C10200 (Cu-OF) : ) Incl. Ag

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Technical Datasheet C10200

C10200 (Cu-OF) 18 08 US

Comparable standards: UNS C10200 ● EN CW008A ● JIS C1020

Aurubis designations: C102

Description Oxygen-Free, High Conductivity Copper Cu-OF (99.95 % minimum Cu) offers the
advantages of both Electrolytic Tough Pitch Copper (ETP) and Phosphor deoxidized Copper.
The high purity and absence of deoxidizers accounts for electrical conductivity of 100 %
IACS as well as no susceptibility for hydrogen embrittlement. Due to the absence of oxides in
the structure, Cu-OF is capable of withstanding extra deep drawing and severe forming and
is superior to Cu-ETP in this respect. Cu-OFE is favoured for very critical electrical, electronic
and communication applications.

Composition Cu* O2

[%] (ppm)
99.95 min 10 max
*) Incl. Ag

Physical Melting Density Specific Electrical Thermal Mod. of Coef. of

properties point heat cap. cond. cond. at elasticity therm exp.
at 20°C 20°C at 20°C
[°F] [lb/in³] [Btu/lb°F] [%IACS] [Btu/ft h °F] x1000 ksi [10-6/K]
[°C] [g/cm³] [kJ/kgK] [MS/m] [W/mK] [GPa]
1981 0.323 0.092 100 226 17 9.8
1083 8.90 0.394 58 391 117 17.6

The specified conductivity applies to the soft condition only

Mechanical Tensile Yield Elon- Hard-ness min bend min. bend

properties strength strength gation 2” ratio ratio
Rm Rp0.2 nominal 90° 180°
nominal nominal HR30T
[ksi] [ksi] HV GW BW GW BW
[MPa] [MPa] [%]
26-38 10
Soft 35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
179-262 69
37-46 37 50
H02 (1/2H) 20 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0
255-317 255 90
43-52 45 58
H04 (H) 8 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0
297-359 310 100
47-56 50 60
H06 (EH) 3 2.0 3.0 2.5
324-386 349 105
50-58 52 63
H08 (SH) 3 3.0 4.0
345-400 359 110
52 min 54 61 min
H10 (ES) 2
359 min 373 112 min

Other tempers are available upon request.

GW bend axis transverse to rolling direction. BW bend axis parallel to rolling direction

This leaflet is for general information only. No claims can be derived from it unless there is evidence of intent or gross negligence. The data given are no
warranty that the product is of a specified quality and they cannot replace expert advice or the customer’s own test.
Technical Datasheet C10200

Fabrication Electrical and thermal conductivity superior

properties Corrosion resistance excellent
Resistance to hydrogen embrittlement good
Cold formability good

Typical uses Telecommunication cables, electrical and electronic conductors, contacts and terminals,
printed circuits, carrier tapes, flexible circuits, terminal lugs

Applicable ASTM B152, ASME SB152


This leaflet is for general information only. No claims can be derived from it unless there is evidence of intent or gross negligence. The data given are no
warranty that the product is of a specified quality and they cannot replace expert advice or the customer’s own test.

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