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Getting Started With Citsql

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.

The CitSQL® Family of Precompilers

Getting Started
Version 1.3

Page 1
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3


ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................................ 5

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 6
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

The CitSQL Family of Products ..................................................................................................................................... 6

The CitSQL Precompiler ................................................................................................................................................. 9

The CitSQL Runtime Component ................................................................................................................................... 9

The SQL Engine Client Component ............................................................................................................................... 9

What differentiates CitSQL ............................................................................................................................................. 9

GETTING STARTED ......................................................................................................... 10

Installation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Directory Structure ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

Required Third-Party Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 11

USING THE PRECOMPILER ............................................................................................ 11

License ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Usage ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Options............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
CloseOnCommit .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
CursorSynteticName .................................................................................................................................................... 18
DBEncoding................................................................................................................................................................. 18
DeallocateCloseCursor ................................................................................................................................................ 18
DefaultCCSID .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
DebugMode ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
ExpandIncludes ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
ForceStringMode ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
FreeFormatOutput ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
ImmediateCursor.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
IncludeSearchPath........................................................................................................................................................ 22
LibName ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22
LogMode...................................................................................................................................................................... 23
MaxMem ...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
NoRecCode .................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Prefetch ........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Quote Translation......................................................................................................................................................... 25
SelectPrepare ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
StandardPrefix ............................................................................................................................................................. 26
StepLimit ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

StrictMode ................................................................................................................................................................... 27
StrictPictureMode ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
TargetPattern ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
TrimMode .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
TruncComments........................................................................................................................................................... 28
UTFInput ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28

Usage with a resource file ............................................................................................................................................... 29

Storing multiple options in a resource file ................................................................................................................... 29
Storing multiple programs in a resource file ................................................................................................................ 29
Using Wildcards........................................................................................................................................................... 30

Runtime Environment Variables .................................................................................................................................. 30

RCQLOG=<logfile> .................................................................................................................................................... 30

RUNNING THE SAMPLE TEST PROGRAM .................................................................... 30

Precompile the Sample Test Programs ......................................................................................................................... 31

Compile the Sample Test Programs .............................................................................................................................. 31

Run the Sample Test Programs ..................................................................................................................................... 31

THE SQL COMMUNICATIONS AREA ( SQLCA ) ............................................................ 32

The SQLCA Data Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 32

SUPPORT FOR USAGE VARCHAR, VARRAW, VARYING ............................................ 33

ADDRESSING THE VARIOUS DATABASES .................................................................. 34

Connection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34

Addressing MySQL ........................................................................................................................................................ 35

Preparing the sample program ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Preparing the conection to the database ....................................................................................................................... 35

Addressing PostgreSQL ................................................................................................................................................. 36

Preparing the sample program ..................................................................................................................................... 36
Preparing the conection to the database ....................................................................................................................... 37

Addressing Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC) ................................................................................................................. 38

Preparing the Sample Program .................................................................................................................................... 38
Preparing the connection to the database ..................................................................................................................... 38

Dealing with unrecognized SQL .................................................................................................................................... 44

Using CitSQL in the Developer Studio ......................................................................................................................... 45

Using CitSQL for MySQL in the Developer Studio .................................................................................................... 45
Using CitSQL for PostgreSQL in the Developer Studio .............................................................................................. 50
Using CitSQL for ODBC in the Developer Studio ...................................................................................................... 56

Good to know .................................................................................................................................................................. 62

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

How to get support for CitSQL ..................................................................................................................................... 63

PORT LISTS...................................................................................................................... 63
CitSQL for MySQL ........................................................................................................................................................ 63

CitSQL for PostgreSQL ................................................................................................................................................. 65

CitSQL for ODBC .......................................................................................................................................................... 66

FAQ ................................................................................................................................... 66

Page 4
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3


Copyright 2008-2020 COBOL-IT S.A.R.L. All rights reserved. Reproduction of

this document in whole or in part, for any purpose, without COBOL-IT's
express written consent is forbidden.

Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a
registered trademark of the Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other brand and
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the holders of those trademarks.

Contact Information:
The Lawn
22-30 Old Bath Road
Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 1QN
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-0-1635-565-200

Page 5
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The CitSQL Family of Products allow COBOL source code that contains EXEC SQL statements to
be pre-processed, with the resulting output file being a COBOL source file, in which the EXEC
SQL statements have been commented out, and replaced with CALL statements. This file, which is
generated with a .cbp extension by default, can then be compiled by your COBOL-IT Compiler,
and the resulting object code can be run to provide connectivity with one of the CitSQL-supported

Source including EXEC Preprocessor Valid COBOL


The CitSQL Family of Products

CitSQL is available as separate products for the MySQL®, PostgreSQL®, and for relational
databases which have an ODBC interface, such as SQL Server®. CitSQL, provides an SQL
precompiler for COBOL, and a runtime component for all of its products. CitSQL provides an
SQL Engine Client Component for CitSQL for MySQL, and CitSQL for PostgreSQL. Note that
while CitSQL for ODBC does not distribute the odbc client component, this component is available
on all Windows platforms that support 32-bit applications.

Product Precompiler Runtime Component SQL Engine Client

CitSQL for MySQL bin\citmysql.exe bin\rcqmysql.dll bin\libmysql.dll
CitSQL for MySQL bin/citmysql bin/rcqmysql.so lib/libmysql.so
CitSQL for bin\citpgsql.exe bin\rcqpgsql.dll bin\libpq.dll
CitSQL for bin/citpgsql.so bin/rcqpgsql.so lib/libpq.so
CitSQL for ODBC bin\citodbc.exe bin\rcqodbc.dll odbc32.dll**
**odbc32.dll is not distributed with CitSQL for ODBC.
When using CitSQL, the normal sequence of events is :

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

• Step 1- Precompile source files containing ESQL COBOL statements

o For Step 1, you will need your precompiler to be in your PATH. The precompiler
will need to locate a file called SQLCA, which is located in the include subdirectory
of the root installation directory. A typical precompile command line is :

>citmysql :IncludeSearchPath=./include myprog.cob

Where the program being recompiled has been located in the parent directory of the
include directory containing the file SQLCA.

o The default behavior of of the precompiler is to create a target file called

myprog.cbp, in which SQL statements have been commented out, and replaced with
COBOL CALL statements to the CitSQL runtime component.

• Step 2- Compile the target source files creating executable object files
o For Step 2, you will need to have your COBOL-IT Compiler Suite Enterprise
Edition installed. The COBOL-IT Compiler Suite Enterprise Edition includes a
setup file, called setenv_cobolit.bat in Windows environments, and called cobol-it-
setup.sh in Linux/Unix environments. The Compiler setup file must be run prior to
using the COBOL-IT compiler..
A typical command line for using the COBOL-IT compiler is:

>cobc myprog.cbp

o The compiler will then create a shared object- myprog.dll in a Windows

environment, or myprog.so in a Linux/Unix environment.

• Step 3- Execute the compiled object files

o For Step 3, the database server must be running. You will need to have the COBOL-
IT runtime in your path. This is done when you run the setup file for the compiler,
Then, you must have the compiled objects, the runtime component of CitSQL, and
the shared library/dll through which the runtime component communicates with the
database locatable by the COB_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

The following files should then be located, either in a directory that is in the PATH,
or in a directory that is in the COB_LIBRARY_PATH. This can be accomplished
by explicitly setting these environment variables to the locations of these files, or by
moving these files into directories that are in directories that are in your PATH or

Consider an example using CitSQL for MySQL:

COBOL-IT Runtime Cobcrun

CitSQL Runtime component rcqmysql.dll / rcqmysql.so
SQL Engine Client component libmysql.dll

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Compiled Object myprog.dll / myprog.so

On Linux/Unix platforms, the SQL Engine Client component should then be located
in the COBOL-IT installation lib directory, so that it will automatically be in the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, after the cobol-it-setup.sh script has been run.

SQL Engine Client component libmysql.so

Note- In these examples, the files in the PreprocessorDistrib\bin directory are
copied into the COBOLITDIR\bin directory. In many cases, this will not be the
preferred solution, in which case you should explicitly set the PATH
environment variable to include the PreprocessorDistrib\bin directory.

In Windows:
>copy PreprocessorDistrib\bin\*.* %COBOLITDIR%\bin
>set COB_LIBRARY_PATH=[location of myprog.dll]
>cobcrun myprog
In Unix: ( from the PreprocessorDistrib directory )
>source /opt/cobol-it/bin/cobol-it-setup.sh
>cp bin/* $COBOLITDIR/bin
>cp lib\* $COBOLITDIR/lib
>export COB_LIBRARY_PATH=[location of myprog.so]
>cobcrun myprog

o The program that is being run contains CALLs to the CitSQL runtime component
which in turn calls the SQL Engine Client component, which performs database
operations, and returns information to the runtime component.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The CitSQL Precompiler

The CitSQL precompiler parses COBOL source programs containing SQL statements, and
generates new COBOL target programs, in which the embedded SQL statements have been
replaced with COBOL CALL statements that reference the CitSQL runtime component. The new
COBOL program is created with a .cbp extension.
The CitSQL Precompiler is used at Development time only, and is used to transform programs
containing ESQL COBOL statements prior to compiling with the COBOL-IT Compiler Suite
Enterprise Edition.

The CitSQL Runtime Component

The CitSQL runtime component, which is the target of the COBOL CALL statements generated
by the CitSQL precompiler, manages the connection with the database through the Client Component of
the Database SQL Engine.

The CitSQL Runtime Component is used at Runtime only, and must be distributed with your compiled

The SQL Engine Client Component

The SQL Engine Client Component for MySQL and PostgreSQL is distributed with CitSQL.
The SQL Engine Client component sits between the CitSQL Runtime Component, and the Database.

The SQL Engine Client Component is used at Runtime only, and must be distributed with your
compiled application. Note, however, that the end-user is responsible for acquiring the necessary
licenses for using the SQL Engine Client Component from the database vendor.

What differentiates CitSQL

In many ways, CitSQL is similar to existing SQL precompilers on the market. While it is
intended to be used as a replacement for existing product, there are important differences. Most
• The SQL DECLARE clause is accepted but ignored. The entire DATA DIVISION is
analyzed, and all the variables can be referred to in SQL statements, wether they are within
an SQL DECLARE block or not.
• Each CitSQL product is optimized for its target. When targeting MySQL and PostgreSQL,
CitSQL produces precompiled source programs that target the database using native API’s,
optimized for the target database.
• When targeting ODBC, CitSQL produces precompiled source programs optimized for the
ODBC standard.
• CitSQL recognizes a superset of many existing SQL dialects, and in some cases will adapt
the SQL statements for the target database in question ( see Section 4 ).
• The precompiled source code produced by CitSQL produces calls to the runtime component,
which is included with the product as either a DLL (Windows) or shared object
(Linux/Unix). There is no need to statically link the runtime component to the program.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

• If CitSQL fails to recognized an SQL statement, and detects no reference to a host variable,
it will transmit the SQL statement “as-is” to the database engine. (see Section 5.1)

Getting Started
CitSQL is distributed as a tar.gz archive on Unix and a Zipped (.zip) archive on Windows.

Product Distributed Archive

CitSQL for MySQL distribMYSQL.tar.gz
CitSQL for PostgreSQL distribPGSQL.tar.gz.
CitSQL for ODBC distribODBC.zip

To install CitSQL, you must :

• Copy the zipped archive into the COBOL-IT installation directory. See table below for defaults
for different platforms:

Platform COBOL-IT Install Directory COBOL-IT setup script

32-bit Linux/Unix /opt/cobol-it /opt/cobol-it/bin/cobol-it-setup.sh
64-bit Linux/Unix /opt/cobol-it-64 /opt/cobol-it-64/bin/cobol-it-setup.sh
32-bit Windows C:\COBOL\COBOLIT C:\COBOL\COBOLIT\setenv_cobolit.bat
64-bit Windows C:\COBOL\COBOLIT64 C:\COBOL\COBOLIT64\setenv_cobolit.bat

• Unzip/Untar the archive, creating the subdirectory distribXXSQL (where XX is MY, PG or

• Set the PATH environment variable to include the PreprocessorDistrib\bin directory.
• (Linux/UNIX) Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the PreprocessorDistrib\lib directory.
• Run the COBOL-IT setup script.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Directory Structure

The process of unzipping the archive will create a directory called distribXXSQL, which
contains the following directory structure:

Directory Contains
/bin The Precompiler and Runtime Component.
(Windows): The Client Component of the
Database Engine.
/include The SQLCA COBOL structure
/lib ( Linux/UNIX ): The Client Component of the
Database Engine
/samples/cobol A sample COBOL application that can be used
to test that your installation of CitSQL.
/doc Documentation

Required Third-Party Tools

Product Required Tools

MySQL Client Tools, version 5 or above
PostgreSQL Client Tools, version 9 or above

As an example:
For a default installation of the PostgreSQL Development tools :
On Linux Redhat, for PostgreSQL :

>yum install postgresql-devel

Using the Precompiler

Note- for the purposes of this documentation, the command-line notation of CitSQL is
intended to refer to the CitSQL precompiler. Depending on which version of CitSQL is being used,
the actual name of the precompiler executable will differ.
CitSQL for MySQL citmysql
CitSQL for PostgreSQL citpgsql
CitSQL for ODBC citodbc

Usage of the CitSQL Precompiler requires a valid license.

COBOL-IT has made changes to licensing to all products, effective with the the release of COBOL-

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

IT Compiler Suite version 4.0 (and later). With the release of COBOL-IT Compiler Suite version
4.0, separate license files are required for each product/platform pairing. As a consequence, users
can no longer use the same license for multiple products, on multiple platforms; users deploying
multiple products require multiple license files.

Default location

The default location for COBOL-IT product license files in %COBOLITDIR% (Windows) and
$DEFAULT_CITDIR (Linux). For COBOLIT Compiler Suite version 4, the default installation
directory is /opt/cobol-it4-64 (Linux).

Default naming convention

License files located in the default location named “citlicense.xml”, or with names prefixed by
“citlicense“ and with the “.xml” extension will be tested for validation by COBOL-IT products. As
examples, COBOL-IT products would automatically test licenses named citlicense.xml, citlicense-
001.xml, citlicense-myproduct.xml.

Using COBOLIT_LICENSE to reference single or multiple license files

For cases where different naming conventions are used, or where license files are not stored in the
default installation directory, the user should use the COBOLIT_LICENSE environment variable to
indicate the full path(es) and name(s) of their license file(s).

When a Subscription is registered, the registered user receives download authorization to the
CitSQL Precompiler for the appropriate database, and a license file called citlicense.xml, which is
generated to match the duration of the registered subscription.

Note that CitSQL Precompiler Subscriptions and licenses are defined as lasting for a prescribed
period of time, from the date of the generation of the Subscription and corresponding license. That
is, a one-year Subscription is accompanied by a one-year license, and the expiration date is set at
one-year after the generation of the license, -not- one year after the installation of the software.

The CitSQL Precompiler and CitSQL Runtime Component search for a license file in the following

1- Check to see if the COBOLIT_LICENSE environment variable is set.

COBOLIT_LICENSE, if set, describes the full path, and license name to be used by the
COBOL-IT Compiler, Compler-generated executables, and Runtime.

For Linux/Unix-based platforms:
>export COBOLIT_LICENSE=/opt/cobol-it/license/mycitlicense.xml

Note that when indicating multiple license files, the semicolon “ ; ” separator is used. In
Linux, the list of license files is started and finished with single-quote marks “ ‘ “. The
single-quote is located on the same key as the double-quote on most keyboards.


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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

>export COBOLIT_LICENSE=’/opt/cobol-it4-64/compilerlic.xml;/opt/cobol-it4-

For Windows-based platforms:

>set COBOLIT_LICENSE=C:\COBOL\COBOLIT\license\mycitlicense.xml

2- Check to see if the COBOLITDIR environment variable is set. If set, check for a file called
citlicense.xml located in the directory defined by the COBOLITDIR environment variable.

For Linux/Unix-based platforms:
>export COBOLITDIR=/opt/cobol-it

For Windows-based platforms:


3- If neither the COBOLIT_LICENSE or COBOLITDIR environment variables are set, check

for a file called citlicense.xml located in the default installation directory. On Linux/Unix
platforms, the default installation directory is /opt/cobol-it. On Windows platforms, the
default installation directory is C:\COBOL\COBOLIT for 32-bit product, and
C:\COBOL\COBOLIT64 for 64-bit product.

For information about your license, including version, owner, and expiration date of the license,

For CitSQL for MySQL >citmysql

For CitSQL fro PostgreSQL >citpgsql

For CitSQL for ODBC >citodbc

>citsql [options] [source file(s)] or

>citsql @stdoptions.res @stdprogs.res

CitSQL Options include:

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

CitSQL Command-Line Option Description

:CloseOnCommit=[True/False] Aligns CitSQL behavior with Oracle

behavior in cases when a
BEGIN … END construct contains an
EXEC SQL SELECT statement followed
by a COMMIT statement. When
:CloseOnCommit=True, the preprocessor
does not close the SQL cursor when the
SELECT statement has executed.
Instead, the cursor is closed after the
COMMIT statement is executed.

:CursorSynteticName=[True/False] Causes the Cursor Name to be generated

dynamically at runtime by the RCQ

:DBEncoding= <Codepage or UTF-8> Specifies what encoding is used by the

DB storage.

:DeallocateCloseCursor=[True/False] Causes the CLOSE CURSOR statement

to also deallocate the DECLAREd cursor.

:DefaultCCSID=<Codepage or UTF-8> Specifies the default CCSID for string

fields that have no explicit CCSID

:DebugMode= [TRUE/FALSE] Default [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, causes log file
created when LogMode=TRUE to
contain more detail in some situations.

ExpandIncludes= [TRUE/FALSE] Default [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, causes all COPY files
in the program to be expanded into the
source file prior to pre-compiling the
source. Note-
If any SQL statements reference a field in
a COPY book you must use the
command-line option:

ForceStringMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is [FALSE] unless :DBEncoding

is set to UTF-8 or utf8. Then, the default

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

is [TRUE].

Default [FALSE]
:FreeFormatOutput= [TRUE/FALSE] When set to TRUE, causes output of the
precompiler to be created in “free” source

:ImmediateCursor=[True/False] (CitSQL for PostgreSQL Only)

When set to True, causes as PREPARE
EXEC to be executed before the OPEN
when where a CURSOR is declared with
OPEN and FETCH statements:


OPEN xxx

:IncludeSearchPath=<Pathes> Default [Current Working Directory]

A comma, or semi-colon separated list of
the directories in which CitSQL will look
for Include files.

:LibName=<libname> Defaults are:

The name of the RCQ runtime module.
This option is needed only if you rename
the RCQ runtime module.

Default is: [FALSE]

:LogMode=[TRUE/FALSE] When set to true the runtime component

creates a log file called RCQDLL.log that
traces all SQL operations.

:MaxMem=<number megabytes> Default is: 100

Allocates <number megabytes> memory
for the precompilation of very large
source files.

:NoRecCode=<numeric> Default is 1403

Allows mapping of value returned to
indicate the end of a FETCH statement.

:Prefetch=<numeric> Allows for the prefetch of <numeric>

records in a network transaction.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

:QuoteTranslation=<pattern> Default is: QDB

Allows mapping of single quotes, double
quotes, and back quotes. By default,
quotes are unchanged, which corresponds
to a default value of

:SelectPrepare=[True/False] (CitSQL for PostgreSQL Only)

Default is TRUE. Now, the preprocessor
causes the PREPARE EXEC to be
executed prior to the OPEN, and the
results stored.
When set to False, the former behavior is

:StandardPrefix=<prefix> Default is: [None]

Characters prefixed to generated data

StepLimit=<numeric> Default is: [None]

Sets limit on the number of cases the
CitSQL backtracking will consider.
Required when you receive a Step Limit

StrictMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, the CitSQL
precompiler aborts in cases where it does
not recognize an SQL syntax in an EXEC

:StrictPictureMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, the CitSQL
precompiler aborts in cases where it does
not recognize an PICTURE clause.

:TargetPattern=<pattern> Default is: %d%r.cbp

Describes a group of tokens that can be

strung together components to describe
the location and naming convention
applied to the precompiled target file.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

:TrimMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, alphanumeric (PIC
X) strings that are passed to the database
are first trimmed (right space removed) so
that the actual data in the database does
not have trailing spaces.

:TruncComments=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [TRUE]

When set to TRUE, Comments are

truncated after column 72. When set to
FALSE, comments are not truncated after
column 72.

:UTFInput=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, Specifies that the

source code contains literals encoded in

When set to FALSE (the default), literals

are treated as not being encoded in UTF-

Note- When setting Boolean command-line arguments, the words “True” and “False” can be written
in upper or lower case, and their initials can be used as substitutes, as can equivalent integer codes.
Thus, :DebugMode=TRUE, :DebugMode=True, :DebugMode=T, :DebugMode=1 are all

Note- In Linux/Unix operating environments, the semi-colon should be avoided as a separator.

White space should be avoided in directory names.

:CloseOnCommit=[True/False] The :CloseOnCommit option aligns CitSQL
behavior with Oracle behavior in cases when a
BEGIN … END construct contains an EXEC
SQL SELECT statement followed by a
COMMIT statement. When
:CloseOnCommit=True, the preprocessor does
not close the SQL cursor when the SELECT
statement has executed. Instead, the cursor is
closed after the COMMIT statement is

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3


In a construct such as the BEGIN … END construct below, the default behavior is to open the SQL
cursor before the execution of the SELECT statement, and to close the SQL cursor after the
execution of the SQL statement. When :CloseOnCommit=True, the SQL cursor is closed after the
COMMIT statement is executed.



:CursorSynteticName=[True/False] Causes the cursor name to be generated at
runtime by the RCQ runtime.

When “CursorSynteticName” is set to True, cursor names are generated at runtime by the RCQ
runtime. This can be required if you use the same cursor name in several modules.

:DBEncoding=<Valid codepage or UTF-8> Specifies what encoding is used by the database

IF a “DBEncoding” is defined :
- NATIONAL PIC N fields are converted from NATIONAL to “DBEncoding” encoding when
writing to the database and from “DBEncoding” encoding to NATIONAL when reading
from the database.

Valid codepages are those accepted by the COBOL intrinsic functions NATIONAL-OF and
DISPLAY-OF. For a complete list of the valid codepages recognized by the COBOL-IT compiler,
run the command:

> cobc –list-codepage

:DeallocateCloseCursor=[True/False] Causes the CLOSE cursor to also deallocate the
DECLARED cursor.

Normally when a program executes an OPEN Cursor, the RCQ runtime makes a DECLARE Cursor
the first time the OPEN is executed. Then, all subsequent executions of the same OPEN will reuse

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

the previously declared cursor. In situations where several COBOL programs use the same
CURSOR name or when using CANCEL, this can result in the return of the POSTGres error:
“Prepared name xxx already exists” even if the cursor xxx is closed.

To fix this, use this flag so that the DECLAREd cursor is deallocated when the CLOSE cursor
statement is executed.

:DefaultCCSID=<Valid codepage or UTF-8> Specifies the default CCSID for string fields
that have no explicit CCSID declaration.

Valid codepages are those accepted by the COBOL intrinsic functions NATIONAL-OF and
DISPLAY-OF. For a complete list of the valid codepages recognized by the COBOL-IT compiler,
run the command:

> cobc –list-codepage

Different CCSIDs can be declared for different fields in the source code. The CCSID of individual
fields may be explicitly declared using the IBM syntax:


Example (multiple Host variables):

EXEC SQL DECLARE :<HostVar1>, :<HostVar2> VARIABLE CCSID <Valid codepage or UTF-

If a CCSID is defined (by default or explicitly for the field)

- STRING fields (PIC X, non-numeric USAGE DISPLAY fields and PIC N fields) are
converted from “CCSID” encoding To “DBEncoding” encoding when writing to the
database and from “DBEncoding” encoding to “CCSID” encoding when reading from the

- Fields described with the PIC N clause are considered to be declared as USAGE
NATIONAL. Note- For fields described as PIC N VARCHAR, the length of the -LEN fields
is given in number of characters (not in number of bytes). For clarification, in this example,
the length of « 12345 » in FIELDA-ARR is 5, while the number of bytes in storage is 10:




- For fields described with the PIC N clause, CCSID values 1200, 1201 and UTF-16BE are
the only accepted values. Other values provoke a warning and are ignored.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

:DebugMode= [TRUE/FALSE] Default [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, causes log file
created when LogMode=TRUE to
contain more detail in some situations.

When set to TRUE, and when LogMode set to TRUE, the runtime logfile RCQDLL.log will
contain more detailed information about host variables. Set DebugMode to True to maximize the
information returned from CALLs to the runtime component.

:ExpandIncludes= [TRUE/FALSE] Default [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, causes all COPY files
in the program to be expanded into the
source file prior to pre-compiling the

When set to TRUE, COPY files are expanded in the source file prior to the pre-compiling of the
source. Note- If any SQL statements reference a field in a COPY book, the the command-line
option :ExpandIncludes= TRUE is required.

ForceStringMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is [FALSE] unless :DBEncoding is set to UTF-
8 or utf8. Then, the default is True.

When set to True, CitSQL non-compound PIC X data

fields are sent to the database as a C-String (where the
String is terminated by the character X’00’). When set
to FALSE, CitSQL sends PIC X data to the database as
a byte-array.

The :ForceStringMode option affects whether a PIC X data field is sent to the database as a byte-
array, or as a C-String.

When set to False, CitSQL sends PIC X data to the database as a byte-array. This is done to respect
the COBOL semantic that does not consider the character X’00’ as the end of a string. This can be
a problem if the user passes a host variable describe with PIC X to a field declared as a DATE, for
example. DATEs are stored as 4-byte INTs by Postgres, so Postgres expects the DATE to have a
length of 4-bytes.

When set to True, CitSQL sends PIC X data to the database as a C-String (where the String is

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

terminated by the character X’00’). In this case, Postgres can convert the C-String into a DATE.
This is not activated by default, as it is counter to the pure COBOL semantic.
:ForceStringMode=TRUE only applies to elementary data items. Group items containing sub-items
are not affected by this setting.

• When :DBEncoding=UTF-8 or utf8 :ForceStringMode is set to True as UTF-8 does not
allow the X’00’ character.
• :ForceStringMode=True only affect the behavior of non-compound fields. That is,
In this case:
01 COL1 PIC X(10).

COL1 will be send a C-String

However, in this case:

01 GRP1.
02 COL11 PIC X(10)

GRP1 will always be sent as a byte-array whatever the :ForceStringMode parameter is.

:FreeFormatOutput= [TRUE/FALSE] Default [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, causes output of the
precompiler to be created in “free” source

The FreeFormatOutput option, when set to TRUE, causes the ouput of the precompiler to be created
in “free” source format. Free source format, or “terminal format” applies different rules for
establishing the location of the Area A, the Indicator Area, Area B, and the Identification Area.
COBOL-IT source programs that are written in Terminal Format must be compiled with the –free
compiler flag. For more details on the free source format, see Source Code Management Topics in
the Reference Manual.

:ImmediateCursor=[True/False] (CitSQL for PostgreSQL Only)
When set to True, causes as PREPARE EXEC to be
executed before the OPEN when where a CURSOR
is declared with OPEN and FETCH statements:


OPEN xxx

The results of the PREPARE EXEC are stored, and returned by the FETCH.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Attention should be taken when applying the ImmediateCursor preprocessor parameter. Since the
full results of the cursor are returned before the OPEN, this parameter should only be applied for
cursors returning small numbers of lines.

When not using the ImmediateCursor precompiler option, you can cause the PREPARE EXEC to
be executed prior to the OPEN for cursors using the statement :


:IncludeSearchPath=<Pathes> Default [Current Working Directory]
A comma, or semi-colon separated list of the
directories in which CitSQL will look for
Include files.

The IncludeSearchPath option is expressed as a list of directories, separated by commas, or semi-

colons, in which CitSQL searches for Include files.

Note- The CitSQL precompiler must locate the file SQLCA.cpy fle, which, after installation, is
installed by default in the PreprocessorDistrib/include directory.

As a result, the basic precompiler command line is:

citsql :IncludeSearchPath=[path to SQLCA] [source file]

In an example, where the SQLCA.cpy file is located in a subdirectory called ./include, and the
source file is called prog1.cob, the command line would be:

citsql :IncludeSearchPath=./include prog1.cob

:LibName=<libname> Defaults are:
The name of the RCQ runtime module.
This option is needed only if you rename
the RCQ runtime module.

As delivered, the runtime component name corresponds to the default settings for LibName. If you
wish to rename these libraries, you must use LibName to prompt the precompiler to change the
target of the CALL statement in the generated code.
Using the sample program provided with the distribution as an example, note how the EXEC SQL
CONNECT statement is translated by the CitSQL for PostgreSQL precompiler. In the example
below, the procompiler is generating code using the default LibName setting of RCQPGSQL:

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3


Is translated to:



:LogMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]
When set to TRUE the runtime
component creates a log file called
RCQDLL.log that traces all SQL

When set to TRUE, causes a log file called RCQDLL.log to be created, which contains a trace of all
CALLs to the Runtime Component.
Observe below an excerpt of the output of cit_test when run with LOGMODE=True:
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][EXECUTE QUERY]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][statement: DROP TABLE TAB_1]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][nbre of param : 0]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][MYSQL_STMT_QUERY] OK
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][EXECUTE PREPARE]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][statement: CREATE TABLE TAB_1(COL_1
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][nbre of param : 0]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][MYSQL_STMT_QUERY] OK

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39]

[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][EXECUTE PREPARE]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][statement: INSERT into
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][nbre of param : 3]
[Wed 2013-04-24 17:03:39][MYSQL_STMT_INIT] OK

:MaxMem=[Number] Default is: 100
Allocates <number megabytes> memory
for the precompilation of very large
source files.

Allocates <number megabytes> memory for the precompilation of very large source files.
To allocate 200 MB for the precompilation of a file, add the line


To your stdoptions.res file.

By default, CitSQL will allocate 100MB of memory for the precompilation of a source file. In
most cases, this will be more than adequate. If this default memory allocation is too small, CitSQL
will fail, and abort, and you should increase the setting of MaxMem. If you provide a setting that is
in excess of what the system can allocate, this will also cause CitSQL to fail and abort.

:NoRecCode=<numeric> Default is 1403
Allows mapping of value returned to indicate the
end of a FETCH statement.

The :NoRecCode option sets the value returned to indicate the end of a FETCH statement, when no
more records are found. The default value is 1403, which corresponds to the Oracle SQLCODE for
a NOT FOUND condition.

Allows for the prefetch of <numeric> records in a network transaction, where <numeric> is a whole
number that represents the number of records to read in a networked transaction..

Prefetch can improve performance where networked transactions are concerned.

The Prefetch=<numeric> option can either be implemented on the PGSQL command line, or
dynamically by populating the RCQ-CFG-PREFETCH variable before performing an EXEC-SQL
FETCH statement. As an example of a dynamic implementation of the prefetch functionality:


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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3


Where <numeric> is a whole number that represents the number of records to read in a networked

The Prefetch option is available only with PGSQL.

Quote Translation
:QuoteTranslation=<pattern> Default is: QDB

Allows mapping of single quotes, double

quotes, and back quotes. By default,
quotes are unchanged, which corresponds
to a default value of

Quoting is an area where the various database engines can have fairly different behaviours. Quotes
(of some form) are used to specify string literals and to refer to SQL elements (tables, columns)
which name clash with a reserved words – when a table is named “SELECT”, for instance.
Depending on the database engine at hand, different quotes are used for these different purposes.
When writing new applications, it is of course always possible to use the quotes according to the
target database’s rules at hand. However, things are trickier when dealing with a legacy
applications, where a given quoting convention is used and trying to use this application on another
database which then requires a different quoting convention.
Of course, one can always modify the programs manually to comply with this different quoting
convention, but CitSQL provides a more comfortable mechanism.
One can have the quotes remapped at compile time – hence, without any negative impact on
runtime performance – so that the actual quotes in the program’s SQL statements are translated
before being sent to the database engine.
This quoting replacement process is controlled by the :QuoteTranslation command-line
option. It takes a three character string argument, made of “Q”, “S”, “D”, and “B”.
The first character of this argument denoted what simple quotes must be mapped to. The second
denotes what denotes what double quotes must be mapped to, while the third denotes what the
backquote must be mapped to.
When defining these mapping, the following codes are used:
• ‘S’ or ‘Q’ for single quotes
• ‘D’ for double quotes
• ‘B’ for backquotes.
For instance, to have all quotes mapped to double quotes, one can use a command-line option such
as :QuoteTranslation=DDD. Similarly, to swap single and double quotes, one can use an
option such as :QuoteTranslation=DQB.
Since CitSQL’s default behaviour is to leave the quotes as they are expressed explicitly in the
source code, the default value for this command-line option is “QDB”.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

:SelectPrepare=[True/False] (CitSQL for PostgreSQL Only)
Default is TRUE. Now, the preprocessor causes the
PREPARE EXEC to be executed prior to the OPEN,
and the results stored. When set to False, the former
behavior is applied.

Affects the code generated by the EXEC SQL SELECT …. INTO …

Previously, the preprocessor generated a CURSOR > OPEN > 1 FETCH > CLOSE sequence.
Now, the preprocessor causes the PREPARE EXEC to be executed prior to the OPEN, and the
results are stored. The result is a significant improvement in performance.

Setting :SelectPrepare=False causes the preprocessor to apply the former behavior.

:StandardPrefix=<prefix> Default is: [None]
Characters prefixed to generated data

A number of data items are automatically generated by the precompiler.

As an example – SQL-VARS is a group item that is automatically generated. When
StandardPrefix=x, the SQL-VARS group item is generated as x-SQL-VARS. This device can be
used to avoid collisions between variables automatically generated by the precompiler and variables
that exist in the source code.

:StepLimit=<numeric> Default is: [None]
Sets limit on the number of cases the CitSQL
backtracking will consider. Required when you
receive a Step Limit error.

The CitSQL parser is based on a Backtracking technology. In order to do this, it must set a limit on
the number of cases it must be able to consider. You can control this limit with the :StepLimit
option. Normally you will not need to use the :StepLimit option. However if, when pre-compiling
your source code, you receive a Step limit parse error, as in the example below, then you should
include the :StepLimit option in your pre-compilation command, and increase the value above the

As an example:
citpgsql :IncludeSearchPath=/opt/distribPGSQL-64/include :StepLimit=2000000 ./src /testit.cbl

Example of Step limit parse error:

1:./src /testit.cbl: Step limit parse error: ./src/testit.cbl

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:StrictMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, the CitSQL
precompiler aborts in cases where it does
not recognize an SQL syntax in an EXEC

When set to TRUE, the CitSQL precompiler aborts in cases where it does not recognize an SQL
syntax in an EXEC statement.

:StrictPictureMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, the CitSQL
precompiler aborts in cases where it does
not recognize an PICTURE clause.

When set to TRUE, the CitSQL precompiler aborts in cases where it does not recognize an
PICTURE clause.

:TargetPattern=<pattern> Default is: %d%r.cbp

Describes a group of tokens that can be

strung together components to describe
the location and naming convention
applied to the precompiled target file.

The TargetPattern option involves stringing together a number of components to establish the
location, and naming convention to be applied to target (precompiled) files. It is recommended
that when using the TargetPattern option, a resource file be used.
TargetPattern takes as an argument a string of components, which represent various aspects of the
the naming and location of the target file.

The codes recognized by the TargetPattern option are:

Code Description
%p Pathname of target file derived from source file
%f Filename of target file derived from source file,
without explicit directory name
%r Default is: %r.cbp
Radical, file name of target file without
extension derived from source file. The usage

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

of the %r pattern is typically followed by the

desired extension.
Example: :TargetPattern=%r.cbl
%e Extension for the target file to be added to the
end of the source file
%d Default is: Directory of Source file.
Directory of target file same as directory of
source file.

Note that the default TargetPattern applied by CitSQL is %d%r.cbp

The result is that the simple command line:

>citsql test.cob produces an output file called test.cbp in the same directory.

:TrimMode=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]
When set to TRUE, alphanumeric (PIC
X) strings that are passed to the database
are first trimmed (right space removed) so
that the actual data in the database does
not have trailing spaces.

When set to TRUE, alphanumeric (PIC X) strings that are passed to the database are first trimmed
(right space removed) so that the actual data in the database does store character strings with trailing

:TruncComments=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [TRUE]

When set to TRUE, Comments are

truncated after column 72. When set to
FALSE, comments are not truncated after
column 72.

When set to TRUE, Comments are

truncated after column 72.


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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

:UTFInput=[TRUE/FALSE] Default is: [FALSE]

When set to TRUE, Specifies that the

source code contains literals encoded in

When set to FALSE (the default), literals

are treated as not being encoded in UTF-

Usage with a resource file

Storing multiple options in a resource file

When using multiple options, it is best to store the options in a resource file. In a resource file,
options are stored on separate lines. Empty lines, and lines beginning with a “#” or “;” character
are ignored.

When invoking a resource file from the command line, the resource file is prefixed with an “@”

Enter the options on separate lines, as follows:


Save the file as stdoptions.res.

Then, reference the resource on the command line as follows:

>citsql @stdoptions.res prog1.cbl prog2.cbl

Storing multiple programs in a resource file

Multiple programs may also be stored in a resource file, and invoked from the command line by
prefixing the resource file with an “@” character.

Enter the programs on separate lines, as follows:


Save the file as stdprogs.res.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Then, reference the resource on the command line as follows:

>citsql @stdoptions.res @stdprogs.res

Using Wildcards

Wildcards are not expanded by the precompiler. However, in Linux/Unix environments, wildcard
expansions are performed by the shell.

Thus, the command:

>citsql @stdoptions.res *.cob

Would have the effect of causing each of the files with the .cob extension located in the current
directory to be passed through the precompiler.

Runtime Environment Variables

The RCQLOG runtime environment variable allows a filename to be associated with the logfile
produced by CitSQL when precompilig with :LogMode=True

<logfile> can include a complete path name followed by a file name. In the absence of a complete
path name, the file name will be applied, and the file will be generated in the current working

When the RCQLOG runtime environment variable is not set, the logfile is named RCQDDL.LOG,
and created in the current working directory. The RCQLOG runtime environment variable must be
set prior to the use of CitSQL.

Note that when using :LogMode=True, the runtime logfile will contain more detailed information
about host variables when also using :DebugMode=True.

Running the sample test program

The samples\cobol directory of the distribution contains the sample programs dbconnect.cob
and cit_test.cob. dbconnect.cob is the simpler of the two programs, and just demonstrates that you
have established a connection to the database.
cit_test.cob requires a username, password, database name and host name. Open the source file in a
text editor, and provide a valid username, password, and database name for your database.
For guidelines on creating a username, password, database, and host name in your database, see
Appendix 1- Addressing the various databases.
Provided with these, cit_test.cob checks for a table TAB_1. If the table exists, it drops the table. It
then creates a table TAB_1, writes to it, reads the data back, disconnects, and does a final read to

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

test an error condition.

Precompile the Sample Test Programs

Commands for precompiling the sample programs are contained in the batch file compil.bat:
For MySQL :
SET PATH=..\..\bin;%PATH%
citmysql :IncludeSearchPath=../../include cit_test.cob
citmysql :IncludeSearchPath=../../include dbconnect.cob

For PostgreSQL :
SET PATH=..\..\bin;%PATH%
citpgsql :IncludeSearchPath=../../include cit_test.cob
citpgsql :IncludeSearchPath=../../include dbconnect.cob

SET PATH=..\..\bin;%PATH%
citodbc :IncludeSearchPath=../../include cit_test.cob
citodbc :IncludeSearchPath=../../include dbconnect.cob

Compile the Sample Test Programs

Commands for compiling the sample programs are contained in the batch file compil.bat:
Dbconnect.cbp is compiled with no compiler flags, creating a shared object, or DLL in Windows.
Cit_test.cbp is compiled with the –x compiler flag, demonstrating how to create an executable
object. The –x compiler flag is not required.
cobc dbconnect.cbp
cobc -x cit_test.cbp

Run the Sample Test Programs

Commands for running the sample programs are contained in the batch file run.bat:
Since cit_test has been compiled with the –x compiler flag, it is a native executable.
Running dbconnect requires the COBOL-IT runtime, cobcrun, as it has been created as a shared


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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

cobcrun dbconnect

The SQL Communications Area ( SQLCA )

The SQLCA is the data structure through which Warnings and Errors are returned from the
database to the running application.
Useful Guidelines are:
SQLCODE contains the status-code returned by the most recently executed SQL statement.
SQLERRM contains the length of the error message returned by the most recently executed
SQL statement in SQLERRML, and the text of the error message returned by the most recently
executed SQL statement in SQLERRMC. Error messages cannot greater than 70 bytes in length
are truncated.
SQLERRD contains status codes returned by the database.
SQLWARN contains warning flags.
SQLSTATE contains a return code that can be referenced to determine whether an SQL
statement executed successfully, and if not, the type of error that has occurred.
For details, refer to your database documentation.

The SQLCA Data Structure


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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

05 FILLER PIC X(21).

Support for USAGE Varchar, Varraw, Varying

CitSQL supports the non-COBOL USAGE Clauses:


When the CitSQL Precompiler encounters one of these clauses, the USAGE clause is
commented out and replaced with a group item of the same name, that consists of two
elementary items, one that contains the “-LEN” suffix, and one that contains the “-ARR” suffix.

As an example :


Is converted to:
* 05 COL-5 PIC X(50) USAGE VARCHAR. *****RC*SQL**************
05 COL-5.
06 COL-5-LEN PIC S9(4) COMP-5 VALUE 0.
06 COL-5-ARR PIC X(50).

Conversion details of these non-COBOL data types are expanded on below:

Usage Clause Used for “-LEN” field

[LONG] VARCHAR For text, or binary fields, PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
possible storage conversion,
and trim
VARYING For text, or binary fields, PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
possible storage conversion,
and trim
[LONG] VARRAW For binary fields, no PIC S9(9) COMP-5.

The best matching database declaration for these data types depends on the database being used.
For guidelines see the table below:

MySQL PostGreSQL SQL Server

USAGE Data Type Database Declaration Database Declaration Database Declaration

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3



Addressing the various databases

Every database has its own syntax for connecting to an instance. CitSQL recognizes four
• The user name
• The password
• The database instance
• The hostname
The sample below show various syntactical forms that can be used to combine these elements.
Please note that these elements can be present as references to variables or as string literals.





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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Addressing MySQL
Preparing the sample program
The following COBOL connection can be used

• :WRK-DB is DBName
• :WRK-UNAME is DbUserName
• :WRK-HOST is “DbServer:PortNr”
• :WRK-PASSWD is DbPassword

The PortNr options is optional. By default, it use the default port (3306 for MySQL)
As an example:

Preparing the conection to the database

From the Command Line, MySQL recognizes the following commands:
mysql --user=DbUserName --password=DbPassword –host=DbServer
--port=portnr DBName

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Addressing PostgreSQL
Preparing the sample program
The following COBOL connection can be used

• :WRK-DB is “DBName”
• :WRK-UNAME is “DbUserName”
• :WRK-HOST is “DbServer:PortNr”
• :WRK-PASSWD is “DbPassword”

The PortNr options is optional. By default, it use the default port (5432 for PostgreSQL)
As an example:

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Preparing the conection to the database

From the Command Line, PostgreSQL recognizes the following commands:
Psql –d DBName –U DbUserName –h DbServer –w

PostgreSQL also recognizes the following string:

Server=DbServer;Port=PortNr;Database=DBName;User Id=DbUserName; Password=DbPassword;

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Addressing Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC)

Preparing the Sample Program
Databases supporting ODBC use a string to establish a connection. The following example
"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};
shows how to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver.

As an example:

For more connection string samples, please visit the following web sites:

The following COBOL connection can be used.


• :ODBC-DB is the ODBC string
The limitations are those of the ODBC drivers.

Preparing the connection to the database

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The ODBC Data Source Administrator

Create a New Data Source

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Create a new Data Source to SQL Server

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Create a new Data Source to SQL Server ( continued )

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

New Data Source to SQL Server

New Data Source to SQL Server ( continued )

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

ODBC SQL Server Setup

SQL Server ODBC Data Source Test

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Dealing with unrecognized SQL

When CitSQL encounters an SQL statement if cannot parse, two actions can be taken:
• If strict mode is enabled, an error message is produced and precompilation is aborted
• If strict mode is not enabled, CitSQL will see whether the SQL statement refers to any host
variable. If it does not, it will send the SQL statement as is, and it will then be up to the
database at hand to report errors if any.
This facility could not be extended to cases where host variables are being used because the
treatment of these variables depends on whether they are used in read or write mode, and there is no
way one can discriminate between these two when dealing with an unrecognized SQL statement.
This tolerance for unrecognized SQL statements can prove especially useful when dealing with
DDL statements, where each database supports its own set of extensions to deal with table spaces,
indexing methods, special column types, etc.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Using CitSQL in the Developer Studio

Using CitSQL for MySQL in the Developer Studio
Verify the setup of the database
>mysql --user=testuser --host=localhost --port=3306 --execute="showdatabases;" --password
After entering the password, you should see that dbu is listed as a database.
This command logs in to the database server on the local host using port “3 3 0 6” as a user called
“test user”, with password “test”, and executes the “show databases” command. If the connection
to the database server is successful, you will see that the DBU database exists.
If the user did not exist, or the password did not exist, or the database did not exist, this would be
evident, and you would have to correct the situation before proceeding with these exercises.

Project Properties / Project Tab

Set the COBOL program extension to compile to .CBL. Set the COBOL program extension to pre-
compile to .COB.
Set pre-processor command to precomp.bat. In our example, precomp.bat is located in the root
directory of the project.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

%CITSQLHOME%\bin\citmysql.exe :IncludeSearchPath=%CITSQLHOME%\include
:TargetPattern=%2 %1
Precomp.bat is used by the –preprocess command. In this command, %1 corresponds to the .COB
file that you will pre-compile. %2 corresponds to the intermediate file produced by the COBOL-IT
Compiler. This file will have a name assigned by the compiler, such as ppiFD1E3148_i.cob.

Project Properties / Link Tab

Place the output into a the .\object directory

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Clean and Build the project

The build will precompile and compile the source file, and generate the compiled objects in the
object folder.

Create a run configuration

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The Run Configuration Wizard

Select COBOL Program and Press the New button to create a new configuration.

Environment Tab
Use the Defaults for the Main Tab and the Runtime Tab.
On the Environment Tab:
Set COB_LIBRARY_PATH to .\object; C:\COBOL\COBOLIT\distribMYSQL\bin.
Your object files are in the .\object folder. The RCQMYSQL.DLL file is in the distribMYSQL\bin
folder. Click Apply, and the Click the Run button.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The final output

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Using CitSQL for PostgreSQL in the Developer Studio

Verify the setup of the database
>psql -d dbu -U testuser -h localhost -w
Enter the password, and the command logs in to the database server on the local host as a user
called “test user”. If the command is successful, you will see the dbu> prompt.
If the user did not exist, or the password did not exist, or the database did not exist, this would be
evident, and you would have to correct the situation before proceeding with these exercises.

Project Properties / Project Tab

Set the COBOL program extension to compile to .CBL. Set the COBOL program extension to pre-
compile to .COB.
Set pre-processor command to precomp.bat. In our example, precomp.bat is located in the root
directory of the project.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

%CISQLHOME%\bin\citpgsql.exe :IncludeSearchPath=%CITSQLHOME%\include
:TargetPattern=%2 %1
Precomp.bat is used by the –preprocess command. In this command, %1 corresponds to the .COB
file that you will pre-compile. %2 corresponds to the intermediate file produced by the COBOL-IT
Compiler. This file will have a name assigned by the compiler, such as ppiFD1E3148_i.cob.

Project Properties / Link Tab

Place the output into a the .\object directory

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Clean and Build the project

The build will precompile and compile the source file, and generate the compiled objects in the
object folder.

Create a run configuration

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The Run Configuration Wizard

Select COBOL Progarm and Press the New button to create a new configuration.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Environment Tab
Use the Defaults for the Main Tab and the Runtime Tab.
On the Environment Tab:
Set COB_LIBRARY_PATH to .\object; C:\COBOL\COBOLIT\distribPGSQL\bin.
Your object files are in the .\object folder. The RCQPGSQL.DLL file is in the distribPGSQL\bin
folder. Click Apply, and the Click the Run button.

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The final output

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Using CitSQL for ODBC in the Developer Studio

Verify the setup of the database
In the graphic below, in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, we have logged into the
database server on the local host as a user called “test user”. The connection to the database server
is successful.
If the user did not exist, or the password did not exist, or the database did not exist, this would have
been evident, and you would have to correct the situation before proceeding with these exercises.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Project Properties / Project Tab

Set the COBOL program extension to compile to .CBL. Set the COBOL program extension to pre-
compile to .COB.
Set pre-processor command to precomp.bat. In our example, precomp.bat is located in the root
directory of the project.

%CISQLHOME%\bin\citpgsql.exe :IncludeSearchPath=%CITSQLHOME%\include
:TargetPattern=%2 %1
Precomp.bat is used by the –preprocess command. In this command, %1 corresponds to the .COB
file that you will pre-compile. %2 corresponds to the intermediate file produced by the COBOL-IT
Compiler. This file will have a name assigned by the compiler, such as ppiFD1E3148_i.cob.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Project Properties / Link Tab

Place the output into a the .\object directory

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Clean and Build the project

The build will precompile and compile the source file, and generate the compiled objects in the
object folder.

Create a run configuration

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The Run Configuration Wizard

Select COBOL Progarm and Press the New button to create a new configuration.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Environment Tab
Use the Defaults for the Main Tab and the Runtime Tab.
On the Environment Tab:
Set COB_LIBRARY_PATH to .\object; C:\COBOL\COBOLIT\distribODBC\bin.
Your object files are in the .\object folder. The RCODBC.DLL file is in the distribODBC\bin
folder. Click Apply, and the Click the Run button.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

The final output

Good to know
This section lists details (where the devil usually lies) that can really help you in the process of
getting CitSQL to work. This heap of information is not structured, all issues are put together
without grouping them in related topics, but one might see this lack of organization as an
uncommon form of added value: it forces the reader to consider issues in a totally different area
than his/her own. Recommended reading!

By default, the components of a COBOL data structure are concatenated without padding. Even
though some COBOL compilers provide options to enable padding (typically to align binary data
values to hardware-defined boundaries for optimisation), this facility should never be used when
compiling precompiled COBOL programs, as the runtime for the precompiler assumes that no
padding is used.

A message such as “Host variable reference in unrecognized block” indicates that strict mode
(See 5.1) is not enforced (as it forbids unrecognized blocks altogether), and that your code contains
a SQL construct that is not recognized by CitSQL. When strict mode is not enabled, such SQL
statements are sent as is to the database server, as a character string, except when it contains host
variable references with a leading colon (“:XXX-YYY”) as there is no way it can guess whether the
host variable should be read or written.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

How to get support for CitSQL

In order to get effective support, please note that:
• You need to have a valid ongoing maintenance contract through one of our Subscriptions.
• You must provide detailed information about your operating platform, including operating
system, and version .
• You must provide detailed information about the version of the CitSQL precompiler you are
using, as well as similarly detailed version regarding the underlying COBOL compiler and
target database.
• Identify clearly the problem as being a compile time or a runtime issue.
• Provide a reasonably sized, and possibly, executable, sample so that we can reproduce your

Port Lists

CitSQL for MySQL

Linux x86 32-bits OS Version MySQL Version

CitSQL for MySQL for Linux x86 Redhat RHEL 4.x MySQL Version 5 and
32-bits Later
Redhat RHEL 5.x “
Redhat RHEL 6.x “
Redhat RHEL 7.x “
SUSE 10.x “
SUSE 11.x “
OpenSUSE 10.x “
Open SUSE 11.x “
CENTOS 5.x “
CENTOS 6.x “
CENTOS 7.x “
Oracle Linux 5 “
Oracle Linux 6 “
Oracle Linux 7 “
Linux x86 64-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for Linux x86-64 Redhat RHEL 4.x MySQL Version 5 and
64-bits Later
Redhat RHEL 5.x “
Redhat RHEL 6.x “
Redhat RHEL 7.x “
SUSE 10.x “

Page 63
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

SUSE 11.x “
OpenSUSE 10.x “
Open SUSE 11.x “
CENTOS 5.x “
CENTOS 6.x “
CENTOS 7.x “
Oracle Linux 5 “
Oracle Linux 6 “
Oracle Linux 7 “
AIX 32-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for AIX 5.x MySQL Version 5 and
32-bits Xlc
6.x “
AIX 64-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for AIX 5.x MySQL Version 5 and
64-bits Xlc
6.x “
HP-UX Itanium 64-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for HP-UX 11iv2 MySQL Version 5 and
Itanium Later
11i v3 “
Sun x86 32-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for Solaris 10 Solaris 10 MySQL Version 5 and
x86 Later
Sun x86 64-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for Solaris 10 Solaris 10 MySQL Version 5 and
x86 Later
Sun SPARC 32-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for SUN Solaris Solaris 10 MySQL Version 5 and
10 SPARC 32-bits Later
Sun SPARC 64-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for SUN Solaris Solaris 10 MySQL Version 5 and
10 SPARC 64-bits Later
Windows 32-bits OS Version MySQL Version
CitSQL for MySQL for Windows 32- Windows 7 MySQL Version 5 and
bits Later
Windows 8 “
Windows Server 2012 “
Windows 10 “

Page 64
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

CitSQL for PostgreSQL

Linux x86 32-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for Linux Redhat RHEL 4.x PostgreSQL Version 8 and
x86 32-bits Later
Redhat RHEL 5.x “
Redhat RHEL 6.x “
Redhat RHEL 7.x “
SUSE 10.x “
SUSE 11.x “
OpenSUSE 10.x “
OpenSUSE 11.x “
CENTOS 5.x “
CENTOS 6.x “
CENTOS 7.x “
Oracle Linux 5 “
Oracle Linux 6 “
Oracle Linux 7 “
Linux x86 64-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for Linux Redhat RHEL 4.x PostgreSQL Version 8 and
x86-64 Later
Redhat RHEL 5.x “
Redhat RHEL 6.x “
Redhat RHEL 7.x “
SUSE 10.x “
SUSE 11.x “
OpenSUSE 10.x “
OpenSUSE 11.x “
CENTOS 5.x “
CENTOS 6.x “
CENTOS 7.x “
Oracle Linux 5 “
Oracle Linux 6 “
Oracle Linux 7 “
HP-UX Itanium 64-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for HP-UX 11iv3 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
Itanium Later
Sun x86 32-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for Solaris Solaris 10 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
10 x86 Later
Sun x86 64-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for Solaris Solaris 10 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
10 x86 Later

Page 65
Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

Sun SPARC 32-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version

CitSQL for PostgreSQL for SUN Solaris 10 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
Solaris 10 SPARC 32-bits Later
Sun SPARC 64-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version
CitSQL for PostgreSQL for SUN Solaris 10 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
Solaris 10 SPARC 64-bits Later

Windows 32-bits OS Version PostgreSQL Version

CitSQL for PostgreSQL for Windows Windows 7 PostgreSQL Version 8 and
32-bits Later
Windows 8 “
Windows Server 2012 “
Windows 10 “


Windows 32-bits OS Version ODBC Driver
CitSQL for ODBC for Windows 32- Windows 7 Any ODBC-Compliant
bits Driver
Windows 8 “
Windows Server 2012 “
Windows 10 “

Q- I am running the sample program dbconnect on an HP-UX Itanium platform.
After running the program as follows:
>cobcrun dbconnect
I receive the following error:
dbconnect.COB:0: libcob: Cannot find module 'RCQPGSQL'
Please advise.:

A- The precompiler translates EXEC SQL into several CALL "RCQPGSQL"... statements. The
RCQPGSQL.so module is provided in /bin directory
You must make it available to the COBOL runtime CALL resolution by placing his path into the
COB_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable list.


Q- While executing a compiled program (cobol with sql ) , I receive an error. The shared object
file libssl.so.4 is expected, and is not part of your distribution. Please advise.

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Getting Started with CitSQL Version 1.3

A- This library is required by libpq.so. COBOL-IT provides a version of libpq.so with the
distribution, but it may be different than the version you have installed, so dependencies may be
different than expected. In that case, the best course of action is to :
• Install the PostgreSQL libraries from your Linux distribution.
• Rename the lib folder in your CitPostgreSQL distribution.

June, 2020

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