down the input voltage to a
lower voltage level and to regulate the output t
voltage efficiently. Diagrams of the two buck
converter switching states in continuous conduction Figure 2 – Buck converter switching
mode are shown in Figure 1. A simplified switch waveforms depicting the switch node voltage
and the inductor current.
(a) (b)
Figure 1 – Buck converter switching states with (a) high-side switch on and (b) low-side switch on.
II. Minimum On-Time Violation converter for simplicity. When there is no load, the
losses are low so this equation is an accurate
When designing a buck converter, selecting the
estimation for no load. When the output is loaded
switching frequency (fSW) is typically one of the
and there are more losses in the converter, the
first design choices to be made. The fSW is selected
on-time increases. The calculated on-time required
based on the input voltage, output voltage and other
for VIN = 12 V, VOUT = 1.2 V and fSW = 1.2 MHz is
specifications of the buck converter IC. Figure 3
83 ns. The estimated on-time is below the typical
shows an example VSW and VOUT ripple for a buck
90 ns minimum on-time for the converter [3].
converter in normal operation. The converter is
operating with the following conditions: VIN = 1 VOUT
tON = ⋅ (1)
11 V, VOUT = 1.2 V, IOUT = 0 A, fSW = 1.2 MHz and f SW VIN
forced continuous conduction mode (FCCM). In tON = 83 ns
Figure 4, VIN is increased to 12 V and the VOUT
The converter used in this example is a fixed
ripple increases. Why does the VOUT ripple
frequency converter. When the on-time required is
less than the minimum on-time, the converter
skips switching pulses to keep VOUT regulated.
SW (5 V/div) The converter outputs a series of 90 ns minimum
on-time pulses that charge VOUT above the target
regulated voltage. The control loop responds to
the overcharged VOUT with a skipped pulse to
VOUT (20 mV/div) regulate VOUT to the correct DC voltage. Other
converters may respond differently when the
minimum on-time is violated. For example, the
fSW may begin to decrease or VOUT may become
2 s/div
regulated to a higher voltage.
To avoid potential problems related to the
Figure 3 – 11 V input switching node and
minimum on-time, the switching frequency should
output voltage ripple waveforms.
be selected considering the maximum input
Topic 5
Figure 6 shows the thermal image of two different
converters both operating with the following
conditions: VIN = 12 V, VOUT = 1.8 V, IOUT = 8 A,
and fSW = 700 kHz. Part A has a case temperature TC
= 59.6 °C and Part B has TC = 82.4 °C. In addition to
a higher TC, the thermal image for Part B shows
higher PCB temperature and a larger thermal
footprint. Part B would have little thermal margin in
an application requiring operation up to an ambient
temperature of 85 °C. Which of these two parts are
rated for 8 A?
It turns out, both Part A and Part B are rated for
8 A! Table 1 gives a full comparison of the
specifications for these two parts. Part A and Part
Figure 5 – Example variation in minimum B have similar specifications except for one
on-time with temperature and load. important parameter; Part B is designed with
higher RDS(ON) MOSFETs than Part A resulting in
f SW ≤ ⋅
tON ( MIN ) VIN ( MAX )
(2) more power dissipation in Part B. Higher RDS(ON)
MOSFETs can be advantageous in applications
Violation of the minimum on-time is not the where optimizing cost is more important than
only possible cause of increased output voltage optimizing efficiency.
ripple. For example, an unstable control loop or
poor PCB layout are other possible causes. Some Spec Part A Part B
of these different causes will be discussed in later (TPS54824) (TPS54821)
sections of this paper. VIN range 4.5 – 17 V 4.5 – 17 V
Current 8A 8A
Size 3.5 x 3.5 mm 3.5 x 3.5 mm
III. Thermal Derating RDS(ON) 14/6 mΩ 26/19 mΩ
Topic 5
Another important consideration when Modeled PLOSS 1.69 W 2.38 W
selecting a part for an application is thermal Simulated die 64 °C 81 °C
performance. It is best to keep the operating temp
temperature of the part as low as possible. In Price $$ $
extreme cases, high operating temperature may
Table 1 – Specification comparison between
cause a part to operate above its rated junction
Part A and Part B.
temperature and reach thermal shutdown. It can
also reduce the lifetime of an IC as higher
temperature accelerates failures.
TPS54824 TPS54821
Part B
Part A
Figure 6 – Thermal image for two parts operating in the same load conditions.
Why is Part B rated for 8 A? Part B may be a
Inductor Current (1 A/div)
good choice for applications which do not require
operation in higher ambient temperatures. There
are also two possible application specific details
which allow Part B to better support an 8 A
application. 1 s/div
First, to reduce the operating temperature of
Part B, the power loss could be reduced by Figure 7 – Inductor current waveform
designing for a lower fSW. However lower fSW exhibiting saturation.
comes with a tradeoff of increased total solution
size and increased cost for external components. The inductor current waveform should look
Second, this example has only considered an similar to Figure 8. The inductor current should
application requiring the converter to operate at its have a constant slope during the switch intervals.
rated load of 8 A continuously for a period of time The inductor current waveform in Figure 7 exhibits
on a scale of seconds or longer. Many applications a peaking waveform. This indicates that the
do not require the part to operate at its full load inductor’s magnetic core is saturating. When the
continuously. The full load of 8 A may only be for core saturates, its permeability decreases
a short transient on the scale of milliseconds or significantly. The slope of the inductor current is
shorter. With a short transient, the die and package increasing within the switch interval because the
may thermally saturate but the PCB and ambient effective inductance of the inductor is decreasing.
air may not. In a case where the rated 8 A load is
only needed for a short period of time, Part B may
be sufficient. When evaluating the thermal
performance of a part, the effective average load
current should be considered.
TI’s WEBENCH® software is a useful tool to Inductor Current (1 A/div) 1 s/div
account for thermal performance while selecting a
part for an application. Table 1 includes rows for Figure 8 – Inductor current waveform
Topic 5
Typically, the inductance value is selected to
keep the current ripple between 15% and 40% of
the full load current level. For a converter with
Hot Inductor! 10% Load integrated MOSFETs, the inductance should be
selected using the rated IOUT of the converter. A
good starting point for inductor selection is 30%.
In the below Equation (4), the value for K would
be 0.3 for this case.
⎛ VIN(MAX) − VOUT ⎞ ⎛ VOUT ⎞
L=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ K ⋅ IOUT ⎠ ⎝ VIN(MAX) ⋅ f SW ⎠
Figure 9 – High inductor temperature rise despite There is some flexibility when it comes to
operating at 10% rated load current. inductance selection. The efficiency graph of a
converter can be shaped based on the inductance
The inductor in Figure 9 is hot because there is selected as shown in Figure 11. Assuming the
a large amount of core loss. This happens because same physical size inductors, higher inductance
the inductance value selected is too low. With a tends to increase peak efficiency. This is because
low inductance value selected, very large peak-to- there is less current ripple, core loss and RMS
peak inductor current ripple (ΔIL) results. Large current. The tradeoff is that it increases inductor
current ripple can lead to excessive core loss. A DC resistance (DCR) and tends to slow the
simplified Equation (3) for estimating core loss is transient response. Lower inductance values tend
to result in higher full load efficiency due to lower
PCORE ≈ k0 f SW BPK ∝ k0 f SW ΔI L2 (3) DCR and have faster inductor current slew rates.
where k0 is a material constant and BPK is peak
flux swing. Core loss increases approximately
Efficiency (%)
Topic 5
ripple. A good design is shown in Figure 10. In
this case, the current ripple is 30% of the full load
current unlike the previous case where the ripple L = 0.68 H (40% Ripple)
was over 100% of the full load current. L = 1.5 H (18% Ripple)
L = 2.2 H (12% Ripple)
0 2 4 6 8
Load Current (A)
Figure 11 – Efficiency comparison of a converter
designed with three different inductor values with
the same physical size.
Good Design
Figure 10 – A well designed converter where the
inductor temperature is low at 10% load.
V. Insufficient Capacitance This situation often arises when testing
converter evaluation modules (EVMs). If the input
Mistakes in capacitor selection can cause
supply to the converter is not properly bypassed
problems. For example, observe the output voltage
with input capacitance or there are long bench
ripple shown in Figure 12. The output voltage
power supply leads, the input disturbances like
measurement shows the converter’s response to a
those shown in Figure 13 can result in incorrect
large load step increase. As expected, the output
inferences about the performance of the device
voltage initially drops but quickly recovers. The
under test. One possible solution is to connect a
potentially undesirable aspect of Figure 12 is the
bulk input decoupling capacitor to the input of the
oscillations on the output voltage after the
EVM to avoid the perturbations. The response to
transient. Sometimes these oscillations are
the load step with a bulk decoupling capacitor is
interpreted as low phase margin in the control
shown in Figure 14. In this case, the response to
loop. What is the real cause of these oscillations?
the load transient is clean without any oscillations
on the input or output of the converter.
10 s/div
4 s/div
Figure 12 – Output voltage oscillation
after a load step-up.
Figure 14 – Input voltage perturbations
Topic 5
4 s/div
ESR Zero
100 s/div
Figure 15 – Input voltage dips below the Figure 16 – Replacing a ceramic output
undervoltage lockout threshold during a capacitor with a high ESR capacitor can
load step-up and causes the converter unexpectedly lead to low phase margin (PM).
to shut down and then restart.
There are several design guidelines to consider VI. Poor Control Loop
for input and output capacitors. You must ensure Compensation
sufficient input and output decoupling capacitance; After the key power components are selected
design equations located in the applications section for the converter, it is important that the control
of a converter datasheet can help. Typically, the loop is properly compensated. Figure 17 shows
“worst case” scenario to be designed for is large the switching node of a converter operating with
load transients. Capacitance also impacts steady VIN = 17 V and VOUT = 1.8 V. The switching node
state ripple and control loop bandwidth [7][8]. shows alternating narrow and wide pulses. What
It is important that parasitic resistance and causes this behavior?
inductance of capacitors is taken into account. For
Topic 5
example, do not design a converter with a low
equivalent series resistance (ESR) ceramic output
capacitor and later replace it with a (potentially
Narrow Wide Narrow
cheaper) high ESR capacitor. This can cause low
phase margin and potential instability as shown in
Figure 16. This simulation had a fixed output
capacitance and the ESR was varied from 3 mΩ to
30 mΩ. Many capacitor’s ESR can also change
dramatically with temperature and change the SW (5 V/div)
control loop dynamics. For example, an aluminum 400 ns/div
electrolytic capacitor can exhibit the same 10x
increase in ESR from room temperature to cold Figure 17 – Switching node of converter
temperature as simulated in Figure 16. It is also with wide and narrow pulses.
recommended to estimate the RMS current of the
capacitor and check to see what the temperature This behavior appears to be subharmonic
rise due to self-heating will be. oscillations that can occur with the peak current
mode control converter at >50% duty-cycle if
there is insufficient slope compensation [4]. This
waveform was taken with a peak current mode
control converter but the duty-cycle is only 11%. considered, the margin of a nominal circuit may
With a duty-cycle <50%, insufficient slope need to be higher to always meet these
compensation is not the cause. The cause instead recommended minimum values. For example, a
is a poorly compensated design that has too little more conservative design target of 60° phase
gain margin. The measured loop Bode plot is margin and -16 dB gain margin may be used. The
shown in Figure 18 and the gain margin is less amount of added margin depends on the
than 5 dB. characteristics of the components and the range of
operating conditions in an application.
is improved to 13 dB and the phase margin is sufficient phase margin of 60° and gain margin of
sufficient at 55°. -16.7 dB. However, when the circuit was built and
tested in the final application, the output voltage
had an oscillation at 40 kHz as shown in Figure
SW (5 V/div) 22. Why does the output oscillate even when the
simulation shows sufficient margins?
400 ns/div
~40 kHz Oscillation
SW (2 V/div)
20 s/div
Topic 5
to make sure the entire output filter is included. In ferrite bead in the output filter. However, if the
addition to any second stage filtering, all load is located relatively far from the POL
capacitance connected to the output voltage on the converter, a second stage could also be created by
entire board must be included, not only the parasitic PCB inductance. The further away the
capacitance in this local to the POL converter. To load is from the POL converter, the more the
parasitic PCB inductance.
VII. Wrong Soft Start Time
You may come across a case where a DC/DC DC/DC
converter does not start up. A situation like what is Converter
shown in Figure 25 could be happening. The
output voltage starts to increase but then the
converter stops suddenly. The converter then tries Figure 26 – A converter charges the output
to start again after waiting some time. In this capacitors and provides any load current
example, the overcurrent protection was triggered demand during start up.
during start up. This can be caused by large output
capacitance, a heavy load during start up and/or a The following Equation (5) can be used to
short circuited output. Many converters have a estimate the current used to charge the output
“hiccup” auto restart feature where the converter capacitance during start up.
continually attempts to restart. This is the behavior
being exhibited in Figure 25. ΔV
IC = C (5)
VOUT (500 mV/div) where C is the output capacitance, ΔV is the
change in output voltage, ΔT is the soft start time
and IC is the DC current flowing into the capacitor.
This equation assumes a straight line start up
waveform which is a fairly good approximation of
most start up profiles. A diagram showing the
output voltage profile during start up is shown in
Figure 27.
IL (5 A/div)
5 ms/div
Figure 25 – A converter keeps hitting its
overcurrent limit when attempting to start up. VOUT
Topic 5
I IN ≈ D( I LOAD + IC ) (7)
where D is the duty ratio. For a buck converter, the If input decoupling capacitors are placed right
duty ratio is VOUT/VIN. If many converters are next to the converter, the switch node ringing is
supplied from the same intermediate bus, the reduced. An example placement is shown in Figure
current demand on the bus converter can be large 30. A 10 µF, 1206 size capacitor and a 0.1 µF,
if they all start up simultaneously. A technique 0603 size capacitor are connected in parallel and
commonly used to address this issue is to sequence adjacent to the converter input.
the start up intervals of the converters. This spreads
out the current demanded on the bus converter and
avoids hitting its current limit.
Topic 5
Because there are no input decoupling
capacitors anywhere near the VIN and GND SW (5 V/div)
terminals of the converter, the switch node of the
converter exhibits large ringing, as shown in
Figure 29. The switch node rings to about 10 V
higher than the input voltage. This can cause Figure 31 – Switch node waveform with two
additional stress to the converter, increase power input capacitors populated right next to the IC.
loss, increase EMI and potentially damage the
power MOSFETs and other internal circuitry. A third layout is shown in Figure 32. In this case,
input capacitors are populated on both sides of the
50 ns/div IC. This converter has VIN and GND pins on both
~10 V sides of the IC which enables this layout approach
SW (5 V/div)
Figure 29 – Switch node waveform with no Figure 32 – Converter layout with two input
nearby input decoupling capacitor populated. capacitors populated on each side next to the IC.
The switch node waveform associated with IX. Poor Thermal Design
this layout is shown in Figure 33. The switch node
PCB layout is important not only for electrical
ringing is reduced to approximately 2 V higher
performance but also thermal performance.
than the input voltage. This reduced ringing is due
Besides IC specific parameters, PCB layout is a
to effective input decoupling capacitor placement
very important, if not the most important, variable
that limits parasitic inductance.
in a design affecting the thermal performance of
50 ns/div an IC. The PCB layout is important because it is a
strong determining factor for the junction to
~2 V ambient thermal resistance of the IC. As mentioned
in Section III, thermal performance matters
because poor layout can result in a part not working
as expected in an application or it can reduce the
SW (5 V/div) lifetime of the IC.
Figure 35 shows the thermal images of the
same part with two different PCB layouts. The
thermal image for both the top-side and bottom-
Figure 33 – Switch node waveform with two input
side are shown. Both boards are 2-layer boards
capacitors populated on each side next to the IC.
with 2 ounce copper. On Board A the IC
temperature is 86 °C and the maximum temperature
There are several general guidelines to follow
on the bottom layer is 62.6 °C. On Board B the IC
with a converter layout. It is important to minimize
temperature is 66 °C and the maximum temperature
the switching loop area. This is highlighted in the
on the bottom layer is 52.2 °C. Why is the operating
pink box in Figure 34. A tight layout reduces
temperature of the IC higher on Board A?
parasitic elements, improves efficiency and limits
the noise disturbances’ impact on the system.
Special care should be taken to optimize current
return paths through the ground plane. Make these
returns as short and wide as possible. Avoid having
Topic 5
When laying out the PCB, thermal dissipation
should be kept in mind. Figure 36 illustrates how
heat transfers from the IC into the PCB and the
ambient air. Transferring heat from the IC into the
PCB is typically the most effective way to get heat
out of the IC, however some heat will also transfer
to the ambient air through the top of the IC. There
are multiple standard thermal parameters which
quantify how effective each path is at getting heat
out of the IC. For more details, see reference [6].
To maximize thermal dissipation in the layout Figure 37 – Example thermal pad package PCB
it is important to minimize cuts in the copper footprint with a recommended via pattern.
planes and to allow the heat to effectively spread
laterally across the board. Copper planes of the
PCB provide the lowest thermal resistance to X. Poor Voltage Measurement
spread the heat throughout the PCB, so cuts in the After you have built your converter, it comes
copper planes will increase the thermal resistance. time to test its performance. One common
The ground plane is typically used for spreading waveform to measure is the output voltage ripple.
the heat because this is typically the largest copper If care is not taken with this measurement, it is
area in a PCB layout. Thermal vias should be used easy to get erroneous results. This is especially
and placed to spread heat vertically in the PCB to important when millivolts matter in low output
other layers. The bottom and top layers of the PCB voltage applications. See Figure 38, for example.
are important for thermal dissipation because this
is where the heat transfers from the PCB to the VOUT (20 mV/div, AC-Coupled)
ambient air [10].
Topic 5
SW (10 V/div)
1 s/div
Figure 36 – Example heat transfer paths Figure 38 – Noisy output voltage measurement.
from the IC to the PCB to the ambient air.
The output voltage waveform in Figure 38 is
ICs with thermal pads can more effectively AC-coupled and zoomed in at an appropriate
transfer heat from the IC into the PCB in scale. This is good. However, the waveform
comparison to a part without a thermal pad, in measurement is not clean. Switching noise is
general. To maximize the heat transfer, vias should being picked up from the switch node measurement
be placed in the thermal pad’s PCB footprint to on channel 2. There also is no bandwidth limit set
provide a path for the heat to conduct vertically to on the output voltage measurement. Limiting the
other layers. A recommended via pattern, like bandwidth to 20 MHz helps to focus on the lower
what is shown in Figure 37, can be found in the frequency output voltage ripple and not on higher
PCB footprint recommendation at the end of each frequency radiated noise that is being picked up.
datasheet. Compare Figure 38 to a clean output measurement
shown in Figure 39.
V (10 mV/div, AC-Coupled)
XI. Poor Bode Plot Measurement
Evaluating the stability of a POL converter is
an important part of validating a design. To
evaluate the stability, the Bode plot can be
measured by injecting a signal into the control
loop between VOUT and the top feedback resistor
as shown in Figure 41. Practically this is done by
adding a 10 to 50 Ω resistor into the feedback path
then injecting a signal across this resistor using a
1 s/div transformer.
For this measurement, the signal injected into For this measurement, the amplitude of the
the loop was too large. This caused some large signal injected into the loop was too small. The
signal characteristics of the IC to affect the control equipment used to measure the loop is unable to
loop. Figure 43 shows the switching node and get an accurate measurement at lower frequencies
output voltage of the converter with a 100 kHz because the signal-to-noise ratio was too low. A
signal injected into the loop. This signal is the larger amplitude signal is typically needed at
same amplitude as the one used to measure the frequencies below the crossover frequency
Bode plot in Figure 42. Injecting too large of a because the loop will attenuate the injected signal.
signal caused the converter to skip pulses at the Alternatively, equipment used to take frequency
switching node. When the converter skips pulses, response measurements usually have settings that
the loop measurement is no longer valid because it can be adjusted to filter out some of the noise. For
is no longer a small signal measurement. Generally, example, some equipment can increase the
a POL converter will be sensitive to too large of integration time or decrease the IF filter bandwidth.
signal injection at frequencies above the crossover Figure 45 shows a loop measurement where
frequency because the loop does not attenuate the more optimal signal injection amplitude was used
signal amplitude. across the entire frequency range giving a smooth
Bode plot. For this measurement, the signal
injection amplitude was varied versus frequency.
Larger amplitude was used below the crossover
frequency and smaller amplitude was used above
VOUT (20 mV/div) the crossover frequency. Monitoring the waveform
at the output and at the switching node can aid in
optimizing the signal injection amplitude. Figure
46 shows the switching node and output voltage
with good signal injection amplitude. The
switching node is regular and the output voltage
SW (5 V/div) 4 s/div has visible ripple at the injection frequency.
Topic 5
Figure 43 – Converter pulse-skipping
due to too large signal injection.
3. Texas Instruments, “TPS54424 4.5-V to 17-V
VOUT (AC) Input, 4-A Synchronous SWIFT™ Step-
VOUT (20 mV/div) Down Converter with Current Mode Control,”
Data Sheet, July 2017. Available: http://
SW (5 V/div) 4. Texas Instruments, “Modelling, Analysis and
Compensation of the Current-Mode
Converter,” Application Report, 1999.
5. Sheehan, R. and Diana, L., “Switch-mode
4 s/div power converter compensation made easy,”
Texas Instruments Power Supply Design
Seminar SEM2200, 2016.
Figure 46 – Converter output voltage and
6. Edwards, Darvin and Nguyen, Hiep,
switching node with optimal signal injection.
“Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal
Metrics,” Texas Instruments Application
XII. Summary Report, April 2016.
7. Texas Instruments, “Input and output
When designing a POL regulator, there are capacitor considerations in a synchronous
multiple stages in the design where a mistake may buck converter,” E2ETM Community Blog,
be made. These mistakes can occur when selecting Nov. 18, 2016. Available:
the regulator, selecting the external components blogs_/b/powerhouse/archive/2016/11/18/
around the regulator, designing the PCB layout input-and-outputcapacitor-considerations-in-
and testing the final design. This paper covered a-synchronousbuck-converter.
ten common mistakes we have seen made
8. Score, Michael, “Ceramic or electrolytic
throughout the entire design process. The cause of
output capacitors in DC/DC converters —
each mistake was explained along with how to fix
Why not both?,” Texas Instruments Analog
Topic 5
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