Ieema Journal Feb 2024
Ieema Journal Feb 2024
Ieema Journal Feb 2024
Published and Posted on 1st of every month at Mumbai Postal Regd. No. MCW/120/2024-26
Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai 400 001. License to post without prepayment WPP Licence No. MR/Tech/WPP-199/West/2021-23 the leading electrical & electronics monthly
VOL 15 l ISSUE NO. 6 l FEBRUARY 2024 PGS. 124 ISSN 0970-2946 l Rs. 100/-
37 Cover Story Hon’ble Cabinet Minister of Power and
New & Renewable Energy,
The Zip Zap Zoom of E Vehicles
Shri RK Singh
eMobility, EVs & Charging Infrastructure
82 Insight
124 Dr. Deepak Lakhapati
February 2024 3
the leading electrical & electronics monthly
Volume 15 Issue No. 06 February 2024 CIN U99999MH1970GAP014629
Official Organ of Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association
Member: The Indian Newspaper Society
10 38
From the President’s
12 Electric Mobility and vehicles are slated to be the frontrunners
IEEMA Events
Read about DistribuELEC Intelect
BuildELEC 2024 held in Mumbai
and inaugurated by Power and 46 56
New & Renewable Energy Minister
Shri RK Singh Case Study
Ieema Thinktank
Electric Vehicle Technology &
38 Voices the concerns,
transformational ideas and most
Cover Story
valuable outlook from thought
The Zip Zap Zoom of leaders of the power industry. This
E Vehicles month we feature:
Read about the key factors, market
Mustafa Wajid,
dynamics, and the global impact of
this brand new ‘Boss Baby’ of the Sundaresan SA Electric Vehicle Technology & Advancement
electric industry! Dr Amitabh Saran
Electric vehicle technology and
advancement by Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Arora and Divyanshu Arora
16 In an era marked by pressing
BUILDELEC INTELECT DISTRIBUELEC 2024 environmental concerns and a
Honourable Minister of Power & Renewable Energy
Shri R.K.Singh launches BUILDELEC INTELECT DISTRIBUELEC 2024 growing need for sustainable
transportation solutions, this article
aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the core elements
that underpin the EV revolution. This
article explores the fundamental
aspects of electric vehicles (EVs),
shedding light on their history, types,
key components, performance
characteristics, challenges, and
future prospects.
4 February 2024
Don’t give
Lightning and
Surge Voltage
a chance
February 2024 5
Case Study
Energy Conservation in
Transportation: Promoting
Sustainable Mobility
through Alternative Fuels and
Electric Vehicles
Energy Conservation in
Transportation Promoting
Sustainable Mobility through
Alternative Fuels and Electric
Vehicles Sumbul Munshi IEI Paper
September 2023 by Sumbul Munshi Energy Conservation in Transportation:
and Saumitra Pathak Promoting Sustainable Mobility
through Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicles
88 94
Special Feature Guest Article
Natural Disaster Management
& Power Restoration Asset Management of Importance of Electrical
Distribution Transformer Safety in eMobility
Guest Article
Importance of
Trafotch 2023 Winning
Electrical Safety in
Paper – 1st Runner Up eMobility
Distribution Transformers, as The authors elucidate upon
safety as an imperative element
to the concept of eMobility
Dr. Deepak Lakhapati in his regular 2500kVA and operating at voltage Importance of Electrical Safety in
general was always an option and add-
on suiting the budget. It was not an
integral part of electrical systems design
and was at the mercy of mandatory
EMobility by P. K. Bhattacharyya
is in many instances considered as an
additional cost and kept in abeyance.
94 February 2024
T of Site Conditions on Energy
he E&E industry today is well aware that the use
of energy efficient motors is imperative for optimum
utilization of energy for its operations.
necessary to understand the impact of these variations
on motor performance, especially efficiency, to ensure
optimum utilization of motors.
by Analysis of Winding Failure This paper covers the impact of site conditions on F) Partial load operation
the starting and running performance of 3-phase G) High site ambient temperature
induction motors. The paper considers abnormal
operating conditions such as variations and unbalance The Indian standards on 3-phase motors allow voltage
in electrical supply conditions as well as variation in variation of +10% and frequency variation of +5% in
loading of induction motor, to explain their impact on supply conditions. The allowed combined variation of
the motor performance. voltage and frequency is limited to +10%.
6 February 2024
motors are not operated on rated supply condition of motor efficiency, increases I2R losses and the heat
voltage and frequency and are often under loaded. It is generated in the motor.
98 February 2024
February 2024 7
Editorial Board
102 110 Advisory Committee
Founder Chairman Chairman
Mr R G Keswani Sunil Singhvi
Guest Article News Analysis
Solutions For E-Mobility Trend In Exports And Imports Of Mr Ashish Tandon Editor
Mr Samir Kaji Ms Charu Mathur
Guest Article
Electrical Products Mr Shashi Amin
Mr Sandeep Zanzaria
Ms Sonal Gariba Advertisement Incharge
NEWS Analysis Mr Rajesh Narayan Ms Pooja Tawte
Mr Mustafa Wajid
Designed by:
Statistics & Data
Processed at:
Mr Ninad Ranade
India Printing Works
Power Scenario
equipment, software, and communications protocols ease of implementation, no need of a DC-DC converter increased reliance on renewable energy sources for The pattern of exports of electrical products also indicates
that deliver energy efficiently and safely to the vehicle. stage, robustness of the design, SCRs capability to power generation, and significant expenditures in the that while growth in export of electrical products was
handle large amounts of voltage and currents and marginal during FY 2015 to FY 2018, in the later years
The charging stations are of two types: AC charging India’s trade is another factor that makes the sector
beginning FY 2019, it realized significant growth. As per
reduced complexity in firing of SCRs. even more important.
stations and DC fast chargers. In AC charging station, the growth of exports for different electrical products,
power is supplied to the onboard charger with an AC
to DC converter (mounted on electric vehicle). The
Simulation results shows more than 3% ripple in battery
current and low input power factor. Another demerit of Global Scenario
Electrical equipment sector has emerged a major
sector for India’s foreign trade over the period.
Review of trade data reveals that exports of electrical
major exported products that contributed to the growth
include Rotating machines, Cables, Transformers and
parts (Figure 2).
Rishyamook Building, First floor,
DC charging station may be of different levels. Level
1 chargers has power rating upto 15 kW with voltage
this topology is that pulse charging scheme cannot be
adopted as SCR remains conducting till zero crossing 85 A, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi 110001.Phones:
Ministry Updates
levels greater than or equal to 48 V. Level 3 chargers
have power rating upto 400 kW with voltage levels in
the range of 200 to 1000 V. The DC charging station
of the input ac signal.
DC fast charger consist of two stages i.e. AC to DC transformer with two secondary windings (one in delta
(Figure 1) (Figure 2)
converter stage (Rectifier) and DC to DC converter and other in star connection) is used to generate twelve
Electricity Regulatory
grid is bringing a new set of challenges in the power
sector. The inconsistency and intermittency of solar & operation which includes proper tuning of operation
wind power has to be managed by other sources of so as to avoid temperature and pressure excursions.
expressed by authors of articles are their own and
renewable generation in the grid is
generation in order to ensure the grid security, reliability Control optimization shall also include main/
Power Industry
generation, Thus, lowering of minimum power loadof turbine, flame monitoring is crucial from the safety point
for handling the instability & intermittency of renewable The above measures are essential for a unit and may
generation and ensuring security, reliability of power require anestimated capital investment of Rs 10 crores.
supply. Further, the cost of flexible power from thermal In case of very old units which have not upgraded their
regarding Flexible operation of coal based Thermal
Edited, Printed and published by Ms. Charu Mathur on behalf of Indian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturers’ Association, and Printed at India Printing Works,
India Printing House, 42, G. D. Ambekar Road, Wadala, Mumbai 400 031 and Published at 501, Kakad Chambers,132, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018.
8 February 2024
February 2024 9
From the President’s Desk
Dear Friends,
As the world moves towards
sustainability and environmental
awareness, IEEMA is also advancing
towards growth. With our country’s
population and urban areas set to
expand, as highlighted by Power
Minister Shri RK Singh at BID 2024,
our businesses need to scale up to
meet the increasing demand. He
discussed the power sector’s future
in 2024, including demand trends,
challenges, and investment areas,
indicating significant growth potential.
Our events, BID 2024 (DistribuELEC,
Intelect, and BuildELEC), launched
early this year, have set the tone for
the next 11 months. Coinciding with Globally, the push for electrical
India’s major power reforms, these mobility is driven by a vision toward
events align with the country’s shift sustainability. The Indian automotive
from power deficit to surplus. industry, contributing 7.5% to GDP
India’s Progressive Growth Path and 49% to manufacturing GDP,
The power sector experienced a supports 32 million families. In 2023,
surge in 2023, with significant profits India imported 87% of its oil needs,
in power equipment, renewables, and with 40% used in transportation,
smart metering, and even traditional leading to a $158.4 billion import bill,
power firms seeing substantial gains. plus an additional $16.5 billion for
Minister Shri RK Singh’s vision and vehicle components. EV penetration
direction have laid a strong foundation is expected to increase 8-fold by
for our sector, positioning it to lead 2030, from 5% to over 40%. India,
other industries in the nation. the world’s 4th largest CO2 producer,
Electric Vehicle Industry Insights with transportation contributing
According to the IEEMA Vision 2040 13.5% of total emissions, sees EVs as
report, one of the driving factors for crucial for sustainable development
electricity demand will be e-mobility. and the Make in India initiative. The
10 February 2024
From the President’s Desk
February 2024 11
Dear Members,
We at IEEMA had an electrifying start to 2024 with
the culmination of yet another successful edition of
Distribuelec, Buildelec and Intelect – BID in Mumbai.
We had the privilege and honour of hosting Shri
RK Singh, Hon’ble Cabinet Minister (Power, New &
Renewable Energy) and other prominent officials
from the industry at the marquee event. The
Minister discussed the electricity sector’s growth,
challenges, and future direction, emphasizing its
key role in sustainable development and in reducing
India’s CO2 emissions.
Speaking at the event Shri RK Singh said “We have
set a huge ambition in energy transition and plan to
have 500 GW of non-fossilbased electricity installed
capacity by 2030. We have installed a Renewable Bhattachayya discuss various aspects of E
Energy capacity of 1,79,570MW (43% of our mobility and infrastructure.
total capacity) and another 99,000MW is under Additionally, it includes the first runner-up
installation. My Ministry has rolled out the plan paper from the TRAFOTECH Conference 2024
for 500 GW Generation as well as a transmission about asset management of distribution
system for evacuation of this power,” transformers, by Debashis Sikder & Prachi
BID-2024 edition was the largest-ever trifecta in Sharma.
terms of size, scale, engagement and potential As we move ahead, we will keep a close
business opportunities generated. With over 250 track of the Union Budget in February,
exhibitors, 50,000+ business visitors footfall, which presents opportunities to boost
200+ international & 100+ domestic hosted domestic manufacturing, expand exports,
buyers, 30,000+ B2B meetings, 20+ new product and implement quality and safety standards.
launches and estimated business enquiries of about Our budget proposals align with the Indian
USD 1 Bn. BID-2024 was a resounding success. This government’s objectives, and we are
edition also spotlighted the green energy segment confident that the government will take
and new energy landscape in close alignment with steps in the direction that will bring cheer to
the government’s vision for growth. India Inc. and give the booster shot to drive
the next wave of growth.
The February edition of IEEMA journal covers BID
2024 in detail, including a summary of the Minister’s February 2024 will be another exciting
speech and show highlights. month for us as we gear up to host E3 in
Kolkata, Insulec and Tech IT in Mumbai. I
We also focus on E Mobility & Charging
welcome you all to be a part of these events
Infrastructure, with various authors exploring the and engage with industry stakeholders and
topic. The cover story, “The Zip Zap Zoom of E make the most of these opportunities.
Vehicles,” includes insights about the E Mobility and
Charging Infrastructure Division. It features two case Thank you!
studies: one on EV technology advancement and
another on energy conservation through alternative
fuels. Guest writers like Sachin Pilkhane and PK Charu Mathur
February 2024 12
Let’s manufacture what matters to you.
Welcome to Mitsubishi Electric’s vision for the future
enabled by factory automation.
February 2024 13
Honourable Minister of Power
Shri R. K. Singh launches BUILDELEC
14 February 2024
& Renewable Energy
MicroGrid, Storage, Substation, Energy Efficient that the power sector is undergoing for the past 9 years."
Buildings, and Feeder Automation. Dr. Praveer Sinha from Tata Power set the mood of
BuildELEC focuses on electrical solutions for residential the exhibition when he said, “It is a great honour and
and commercial buildings, showcasing smart electrical pleasure to be present to celebrate the power sector’s
technologies and equipment. The event Intelect, is a work and I say this because the last 4 years have been
conference dedicated to intelligent electricity distribution a very difficult period.” He noted how challenges in the
and consumption, offering insightful discussions on the supply chain arose during Covid19, “when we had a
future direction of the industry. Arsiwala said, “The fact review meeting to figure out how power is generated,
that BID 2024 has more than doubled in size from the transmitted and supplied when all are working from
previous edition, is a testament of the growth Indian home. There was not a single day without power, so I
Electrical Equipment industry is seeing, as a result of must congratulate all those present here for this great
the power reforms and the fast pace of transformation feat!”
February 2024 15
Union Cabinet Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energies, Shri RK Singh inaugurating BuildELEC Intelect
DistribuELEC 2024
In the past three years the demand for power has gone Introducing the cabinet minister as ‘the leader who
up, he said and noted that before Covid19, the peak leads from the front’, he concluded by setting a brilliant
was 180 GW and demand was 1 trillion units. “In the context to the much anticipated industry event. The
last 3 years we have seen that the demand has gone up Director General of IEEMA, Charu Mathur welcomed
to 210GW while last year it was 241GW; “and meeting Shri RK Singh to address the august gathering.
this peak demand of 241GW in a country like India Even before completing his opening remark: “It is a
without any disruption of supply in my opinion is a family gathering…..,” the Minister’s samcharcha was
big achievement of the government. This year we are met with a thunderous applause, and he continued, “It
expecting the peak demand to go up substantially and is a family gathering…, and as the head of the family, it
numbers that are being talked of are 260GW - 270GW.” has incumbent upon me to anticipate the future, so that
you can prepare for it and it is my job to tell you that this
Referring to the efforts of the Chief Guest of honour is what is going to happen so that you are prepared for
Shri RK Singh, he said, “One activity I know that the it. We as a family have been very successful, so it is time
honourable minister involves personally in is ‘power to celebrate.”
generation’,” in that, he plans many review meetings
Commenting on the reason why the Indian economy
just to ensure how the coal supply takes place at various is the world’s largest economy, growing at the fastest
power plants, discusses gas supply and issues related rate in the world, he said, “It is to a large extent
to imported coal supply, etc. and further complimented because of us, because without electricity, there is no
the Indian power sector for doing exceedingly well. growth.”
The minister mentioned that when he joined the ministry
he saw “a perverse outlook in the field of transmission,
for example the outlook ‘let the load come, then we shall
provide for the transmission,’ I felt was utter nonsense!”
“The matter of the fact is that the load will come after
you provide the transmission, because without
electricity there is no industrialization,” he noted. He
said that he had to struggle to change the old ideas to
progressive ones.
They achieved that aim to bring about a change, but
the range to which it was achieved, was humungous.
“In 2014 when I joined office, the peak demand was
a mere 130 odd gigawatts whereas today, we have
already reached a peak demand of 243 thousand GW;
The minister listening intently to IEEMA Presidium an increase of 80%.”
16 February 2024
February 2024 17
18 February 2024
February 2024 19
“We keep adding transmission lines,” he remarked. “That is the direction that you need to go. You need to
“We have changed the rules to make it more viable and go in the direction of storage, in the direction of reverse
simpler and done that across the sector. I had added oil pumps, because you have 40,000MW of pumped
a huge quantum of transmission lines but that was not hydro under various stages of clearances, and I want
enough, so I am trying to keep pace and it turns out that to add more pumped hydro, so that’s the direction,
we have run out of connectivity! So basically, we have reverse, turbine, pump, etc…
to add more transmission capacity, that too in a hurry!
Here, I see the future in HBDC made in India. Do that! “Basically, I am going to double everything as there is
a demand and I am putting into place policies that will
“We will have to make underwater cables here, because ensure that the demand will continue to grow.
we are going to have 35,000 MW of offshore wind. This
too will be rolled out rapidly, as we will come out with A very pertinent point addressed by the honourable
some bids that are going to accelerate. And, as we do minister was concerning distribution. “I have seen
not want to import them, so we start making them here. the tendency of distribution companies to not sign
“I was in consultation with Hamza, where we discussed long term PPS and depend on the market. That will
about launching a policy which will force people to not do; thus, I have brought in a rule that states
make in India and buy in India, because I am the market that everybody who has a distribution licence has a
and I don’t want to buy things abroad, and I want to buy responsibility to tie up enough capacity to meet the
things made in India. So, we will come up with a policy, demand of the area which it is licenced to serve. I
if you have any inputs give me that policy. have put that into the rules.
Dr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD Tata Imteyaz A. Siddiqui, Chairman Intelect Shashi Amin, Chairman, BuildELEC
Power Company
20 February 2024
February 2024 21
22 February 2024
February 2024 23
“We are already one of the biggest manufacturers of After this passionate delivery the minister concluded
wind equipment; we will also become one the largest his address to the 200 buyers listening with great
manufacturers of offshore wind equipment and of eagerness, with these remarks, “I see you all multiplying
course, we are going to emerge as a leader in Green to twice thrice the present size. You have to multiply to
Hydrogen. I already have 7 million tonnes of green twice and thrice the present size, because my demand
hydrogen planned in different places by different is going to double and triple. The demand is huge,
industries and all this not being done by the public but it is exciting; and it is this challenge which keeps
sector nor by public investment. people alive, keeps us alive and we’ve never missed on
a challenge yet, so we’ll not miss on this challenge yet,
“Every bid I hold is hotly contested, every major fund is
so this is the biggest challenge in India and I am up to
already invested here, for good reason, as they get good
it, wish you too all the best!”
returns and every major fund in the world is investing
here, because we are the ones who are growing. IEEMA DG Mathur commended the inspiring words of
the minister and added “Aaj Bharat aatmanirbhar hai,
“Where else do you see the growth? In China the toh kal poora vishwa aatmanirbhar banega!”
growth has dampened, the growth is here, in India and
it will continue to be here for the next 3 decades, now
you have to prepare for it. You have to be prepared to
IEEMA Quality Cell Launch: A
grow at a rate which you have not seen. Commitment
“That’s the future of our country, not only in this sector One of the most important component of the power
but in all sectors, but we must lead. If we don’t grow, supply for the reliability of power supply is the quality of
India will not grow, that is how critical this sector is; but the equipment and safety practices. IEEMA Quality cell
we shall grow…and as we grow, our industry will grow is headed by the board of IEEMA and chaired by the
senior quality professionals of IEEMA membership. The
and we shall export. The price and quality of our make
aim of the cell is to create awareness among industry,
will be unparalleled, because elsewhere the industry
users and members about safety and quality practices.
will be dying out. This is where the growth is, this is
where the demand is, and this is where the industry will Sunil Singhvi VP of IEEMA informed, “We will do
be growing. benchmarking with the auto industry etc, and encourage
24 February 2024
February 2024 25
26 February 2024
February 2024 27
28 February 2024
Making sustainable
in India
February 2024 29
was an honour to be amongst a distinguished group of the previous day, she had witnessed a ‘SharkTank in
experts, industry leaders and policy makers – all united IEEMA’ wherein twelve Start-ups were giving pitches
by a common purpose to promote innovation, quality, and a jury had gruelling questions for each enterprise.
safety and sustainability. Mathur announced Baud and Cappatery as winners of
the Runners Up prize while Trinano bagged the First
Arsiwala “The pursuit of green energy and
Prize in the Start-up ElectraVerse Sparks Contest.
decarbonization emerges, as a strategic imperative
net-zero targets; this transition involves a fundamental
restructuring of the energy landscape emphasising the Signing of an International MOU
adoption of the noble Memorandum of
resources such as solar, Imteyaz Siddiqui, Chairman, IntELECT and Understanding was signed
wind and hydro-electric Director & Regional Area Sales Manager-SA & between Indian Electrical &
power. Decarbonization GCC, Altanova India Pvt. Ltd Electronics Manufacturers’
within the energy sector Association (IEEMA) and Ho
Knowledge is power, but when the knowledge is
optimizes processes, Chi Minh City Association of
about electricity and energy, it becomes very powerful
enhances energy Mechanical and Electrical
knowledge. We curated this edition of IntELECT to
efficiency and unexplored Enterprises (HAMEE). General
increase our knowledge, learn from the best minds
carbon technologies. The objectives of the association
of the industry, acquire and accept those practices
net zero targets, set a include collaboration and
which have helped the successful entrepreneurs and
clear trajectory to balance cooperation at various levels,
businessmen achieve their goals. I am proud that the
carbon emissions for all information exchanges, joint
6th edition of IntELECT was a thumping success!
offset measures marking exercises, education and
a paradigm shift towards training.
sustainability.” The Inaugural concluded with a Vote of Thanks by the
The two days of conference will have discussions with Vice President of IEEMA, Vikram Gandotra.
CEOs of utilities, high level panel discussions on safety, A Keynote Address was delivered by Shaikh Sahid
sustainability, reliability, modernization, 7innovations Hossain, Chief Revenue Officer enlightening the
in the distribution system, fire safe and sustainable audience about industry 2.0 and way ahead followed by
buildings for a safe future, prioritizing safety measures, a Q&A session. The highly anticipated event, the CEO
adhering to stringent quality standards and investing in Session followed next.
modern technologies.
“Together we must resolve, we can and shall build – a
robust and resilient power grid that meets the demands
of the future,” said the president and added that this
platform serves as a platform to bring together the
brightest of minds, and strongly recommended that all
introspect, explore, think out of the box and simply have
fun over the next few days. In conclusion he said, “This
is ‘the India story’, the decade is for India, to conduct
business, work and herald exciting times for all!”
Charu Mathur, the Director General of IEEMA was
Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers’ Association
called upon the dais to give away the Start-up Awards. (IEEMA) and Ho Chi Minh City Association of Mechanical and
Matur invited the delegates to visit the start-up pavilion Electrical Enterprises (HAMEE) signed a Memorandum of
at the exhibition and encourage them. She said that Understanding
30 February 2024
Moderated by Krishnakumar Ramanathan, Head of Strategy & Business Excellence – Asia Pacific and Middle
East, Siemens Large Drives, the panel included renowned dignitaries like Dr Saket Kumar. Managing Director
UHBVN; Kushal N Desai, Chairman & Managing Director, APAR Industries limited; Robert Demann, Executive Vice
President and Head Smart Infrastructure Siemens Ltd; Uday Singh, Managing Director and CEO of Schneider
Ramanathan began the session by putting forth the
very serious theme of carbon emission and net zero
to the panellist. Noting the problem of ‘very long-
term goals’, Ramanathan quipped that these goals
would manifest almost after their lifetimes were
through! However, the repercussions were evident
in nature and splashed across the news. Noting how
countries are severely lagging in their environment
commitments, he listed three challenger he said
are firstly, building critical awareness beyond tree
planting, etc; secondly investing in technology
over time and the third big question he asked was
pertaining economic viability. The session had
brilliant inputs from each panellist and concluded Questions and answers at the CEO Session moderated by Krishnakumar Ramanathan
with a Q&A.
A session on Advanced Technologies for DISCOM Modernization was followed by a special session on Demystifying
QCO’s on Fire Survival & Solar Cables. The second day had sessions on Energy Systems Integration, Resilient
Prosumer Infrastructure and New Dimensions to Modern Infrastructure. You can log on to youtube Day1 @ #BID
2024 to recreate the experience and know expert panellists’ views and Day2 @ #BID2024.
February 2024 31
The three days of DistribuELEC and BuildELEC and two days of IntELECT ended on a high note with a scintillating
performance from Ambili Menon followed by cocktails and networking.
32 February 2024
electrical safety for Safety w
the mobile future V e h i c le H V
O n -B o a r d N
t w or
in g
in g DC
ile ch
Electrical safety from the charging socket careful coordination and implementation of all measures in order to
guarantee comprehensive electrical safety for the user here too.
to the electric vehicle
In building installations
Electrical safety both in the electric vehicle itself and in the charging The requirements for electrical safety in buildings are defined in
infrastructure is of key importance in the use of electric vehicles (EV). detail in the DIN VDE 0100 series of standards. To make sure that
As in all areas of everyday life, protecting people from the hazards electric vehicles (EV) can be charged safely and reliably, both the
caused by electrical current is top priority here too. necessary protective measures required for the building and those
required for new installations must be complied with and the
In the electric vehicle (EV) system set up in accordance with the normative requirements for
In the vehicle, there are various voltages which require careful the charging process.
coordination of protective measures to control them. Insulation faults
in the Class B voltage system (on-board network) caused by, for Contact us today.
example, contamination, humidity, faulty connections, etc. must Bender India Private Limited
be avoided or detected and remedied. 805, B-Wing, 8th Floor, TECHNOCITY
Plot No X-4/1 & X-4/2, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area
At the charging station Mahape, NaviMumbai – 400710,
The basic aim is to be able to charge electric vehicles from virtually Maharashtra, INDIA
any socket. This means different networks and protective measures Phone: +91 22 2778-8501, -8502 • Fax: +91 22 2778-8503
can come together during the charging process. This requires E-mail:
February 2024 33
34 February 2024
February 2024 35
36 February 2024
इं �व �र रल
इले ि� ��केशन
इं डि यल
े वेज
एयरपो स �ड�े�
ई वी एशज�
व��वक र पर
†„ से अ��क ाेश
को शयवर
गुणव ा और
�वव सनीयत
का दसरा
ू नाम
ं र आपक� सेवा म उपल
हमारे उ
केबल कंड�सस अ� उ ा
66 KV XLPE पावर केब बेयर और इं सुलेटे ड कॉपर एयरडेक, क ु शनकशन औ
HT & LT ए रयल बं ड केब कंड�सस क�ेेि क ेब
LT PVC पावर और कं ोल केब ACSR, AAA & AA कंड�सस सोलर केब
मी�डडयम वोे ज कवड रल
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कंड�सस MVCC) ाड केब
HT & LT XLPE UG पावर केब ईवी चा�ज� ग केब
Februay 2024 37
Cover Story
38 February 2024
Cover Story
India’s flagship scheme for promoting electric mobility. Plan (NEMMP) 2020 under which the Faster Adoption
Currently in its 2nd phase of implementation, FAME-II and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles
is being implemented for a period of 3 years, eff. 1st India Scheme also called the FAME India Scheme
April 2019 with a budget allocation of 10,000 Cr. Every was formulated to promote the manufacturing of
state offers incentives for EVs which you can access at electric and hybrid vehicle technology and ensure its
sustainable growth.
Timeline of E-Mobility Adoption in Phase-I saw the creation of a demand for electric
vehicles through incentives and grants for various
India vehicle segments. It resulted in about 2.78 lakh
i) In 1994 India’s first electric vehicle, the REVA was supported EVs via demand incentives.
launched; Phase-II of the FAME India Scheme, approved with an
ii) In 2010, the Ministry of New and Renewable outlay of INR 10,000 Crore, aims to support demand for
Energy (MNRE) launched the Alternate Fuels for EVs by supporting 7,000 e-Buses, 5 lakh e-3 Wheelers,
Surface Transportation Programme with a budget
55,000 e-4 Wheeler (Commercial purposes) and 10
of INR 95 crore;
lakh e-2 Wheelers (including commercial & private).
iii) In 2012 the National Electric Mobility Mission 2020
(NEMMP 2020) policy set a target of having 6-7 Starting from June 2023, for 2-wheeler subsidy is
million electric vehicles on the road by 2020; capped at INR 10,000 per kWh with cap of 15% of
iv) In 2015 the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of exfactory, while for other segments expect e-buses the
(Hybrid &) Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme was cap is limited to 20% of the ex-factory price. e-Buses
announced; have higher incentive value of INR 20,000 per kWh.
v) In 2019 FAME revised;
Of the allocated INR 10,000 Cr, INR 8,596 Cr is for
vi) In 2021 PLI SCHEME,
demand incentives with additional INR 366 Cr carry-
vii) In 2022 FAME scheme revised;
forwarded from FAME-I primarily for e-buses and INR
viii) In 2022, NITI Aayog released a draft policy on
1,000 Cr for development of charging infra.
Battery Swapping;
xi) 2023 FAME II As of 21st July 2023, INR 4,157 Cr for demand incentives
has been exhausted. With announcements of INR 800
FAME Scheme (I&II) Cr for setting up fast charging stations approved a
In the year 2015, the Department of Heavy Industry significant chunk of budget for charging infra is also
(DHI) developed the National Electric Mobility Mission expected to be utilised.
Februay 2024 39
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Approximate Approximate Size
of Battery
PLI Auto & Auto Components:
In March 2022, GoI approved the PLI scheme for auto
Two wheelers:
and auto components, offering financial incentives of up
Rs 15000/- per kWh Two wheelers:
to 18% to boost domestic manufacturing of advanced
upto 40% of the cost of 2 kWh
automotive technology (AAT) products and attract
investments in the automotive value chain.
Three wheelers: Three wheelers: The PLI Scheme has well-defined targets for local
Rs 10000/- per kWh 5 kWh domestic investments added with 50% minimum
Four wheelers: Four wheelers: localisation to be qualified for any incentive.
Rs 10000/- per kWh 15 kWh With an INR 25,938 crore outlay over 2022-2027,
E Buses: E Buses: eligible OEM Champions will receive incentives ranging
Rs 20000/- per kWh 250 kWh from 13-16% of determined sales value for BEV & FCEV
Performance Linked Incentives For Component Champion, 8-11% of determined sales
along with an additional 5% for BEV & FCEV vehicle
Scheme components. The scheme is anticipated to draw over
INR 80,000 crore investments and generate over 7
PLI ACC: lakhs jobs in the industry.
GoI approved the PLI scheme for ACC battery
manufacturing in February 2022, with an INR 18,100 Growing Consumer Awareness
crore outlay over five years (2023-2028) to establish 50 A growing awareness about environmental issues
GWh local battery production. spurring an eco-friendly revolution and a rise of electrical
This scheme encouraged domestic manufacturing of vehicle sales. The rise in the brand value, demand
ACC batteries and components for the EV industry. and sales reflects impressive advancements in the
Eligible companies will receive a 25% incentive on EV technology and infrastructure. There is a reported
incremental investments and sales, expected to attract surge in sales, driven by technological advancements,
over INR 60,000 crore investments and generate over supportive policies, and environmental consciousness.
Some of the main factors for the growing popularity of
50,000 jobs.
EVs is not only the fact that they are environmentally
In the initial round of allotment Rajesh exports, Ola friendly, but also more cost-effective, reliable,
electric and Reliance New Energy emerged as winners and convenient than their fossil-fuel counterparts.
with combined capacity of 30 GWh. International Energy Agency (IEA), reports that by 2023
40 February 2024
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EVs could avoid 1.5 gigatons of CO2 emissions on an taxes and license plate fees. In India a direct discount is
annual basis. provided to the user on the cost of the electric vehicle,
financial incentive where the amount is reimbursed
EVs are known to keep the air pollution free by avoiding
later, discounted interest rates while availing loan,
tailpipe emissions of harmful pollutants such as
road tax exemption at the time of purchase is waived
nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and volatile organic
off, one time as also the registration fee applicable on
compounds. These poisonous gases are known to
new vehicle purchase is excused. Income tax benefits,
impact public health by causing congestion and smog.
scrapping incentives upon de-registering old petrol and
diesel vehicles, interest-free loans, top-up subsidies,
Advantage EVs special incentives on electric three-wheelers, etc. are
EVs offer an enhanced convenience of the driving offered.
experience as they have a simpler and more efficient
drivetrain than internal combustion engines, which Global EV Policies
translates into faster acceleration, smoother handling, There is a contrast in the area of focus in the policy
and quieter operation. directions with EV penetration at different levels
Since EVs have a higher energy density than batteries across geographies. According to IEA, in 2022, 90%
they store more energy in a smaller space allowing a of EV sales in Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) that include
wider range and flexibility in vehicle design. Additionally, passenger and commercial vehicles were covered in
EVs can be charged at home or at work without hassles EV-related policies. Countries like China, Europe, US
related to petrol and diesel vehicles.
EVs lower the total cost of ownership for drivers and
commercial vehicle operators. With a lower fuel and
maintenance cost than conventional vehicles, EVs do
not require oil changes, spark plugs, or even filters.
Electricity as a fuel, costs lesser and offers more
stability in pricing than gasoline or diesel, especially
since renewable sources such as solar or wind have
appeared on the scene.
Attractive incentives and subsidies offered by
governments and utilities encourage EV sales. In the
US, EV buyers can claim a federal tax credit of up to
$7,500, while in China, EVs are exempt from purchase
42 February 2024
Cover Story
and promising ambitions in markets like India, around up charging stations. California has been the leading
~50% of the global sales in LDV sales are targeted to region in the US with funding schemes, especially for
be Zero-Electric-Vehicles by 2035. Medium-Heavy Duty Truck charging stations.
India also has strong charging infra policies, with
Global Policies Related to Charging FAME-2 providing capital subsidy at a central level and
various state-level policies supporting via tax incentives
Infrastructure and ease of regulations.
According to IEA, the number of electric LDVs per public
Apart from support for charging infra, India and China
charging point and kW per electric LDV, 2022
are 2 countries giving significant importance to battery
Most growing and advanced EV penetration markets swapping in policy. Chinese standard for battery
like China have strong policies incentivising the set- swapping was published in 2021 and is part of national
up of charging stations, with regions like Shenzhen NEV strategy. Several cities and provinces in China also
targeting over 790,000 slow chargers and 43,000 fast provide financial support for swapping stations which
chargers by 2025. has led to China having ~2,000 battery swap stations
Despite reducing purchase incentives in
Germany, investment into charging infra,
especially for High Duty Vehicle (HDVs), is
amped up.
Japan has policy & budget outlays for
setting up both hydrogen refilling 14
Electric Mobility: Strengthening Eco-
System Towards Vision 2030 stations and
charging stations. Japan plans to construct
over 150,000 charging stations by 2030,
with 20% being fast-charging stations.
The US also has a strong policy push
for charging infra with $1.5 Billion under
National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
(NEVI) program. Coupled with the NEVI
program is Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
which provides tax credits for setting
Februay 2024 43
Cover Story
by end of 2022. India also introduced draft EV battery hh Establishing Centre of Excellence for Critical
swap policy in 2022 which is targeted towards e-2W Minerals (CECM) new research and analytical
and e-3W. infrastructure for critical mineral demand
Collaboration with international agencies,
Crucial Raw Material Supply Chain
KABIL (Khanij Bidesh India Limited) for strategic
Update & Disruption acquisitions of minerals
Major economies are increasingly looking into hh Preparation & monitoring of exploration strategy
developing strategic stockpiles of critical minerals due under Ministry of Mines via CECM
to the Russia Ukraine war scenario highlighting the
vulnerability of minerals like nickel, and also due to the
fact that the downstream material processing, battery Outlook
manufacturing, and permanent magnets for motors Notwithstanding the snail pace of the consumer
are areas predominantly controlled by China. The 30 demand for electric vehicles, news about the “demise
key minerals identified in the inter-ministerial report
of EVs” are greatly exaggerated. S&P Global Mobility’s
“Critical Minerals for India” led by Ministry of Mines
includes EV battery specific minerals like lithium, nickel, 2024 global sales forecast has projected battery
cobalt and graphite. To strengthen India’s position in electric passenger vehicles to be on track to post 13.3
the supply chain of the critical minerals, the report has million units worldwide for 2024 and accounting for an
recommended: estimated 16.2% of global passenger vehicle sales.
44 February 2024
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46 February 2024
Cover Story - Think Tank Hydrogen ICE – The NOx 4.2 Urban Commercial Vehicles – Typically
emissions from combustion fleets – have captive EV Charging solutions
have to be dealt with - including in some cases battery swapping
4.3 Urban Public Buses – The E-Bus operators
have enabled E-Bus charging facilities at the
bus depot’s.
engines-can-contribute-to- 4.4 Intercity Buses – same as 4.3 but typically at
zero-emissions start & end destinations.
4.5 Intercity Trucks – An evolving area.
3.0 Conservation of energy – here are some
basic facts: 5.0 Issues relating to supply chain and
3.1.1 One litre of petrol has about 9.6kWh of distribution in the sector.
energy. A petrol scooter in typical Indian 5.1 The primary challenge is to localise the
urban conditions can possibly give you 40- supply chain for battery cells. GoI has already
50km/litre. Taking the higher number this announced PLI’s for this. In addition, several
implies that we get about 5km/kWh large investments have been announced to
3.1.2 An electric scooter of a similar size gives set up domestic production of battery cells.
about 30km/kWh in similar conditions. 5.2 The next challenge is to localise the rest of
3.1.3 Hence its energy efficiency is way above an the EV Power train, i.e.
ICE vehicle. 5.2.1 Battery Packs
3.1.4 Similar conclusions can be reached if you 5.2.2 Motor Drive Systems
compare similar passenger cars.
5.2.3 Vehicle Control Units
4.0 Status of charging infrastructure 5.2.4 Switchgear & Protection – Products &
development in India and issues related Systems
to it. 5.2.5 Cable & Wiring Harnesses
4.1 Personal EV’s – are typically charged 5.2.6 Software
at home using the EV Charger supplied 5.2.7 Various domestic suppliers have
along with the EV by the EV OEM – This emerged over the last few years &
is considered quite adequate given the localisation percentage is increasing.
available range & the typical usage of km/
6.0 Consumer acceptance, creating
4.1.1 However, when such users need to attraction or ways to spread awareness
travel longer distances it is necessary
to have access to EV Charging about e-mobility.
facilities on the highways as well as 6.1 In urban India customer/user acceptance
at the destination. A number of CPO’s levels of light electric vehicles (2W & 3W)
(Charge Point Operators) are now has significantly increased since 2019.
providing such facilities. Much more needs to be done to ensure
better product-market fit in terms of pricing,
financing etc., However production of
electric 2W alone has reached about 1
million nos/annum & is likely to grow rapidly.
6.1.1 The e-rickshaw & the electric 3W
segment has also gained customer
6.2 The passenger electric car segment has
seen many new launches by reputed EV
OEM’s & sales are growing. However, the
price point of such EV’s is still significantly
higher than comparable ICE cars – hence
this segment is still evolving.
Februay 2024 47
Cover Story - Think Tank
6.3 E-Buses have gained customer acceptance 9.4 Much has been done by GoI – refer
& we can expect this segment to grow FAME policies, GST reductions, Road Tax
much bigger in the coming years as the Exemptions etc.,
unit economics & total cost of ownership
are quite favourable when compared to 10.0 Key policies of a few foreign countries
traditional diesel buses.
6.4 E-Trucks – An evolving area – still in a with an already established EV market.
nascent stage. 10.1 Western countries (EU & North America)
have adopted a double-edged policy – one
7.0 Integration of EV charging infrastructure being the levy of emission taxes on ICE
with distribution grid. vehicles; and another is enabling subsidies
for electric cars.
7.1 AC Chargers are typically rated as
3.3/7.4/11/22 kW. The incoming supply 10.1.1 It is important to note that the median
needed is either 230V, 50Hz, Single phase price of an ICE passenger car in such
– or – 415v, 50Hz, 3 Phase. These are thus countries is around US$35,000 –
capable of being seamlessly integrated into hence the price barrier for adoption of
the standard low voltage distribution network. EV’s is much lower.
7.2 DC Chargers typically start at 30-50kW & can
10.2 China has followed the same logic as
go upto 360kW. DISCOMS generally specify
the western countries with an additional
that at these power levels incoming supply
measure – In certain large cities there
will need to be given at 11kV or higher. Hence
integrating such high-capacity chargers will are now rules that you have to purchase
need an upstream power infrastructure, i.e. your number plate for an ICE car – this is
a transformer with the required switching & quite expensive. However, this rule is not
protection systems. Another aspect is that applicable if you are buying an EV
an EV Charging station may have several 10.3 Components used within EV’s are governed
chargers in one location. Hence the Power by a variety of standards – SAE, UL, IEEE,
Supply & its management will need to
IEC, BIS etc., - depending on which market
broadly follow the same practices as in an
the OEM is addressing.
electrical substation.
10.4 The same is true for EV Charging Infra.
8.0 Current status of the EV-technology in
India. 11.0 My vision for the future of the EV and
8.1 World class for electric 2W & 3W. Charging infrastructure market in India.
8.2 Passenger Cars – Tech is well developed 11.1 Expectations are as follows:
but compromises being made on features & 11.1.1 Electric 2W – 50%+ penetration by
performance so as to optimise costs for Indian 2030
market conditions – Ex: Range, Acceleration,
Autonomous/Assisted Driving etc. 11.1.2 Electric 3W – 80%+ penetration by
9.0 Global EV market in terms of technology, 11.1.3 Passenger Cars – 25% penetration by
status of investment, technology, R&D 2030
in the sector & background for policy 11.1.4 E-Buses – 80%+ penetration by 2030
making in relation to EV infrastructure. 11.1.5 Trucks – Too early to say…
9.1 Generally speaking, India is not lagging 11.2 E V Charging Infra market – has three
behind in EV technology, but we have to face constituents
the reality that our median ICE passenger
11.2.1 EV Chargers – a US$ 2 billion size in
car price is about Rs. 8L whereas EV’s are
2030 (including exports)
more expensive.
9.2 Hence it is an affordability issue – not a 11.2.2 Energy as Service – Provided by CPO’s
technology issue. – A US$ 4 to 5 billion size in 2030
9.3 However, India needs to significantly Which will also include
strengthen its supply chain capabilities for Real Estate, Software,
the EV Sector – particularly in battery cells. APP’s, Digital Payments.
48 February 2024
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Cover Story - Think Tank
PLI Scheme
hh Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for
manufacturing of Advanced Chemistry Cell (ACC)
in the country in order to bring down prices of
battery in the country
hh Electric Vehicles are covered under Production
Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme for Automobile and
Auto Components, which was approved on 15th
Sundaresan SA September 2021 with a budgetary outlay of
An entrepreneur and a technology innovator, designing ` 25,938 crore for a period of five years. Hydrogen
products and processes for over three decades: a mechanical fuel cell based vehicles which are Zero Emission
engineer, he currently is Head – New Technologies Vehicles (ZEVs) are covered under Auto and Auto
at Ashok Leyland.
component PLI Scheme
IEEMA ThinkTank voices the concerns,
transformational ideas and most valuable outlook PMP
from thought leaders of the Power Industry hh Public charging infrastructure
hh Battery swapping policy
The ‘Why’ Of E Mobility hh Special emobility zone
Tail pipe emissions are eliminated through adoption
of e-mobility. If the power used to charge the electric hh National Electric Bus Program
vehicles is renewable energy, then overall emissions hh GST on electric vehicles has been reduced
are eliminated. Even if the power comes from fossil from 12% to 5%; GST on chargers/ charging
fuel plants, the resulting emissions can be tackled stations for electric vehicles has been
much better through centralized capture and treatment reduced from 18% to 5%.
facilities, with the impact on the environment lesser than
if they were generated by individual internal combustion hh Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
engine-driven (ICE) vehicles. (MoRTH) announced that battery operated
vehicles will be given green license plates
But concerns about the impact of mining of the critical and be exempted from permit requirements.
minerals required – Lithium, Cobalt, etc., amount of
hh MoRTH issued a notification advising states
energy consumed in manufacturing the electric vehicle
to waive road tax on EVs, which in turn will
aggregates and the treatment of batteries at the end
of their life need more attention and action. Reports help reduce the initial cost of EVs.
discuss about the distance an electric vehicle must hh Model Building Bylaws 2016 amended to
cover before it’s impact on environment is less that of establish charging stations and infrastructure
an equivalent ICE vehicle. in private and commercial buildings.
50 February 2024
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52 February 2024
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Point of Concern
Recycling EV batteries is a concern. Altigreen has
explored eco-friendly ways to dispose of batteries
through Strategic Tie-up to make sure our growth
is environmentally responsible. However central
standards should be made as part of the policy.
54 February 2024
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Case Study
Case Study
56 February 2024
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February 2024 57
58 February 2024
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Case Study
hope that they would become the dominant mode of performance, durability, and affordability. Solid-state
transportation. He even predicted that electricity would batteries and other emerging technologies hold
replace gasoline as the primary fuel for automobiles. promise for further improving the efficiency and range
of electric vehicles.
Electric vehicles gained some popularity in urban areas
during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Electric
taxis, particularly in cities like New York and London,
were a common sight. These early electric taxis were
favored for their quiet operation and absence of noxious
emissions, making them attractive for city transportation.
Despite initial success, electric vehicles faced
challenges such as limited range, long charging
times, and the high cost of batteries. The emergence
of the internal combustion engine and the discovery
of vast petroleum reserves led to the dominance of
gasoline-powered vehicles. Gasoline vehicles offered
longer ranges and quicker refueling, contributing to
their widespread adoption.
The latter half of the 20th century witnessed sporadic
attempts to revive interest in electric vehicles, driven Fig.4: Electric Car Sales (Image source: Forbes)
by concerns about air pollution and dependence
on fossil fuels. However, these efforts often faced Major automotive manufacturers globally began
technological and economic challenges that committing to electric mobility. Traditional automakers,
hindered mass adoption. recognizing the inevitability of an electric future,
have announced ambitious plans to transition their
The early 21st century marked a significant fleets to electric power. Countries and cities have set
resurgence of interest in electric vehicles. Advances targets to phase out internal combustion engine
in battery technology, coupled with environmental
concerns and efforts to reduce greenhouse gas vehicles, signaling a global commitment to electric
emissions, led to a renewed focus on electric mobility as a key component of sustainable
mobility. Companies like Tesla played a pivotal role in transportation. (Refer figure 4)
popularizing high-performance electric vehicles and
The development of a robust charging infrastructure
challenging traditional automotive norms.
is crucial for the widespread adoption of electric
The revival of electric vehicles (EVs) in recent years vehicles. Governments, businesses, and electric utilities
marks a transformative period in the automotive industry, have been investing in expanding charging networks,
characterized by technological breakthroughs, growing including fast-charging stations along highways
environmental consciousness, and a shift towards and charging points in urban areas. This infrastructure
sustainable transportation. expansion addresses the challenge of range anxiety
and enhances the practicality of electric vehicles for
Reasons of Emergence of Electric daily use.
Vehicle Industry The market for electric vehicles has diversified, with
an increasing range of models catering to different
A pivotal player in the revival of electric vehicles has consumer needs. In addition to high-end luxury
been Tesla, led by entrepreneur Elon Musk. Tesla’s electric cars, there are more affordable options, electric
introduction of the Roadster in 2008 marked a SUVs, and electric trucks entering the market. This
significant milestone, demonstrating that electric diversification contributes to a broader adoption of
vehicles could be high-performance, desirable,
electric vehicles across various demographics.
and competitive with traditional combustion engine
vehicles. The success of Tesla’s subsequent models, Electric vehicles often integrate cutting-edge
particularly the Model S, Model 3, and Model X, technologies, including advancements in autonomous
reshaped perceptions of electric vehicles and set new driving. The intersection of electric mobility and
standards for range, acceleration, and technology. autonomous technology is shaping the future of
transportation, offering potential benefits in safety,
One of the key enablers of the electric vehicle
efficiency, and urban mobility.
resurgence has been advancements in battery
technology. Lithium-ion batteries, with their high
energy density and declining costs, became the Types of Electric Vehicles
standard for electric vehicles. Ongoing research In this section, the focus shall be on different types of
and development efforts focus on enhancing battery electric vehicles available in the markets.
60 February 2024
Case Study
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) 3. Reduced Operating Costs: BEVs have fewer
moving parts than traditional vehicles, resulting in
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) represent a category of lower maintenance costs. Additionally, the cost of
electric vehicles that rely solely on electric energy stored electricity for charging is often lower than the cost
in rechargeable batteries for propulsion. Unlike hybrid of gasoline.
vehicles, BEVs do not have an internal combustion
engine and operate entirely on electric power. Here’s an 4. Quiet Operation: BEVs operate quietly compared
in-depth explanation of the concept, key components, to internal combustion engine vehicles, reducing
and advantages of Battery Electric Vehicles: noise pollution in urban environments.
BEVs operate on the principle of electric propulsion, 5. Lower Carbon Footprint: The overall carbon
where an electric motor is powered by energy stored footprint of BEVs depends on the energy sources
in high-capacity rechargeable batteries. These batteries used for electricity generation. In regions with a
are typically lithium-ion batteries due to their high high share of renewable energy, BEVs can have
energy density, efficiency, and relatively light weight.
a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to
The electric motor converts electrical energy from the
traditional vehicles.
battery into mechanical energy to drive the vehicle’s
wheels. (Refer figure 5) 6. Government Incentives: Many governments offer
incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and access
Key Components to carpool lanes to promote the adoption of BEVs.
1. Battery Pack: The heart of a BEV is its battery
pack, which stores and provides electric energy.
Modern BEVs use advanced lithium-ion battery
packs that offer a high energy-to-weight ratio.
2. Electric Motor: BEVs are equipped with one or
more electric motors responsible for converting
electrical energy from the battery into mechanical
energy to drive the wheels. Electric motors are
known for their efficiency and instantaneous
torque delivery.
3. Power Electronics: Power electronics
components, such as inverters and converters, are
crucial for managing the flow of electrical energy
between the battery and the electric motor. They
ensure efficient energy conversion and control
the speed and torque of the motor.
Fig.5: Different Types of Electric Cars & Components
4. Charging System: BEVs come with onboard
charging systems that facilitate the charging of the
battery pack. Charging can be done using various Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)
methods, including standard AC charging, fast
Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) represent a
DC charging, and, increasingly, ultra-fast charging
hybrid vehicle category that combines features of both
conventional internal combustion engine vehicles and
5. Regenerative Braking System: BEVs often Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). PHEVs are equipped
feature regenerative braking systems, which with a rechargeable battery that can be charged via an
capture and convert kinetic energy during
external power source (plugged in), and they also have
braking into electrical energy. This energy is
an internal combustion engine (ICE). This hybrid nature
then fed back into the battery, improving overall
allows PHEVs to operate in electric-only mode, gasoline-
energy efficiency.
only mode, or a combination of both. Here’s a detailed
Advantages exploration of PHEVs, their hybrid characteristics, and
how they differ from BEVs:
1. Zero Emissions: BEVs produce zero tailpipe
emissions, contributing to a reduction in air Hybrid Nature
pollution and mitigating the environmental impact PHEVs are characterized by their dual powertrain
of transportation. systems—a combination of an electric motor and an
2. Energy Efficiency: Electric motors are inherently internal combustion engine. This hybrid architecture
more efficient than internal combustion engines, allows PHEVs to switch seamlessly between electric
leading to higher energy efficiency and reduced and gasoline-powered modes, providing flexibility and
energy consumption. extending the vehicle’s overall range. (Refer figure 5)
February 2024 61
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62 February 2024
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Fig.6: Fuel Cell Electric Car & Components (Image source:
recovered energy is stored in the battery and 2. Hydrogen Fuel: FCEVs store hydrogen in high-
used to assist the vehicle during subsequent pressure tanks onboard the vehicle. The hydrogen
acceleration. fuel is then fed into the anode side of the fuel cell.
3. Automatic Start/Stop Efficiency: The automatic 3. Chemical Reaction: In the fuel cell, hydrogen
start/stop feature reduces idling time, especially in molecules (H2) undergo a chemical reaction at the
city driving conditions, enhancing fuel efficiency anode, splitting into protons (H+) and electrons
by shutting off the engine when the vehicle is (e-). The protons pass through the electrolyte
stationary. membrane to the cathode, while the electrons
are forced to travel through an external circuit,
4. Optimized Power Distribution: The power split generating electrical current.
device ensures that the internal combustion
engine and the electric motor work together 4. Electricity Generation: As the electrons move
efficiently, utilizing each power source for optimal through the external circuit, they create an electric
performance based on driving conditions. current that powers the electric motor of the
vehicle. At the cathode, the protons and electrons
5. Reduced Emissions: By using the electric motor combine with oxygen from the air, forming water
during low-speed and stop-and-go driving, HEVs (H2O) as the only byproduct.
can reduce emissions in urban environments. The
5. Efficiency and Zero Emissions: The efficiency
electric mode, particularly in city driving, allows for
of the fuel cell process is high, and the only
zero-emission operation.
emission is water vapor, making FCEVs a clean
and environmentally friendly option.
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)
Key Characteristics of FCEVs
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) represent an
innovative category of electric vehicles that utilize 1. Zero Tailpipe Emissions: FCEVs produce zero
hydrogen as a fuel source to generate electricity tailpipe emissions, as the only byproduct of
through a chemical reaction in a fuel cell. FCEVs are the hydrogen fuel cell reaction is water vapor.
distinct from other electric vehicles in their reliance on This feature makes FCEVs a promising solution
hydrogen rather than conventional electric charging. for reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas
Here, we’ll introduce FCEVs, emphasizing their use of emissions.
hydrogen fuel cells. (Refer figure 6) 2. Quick Refueling: FCEVs can be refueled with
hydrogen in a matter of minutes, providing a
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology: refueling experience similar to traditional gasoline
1. Fuel Cell Stack: At the heart of FCEVs is a fuel cell vehicles. This quick refueling time contributes to
stack, which contains multiple individual fuel cells. the convenience of FCEVs.
Each fuel cell consists of an anode, a cathode, 3. Long Range: FCEVs typically have a longer
and an electrolyte membrane. The most common driving range compared to battery electric vehicles
type of fuel cell for FCEVs is the proton exchange (BEVs) and can cover substantial distances on a
membrane fuel cell (PEMFC). single tank of hydrogen.
February 2024 63
Case Study
4. Versatility in Applications: FCEVs find Electric motors are known for their high efficiency
applications beyond passenger vehicles, including compared to internal combustion engines. They can
buses, trucks, and even some trains. The versatility convert a large percentage of electrical energy from
of hydrogen fuel cells makes them suitable for a the battery into mechanical energy, contributing to the
range of transportation needs. overall energy efficiency of the electric vehicle.
5. Challenges: Despite their advantages, FCEVs One notable feature of electric motors in EVs is
face challenges related to the availability of regenerative braking. During braking or deceleration,
hydrogen infrastructure, production methods, and the electric motor operates in reverse, acting as a
cost. Establishing a comprehensive hydrogen generator. It converts kinetic energy back into electrical
refueling network remains a key consideration for energy, which is then fed back into the battery for
the widespread adoption of FCEVs. storage. This regenerative braking system enhances
energy efficiency and extends the vehicle’s range. (Refer
Key Components of an Electric Vehicle figure 7)
64 February 2024
Case Study
manganese oxide (LiMn2O4), lithium iron are still in the early stages of development and
phosphate (LiFePO4), and others. commercialization.
2. Energy Density: Lithium-ion batteries are known 2. Nickel-Metal Hydride (NiMH) Batteries: While
for their high energy density, which means they can less common in modern EVs, NiMH batteries have
store a significant amount of energy in a relatively been used in some hybrid vehicles. They offer a
small and lightweight package. This characteristic decent energy density but are bulkier and heavier
is crucial for extending the driving range of compared to lithium-ion batteries.
electric vehicles.
3. Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Lithium-sulfur batteries
are being explored for their potential to provide
higher energy density than traditional lithium-
ion batteries. Research is ongoing to address
challenges related to cycle life and overall stability.
Power Electronics
Power electronics play a pivotal role in the operation
of electric vehicles (EVs) by controlling and managing
Fig.8: Lithium-Ion Battery Charging & Discharging
the flow of electrical energy between the battery, electric
3. Voltage Stability: Lithium-ion batteries exhibit motor, and other components. The importance of power
stable voltage characteristics throughout most of electronics in EVs lies in their ability to optimize energy
their discharge cycle, providing consistent power efficiency, control motor performance, and ensure the
to the electric motor and contributing to the overall safe and reliable operation of the vehicle.
efficiency of the vehicle.
Energy Conversion and Inversion:
4. Fast Charging: Lithium-ion batteries are capable
of fast-charging, allowing EVs equipped with these A. DC-AC Inverters: Electric motors in EVs require
batteries to replenish a substantial portion of their alternating current (AC) to operate, while batteries
provide direct current (DC) electricity. Power
charge in a relatively short time. Fast-charging
electronics, specifically DC-AC inverters, are
capability enhances the practicality of EVs for daily
responsible for converting the DC power from the
battery to AC power for the electric motor. This
5. Long Cycle Life: Lithium-ion batteries generally conversion is crucial for the seamless operation of
have a long cycle life, meaning they can the electric drivetrain.
undergo numerous charge-discharge cycles
B. AC-DC Converters: During regenerative braking
before experiencing a significant decrease in
or when charging the battery, power electronics
performance. This longevity contributes to the
facilitate the conversion of AC power generated
durability of EVs.
by the electric motor or received from an external
6. Thermal Management: Proper thermal power source (such as a charging station) into DC
management is crucial for lithium-ion batteries to power for storage in the battery.
ensure safety and performance. Advanced battery Motor Control
management systems (BMS) in EVs monitor and
A. Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs): Power
regulate the temperature of the battery cells to
electronics, in conjunction with sophisticated
prevent overheating and optimize performance.
motor control algorithms, enable precise control
7. Cost Considerations: While the cost of lithium- of the electric motor’s speed and torque. This
ion batteries has significantly decreased over the level of control is essential for achieving optimal
years, it remains a notable factor in the overall cost performance, efficiency, and responsiveness in
of electric vehicles. Ongoing research focuses various driving conditions.
on further reducing the cost of production and B. Regenerative Braking Control: Power electronics
enhancing the efficiency of lithium-ion batteries. govern the regenerative braking process by
Other Battery Technologies: efficiently capturing and converting kinetic energy
during braking into electrical energy. This energy
1. Solid-State Batteries: Solid-state batteries are is then fed back into the battery for later use,
a next-generation technology that replaces the enhancing overall energy efficiency.
liquid electrolyte in traditional batteries with a
solid electrolyte. These batteries offer potential Battery Management
advantages such as higher energy density, faster A. Battery Charging Control: Power electronics
charging, and enhanced safety. However, they control the charging process of the battery,
February 2024 65
Case Study
ensuring that it occurs within safe voltage and Level 2 Charging (Residential and Public
temperature ranges. This includes managing the Charging Stations):
charging rate during different charging stages,
hh Voltage: 240 volts (AC)
such as fast charging or slow overnight charging.
hh Power Output: Typically 7 to 22 kW
B. Discharge Control: Power electronics regulate
hh Charging Time: Faster than Level 1, suitable for
the discharge of energy from the battery to the
home and public charging stations
electric motor, maintaining optimal conditions to
prolong the battery’s life and performance. hh Application: Level 2 charging is suitable for both
residential and public charging. It is faster than
Thermal Management: Level 1 and is commonly used at home or at
Cooling Systems: Power electronics generate heat workplaces.
during their operation. Efficient thermal management
DC Fast Charging (Public Charging Stations):
systems, integrated with power electronics, ensure
that components remain within safe temperature limits. hh Voltage: 480 volts (DC) or higher
This involves cooling mechanisms such as liquid hh Power Output: Varies, but can range from 50 kW to
cooling or air cooling to prevent overheating and 350 kW or more
maintain optimal efficiency.
hh Charging Time: Rapid charging, provides a
significant amount of charge in a short time
Efficiency Optimization
hh Application: DC fast charging is designed for public
Power Factor Correction: Power electronics contribute
charging stations and is suitable for long-distance
to power factor correction, improving the efficiency of
travel. It enables quick charging stops, providing
energy transfer between the power source (battery or
a substantial charge in a matter of minutes. (Refer
external grid) and the electric motor. High power factor
figure 9)
is essential for minimizing energy losses and ensuring
a more effective use of electrical power.
Safety Features
Fault Detection and Protection: Power electronics
systems incorporate safety features, including fault
detection and protection mechanisms. In the event
of anomalies or failures, these systems can quickly
respond to protect the vehicle’s components and
ensure the safety of occupants.
Charging Methods & Infrastructure Fig.9: Electric Car Charging Station – Residential & Public
66 February 2024
Case Study
4. Charging Networks: Charging networks, operated initiatives and industry commitments, positions electric
by companies or utilities, play a role in connecting vehicles as a crucial component in the global pursuit of
charging stations and providing services such as a greener and more sustainable future.
payment processing, charging station location
information, and real-time status updates. This Battery Electric Vehicles represent a clean and efficient
enhances the user experience and contributes to mode of transportation, offering numerous advantages
the growth of the charging infrastructure. in terms of environmental sustainability, energy
efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The increasing
Challenges and Future Developments: popularity and advancements in battery technology
are contributing to the continued growth of BEVs in the
1. Infrastructure Expansion: A critical challenge
for EV adoption is the need for an expanded and automotive market.
well-distributed charging infrastructure. Continued The development and expansion of charging
investments in infrastructure expansion are infrastructure are critical factors in the widespread
essential to support the growing number of electric adoption of electric vehicles. The availability of diverse
vehicles on the road. charging methods, along with a well-connected and
2. Standardizing charging: connectors and accessible infrastructure, contributes to the overall
protocols is crucial to ensure interoperability success of electric mobility. Ongoing advancements in
among different EV models and charging stations. charging technologies and infrastructure development
Efforts to establish global charging standards will continue to shape the future of electric vehicle
aim to create a seamless charging experience charging.
for users.
3. Ultra-Fast Charging: Ongoing research and References
development focus on ultra-fast charging 1) A. Ahmadian, B. Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A. Elkamel “A
technologies, with charging stations capable of Review on Plug-in Electric Vehicles: Introduction,
delivering power in the range of 350 kW or more. Current Status, and Load Modeling Techniques”
Ultra-fast charging aims to reduce charging J. Mod Power Syst. Clean Energy, 8 (3) (2020),
times further and enhance the practicality of EVs
pp. 412-425
for all users.
2) B. Al Hanahi, I. Ahmad, D. Habibi, M.A.S. Masoum
4. Innovations in Wireless Charging: Wireless
“Charging Infrastructure for Commercial Electric
charging technologies are being explored to
Vehicles: Challenges and Future Works” IEEE
eliminate the need for physical cables. These
systems use electromagnetic fields to transfer Access, 9 (2021), pp. 121476-121492
energy between a charging pad on the ground 3) T. Altenburg, E.W. Schamp, A. Chaudhary
and a receiver on the vehicle, simplifying the “The emergence of electromobility: Comparing
charging process. technological pathways in France, Germany,
China and India” Sci. Public Policy, 43 (4) (2016),
Conclusion pp. 464-475
The history of electric vehicles is characterized by a
series of innovations, setbacks, and revivals. The early Divyanshu Arora
developments laid the foundation for contemporary Third Year Electronics & Communication Engineering student
electric mobility, and the ongoing advancements at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering. He also has a
suggest a promising future for electric vehicles as a specialization in Renewable Energy, Data Analytics, Fintech,
sustainable and mainstream mode of transportation. IT Support and Machine Learning from Coursera other than a
Google Digital Garage's Digital Marketing Certificate.
The various types of EVs, including Battery Electric
Vehicles (BEVs), Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
(PHEVs), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), and Fuel Dr. Rajesh Kumar Arora
Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) w.r.t. the performance B. Tech. & Master of Engineering (ME) in Electrical
attributes of EVs, including acceleration, range, energy Engineering. A PhD in grounding system design from UPES,
efficiency, and their environmental impact have been Dehradun, he is also a certified Energy Manager and Auditor
discussed. and has worked in 400kV and 220kV Substation for over 14
years in Delhi Transco Limited (DTL). He has held the position
The increasing prominence of electric vehicles is of Deputy Director (Transmission and Distribution) in Delhi
intricately linked to the urgent need to address Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) and contributedto
environmental concerns and transition towards the OS department of DTL rendering services in the SLDC
sustainable transportation models. The alignment of EVs of DTL and presently with D&E (Design and Engineering)
with clean energy principles, coupled with government department of the same company.
February 2024 67
68 February 2024
Case Study
technological advancements, and individual actions. By energy intensive, and it can lead to competition for
implementing these strategies, we can reduce energy land and resources with food production, potentially
consumption, lower emissions, and work towards affecting food prices and availability.
creating a more sustainable transportation system.
Existing vehicles can use E10 blends; the availability
of flex-fuel vehicles (capable of running on higher
Alternative Fuels for Energy ethanol blends like E85) is limited, which hampers the
Conservation broader adoption of higher ethanol blends because this
Alternative fuels are non-conventional sources of will require modifications to existing infrastructure to
energy that can be used to power vehicles. They often accommodate higher ethanol blends.
produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared
to conventional fossil fuels. Each alternative fuel has Biodiesel
its advantages and challenges. Some are already Biodiesel is another important alternative fuel that has
in widespread use, like ethanol blends in gasoline or gained attention as a renewable and environmentally
electric vehicles. Others are still in the development friendly option for the transportation sector. Produced
and research stages due to cost, infrastructure, and from vegetable oils or animal fats, biodiesel can be
scalability concerns. The adoption of alternative fuels used as a diesel fuel replacement or blended with
often depends on factors like government policies, traditional diesel. Biodiesel offers several advantages
technological advancements, and public awareness as an alternative fuel.
of environmental issues. Some common alternative
fuels include: Biodiesel can be replenished through farming and
agricultural practices, making it a renewable energy
source as well as providing energy security. It has
lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions compared
These are fuels derived from biomass, such as plants, to traditional diesel fuel because of its carbon-neutral
algae, or agricultural waste. The two most common cycle. Biodiesel is biodegradable and less toxic than
types of biofuels are ethanol and biodiesel. Biofuels petroleum-based diesel, reducing the environmental
can be used in conventional vehicles with minor impact in case of spills or leaks. It can be used in
modifications and offer reduced carbon emissions existing diesel engines with little to no modifications and
compared to fossil fuels. it has excellent lubrication properties, which can lead to
reduced engine wear and potentially longer engine life.
However, biodiesel as an alternative fuel also faces
Ethanol is a renewable and relatively clean-burning some challenges and considerations. The availability
alternative fuel that has gained attention as a potential of feedstocks for biodiesel production, such as
replacement or supplement to gasoline in the vegetable oils and animal fats, can be influenced by
transportation sector. Often made from corn, sugarcane, land use considerations, including competition with
or other crops, ethanol is used as an additive in gasoline food production and concerns about deforestation
or as a standalone fuel in certain flex-fuel vehicles. and habitat destruction. In addition, its production
Ethanol is produced from crops, which can be grown requires huge energy particularly in the form of heat
annually, making it a renewable and sustainable source and electricity. It has slightly different properties than
of energy thus enhancing energy security for countries traditional diesel, which can impact storage and fuel
that can produce it locally. Compared to gasoline, quality. Moreover, biodiesel performance poorly in cold
ethanol generally results in lower net greenhouse weather due to increased viscosity and potential gelling,
gas emissions, mainly because the carbon dioxide which can affect fuel flow and engine performance in
released during combustion is offset by the carbon colder climates.
dioxide absorbed by the plants during growth. This
cycle is known as the carbon-neutral cycle. In addition,
it is compatible with existing vehicles with minor
modifications, especially in blends like E10 (10% ethanol
and 90% gasoline) and it has a higher-octane rating than
gasoline, which can lead to better engine performance
and efficiency when used as an additive in gasoline
or in high-compression engines designed specifically
for ethanol. The production of ethanol from crops can
provide economic benefits to rural communities by
creating jobs and supporting agricultural industries.
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the grid into vehicle movement, while conventional By embracing electric vehicles and supporting their
vehicles waste a significant portion of energy as widespread adoption, society can move towards a more
heat during combustion. This increased efficiency sustainable and energy-efficient transportation system.
translates to less energy consumption per mile However, to fully maximize the energy conservation
driven. potential of EVs, it is essential to continue promoting
renewable energy sources, improving battery
2. Regenerative Braking: EVs use regenerative
technologies, expanding charging infrastructure,
braking technology, which captures and stores and encouraging sustainable practices in vehicle
energy during braking. This process converts manufacturing and recycling.
the vehicle’s kinetic energy back into electrical
energy, which is stored in the battery and can be
used to power the vehicle again, reducing overall
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)
energy waste. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are a key driver for energy
conservation and sustainability in the transportation
3. Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels: By using
sector. BEVs are powered solely by electricity stored
electricity as their primary energy source, EVs
in onboard batteries. They produce zero tailpipe
help reduce the demand for fossil fuels, including
emissions and offer a longer range with advancements
gasoline and diesel. This reduces the need for oil in battery technology. BEVs offer numerous benefits
extraction, refining, and transportation, resulting that contribute to energy conservation and reduced
in lower associated energy consumption and environmental impact.
environmental impacts.
Here are some ways in which BEVs promote
4. Utilizing Renewable Energy: Charging EVs
energy conservation:
with electricity generated from renewable energy
sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, or geothermal, 1. Energy Efficiency: BEVs are more energy-efficient
further enhances their environmental benefits. It compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
promotes the use of clean and sustainable energy They convert a higher percentage of energy from
for transportation, contributing to overall energy the grid into vehicle movement, while conventional
conservation efforts. vehicles waste a significant portion of energy as
heat during combustion. This increased efficiency
5. Grid Load Management: Smart charging
translates to less energy consumption per mile
technologies enable EVs to charge during driven.
off-peak hours when electricity demand is lower.
This practice optimizes the use of existing 2. Reduced Dependence on Fossil Fuels: By using
electricity infrastructure, avoids strain on the electricity as their primary energy source, BEVs
power grid during peak hours, and helps conserve help reduce the demand for fossil fuels, including
energy resources. gasoline and diesel. This reduces the need for oil
extraction, refining, and transportation, resulting
6. Energy Storage and Grid Stabilization: EV in lower associated energy consumption and
batteries can be used as energy storage systems greenhouse gas emissions.
when connected to the grid. During periods of
high electricity demand, EVs can release stored 3. Utilizing Renewable Energy: Charging BEVs
energy back into the grid, helping to stabilize it and with electricity generated from renewable energy
support the integration of intermittent renewable sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, or geothermal,
energy sources. further enhances their environmental benefits.
It promotes the use of clean and sustainable
7. Long-term Efficiency Improvements: The energy for transportation, contributing to overall
ongoing development and advancements in EV energy conservation efforts and lowering carbon
technology are leading to more efficient electric emissions.
drivetrains and batteries, which will further enhance
energy conservation in the transportation sector. 4. Regenerative Braking: Like other electric vehicles,
BEVs use regenerative braking technology, which
8. Waste Reduction: EVs have fewer moving parts captures and stores energy during braking. This
and require less maintenance than conventional process converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy back
vehicles, reducing the energy and resources into electrical energy, which is stored in the battery
required for manufacturing and maintenance. and can be used to power the vehicle again,
reducing overall energy waste.
9. Lifecycle Energy Analysis: Studies have shown
that, even when accounting for the energy required 5. Smart Charging and Grid Integration: BEVs can
to manufacture and recycle batteries, EVs have a be charged during off-peak hours when electricity
lower overall energy footprint over their lifetime demand is lower. Smart charging technologies
compared to conventional vehicles. enable optimized charging times, which helps
74 February 2024
Case Study
balance the load on the power grid, reducing strain 4. Smart Charging and Grid Integration: PHEVs
during peak hours and further conserving energy can take advantage of off-peak charging times
resources. when electricity demand is lower. Smart charging
technologies enable optimized charging
6. Grid Stabilization and Energy Storage: BEV
schedules, which can help balance the load on the
batteries can serve as energy storage systems
power grid and promote efficient energy use.
when connected to the grid. During periods of
high electricity demand, BEVs can release stored 5. Utilizing Renewable Energy: When charged with
energy back into the grid, helping to stabilize it and electricity from renewable sources, such as solar
support the integration of intermittent renewable or wind, PHEVs can significantly reduce their
energy sources. environmental impact and promote the use of
clean energy in transportation.
7. Long-term Efficiency Improvements: Ongoing
advancements in battery technology and electric 6. Lower Tailpipe Emissions: During electric-only
drivetrains are leading to more efficient BEVs, operation, PHEVs produce zero tailpipe emissions,
which will further enhance energy conservation leading to improved local air quality and reduced
and extend the driving range of electric vehicles. pollution in urban areas.
8. Lifecycle Energy Analysis: Studies have shown 7. Energy Storage and Grid Support: PHEV
that, even when accounting for the energy required batteries can serve as energy storage systems
to manufacture and recycle batteries, BEVs have when connected to the grid. They can provide grid
a lower overall energy footprint over their lifetime support by releasing stored energy during peak
compared to conventional vehicles. demand periods, contributing to grid stability and
renewable energy integration.
9. Reduced Noise Pollution: BEVs are quieter than
internal combustion engine vehicles, reducing 8. T ransitioning Option: PHEVs serve as a transitional
noise pollution, especially in urban environments. option for consumers who may have range anxiety
or limited access to charging infrastructure. They
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) allow drivers to experience the benefits of electric
driving while having the security of a backup
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are another internal combustion engine.
important option for energy conservation in the
transportation sector. PHEVs combine an electric motor 9. Incentive for Electric Infrastructure: The
and an internal combustion engine. They can run on increasing adoption of PHEVs can incentivize the
electricity for shorter distances, and the combustion development of charging infrastructure, benefitting
engine provides additional range. Alternatively, PHEVs the broader transition to electric mobility.
may have a larger battery pack that can be charged 10. Behavioral Impact: PHEVs can raise awareness
through an external power source. PHEVs offer lower about electric driving and sustainability,
emissions compared to conventional vehicles. encouraging drivers to make more energy-
conscious choices.
PHEVs offer several benefits that contribute to
energy conservation and sustainability: EV Charging Infrastructure
1. Reduced Fuel Consumption: PHEVs can operate EV charging infrastructure plays a crucial role in
in electric-only mode for shorter trips, reducing the adoption and successful integration of electric
the need for gasoline or diesel consumption. vehicles (EVs) into the transportation system. Different
This mode allows for lower energy consumption charging technologies, such as Level 1, Level 2, and
and fewer greenhouse gas emissions, particularly DC fast charging, offer various charging speeds and
during city driving. capabilities, impacting energy conservation and the
convenience of charging for EV owners.
2. Energy Efficiency: PHEVs benefit from the energy
efficiency of electric vehicles during electric-only Here’s an overview of these charging
operation. They can take advantage of regenerative technologies:
braking to recapture energy during deceleration, 1. Level 1 Charging:
contributing to reduced energy waste.
hh Charging Speed: Level 1 charging is the slowest
3. Extended Driving Range: Unlike battery-only charging option. It typically provides charging at a
electric vehicles, PHEVs have the flexibility to use rate of 120 volts (V) and 15 amperes (A), resulting
their internal combustion engine for longer trips, in a power output of around 1.4 kilowatts (kW).
providing extended driving range without the need hh Charging Time: Level 1 charging is the least
for frequent recharging. energy-efficient and requires the longest time
February 2024 75
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76 February 2024
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Car-sharing programs and MaaS platforms that transportation modes such as electric vehicles (EVs).
offer flexible mobility options without the need for Here’s how they contribute to energy conservation:
individual vehicle ownership. These services can lead 1. Efficient Energy Use: Alternative fuels and
to fewer vehicles on the road and promote sustainable EVs offer higher energy efficiency compared
transportation choices. to conventional vehicles. Internal combustion
engines are relatively inefficient, with a significant
Rail Transport:
amount of energy lost as waste heat. In contrast,
Rail systems, including trains and light rail, are an electric motors used in EVs are more efficient,
energy-efficient mode of transportation for long- converting a higher percentage of energy from the
distance travel and commuting between cities. Trains battery to power the vehicle. Alternative fuels like
have a lower carbon footprint compared to airplanes biofuels and natural gas can also be produced with
or cars, especially when powered by electricity from higher energy conversion efficiency compared to
renewable sources. High-speed rail systems are an extracting and refining fossil fuels.
energy-efficient alternative to air travel for medium-
2. Reduced Energy Losses: EVs and alternative
distance travel between cities. They can significantly
fuel vehicles can minimize energy losses during
reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas
operation. In conventional vehicles, energy is
emissions compared to flights.
wasted through idling, braking, and inefficiencies
Water Transport: in the engine. EVs, with regenerative braking,
can recover and store energy that is typically
Water-based transportation, such as ferries and boats, lost as heat during braking. This regenerative
can be a sustainable option for both passengers and braking technology improves overall energy
cargo. Water transport generally consumes less energy efficiency by reusing energy that would have
and produces fewer emissions compared to road or otherwise been wasted.
air transport for similar distances. Freight transport
by waterways is generally more energy-efficient than 3. Renewable Energy Integration: Electric vehicles
trucks, especially for long-distance hauls. Utilizing have the advantage of being compatible with
these modes for freight transportation can significantly renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
reduce energy consumption and emissions. power. By charging EVs with electricity generated
from renewable sources, the transportation sector
Micro-mobility: can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and transition
Micro-mobility refers to small, lightweight transportation to a cleaner energy mix. This integration promotes
modes, typically including electric scooters, electric sustainable energy use and conservation.
bikes, and other micro-mobility solutions like segways. 4. Reduced Energy Waste in Refining and
They are suitable for short trips and can be a sustainable Distribution: Alternative fuels like biofuels and
alternative to car use, especially in urban areas. These synthetic fuels can be produced from renewable
modes can help alleviate congestion and reduce the sources, reducing the energy wasted in extracting,
environmental impact of short trips. refining, and distributing fossil fuels. Additionally,
since these fuels can be produced locally, the
Eco-Driving Practices: energy required for transportation and distribution
Encouraging eco-driving practices, such as maintaining is minimized, further conserving energy.
proper vehicle maintenance, driving at moderate 5. Shift to Public Transportation and Active
speeds, and avoiding aggressive acceleration and Modes: Sustainable transportation modes, such
braking, can improve fuel efficiency and energy as public transportation, walking, and cycling,
conservation. contribute to energy conservation by reducing
2) Active Transportation: Walking and Cycling: the overall number of vehicles on the road. Public
transportation systems are designed to transport
Walking and cycling are highly sustainable modes of a large number of passengers efficiently, using
transportation that do not rely on fossil fuels, and they less energy per person compared to individual
produce zero emissions and promote physical activity. vehicles. Walking and cycling require no energy
They are particularly suitable for short trips within consumption, relying solely on human power.
urban areas. Promoting pedestrian and cyclist-friendly
infrastructure, such as sidewalks, bike lanes, and 6. Efficient Urban Planning: Sustainable
dedicated paths, encourages people to opt for these transportation systems promote compact and
mixed-use urban planning, which reduces the
energy-efficient modes for shorter trips.
need for long-distance travel. By creating walkable
neighborhoods with easy access to amenities
Energy conservation and public transportation, energy consumption
Energy conservation can be achieved through the use associated with commuting and transportation can
of alternative fuels and the adoption of sustainable be significantly reduced.
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6. Lightweight Materials and Design: The infrastructure, storage, and safety challenges is
use of lightweight materials, such as carbon vital for broad adoption in a sustainable energy
fiber composites, and aerodynamic design landscape.
improvements can reduce vehicle weight and hh Non-petroleum hydrocarbon fuels cut emissions,
improve fuel efficiency. boost energy security, and diversify sources.
7. Biofuels and Synthetic Fuels: Advanced biofuels Addressing feedstock availability, cost, and large-
and synthetic fuels produced from renewable scale production is crucial for sustainability.
sources or carbon capture technologies can
hh Embracing Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and
offer low-carbon alternatives for existing internal
renewable energy promotes energy conservation.
combustion engine vehicles.
Enhancing battery tech, charging infrastructure,
8. Smart Traffic Management: The integration and sustainable manufacturing, along with policy
of smart traffic management systems and support, accelerates the transition.
real-time data can optimize traffic flow, reduce
congestion, and improve fuel efficiency for all hh Sustainable transportation prioritizes energy
vehicles on the road. conservation, emissions reduction, and a cleaner
future. Electric vehicles, public transportation,
9. Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): MaaS platforms
active modes, and government support are
offer integrated and on-demand transportation
essential for this transition.
services, encouraging the use of shared mobility
options and reducing the need for private car
ownership. Acknowledgment
10. Renewable Energy Integration: Integrating The authors of the paper are very much grateful to
renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, the management of Central Power Research Institute
into charging infrastructure and transportation (CPRI), India for the backup and support of this study.
hubs can ensure that EVs are charged with clean
energy. References
11. Urban Planning and Sustainable Infrastructure:
1. Muhammad Shahid Mastoi, Shenxian Zhuang,
Smart urban planning that prioritizes walking,
cycling, and public transportation, along with Hafiz Mudassir Munir, Malik Haris, Mannan Hassan,
sustainable infrastructure development, can Muhammad Usman, Syed Sabir Hussain Bukhari,
encourage energy-efficient transportation choices. Jong-Suk Ro, “An in-depth analysis of electric
vehicle charging station infrastructure, policy
12. Vehicle Connectivity and Data Analytics:
implications, and future trends”, Energy Reports,
Connectivity and data analytics can help optimize
Volume 8, pp. 11504-11529, November 2022
vehicle performance, predict maintenance needs,
and enable energy-efficient driving practices. 2. Avinash Vinod Shrivastav, Sajidhussain
13. Circular Economy for Electric Vehicle Batteries: Sakirhussain Khan, Rahul Krishna Gupta, Prajkta
Developing a circular economy approach for Ramdas Ekshinge, Parmeshwar N suryawanshi,
electric vehicle batteries, including recycling and “Electric Vehicle Charging Station (Case study on
reusing battery materials, can minimize waste and infrastructure of EV charging station)”, Journal of
improve resource efficiency. Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,
Volume 7 Issue 4, pp. 2017-2033, April 2020
These emerging technologies and future directions
are part of a comprehensive effort to transform the 3. Lena Partzsch, “Biofuel research: perceptions of
transportation sector into a more sustainable and power and transition”, Energy, Sustainability and
energy-conserving system. Society, Volume 7, Article number: 14 (2017)
4. Elsevier’s Transportation Research Part D:
Conclusion Transport and Environment (www.journals.elsevier.
Energy conservation in transportation is crucial com/transportation-research-part-d-transport-and-
for environmental sustainability, energy security, environment)
and economic growth. Transitioning to cleaner 5. Transportation Research Board (TRB) website
transportation practices combats climate change and (
enhances resilience.
hh Shifting to sustainable transportation requires Sumbul Munshi and Saumitra Pathak
EVs, supportive policies, charging infrastructure, Joint Director and Test Engineer
battery tech advancements, and renewable energy Central Power Research Institute
for charging. Switchgear Testing and Development Station
hh Hydrogen offers zero-emission potential and Govindpura, Bhopal, MP,462023
energy storage, but overcoming production,,
80 February 2024
ISSUE 2017 2019
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ISSN 0970-2946 Rs. 100/-
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Journal ISSN 0970-2946Rs. 100/- VOLUME 9 ISSUE NO.7 MARCH 2018 PGS. 194 ISSN 0970-2946Rs. 100/-
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Interview eTECHnxt that are strategic to the electrical business of the future. Generation Transmission Distribution Power Renewables Electromobility Automation Energy
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“No Coal based capacity addition is Hall Plans
IEEMA & Exhibitor List
DT Division
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Special Feature
required during the years 2017-22” Energy Transition Rail Urja
- MrEnergy Storage Chairperson,
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Power House
Roadmap for India 2019-32 Interaction - SN Electric
MD, AEGCL Women Generation Transmission Distribution
in Power Power Renewables Electromobility Automation Energy
Opinion VP & MD Schneider Ltd
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Automation in buildings key to Renewable Energy
Energy Efficiency NSIC
4 Februay 2024 81
Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority in India Grid station, which feeds the entire Welayat Al Amerat
have recently revised the regulations for designing and Welayat Qurayat region, which has more than 40
transmission towers coming under coastal region as villages and 5 major towns.
a preventive measure from blackouts. Similarly, many
countries have investigated criticality of their power
infrastructures adequacy to mitigate the situations.
Some of the examples are given in the article.
82 February 2024
Picture 3: Over 4-5 meters of water waves hitting the The whole country was ripped apart- from their
city of Muscat. highways to roads to the airport. Transmission lines
had collapsed, leaving the country in pure darkness,
including the King’s palace itself.
February 2024 83
Picture 12: Inspection of the damaged towers to get a firsthand Picture 14-17: Installation of wood poles for temporary
information by MEW officials restoration of power.
84 February 2024
February 2024 85
86 February 2024
From the above examples, one can notice that the whole world
is experiencing the effect of Global warming, environmental
changes, and its consequences. All out efforts are required
for reducing an impact by, more tree plantations, reducing the
pollution levels, renewable power generation replacing old
traditional generating plants etc.
Website :
Sales : Sanjay Thapaliya / Surya Sharma S.L
Phone : +91 7829903610 / +91 9110496270
Email :
• UL Approved
Insulation Systems
up to Class R (220’C)
• Located in 4
Countries with
equal capacity &
• Customised
Magnetics for all
Dry Type Power & Distribution Transformers & Reactors up to 2.5 MVA and 1 MVAR
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February 2024 87
Special Feature - TRAFOTECH 2023
88 February 2024
Special Feature - TRAFOTECH 2023
Since the per unit cost of these assets is relatively iii. Modified condition monitoring methods.
less, opting for a Time Based Maintenance (TBM) /
Preventive Maintenance (PM) is often uneconomical.
iv. Modified asset retirement policy.
This calls for a shift from the conventional ‘Maintenance’
philosophy to the ‘Asset Management’ philosophy. Causes Of Dtr Failure And Impressions
‘Asset Management’ encompasses measures targeted
at the overall health alleviation of the entire population
On Core Coil Assemly (Cca)
and enhancement of the capability of assets to survive The analysis of failures overtime has presented
anomaly. conclusive evidences of failure due to the following
reasons. In some of these events, a repetitive impression
Identification of such measures requires the analysis
is observed on the CCA.
of failures to make informed decisions regarding the
proposed changes. Natural Ageing- DTRs after running for >25 years under
optimal conditions are susceptible to failure owing to
Analysis As An Integrated Part Of natural degradation of paper insulation. Under such
Asset Management circumstance paper insulation of the entire winding
appears equally brittle and failure initiates from the HV
Taking the Asset Management philosophy forward,
winding through inter-turn short circuit within coils.
every decommissioned DTR is brought back to the
utilities own godown for necessary inspection. Only
after thorough inspection process further action is
finalized based on the winding & accessories condition.
In case of core / winding failure, which is irreparable at
own works, is then goes through further investigation to
identify the root cause of the failure.
The root causes and its historic statistical data is then
analyzed further to identify the following-
i) Relation of the root cause to installation, operation
& maintenance practice.
ii) Annual contribution & overall contribution of the
root cause to DTR failure.
iii) Other / secondary effects and possibilities of Figure 2: Failure due to natural ageing
condition monitoring.
Direct Water Ingression- Water ingression is common
These information acts as “Asset Knowledge Enablers” through holes on rusted conservator tops & loosened
of “DTR Asset Management Process”. / damaged gaskets on transformer tank. Water being
denser than oil tends to settle at the bottom and gets
absorbed by the paper insulation of the bottom coils
making the locus of failure centralized at the bottom
coils of HV winding.
February 2024 89
Special Feature - TRAFOTECH 2023
Figure 5: Failure due to overload Figure 7: In-tank flash caused by tap-link board failure.
Accelerated ageing- Following factors contribute to Mechanical failure- Mechanical failure occurs due
the accelerated ageing[4] of paper insulation: to poor short-circuit withstand capability[5] of CCA
and occurs while feeding a fault in close vicinity of
i. High Moisture inside DTR- Occurs while operating the downstream network. This is often accompanied
in largely humid environment with saturated by axial and radial deformation of windings/ core or
breathers. With high moisture content, the high both. In most of the cases, the tapped winding gets
rate of pyrolysis can lead to faster deterioration of affected first.
90 February 2024
Special Feature - TRAFOTECH 2023
February 2024 91
Special Feature - TRAFOTECH 2023
92 February 2024
Examples of 2023
Feature - TRAFOTECH Learnings & Modifications
y control team is tasked to
Parameters 2012-13 2022-23
acturing Manufacturing
& refurbishment
Defect 3% 9%
y check through
In-tank Flash
design review, 8% 6%
Mechanical Failure 3% 6%
al quality check,
Winding Hotspot
2% 6%
tion and routine &
Foreign object type tests.7% 6%
Painting DTRs at site to prevent
Thus, it can be concluded that postmortem analysis
godown Coreoverhauling
Insulation Failure quality
1% 0%
of DTR winding failure must not be considered as a
water ingression through
separate entity in the asset lifecycle but an integrated
nce. part of the essential ‘Asset Management’.
rusted vent, radiator
Modern Solutions for Additional
ories & spars
Impact quality assurance Path Forward
conservator or damaged seals.
With significant availability of past data, the utility is
With the evolving technological scenario, the utility aiming to develop solutions for ‘AI & ML Based Dynamic
has shifted its focus to data driven solutions. In order Health Indexing of DTRs’ that not only accounts for the
hi, INDIA to enable this, the first step has been incorporation operating conditions of DTRs like loading, actual age
February 2024 93
Guest Article
Importance of
Electrical Safety in
The authors elucidate upon
safety as an imperative element
to the concept of eMobility
Importance of electrical
safety in e-mobility
Electrical safety is crucial in e-mobility
because electric vehicles (EVs) are
94 February 2024
Guest Article
powered by high-voltage batteries and electric motors, grounding used in electrical installation. Grounded and
which pose a potential electrical hazard to drivers, Ungrounded. In grounded system the electrical power
passengers, and maintenance personnel and loss of source reference pole is connected to ground/chassis.
infrastructure property. Safety measures must be in In an ungrounded system the electrical power source is
place to prevent electric shock, fire, and other hazards not connected in any way to ground/chassis and totally
associated with high-voltage systems. Also continuity floating and insulated from ground/chassis.
of power supply is of utmost importance for ensuring
The use of ungrounded system is the cornerstone
availability of the system.
in the electrical design of e-Vehicle and charging
infrastructure in eMobility ecosystem. Ungrounded
Battery safety electrical system if designed intelligently is inherently
The high-voltage batteries used in EVs are potentially safe against electrical hazards namely electrical
dangerous, and any damage or malfunction can shock and fire. Further ungrounded system increases
cause a fire or explosion. Therefore, the battery must continuity and availability of electrical system. For
be designed, manufactured, and tested to ensure its encashing the benefit of ungrounded system the first
safety. Additionally, proper installation, maintenance, insulation to ground fault should be monitored, detected
and storage are necessary to prevent accidents. and annunciate to user. For this function some form of
high accuracy and sensitive online insulation leakage
Charging safety monitoring system should be deployed. IEC standards
recommend the use of such insulation monitoring
EV charging infrastructure requires proper device for 24x7 monitoring of insulation in the eV and
installation design including grounding and their chargers.
protection from electrical faults. Safe charging
stations must be installed in accordance with local
regulations and international standards to avoid electric
Which is the best insulation
shock or fire. monitoring method in E vehicles?
There are several insulation monitoring methods used
Vehicle safety in electric vehicles (EVs) to ensure electrical safety. The
The high-voltage electrical system in an EV must best method for insulation monitoring in an EV depends
be designed to prevent electric shock to occupants on factors such as the type of vehicle, the electrical
in the event of an accident. Further insulation faults system, and the specific safety requirements.
and leakages may cause fires endangering the life of Some commonly used insulation monitoring methods in
occupants and loss of asset. Safety features such as EVs:
automatic disconnect of the battery in the event of a
collision and monitoring of insulation of high-voltage Legacy cheap passive method
components can help prevent accidents.
old passive method historically originated in telephone
DC power distribution system and later spread into
Maintenance Safety various electrical installations mostly DC supplies.
Maintenance personnel must be properly trained to It uses a voltage divider series resistance circuit
handle high-voltage electrical systems, and safety connected across the 2 poles of power source with the
protocols must be in place to prevent accidents during midpoint connected to ground/chassis. The voltage
repairs or maintenance. unbalance between each pole with respect to ground is
monitored for any insulation fault. However this passive
In summary, electrical safety is critical in e-mobility
method is not very accurate and sensitive to high
to ensure that EVs are safe for drivers, passengers,
resistance insulation faults for advance prediction and
maintenance personnel, and the environment. Proper
does not detect symmetrical faults. Further this passive
design, installation, and maintenance of high-voltage
measurement technology is susceptible to electrical
systems can help prevent accidents and ensure the
noises and does not provide reliable and stable reading
safety of all stake holders.
and causes spurious alarms. Not recommended by
current IEC standards.
e-Mobility Electrical Installation
Design Online insulation monitoring
The electrical power system design with its ground/ online insulation monitoring continuously measures
chassis referencing plays a crucial role in the inherent the insulation resistance of the electrical system and
safety of EV and charging infrastructure. The type provides real-time information about the condition
of ground referencing of electrical power source of the insulation. This active measurement method is
with respect to ground/chassis plays an important more sophisticated and can detect high resistance
role in ensuring safety. There are 2 major types of faults earlier than passive insulation monitoring or any
February 2024 95
Guest Article
96 February 2024
Guest Article
February 2024 97
This paper covers the impact of site conditions on F) Partial load operation
the starting and running performance of 3-phase G) High site ambient temperature
induction motors. The paper considers abnormal
operating conditions such as variations and unbalance The Indian standards on 3-phase motors allow voltage
in electrical supply conditions as well as variation in variation of +10% and frequency variation of +5% in
loading of induction motor, to explain their impact on supply conditions. The allowed combined variation of
the motor performance. voltage and frequency is limited to +10%.
98 February 2024
Guest Article
Figure -1 shows the variation in full load efficiency with Figure-3 shows variation of performance values with
respect to supply voltage. respect to supply frequency.
Table-1 and Figure -2 shows the effect of supply voltage Combined voltage and frequency
variation on other performance parameters – power variation
factor, speed (RPM), starting torque and starting current
of a 15 kW 4 pole motor. The effect of combined voltage and frequency
variation on motor performance is illustrated in Table-3.
Table-2 Figure 4
February 2024 99
Guest Article
Table-4 shows tested value of line current, motor losses The selection and the margin between motor kW
and temperature rise of a mid-sized motor. The voltage and load BkW are important considerations for
unbalance of 5% can cause current unbalance of the understanding energy consumption. It is recommended
order of 25% to 31%. to select the motor kW such that motor load remains
between 60% to 85% rated motor kW.
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24 36 59 82
challenge “charging infrastructure or charging station” This topology consists of a three phase, 6 pulse SCR
hamper its widespread adoption. Electric Vehicle Supply based rectifier. A three phase transformer is used to
Equipment (EVSE) or charging station is a piece of isolate the three phase source from the power converter.
equipment that supplies electrical power to an electric A PID loop can be used to strictly follow the current in
vehicle (EV) to recharge the vehicle’s batteries. EVSE CC and voltage in CV profiles which will directly affect
systems include the electrical conductors, related the SCR firing angle. Benefits of this topology includes
equipment, software, and communications protocols ease of implementation, no need of a DC-DC converter
that deliver energy efficiently and safely to the vehicle. stage, robustness of the design, SCRs capability to
handle large amounts of voltage and currents and
The charging stations are of two types: AC charging
reduced complexity in firing of SCRs.
stations and DC fast chargers. In AC charging station,
power is supplied to the onboard charger with an AC Simulation results shows more than 3% ripple in battery
to DC converter (mounted on electric vehicle). The current and low input power factor. Another demerit of
DC charging station may be of different levels. Level this topology is that pulse charging scheme cannot be
1 chargers has power rating upto 15 kW with voltage adopted as SCR remains conducting till zero crossing
levels greater than or equal to 48 V. Level 3 chargers of the input ac signal.
have power rating upto 400 kW with voltage levels in
the range of 200 to 1000 V. The DC charging station B. Topology 2: Twelve pulse diode bridge rectifier
is directly interfaced with the battery of the vehicle followed by full bridge DC – DC converter:
bypassing the onboard charger. Figure 1 shows a
In this topology, three phase AC is rectified by using
typical block diagram of a DC charging station.
a 12 pulse diode bridge rectifier. Three phase isolation
DC fast charger consist of two stages i.e. AC to DC transformer with two secondary windings (one in delta
converter stage (Rectifier) and DC to DC converter and other in star connection) is used to generate twelve
stage (Chopper). There are number of topologies and pulse. The two diode bridges are connected in series
circuits to achieve the required AC to DC conversion. in order to reduce the current stress. The rectified
Below discussed are few topologies along with their DC voltage is processed by the inverter bridge, high
merits and demerits based on the simulation results in frequency transformer, high speed diode stack and filter
Matlab Simulink and circuit. to obtain the required charging voltage.
In this topology current ripple gets reduced to less than D. Topology 4: Twelve pulse diode bridge rectifier
0.5% as it has better control derived by high switching followed by midpoint clamped three level buck
frequency of full bridge DC-DC converter. Input current converter:
harmonics are also low due to inclusion of 12 pulse diode
bridge rectifier. But the design requires high frequency In this power scheme a 12 pulse diode bridge rectifier
transformer and high frequency diodes to operate. Also is utilized to generate the rectified DC voltage. The next
there are two transformers which makes it costlier. stage here comprises of a three level buck converter.
This three level buck converter with the help of two
C. Topology 3: Six pulse Thyristor bridge rectifier capacitors reduce the voltage stress on each switch by
followed by full bridge DC – DC converter: half. A dual PID loop is implemented in the simulation.
The outer PID loop maintains the battery charging
In this power scheme instead of diode bridge which is
voltage and the inner current loop maintains maximum
uncontrolled rectifier, a six pulse SCR based controlled
current. Depending on the current requirement the duty
rectifier is used for the rectification stage. The DC to
cycle of the two IGBT’s are adjusted.
DC full bridge converter part remains same as above
topology. This topology has following advantages:
Here as per the battery voltage requirement, the DC hh Less number of switches
voltage can be changed (which was fixed in the previous hh Higher input power factor due to 12 pulse rectifier
topology) by varying the firing angle of the SCR. Thus it hh Reduced current stress on the rectifier diodes as
gives a two way control. But the input current has more two rectifiers stages are connected in series
harmonics and input power factor is low compared to
hh Reduced voltage stress on buck converter IGBTs
previous topology. In this topology in order to have
as voltage across them is halved by the use of
control over DC link voltage, SCR bridge is used at the
primary stage. input power factor is low due to 6 pulse midpoint clamped capacitors
thyristor bridge. hh Reduced inductor size
hh Control part is simplified as only two IGBTs are to
be controlled
hh Economical design
In this topology due to the use of 12 pulse diode bridge
rectifier input power factor is high. Also due to the use
of midpoint clamped three level buck converter the
current and voltage stress is reduced by half as each
power switch is exposed to half the voltage which leads
to more economical design.
Based on the comparison of all the topologies it can
be concluded that topology 4 comprising of twelve
pulse diode bridge rectifier followed by midpoint
clamped three level buck converter is the most suited
for EV charging application due to reduced voltage and
current stress, thermal stress, reduced complexity and
better control over battery parameters.
Asheesh Dhaneria
Head of Section – New Product Technologies –
Electrical and Electronics, ERDA, Vadodara
i. In case of old units (commissioned before Therefore, measures/ retrofits are not required in
01.01.2004) which have not upgraded their plant these units for operation upto 40% load. However,
control and instrumentation system previously, as per the OEM few measuresare requiredto
capex requirement may around Rs 30 crores for be implemented for regular 40% load operation
each unit. of subcritical units though the same (40%) was
demonstrated during PG test.Considering above
ii. It is estimated that measures essential, to operate
it is proposed a maximumcapital investment of
at 40% load may require anestimated capital
investment of aroundRs 10 crores for each Rs.6 crores may be allowed to the subcritical
unitcommissioned on or after 01.01.2004and generating units where investment approval
except units covered under para3(a)(iv). received on or after 01.01.2011 and the impact is
calculated as underTable-II:
iii. Unit will be eligible for increased fixed tariff
irrespective of actual operationonce measures Table-II
are implemented and exhibits desired low load
operation.Considering five (5) years payback For units in Para 3(a)(iv)
period the impact has beenestimated as under
Table-I. Unit Size Recovery Capital Increase in
(MW) period cost fixed charge
Table-I (years) ( Rs Cr) per annum
(Rs. Cr.)
For units in Para For units in Para
3(a)(ii) 3(a)(i) 200/250 5 6 1.53
Table-III The variable cost of any plant has been estimated using
the formula given below:
Capacity Loading Increase Proposed
(MW) (%) in O&M increase in Variable Expense (Rs/kwh) = Coal Cost (Rs/kwh) +
(%) O&M cost Oil Cost (Rs/kwh)
(Rs Cr.) Coal Cost (Rs/kwh) =
200 <55 to 50 9.00 6.58
<50 to 45 14.00 10.23 Station Heat Rate(kcal / kwh) -
OilCV (kcal / l) xSpecific OilConsumption(ml / kwh)
Coal Cost (Rs/MT) × 1000
<45 to 40 20.00 14.62 FuelCalorific Value(kcal / kg)
Unit Loading Coal price Rs Coal price Rs Fixed Tariff increase EFOR Total tariff Total tariff Proposed
Size % 2000.00 per ton 3300.00 per (Paisa/kWh) compensation (fixed & (fixed & total tariff
(MW) ton (Paisa/kWh) variable) variable) (fixed &
increase increase variable)
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) increase
Variable Tariff Variable Tariff due to due to Coal price Rs Coal price Rs
increase increase increased increased 2000.00 per 3300.00 per
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) O&M cost capital cost ton ton
Unit Loading Coal price Rs Coal price Rs Fixed Tariff increase EFOR Total tariff Total tariff Proposed
Size % 2000.00 per ton 3300.00 per (Paisa/kWh) compensation (fixed & (fixed & total tariff
(MW) ton (Paisa/kWh) variable) variable) (fixed &
increase increase variable)
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) increase
Variable Tariff Variable Tariff due to due to Coal price Rs Coal price Rs
increase increase increased increased 2000.00 per 3300.00 per
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) O&M cost capital cost ton ton
200 <55 to 50 13.68 22.57 6.70 2.56 1.00 23.94 32.83 28.39
500 <55 to 50 14.66 24.20 4.57 1.02 1.00 21.25 30.79 26.02
660 <55 to 50 11.17 18.42 4.12 0.85 1.00 17.14 24.39 20.77
800 <55 to 50 10.65 17.57 3.70 0.64 1.00 15.99 22.91 19.45
Table-C. Likely Incremental Tariff for units where investment approval received on or after
01.01.2011 (Rs 6 crores capital investment)
Unit Loading Coal price Rs Coal price Rs Fixed Tariff increase EFOR Total tariff Total tariff Proposed
Size % 2000.00 per ton 3300.00 per (Paisa/kWh) compensation (fixed & (fixed & total tariff
(MW) ton (Paisa/kWh) variable) variable) (fixed &
increase increase variable)
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) increase
Variable Tariff Variable Tariff due to due to Coal price Rs Coal price Rs
increase increase increased increased 2000.00 per 3300.00 per
(Paisa/kWh) (Paisa/kWh) O&M cost capital cost ton ton
hh No additional capital investment is required in the unit size of 660MW and 800 MW units for operating them
at 40% load.
b) Rs. 3300.00 per ton (estimated average cost of
Assumptions coal at non-pithead plants)
The Reliable Rearguard - V20 Series - Type 2
Surge Arrester
The V20 type 2 arrester series for surge protection
according to VDE 0100-443 (IEC 60364-4-44) is
(Figure 1) (Figure 2)
(Figure 3)
Some of the products’ categories showed downward imports for different electrical products, major imported
trend during the seven-year period. These include products which have contributed to this growth include
Electric Lamps and Boilers & parts. This decline could Capacitors & parts, Switchgears & Controlgears and
be because of decline in demand of these products Transformers and parts. The top five importing countries
in the importing countries, or it could have also been are China, Germany, Singapore, Japan, and the United
caused by improved trade and investment relationships States of America.
of importing countries with India’s competitors.
In the case of imports of electrical products, data
shows that imports have increased approximately market-in-india-industry-analysis?utm_source=LinkedIn&utm_
2.5 times from INR 108,877,92.24 Lacs in 2015 to medium=Social&utm_campaign=LinkedInArticle_19thOc
INR 261,633,66.16 Lacs in 2023. As per the growth of t_Top+SKU&utm_term=2023&utm_content=IRTNTR41598
Heavy Duty IP-67 Miniature Limit Precision Terminal Strips Terminal Blocks
LS-J Series Switches IP-65 PS1,PS2 Series TPB Series TB Series
Relay Sockets
Limit Switches
Terminal Strips
Micro Switches
Loom Switches
Terminal Blocks Mounting 30X60mm Mounting 21X56mm
Pilot Lamp Holders
Push Button Switches LED Module Pilot Light LED Module Pilot Light Push Button Microswitches Miniature Microswitches
Electronic Connectors LM/PCB2 Series LML8/LM8 Series PCB2 Series R Series MV25 Series
Micro Control Switches
LED Module Pilot Lights
Precision Limit Switches
Miniature Limit Switches
Miniature Micro Switches
Heavy Duty Limit Switches
Moulded Cable Assemblies
IRON, STEEL & STEEL PRODUCTS PVC Compound Grade HR - 11 CABLE 151825.00
BLOOMS (SBLR) 150mmX150mm TLT 49684.00 Transformer Oil Base Stock (TOBS) TOBS 105397.00
Copper Wire Rods (RS./MT)
The basic prices and indices are calculated on the basis of raw material prices, exclusive of excise/C.V.
duty wherever manufactures are eligible to obtain MODVAT benefit.
These basic prices and indices are for operation of IEEMA’s Price Variation Clauses for various products.
Basic Price Variation Clauses, explanation of nomenclature can be obtained from IEEMA office.
Every care has been taken to ensure correctness of reported prices and indices. However, no
responsibility is assured for correctness. Authenticated prices and indices are separately circulated
by IEEMA every month. We recommend using authenticated prices and indices only for claiming
price variation.
Source : IEEMA
000' KVA
Sep 20 to Aug 23
9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7
Name of Product For the Month From Sept 22 Highest Annual
Aug 23 to Aug23 Production
Electric Motors
AC Motors - LT 000' KW 1618 18100 17744
AC Motors - HT 000' KW 393 5034 5273
DC Motors 000' KW 31 356 618
Contactors 000' Nos. 1512 15171 15211
Motor Starters 000' Nos. 200 2081 2427
SDF 000' Nos. 58 691 752
Circuit Breakers DIN Rail Mounted 000' Poles 17696 213915 213362
Circuit Breakers - LT Nos. 448558 5288927 4850300
Circuit Breakers - HT Nos. 6440 70274 77659
Custom Built Product Rs. Lakhs 20793 295465 452536
HRC Fuses & Overload Relays 000' Nos. 1343 17005 17246
Transformers *
Distribution Transformers 000' KVA 4004 45068 58341
Power Transformers 000' KVA 16163 166823 234922
Instrument Transformers *
Current Transformers 000' Nos. 120 1183 1042
Voltage Transformers Nos. 21476 201393 177288
Local 2 Global
for enabling energy self-sufficiency with the following Cabinet approves signing of Memorandum of
Understanding between India and Guyana on
i. Both the Participants intend to jointly work broadly cooperation in the hydrocarbon sector
on the following key activity areas with details to be
agreed separately: The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister,
Shri Narendra Modi has approved the signing of
a) Long-term energy planning including clean Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the
energy for Indian Railways. Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of
India and the Ministry of Natural Resources, Republic
b) Develop an Energy Efficiency Policy and Action of Guyana on cooperation in the hydrocarbon sector.
Plan for Indian Railway Buildings.
Details of the MoU:
c) Planning for clean energy procurement to The proposed MoU covers the complete value chain of
achieve Indian Railway’s net-zero vision. hydrocarbon sector including sourcing of crude oil from
Guyana, participation of Indian companies in Exploration
d) Technical support for addressing regulatory
and Production (E&P) sector of Guyana, cooperation
and implementation barriers.
in the areas of crude Oil refining, capacity building,
e) Bid design and bid management support Strengthening bilateral trade, collaboration in natural
for system-friendly, large-scale renewable gas sector, collaboration in developing regulatory policy
procurement. framework in oil & gas sector in Guyana; Cooperation
in the area of clean energy including biofuels as well as
f) Supporting Indian Railways in the promotion of renewables sector including solar energy etc.
e-mobility. Impact:
g) Collaboratively host event, conferences, and The MoU on cooperation in hydrocarbon sector with
capacity-building programs in the mentioned Guyana will strengthen bilateral trade, foster investment
identified areas. in each other countries and help diversifying source
of crude oil, thus augmenting the energy & supply
ii. Either participant may request in writing a revision,
security of the country. It will also provide opportunity to
modification or amendment to all or any part of this
Indian company to participate in E&P sector of Guyana,
MoU. Any revision, modification or amendment
gaining experience by working with global oil & gas
approved by the Participants will form part of
companies in upstream projects, thus fostering the
the revised MoU. Such revision, modification or vision of “Aatmanirbhar Bharat”.
amendment will come into effect on such date as
may be determined by the Participants. Implementation strategy and targets:
iii. This Memorandum of Understanding is effective as This MoU shall enter into force on the date of its
of the date of signing and is expected to continue signature and will remain in force for a period of five
for a period of five year or until the effective end of years and shall be automatically renewed thereafter
South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP) on a quinquennium basis unless either Party gives the
whichever period is shorter. other Party a written notice three months in advance of
its intention to terminate this Understanding.
The MoU has been signed to support India Railways in
achieving Mission Net Zero Carbon Emission (NZCE) In recent times, Guyana has gained significant salience
by 2030. This will help Indian Railways to reduce in the oil & gas sector becoming the world’s newest oil
dependence on imported fuel such as Diesel, Coal etc. producer. The new discoveries of 11.2 billion barrels of
Deployment of Renewable Energy (RE) plants will give oil equivalent, amounts to 18% of total global Oil & Gas
fillip to RE technology in the country. This will help in discoveries and 32% of discovered oil. As per OPEC
development of local ecosystem which subsequently World Oil Outlook 2022, Guyana is projected to see a
gives boost to local product development. significant ramp-up in production, with liquids supply
growing from 0.1 mb/d in 2021 to 0.9 mb/d in 2027.
Expenditure involved:
Further, as per BP Statistical Review of World Energy
Technical assistance for the services under this MoU is 2022, India is the world’s 3rd largest energy consumer,
intended to be provided by USAID under the SAREP 3rd largest consumer of oil and 4th largest refiner and
initiative. This MoU is not an obligation of funds or a the fastest-growing major economy with rising energy
commitment of any kind, and it is non-binding. This needs. BP Energy Outlook and International Energy
does not involve any financial commitment from Agency estimate that India’s energy demand would
Indian Railways. grow at about 3% per annum till 2040, compared to
the global rate of 1%. Further, India is likely to account A matter of monumental stride towards sustainable
for approximately 25-28 per cent of the global energy energy solutions for the archipelago, the solar power
demand growth between 2020-2040. plant will help reduce dependency on the Diesel-based
Power Generation plant at Kavaratti. The Lakshadweep
With a view to give a further impetus to ensure energy
Energy Development Agency (LEDA) will now harness
access, availability, affordability to citizen underpinned
power from these solar plants, marking a pivotal shift
by energy security of the country, India is focusing from diesel-based power to a sustainable, eco-friendly
on fostering new partnership in hydrocarbon sector, energy source for the region.
both through diversification of crude oil sources and
through acquiring quality overseas assets. This dilutes Over the anticipated technical lifespan, the initiative is
dependencies on a single geographical/economic unit projected to yield commercial savings of approximately
and increase India’s strategic maneuverability. Rs. 250 crores. The substantial reduction of diesel
consumption by up to 190 lakh litres and the offsetting of
Noting the significance of Guyana and given the 58,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions underscore
renewed momentum to the bilateral relationship in its profound significance in promoting green energy
hydrocarbon sector, and the number of possible areas and fostering a cleaner and more sustainable future for
of cooperation, it is proposed to enter into an MoU with Lakshadweep.
Guyana on cooperation in the hydrocarbon sector.
The Engineering, Procurement & Construction
New Solar Power Scheme (for PVTG (EPC) expertise for the project has been provided by
SunSource Energy.
Habitations/Villages) Under PM JANMAN
Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), a
Miniratna Category-I Central Public Sector Unit under
The President has sanctioned the implementation the administrative control of the Ministry of New and
of A New Solar Power Scheme (for particularly Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, is
Vulnerable Tribal Groups(PVTG) Habitations/Villages engaged in promotion and development of various
under Pradhan Mantri Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha renewable energy resources, especially Solar and
Abhiyan (PM JANMAN) during 2023-24 to 2025-26. Wind energy, renewable energy (RE) - based storage
Implementation guidelines of the scheme can be found systems, trading of power, R&D as well as RE-based
at https:/ products like Green Hydrogen, Green Ammonia and
RE-powered electric vehicles.
Kavaratti’s First On-grid Solar Power Plant The company is one of the nodal agencies for
with state-of-the-art Battery Energy Storage implementation of a number of schemes of MNRE. The
System projected to save Rs. 250 crores, company also has a Category 1 power trading license
and is active in this domain through trading of Solar/
reduce diesel consumption by 190 lakh Wind/Hybrid/RTC/BSES power from projects set up
litres and offset 58,000 tonnes of carbon under the schemes being implemented by it.
REC Limited and Bank of Baroda join hands
In a historic milestone for Lakshadweep, the Prime
Minister Shri Narendra Modi dedicated to the
to finance Power, Infrastructure and Logistics
nation on January 3, 2024, the solar power plant at Projects
Kavaratti, which is the region’s first on-grid solar project REC Limited has signed a Memorandum of
with state-of-the-art Battery Energy Storage System Understanding (MoU) with Bank of Baroda in order
(BESS) technology. Together, these two installations of to facilitate joint sanctions of loans to fund power,
Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) have infrastructure and logistics projects in the country
a combined solar capacity of 1.7 MW and an advanced over the next three years. Recognizing the pressing
1.4 MWh battery storage facility. need to fortify these critical domains, REC Limited and
Bank of Baroda unite with a shared vision of advancing
sustainable growth and bolstering the nation’s
infrastructural backbone. By pooling resources and
expertise, both entities endeavor to champion initiatives
that will invigorate economic development and enhance
accessibility to essential services nationwide.
The MoU was signed on January 3, 2024 in the presence
of Chairperson and Managing Director (CMD), REC
Limited, Shri Vivek Kumar Dewangan and Managing
Director & CEO, Bank of Baroda, Shri Debadatta Chand
along with Executive Director, Bank of Baroda, Shri Lalit of Baroda and REC to jointly finance Power (including
Tyagi. renewable power), Infrastructure and Logistics projects.
With the Indian economy on a strong growth path,
we will see a rise in capital expenditure and private
investment and an increasing need for collaborative
and innovative financing structures.”
Worldwide electricity generation from coal
hit record highs in 2023, while thermal coal
exports surpassed 1 billion metric tons for
Commenting on the collaboration, Mr. Dewangan said: the first time as coal’s use in power systems
“This landmark agreement signifies a collaborative continues to grow despite widespread efforts
effort to accelerate the realization of pivotal projects
crucial to the nation’s progress. This partnership marks to cut back on fossil fuels.
a significant stride in our commitment to fostering Coal-fired electricity generation was 8,295 terawatt
inclusive development. By harnessing synergies
hours (TWh) through October, up 1% from the same
between REC’s expertise in the power sector and
period in 2022 and the highest on record, according to
Bank of Baroda’s financial prowess, we aim to catalyze
transformative projects that will positively impact environmental think tank Ember.
communities and drive socio-economic progress.” Total thermal coal exports were 1.004 billion metric tons
Managing Director & CEO, Bank of Baroda, for the whole year, up by 62.5 million tons or 6.6% from
Shri Debadatta Chand said: “This MoU will enable Bank 2022, ship-tracking data from Kpler shows.
Apar 23
Billets COVER II
CCI 55
CSE Power 87
Energy Capacitors 97
EssenDeinki 111
Fluke 41
Mahindra Accelo 21
R R Kabel Ltd. 7
Ravin Cable 51
Salzer 119
Schneider 29
Schneider 58,59
Universal Cable 53
enthusiasts, should
lectrifying ideally
vehicles translatea to
to ensure modesride
smooth of
transport that are not only economically viable,
for us humans and more so for environmental but
truly close to nature.
enthusiasts, should So EV should
ideally ideally
translate stand for
to modes of
environmentally-friendly vehicles.
transport that are not only economically viable, but
The close bullock
to nature.
cartSo EVreturn.
must shouldNotideally stand the
only would for
environmentally-friendly vehicles.
family of cows and bullocks benefit, the environment too
would be saved,
The humble shepherds
bullock would
cart must get employment,
return. the
Not only would
local municipality
the family of cowswould be relieved
and bullocks fromthe
benefit, so environment
many duties
and the national
too would finance
be saved, ministerwould
shepherds too would benefit. Let
get employment,
us see how.
the local municipality would be relieved from so many
The and bullock
humble the national finance
cart would ensureminister too would
that animals too
benefit. roads,
Let us see hitherto
how. dominated mostly by smoke
The humblemetalbullock
structures of various
cart would ensure brands and sizes,
that animals too
occupy roads, hitherto dominated mostly the
and intimidating shapes. So, with brand
by smoke
new transport opportunity of having a bullock cart on
emitting metal structures of various brands and sizes,
the road, there would be a mandatory need for green
colours and intimidating shapes. So, with the brand
patches at every juncture of the road so that the bullock
new transport opportunity of having a bullock cart on animals to carry them on their backs. Our PM to be pulled
could snack upon some fresh and crispy grass. This
the road, there would be a mandatory need for green by 3 lions, the President by tigers. Global delegates
would ensure to be a cost effective option instead of
patches at every juncture of the road so that the bullock would be offered services by their national animal like a
expending upon expensive fuels like petrol, diesel or
could snack upon some fresh and crispy grass. This zebra would carry delegates from Botswana, giraffe for
electricity, as is being considered now.
would ensure to be a cost effective option instead of animals to
Tanzania, carry them
leopard on their backs.
for Rwanda, Our PM tobison
the American be pulled
As we know speed
expending kills, so thefuels
upon expensive humble likebullock
petrol,cart would
diesel or by 3 lions,
American the President
delegates and the by tigers. Global delegates
ensure a decent long and healthy lifespan, saving us
electricity, as is being considered now. would be
Other offered services
sectors by theiremulate
that could national animal
the like
from the gory road accidents reported by newspapers.
As we know speed kills, zebra would carry delegates from Botswana, giraffe for
Assuming the cartwheel of thesocart
the humble
is 125 cms is bullock
diameters,cart environmentally-friendly vehicles or EVs would be the
would ensure a decent long and healthy lifespan, Tanzania, leopard for Rwanda, the American bison
paint industry, by scrapping usage of artificial synthetic for
it would take 10 rounds per 4 seconds to cover a distance
American delegates and the likes.
ofsaving us in
22.5 kms from the approximately.
an hour gory road accidents Not bad,reported
as with theby colours offer consumers environment-friendly version
newspapers. Assuming the cartwheel of
current traffic conditions, we move at a pace of 1 inch perthe cart is 125 ofOther
cowdung;sectors that postal
the national could department
emulate couldthe usetruly
cms slower
hour, is diameters,
than the it would
slowest take 10 rounds per 4 seconds
snail. environmentally-friendly
pigeons while airmail couldvehicles
train theor falcon
EVs would be the
for a global
to cover a distance of 22.5 kms in an hour approximately. paint flamingos
reach, industry, byandscrapping
seagullsusage of artificial
traveling synthetic
All gas stations would convert to parks. There would
bad, as with the colours offer consumers environment-friendly version
of current
parkingtraffic conditions, we move at are other options.
be problems spaces as bullocks would
a pace of 1 inch per hour, slower than the slowest snail. of cowdung;
Even after the the national
demise postal
of the department
animal it would be could use
only need to be left free while the carts were tied. Every
All gas stations would convert to parks. There would pigeons while airmail could train the falcon
and environmentally friendly, unlike the metal (and nowfor a global
office complex would have a shepherd to look after the
be no problems
bullocks, of parking
creating new spacesopportunities.
employment as bullocks Come
would reach, smoking
plastic) flamingosboxes
and seagulls
running ontraveling
the roadintercontinental
ending their
only sun,
rain, needcold,
to be the
left bullocks
free whilewould
the carts were
never tied. Every
abandon us are other options.
lives in junk yards. Every part of the animal is used to
office complex
humans leaving would
us to diehave a shepherd
in nature’s fury. to
Welook after
could the
easily Even after
create the demise
products after itsoflife
animal it would
comes to anbeend
rely on thecreating
animals new employment
to reach us safelyopportunities. Come
and soundly home. and environmentally
bones, skin and hornsfriendly,
are usedunlike
to makethe metal (and now
rain, sun, cold, the bullocks would never abandon
The hi-fi, the CEOs, millionaires and billionaires could us plastic) smoking
designer consumer boxes running
products on aonlarge
the road ending their
humans leaving us to die in nature’s fury. We
travel on elephants, horseback or a horse cart like the could easily livesmessage
The in junk yards.
is loudEvery part of- the
and clear animal
employ youris used to
rely on
ones the animals
shown to reach us
in the televised safely and
versions soundly home.
of Ramayana and create products
resources smartly after
and its
span comes to that
such an end
bones, skin
contribute to and
not horns
only are
the used to make biodegradable
environment, but also the
The hi-fi, the CEOs,
Mahabharata. millionaires
In a desert and billionaires
region they could use camelcould
designer And
economy. consumer
more products
so, beingon a aMumbaikar,
large scale.I feel the
carts on in
elephants, horseback
snowy places or acould
reindeers horsepull
like the
ones shown
Some in the
countries televised
have dogs, versions of Ramayana
goats, donkeys and
and other The message
bullock is loud
carts racing androads
on the clearcan
- employ your results
yield higher natural
beasts In apulling
of burden desert carts.
region All
they could use
animals couldcamel
get if resources
the road issmartly and street.
called Dalal with discretion, such that they
carts and in snowy
employment and forplaces reindeers could
international guestspull
we sledges.
could contribute to not only the environment,
For Suggestions, but also
Comments the
Some countries
consider going tohave
the dogs,
zoo togoats, donkeys
procure and other
rare breeds of economy. And more
so, being a Mumbaikar, I feel
beasts of burden pulling carts. All animals could get the bullock carts racing on the roads can yield higher
employment and for international guests we could results if the road is called Dalal street.
1 February 2024
consider going to the zoo to procure rare breeds of
2ND PROOF 23 JAN 2024
VOL 15 l ISSUE NO. 6 l FEBRUARY 2024 PGS. 124 ISSN 0970-2946 l Rs. 100/-
37 Cover Story Hon’ble Cabinet Minister of Power and
New & Renewable Energy,
The Zip Zap Zoom of E Vehicles
Shri RK Singh
eMobility, EVs & Charging Infrastructure
82 Insight
124 Dr. Deepak Lakhapati