Quiz Key 8611 AIOU B.ed Help Group
Quiz Key 8611 AIOU B.ed Help Group
Quiz Key 8611 AIOU B.ed Help Group
2: Ramsey (2006) added that “politics is another basic tool that all successful leaders use to
5: Choose the correct parts of Peter‟s model. Describe Analyze Theorize Act 6:
The third stage of the reflective cycle is Evaluation.
7: Practical action research "promotes autonomous, deliberative action which was given the
name of "Praxis".
8: A process that invites the practitioner to become a thinker first and use reflection as a bridge
from tacit knowledge is Reflection.
9: Which one of the following is the first step of Gibbs reflection cycle? Description (Stage I)
10: Critical writing involves writing which evaluates and analyses more than one source in order
to develop an argument.
11: The self-evaluation aspect of action research.
12: A mentor is someone who supports and encourages people to manage their own
13: Communities of practice and knowledge are a concept introduced by Ettienne Wenger.
14: Reflective writing begins with Self-Assessment.
15: Which is the reflective thinking level? Analytical Level
16: first stage of the development as critical thinker is The Unreflective Thinker.
17: Socrates‟ vision of teaching and learning; which goes back not less than 2500 years ago.
18: Learning in a community of practice is not limited to learner.
19: what is think pair share debates pairs are formed and given a statement which they have
to defend after discussion.
20: Isolation resulting from social exclusion can be connected to a person's social class, race,
skin color, ethnicity, living standards, or religion. All above includes.
21: Education, then, is a reflection of the political system of a nation, and always to some extent
the instrument of the national government.
36: Foucault uses the term „power/knowledge‟ to signify that power is constituted through
accepted forms of knowledge, scientific understanding and „truth‟.
37: The disadvantaged‟ is a generic term for those "from lower-income backgrounds" or “from
minority groups”.
38: Reflection is a 'processing' phase where thinking and learning take place.
39: To be critical is not to be "negative" or even to "disagree."
40: Sharing knowledge with other people is exchange of knowledge.
41: Educational concerns may motivate professional organizations and educational planners to
work toward particular goals
42: What should schools not teach? What to think
43: Marxist governments and their wholesale collapse from internal causes between 1989 and
66: „Social exclusion‟ has been conceptualized as social behaviors of dominating social groups
affecting a subgroup of the population and keeping them outside mainstream social systems
and relationships.
97: Praxis “The purpose of the educator and the educated, the leader and the followers in a
dialogue between equal partners is called praxis” (Gur-Ze'ev, 1998).
98: Social class, also known as class society, is a set of concepts in the political and social
sciences theory
99: From the work of Piaget, we get to know about: both
100: Critical Theory in Education cross-examines the Context of compulsory education in the
fields of: all
101: Publishing includes the following stages of development: acquisition, copy editing,
production, printing and marketing and distribution
102: the commercially available critical thinking tests is limited in its ability to adequately
assess changes in students‟ critical thinking abilities
103: the reflective writing process begins with writing what you already know
104: Observation, check lists and questionnaire are used for data… Collection
105: All of the following statements are true for description stage-1 except It is the third step of
106: What are the essential steps for cooperative learning and thinking? Exchange ideas and
propose solutions
107: Who gave a particular reflective cycle?Gibbs
108: Which of the following represent Evaluation phase of the Gibbs reflective cycle? What was
good and bad?
109: Community of practice are group of People who share a passion for something that they
know how to do and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better.