Lesson 8 TL

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Optical Fiber Communications

• Core - Thin glass center of the fiber where the light travels
• Cladding - Outer optical material surrounding the core that reflects the
light back into the core
• Buffer coating - Plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and

Compared to conventional metal wire (copper wire), optical fibers are:

• Less expensive - Several miles of optical cable can be made cheaper

than equivalent lengths of copper wire. This saves your provider (cable
TV, Internet) and you money.
• Thinner - Optical fibers can be drawn to smaller diameters than copper
• Higher carrying capacity - Because optical fibers are thinner than
copper wires, more fibers can be bundled into a given-diameter cable than
copper wires. This allows more phone lines to go over the same cable or
more channels to come through the cable into your cable TV box.
• Less signal degradation - The loss of signal in optical fiber is less than
in copper wire.
• Light signals - Unlike electrical signals in copper wires, light signals from
one fiber do not interfere with those of other fibers in the same cable.
This means clearer phone conversations or TV reception.
• Low power - Because signals in optical fibers degrade less, lower-power
transmitters can be used instead of the high-voltage electrical transmitters
needed for copper wires. Again, this saves your provider and you money.
• Digital signals - Optical fibers are ideally suited for carrying digital
information, which is especially useful in computer networks.
• Non-flammable - Because no electricity is passed through optical fibers,
there is no fire hazard.

• Lightweight - An optical cable weighs less than a comparable copper
wire cable. Fiber-optic cables take up less space in the ground.
• Flexible - Because fiber optics are so flexible and can transmit and
receive light, they are used in many flexible digital cameras for the
following purposes:
■ Medical imaging - in bronchoscopes, endoscopes, laparoscopes
■ Mechanical imaging - inspecting mechanical welds in pipes and
engines (in airplanes, rockets, space shuttles, cars)
■ Plumbing - to inspect sewer lines

–higher initial cost in installation & more expensive to repair/maintain

Optical Fiber Link

Input Coder or Light Source-to-fibre
Signal Converter Source Interface

Fibre-optic Cable

Fibre-to-light Light Amplifier/Shaper Output

Interface Detector Decoder

• Transmitter - Produces and encodes the light signals

• Optical fiber - Conducts the light signals over a distance
• Optical regenerator - May be necessary to boost the light signal (for
long distances)
• Optical receiver - Receives and decodes the light signals

Optical fibers come in two types:

• Single-mode fibers
• Multi-mode fibers

n1 core
n2 cladding
Single-mode step-index fibre no air

n1 core
n2 cladding
Multimode step-index fibre no air
Multimode graded-index fibre Index porfile

•Single-mode step-index fiber:

–minimum signal dispersion; higher TX rate possible

–difficult to couple light into fiber; highly directive light source (e.g. laser)
required; expensive to manufacture

•Multimode step-index fibers:

–inexpensive; easy to couple light into fiber

–result in higher signal distortion; lower TX rate

•Multimode graded-index fiber:

–intermediate between the other two types of fibers

Acceptance Cone & Numerical Aperture

Acceptance n2 cladding
Cone θC n1 core
n2 cladding

Acceptance angle, θc , is the maximum angle in which external light rays may
strike the air/fiber interface and still propagate down the fiber with <10 dB loss.

θ C = sin −1 n12 − n2 2

Numerical aperture:

NA = sinθ C = n12 − n2 2

Losses In Optical Fiber Cables

•The predominant losses in optic fibers are:

–absorption losses due to impurities in the fiber material
–material or Rayleigh scattering losses due to microscopic irregularities in the
–chromatic or wavelength dispersion because of the use of a non-
monochromatic source
–radiation losses caused by bends and kinks in the fiber

–modal dispersion or pulse spreading due to rays taking different paths down the

–coupling losses caused by misalignment & imperfect surface finishes

Absorption Losses In Optic Fiber

Rayleigh scattering
5 & ultraviolet
Loss (dB/km)

4 absorption

3 Peaks caused
by OH- ions
2 absorption
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
Wavelength (µm)

Fiber Alignment Impairments

Axial displacement Gap displacement

Angular displacement Imperfect surface finish

Light Sources

• Light-Emitting Diodes (LED)–made from material such as AlGaAs or GaAsP

–light is emitted when electrons and holes recombine
–either surface emitting or edge emitting

• Injection Laser Diodes (ILD)–similar in construction as LED except ends are

highly polished to reflect photons back & forth

ILD versus LED

–more focussed radiation pattern; smaller fiber
–much higher radiant power; longer span
–faster ON, OFF time; higher bit rates possible
–monochromatic light; reduces dispersion

–much more expensive
–higher temperature; shorter lifespan

Light Detectors

•PIN Diodes
–photons are absorbed in the intrinsic layer
–sufficient energy is added to generate carriers in the depletion layer for current
to flow through the device
•Avalanche Photodiodes (APD)
–photogenerated electrons are accelerated by relatively large reverse voltage
and collide with other atoms to produce more free electrons

–avalanche multiplication effect makes APD more sensitive but also more noisy
than PIN diodes.


1. A wave is propagated in a parallel-plane waveguide. The frequency is

GHz, and the plane separator is cm. Calculate:
a) The cutoff wavelength for the dominant mode.
b) The wavelength in a waveguide.

2. A rectangular waveguide is cm by cm. Calculate the cut-off

frequency of the dominant mode.

3. A rectangular waveguide measures x cm and has a 9GHz signal
propagated in it. Calculate the cut-off wavelength, the guide wavelength,
the group and phase velocities and the characteristics impedance for the
TE1,0 mode.

4. A waveguide has an internal width a of cm, and carries the dominant

mode of a signal of unknown frequency. If the characteristic impedance is
Ω, what is the frequency?

5. Calculate the numerical aperture and the maximum angle of acceptance
for a fiber with core and cladding refraction indices of and

6. Determine the critical angle for a glass (n= )/quartz (n= )

interface. If the angle of incidence is 38o determine the angle of


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