I210 Installation

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Product Description

Operating Instructions
Maintenance Instructions
Installation Instructions
Site Analysis Guides

Price $30.00

GE Energy

Electronic Single Phase Meter
GEH-7287, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

GEH-7287, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

1he informction contcined in this document is subject to chcnge without notice.

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Copgright |cl 2004 bg C

Published in c limited copgright sense, cnd cll rights, including trcde secrets cre reserved.

Document dition - first 07l2004

, Lexcn, MeterMcte, CP1CCCM, cnd SMAR1CC0PLR cre trcdemcrks of C.


Th|s product generotes ond uses rod|o requencu energu. lt hos been tested ond ver||ed thot |t
comp||es w|th the ||m|ts or the Code o federo| Regu|ot|ons |CfRl 47, Port l5 Rod|o frequencu
0ev|ces, $ubports ^ Cenero| ond 3 Un|ntent|ono| Rod|otors |ssued bu the federo|
Commun|cot|ons Comm|ss|on or C|oss '3' d|g|to| dev|ces. l, however, the product couses rod|o
or te|ev|s|on |ntererence, not|u.

lonoger - Techno|ogu
Cenero| L|ectr|c Componu
l30 lo|n $treet
$omersworth, N 03878 3l94
GEH-7287, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
1. Product Description..................................................................................1-1
1.1 General nformation .............................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Physical Description ........................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.2 Meter Forms ....................................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Physical variants:.............................................................................................................................1-3
1.2 Normal Operating Mode.......................................................................................................................1-4
1.2.1 On site user features .......................................................................................................................1-4
1.3 Software Tool (For Energy Reset) .......................................................................................................1-4
1.4 Technical nformation...........................................................................................................................1-5
1.4.1 Theory of Operation.........................................................................................................................1-5
2. Operating nstructions.........................................................................2-1
2.1 Nameplate nformation and Labels......................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Nameplate nformation ....................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.2 Nameplate nformation ....................................................................................................................2-3
2.2 Display nformation ..............................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Normal LCD Display Characteristics ...............................................................................................2-4
2.2.2 Liquid Crystal Display nformation ...................................................................................................2-7
3. Maintenance nstructions.............................................................3-1
3.1 Test Procedures...................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.1 Meter Testing Tools.........................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Field Accuracy Test .............................................................................................................................3-1
3.2.1 Disk Analog Testing.........................................................................................................................3-2
3.2.2 nstantaneous Power Testing..........................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Shop Test ............................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3.1 Meter Shop Equipment ....................................................................................................................3-3
3.3.2 Test Constant ..................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.3 General Watthour Meter Test Procedure.........................................................................................3-4
3.4 Service.................................................................................................................................................3-4
3.5 Repair ..................................................................................................................................................3-4
3.6 Returning a Meter ................................................................................................................................3-5
3.7 Cleaning...............................................................................................................................................3-5
3.8 Storage ................................................................................................................................................3-5
3.9 Troubleshooting Guide.........................................................................................................................3-6
3.9.1 Self-Tests and Error Codes .............................................................................................................3-6
4. nstallation nstructions.....................................................................4-1
4.1 General ................................................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Meter installation..................................................................................................................................4-1
5. Site Analysis Guides..............................................................................5-1
GEH-7287, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
6. Diagrams........................................................................................................................6-1
7. ndex........................................................................................................................................... 3
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 1-1
1. Product Description
GE's -210 meter is an electronic singlephase electricity meter. t measures active energy
(kWh). The -210 has two major components - a base and an electronic module. The
electronic module assembles to the base. The base assembly contains a precision current
transformer that senses the current. The electronic module has the metering circuitry that
enables energy accumulation and contains calibration information.

Figure 1-1: I-210 Electronic Singlephase Meter

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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1.1 GeneraI Information

The -210 meter measures kWh energy and is rated as an ANS C12.20 class 0.5 meter.
However, it is expected that accuracy under many operating conditions and loads will
typically be within 0.2%. The meter is configured at the factory. Resetting energy is
accomplished with GE's MeterMate software (Version 5.1 or greater) and a reset adaptor
that mounts over the cover.
1.1.1 Phgsiccl Description
The -210 meter uses a polycarbonate cover. The cover is molded in one piece.
The meter base assembly contains the current transformer.
The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) indicates energy consumption and optionally,
instantaneous power and a display segment check. The display is covered in detail in
Chapter 2, Operating nstructions. The 5 large characters of the LCD display alphanumeric
A configuration port is located at the 3 o'clock position of the meter face. The factory uses
the configuration port to configure the meter for a specific application. t is also used in
conjunction with a reset adaptor and MeterMate software to reset accumulated energy to
1.1.2 Meter forms
The -210 meter is available in several variants, which can be selected depending upon the
application. The ANS Standard S Base (socketed) Meter Forms are shown in Table 1-1 and
the Non-ANS Meter Forms without test links are shown in Table 1-2.
1.1..1 /NS| Stcncc|cs
The performance of the -210 meter meets or exceeds the following industry standards: ANS
C12.1, C12.10, C12.20, and all standards incorporated by reference.

TabIe 1-1. ANSI Standard Meter Forms

TabIe 1-2. Non-ANSI Standard Meter Forms (Without Test Links)

form Wires Circuit lements SCl1R Clcss
voltcge Rcting
l$ 2 l7 l $C l00 l20
l$ 2 l7 l $C l00 240
2$ 2 l7 l $C l00 l20
2$ 3 l7 l $C l00 240
2$ 3 l7 l $C 200 240
2$ 3 l7 l $C 320 240
3$ 2 l7 l TR 20 l20
3$ 2 l7 l TR 20 240
4$ 3 l7 l TR 20 l20
4$ 3 l7 l TR 20 240
form Wires Circuit lements SCl1R Clcss
voltcge Rcting
2$ w/o Test L|nk 3 l7 l $C 320 240
2$ w/o Test L|nk 3 l7 l $C 200 240
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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1.1.3 Phgsiccl vcricnts:
The basic physical description of the meter and available S base forms have been described
above. The table below provides information regarding the test constants and starting watts
for each configuration. Additional information on some of these values follows.
TabIe 1-3. Meter Configuration Data
Form CIass VoIt
2S 320 240 2.0 20.0 8
2S 200 240 1.0 10.0 5
2S 100 240 0.5 5.0 2.5
2S 100 120 0.25 2.5 1.25
1S 100 240 0.5 5.0 2.5
1S 100 120 0.25 2.5 1.25
3S 20 240 0.1 1.0 0.5
3S 20 120 0.05 0.5 0.25
4S 20 240 0.1 1.0 0.5
4S 20 120 0.05 0.5 0.25 vc|tcce |ct|ncs
Meters are available that operate at a single nominal supply voltage of 240 or 120 VAC
+10% -20%, meeting ANS accuracy class 0.5 requirements. The operating voltage must be
specified when the meter is ordered.
1.1.3. !est /mc |ct|nc
The test amp (design full load value) value for each Class are shown below:
- 50 Amps for Class 320
- 30 Amps for Class 200
- 15 Amps for Class 100
- 2.5 Amps for Class 20
These values are traditionally the current value used in conjunction with the rated
nameplate voltage to conduct the "Full Load and "Lag calibration tests. t is printed on
the nameplate and referred to as "TA. ||equencu
The meter operates and correctly measures energy associated with 50 or 60 Hz electrical
systems. Meter operation frequency must be specified when the meter is ordered. !emce|ctu|e
The meter will withstand and operate properly through temperature variations from 40C to
+85C. The LCD display may cease to function at temperatures below -30C and above
+80C. The meter will also withstand storage temperatures ranging from -40C to +85C. !uc|cc| vctts |css
The typical Watts loss will be 0.5W.

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 1-4 ve|cnt
The weight of the meter with a polycarbonate cover is 1.7 lbs. The weight with a glass cover
is 2.7 lbs.

1.2 NormaI Operating Mode
The -210 meter accumulates and displays kWh. The -210 meter provides various features, some
of which are configurable at the factory.
- kWh energy measurement can be accumulated in 4 ways:
1. Received Only: Only the received energy is accumulated as a positive quantity
2. Delivered Only: Only the delivered energy is accumulated
3. Delivered + Received: The received and delivered energy are added together.
4. Delivered - Received: The net energy is accumulated.
- Display of Energy configurable for 4 or 5 digits
- Disk Analog functionality on LCD - The disk analog is simulated on the display as
explained in Chapter 2.
- Delivered and Received indicators on LCD
- Factory settable option of nstantaneous Power may be displayed on the LCD
- Optional segment check configured at factory (in addition to the segment check that is
performed on power up and every 24 hours)
- Reset energy to zero in field - The customer can reset the energy accumulation to zero
on site with MeterMate Software and a reset adaptor.
- Simple energy rollover - The energy will rollover from 99999 to 00000 or from 9999 to
0000 if four-digit display is selected.
1.2.1 Cn site user fectures
1..1.1 Dce|ct|cn
The -210 meter has many features for ease of use on site.
Nameplate and label information
Numeric display with key annunciators
Several display parameters including Energy accumulation, nstantaneous power,
Delivered/Received indication and Disk analog.

These features are described in detail in Section 2, "Operating nstructions of this manual.
1..1. |c|ntencnce
Maintenance instructions are covered in Section 3 of this manual.
1.3 Software TooI (For Energy Reset)

The -210 is supported by the MeterMate Software (Version 5.1 or greater), which
facilitates the resetting of the energy accumulation to zero. Refer to Reading and
Programming nstruction manual for MeterMate (GEH-5082E & GEH-5084E MeterMate
MMCOMM nstructions book).

There is a reset adaptor that is available, part number 103X163001. The adaptor fits over a
polycarbonate or glass cover and has a D-ring connector aligned with the configuration port
to accommodate a SmartCoupler connection.

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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1.4 TechnicaI Information
This section contains the theory of operation and general circuit configuration of the GE -210

1.4.1 1heorg of Cperction
The theory of operation of Single Phase -210 meter is explained in conjunction with the
block diagram shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2 I-210 Meter BIock Diagram Sens|nc |ev|ces
A current transformer that feeds the scaled current signals to the meter chip senses current.
The voltage signal is scaled for measurement using a precision resistor divider circuit.
1.4.1. |ete| Cn|c
The Meter chip contains two independent, fully integrated analog-to-digital converters, one
for the current signal and one for the voltage signal. The meter chip integrates the product of
voltage and current over small intervals and also accumulates the energy in a register. ||c|cccnt|c||e|
The microcontroller is an 8 bit single chip. t reads the accumulated energy over momentary
intervals from the meter chip and maintains the energy consumption for display. t uses the
non-volatile memory on the board to store the metered data and metering parameters.
Configuration Port
Power SuppIy
120 240
A/D Converter
Meter chip
2 Channel
Micro controIIer
8 Bit
0ala & P(od(ar
128 ovle

0oto, con|gurot|on S
LED Phototransistor
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 1-6 Ncn-vc|ct||e |emc|u
The -210 meter is equipped with a non-volatile memory that is used to store the metered
data, calibration parameters, configuration constants and the program parameters. The non-
volatile memory does not require a battery to retain information when line power is not
present. |cwe| Succ|u
The -210 Meter is powered from the line voltage. t has an operating range of 20% to +10%
of rating. Versions are available for either 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation as specified at time of

GEH-7827, -210 Encompass Electronic Meter
- 2-1
2. Operating Instructions

2.1 Nameplate Information and Labels
See Figure 2-1 for a graphic representation of the meter nameplate. The meter nameplate is
found on the front of the meter.

Figure 2-1. Meter NamepIate
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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Figure 2-2. NamepIate Information
2.1.1 Ncmeplcte Informction
The nameplate information is shown in Figure 2-2. The following numbered list coincides with
the numbers in the figure.
1. Meter serial number
2. Utility information and bar code area
3. AMR D
4. Month and two digit year of manufacture
5. Assembly location
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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2.1.2 Ncmeplcte Informction

Figure 2-3: NamepIate
The numbered list below coincides with the numbers in Figure 2-3.
1. Multiply by constant
2. Current Class
3. Voltage Transformer Ratio
4. Current Transformer Ratio
5. Nominal Voltage
6. Number of wires for the metered service
7. ANS C12.10 Form Number
8. Watthour test constant
9. Primary Watthour constant
l0. Test amperes
11. Nominal Frequency
l2. Catalog number
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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2.2 Display Information

The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) indicates energy consumption and instantaneous power.

DispIay Item
Energy in kWh
Instantaneous Power
Segment Check
ReaI Time Indicators
Watthour Disk EmuIator
Energy Direction (DeIivered/Received) with Indicator Arrows
Static Indicators
2.2.1 Normcl LCD Displcg Chcrccteristics

n Normal Display mode, the meter display is always visible. Normal Display items are
selected by the customer at the time of ordering the meter and are loaded into the meter at
the factory.

The display segments are illuminated when the meter powers up and every 24 hours when
the meter stores information to NVRAM. All of the annunciatiors are illuminated and 8 is
displayed in each of the kWh display positions.

..1.1 fne|cu |kvn|
The -210 displays the energy accumulated in the top row of the LCD. The customer has an
option, at the time of ordering, to select 4 or 5 digit display of the accumulated energy. This is
settable only at the factory. The LCD also has an annunciator, kWh, (under the kWh display
and to the right) which is displayed whenever energy is indicated. The energy display is
refreshed every 5 seconds. Accumulation Mode
The energy accumulation depends on the energy direction and the mode that is selected.

f the energy is continuously delivered, the energy accumulated will progress from zero to
99999(or 9999 for four digit display) and the energy will rollover to 00000 after 99999 (or
9999 for four digit display).

f the energy is continuously received, the energy accumulated, will decrement from 99999
(or 9999 for four digit display) to 0 and the energy will roll down to 99999(or 9999 for four
digit display) after 0. Available Accumulation Modes

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 2-5
Delivered plus Received Energy: The magnitudes of the delivered energy and received
energy are added together. This mode of operation is often referred to as "unidirectional
because the meter registration will always be positive, regardless of the direction of energy
flow. This accumulation mode may deter tampering by meter inversion. This mode is
enabled by default if the accumulation mode is not specified when the meter is ordered.

Delivered Only Energy: Only delivered energy is accumulated. Received energy is not

Received Only Energy: Only received energy is accumulated as a positive quantity.
Delivered energy is not accumulated.

Delivered Received Energy: The received energy is subtracted from the delivered energy.
This mode of operation is often referred to as "net energy.

Note that for the first three modes of operation the accumulation is always positive. The
displayed kWh never decrements and can not underflow zero.
..1. |nstcntcnecus |cwe|
The -210 can be configured to display instantaneous power in the lower row of the LCD.
This value is refreshed every second. The customer has an option of whether the meter
should display instantaneous power or not. The nstantaneous Power has a real time
indicator, kW, which is displayed whenever the instantaneous power value is displayed. The
instantaneous power display is auto-ranging to display the most appropriate precision for the
current load conditions.
..1.3 Secment Cneck
The -210 can also be configured to display a segment check. When configured to do so, the
kWh value and the segment check alternate on the top row of the LCD. Each of these items
is displayed for a fixed number of seconds (4 seconds for utilities in the United States; 6
seconds for utilities in Canada). The display is blank for 0.5 seconds in between these two
items. The following display items are illuminated for the segment check: eights in the kWh
display, the minus sign (-) in front of the kWh display and the kWh annunciator.
..1.4 |ec| !|me vcttncu| ||sk fmu|ctc|
The -210 meter display contains a three-segment real-time disk-analog display (caterpillar)
that is intended to emulate the motion of an electromechanical meter disk. The states of the
disk-analog display are sequenced to give the appearance of left-to-right motion of the disk
timing mark when the energy flow is in the "delivered direction. The apparent direction of
motion will reverse when energy flow is in the "received direction regardless of the energy
accumulation option that was selected. The Delivered and Received annunciators will also
indicate the direction of energy flow.
The disk-analog completes one apparent revolution when the meter accumulates Kh
watthours. This is consistent with the meaning of Kh used in electromechanical watthour
The disk-analog simulates motion by sequencing through a series of related display states to
animate the display. The disk-analog display will advance by one display state whenever the
meter generates a test pulse (i.e. Kt watt-hours are accumulated). So the Kh of the disk
analog and the Kt of the test pulse are always related in the -210 meter by the expression
Kh = 10 * Kt.
The values of Kh and Kt were chosen for the available forms of -210 to provide a consistent
rate of rotation for all meter types operating at the same percent of class rating. For example,
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 2-6
the apparent rotation rate will be the same for a class 200 meter and a class 20 meter, each
running at Test Amps.
Because the disk-analog is a real-time display it can be used in conjunction with a stopwatch
to estimate the current meter load. n addition, if you have enabled the instantaneous power
display, this information is accurately reported in numeric form by the instantaneous kW
display of the -210 meter.
The diagram below illustrates the display states of the watthour disk emulator. The disk
analog has 10 states, 5 of which are invisible. The following diagram shows what you will
see on the display and what it represents in watthours when Kt equals 1 and energy is being
delivered. Each state represents 10% of the Kh value. The flow of the disk indicators is
from right to left when energy is being received. Refer to Section 1.1.3 for Kt values.

..1.5 |ec| !|me fne|cu |||ect|cn |nc|cctc|s

The meter LCD has a method of indicating the positive or negative nature of energy
accumulation relative to normally correct meter installation. The two arrows combined with the
textual indicators "Received and "Delivered indicate whether the energy accumulated is
delivered to the load or received from the load. The right pointing arrow will illuminate when
energy accumulation is positive (delivered) along with "Delivered text. The left pointing arrow
will illuminate when the energy is negative (received) along with "Received text. f the energy
is not above the anti-creep threshold, both indicators will be displayed without any text.
1 Wh
2 Wh
3 Wh
4 Wh
5 Wh
6 Wh
7 Wh
8 Wh
9 Wh
10 Wh
No disk
Figure 2-4. Disk anaIog operation
when Kt equaIs one and energy is
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 2-7

2.2.2 Liquid Crgstcl Displcg Informction
The liquid crystal display (LCD) is shown. The numbered list coincides with the numbers in Figure

Figure 2-5 Liquid CrystaI DispIay Information
1. These characters display alphanumeric quantities
a. The kWh energy value is displayed during normal operation
b. "ERROR is displayed if the meter detects an error that could affect the metering data.
c. f the optional segment check is enabled, the following will be illuminated: eights in the
kWh display, the kWh annunicatior and the minus sign (-) that is to the left of the kWh
2. These are the disk analog blocks to indicate the percentage of energy accumulated in
comparison to the Kh value.
3. The kWh annunciator
4. When displayed, this arrow indicates energy is being delivered to the load
5. Text annunciators to indicate whether energy is being delivered to load or received from load
6. When displayed, this arrow indicates energy is being received from the load.
7. The kW annunciator is on when the instantaneous power reading is displayed by the meter
8. f enabled, the instantaneous power reading is displayed on the LCD during normal
operation. "ERR is displayed in this area if an error is detected during the self-test
9. Decimal Point indicator is active when floating values of instantaneous power are displayed.
The auto-ranging kW value can be displayed as:

GEH-7827, -210 Encompass Electronic Meter
- 3-1
3. Maintenance Instructions
WARNNG: The information contained within this document is intended to be an aid to
qualified metering personnel. t is not intended to replace the extensive training necessary to
install or remove meters from service. Any work on or near energized meters, meter sockets,
or other metering equipment presents the danger of electrical shock. All work on these
products must be performed by qualified industrial electricians and metering specialists only.
All work must be done in accordance with local utility safety practices and the procedures
outlined in the current edition of the Handbook for Electricity Metering. The handbook is
available from the Edison Electric nstitute, 701 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Washington
D.C. 20004-2696.

3.1 Test Procedures
The procedures described below are suggested test procedures for use with the -210 meter. They
are not intended to supercede or replace local utility operating practices.
3.1.1 Meter 1esting 1ools
The meter is equipped with a light-emitting diode (LED) for verifying calibration and a liquid
crystal display with disk analog. The calibration LED is part of the configuration port as
shown in Figure 3-1. Cc||c|ct|cn |f|
The nfra-Red LED emits optical pulses proportional to kWh accumulation. The output of
the calibration LED is compatible with commercially available test equipment designed to
verify the calibration of watthour meters in the shop and field. Each calibration pulse
represents Kt watthours of energy accumulated by the meter. The duration of each output
pulse is approximately 25 milliseconds.

Figure 3-1: Configuration Port
3.2 Field Accuracy Test

The most accurate way to verify meter calibration is the use of test equipment designed to
compare the meter accumulation to a precision watthour standard. This equipment uses the
calibration pulse output from the meter to gate (start and stop) the standard at precise times
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 3-2
to minimize the measurement uncertainty. The equipment will also typically provide known
regulated loads to the meter and standard during the test. n the event such equipment is
not available, the -210 meter provides two methods for making a reasonable verification of
the meter's accuracy.

1. Disk analog testing
2. nstantaneous demand feature of the -210

3.2.1 Disk Anclog 1esting
The disk analog provides a means of checking the calibration of the meter. There are some
practical limits to this method of testing. For example, if the load on the meter is very low, the
test may take a long time. Conversely, if the load is high, it may be difficult to accurately time
the apparent revolutions of the disk analog display.

For a complete description on the operation of the disk analog feature of -210, refer to
section Real Time Watthour Disk Emulator.

f a load is applied to the meter in service that is constant and reasonably well known, the
accuracy of the meter can be estimated using the time-Watts method of testing. Since the
apparent revolution of the disk analog is equal to the meter Kh, the amount of time required
to accumulate a fixed quantity of energy can be timed with a stopwatch. By observing the
disk analog display, the user can time the apparent revolutions by starting and stopping the
watch when the disk analog has cycled through the required number of revolutions back to
its beginning state.

The accumulation in Wh divided by the accumulation time (in hours) will give a value in Watts
that can be compared to the known value of the load to estimate the meter accuracy.

(Meter Kh * number of revolutions) / (t seconds / 3600) = Metered load in Watts

This method of testing is only applicable to providing a rough estimate of the meter
performance since the actual load in operation is not normally known with a high degree of

A more accurate field test of meter calibration can be performed using a reference watthour
standard and a controlled load as described above. f the reference standard does not support an
interface (optical pickup) for the calibration LED it is often possible to gate the reference standard
manually using a switch.

1. Connect the portable standard and test load to the meter according to the wiring
instructions provided by the test equipment manufacturer.
2. Reset the standard and apply an appropriate test load. A nominal Test Ampere rating
(TA) is indicated on the meter nameplate
3. Observe the disk analog. One complete apparent revolution of the disk analog display
represents Kh Watthours as accumulated by the meter (The Kh value is printed on the
meter nameplate.)
4. When the disk analog appears to transition off of the visible display start the standard
5. Let the disk analog scroll through a predetermined number of evolutions (10, for
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
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6. Stop the standard manually when the disk analog transitions off of the visible display after
the required number of apparent revolutions are complete.
7. Calculate the accumulated Watt-hours as shown in the following equation.
Accumulated Energv (Kh) (the number of complete disk analog cvcles)
8. Compare the results of the calculation to the reading on the reference standard.

The human reaction time in starting and stopping the reference standard is a significant
source of measurement uncertainty when using this test technique. ncreasing the number
of apparent disk revolutions per test can reduce this uncertainty.

3.2.2 Instcntcneous Power 1esting
When enabled, the -210 displays instantaneous power with kW indicator in the lower row of
the LCD. The instantaneous power indication is useful for making a rough estimate of meter
performance by comparing the displayed power to the expected load on the meter. The
result is similar to the time-Watts test method and depends upon reasonably knowing the
applied load and upon the displayed precision of the result. Because the display is auto-
ranging, at low loads the displayed precision can differentiate a load variation of a few watts
of power. The instantaneous power value may be useful for resolving customer questions
about meter performance since no computation is necessary to obtain meaningful data. The
value is also useful to service personnel for providing immediate data on the applied load.

3.3 Shop Test
Shop testing consists of verifying the meter's accuracy.
3.3.1 Meter Shop quipment
The -210 meter has a capacitive type power supply designed to operate at a single nominal
supply voltage. The low burden design of the -210 should be compatible with most
commercially available test equipment. Meters may be tested in any shop that meets the
requirements outlined in the current editions of the Handbook for Electricity Metering
published by the Edison Electric nstitute and the American National Standard Code for
Electricity Metering. fqu|cment Setuc
The meter mounting equipment and its electrical connections must be used as required for
the meter form number on the meter nameplate. For some test equipment, the meter test
link(s) must be opened in order to isolate the meter voltage and current circuits. Refer to the
instructions provided by the test equipment manufacturer to determine if this is necessary.
The -210 meter is also available in non-standard forms without test-links where improved
reliability and/or tamper resistance is desired.
3.3.1. !est|nc
The Watthour constant (Kh) of a meter is defined as Watthours per disk revolution. Because
electronic meters do not rely on disk revolutions to measure energy, the revolutions of the
disk analog, described in Section Real Time Watthour Disk Emulator, are
associated with Kh. Kh is printed on the meter label as a reference to an equivalent
electromechanical meter as required by applicable meter standards.
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 3-4
3.3.2 1est Constcnt
The meter test constant (Kt) is the number of Watthours per calibration pulse. Typically the -
210 Meter is tested like an electromechanical meter. An optical pickup is typically used to
gate a reference standard based upon a fixed accumulation in the meter as indicated by
some quantity of output calibration pulses. Because the pulse-gating method has a very low
measurement uncertainty, good results can be obtained in relatively short test times. n the
-210 meter the Kt value is always fixed at one-tenth the value of Kh. Values of test
constants are shown in the table 3-1 below for various meter forms.

TabIe 3-1 Meter Configuration Data
Form CIass VoIt
2S 320 240 2.0 20.0 8
2S 200 240 1.0 10.0 5
2S 100 240 0.5 5.0 2.5
2S 100 120 0.25 2.5 1.25
1S 100 240 0.5 5.0 2.5
1S 100 120 0.25 2.5 1.25
3S 20 240 0.1 1.0 0.5
3S 20 120 0.05 0.5 0.25
4S 20 240 0.1 1.0 0.5
4S 20 120 0.05 0.5 0.25

3.3.3 Cenercl Wctthour Meter 1est Procedure
To test the meter, proceed as follows:
1. Note the meter Kt value listed on the nameplate.
2. Select the desired voltage and current level(s) on the test equipment. Observe the
appropriate voltage and current ratings for the Device Under Test. Exceeding the device
ratings can result in permanent damage to the meter.
3. nstall the meter in the test socket, making certain that the socket is wired and/or configured
for the appropriate meter form.
4. Align the optical pickup of the test equipment with the calibration LED.
5. Begin testing according to standard test procedures. Allow 15 seconds of settling time after
applying voltage before making accuracy measurements.
6. Under typical test conditions a minimum test time of 30 seconds is needed to reduce test
uncertainty to a level compatible with the accuracy of the -210 meter. (Check the instruction
book for your test board or standard to determine the actual minimum test time.)
3.4 Service
The GE -210 Meter is factory calibrated and requires no routine or scheduled service by the
3.5 Repair
Factory repair or replacement service is offered when you cannot fix a problem. f a problem
can't be corrected, return the whole meter to General Electric as described in the following
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 3-5
3.6 Returning a Meter
f you wish to return a meter, call your General Electric sales representative for a Return
Authorization. The entire meter should be returned with the GE supplied Return Authorization
information form completed. Key information includes quantity, catalog number, serial
number(s) and a complete description of the problem. Your General Electric sales
representative will provide return instructions.
3.7 CIeaning
CAUTION Care must be taken during cleaning not to damage or contaminate any gold-plated
contacts of the connectors.
CAUTION Do not immerse the meter in any liquid.
Do not use abrasive cleaners on the Polycarbonate covers.
Do not use chlorinated hydrocarbon or ketone solvents on the covers.
3.8 Storage
The -210 Meter is a durable device; however, it should be handled and stored with care. The
temperature and humidity levels in storage are not critical; but extremes of either factor
should be avoided.
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 3-6
3.9 Troubleshooting Guide

TabIe 3-1 TroubIeshooting
Sgmptom Probcble Ccuse Remedg
|gh/|ow demond
o. $ocket w|r|ng error.

b. leter |nterno| w|r|ng

c. 0eect|ve sensor.
o. Rew|re occord|ng to opp||cob|e
b. Check thot vo|toge ond current
connectors ore seoted proper|u.
Check the |eods or domoge.
c. Rep|oce meter.
leter overheots a. leter socket hos |nsu|c|ent
copoc|tu or |s not odequote|u
b. leter |s over|ooded.
c. Poor connect|on ot socket
a. Rep|oce meter socket w|th o heovu-
dutu mode|.
b. Use tronsormer roted |nsto||ot|on.
c. Rep|oce socket term|no|.
leter runs s|ow o. $ocket w|r|ng error.

b. leter |nterno| w|r|ng

c. 0eect|ve sensor.
o. Rew|re occord|ng to opp||cob|e
b. Check thot vo|toge ond current
connectors ore seoted proper|u.
Check the |eods or domoge.
c. Rep|oce meter.
No d|sp|ou o. C|rcu|t de-energ|zed.
b. Test ||nk|sl open.
c. leter |nterno| w|r|ng
o. Check c|rcu|t vo|toges.
b. C|ose test ||nks.
c. Check thot the vo|toge |eods ore
proper|u connected. ^|so check the w|res
or domoge.
LRR0R messoge on
o. leter detected on |nterno|
cond|t|on thot mou oect the
meter doto.
o. Rep|oce the meter ond return to
octoru or serv|ce.

3.9.1 Self-1ests cnd rror Codes

The meter performs self-tests periodically. These self-tests are performed when the meter
powers up and once every 24 hours thereafter. The current metering data is stored to non-
volatile memory (NVRAM) prior to performing the periodic self-test. f the meter detects an
error it will repeat the self-test every minute in order to attempt to recover from the condition
causing the error. f the conditions causing the error clear, the meter will resume metering.
f an error occurs, the meter will display "ERROR in the primary display along with the kWh
value at the time the error occurred. The kWh value and "ERROR will alternate on the
display with a 3 second display time and a 0.5 second blank time between display items.
The alternate display will also indicate "ERR continuously. The disk analog display and the
energy direction display will not be operational and the meter will not accumulate energy
when an error is present.
An error display indicates a fault in an electronic subsystem of the meter and indicates a
condition that is not user serviceable.
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
4. InstaIIation Instructions
4.1 GeneraI
WARNING: The GE I-210 meter contains IethaI voItages. The meter shouId never be
disassembIed. FaiIure to observe this practice can resuIt in serious injury or

C^UTl0N. Do not interchange base and electronics module assemblies between meters.
Calibration data stored in meter is particular to a matched base assembly and
electronics module. nterchanging these components causes the meter to lose
4.2 Meter instaIIation

The meter is plugged into a meter socket using standard meter installation practices. The
meter base has current and potential terminals extending outside from the back of the meter.
These terminals engage with the socket jaws, which are connected to the service lines. The
socket jaws provide heavy contact force with the help of spring. n some heavy-duty sockets,
contact force is provided by a handle or wrench.

On powering-up the meter, verify meter operations by observing the display:
- For the first 3 seconds, the register displays an All Segment Test (all display items
shown). f this all segment display is continued after 3 seconds then there is possibly
an error in the installation wiring.
- LCD displays the correct number of digits (4 or 5) for Energy along with "kWh
- Verify the expected direction of energy flow on the display annunciators.

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
5. Site AnaIysis Guides
These site analyses include rudimentary connection diagrams for
identification of metering installation. These diagrams are not metering
installation guides.
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

210 Site Analysis

Form 1S (Self-Contained)
2-wire, 1-phase, 1-element
MO 35
Actual installation procedures,
equipment, and connections must
conform to applicable codes and
PF = 1.0
Lagging Lagging
Single phase
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

210 Site Analysis

Form 2S(Self-Contained)
3-wire, 1-phase, 1-element
MO 21
Accuracy is based on
assumptions which, if
not fulfilled, may
result in systematic
errors unrelated to
meter calibration.
PF = 1.0
Lagging Lagging
Actual installation procedures,
equipment, and connections must
conform to applicable codes and
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

210 Site Analysis

Form 3S (Transformer Rated)
Single phase
2-wire, 1-phase, 1-element
MO 3-5
PF= 1
Lagging Lagging
Actual installation procedures,
equipment, and connections must
conform to applicable codes and

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

210 Site Analysis

Form 3S(Transformer Rated)
3-wire, 1-phase, 1-element
MO 35
PF = 1.0
Lagging Lagging
Actual installation procedures,
equipment, and connections must
conform to applicable codes and
Accuracy is based on
assumptions which, if
not fulfilled, may
result in systematic
errors unrelated to
meter calibration.
: Use
the CTs' ratio
except for wire

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter

210 Site Analysis

Form 4S(Transformer Rated)
3-wire, 1-phase, 1-element
MO 2 1
Actual installation procedures, materials,
equipment, and connections must conform
to applicable codes and standards


PF = 1.0
Lagging Lagging

Accuracy is based on
assumptions which, if
not fulfilled, may
result in systematic
errors unrelated to
meter calibration.





GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 6-1
6. Diagrams

Figure 6-1 ANSI Meter Diagrams
GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 6-2
Figure 6-2 OutIine Drawings

GEH-7827, -210 Electronic Single Phase Meter
- 7-1
7. Index
occurocu, 3-3, 3-4
^N$l, l-2
^N$l Cl2.l0, 2-3
bose, l-2
3otteru, l-6
co||brot|on, 3-l, 3-4
co||brot|on LL0, 3-l
co||brot|on pu|ses, 3-l
c|eon|ng, 3-5
C|ecn|nc, 3-5
commun|cot|ons, 3-l
0oto ^cqu|s|t|on, l-5
||scssemc|u, 4-
d|sk ono|og, 3-l, 3-2, 3-3
0|sk ^no|og Test|ng, 3-2
0|sp|ou, 2-4
d|sp|ou |tems, 2-4
e|ectr|co| connect|ons, 3-3
Cenero| lnormot|on, l-4
Kt vo|ue, 3-2, 3-4
LC0, 2-7
LL0, 3-l, 3-4
||ght-em|tt|ng d|ode, 3-l
||qu|d crusto| d|sp|ou, l-2, 2-
4, 2-7, 3-l
lo|ntenonce, l-4
meter mount|ng equ|pment,
leter $hop Lqu|pment, 3-3
meter test constont, 3-4
l|crocomputer, l-5
nomep|ote, 2-l, 2-2, 3-2, 3-
3, 3-4
Nomep|ote, 2-l
Nonvo|ot||e lemoru, l-6
0PT0C0l, 3-l
Phus|co| 0escr|pt|on, l-2
portob|e stondord, 3-2
Power $upp|u, l-6
pu|se, 3-l, 3-4
|ecc||, 3-5
Reset, 3-2
|etu|n|nc c |ete|, 3-5
$ens|ng 0ev|ces, l-5
sett||ng t|me, 3-4
$toroge, 3-5
te|ev|s|on |ntererence, |||
Test, 2-3, 3-l, 3-3, 3-4, 3-6
test ||nk|sl, 3-3
Test Procedure, 3-4
test t|me, 3-4
test|ng, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4
T|me Keep|ng 3otteru, l-6
Troub|eshoot|ng, 3-6
votthour constont, 3-4
votthours, 3-l, 3-3, 3-4

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