The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. Upon startup, it encounters errors connecting to the Telegram RPC server, returning an authentication error indicating the authorization key is not registered.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. Upon startup, it encounters errors connecting to the Telegram RPC server, returning an authentication error indicating the authorization key is not registered.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. Upon startup, it encounters errors connecting to the Telegram RPC server, returning an authentication error indicating the authorization key is not registered.
The document contains log messages from launching the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the version launched, executable path, fonts loaded, audio devices available, and OpenGL details. Upon startup, it encounters errors connecting to the Telegram RPC server, returning an authentication error indicating the authorization key is not registered.