FP Four A Chariot 884mg GB

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84 MG

Rotating rack oven - Fuel-oil / Gas

Performances Use

• Rack oven for 800 x 800 mm, 8.84 MG is a fuel-oil/gas rotaring rack oven for bakers, pastry chefs and caterers.
700x900 mm, 1000x600 or
2x 460x660 tray size Operating principle
• 180 baguettes of 250 g on 18 levels
The latest Bongard technological breakthrough, the 8.84 was designed with state-of-the-art
• 190 baguettes of 250 g on 19 levels
product development software.
The “soft flow” technology and the possibility to reinforce steam production offer all the
Accessories features needed for modern baking in bakeries, pastry shops and catering operations. The
8.84 oven guaranties a high quality of baking for a large range of products.
• Rack features: see rack data sheet
• Baking tray features: see baking tray Construction
data sheet
• Front
-polished stainless steel
-tool holder
-blade holder
-control panel protection bumper
The advantages -circuit breaker
• Baking chamber
-Stainless steel
• Fitted with «soft flow» technology for
-baking floor with 45° angle rims
Les avantages
gentle and effective ventilation -adjustable air flow louvers
• Ideal for baking bread and pastry pro- -air flow managed by « soft flow » technology
Equipé de la technologie « soft Flow » pour
ducts -halogen lighting
Newcuisson homogène et
heat exchanger fordeimproved
qualité profi- -driven by gear motor with torque reducer
Produit une buée généreuse et à la demande
tability • Heating element
•Economique, il produit des fumées de faible
Enhanced productivity -high performance refractory stainless steel heat exchanger
température • Access ramp
• Increased baking capacity for limited
Ergonomique et facilement nettoyable -retractable access ramp for a perfect and durable door tightness
floor space
Compact et encastrable • Door
matériaux ergonomics and hygiene
de construction sont nobles et -150 mm depth with double anchoring
New stainless steel and glass design -door seals on 4 sides
CERTIGAZ certification
certifié Certigaz -over-dimensioned hinges
Safety auditée
audited parby un
an organisme
independent orga-
indépen- -removable ventilated double-glazing for an easy cleaning
nisation: APAVE -ergonomic handle on door width in order to avoid any impact on the oven front
dant: APAVE
• Steam generator
-steam generator composed of structured gutters in cast-iron
-ESG modules in structured micro-wrought iron (optional)
-multi-level injection pipe
• Steam vent
-2 electric steam dampers
-programmable steam evacuation
• Insulation
-Performant insulation by crossed rock wool panel

Rotating rack oven 8.84 MG

Model France Export

Drive system

Mechanical rack lifting system  

Turntable  


Gas burner  

Fuel-oil burner  

Access burner on the left  

Access burner on the right  

Door handle and control panel

Left  

Right  


Electronic controls Opticom  

Computerized controls Intuitiv € €

Electromechanical controls Ergocom  

Headband - Hood - Exhaust fan

Headband  

Hood with exhaust fan € €

Additional options

Pulsed steam injection  

Reinforced steam generator € €

Double reinforced steam generator € €

Heat exchanger  

Brass water solenoid valve  

Water filter to prevent scale deposits € €

Fresh air inlet on burner  

Pressure reducing valve kit  

Stainless steel exterior panels € €

Base 12 mm € €

Electrical supply

3N~400V  

Power features

Electric power

Total connecting power (A) 16

Exhaust fan connecting power (kW) 0,18

Heating power (kW) 100

Average gradient of temperature rise °C/min 8-10

Maximum baking temperature of the oven °C 280

Rotating rack oven 8.84 MG

! !
The exit diameter
The exit diameter !
has to be determined The exit diameter
has to be determined
according to the power has to be determined
according to the power
of the oven and locally according to the power
of the oven and locally
applicable regulations of the oven and locally
applicable regulations
and codes. applicable regulations
and codes.
Draught between 0.1 and codes.
Draught between 0.1
and 0.4 mbars. Draught between 0.1
and 0.4 mbars.
Foresee an extraction and 0.4 mbars.
Foresee an extraction
turret on the roof. Foresee an extraction
turret on the roof.
Required technical access above the oven Required technical access above the oven turret on the roof.


! Connection ! Connection ! Connection
between between between
the T-purging pipe and the T-purging pipe and the T-purging pipe and
the drain on the floor the drain on the floor the drain on the floor
is the responsability is the responsability is the responsability
of the customer of the customer of the customer
to be connected to

to be connected to
the nearest drain

the nearest drain

Without hood With hood
(extractor in option)
497 497

800 space required to the burner access

or 800 space required to the burner access
to the
burner space
access required
to the

150 598

Without hood With hood

Dimensional features Water drain, H=65 mm, Ø 3/4".

Oven dimensions Electrical connection from the ceiling direct to the electrical power
supply panel at base of oven.
A Depth with hood (mm) 2730
Gas connection 3/4" or fuel connection 10/12 for the burner with
A’ Depth with headband (mm) 2280 cut off valve.

Water connection from the ceiling + stop valve.

B Depth on the floor (mm) 2280 Ø 3/8"-12/14 mm, pressure : 1.5-2 bars

C Depth (door opened) (mm) 3300

Steam exhaust duct Ø 150 mm. Draught between 0.1-0.4 mbars.
E Width on the floor (mm) 1640 Oven with steam exhaust hood: steam duct Ø 200 mm.
Extraction between 800-950 m³/h or 28252-33550 ft³/h.

F Total height, overall (mm) 2600

G Total height, oven front (mm) 2300 Steam exhaust, Ø 200 mm. Draught between 0.1-0.2 mbars.

Floor area (m²) 3,74 Fresh air inlet for the burner stainless steel 200 x 200 mm.

Total weight (kg) 1580

Baking chamber

Maximum rack height (mm) 1900

Maximum rack width (mm) 880

Maximum rotation Ø (mm) 1320

Total acceptable payload (kg) 350

Space required to access building site

Minimum door clearance (mm) 930

• • • Important notes:
Required technical access above oven: 600 mm
Required technical access (electric battery or burner): 800 mm


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