PMFIAS CA Agri Monthly 2024 07

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Agriculture CA Compilation by PMF IAS® – July 2024

Table of Contents

GS3 – Agriculture ................................................................................................................................... 1

{GS3 – Agri – Crops} Maize Revolution ............................................................................................................. 1

{GS3 – Agri – Crops} Makhana * ...................................................................................................................... 2

{GS3 – Agri – Crops} Soybean (Golden Beans) ................................................................................................... 2

{GS3 – Agri – Dairy} National Gopal Ratna Award ............................................................................................ 3

{GS3 – Agri – Dairy} Surplus of Skimmed Milk Powder ...................................................................................... 4

{GS3 – Agri – Food Security} Growing Food insecurity ....................................................................................... 4

{GS3 – Agri – Issues} Post-harvest losses .......................................................................................................... 5

{GS3 – Agri – Organic Farming} 'Jaiva Gramam' Campaign ............................................................................... 6

{GS3 – Agri – PDS} Impact of PDS on Household Expenditure ............................................................................ 6

PMF IAS – Learn Smart i July 2024 CA

GS3 – Agriculture

{GS3 – Agri – Crops} Maize Revolution Read more > Green Revolution
Maize (Corn) Ethanol: A Sustainable Option
❖ Context (IE): Maize production in India has more
than tripled over the last two decades, making it a • Maize ethanol is a renewable biofuel produced from
private sector-driven green revolution success story. corn (maize) as a substitute for gasoline in vehicles.
It has tripled from 11.5 million tonnes in 2000 to over • Its production involves fermenting corn starch into
35 million in 2024, with the average yield increasing ethanol, which is then distilled and blended with gas-
from 1.8 tonnes to 3.3 tonnes per hectare. oline.
Read more > Ethanol Blending
• It is a rainfed kharif crop grown in semi-arid
regions where rice and wheat production are not ✓ Renewable: Maize offers a long-term solution com-
possible. pared to fossil fuels.
• Rainfall: Not more than 100 cm of rainfall. ✓ Reduced Emissions: Carbon dioxide absorption dur-
• Temperature: 21°C to 27°C. ing growth can lower GHG emissions.
✓ Energy Security: Maize stover utilisation minimises
• Ideal Soils: Old alluvial and well-drained fertile
waste and promotes domestic biofuel production.
loams free from coarse materials and rich in
✓ Rural Development: Increased demand for maize
can boost farmer income and support rural growth.
• Major producing states: Karnataka > Madhya
✓ R&D: Research on high-starch varieties and efficient
Pradesh > Maharashtra
processes can further improve sustainability.
• Major producing countries: USA > China > Brazil
• India is the 5th largest producer of Maize. Role of the Private Sector in Maize Revolution

Recent Developments • High-Yielding Hybrids: Private companies like

Mahyco (Dekalb brand) and Nuziveedu Seeds invest
Development of Waxy Maize Hybrid heavily in R&D to develop these hybrids, which offer
• The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) de- significantly higher yields.
veloped a high-yield (7.3 tonnes per hectare) maize • Widespread Distribution Networks: Companies
variety with high amylopectin starch content (93.9%). such as Kaveri Seeds have extensive distribution net-
❖ Higher recoverable starch from waxy maize helps works, ensuring farmers nationwide have access to
to produce more ethanol than normal maize. high-quality maize.
❖ High amylopectin causes softness and ensures • Farmer Outreach and Education: Rasi Seeds and
better grinding of the grains. others conduct training programs to educate farm-
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center’s ers on best practices for maize cultivation, enhancing
(CIMMYT) Double Haploid Facility crop management and seed utilisation.
• Adoption of New Technologies: Private firms like
• It produces genetically pure inbred maize lines with
Shriram Bioseed utilise Doubled Haploid (DH) tech-
high yields. nology to expedite inbred line development, accel-
• It improves the efficiency of maize breeding by ena- erating the creation of improved hybrids.
bling the production of completely uniform lines that • Focus on Efficiency: Companies like Indo-American
are tolerant to drought, heat, and waterlogging, effi- Hybrid Seeds implement cost-effective solutions
cient in nutrient use, and resistant to pests/diseases. across their supply chains, making advanced maize
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) seeds more affordable and accessible to farmers.
• It is a premier agricultural research and education • Public-Private Partnerships: Many private compa-
institution in India, located in New Delhi, estab- nies collaborate with institutions like IARI to leverage
lished in 1905 by the British government. research advancements.
• It is popularly known as the "Pusa Institute" and is Government Initiatives
considered the "Mother of All Agricultural Institu- • Minimum Support Price (MSP) Scheme: Ensures a
tions" in India. government-determined minimum price for maize,
PMF IAS – Learn Smart 1 July 2024 CA
providing income security for farmers and encourag- • Fertilizer Price: Rising prices, e.g., urea, strain small
ing cultivation. farmers financially, impacting maize cultivation.
• National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture • Price Fluctuations: Sudden drops, like in 2021, deter
(NMSA): Promotes crop diversification, including in- farmers from planting maize.
centives for farmers to shift towards maize in suita- • Storage Facilities: The absence of proper storage
ble regions. leads to losses from spoilage and infestation, dis-
• Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY): Fo- suading maize cultivation.
cuses on expanding irrigation facilities such as canals {GS3 – Agri – Crops} Makhana *
and micro-irrigation projects, crucial for improving
water availability for maize cultivation. ❖ Context (TH): The prices of Fox nuts have soared in
• Subsidies on Seeds and Fertilizers: Includes domestic and international markets since 2019.
schemes like Sub-Mission on Agricultural Seeds and • Makhana, also known as a gorgon nut or fox nut, is a
targeted fertilizer subsidies, supporting farmers in type of seed derived from the Euryale ferox plant.
purchasing certified maize seeds and fertilizers. • It is mainly found and grown in tropical and subtrop-
• Kisan Credit Card Scheme: Facilitates easy access to ical climates.
credit at concessional interest rates, enabling farm- • It is considered a native of Southeast Asia and China
ers to invest in technologies and enhance maize pro- but distributed to almost every part of the world.
duction. • India contributes to 80% of the world’s demand for
• Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY): Pro- Foxnuts, with Bihar accounting for 90 percent.
vides crop insurance against natural calamities, in- • Producing states: Bihar, West Bengal, Manipur, Trip-
cluding coverage for maize, safeguarding farmers ura, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Odisha, Rajasthan,
from losses due to crop failures. Madhya Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh.
• Biofuel Policies: Government policies promoting • Its seeds are called Black Diamond.
biofuel production create demand for maize as a • Makhana is approved under the Union government’s
feedstock, incentivizing farmers to increase maize One District One Product scheme.
cultivation in alignment with renewable energy Climatic conditions
❖ Temperature: 20-35 degrees Celsius
• High-Starch Varieties: Supported by government in-
❖ Relative humidity: 50%-90%
itiatives, research institutions like IARI are develop-
❖ Annual rainfall: 100-250 cm
ing "waxy" maize varieties with higher starch content
❖ Soil type: Smooth loamy soil
optimized for efficient ethanol production.
❖ It is grown in stagnant perennial water bodies like
Challenges in maize production ponds, oxbow lakes, swamps and ditches.
• Droughts and Erratic Rainfall: Maize, being water-in- Health benefits of Makhana
tensive (500-800mm) suffers from reduced yields
✓ It has high fibre content, low glycemic index and
during droughts like Maharashtra's 2019 drought.
phytochemical constituents. It contains an insignifi-
• Extreme Temperatures: Heatwaves stress maize cant amount of fat and is rich in protein.
plants, reducing pollination and yields. For example, ✓ It prevents high blood pressure and sugar.
North India's 2023 heatwave likely affected maize ✓ Makhana in the regular diet prevents early ageing
production. and stops the greying of hair and wrinkles.
• Uneven Water Distribution: Regions like Punjab ✓ The high calcium content with nominal saturated fat
have ample water, but Rajasthan faces scarcity, lim- of makhana strengthens bones and muscles.
iting maize cultivation. ✓ Makhana contains a low amount of sodium and a
• Inefficient Irrigation: Traditional methods of high amount of potassium, which is good for cardiac
wastewater, and the lack of modern technologies health. It also has a healthy amount of minerals like
like sprinklers hampers efficient water use. magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.
• Fall Armyworm: Since 2018, this pest has damaged
{GS3 – Agri – Crops} Soybean (Golden Beans)
maize crops nationwide, with severe infestations re-
ported in Karnataka in 2022. ❖ Context (IE): Paris Olympics features soybean as part
• Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease: Outbreaks like in An- of athlete diets.
dhra Pradesh in 2020 threaten maize crops, causing • They are native to East Asia and grows well in warm
stunted growth and yield losses. and moist climates.
PMF IAS – Learn Smart 2 July 2024 CA
• It is a Kharif crop, which requires an average rainfall ❖ Special award for North-Eastern Region (NER)
of 90 cm and a temperature between 26o and 30o C States (conferred from 2024 onwards)
and grown in fertile, well-drained loamy soils. • The award consists of a Certificate of merit, a me-
• Leading Producer: Brazil. India is 5th in production. mento, and monitory prize in the first two categories
• Major Producers: MP > Maharashtra > Rajasthan > i.e Best Dairy Farmer and Best DCS/FPO/MPCs as un-
Chhattisgarh > Andhra Pradesh der:
• MACS 1407: Soybean variety which is pest resistant ❖ 1st rank: Rs. 5,00,000
and best suited for the rain fed regions of North East ❖ 2nd rank: Rs. 3,00,000
India. ❖ 3rd rank: Rs. 2,00,000
❖ Special Award for North-Eastern Region (NER):
Advantages of Soybean Rs. 2,00,000
✓ Valuable dietary component for athletes: Calcium • In the case of the Best Artificial Insemination Techni-
and Magnesium enhance bone strength and amino cian (AIT) category, consists of a Certificate of merit
acid profiles boost muscle growth and repair. and a memento only. No cash prize is provided.
✓ Tackle malnutrition: Owing to their rich availability • The awards will be conferred on the occasion of Na-
and high content of essential nutrients. tional Milk Day on 26th November.
✓ Sustainable and Versatile crop with applications in Rashtriya Gokul Mission
food, animal feed, and biofuels.
✓ Weight loss: High protein density, carbohydrates and • It was launched in 2014 for the development and con-
fibre satisfy hunger and help to manage weight. servation of Indigenous breeds through selective
✓ Cholestrol control: Dietary fibre aids in digestion and breeding in the breeding tract and genetic upgrada-
helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. tion of the nondescript bovine population.
✓ Low glycemic index: Helps in maintaining stable • Implemented by: Department of Animal Husbandry
blood sugar levels. and Dairying under the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal
✓ Improves heart health: contains Omega-3 and Husbandry & Dairying.
omega-6 fatty acids. • Implementing agencies: State Implementing Agency
✓ Lower LDL cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of car- (SIA) viz Livestock Development Boards.
diovascular diseases. • Participating agencies: Other agencies having a role
✓ Antioxidant compounds will reduce the risk of in Bovine Development like CFSPTI, CCBFs, ICAR, Uni-
chronic diseases. versities, Colleges, NGOs, etc.
{GS3 – Agri – Dairy} National Gopal Ratna
Award • Availability of High genetic Merit Germplasm
• Extension of Artificial Insemination Network
❖ Context (PIB): Nominations for the National Gopal • Development and Conservation of indigenous Breeds
Ratna Award for the year 2024 are invited. • Skill Development
• Since 2021, the Department of Animal Husbandry • Farmers Awareness
and Dairying has been conferring the National Gopal • Research Development and Innovation in Bovine
Ratna Award every year under the Rashtriya Gokul Breeding
Mission. Objectives
• It is one of the highest national awards in the field of
• To enhance productivity of bovines & sustainably in-
livestock and dairy, instituted for farmers rearing in-
crease milk production using advanced technologies.
digenous livestock.
• To propagate the use of high genetic merit bulls for
• Objective: To encourage the Milk producing farmers,
breeding purposes.
dairy cooperative societies/MPC/FPOs, and Artificial
• To enhance Artificial insemination coverage through
Insemination Technicians (AITs).
strengthening the breeding network and delivery of
• It is awarded for the following categories:
Artificial insemination services at farmers' doorstep.
❖ Best Dairy farmer rearing indigenous cat-
• To promote indigenous cattle & buffalo rearing and
tle/buffalo breeds.
conservation scientifically and holistically.
❖ Best Dairy Cooperative Society (DCS)/ Milk Pro-
ducer Company (MPC)/ Dairy Farmer Producer Funding pattern
Organization (FPO). • All the components of the Scheme will be imple-
❖ Best Artificial Insemination Technician (AIT). mented on a 100% grant-in-aid basis except:
PMF IAS – Learn Smart 3 July 2024 CA
❖ Accelerated breed improvement programme (SMP) — the first two from cream/fat and the last
under the component subsidy of Rs 5000 per IVF from SNF.
pregnancy will be made available to participating o Skimmed milk powder is produced by evaporat-
farmers as GoI share; ing most of the water content from milk to re-
❖ Promoting sex-sorted semen under the compo- move fat and water-soluble protein.
nent subsidy up to 50% of the cost of it; • The solids are recombined with water into liquid
❖ Establishment of a breed multiplication farm milk during the “lean” season when animal produc-
under the component subsidy of up to 50% of tion falls and may not suffice to meet demand.
the capital cost maximum of up to Rs.2.00 crore • Indian dairies produce 5.5-6 lt. of SMP annually.
of the project will be made available to entrepre- Roughly 4 lt. is used for recombining during lean sea-
neurs. son.
Initiatives under RGM • The balance gets consumed by makers of ice cream,
• Awards for encouraging farmers/breeder societies to biscuits, chocolate, sweetmeats, baby formula, and
rear Indigenous breeds of Bovines other food and industrial products.
❖ Gopal Ratna awards: For farmers maintaining Reasons for surplus SMP in the Indian dairy in-
the best herd of Indigenous Breed(s). dustry
❖ Kamdhenu awards: For Best managed Indige-
nous Herd by Institutions/Trusts/ NGOs/ • An increasing share of India’s milk comes from cows.
Gaushalas or best-managed Breeders’ Societies. Cows — notwithstanding issues relating to the dis-
• Gokul Gram: To develop indigenous breeds including posal of unproductive cattle — yield more milk and
upto 40% nondescript breeds. start calving earlier than buffaloes.
• National Kamdhenu Breeding Centres: Established • Secondly, there is a growing demand for milk fat in
as Centres of Excellence to develop and conserve In- India. But for every 1 kg of fat, dairies make over 2.4
digenous Breeds holistically and scientifically. kg of SMP (1 kg of fat from buffalo milk produces less
• Pashu Sanjivni: An Animal Wellness Programme en- than 1.4 kg of SMP.)
compassing the provision of Animal Health cards • In 2023-24, there was an abundant and continuous
(‘Nakul Swasthya Patra’) along with UID identification milk supply with hardly any lean period. The resultant
and uploading data on a National Data Base. augmented milk availability resulted in the surplus
• Advanced Reproductive Technology: Including As- availability of SMP.
sisted Reproductive Technique-In-vitro Fertilization • The SMP surplus problem may worsen with the new
(IVF)/ Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET) flush season. The surplus problem is, however, less in
and sex-sorted semen technique to improve the avail- milk fat, as its annual production by dairies is only 3-
ability of disease-free female bovines. 3.5 litre.
• National Bovine Genomic Center for Indigenous • Fat, unlike SMP, has a good market in India, both
Breeds (NBGC-IB): For selection of breeding bulls of among households and industrial consumers.
high genetic merit at a young age using highly precise Impact of the surplus
gene-based technology.
• Cow SMP realisations for dairies have crashed.
{GS3 – Agri – Dairy} Surplus of Skimmed Milk • India’s SMP shipments have declined, from 1.3 lt in
Powder 2013-14 to 4,800 tonnes in 2023-24. Further, the
drop in global prices makes commercial exports un-
❖ Context (IE | IE): Indian dairy farmers have been hit
by a “surplus” problem of skimmed milk powder.
About Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) {GS3 – Agri – Food Security} Growing Food in-
• Cow milk contains 3.5% fat and 8.5% solids-not-fat
(SNF) on average, with the same at 6.5% and 9% for ❖ Context (PIB): The International Panel of Experts on
buffalo milk. Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) report reveals
• Being perishable, milk cannot be stocked. Only its that progress on zero hunger has now reversed, and
solidas (i.e. fat and SNF) are storable after separation 30% of the global population has faced food insecu-
of cream and drying of skimmed milk. rity since the pandemic.
• During the ‘flush;’ season, dairies convert the surplus
Food Insecurity
milk into butter, ghee and skimmed milk powder
PMF IAS – Learn Smart 4 July 2024 CA
• Food insecurity refers to the lack of access to suffi- • India ranks second in global agriculture production,
cient, safe, and nutritious food to support a healthy but its share in global agricultural exports is only
and active life. 2.4%, placing it eighth globally.
• It is a complex and multifaceted issue that pro- • Approx 74 million tonnes of food is lost in India each
foundly impacts the well-being of individuals and year, accounting for 22% of the foodgrain output or
communities. 10% of the total foodgrain and horticulture produc-
• It can lead to malnutrition, hunger, and various tion for the 2022-23 period (ICAR).
health problems, especially among children, preg- • The biggest loss is from perishable commodities,
nant women, and elderly people. which include livestock produce such as eggs, fish and
• It can also have significant social, economic, and po- meat (22%), fruits (19%) and vegetables (18%).
litical consequences, such as poverty, social unrest, • There are no national-level surveys on food waste in
and instability. India.
Causes of Food Insecurity Determinants of post-harvest losses
➢ Poverty ❖ Lack of proper storage facilities, cooling systems, and
➢ Climate change and natural disasters transportation network and infrastructure
➢ Conflict and displacement ❖ Inappropriate or insufficient packaging leading to
➢ Gender inequality physical damage and exposure to pests
➢ Inefficient food systems ❖ Limited access to markets resulting in delayed sales
➢ Lack of access to healthcare and sanitation and the inability to sell produce at optimal ripeness
➢ Political instability and governance issues ❖ Inadequate knowledge and management capacity of
supply chain actors
Measures to tackle food insecurity
❖ Poor Handling Practices
✓ Poverty reduction ❖ Inadequate pest control during storage, resulting in
✓ Climate change mitigation infestations & losses due to insects & pathogens.
✓ Conflict prevention and peacebuilding
Initiatives taken to address post-harvest losses
✓ Promote gender equality
✓ Improved food systems • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY-RAFTAAR)
✓ Social safety nets like targeted food assistance, cash • Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
transfers, and other social protection measures. (MIDH)
• Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (AG-
India's Initiatives to Ensure Food Security
❖ National Food Security Act, 2013 • National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)
❖ Mid-day Meal Scheme • Project CHAMAN
❖ Public Distribution System • Truck-on-train service: It carries loaded trucks on rail-
❖ National Rural Employment Guarantee Act way wagons. Efforts are being made to expand this
❖ National Horticulture Mission service following successful trial runs involving com-
❖ Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana modities such as milk and cattle feed.
International Panel of Experts on Sustainable • Parcel special trains: It was started by the Railways
Food Systems (IPES-Food) during the COVID-19 pandemic to transport perisha-
bles and seeds between market and producers.
• IPES is a global think tank and expert group guiding
• Kisan Rail: It was initiated to connect perishables (in-
action for sustainable food systems worldwide. clusive of milk, meat and fish) production surplus re-
• Their annual report is called ‘Food from gions to consumption regions more efficiently.
Way forward
{GS3 – Agri – Issues} Post-harvest losses
✓ Shifting focus from increasing food production to
❖ Context (TH): Understanding post-harvest losses in safeguarding the produced food.
India. Post-harvest loss can be defined as degrada- ✓ Warehousing receipts from certified warehouses can
tion in both quantity and quality of food from har- serve as collateral for funding from banks, aiding
vest to consumption. farmers in meeting post-harvest expenses.
✓ Promoting food processing industry to minimize
Quantum of post-harvest loss in India wastage and post-harvest losses.

PMF IAS – Learn Smart 5 July 2024 CA

✓ Strengthening e-NAM and upgrading rural haats to ✓ Adopting a systems-based approach, cutting across
Gramin Agricultural Markets to enhance market con- modes of transport and geographies.
nectivity. ✓ Encouraging private sector participation to enhance
✓ Investment in specialised wagons for temperature- operational efficiency and strengthen the rail infra-
controlled transport and establishment of rail-side fa- structure through public-private partnerships.
cilities for safe cargo handling. It would enhance food ✓ Prioritising the Railways over roadways promises ef-
safety, minimize spoilage and contamination risks, ficient transportation as Railways generate up to 80%
thereby supporting both domestic and export mar- less CO2 for freight traffic than roadways (97% of
kets. fruits and vegetables are transported by road).

Credits: FAO
{GS3 – Agri – Organic Farming} 'Jaiva Gramam' • It aims to create a sustainable agricultural growth
model, promote self-sufficiency in vegetable produc-
tion, and preserve Kerala's rich farming heritage for
❖ Context (TH): The 'Jaiva Gramam' campaign, a new the economic benefit of farmers.
initiative to promote organic farming, has been {GS3 – Agri – PDS} Impact of PDS on Household
launched in Karumalloor panchayat, Ernakulam dis- Expenditure
trict, Kerala.
• The campaign was introduced as part of the 'Njat- ❖ Context (TH): The Household Consumption Expendi-
tuvela' observance, with backing from the grama ture Survey (HCES) 2022-23 reveals that the PDS sig-
panchayat and Lions Club of North Paravur. nificantly impacts household expenditure.
• It was launched to encourage households to grow • Food Security Coverage: PDS supports up to 75% of
their own vegetables for the upcoming Onam sea- the rural and 50% of the urban population under the
son. National Food Security Act, 2013.
• It aims to support individuals in organic farming, es- • Resource Reallocation: Subsidised foodgrains from
pecially in overcoming marketing challenges. PDS allow households to spend more on nutrient-rich
• The program will provide participating farmers with items like vegetables, milk, pulses, and proteins.
vegetable saplings, fertilisers, and agricultural imple- • Consumption Metrics: Imputed Monthly Per Capita
ments at subsidised rates. Also, participants will in- Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) shows a rise, in-
teract with experienced farmers. cluding free PDS items. In rural areas, imputed food
value averages ₹82, and in urban areas, ₹59.
PMF IAS – Learn Smart 6 July 2024 CA
• Impact on Poor Households: Imputed value in- ➢ The survey does not estimate all social welfare pro-
creases MPCE for the bottom 5% of households, en- grams, limiting comprehensive analysis. For exam-
hancing their economic status within the consump- ple, insurance is considered an investment, tracked in
tion distribution. the All India Debt & Investment Survey, not in the
• Overall Contribution: 94% of imputed value in rural HCES as consumption.
and 95% in urban areas is from free food items, pri- Recommendation to Improve PDS Impact Assess-
marily from PDS. ment
Challenges in Assessing the Impact of PDS
✓ Improve survey design for precise program coverage
through HCES and benefits estimates by including detailed data on
➢ Inclusion and Exclusion errors: For example, free and subsidised PDS items.
Chhattisgarh’s Nagrik Apurti Nigam (NAN) Scam. ✓ Minimize inclusion and exclusion errors in PDS bene-
➢ HCES estimates often show lower program coverage fits by digital verification systems.
compared to administrative data, leading to potential ✓ Improve Representativeness by the use of stratified
data misinterpretations. Administrative records sug- sampling techniques.
gest 80% coverage under NFSA, but surveys indicate ✓ Conduct periodic reviews for data relevance and ac-
only 60%, indicating a possible underestimation of curacy.
program reach. ✓ Modify eligibility criteria based on updated survey
➢ Imputation does not account for subsidised pur- findings.
chases from PDS; it only includes free items, poten-
tially undervaluing benefits.

PMF IAS – Learn Smart 7 July 2024 CA

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