Research Outline Filsafat
Research Outline Filsafat
Research Outline Filsafat
Fabella Machfira, Indah Wahyu Permata, Yuyun Ilantri.
1. Background
- The pandemic has forced the learning system in schools to change drastically from face-to-
face learning to online learning. Even though governments consider online learning as a
solution to continue the educational process, the sudden transformation from traditional
learning into online learning has caused many challenges for teachers and students (Jhon et
al., 2020).
- The term online learning model was originally used to describe learning that utilizes
computer-based internet technology, (Kuntarto 2017) cited in Hikmat, (2021).
- Students' personalities changed after converting to online learning; before converting to
online learning, they were enthusiastic and driven to learn. Discipline practices have also
changed. Instead of getting up early, getting ready for school, and leaving the house for
school, people now merely stay in bed. Discipline practices like arriving to class on time,
dressed appropriately, and having their hair trimmed are also no longer practiced.
- Gui et al. (2020) the loss of moral compass is one of critical issues in our country
nowadays in order to discern what is right and what is wrong for their actions in school or
out of school.
- In schools around the world, Moral Education has been taught implicitly and explicitly to
impart values effectively (Diffenbaugh, 1992).
- Erikson (1966; Faiz, 2019) that moral and character education is closely related to the
quality of a nation, character is an important aspect of the quality of human resources
because the quality of a nation's character determines the progress of the nation.
- Morgan (2016) stated that students spend too much time online and this will affect their
moral development.
- Moral and character education will be more effective if the teacher can act as an exemplary
figure for the students (Koesoema, 2012).
- Teachers need to have good communication and collaboration with parents in order to
explain the assignments, exams, and other important things (Lathifah et al., 2020). In fact,
some students consider online learning is not as interesting as face-to-face learning in
school. Students also did not have motivation to do their assignments since they already felt
bored, lazy, tired and stressful.
- Bilingual schools according to the expert are schools with a consistent addition of bilingual
and bicultural programs consistently, using two languages in instruction, learning, and
communication with a balanced number of students from the second group of languages
(Soltero, 2004).
- Bilingual education in primary school aims to immerse children in a second language to
stimulate and promote dual language communication and in doing so enrich and expand
their academic, cultural and social worlds, (Istianti, 2008).
Based on the background above, the research questions have been formulated as; What are
teacher’s and principal’s perspectives towards student’s morality in online learning?
2. Literature Review
2.1 Morality
- Gui et al. (2020) state that morality is fundamental as these are the principles that concern
the difference between right and wrong action or good and bad behavior. It is needed to be
taught in school to produce students who are balanced and harmonious in intellectual,
spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects based on the national philosophy of education.
- Teachers should model appropriate traits as they do not only have an innate duty to disperse
knowledge but also to develop students into good human beings, it should consider the
teaching profession as a passion and where character education is concerned, ethical practices
are inevitable (Campbell, 2003; Schwarz, 1998).
- Johnston (2003) morality is a set of a person's beliefs which are evaluated in nature, that is,
which concern matters of what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong.
- In line with Haidt (2001) defines moral judgments as “good and bad”. Thus, the evaluation
of good vs. bad of a particular behavior, actions or character of a person is done based on
the cultural values set by the community or society where the individual is located.
- The term online learning model was originally used to describe learning that utilizes
computer-based internet technology (Kuntarto, 2017).
That teachers who can teach moral concepts and theories well does not mean that they could
develop their student’s morality well. So even if the teachers can deliver the theory, it does
not mean they can teach the morality values. Furthermore, teacher appearance plays
important roles in the teaching and learning process. Zhao, et.,al (2015) stated that the role
difference between teachers in educational activities is reflected in clothes, and also the
teaching effect is affected by clothes. Because it will influence how interested students are
in studying, teachers must dress to standards. “However, performance must also be
supported by a competent teaching strategy and competency assessment in the classroom
because failing to do so may cause pupils to lose interest in what they are being taught” Sari
(2013). Moreover, it is supported by Gui, (2020) that teachers have to qualify in facing
numerous challenges in developing the moral values even though they are not trained in the
pedagogy of this subject. somehow, they are being assigned to teach by the school leaders
and the school expects every teacher to teach this subject as it is an easy subject for them.
Parents and Society
The parents expect the teachers to be a role model and mentor to students. Thus, they
believed that teachers should have high morality and always behave well in school and in
their lives. The high expectation makes the teachers, especially the teachers of moral
instruction feel stressed as they know that they are being watched by others. Besides, the
students will question when the teachers themselves do not practice what they teach.
Johnston (2003) stated that social forces operate on individual moralities, in the form of
religious, political, and beliefs that are shared to a greater or lesser extent by groups of
people and encoded in various forms. Johnston (2003) also stated that the practice of our
morality becomes interesting only when our values are played out in social settings-when
our inner beliefs are converted into actions that affect others. Morality exists at the
intersection between inner beliefs and social situations that are crucially important.
Students feel confused when the values of teachers and parents are contrasted because the
students often find what is considered as good by the school is seen as wrong and
impractical in their family.
Al-Farid & Damayanti (2022) stated teachers strategies to implement online learning as part
of school from home, engaging parents in students' learning process. Novianti & Garzia
(2020) also stated that support of the parents was highly expected to mediate interactions
between students and teachers. Parents take the role during online learning in supervising
and providing students with online learning devices like mobile phones, laptops, tablets,
Pcs, etc. Parents might also supervise students' learning time, identify students' learning
difficulties, and assist the students in helping them learn at home. Teachers use to provide
time flexibility since we have minimum interaction in delivering the lesson.
Students’ attitude towards the teaching and learning activity.
Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behavior and
punishing them when they do not. This is very important for students. We can be well
educated without discipline. discipline is not only for the students but also for everyone,
including the teachers and the parents.
Responsibility is following the school regulations regarding leaving the classroom and the
Care is where someone gives serious attention or consideration applied to do something
correctly or to avoid damage or risk.
Polite is the character that exhibits in manner or speech a considerate regard for others. who
is polite thas at least some care for the opinions of others, and if polite in the highest and
truest sense, he cares for the comfort and happiness of others in the smallest matters. is a
crucial social skill that can help you make friends and show respect. Sekartaji et al. (2020)
find that students should respect the teachers by speaking politely to them. Also, it is found
that the students and teachers have to use the appropriate language that can make the
communication become much better especially in the pandemic era.
2.3 Previous Findings on Online Learning
- Studies related to the implementation of school from home in Indonesia were conducted by
Rasmitadila et al., (2020) and Hikmah et al., (2021) on primary school teachers' perspectives
on online learning during pandemics. The term 'school from home' utilized in this study was
also derived from the study carried out by Rasmitadila et al., (2020). In their study,
Rasmitadila et al., (2020) pointed out several difficulties faced by primary school teachers
during school-from-home implementation; these involved the availability of adequate
infrastructure, students' understanding of learning materials, and challenges in moving from
direct to indirect learning interactions. The lack of infrastructure, minimal internet access at
schools, and the students' living area had mainly become a reason that hindered the learning
activities during the school-from-home implementation.
- Teacher As Moral Model – Are We Caring Enough? (Ilhavenil Narinasamy, et al. 2015)
The findings from this case study showed a limited understanding of a teacher in the
classroom on what constitutes care for her students. The lack of conceptual grasp suggests
the need for appropriate coaching of educators which embodies the true nature of teaching
and learning in Moral Education. However, her display of caring was shown more through
her role-modeling traits such as showing concern for students, praising students, displaying
patience, empathizing with students and listening to students that had positive responses
from the students and this emphasizes that more positive characteristics could have emerged
if the teacher understood the concept of ‘care’
3. Test
3.1 Participant
A teacher at one of the bilingual schools in Jambi.
The principal of the bilingual school.
3.2 Materials
The topic of the teachers’ and principal’s perspectives, the instruments attached below;
apakah guru sudah memakai pakaian sesuai dengan peraturan sekolah saat
pembelajaran online?
Apakah orang tua mengawasi waktu belajar siswa, mengidentifikasi kesulitan belajar
siswa, dan membantu siswa dalam membantu mereka belajar di rumah?
Ini aja?
3.3 Procedure
The teachers and principal will be observed through non formal observation about the
Non formal interview with the principal and teacher.
The teachers will be interviewed towards the moral development of the student.
The interview session will be conducted via Zoom Meeting.
After being interviewed, then, the researcher will conduct their analysis and confirm
their consideration in assessing those instruments.
3.4 Predictions
Teachers' perception regarding the student’s morality.
Principle’s perception regarding to the teacher’s appearance.