Ethics in Communication-Wps Office

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Communication Ethics is how a person uses
language, media, journalism, and creates
relationship that are guided by an individual's
moral and values. These ethics consider being
aware of the consequences of behavior and
consequences it's to "respect other points of view
and tolerate disagreement.
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Why is ethics important in communication?

s.Ethics in the communications field is important because if
the public views someone as not trustworthy, it can
compromise a professions reputation. A satisfying life also
develops as a result of developing trusting and caring
relationships with others and that comes from making ethical
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Communication ethics is an integral part of the decision making

process in an organization. Employees need to be trained on the
importance of ethics in decision making so as to get rid of the
blame game factor when wrong choices are made. The working
place has changed and the employees have become more
independent in the decision making process.
t.Ethical behaviour comes from having clear values and
principles. These inform the choices we make: whether
or not we communicate in specific situations, what we
say and how we say it.
Giving up “own-role” oriented behaviour is a key
component of ethically based communication in
organizations. For example, rather than simply focusing on
your own objectives during presentations and discussions,
show your willingness to explore joint interests and their
benefits for others.
Sensitive communication focuses on managing the emotions of
others, and practising carefully controlled non-violent
communication that does not create negative emotional states, such
as anger or fear. This also means being aware of your own emotional
state, so that you don’t transfer your own negativity to others.
It is important to recognize that your views are not the only truth and
that other people’s ideas, which may confuse or challenge you, deserve
your respect and curiosity. Being curious means being truly open.
Curiosity is expressed by remaining silent, allowing others to speak,
asking questions and encouraging others to say more.
People often withhold information that others have a right to know, or they keep
quiet about things for their own advantage. After all, knowledge is power. But
ethical communicators make a commitment to share information as much as is
possible.We also need to remember that our words and ideas are often simply
opinions from our own perspective rather than facts. Being open about this
helps us to be inclusive, collaborative, and respectful.
Responsibility is central to ethical behaviour. The moment we begin to blame others
or circumstances unfairly, we are ignoring our responsibility. Instead, explore and
express ways of bearing some responsibility for what happens. This also allows
others to take responsibility and to think about their future actions.When problems
do arise, we may need to escalate them to someone higher in the organization.
Interestingly, many people see this as a form of abrogating their responsibility or
worry that it may be seen as a way of blaming others. So, although escalation is
often required in difficult situations, it needs to be handled carefully.
Example Of Ethical Communication
There are a myriad of examples of how ethical
communication can change the outcome of a
problem in a business or workplace environment,
revealing why ethical communication principles
should be followed:
Medical industry: In the medical industry, not only is there the key HIPAA regulation, but
there are numerous medical codes of ethics that medical professionals have to follow, with
regard to their actions, conduct, and communications. These principles ensure that all patients
and fellow medical professionals have their rights protected. For instance, doctors are required
by law to not divulge private information about patients to anyone whom the patient has not
consented to be privy to such private info.
Property Consulting industry: Ethical communications in the property consulting
industry can take several forms, including revealing key pieces of information to would-be
home owners of a property, including “negative” truths about the property – for example,
divulging the entire history of the property, including any accidents or crimes that
happened in the property.
Marketing industry: Ethical communications in the marketing industry can include
revealing to clients that their business marketing applications are not optimal, and that a
cheaper vendor, or a different form of marketing, will yield better results.
Global communication is directly affected by the process of
globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities,
remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both
globalization and global communication have changed the
environmental, cultural, political and economic elements of
the world.
Global or international communication is the development and sharing of
information, through verbal and non-verbal messages, in international
settings and contexts. ... Additionally, global communication is a broad
area of research within academia.
The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural
In a global environment the ability to communicate effectively can be
a challenge. Even when both parties speak the same language there
can still be misunderstandings due to ethic and cultural differences.
Over the last decade, there have been countless examples from the
business sector that demonstrate how poor communication can lead
to poor organizational performance. Understanding the impact of
globalization on cross-culture communication is imperative for
organizations seeking to create a competitive advantage in the global
According to Genevieve Hilton, “cultural proficiency doesn't mean
memorizing every cultural nuance of every market. It's knowing when to
listen, when to ask for help, and when—finally—to speak”Communication is
necessary for individuals to express themselves and to fulfill basic needs. The
same holds true for businesses, governments, and countries. Without the
ability to communicate and understand each other, there would be
chaos.Communication that is based on cultural understanding is more apt to
prevent misunderstandings caused by personal biases and prejudices.
Communication is vital for businesses to effectively explain
how their products and services differ from their competitors.
Companies that are successfully able to communicate cross-
culturally have a competitive advantage because they can
devote more time and resources to conducting business and
less time on internal and external communication issues.
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