Group 11 LP

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School: St.

Francis Xavier College Grade Level: 10

Teacher: Sweet Sykaye Himo, Jillo Arazan, Allan Melloria Jr., Learning Area: ENGLISH
Ritchie Ostos, Christian Jay Secugal

Date: February 8, 2023 Quarter: 3RD

Section: GRADE 10 Division: SAN FRANCISCO


A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of: world literature as

Standards source of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts between
individuals or groups and nature; strategies in evaluative reading,
writing, listening, and viewing; special speeches for occasions; and
effective use of modification and pronouns.

B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing an independent critique

Standards of a chosen selection and by delivering special speeches that
observe the proper use and acknowledgment of sources and
appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.

C. Learning At the course of the discussion, the students are expected to:
a. find the hidden words;
b. analyze the video “The Merry Adventure of Robin Hood
through a friendly debate”;

c. discuss moralism; and

d. compose a poem and make a slogan using moralism.

D. LC Code EN10RC-IIIa-22.2:

I. CONTENT Moralism

II. Learning Resources

A. References

B. Other Learning Moralist Criticism

“The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood”

III. Procedure Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting
the new lesson

A.1 Preliminaries

⮚ Greetings

⮚ Prayer
Good afternoon, class.

Good afternoon sir.

⮚ Checking of

Christian, please lead the prayer.

Let us bow our heads…

⮚ Reading of
House Rules

Class monitor, who is/are absent today?

None is absent sir,

everyone is present.
Very good! Everyone please read the
house rules that you need to follow during
our discussion.

Listen to instructions.

Engage in activities.

Always try our best.

Respect ourselves and

Not give up.

⮚ Reviewing of the
previous lesson
Can I expect those from you class?

Yes sir.

⮚ Reading of the Very well! Let us all LEARN as we go along

objectives with our lesson for today.

Now, who can still recall our lesson last


Sir, our lesson last

meeting was about
Formalism approach.
At the end of the lesson you are expected

a. find the hidden words;

b. analyze the video “The Merry

Adventure of Robin Hood through
a friendly debate”;

c. discuss moralism; and

d. compose a poem and make a

slogan using moralism.

B. ACTIVITY Hunting Season

Presenting instances of
the new lesson
Before we start our lesson for today, let’s
have first an activity. The class will be
divided into two groups. You may group
yourselves according to the color of the
wrist bands I have given you earlier. Team
Blue will be Group 1 and Team Red will be
the Group 2.

For this activity, you will work as a team. I

have hidden 5 words around the
classroom, what you are going to do is to
find those words and to organize and
paste them in the board.

Each group will be given 3 minutes to

complete the task but the first group to
finish the task will be declared as the

Are my instructions clear?

Very well, you may now start!

Yes, Sir.





Robin Hood





Robin Hood

C. Discussing new Congratulations Team ____ for finishing

concepts and practicing the task first. Now, Let’s give ourselves a
new skills #1 round of applause.

Okay, everyone can you please read your

Very good! I know that we are all familiar “The Merry Adventures
with the story of Robin Hood, right class? of Robin Hood”

That’s great! I have here a video about

“The Merry Adventure of Robin Hood” as
Yes sir.
the video is playing I want you to watch
carefully and listen attentively, am I
understood class?

Very well, everyone lend me your eyes

and ears.

Yes sir.

“The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood”
How was the video class?

It was great sir.

Very good! Now let’s have a friendly

debate. We will be doing this with the
same group. Each group will have a
representative and each representative
will pick a card, each card indicates the
side you will be defending. Are my
instructions clear class?

Okay good, please come forward the

Yes sir.
representative from each group. Each
representative will have 1 minute to
compose an opening statement, after that
I will give each of you 30 seconds each to
say any additional point or opinion. Am I

You may now each pick a card. So here is

the statement. Yes sir.

“Robinhood is considered to be the hero

of the poor however he steal from the
rich. Is Robinhood’s action considered

Card 1


Red Team: We believed

that robinhood’s
Card 2
action considered
DISAGREE correct because he
was just wanted to
help the poor
people from the
Excellent! Everyone I must say I’m
impressed. Class, they deserve a round of Blue Team: We have to
applause. Thank you very much. disagree that
robinhood’s action
is incorrect because
even if he is helping
Now class, after watching the video and
the poor people but
hearing the debate, what do you think is
his way of helping is
the moral of the story?
wrong because it is
against the law.
Sir, to be selfless for
the underprivileged
despite the
Very good! Class, although he is stealing consequences is
from the rich his intentions are actually worthy of admiration
good. His work is what we would call and respect.
“Doing the wrong things for the right
reasons”. Robbing the rich may be a lesser
sin than robbing the poor. .

D. Discussing new Now class when we read a literature, it’s

concepts and practicing common for us readers to learn something
new skills #2 valuable that we can apply to ourselves
like what we have learned from the story
Robinhood. That’s how Moralism works.

Moralism (Moral Criticism) – is a type of literary critique that judges the value of the literature
based on moral or ethical teachings.

Works Associated with Moral Criticism

“The Holy Bible”

“The Tortoise and the Hare”


The story concerns a Hare who ridicules a slow-moving Tortoise. Tired of the Hare's arrogant
behaviour, the Tortoise challenges him to a race. The hare soon leaves the tortoise behind and,
confident of winning, takes a nap midway through the race. When the Hare awakes however,
he finds that his competitor, crawling slowly but steadily, has arrived before him.

Moral Lesson: Slow and steady wins the race. The Tortoise won because he was determined
and did not stop for a second. The hare lost because he was overconfident and had taken his
win for granted.

Do you have any questions class before we


None so far sir.

VALUING Very good, let’s go back to the story.

What have you learned from the story?

For me sir, we should

not be overconfident
with ourselves.

Sir, we should not look

Very good, how about the others? down on others
because we don’t know
their capabilities.

Excellent answers everyone. You all made

a great point. It’s a wonderful thing to be
kind especially this time, we don’t know
what struggles people go through but we
must also limit ourselves where our
kindness doesn’t get abused or there will
be consequences. Did you get me class?
Yes sir.

Very well, I hope you will treasure and

apply those valuable lesson that you have
learned from today’s lesson.

F. Developing mastery Among Us

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
This time, I want you to get a sheet of
paper and we will play a game called
“Among Us”. I will be showing you eight
(8) characters, these characters have
statement attached to them that
symbolizes moralism or morality. What
you are going to do is to identify and write
the color of the impostor that carries a
statement that doesn’t show moralism or

I will only give you 3 minutes to find the

impostor or impostors.

Are my instructions clear class?

Yes sir.

Treat others as you

Always tell the truth. Have patience. Always cheat.
don’t want to be

Respect yourself and

Be generous. Self Righteous.
not others. Do not judge.

Impostors: Red, Purple, Green, and Black.

Okay please pass your papers in front.

Let us reveal the impostors. Who are the


Sir, the impostors are

Green, Red, Purple, and

Excellent! Thank you class.

G. Abstractions about Okay class, let’s do a recap of our topic

the lesson this morning. What is moralism again?

Sir, moralism is a type

of literary critique that
judge the value of the
literature based on its
moral lessons or ethical

Yes, very good. Thank you.

H. Making So class, what have you learned from our

Generalizations lesson for today?

Sir, I learned that

moralism is used to
critique a literary piece
if it has moral lesson
that can be beneficial
or develop the morality
or values of its readers.

That’s great! I believe that you have

mastered our lesson for today.

I. Application Now, with the same team you we will

have another activity. I have here
envelopes that contain different tasks.
Each group will pick an envelope and read
the instructions written inside.

Are my instructions clear class?

Very well, any representative from each

team can pick an envelope. If you don’t Yes sir.
have any question you may start now.

Envelope 1

Compose a poem using moralism.


Content 50%

Organization 30%

Creativity 20%

TOTAL 100%

Envelope 2
Make a slogan about morality.


Relevance 40%

Creativity 30%

Visual Appeal 30%

TOTAL 100%

Are you all done class?

Very good! Okay Blue Team please present

your output first.

Yes sir!
Well done! Red Team please be in front
and present your output.

Great job! You all did great class but there

can only be 1 winner.

For the blue team, I gave you 85% and for

the red team I gave you 90% which means
red team is our winner. Yes sir.

Let’s give ourselves a round of applause,

you all did very well today class.
J. Assignment

Directions: Listen to any inspirational

music and write the lesson you learned
while listening to that music.

IV. Remarks

V. Reflection

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative

B. No. of learners
who requires
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.

D. No. of learners
who continue to

E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
Teacher can
help me solve?

G. What
motivation or
materials did I
which I share
with other

Prepared by: Sweet Sykaye Himo, Jillo Arazan, Allan

Melloria Jr., Rithie Ostos, Christian Jay

Observed by: Jayson B. Osin

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