Chapter 1 2 Enriquez
Chapter 1 2 Enriquez
Chapter 1 2 Enriquez
School is more than just a building; it is the atmosphere,
relationships, and opportunities that shape a meaningful education.
The school environment includes both the physical and social
conditions, such as the setting, facilities, and resources, all of which
can impact learning and teaching. An unhealthy school environment
can harm students' health, attendance, focus, and performance (US
EPA et al., 2016). On the other hand, a healthy school environment
can reduce absenteeism, improve grades, and boost both
productivity and overall well-being (US EPA, 2024).
Academic performance is not just about grades but also
reflects how well students engage and achieve their goals. It reflects
how effectively students meet their educational goals. According to
Narad & Abdullah (2016), academic performance refers to the
knowledge a student gains, which is shown through the grades
given by the teacher. In education, it represents the goal of a
student, teacher, or school aims to reach within a set time. This is
usually measured through exams or ongoing assessments, and the
specific goals can vary for different people or institutions.
A well-designed physical environment keeps students
engaged and minimizes distractions, leading to better academic
outcomes. Research by Barrett et al. (2015) found that thoughtfully
designed learning spaces boosted student progress by 16% within a
year. Other studies also show that schools with appealing
classrooms, labs, and libraries make students more eager to learn;
when students have inspiring places to study and explore, they’re
more likely to attend class and stay focused (Omedo & Okee, 2024).
The rules and regulations in a school helps set clear rules
about how students should behave, creating a respectful and safe
environment for everyone. It encourages students to take
responsibility for their actions, making sure they understand how
their behavior affects others both in class and outside of school. For
instance, the National Behaviour Survey (2022) found that 82% of
school leaders and teachers reported a shared understanding of
what "good behaviour" entails, with 91% of students confirming
awareness of the behavior expectations at their school.
At Matiao National High School, the Grade 11 buildings have
visible cracks and shake slightly when students move around. These
structural issues not only raise the risk of accidents but also create a
sense of unease that makes it hard for students to concentrate on
their studies. Also, students often struggle to follow the rules
because they lack clear information about the schools’ rules and
regulations. Without proper communication and understanding,
students may not be fully aware of the expectations set for them,
which can lead to unintentional rule violations. Furthermore, the
consequences for breaking these rules may seem unclear or
inconsistent, causing confusion and frustration among students.
Research Objective
The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of
the school environment to students' academic performance in Grade
11 students of Matiao National High School.
Specifically, it aims to:
1. Determine the respondents’ profile in terms of:
1.1 Age; and
1.2 Gender.
2. Determine the level of school environment in terms of:
2.1 Physical infrastructure;
2.2 Code of Conduct policies; and
2.3 Extracurricular activities.
3. Determine the level of students’ academic performance in terms
3.1 Communication;
3.2 Problem-solving;
3.3 Critical Thinking;
3.4 Technological application; and
3.5 Applying life skills;
4. Determine if there is a significant relationship between students’
school environment and their academic performance at Matiao
National High School.
This study will test the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of
1. There is no significant relationship between students’ school
environment and their academic performance at Matiao
National High School.
Theoretical Framework
The study is anchored with the propositions of Bronfenbrenner
(1977) which states that Ecological Systems Theory is founded on
the expectation that emphasizes how different layers of the
environment influence a child’s development and educational
outcomes. According to this theory, the school environment like
classroom design, learning materials, and school infrastructure is
part of the "microsystem," which directly impacts students’ learning
and academic engagement through daily interactions and the
physical conditions they experience in classrooms.
Bronfenbrenner’s theory has shown that physical features
such as safe and clean facilities, adequate classroom space, and
well-maintained surroundings contribute positively to student
engagement and learning. The theory highlights how poor physical
environments, like those with inadequate lighting, uncomfortable
temperatures, or unsafe structural conditions, can create stress and
hinder cognitive performance, leading to lower academic
achievement (Tong and An, 2023).
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual paradigm in figure 1 presents the main
concepts of the study, showing the independent and dependent
variables. The independent variable is the school environment,
which includes three key indicators: physical infrastructure, code of
conduct, and extracurricular activities. The dependent variable is
academic performance, measured through indicators like
communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, applying life
skills, and technological applications.
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study
Independent Variable
School Environment Academic Performance
Physical Communication
Infrastructure Critical thinking
Code of Conduct Problem solving
Extracurricular Applying life skills
Activities Technological
Dependent Variables
Definition of Terms
To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms
are defined herein.
Chapter II
Research Design
This study uses a quantitative causal correlational design to
examine the relationship between two or more variables. According
to Creswell (2002), correlational research is a statistical test that
identifies patterns and tendencies between data sets. It's a non-
experimental approach where variables are observed in their natural
settings without any manipulation. Researchers in correlational
studies assess the strength of the relationship between variables by
analyzing how changes in one variable correspond with changes in
another. Typically, this method involves independent and dependent
variables, but the independent variable's influence on the
dependent variable is observed without altering the independent
Relative to this, the causal correlational research design was
suitable for the study because it aims to test the significant impact
of the school environment towards education and students’
academic performance.
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Matiao National High School,
situated at Archie Heights, Matiao, Mati City. This school is one of
the 11 secondary schools in Mati Northwest District, Division of the
City of Mati. This location was selected for its representative
qualities, and inclusive environment, which will provide a suitable
setting for examining the impact of school environment on
academic performance.
The criteria outlined ensure that only respondents who can provide
meaningful and relevant insights into the study are selected. These
criteria are designed to ensure the selection of participants who are
best suited to contribute valuable and relevant data for the study.
Research Instrument
The instrument to be used is a survey questionnaire form of
checklist. The questionnaire for the school environment on students’
academic performance has the following indicator: physical
facilities, code of conduct policy and extracurricular activities
In evaluating the impacts of school environment on students’
academic performance the five orderable gradations with their
respective range of means and descriptions will be used as follows.
Range Descriptive Interpretation
4.20 – 5.00 Very High This means that the items related to
the impacts of school environment are
always manifested.
3.40 – 4.19 High This means that the items related to
the impacts of school environment are
oftentimes manifested.
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate This means that the items related to
the impacts of school environment are
sometimes manifested.
1.80 – 2.59 Low This means that the items related to
the impacts of school environment are
seldom manifested.
1.00 – 1.79 Very Low This means that the items related to
the impacts of school environment are
never manifested.
Data Collection
1. Asking Permission to Conduct the Study. In the collection of
data, the researcher will ask permission from the School Principal –
Alicia R. Astronomo, EdD and to the Advisers concerned, to allow the
researcher to conduct the study to the 127 students. Upon the
approval, the researcher will personally distribute and administer
the research instrument on the impact of school environment in
senior high students on their academic performance ensure 100
percent retrieval of the questionnaires.
2. Administration of the Questionnaire. Survey questionnaire
will be administered to the Senior High School students of Matiao
National High School on the 3rd week of December 2024. During the
administration, the researcher will make sure that the classes will
not be interrupted.
3. Retrieval of the questionnaires. The researchers plan to
retrieve the survey questionnaire a week after the distribution of the
survey questionnaires so that students will get more time to analyze
and provide the proper answer to the questions.
4. Analysis and interpretation of data. Data gathered from this
study will be analyzed and interpreted to derive the necessary data
for interpretation and further analysis.
Statistical Tool
Descriptive statistics that indicate the central tendencies of
the data particularly the mean scores will be used to analyze the
Percentage. This statistical tool will be used to determine the
differences of the respondents in terms of their age and gender in
answer to sub-problem 1.
Mean. This statistical tool is use to describe the level of
school environment and the impact of it in students’ academic
performance in answer to sub-problems 2 and 3.
Pearson r. This is use to determine the significance of the
relationship between school environment and its impact to
academic performance in answer to sub-problem 4. To interpret this
result, Pearson (1896) suggested using the scale provided below.