Conflict Resolution Sample
Conflict Resolution Sample
Conflict Resolution Sample
Great ideas often receive violent opposition from
mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein
What is Conflict?
The Random House Dictionary defines conflict as, “to come into collision or
disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash.”
Two sales representatives are arguing over who gets the latest customer
A team of employees is upset with their manager over a recent scheduling change
A group of managers cannot decide who gets the latest project assignment
(Although we are going to focus primarily on workplace conflicts in this workshop, the tools covered can
also be used in personal situations as well.)
Conflict can also be healthy. Think about how conflict will increase motivation and competitiveness in
these scenarios.
Two companies vie for the top market share of a particular product
These types of drivers can result in greater success, whether “success” means a better product, better
teamwork, better processes, lower prices, trophies, or medals.
Remember, everyone experiences conflict, but how you deal with it, is what matters.
Topic Objective To understand what conflict is and how it can be a positive influence.
The Random House Dictionary defines conflict as, “to come into collision or
disagreement; be contradictory, at variance, or in opposition; clash.”
Topic Summary
Conflict can also be healthy and natural (for example, two teams striving for
first place).
Materials Required One or more stuffed toy(s), depending on the size of your group
Ask participants to sit in a circle. Explain that the stuffed toy represents
power to speak. As you toss the toy around the circle, each person must say
something about today’s topic. It can be a word, idea, saying, or short story…
Recommended Activity anything related to conflict or conflict resolution.
Begin by saying a word or idea yourself, and then toss the toy to a
If the group has more than 20 people, divide participants into smaller groups
Delivery Tips
and provide each group with a stuffed toy.
Dispute Resolution: The name given to any process aimed at resolving differences between two
Topic Objective To understand what “conflict resolution” and its related terms mean.
Topic Summary The term “conflict resolution” simply means how you solve conflicts.
Planning Checklist Make sure you have plenty of flip chart paper and markers.
Divide participants into groups of four to six. Give each group flip chart paper
and markers. Ask each group to come up with different ways of resolving
conflicts, without judging each method’s appropriateness or effectiveness.
Recommended Activity
After a few minutes, bring the class back together and discuss the various
methods that teams came up with, and to encourage evaluation during the
Delivery Tips You can use the teams from the icebreaker if you like.
Generate Options
• Generate, Don't Evaluate
• Create Mutual Gain Options and Multiple Option Solutions
• Dig Deeper into the Options
Build a Solution
• Create Criteria
• Create the Shortlist
• Choose a Solution
• Build a Plan
If you are not using the PowerPoint slides for this course, make sure you pre-
Planning Checklist
draw the process on flip chart.
Recommended Activity Provide participants with a high-level overview of the conflict resolution
Do not get into great detail at this point. This is just an overview so that
Delivery Tips
participants have the big picture before we begin.
Create a
Mutual •Identify Needs for Me, Them, and Us
•Create Criteria
Build a •Create the Shortlist
•Choose a Solution
Solution •Build a Plan
a) Assume
b) Wish
c) Hope
d) Like
a) People
b) Truth
c) Differences
d) Finances
3.) People can explore those differences, if they are equipped with a conflict ___________ process.
a) Idea
b) Email
c) Resolution
d) Revolution
Equipped with a conflict resolution process, people can explore and understand those
differences, and use them to interact in a more positive, productive way.
a) Interact
b) Connect
c) Dissect
d) Reject
Equipped with a conflict resolution process, people can explore and understand those
differences, and use them to interact in a more positive, productive way.
a) Contusion
b) Fruition
c) Collision
d) Division
6.) Two sales representatives arguing over who gets the latest customer is an example of what?
a) Friendly competition
b) Playful banter
c) Conflict
d) Respect
Some examples of conflict can include: Two sales representatives are arguing over who gets the
latest customer
a) Healthy
b) Happy
c) Hearty
d) Hyperbole
8.) The term conflict resolution simply means how you ___________ conflicts.
a) Enjoy
b) Start
c) Solve
d) Translate
The term “conflict resolution” simply means how you solve conflicts.
a) Quitting
b) Forfeiting
c) Mediation
d) Motivation
a) Hidden Conflict
b) Apparent Conflict
c) Dispute Resolution
d) Transcendence
Conflict resolution can be a difficult topic, so it is important that participants are as comfortable as
possible. This activity will help participants get to know each other while doing a non-conflict laden task.
Paper plates
Colored markers
Ask participants to number off to create groups of six to eight. Their task is to come up with a team
name and slogan, preferably based on something that they all have in common. They should then create
two of the following items:
2. Team sign
3. Team hats
5. Team song
After all groups have completed the task, ask each group to present their team name, slogan, and items,
and to explain how they arrived at a decision for each. Ask participants if conflicts arose over choices,
and how those conflicts were managed.
Encourage groups to work together throughout the day and strengthen their bond.
Has mastered the course
Conflict Resolution
Awarded this _______ day of ______e____, 20___