The document contains log messages from launching and initializing the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the application version, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices detected, and OpenGL capabilities. The application reads and decrypts settings, accounts, and other stored data before initializing the user interface and starting the server.
The document contains log messages from launching and initializing the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the application version, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices detected, and OpenGL capabilities. The application reads and decrypts settings, accounts, and other stored data before initializing the user interface and starting the server.
The document contains log messages from launching and initializing the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the application version, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices detected, and OpenGL capabilities. The application reads and decrypts settings, accounts, and other stored data before initializing the user interface and starting the server.
The document contains log messages from launching and initializing the Telegram desktop application. It records details such as the application version, directories used, fonts loaded, audio devices detected, and OpenGL capabilities. The application reads and decrypts settings, accounts, and other stored data before initializing the user interface and starting the server.