Prevalensi Indo 4
Prevalensi Indo 4
Prevalensi Indo 4
Disease: The Role of GERD Questionnaire and PPI Test
Ummu Habibah*, Achmad fauzi**
*Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
**Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
University of Indonesia/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital, Jakarta
Corresponding author:
Achmad Fauzi. Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
General National Hospital. Jl. Diponegoro No.71 Jakarta Indonesia. Phone: +62-21-3153957;
Facsimile: +62-21-3142454. E-mail:
gastroenterologis, begitupun jika dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan endoskopi dan pemantauan pH esofagus.
Meskipun penegakan diagnosis dengan cara kuesioner dan PPI test bukan merupakan uji dengan akurasi yang
paling ideal, akan tetapi pemeriksaan ini tidak mahal, pilihan yang mudah didapatkan dan dikerjakan terutama
pada pelayanan kesehatan primer. Hal inilah yang diunggulkan dibandingkan pemeriksaan lainnya.
ROLE OF GERD QUESTIONNAIRE AND PPI TEST of severity at certain times on individual and group. Of
the three types of the questionnaire, GERDQ expected
GERD Questionnaire
to meet three types.
$VSUHYLRXVO\GHVFULEHGJDVWURHVRSKDJHDOUHÀX[ There are several requirements that must be met for
disease occurs quite often, but most patients do not a good questionnaire, which are: (1) Sensitive to detect
VKRZDEQRUPDOLWLHVLQWKHHQGRVFRSLF¿QGLQJV7KLV GERD patients; (2) Includes data on the frequency and
is what underlies the importance of a diagnostic tool intensity of symptoms of typical and atypical GERD;
based on assessment for the degree of severity of the (3) Multidimensional (not only includes medical
disease based on symptoms, response to therapy and problems); (4) Have psychometric characteristics that
effect on the patients’ quality of life.7 This diagnostic FDQEHSURYHQYDOLGLW\OHYHORIFRQ¿GHQFHUHOLDELOW\
tool is then formulated in the form of a questionnaire (5) Practical and economical; (6) Can be done by the
(GERD Questionnaire). patient itself, without having to be accompanied (self-
In general, symptom based questionnaire can be assesed); (7) Use language that easily understood by
used as a discriminatory, predictive, or evaluative patients; (8) Provide a fast response to a change in the
instrument. Discriminatory instrument is intended short term; (9) Can be used in daily settings to provide
to distinguish this group of patients and to classify assessments during and after therapy; (10) Valid in
patients into a few degrees of severity and frequency different languages, for use on an international scale.11
of the disease. If used as a diagnostic instrument, Some questionnaires have been made to answer some
the discriminatory questionnaire must have very of these requirements. In general, the questionnaires
VSHFL¿F TXHVWLRQV FDQ UXOH RXW RWKHU GLVHDVHV DQG are divided into symptomatology questionnaires (based
has high probability prediction. Questionnaire as a on symptoms), questionnaires based on effect of the
predictive instrument is used if there is a gold standard disease on quality of life, and serta questionnaire that
examination. Evaluative questionnaire with a scale combines both. The grouping of the questionnaires can
used to assess the magnitude of change in the degree be seen in the following table 1.
From many questionnaires which successfully The type of PPI used varied, the most common is
documented, no one can be taken as the gold standard omeprazole, so this test once regarded as omeprazole
questionnaire.3 A systematic review conducted in 2004 test. New classes of drugs that are often used for
showed that there are 5 pieces questionnaire that almost research is omeprazole, but its effectiveness was
meets all the criterias of an ideal GERD questionnaire, similar to other drugs, if intended for PPI test. Large
but this study too long that a more contemporary study studies on this test using oral PPI, no one was using
QHHGWREHFRQGXFW7KRVH¿YHTXHVWLRQQDLUHVFDQEH intravenous PPI with consideration of the application
The big question is which questionnaire that can be outpatients. The strategy for increasing the role of
widely or generaly used and how to choose the most doctors in primary cares in improving diagnosis of
appropriate questionnaire for the clinical situation in GERD because the scope of this strategy is very simple
Indonesia, and how the actual role of this questionnaire and well tolerated by patients.
LQGLDJQRVLQJJDVWURHVRSKDJHDOUHÀX[GLVHDVH7RDQVZHU Disadvantages of this test is the absence of a
some of these questions, there is a recent large study on the standard test or the definitive gold standard for
role of GERD questionnaire in 2009 which quite helpful diagnosing GERD. In some studies, the PPI test is
to help answering doubts about the use of questionnaires often compared to endoscopy and pH examination,
DV DQ DSSURDFK LQ GLDJQRVLQJ JDVWURHVRSKDJHDO UHÀX[ by the fact that these two examinations also has many
disease. Details of the study will be discussed later. OLPLWDWLRQV%HFDXVHRIWKHVHGLI¿FXOWLHVWKHPHWKRGV
vary between studies, and the populations are different,
Response to treatment with drugs from class of 6HQVLWLYLW\ DQG VSHFL¿FLW\ YDOXH EHFDPH YHU\ ZLGH
proton pump inhibitor (PPI), often used to support the which are 27-89% for sensitivity and 35-73% for
GLDJQRVLVRIJDVWURHVRSKDJHDOUHÀX[GLVHDVH, however specificity. Schindlbeck et al showed that 40 mg
the accuracy of this strategy is often questioned.8 omeprazole per day for 7 days resulted in a sensitivity
Among some of the questions is whether this test can be of 27% and will be increased to 83% when the drug
applied in all cases, and whether this test can be used to dose was increased to 40 mg twice daily. Fass et al
replace other tests that are invasive and uncomfortable. stated that the omeprazole dose lower than previous
Rationalization of the use of high-dose PPI drugs with studies (60 mg); which are 40 mg before breakfast,
a short duration as a diagnostic modality is its effect on 20 mg before dinner; for 7 days will result in 80% for
gastric acid secretion to cope with erosive esophagitis sensitivity of 80%. Study by Fass use 50% symptoms
and improve the symptoms of GERD.9 In general, PPI reduction as a positive limit value, if the value of
drugs can provide the acid suppressive effect within this limit was increased to 75% symptoms reduction
1-28 days, because it is used to help diagnosis, then (clinical improvement) then the sensitivity value will
high dose of PPI is used to boost the effects supresinya increased to 86% with 91% positive predictive value
and immediately improve patient complaints. The and accuracy of 81%.10
high doses expected to give effect before 28 days. A large study in India who studied algorithms
The dose used in several large studies are double- GLDJQRVLVRIJDVWURHVRSKDJHDOUHÀX[GLVHDVHVWDWHGWKDW
dose PPI, which are 40-80 mg omeprazole, 30-60 mg combination of a PPI test, endoscopy and histology
lansoprazole, and 40 mg rabeprazole.10 Duration which examination can identify all cases of gastroesophageal
regarding this test procedure. on their own.11 From the previous decription, it can be
diagnosing GERD, especially if the test is combined
with other diagnostic.
Economic analysis test has also been used to
determine the position of the PPI test in terms of
stated that this test proven to reduce the cost of
health expenditure because it can prevent the use of
other diagnostic methods which are more expensive
different. This test saves 64% expenditure when
compared to endoscopy, and saves 53% expenditure
when compared to the 24-hour pH measurement.10