Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
December 20, 2022
No. 242, s. 2022
TO: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Chief Education Supervisors, CID & SGOD
Public Schools District Supervisors
Public and Private Elementary & Secondary School Heads
District Sports Coordinators
All Others Concerned
1. This is to inform the field that 2023 PALARONG PANLALAWIGAN will be on
February 2-4, 2023, at Casiguran District I and II, Casiguran, Sorsogon.
2. This activity aims to:
a. Engage athletes/players in competitive activities while promoting sound
health, safety, and physical fitness.
b. Develop physical talents to the maximum potentials of athletes/players
and coaches in the Division of Sorsogon.
c, Promote the spirit of friendship, camaraderie and sportsmanship among
athletes and coaches.
3. Sports Events to be included are as follows:
Amis (Anyo) Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girl
Athletics Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls
Chess Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls
Dance Sports Elemantary and Secondary
‘Sepak Takraw Elementary Boys and Secondary Boys and Girls
‘Swimming Elementary and Secondary Boys and girls,
Basketball Elementary Boys and Secondary Boys and Girls,
Basketball (3x3) Secondary Boys and Girls
Volleyball Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls
Badminton Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls
tno prs Congln, Bp Sargon y Sgn 70 Pp
Landline: (056) 421-5415 ‘AB
Email: ABM ARORAL ok
Website: Leen
ip 5461/23/05/1163Republic of the Dhilivpines
Bepartment of Education
Region V
‘Table Tennis Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls,
Tennis Elementary and Secondary Boys and Girls
Billiard Secondary Boys and Girls
4, Composition of teams for Team events/sports in Secondary and Elementary
level are athletes/players from one school only including the coaching team. For
individual events/sports, selection of athletes/players coming from different
schools are allowed. Sepak Takraw will have 4 athletes/players only, and the rest
of the sports event will follow the official number of athletes allowed per team.
5. _ To add more fun and excitement for the activity, the Search for Mr. and Ms.
2023 Palarong Panlalawigan will be included. Mechanics, criteria, and other
information regarding this event will be release in a separate communication
through the office of Special Events unit.
6. Competing Teams for this year 2023 Palarong Panlalawigan are the five
Zones composed of Elementary and Secondary Level. Each Zone will be head by
a PSDS/OIC-PSDS who will be in-charge of the respective zone.
7. _ Eligibility Requirements of athletes/players and coaches are as follows:
a) Cut off age for Secondary Level is July 1, 2005 and for Elementary Level,
July 1, 2010,
b) Certificate of enrollment signed by the School Head with LRN
c) PSA/NSO original copy and 1 photocopy
d) Medical Certificate should be at most 15 days before the competition
signed by any Licensed Medical Doctor.
e) Certificate of Membership to School Club signed by School Head
f) Parental Consent
9) Team Gallery
h) Schoo! 1D
i) AR Form
J) 2x2 ID Picture in white back ground (2 copies)
8. __These eligibility requirements shall be submitted on or before January 26-
28, 2023, 8AM - 4PM at Division Screening and Accreditation Committee (DSAC),
Casiguran Central School, Casiguran, Sorsogon.
Balogo Sports Complex, Balogo, Sorsogon City, Sorsogon 4700 |
Landline: (056) 421-5415
cup $461/21/05/1163Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
9. To ensure health and safety in the entire Palaro, The DepEd Order No. 39,
S. 2022 entitled Health and Safety Protocols in the Light of the COVID-19
Pandemic, the COVID-19 risk mitigating measures shall be observed.
10 To facilitate the conduct of the Sports Activity, a planning conference of
Focal Persons, Tournament Managers and DSAC members shall be on January 20,
2023 at Bulwagan ng Karunungan, SDO, Sorsogon City.
11. To ensure an updated and unified rules and regulations of the different
sports event to be used during the competitions, A 3-day Division Sports Clinic for
coaches and officiating officials shall be conducted on January 26-28, 2023 at
Casiguran Central School, Casiguran, Sorsogon. Participants to this activity are
the Officiating Officials listed in the enclosure of this memorandum and the
winning coaches and chaperons representing their respective zones both
elementary and secondary level.
12. Enclosed are the lists of Division Sports Executive Committee, Technical
Management Committee, Technical working Group, DSAC, Tournament Managers
and Sports Officiating Officials.
13. _ Travel and other incidental expenses relative to this activity will be charged
to SEF, MOOE, PTA and other local funds subject to the usual accounting and
auditing rules and regulations.
14. For immediate dissemination.
Schools Diyjsion Superintendet
Balogo Sports Complex, Balogo, Sorsogon City, Sorsogon 4700
line: (056) 421-5415
cap 5461/21/05/1163