Detailed Lesson Plan in Music of Cordillera
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music of Cordillera
Detailed Lesson Plan in Music of Cordillera
a. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of
the representative music from the highlands of Luzon, Mindoro, Palawan,
and the Visayas.
b. Performance Standards The learner performs selected vocal and instrumental music of Cordillera,
Mindoro, Palawan, and the Visayas in appropriate styles.
c. Learning Competencies After this lesson, the learners are expected to:
• Identify the musical characteristics of representative selections of
Cordillera through listening, MU7LV-IIa-f-1;
• Analyze the musical elements of vocal and instrumental music from
Cordillera through listening MU7LV-IIa-f-2;
• Explain the distinguishing characteristics of representative music from
Cordillera in relation to its culture and geography MU7LV-IIa-f-3;
• Evaluate music and music performances applying knowledge of
musical elements and style MU7LV-IIa-f-10.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 64-69
2. Learner’s Material Pages 60-66
3. Textbook Pages None
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson/ Last quarter, we discussed the music of Music in the lowlands of Luzon is divided into
Presenting New Lesson the lowlands of Luzon. What did you 4 categories such as folksongs, liturgical
learn from our discussion? music, and secular music.
What are the different bamboo Bungkaka is played by striking against the
instruments in Cordillera? Give its palm.
Tangali is played through the use of the
Individual activity…
Draw a line to connect the movement The melody of the song “Salidumay” moves
of the notes (Learner’s Material) and from one note to the other in steps and
describe it. leaps.
5. Finding Practical In what important activities are these - Putting the baby to sleep
Application of music utilized? - Healing rituals
Concepts and Skills in - Invocation of the Gods
Daily Living - Wedding and Festivals
a. Making Generalization What are your generalizations about the - Cordillera music is a very much part
and Abstractions lesson? of their life and living.
about the lesson - They have a rich variety of songs and
music performed on instruments.
- Music of Cordillera is often performed
in groups, all members of the
community are welcome and
encouraged to join the singing,
dancing, and playing instruments.
- Music of Cordillera is preserved by
their culture.
b. Evaluating Learning (Group Activity: Identifying music
according to their elements)
Can you enumerate the characteristics There were three or more females singing.
of vocal instrument music of Cordillera? The singing style is characterized by
combinations of syllabic and melismatic
style without accompanying instruments.
Prepared by:
Teacher 1