Windows Patch Upgrade

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Patching, Upgrades End-to-End

Version: 1.0 Draft

Table of Contents
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1. Introduction...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
3. Patches installation on new server..................................................................................3
4. Patches up gradation on the server ...............................................................................4
Page of 7
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1. $ntrod'ction
This documents help us to understand the process of patches up gradation on the
. (cope
For the security purpose server protection from virus attac! "e needs to upgrade
the #icrosoft security patches on the server periodically which is release $y
#icrosoft security patches every forth night.
). Patches installation on ne* ser+er
1. Start % &ll Program % "indow 'pdate ( )ou$le clic!.
2. For 1st time updating select *+press option .
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3. ,lic! on install updates.
4. &fter successful installation -estart the Server.
,. Patches 'p gradation on the ser+er
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-un #icrosoft $aseline security to chec! which patches are re/uired to
$e installed in our server that gives us the list of installation.
0ist of patches provided to users for approval.
&fter approved patches only installed on the server.
If internet connection is availa$le on the server then select ,ustom option. It will
automatically chec! and installed the re/uired updates.
1. Start % &ll Program % "indow 'pdate ( )ou$le clic!.
2. Select ,ustom option .
3. Select -eview and install updates.
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4. Select install updates option.
1. Patches installation will start.
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2. &fter installtion restart the server.
3. 'pdate the user after installtion.
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