Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Vision Statement
It aims to be one of the most excellent and innovative product. This product
aims also to be one of the most proud products.
Mission Statement
Our major goal of “ DIP IT & LICK IT” is to have our own establishment,
partnership with other establishment and branches for us to be able to apply
our product not just in local, national but also international.
Business philosophy
a. Strength
b. Weakness
c. Opportunities
d. Threats
Strengths: Weaknesses:
The best-tasting snack with a low initial The price fluctuations of the necessary
capital investment cost. The essential ingredients may have an impact on the
ingredients for "Puto Balanghoy" are “Puto Balanghoy”. The product's shelf
readily available and easy to find. It life cannot be extended for a week
could look more appealing than the since doing so would ruin its flavor and
traditional ones due to products that quality.
transform it into delightful snacks. The
researcher will be able to increase
Opportunities: Threats: