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JD - Digital Intern

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Change the world.

Love your job.

Role Digital Engineering Intern

Location Bengaluru, India

About Texas Instruments India Groups Within TI

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is a global Analog Signal Chain products condition, amplify and
semiconductor company that designs and manufactures convert signals such as sound, temperature, pressure
semiconductors and various integrated circuits. TI is one of or images into digital data to be processed by other
the top-10 semiconductor companies worldwide, based on semiconductors. Our teams design, develop and
sales volume and is focused on developing analog chips market more than 30,000 products for the industrial,
and embedded processors, which account for more than automotive, personal electronics and communications
80% of our revenue. TI has been a pioneer in many markets. When you like a photo on social media, you’re
innovations in the semiconductor domain including the using ASC’s signal conditioning technology. Streaming
development of the first integrated circuit, the first patent on services can push 2000+ video streams/second on
a single-chip microprocessor, the first single-chip linear each server using our interface technology. TI’s
predictive coding speech synthesizer, developing the isolation barrier can withstand a working voltage in an
prototype of the world's first transistor radio and the electric car’s onboard charging system for more than
invention of the digital light processing device (also known 100 years!
as the DLP chip), which serves as the foundation for the
award-winning DLP technology and DLP Cinema (used in Analog Power Products - Power management is at
IMAX theatres). the center of enabling the continued integration of
electronics in our lives. The power management team
TI India was set up in 1985 and has R&D presence for all works towards a constant pursuit of pushing the limits
the major business units of TI including Analog (Data of power: developing new process, packaging and
Converters, Amplifiers, Clocks & Synthesizers, Motor circuit-design technologies to deliver the best devices
Drives, Power Management) and Embedded Processors for various applications. The teams solve key power
(Connected Microcontrollers, Radar, ADAS - Advanced design challenges – increasing power density,
Driver Assistance, Infotainment Processors etc.) and caters extending battery life, reducing electromagnetic
to products for different market segments - Industrial, interference (EMI), enhancing power and signal
automotive, personal Electronics, Communication and integrity, and making systems even safer.
Embedded Processing - Dedicated to advancing and
By employing the world’s brightest minds, TI creates optimizing today’s processors to meet tomorrow’s
innovations that shape the future of technology. TI is helping intelligence, performance and cost requirements in
about 100,000 customers transform the future, today. We’re automotive and industrial applications. When you’re
committed to building a better future – from the responsible driving on the highway and your mirror lights up
manufacturing of our semiconductors, to caring for our notifying you of a car in your blind spot, you’re using
employees, to giving back inside our communities and EP’s radar-based advanced driver assistance systems
developing great minds. Put your talent to work with us – (ADAS) technology. When you turn off the lights or
change the world, love your job! adjust the temperature in your house using your phone,
you might have been using one of TI’s Wi-Fi devices.
Our scalable hardware and software platforms with
common code allow designers to seamlessly reuse and
migrate across devices to protect future investment.
Change the world.
Love your job.

Eligibility Criteria:
• Engineering degree in Electrical, Electronics, or related fields
• CGPA of 7 and above (or equivalent)

Job Description:
The internship will give you a flavor of the real work at TI. You would be assigned to a real time project where
your deliverables will be feed in to the deliverables of your team. You would be assigned a mentor who would
work very closely with you and guide you through the entire process. You will have the opportunity to work in
one of the many exciting areas that TI works on like wireless infrastructure, audio, energy automation,
electronic point of service, industrial automation, infotainment, ADAS, medical imaging, high speed interface,
clocks and synthesizers, automotive, storage, power supply, battery management, linear power, DLP and
many more.
Some projects that Digital Engineering interns have done in the past:
• Exploration of Open FPGA framework
• Automated Clock and Frequency Checkers in SoC DV simulations

• FPGA Prototyping of High Speed Serial Links

• Processor and frequency upgrades for next generation BLE SoCs

• AMS Modelling and Analysis of Thermo-Electric Effects

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