LDA PHS Reglation Draft VII 2021

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1: Short Title and Commencement.-

1. These regulations may be cited as the Lahore Development Authority Private Housing
Schemes Regulations 2021.
2: Definitions.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014


3: Type of Housing Schemes.-

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
4: Approval.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
5: Status of Master Plan.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
6: Application for Approval of a Housing Scheme.-
1. For new housing schemes, Individual owners of land upto a maximum number of 05 can
apply for approval. In case of more than 05 owners of land, a cooperative society,
company or firm shall apply for approval of private housing scheme. However, condition
of maximum of five owners shall not apply in cases of:
a. Housing schemes which are under process in LDA before 11.06.2020 or
b. Revision of already approved housing scheme with / without additional area.
It is clarified that numbers of owners cannot be increased further during processing /
scrutiny of case, if it is already more than 05. Moreover, in case of cooperative society,
company or firm, ownership of land shall be in the name of cooperative society, company
or firm accordingly.
2. Formal applications on prescribed forms (F-1) shall be signed by all owners of land or
authorized representative(s) of cooperative society / company / firm. For new case,
applications with required documents shall be collected by representatives of relevant

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departments (BOR, WASA / LG&CD, TEPA, Irrigation Department, MP Wing etc) and
processed in parallel for clearance / NOC. However, in case of housing scheme which is
under process in LDA before 11.06.2020 or revision of already approved housing
scheme, documents shall be collected by LDA and afterwards shall be forwarded to
concerned departments for necessary clearance / NOC. The application(s) shall be
supported with required documents as mentioned below.

a. Board of Revenue / Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue):

i. Certified copy of Register Deed/Deeds

ii. Certified copy of NECs
iii. Certified copy of Mutation/Mutations
iv. Certified copy of Record of Right (Fard Malqiat)
v. Certified copy of akas Shajra
vi. Certified copy of Khasra Girdawri
vii. List of Khasra numbers including area of scheme (Signed by sponsor and
Town Planner)
viii. Certified copy of Massavey
ix. Attested Copies of CNICs of all owners / authorized representatives of
company / cooperative society.
x. Copy of utility bill of correspondence address
xi. Location Plan of site of scheme (Signed by sponsor and Town Planner)
xii. Khasra Plan & scheme boundary super-imposed on Satellite image at
appropriate scale (Signed by sponsor and Town Planner)
xiii. Layout Plan of Scheme singed by all owners / authorized representative of
company / cooperative society and Town Planner.
xiv. Detail of Govt Land for exchange in scheme, if any.

After scrutiny of case, BOR will provide clearance or intimate about any
observation, if any. In case of clearance / NOC, copies of layout plan, list of khasra
numbers with area details and khasra plan showing boundary of scheme
superimposed on satellite image shall also be provided to MP Wing, LDA.

b. Metropolitan Planning Wing:

i. Certified copy of certificate of registration of the company, firm or the

cooperative society, if applicable
ii. Attested copies of CNICs of all owners / authorized representative of
company / firm
iii. List of Khasra numbers including area of scheme (Signed by sponsor and
Town Planner) ( 2 copies)
iv. Certified copy of Massavey
v. Location Plan of site of scheme (signed by sponsor and Town Planner) (2
vi. Location of site shown on the Master Plan (Signed by sponsor and Town

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vii. Khasra Plan and scheme boundary super-imposed on Satellite image at
appropriate scale (Signed by all owners / sponsor and Town Planner) (2
viii. Layout Plan of Scheme singed by all owners / sponsor / authorized
representative of company / firm and Town Planner (hard copies, including
AutoCAD Drawing)
ix. Topographic Survey extended to a depth of one thousand feet around the
housing scheme area (in case of housing scheme) or up to the boundary of
land sub-division (in case of land sub-division). (4 copies)
x. Consent from Sponsor of adjoining approved housing schemes (in case
access or services of approved schemes are used)
xi. Public Notice Fee (Min. Rs. 100,000/-) depending on size of advertisement as
determined by Director PR, LDA.
xii. Soil Investigation Report [Prepared by any Govt Department or by Private
Consultant / Company registered with PEC in category of Geo Tech
Consultancy. In case of private Consultant / Company, boreholes shall be
drilled by Consultant in presence of officials of Director Engg. (PHS), LDA].
The test will be performed as per ASTM and AASHTO guidelines. For the
scheme area up to 1000 K, 20 boreholes and 20 test pits would be conducted
(1 bore hole & 1 test pit per 50 K area)
xiii. Clearance from Army, NHA, Railway or any other department, if applicable.

c. Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning Agency (TEPA):

i. Location Plan of site of scheme (signed by sponsor and Town Planner)

ii. Khasra Plan and scheme boundary super-imposed on Satellite image at
appropriate scale (Signed by sponsor and Town Planner)
iii. Layout Plan of Scheme signed by all owners / sponsor / authorized
representative of company / firm and Town Planner (triplicate hard copies,
including AutoCAD Drawing)
iv. Topographic Survey extended to a depth of one thousand feet around the
housing scheme area (in case of housing scheme) or up to the boundary of
land sub-division (in case of land sub-division).
v. Cross section / Total ROW of roads abutting to the Housing Scheme / Land
vi. Pay order in favor of Chief Engineer TEPA along with application (@ Rs.
2500/- per kanal of total scheme area)

After marking of structure plan road within 08 working days, TEPA shall forward
the case to MP Wing, LDA.

d. WASA / LG&CD (Chief Officer, Municipal Corporation / Committee)

i. Location Plan of site of scheme (signed by sponsor and Town Planner)

ii. Khasra Plan and scheme boundary super-imposed on Satellite image at
appropriate scale (Signed by sponsor and Town Planner)

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iii. Layout Plan of Scheme singed signed by all owners / sponsor / authorized
representative of company / firm and Town Planner (triplicate hard copies,
including AutoCAD Drawing)
iv. Water Quality Test Report of Water Source for proposed housing
scheme/land sub division from reputable laboratory like PCRWR, PCSIR,
Punjab University etc (ISO 17025:2017 accredited Laboratory)
v. Plan showing ultimate sewerage disposal arrangement from proposed
housing scheme/land sub division to nearby drain/nallah/sewer etc.
vi. Clearance from concerned department e.g. Railway, Highway, BOR or private
land owner for their respective path to be utilized for laying of force
main/sewer from scheme to ultimate disposal point, if applicable.
vii. Clearance / application for NOC from concerned department other than
WASA owning & maintaining the drain/ nallah/sewer proposed as ultimate
disposal point, if applicable.

e. Irrigation Department

For clearance about flood prone and disposal of sewerage (if required):
i. Location Plan of site of scheme (signed by sponsor and Town Planner)
ii. Khasra Plan and scheme boundary super-imposed on Satellite image at
appropriate scale
iii. Topographic Survey extended to a depth of one thousand feet around the
housing scheme area (in case of housing scheme) or up to the boundary of
land sub-division (in case of land sub-division).

7: Evaluation Criteria.-
1. Relevant department shall evaluate the case in following manners:-
a. Metropolitan Planning wing shall be responsible for:
i. Evaluation of documents including provisions of Master Plan
ii. Site visit and report about site position including status of access road. Access
road will be evaluated in following manners:
a) Proposed road shall not be considered as access road except road of
under processing housing scheme whose layout plan is technically
approved, subject to the consent of sponsor of under process schemes
b) Condition of minimum width of access road shall not be applicable in
cases of housing schemes which were under process in LDA before
iii. Publication of Public Notice in daily newspapers for invitation of objections
about ownership of land
iv. Checking of soil investigation report by Director Engineer (PHS).

b. Board of Revenue (BOR) shall be responsible for:

i. Verification of ownership of land as shown on proposed layout plan of private
housing scheme,

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ii. Clearance / NOC that land is not notified for any public purpose and no
Government land is included in scheme
iii. approval of exchange of Govt land (if any) with land of sponsor in housing
iv. in case of land sub-division, intimation that sponsor of land sub-division does
not own additional land adjacent to land sub-division.

c. Irrigation Department shall provide clearance about flood prone status and
disposal in nullah, drain, if any. However, in case of pocket(s) of land falling within
housing scheme(s) where clearance about flood prone has already been
provided, there will be no need of further clearance from irrigation department.

d. Additional requirement of land locked or additional land in continuation [7(2)(b)]

shall not be applicable for Low Cost Apartment Housing Scheme (having
maximum area of 100 Kanal).
8: Processing.-
1. In case of Lahore District, WASA and for other districts Chief Officer of concerned
Municipal Committee / Town Committee / District Council shall examine the case and
provide necessary clearance / NOC or communicate observations.


9: Layout Plan of Housing Scheme.-

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
10: Planning Standards for Housing Scheme.-
1. Area falling under Government land (water courses, revenue paths etc) and public land
(shamlat deh etc) may be exchanged with land of private housing scheme as per policy
of Government. Area proposed / reserved for exchange shall be within boundary of
housing scheme and clearly marked on layout plan and included in total area of scheme.
After execution of exchange deed, area of revenue path / water courses etc may be used
for carving of plots / roads. However, if sponsor wants early approval by excluding area
falling under Government / public land, layout plan will be approved by keeping such land
/ areas intact as per original position mentioned in report of BOR / Massavey. Areas of
revenue path, water course etc (not owned by Sponsor) shall be clearly marked as
excluded areas and shall not be made part of required road or plot.
2. Housing scheme shall have a contiguous boundary. Proposed structure plan road,
existing road, water body, or any area within proposed boundary of scheme which cannot
be acquired or do not affect design of scheme, shall not affect contiguous status of
scheme boundary. Area which is not owned by sponsor shall be clearly mentioned on
layout plan as excluded area.

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3. TEPA shall be responsible for marking of Structure Plan Roads and any other provision
of setback etc.
4. Proposed land use sites including residential plots of a housing scheme shall abut directly
on the road (land owned by sponsor) of housing scheme. Plots can also abut on area of
setback (minimum 30 feet wide) or Structure plan road if land is owned by sponsor.
5. Front-depth ratios of residential plots should be in the range of 1:1.5 to 1:2.5. However,
up to 10% plots can be provided of odd size.
6. Public buildings (if required) shall be located at prominent place and on a loop road (two
independents entries) having minimum width of road as mentioned below, expect main
road having minimum width of 80 feet:
Area of Public Building Site Minimum width of road
Upto 01 kanal 30 feet
Larger than 01 kanal 40 feet
Minimum size of plot for public building shall be in accordance with the provision of LDA
Land use Rules / Regulations.
7. Masjid (if required) will preferably be provided with an open space / park (if required) on
the eastern side. Place of residence for Imam / Moazan may also be constructed in some
area of the plot reserved for Masjid in accordance with Town planning / buildings
8. Graveyard (if required) shall be located on a road having minimum width as under:
Area of Graveyard Minimum Width of Road
Less than 20 Kanal 30 feet
20 kanal and above 40 feet
In case graveyard is provided outside the scheme boundary (within 05 KM radius), it shall
be provided within residential zone or agriculture zone of Master Plan. Moreover, Sponsor
shall be responsible for its maintenance, construction of boundary wall and gate and he
shall also ensure that it is not misused. Access road (starting from main road) of
graveyard having following minimum width shall also be maintained by sponsor.
Area of Graveyard Minimum Width of Access Road
Less than 10 Kanal 20 feet
10 kanal and above 30 feet
9. Major road of scheme shall be designed and integrated with other roads so that a
hierarchy of road network is developed by serving major scheme area for safe and free
flow of traffic at reasonable speed. In case of scheme falling in open area, major road
shall pass through the scheme. However in case of surrounding built up / landlocked
areas, major road passing throughout the scheme shall not be compulsory.
10. In case of commercial plots, opening / entrance of commercial plots shall be allowed on
the roadside where minimum 30 feet parking is provided.
11. Sites for Tube well, overhead reservoirs, pumping stations and disposal stations shall be
provided preferably adjacent to Park, as required by WASA or other department. These
shall not be part of open spaces of housing scheme. Location of these sites can be shifted
adjacent to park subject to clearance by WASA and these changes shall not be
considered as revision of housing scheme.

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12. ROW and clearance for electricity transmission lines shall be provided as per
requirements of the concerned department as under:-
Category of Minimum ROW / Way-Leave Minimum Horizontal
Transmission / For For Clearance from buildings
distribution Lines 4 Leg Tower Round Pole / boundary walls
500 KV or Higher As per requirements
220 KV 50 feet 30 feet 25 feet
132 KV 40 feet 20 feet 20 feet
66 KV 30 feet 15 feet
33 KV 12 feet 06 feet
11 KV xxx 06 feet
0.4 KV xxx 04 feet
In case of transmission line passing through the housing schemes comprises 4 leg tower
and round pole, ROW of 4 leg tower shall be considered.
13. ROW of Main Transmission lines of electricity and natural gas shall not be included in
required width of road. Any green strips proposed in ROW or areas of roundabouts shall
not be considered as open spaces. Sponsor shall have the option to include / exclude the
areas of grid station / ROW considered for calculation of planning standards. However,
these areas shall be included in total area of housing scheme.
14. Grid station shall be provided according to the requirement of NEPRA as under:
Load Requirements
Above 10 MW Dedicated grid station and associated transmission line or DISCO
to 20 MW may provide connection from its own grid station
Above 20 MW Dedicated grid station and associated transmission line
For size of Grid stations, Minimum area for Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) will be 12
kanals and for Air Insulated Substation (AIS) will be 20 kanals within the housing scheme.
Load Assessment criteria for Housing Schemes is as under:-
Description Size of Plot Load Assessment
03 Marla 03.15 kW
05 Marla 05.00 kW
07 Marla 05.70 kW
Individual 10 Marla 06.60 kW
House 12 Marla 07.45 kW
14 Marla 08.75 kW
01 Kanal 10.61 kW
02 Kanal 17.74kW
Upto 700 sq.ft 125 w / 100 sqft + 10% flats with 1 AC of 1.5kW
701 – 900 sq.ft 150 w / 100 sqft + 25% flats with 1 AC of 1.5kW
Apartments 901 – 1200 sqf.ft 175 w / 100 sqft + 50% flats with 1 AC of 1.5kW
1201 – 1600 sq.ft 175 w / 100 sqft + 100% flats with 2 AC of 1.5kW
Above 1600 sq.ft 200 w / 100 sqft + 100% flats with 3 AC of 1.5kW
Shops / Clinics Any Area 1000 w / 100 sq.ft

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Note: For detail calculation of Load assessment, consumer service manual of
National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) may be consulted.

15. Area / size of marla / kanal / acre shall be same as in Revenue Record of that mouza /
Revenue state.
16. In case of any missing information, National Reference Manual on Planning and
Infrastructure Standards, prepared by Ministry of Housing & Works Environment & Urban
Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan shall be considered.


11: Submission of Documents

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
12: Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage
1. Service Designs shall be prepared by professional engineer registered with Pakistan
Engineering Council in relevant code. In case of District Lahore, service design shall be
approved by WASA, wherein in case of other district, service designs shall be approved
by LG&CD department.
2. It will be mandatory for sponsor of housing schemes having area 500 kanal or above to
provide rainwater storage to cater the runoff generated from rainfall to meet the landscape
/ arboriculture water demand. Minimum storage will be provided @ 100 cft per kanal of
total scheme area. Storage may preferably be provided under the open space / Parks
with depth of water tank upto 3 feet. Detailed design calculation of runoff and structural
design of the storage tank shall be prepared by PEC approved consultants and approved
by WASA.
13: Road Network
1. Service design shall be approved by Director Engineering (PHS) LDA.
14: Electricity and Street Light Plan
1. Designs and specification of electricity and street light shall be approved by LESCO or
any other agency / department / company / organization who has valid license issued by
NEPRA for generation or distribution of electricity.
15: Landscape Plan
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
16: Solid Waste Management Plan
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
17: Gas Supply Charges

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Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
18: Telephone
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
19: Underground Services
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
20: Exemption
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014


21: Processing of an Application

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
22: Scrutiny of Land Ownership Documents.-
1. In case of under process private housing schemes, ownership documents shall be
forwarded by LDA to Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) for verification,
whereas in case of new private housing schemes submitted after 11.06.2020, application
on prescribed forms along with required documents shall be checked and received by
representative of Board of Revenue (BOR). After scrutiny of case within 08 working days,
BOR will provide clearance or intimate about any observation, if any. In case of clearance
/ NOC, copies of layout plan, list of khasra numbers with area details and khasra plan
showing boundary of scheme superimposed on satellite image shall also be provided to
MP Wing, LDA. Revenue Staff of MP Wing LDA shall check the clearance / NOC issued
by BOR and report on file accordingly.

23: Public Objections.-

1. In cases submitted after 11.06.2020, Public Notice for observance on ownership shall be
published after receiving application with required documents (including public notice
fee). Any observation regarding ownership of land shall be forwarded to the focal person
of BOR for checking, review and clearance. Layout Plan shall not be processed unless
observations / objections have been cleared / settled.

24: Technical Scrutiny of Layout Plan.-

1. Layout out plan shall be scrutinize in following manner:
a. Surveyor shall visit the site and report about development, access road etc.
b. In light of clearance from Revenue Department and documents provided by
Sponsor, Revenue staff shall report about ownership of land of proposed housing

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scheme, exclusion of Govt. land from plan and status of notification of land for
public purpose.
c. Draftsman shall check the AutoCAD drawing and printed plan of scheme,
calculate areas of different land uses as per planning standards, mortgage area
and public building areas to be transferred to LDA.
d. Assistant Director shall visit the site and after evaluation of case shall submit to
the Deputy Director.
e. Deputy Director shall scrutinize the case and submit the case with specific
recommendation to the Director or intimate the sponsor to address the
f. After approval from Chief Metropolitan Planner, Sponsor along with his consultant
Town Planner will present the case before Scrutiny Committee. The Scrutiny
Committee shall comprise of followings:
i. Two (02) Director Metropolitan Planning, to be nominated by CMP LDA on
case to case basis.
ii. Concerned Director Metropolitan Planning
iii. Concerned Deputy Director Metropolitan Planning
iv. Concerned Assistant Director Metropolitan Planning.
g. The member(s) of Scrutiny Committee may visit the site and after checking of
case and imposing of penalty (if any) shall recommend the case for approval or
raise observations.
h. Accordingly, Deputy Director (MP) shall intimate the sponsor to address the
observations or to provide followings:
i. a transparency of layout plan indicating also the plots proposed to be
mortgaged but no mortgage of plots shall be required in case of a land sub-
division having an area less than forty kanal;
ii. a soft copy of layout plan geo-referenced with the appropriate coordinate
iii. a transfer deed in Form B, B1, B2 for transferring to the Authority, free of cost,
the area reserved for roads, open spaces, parks, graveyard, solid waste
management and such other services and minimum fifty percent area of
public building sites up to a maximum of two percent of the scheme area
allocated for public building sites, excluding the area of mosque and in case
of land sub-division having an area less than forty kanal, the area under roads,
open spaces and amenities, if provided;
iv. a mortgage deed in Form C, C1, C2 mortgaging in favour of the Authority of
twenty percent (20%) area of plots of residential, apartments, commercial and
public building sites (excluding sites transferred to LDA) of the housing
scheme as security for completion of development works and clearance of all
kinds of default, but no mortgage of plots shall be required in case of a land
sub-division having an area less than forty kanal. Area of public buildings sites
shall not be mortgaged;
i. After submission of above mentioned documents and their scrutiny, Layout plan
shall be signed by Revenue Staff, CHD, AD, DD, Director and CMP. Afterwards,

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case shall be submitted to Director General, LDA, who shall approve the layout
plan and sign the plan or pass appropriate orders for amendments / rejection.
j. Accordingly, Sponsor will be informed to fulfill requirement for sanction of scheme
and payment of penalty, if any. Layout plan singed by concerned officers shall not
be issued to sponsor unless housing scheme is sanctioned by LDA.
k. In case of permission of marketing / advertisement before sanction of scheme,
only sale / purchase of plots shall be made and possession of plots shall not be
given unless housing scheme is sanctioned by LDA.

25: Processing of Services Design

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
26: Pre-requisite for Sanctioning a Housing Scheme
1. In case of any change in ownership before sanction of scheme, revised plan of scheme
shall be approved and afterwards sanction shall be granted accordingly.
27: Sanction of Private Housing Schemes
1. Following actions shall be performed with sanction of scheme.

a. Uploading of Approved Layout Plan on LDA website:

i. Concerned Assistant Director & Deputy Director within four days of approval
of Scheme, shall submit the case along with scanned copy of plan to the
ii. Concerned Director within three days shall forwarded scanned copy of
Approved layout Plan to Director CS, LDA for uploading on LDA official
iii. The Director CS LDA shall upload the same within three days.

b. Letters to concerned departments for intimation regarding sanction of scheme

i. Concerned Assistant Director & Deputy Director within four days of sanction
of Scheme, shall prepare draft letter along with necessary annexures and
submit to Director.
ii. The Director MP within three day shall forward copy of approval letter and
approved layout plan to the followings:
a) Deputy Commissioner of concerned district
b) Assistant Commissioner of concerned Tehsil
c) Administrator/Chairman of concerned Local Government
d) Chief Officer of concerned Local Government
e) Director, Local Government & Community Development (LG&CD)
f) Concerned Director Town Planning, LDA
g) Director Estate Management (PHS), LDA.
h) Concerned departments who approved service designs.
iii. Upon receipt of approved layout plan, the concerned Director Town Panning,
LDA or Chief Officer of concerned Local Corporation / Committee shall ensure

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that individual buildings are constructed after approval of building plans in
accordance with the approved layout plan of housing scheme.
iv. Departments who approved service designs / plans of scheme shall ensure
that it is developed is in accordance with the approved designs / plans.
v. The Director Estate Management (PHS), LDA shall ensure that public amenity
sites including open spaces, graveyards, and roads are not encroached and
no construction is carried out on mortgaged plots unless redeemed by the
Competent Authority.

28: Public Notice

1. Concerned Assistant Director & Deputy Director within four days of approval of Scheme,
shall prepare the public notice and forward the case to Director.
2. The Director MP within three day shall forward the public Notice to Director PR LDA for
publication in daily newspapers regarding sanction of scheme and its salient features.
3. The Director PR, LDA within three days shall forward the public notice to DG, PR for
publication in daily newspaper.
4. Upon publication in daily newspapers, the Director PR, LDA within 3 days shall send the
copy of published newspapers to Director MP and Director CS, LDA for update on website
of LDA.
5. The Director CS LDA shall upload the same within three days.
29: Sub-division of a Residential Plot.-
1. Application singed by owner / sponsor shall be submitted along with following documents
a. attested photocopy / copies of NIC of owner(s) / sponsor
b. ownership title documents
c. NOC from sponsor
d. Three sets of proposed sub-division plan singed by owner(s)/sponsor and Town
Planner registered with PCATP.
e. Bank Draft / Pay Order of Scrutiny fee of Rs. 1000/-.

2. Application shall be processed in following manner:

a. The record keeper of MP Wing will enter the file in record and will allot number to
the file and will forward the case to the Assistant Director MP Wing.
b. Assistant Director MP will report and verify the size, mortgage status and location
of the plot.
c. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for :-
i. Encashment of scrutiny fee pay order.
ii. Verification of amount.
d. Surveyor will put up the Site visit report after visiting the site.
e. Assistant Director MP will verify the Site visit report of surveyor after visiting the
site and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
f. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Concerned Deputy Director (Town
Planning) for report about commercialization and approval of building plan.
g. After report of Deputy Director (Town Planning), Deputy Director MP will mark file
to Assistant Director MP and Circle Head Draftsman (CHD) & Revenue Staff

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h. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to CHD & Revenue Staff, who will
perform the following :-
i. Scrutiny of title documents as per rules
ii. Scrutiny of proposed sub division plan.
iii. Marking of house lines
i. Assistant Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by CHD & Revenue Staff
and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
j. Deputy Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Assistant Director MP
and will forward the case to Director MP with his recommendation of approval of
k. Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Deputy Director MP and will
forward the case to Chief Metropolitan Planner with his recommendation of
approval of case.
l. Chief Metropolitan Planner will approve the sub-division and will forward the case
to Director MP LDA.
m. On receiving file from Director MP, Deputy Director MP will forward the case to
accounts branch for challan generation of approval fee.
n. The applicant will receive the challan and will submit a new application after
deposit of approval fee. He will also submit transfer deed in case of commercial
o. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Deputy Director MP for verification
of amount paid by applicant as subdivision approval fee.
p. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for verification of
q. Assistant Director MP will prepare draft letter for approval of sub division of plan.
r. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Director MP for signature of letter.
s. Director MP will sign the letter and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
t. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Security Featured Paper (SFP) cell
for printing of letter.
u. Deputy Director SFP Cell will forward the printed letter to Deputy Director MP.
v. Deputy Director MP will forward the SFP printed letter regarding approval of
subdivision to Director MP for signature.
w. Director MP will sign the approval letter and proposed sub division on plan and
will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
x. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Assistant Director MP for issuance of
letter and approved subdivision plan.
y. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Clerk to dispatch the letter.
z. The clerk will dispatch the letter and will forward it along with approved subdivision
to Computer Officer (MP).
aa. Computer Officer will forward the case to One Window Cell.
bb. The applicant will receive the letter and sub division plan from one window cell

29A: Sub-division or Revision of a Commercial Block and Public Building Site.-

1. Application singed by owner (s) / sponsor shall be submitted along with following
a. attested copies of NIC of owner(s) / sponsor
b. ownership / title documents

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c. Three sets of proposed sub-division / revision plan singed by owner(s)/sponsor
and Town Planner registered with PCATP.
d. Bank Draft / Pay Order of Scrutiny fee of Rs. 1000/-. for commercial block and
Rs. 5000/- for public building.
e. Bank Draft / Pay Order of Public Notice fee amounting to Rs. 100,000/-
f. In case application is submitted by owner, NOC from Sponsor

2. Basic Criteria for Sub-division of Commercial pockets / block:

a. Only Sub division of commercial pockets/ blocks or its revision is allowed in
approved private Housing Schemes and Individual plots bearing plot Numbers in
a strip will apply for revision of that commercial strip.
b. The minimum size of resultant commercial plot will not be less than 3 Marla.
c. Parking shall be provided as per prevailing rules and area of parking/roads shall
be transferred to LDA through execution of deed.

3. Process of Sub-division of Commercial pockets / block:

a. The record keeper of MP Wing will enter the file in record and will allot number to
the file and will forward the case to the Assistant Director MP Wing.
b. Assistant Director MP will report and verify the size, mortgage status and location
of the plot.
c. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for :-
i. Encashment of scrutiny fee pay order.
ii. Encashment of Public Notice fee
iii. Verification of amount.
d. Surveyor will put up the Site visit report after visiting the site.
e. Assistant Director MP will verify the Site visit report of surveyor after visiting the
site and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
f. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Concerned Deputy Director (Town
Planning) for report about commercialization and approval of building plan.
g. After report of Deputy Director (Town Planning), Deputy Director MP will mark file
to Assistant Director MP and Circle Head Draftsman (CHD) & Revenue Staff
h. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to CHD & Revenue Staff.
i. CHD & Revenue Staff will perform the following :-
i. Scrutiny of title documents as per rules
ii. Scrutiny of proposed sub division plan.
j. Assistant Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by CHD & Revenue Staff
and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
k. Deputy Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Assistant Director MP
and will forward the case to Director MP with his recommendation to proceed for
publication of public notice. He shall also prepared draft public notice.
l. Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Deputy Director MP and sign
public notice for publication in newspaper.
m. The Authority shall, within seven days, forward the objections, if received, to the
sponsor/owner, for such action as the sponsor deems fit
n. ln case of any objection on proposed sub-division plan, the authority shall provide
opportunity for hearing to the objector and sponsor/owner. The authority shall

P a g e 14 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

have the right to entertain the application or reject the same by entertaining
o. After settlement of objections, if any, Assistant Director MP & Deputy Director MP
will forward the case to Director MP with recommendation of approval.
p. Director MP will cross check the scrutiny done by Assistant Director MP and will
forward the case to Chief Metropolitan Planner with his recommendation of
approval of case.
q. Chief Metropolitan Planner will send the case to Director General LDA with his
recommendation of approval of case and signature on plan.
r. Director General, LDA will approve / reject the sub-division and will forward the
case to Chief Metropolitan Planner.
s. Chief Metropolitan Planner will forward the case to Director MP LDA.
t. After approval, Director MP will issue letter to sponsor for provision of Transfer
Deed for transfer of area under parking and roads in the sub-division plan of
commercial land.
u. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for challan
generation of approval fee.
v. The applicant will receive the challan and will submit a new application after
deposit of approval fee. He will also submit transfer deed to transfer parking areas
/ roads to LDA.
w. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Deputy Director MP for verification
of amount paid by applicant as subdivision approval fee.
x. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for verification of
y. The Assistant Director MP, for examination of submitted transfer deed will forward
the case to :-
 Circle Head Draftsman.
 Revenue Staff.
z. Assistant Director MP will cross check the scrutiny of transfer deed and will
forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
aa. Deputy Director MP will cross check the scrutiny of transfer deed and will forward
the case to Director MP.
bb. Director MP will forward the case to DEM (PHS) for execution and mutation of
cc. DEM (PHS) will forward transfer deed executed in the office of sub-registrar and
mutation in favor of LDA to Director MP.
dd. Assistant Director MP will prepare draft letter for approval of sub division of plan.
ee. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Director MP for signature of letter.
ff. Director MP will sign the letter and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
gg. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Security Featured Paper (SFP) cell
for printing of letter.
hh. Deputy Director SFP Cell will forward the printed letter to Deputy Director MP.
ii. Deputy Director MP will forward the SFP printed letter regarding approval of
subdivision to Director MP for signature.
jj. Director MP will sign the approval letter and will forward the case to Deputy
Director MP for issuance of letter along with sub division plan approved by DG,

P a g e 15 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

kk. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Assistant Director MP for issuance of
letter and approved subdivision plan.
ll. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Clerk to dispatch the letter.
mm. The clerk will dispatch the letter and will forward it along with approved
subdivision to Computer Officer (MP).
nn. Computer Officer will forward the case to One Window Cell.
oo. The applicant will receive the letter and sub division plan from one window cell

4. Basic Criteria for sub-division of public buildings:

a. The sub-division or revision of the public building site shall be allowed either for
the same use or combination of usage (dispensary, post office, police station,
local government office, educational institute, hospital, clinic, mosque, fire station,
community centre or clubs). In case, the use of public building site is not specified
in the approved layout plan, then any one or combination of above mentioned
usage shall also be allowed.
b. The public building site shall be divided only once and house lines of mother plot
shall apply on subdivided plots.
c. The minimum areas of different land uses of resultant sub-divided plots shall be
in accordance with LDA Land Use Rules & LDA Building & Zoning Regulations.
d. The Sponsor shall provide undertaking regarding provision of adequate
infrastructure and payment of augmentation charges as specified by the authority,
for the resultant plots.
e. The Sponsor shall provide undertaking for provision of Rain Water Harvesting
System for the recharge of aquifer.

5. Process for sub-division of public buildings:

a. The record keeper of MP Wing will enter the file in record and will allot number to
the file and will forward the case to the Assistant Director MP Wing.
b. Assistant Director MP will report and verify the size and location of the plot.
c. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for :-
i. Encashment of scrutiny fee pay order.
ii. Encashment of Public Notice fee
iii. Verification of amount.
a. Surveyor will put up the Site visit report after visiting the site.
b. Assistant Director MP will verify the Site visit report of surveyor after visiting the
site and will forward the case to CHD & Revenue Staff.
c. CHD & Revenue Staff will perform the following :-
i. Scrutiny of title documents as per rules
ii. Scrutiny of proposed sub division plan.
iii. Marking of house lines
d. Assistant Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by CHD & Revenue Staff
and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP with his recommendations.
e. Deputy Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Assistant Director MP
and will forward the case to Director MP with his recommendation to proceed for
publication of public notice. He shall also prepared draft public notice.
f. Director MP will cross check the Scrutiny done by Deputy Director MP and sign
public notice for publication in newspaper.

P a g e 16 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

g. The Authority shall, within seven days, forward the objections, if received, to the
sponsor/owner, for such action as the sponsor deems fit
h. ln case of any objection on proposed sub-division plan, the authority shall provide
opportunity for hearing to the objector and sponsor/owner. The authority shall
have the right to entertain the application or reject the same by entertaining
i. After settlement of objections, if any, Assistant Director MP & Deputy Director MP
will forward the case to Director MP with recommendation of approval.
j. Director MP will cross check the scrutiny done by Assistant Director MP and will
forward the case to Chief Metropolitan Planner with his recommendation of
approval of case.
k. Chief Metropolitan Planner will send the case to Director General LDA with his
recommendation of approval of case and signature on plan.
l. Director General, LDA will approve / reject the sub-division and will forward the
case to Chief Metropolitan Planner.
m. Chief Metropolitan Planner will forward the case to Director MP LDA.
n. Director Metropolitan Planning shall, within seven days, convey the observations
to sponsor / applicant, if any.
o. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for challan
generation of approval / subdivision fee for each additional plot / resultant plot.
p. The applicant will receive the challan and will submit a new application after
deposit of approval fee. He will also submit transfer deed to transfer parking areas
/ roads to LDA.
q. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Deputy Director MP for verification
of amount paid by applicant as subdivision approval fee.
r. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to accounts branch for verification of
s. Assistant Director MP will prepare draft letter for approval of sub division of plan.
t. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Director MP for signature of letter.
u. Director MP will sign the letter and will forward the case to Deputy Director MP.
v. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Security Featured Paper (SFP) cell
for printing of letter.
w. Deputy Director SFP Cell will forward the printed letter to Deputy Director MP.
x. Deputy Director MP will forward the SFP printed letter regarding approval of
subdivision to Director MP for signature.
y. Director MP will sign the approval letter and will forward the case to Deputy
Director MP for issuance of letter along with sub division plan approved by DG,
z. Deputy Director MP will forward the case to Assistant Director MP for issuance of
letter and approved subdivision plan.
aa. Assistant Director MP will forward the case to Clerk to dispatch the letter.
bb. The clerk will dispatch the letter and will forward it along with approved subdivision
to Computer Officer (MP).
cc. Computer Officer will forward the case to One Window Cell.
dd. The applicant will receive the letter and sub division plan from one window cell.
ee. The approval so granted, shall be made part of the approved layout plan, of the
Housing scheme accordingly.

P a g e 17 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

30: Approval of Sub-division of a Plot
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014

31: Fee
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
32: Fee for Revised Plan and Service Designs
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
33: Fee for Sub-division of Plot
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
34: Fee for Transfer or Amalgamation of Scheme
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
35: Fee for Conversion of Land Use
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
36: Penalty for illegal Development.-
1. In case, where development without approval was carried out occasionally in different
parts / times or it is not possible to identify exact dates of defaults / violations, estimated
time for on-site development shall be worked out. Penalty shall be imposed for this
estimated time period. Total time period for imposition of penalty for illegal development
shall not be more than the time granted for execution of approved scheme under Rule 48
of LDA PHS Rules 2014. Penalty shall be estimated proportionally by assigning following
weightage to different works as under:

Sr. Development Work Weightage

1 Road works 25%
2 Water supply, sewerage and drainage 25%
3 Electricity and street lights 25%
4 Natural Gas 10%
5 Horticulture works 10%
6 Solid waste management system 05%

P a g e 18 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

37: Actions against Violations.-
1. In case of Private Housing Schemes within LDA controlled area (i.e. Lahore Division),
actions shall be taken in following manner:
a. The Surveyor / AD (MP) will visit the site and identify the illegal housing scheme
/ illegal extension / violations of approval (Layout plan and conditions) and will put
up report along with draft Show Cause Notice. In the notice, sponsor will be
directed to stop and remove violation(s) or fulfill the requirements and conditions
of approval of scheme within seven days of issuance of the notice and also to
explain, as to why action(s) u/s 14A, 34, 35 of LDA Act, 1975 and of any other
Rules / Regulations in force, may not be initialed against him/her and the scheme.
The Notice will be issued by Deputy Director (MP).
b. In case of non-compliance or non-reply by the sponsor to the directions conveyed
vide above notice, the AD (MP) will put up the final notice to sponsor giving
opportunity of hearing within seven days from date of issuance of final notice. This
final notice will be signed by DD (MP). If the sponsor appears, the Director (MP)
will give him personal hearing.
c. In case of unsatisfactory explanation from the sponsor or non-compliance or non-
reply or on expiry of the time mentioned in the final notice, the AD (MP) and DD
(MP) will send the case to Director (MP), who will pass the orders to initiate the
following legal actions against the sponsors:
i. Publication of Public Notice for awareness of general public:
AD(MP) will put up draft public notice mentioning violations / illegalities.
DD(MP) will check the Public Notice and forward to Director (MP), who shall
sign it and will forward to Director (PR) LDA for publication in daily
newspapers. After publication in daily newspapers, Director (PR) shall forward
copies of same to Director (MP) for record purpose and also to Director CS
LDA for updating it on website of LDA and social media.
ii. Demolition / Sealing Operations:
AD(MP) / Surveyor will visit the site and report about violations / illegalities
with photographs, location marked on google earth etc. DD(MP) will check
and put up the case with draft letter which shall be signed by Director (MP)
and forwarded to DEM (PHS) MP Wing, LDA for onward necessary actions.
DEM (PHS) after necessary actions will sent a report to Director (MP).
In case of construction of individual buildings in illegal housing scheme,
concerned Director Town Planning (in case of LDA Control area declared U/S
18 of LDA Act 1975) or Chief Officer of concerned Municipal Corporation /
Town Committee etc shall be requested to take necessary action against such
iii. Request to Collector to impose Ban on Issuance of Fard Malkiat, Registration
of Documents or Attestation of Mutations, etc. (except approved housing

P a g e 19 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

AD(MP) & DD(MP) in collaboration with Revenue staff will check about the
location (khasra number, Mouza) and ownership of land, if available and
afterwards will prepare a reference to be the forwarded to concerned
department. Director MP after approval from Chief Metropolitan Planner, LDA
will send the reference to the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) for
necessary action.
iv. Request to Local Government, Agencies, or Government Agencies for
Stoppage / Discontinuation of Municipal Services (except approved housing
AD(MP) & DD(MP) will prepare a reference to be the forwarded to concerned
department. Director MP after approval from Chief Metropolitan Planner, LDA
will send the reference to the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) for
necessary action.
v. Lodging of Complaints against the Sponsor / Developer / Representative to
Police Station under Section 35 of LDA Act 1975 for the offence mentioned at
Part-B of Second Schedule and Imposing, Collection/Recovery of Penalties
under Section 34 of LDA Act 1975:
The complaint U/S 35 of the LDA Act will be drafted by concerned AD(MP)
with the help of DD/AD (Law) / Additional Legal Advisor MP Wing. The
complaint will be signed by Deputy Director (MP). Complaint will be lodged
before the concerned In-Charge Police Station by AD (MP) with the help of
DD/AD (Law) / Additional Legal Advisor MP Wing.
vi. Impose Penalties against Sponsor Under Section 34 of LDA Act 1975
In case of development without approval, penalty for estimated time period
shall be imposed on the sponsor before issuance of technical approval. If any
development is made after technical approval and before final approval,
penalty shall also be imposed and recovered before issuance of final
In case of penalty for delay in completion of development works within
stipulated time period, penalty shall be calculated after receiving formal
request by Sponsor. After approval by Competent Authority, penalty shall be
communicated to sponsor. Sponsor shall pay the penalty within a maximum
time period of two months.
2. In case of cooperative housing schemes or area of any other public project (e.g. Ravi
River Front Urban Development), concerned departments shall also be requested to take
necessary actions as per law.
3. In case of notified area of LDA Housing Schemes sanctioned by LDA, concerned Director
Estate Management LDA shall take necessary actions against any illegal private housing
scheme(s) being developed in notified area of LDA Scheme.
38: Cancellation of Approved Scheme
1. In case person(s) purchase a portion of land of already approved but undeveloped private
housing scheme, his request for cancellation of whole scheme may be entertained
subject to following conditions:
a. He/she is owner(s) of at least 1/4th of the area of approved scheme.

P a g e 20 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

b. No plot is sold in the scheme.
c. Ownership documents of the purchase land (minimum 1/4th of the area of
d. Publication of Public notice in daily newspapers on the cost of the buyer and
settlement of objection(s), if any.
e. Payment of all outstanding dues / fees / penalties of whole scheme.
f. Undertaking on a stamp paper that he/she shall be responsible for any liability or
claim of a third person on account of the cancellation of the approved plan or
After cancellation of approved housing scheme, same person can also apply for the
approval of new housing scheme on the complete / some area of cancelled housing
scheme as per LDA Private Housing Scheme Rules 2014.
39: Development of an Approved Housing Scheme
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
40: Transfer of Approved Housing Scheme
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
41: Amalgamation of Approved Housing Schemes
1. After approval of amalgamation, only amalgamation approval letter shall be issued and
individual layout plans of housing schemes shall not be changed.
2. If sponsor wants to revise plan(s) of amalgamated housing scheme(s), he shall submit a
combined revised plan of all housing schemes. In case of housing schemes approved
within last 05 years, planning standards shall be calculated on the basis of aggregated /
accumulated areas of housing schemes. In case of earlier approvals, planning standards
shall be calculated on the basis of individual areas of each scheme. Moreover, Sponsor
will have the option to adopt prevailing planning standards or planning standards
applicable at the time of approval of schemes. During revision of amalgamated housing
schemes, name of scheme(s) can be changed.
42: Revision of Approved Housing Schemes.-
1. Any change in size of residential plot(s) shall not be considered as revision of approved
housing scheme, if areas / width of roads and public amenity sites are not changed. In
case actual size of a residential plot on ground is different than the size in approved layout
plan of approved private housing scheme, request of sponsor for adjustment of size may
be entertained subject to the following conditions:
a. There is no change in %age of other land uses as mentioned in approved layout
b. There is no change in road pattern or road width.
c. Public Notice is published in daily newspapers at the cost of sponsor.
d. Ownership of plot / land is intact in the name of sponsor or plot owner.
e. In case, plot is at the boundary of housing scheme and any change affect adjacent
scheme, NOC from sponsor of adjacent housing scheme.

P a g e 21 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

2. In case sponsor is unable to complete development works within stipulated time period,
extension in developed period for a maximum duration of two years shall be granted. In
case, sponsor has failed to complete the development after extension in time (less than
two years), further extension to complete development works may be given. However,
total duration of extensions shall not be more than two years.
3. In case of a cooperative society, application for any alteration / amendment in approved
layout plan or approval of new area shall not be entertained without NOC from Registrar
Cooperative Societies Punjab.
4. In case of already approved private housing scheme, partial revision upto maximum of
10% area of approved scheme area may be allowed subject to the following provisions
of planning standards:
a. Area(s) of open space(s), public building(s), and graveyard(s) shall not be
reduced than the relevant area(s) mentioned in approved layout plan. Similarly
area(s) of society office, tubewell, overhead reservoir, disposal station and solid
waste management etc, if already provided, shall not be reduced.
b. Area of Public Buildings shall not be increased more than 10% of already
approved area.
c. Area of roads, residential plots and apartments can be increased or decreased in
accordance with provisions of Rule 10(1)(b)(viii).
d. Length and width of major road shall not be reduced. Minimum width of internal
road shall be 30 feet. Any change in roads / parking shall be included in 10% area
allowed to be revised.
e. Commercial area can be reduced. However increase shall only be allowed
according to the planning standards in Rules applicable at the time of approval of
scheme as explained in examples below:
Relevant Rules Maxi. Commercial Area
Before Punjab Private Site
Development Schemes Rules 2005
Under Punjab Private Site
Development Schemes Rules 2005
Under Punjab Private Housing
Schemes and Land Sub-division Rules 05% for Housing Scheme
Max 02% (Sub-division less than 40K)
LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules Max 03% (Sub-division less than 100K)
2014 Max 05% (Housing Schemes upto 500K)
Max 10% (Housing Schemes > 500k)
In case of change / increase in commercial area, parking of 30 feet (minimum)
shall be provided along the road towards the opening of commercial plot(s).
Commercial area shall be in the form of a block or strip.
f. In case of any change, 10 feet setback / passage shall be provided between two
non-compatible in accordance with provisions of Rule 10(1)(b)(xiv).
g. In case any area is excluded due to litigation or execution of development works,
10% shall be of the net area of scheme after deducting excluded area.

P a g e 22 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

43: Area for Approval of Housing Schemes.-
1. Private Housing scheme already approved in residential zone of earlier Master Plans
shall be allowed to revise. However, inclusion of any adjacent area shall only be allowed
in light of prevailing Master Plan.
2. Mechanism for the declaration of settlement (shown in Master Plan) by Governing Body
of LDA to process land sub-division shall be as under:
a. The application for declaration of settlement, singed by owner(s) / authorized
representative of company or cooperative society, containing complete postal
address shall be submitted along with following documents:
i. Certified copy of certificate of registration of the company, firm or the
cooperative society, if applicable
ii. Attested copies of CNICs of all owners / authorized representative of company
/ cooperative society
iii. List of Khasra numbers including area signed by owner(s)
iv. Location plan of site signed by owner(s) and Town Planner (2 copies)
v. Location of site shown on the Master Plan Signed by owner(s) and Town
vi. Khasra Plan and land-subdivision boundary super-imposed on Satellite image
at appropriate scale singed by owner(s) and Town Planner
vii. Copy of Record of Right (Fard Malqiat)
viii. Copy of Massavey

b. After receiving application, Revenue staff of MP Wing shall scrutinize ownership

of land and Surveyor shall report about ground position within 05 working days.
c. ADMP shall visit the site and after scrutinizing the case shall submit the case to
Deputy Director (MP) with specific recommendations / observations in 04 working
d. Deputy Director shall scrutinize the case and reports of concerned officers /
officials. In case of any observation, he/she shall inform the sponsor, otherwise
shall recommend the case for approval in 04 working days. Deputy Director shall
also prepare the case, presentation and working paper for presenting the case
before LDA Authority
e. Director (MP) shall scrutinize the case and forward the case to Chief Metropolitan
Planner, LDA, who shall forward to Director General, LDA for permission to
present the case before the LDA Authority.
f. Director (MP) shall present the case before the LDA Authority and afterwards shall
intimate the sponsor about the directions / decision of LDA Authority.
g. After approval of declaration of settlement by LDA Authority, case for approval of
Land Sub-division shall be processed in light of LDA Private Housing Schemes
Rules 2014. The approval by LDA Authority to process the case shall not be
considered any sort of approval of land sub-division or approval of land locked /
access road / land not notified for Govt. purpose etc.

P a g e 23 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

44: Unplanned Housing.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014


45: Contents of an Advertisement.-

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
46: Execution of Agreement.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
47: Execution of Sale Deed.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014


48: Development of a Sanctioned Scheme.-

Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
49: Monitoring of Development Works.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
50: Extension in Time.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
51: Release of Mortgage Plots.-
1. In case of private housing schemes approved before 2017, where sponsor is not
available, application for release of individual mortgaged plots may be entertained on
checking of ownership documents (Allotment letter or registry etc) instead of
recommendation from Sponsor.
2. Mortgage plots shall be released on first come first basis in the same chronological order
as applications for release were received in LDA.
3. in case of already approved private housing schemes, where sponsor has already allotted
mortgaged plots, mortgage of alternate plots in same scheme or nearby scheme(s) of
same sponsor may be allowed by Director General, LDA subject to following conditions:
a. Residential or/ and commercial plots can be mortgaged as alternate.

P a g e 24 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

b. Value of newly mortgaged plots shall not be less than value of already mortgaged
plots. Value shall be assessed by the approved evaluator of LDA.
4. In cases of private housing schemes approved before 19.09.2013, where sponsor is
delaying transfer of public building sites to LDA as some sites are already developed and
operational, following mechanism may be adopted:
a. Ownership of land shall be transferred in the name of LDA.
b. Existing agreements regarding lease or operation (for a maximum duration of 15
years) shall not be altered by LDA. However, any rent / financial benefit (taken by
sponsor) from those agreement shall be paid to LDA.
5. Sponsor may also provide bank guarantee against some or all mortgage plot(s). Value of
bank guarantee shall not be less than the value of already mortgaged plot(s) or estimated
cost of remaining development works, whichever is higher. Cost of development works
shall be calculated by Chief Engineer (UD Wing) LDA.
52: Release of Bank Guarantee.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
53: Default and Action.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
54: Management of Housing Scheme.-
1. Public building transferred to LDA shall be development by LDA or auctioned or leased.
Sponsor can also request to LDA for early development or disposal of public building sites
and LDA may process accordingly. In case of auction or lease, first right of refusal shall
be provided to the sponsor.


55: Appeal.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
56: Relaxation of Rules.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014
57: Saving.-
Same as given in LDA Private Housing Schemes Rules 2014

P a g e 25 | 25 LDA Private Housing Schemes Regulations 2021 Draft-VII

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