Van Niekerk Et Al. 2011

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Michael van Niekerk, Clive Greenstone and Mike Hickman

Dr. Debra Roberts, Meggan Spires and Nicci Diederichs Mander
eThekwini Municipality, June 2011

Clive Greenstone and Mike Hickman, unless otherwise credited

This guideline has been prepared as part of the Green Roof Pilot Project (GRPP), an
initiative of eThekwini Municipality’s Environmental Planning and Climate Protection
Department. The GRPP was initiated in 2008 as part of the adaptation work stream
of the eThekwini Municipal Climate Protection Programme (MCPP). The aim of the
GRPP is to assess the effectiveness of green roof habitats in Durban in reducing
temperatures and stormwater runoff, both of which are projected to increase as a
result of climate change. The co-benefits of the GRPP in terms of its role in
promoting urban biodiversity are also being assessed.
This guideline forms part of the Green Guideline Series, an initiative of the
Greening Durban 2010 Programme. The aim of the Greening Durban 2010
Programme was to ensure that the 2010 FIFA World CupTM was hosted
in an environmentally sustainable way, and that a positive environmental
legacy was achieved from hosting the event in Durban. As part of
that legacy, the series is now being extended in the post-World
CupTM phase with this new green roof habitat guideline.
The content of this guideline is intended for information
purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. While
every effort has been made to ensure the comprehensive
nature of the information, the suggestions and tech-
nologies contained herein should not be considered
exhaustive. Any liability that arises from the use of
the guideline is excluded.


Abbreviations and Quick Definitions Guide .............................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Green Roof Pilot Project ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Background and Introduction .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Location and Design .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Results .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Structural Considerations ..................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Growing Media ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 Plants .......................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.4 Increasing Biodiversity ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Reducing Stormwater Run-off ............................................................................................. 8
2.3.6 Reduce ‘Urban Heat Island Effect’ ..................................................................................... 9
2.3.7 Food Security ........................................................................................................................... 9
3. Why Create Green Roof Habitats? ...................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Creating Habitats for Biodiversity ................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Reducing Stormwater Run-off ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Reducing Temperature Inside Buildings ...................................................................................... 14
3.4 Reducing the ‘Urban Heat Island Effect’ ...................................................................................... 15
3.5 Extending the Life of Roofs ............................................................................................................ 17
3.6 Reducing Air Pollution ..................................................................................................................... 18
3.7 Improve Working and Living Environment ................................................................................ 19
3.8 Reducing Noise Pollution ............................................................................................................... 20
3.9 Providing Food Security .................................................................................................................. 20
4. How to Create a Green Roof Habitat ................................................................................................ 22
4.1 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. 22
4.1.1 Structural Considerations ................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 Safety Considerations ........................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Roof Slope ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.4 Location ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Types of Green Roof Systems ....................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1 Direct Green Roof System ................................................................................................. 25
4.2.2 Modular Green Roof System ............................................................................................. 27
4.3 Choosing a Planting Medium ......................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Choosing Your Plants ...................................................................................................................... 30
4.4.1 Plant Selection ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.4.2 Plant Themes, Combinations and Communities ............................................................ 36
4.5 Edging .................................................................................................................................................. 38
5. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.1 Irrigation ............................................................................................................................................. 39
5.2 Composting and Garden Waste Management ........................................................................... 41
5.3 Controlling Weeds ........................................................................................................................... 42
5.4 Controlling Pests and Diseases ..................................................................................................... 43
6. Summary and Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 44
7. Existing Green Roof Habitats in Durban ............................................................................................. 45
8. Useful Resources ....................................................................................................................................... 46
8.1 Publications and Articles ................................................................................................................. 46
8.2 Websites ............................................................................................................................................. 46
8.3 Relevant Legislation .......................................................................................................................... 47
8.4 Green Roof Materials Suppliers .................................................................................................... 48
8.5 Green Roof Plant Suppliers ............................................................................................................ 48
8.6 Green Roof Specialists Involved in the GRPP............................................................................. 48

BTU British Thermal Unit KwH Kilowatt-hour
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity LECA Light Expanded Clay Aggregate
CH4 Methane MCPP Municipal Climate Protection Programme
CO2 Carbon Dioxide NOx Nitrous Oxides
CO Carbon Monoxide
O2 Oxygen
DIY Do-It-Yourself
PM Particulate Matter
GHG Green House Gases
GRPP Green Roof Pilot Project SOx Sulphur Oxides
dB Decibel TEEB The Economics of Ecosystems and
EPCPD Environmental Planning and Biodiversity
Climate Protection Department UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
EMA EThekwini Municipal Area on Climate Change
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency VOC Volatile Organic Compound

 " $  
In the context of climate change, an adjustment in Evapo-transpiration occurs when water from the
natural or human systems in response to actual or leaves, stems, flowers and roots of plants have sufficient
expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which mod- heat or energy to turn to vapour.
erates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities 1. ! 
   Food security refers to the availability of basic foods
The variability among living organisms from all sources and how accessible they are.
including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic  %   
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which Green infrastructure refers to the array of products,
they are part: this includes diversity within species, technologies, and practices, such as green roof habitats,
between species and of ecosystems 2. that use naturals systems to enhance overall environ-
   mental quality and provide ecosystem services, such
as filtering air pollution, carbon sequestration, and
Measures the total amount of green house gases
stormwater attenuation5.
(GHG) caused by an activity or a person’s day-to-day
life through the burning of fossil fuels for electricity,   
cooling, transportation etc., and is generally measured Is the roof of a building which has been intentionally
in units of tonnes (or kilograms) of carbon dioxide partially or completely covered with vegetation.
equivalent. %   !
 Is a roof system which is generally deeper than an ex-
Change of climate that is attributed directly or tensive green roof system (i.e. soil depth of 20cm-1m)
indirectly to human activity that alters the composition and is generally intended for recreational use.
of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to &
natural climate variability observed over comparable In the context of climate change, a human intervention
time periods3. to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of green-
house gases6.
Is a system where the vegetation is not planted in &   !
containers or modules, but onto specially designed Is a green roof system where the plants are planted
layers that are placed on top of the existing roof. in portable containers or modules which together
make up the green roof.
The direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems ' (%"
to human well-being4. This is a phenomenon whereby urban areas experience
higher temperatures than the surrounding countryside.
"#   ! This is caused primarily by the change in landcover
Is a roof system which is generally shallower than an from green open spaces to buildings, roads and other
intensive green roof system (i.e. soil depth of less than infrastructure which absorb solar radiation during the
20cm) and not intended for recreational use. day and releases it as latent heat during the night.

1 Based on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) definition.

2 Based on United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) definition.
3 Based on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) definition.
4 Based on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) definition.
5 Based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) definition
6 Based on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) definition.


Durban, like many other cities around the world,

is being challenged by the impacts of global climate *+
change. It is projected that climate change will Climate change is the increase in the average
result in: temperature of the earth’s atmosphere,
Increased temperatures. which produces changes in local weather
Rising sea levels. patterns, and increases sea levels worldwide.
Increased numbers of extreme weather events. These increased temperatures are the result
of Green House Gases (GHG) being emitted
Altered rainfall patterns and seasons.
into the atmosphere, as a result of human
These changes are already being experienced in activities, such as burning fossil fuels, waste
Durban and have and will continue to result in production, and land-use change.
a number of negative impacts for the city’s resi-
dents, such as:
Increased health problems
(e.g. heat exhaustion).
Decreased water availability
(due to irregular rainfall).
Decreased agricultural productivity.
Increased flooding and soil erosion.
Loss of biodiversity.
Damage to infrastructure.
It is projected that Durban will experience an in-
crease in the frequency of severe weather events
in the future. Storms, such as the one depicted
in the image below, result in extensive damage amount of energy that is required to run build-
to houses, businesses, and municipal infrastruc- ings e.g. lighting, cooling, electrical appliances etc.
The building sector, however also has the great-
What most people don’t realise is that the build- est potential for reducing its contribution to cli-
ing sector is responsible for over a third of global mate change through sustainable building design
GHG emissions7. This is mostly due to the large and improved building management.

Flooding of the main

promenade along
Durban's “Golden
Mile” (left) as a result
of the large coastal
storm in March 2007
(Source: EPCPD
(2007), Climate Change:
What Does it Mean for
eThekwini Municipality?)

7 Milford R. (2009), Green House Gas Emission Baselines and Reduction Potentials from Buildings in South Africa, Discussion Document
for United Nations Environment Programme, South Africa.

*  + *  +
A carbon footprint is used to measure the A green roof is the roof of a building which
impact of an activity or a person’s day-to- has been intentionally partially or completely
day life on the environment, and in particular, covered with vegetation. Green roofs are
on climate change. It measures the total also referred to as vegetated roofs, roof
amount of GHGs caused by an activity or a gardens, eco-roofs or living roofs.
person’s day-to-day activities through the
burning of fossil fuels for elec- This guideline will refer to green roofs as
tricity, cooling, transport- green roof habitats, as these vegetated roof
ation etc., and is generally tops can create space or habitats for birds,
measured in units of tonnes butterflies, and other insects, within urban
(or kilograms) of Carbon areas.
Dioxide (CO2) equivalent.

One of the ways in which a building can reduce

its carbon footprint is through the creation of
a green roof habitat.
In addition, green roof habitats can also play an
important role in providing “green infrastruc-
ture”8 in the urban environment.
The aim of this guideline is to provide a step-by-
step guide for creating a green roof habitat on
your building, thereby transforming Durban’s
empty rooftops to green roof habitats. This
An example of traditional buildings with green
would contribute positively to the creation of a
roofs in the Faroe Islands, Denmark (source:
healthier, more sustainable, and resilient urban
Erik Christensen).

It is estimated that ecosystems, such as oceans, forests, and grasslands, absorb 40% of CO2
emissions from fossil fuels. However, changes in land-use and deforestation decrease the extent
and functionality of these ecosystems, decreasing the amount of CO2 that can be absorbed and
increasing the amount of CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. In addition, it is estimated that the
processes of land-use change and deforestation are responsible for 20% of global GHG emissions.
Green roof habitats, such as ones depicted below, create natural ecosystems which can capture
certain GHGs and release oxygen, contributing positively to global climate protection and local
air quality.

The Mountain Co-op in Toronto shown on the left (source: and city hall in
Chicago shown on the right (source: are two of the best known green
roofs in the world.

8 Refer to quick definitions guide.

,  .. /


The green roof pilot project (GRPP) is part of

the eThekwini Municipality’s Municipal Climate
Protection Programme (MCPP). This programme
was initiated in 2004 by eThekwini Municipality’s
Environmental Planning and Climate Protection
Department (EPCPD) to better understand the
vulnerability of the city to the impacts of climate
change and to identify appropriate climate change
adaptation and mitigation interventions.
The overall aim of the programme is to make
Durban more resilient to existing and future cli-
mate challenges. Projections suggest that climate
change will exacerbate the already high temp-
eratures experienced in the city as a result of the
‘urban heat island effect’9 and increase levels of
surface run-off and flooding that result from the
hardening of permeable surfaces in the city10.
The aim of the GRPP is to explore the potential
benefits of green roof habitats in reducing
temperatures and stormwater run-off, thereby
enhancing the city’s adaptive capacity. However,
in comparison to cities around the world, such
as Stuttgart, Singapore, Chicago, Toronto, Tokyo,
Linz, and Montréal, where the use of green roofs
is well developed, experience in the creation of
green roof habitats in South Africa, and in Durban,
is limited.
The suitability of a range of indigenous plants
In addition, little or no primary research is cur- for green roof habitats.
rently being undertaken in South Africa on the
The extent to which green roof habitats can
benefits and complexities of green roof applica-
reduce stormwater run-off.
tions. One of the objectives of the GRPP is there-
fore to better understand how to create these The extent to which green roof habitats can
green roof top habitats in Durban using local res- reduce the temperature of buildings and the
ources. ‘heat island effect’.
In order to achieve the goals of the GRPP, the The extent to which green roof habitats can
following research questions are in the process contribute to food security.
of being investigated: And most importantly, the extent to which
The structural considerations and implica- green roof habitats promote biodiversity in
tions of green roof habitats. the inner city.
The advantages and disadvantages of differ- The project was initiated in 2008 by eThekwini
ent green roof systems. Municipality’s Environmental Planning and Climate
The types of growth media available and Protection Department (EPCPD) and is still on-
their characteristics. going.

9 See section 2.3.6 for more information on the ‘urban heat island effect’.
10 See EPCPD (2007), Climate Change: What Does it Mean for eThekwini Municipality? for more information.


The GRPP is situated on the roof of a building The GRPP was divided into three areas, as shown
in the City Engineers Complex at 166 KE Masinga in the image (below):
Road (Old Fort Road), Durban. As shown in the Areas where a direct green roof system11 was
figures below, this roof was selected for the used (see section 4.2.1 for more information).
GRPP for the following reasons: Areas where a modular green roof system12
It is a flat roof with easy access. was used (see section 4.2.2 for more infor-
The roof is highly visible to those that visit mation).
the City Engineers Complex. And control areas13.
The carrying capacity of the roof was assessed
by a structural engineer and found to be suitable
for the project. The entire area of the green roof
habitat is approximately 550m2.

Aerial view of the GRPP in 2009 showing loca-

tion of areas where direct green roof systems
were used (dark green), areas where modular
green roof systems were used (light green), and
control areas (red). The layout of the GRPP was
The roof used for the GRPP consists of two amended in 2011 to allow for the testing of dif-
flat slabs on either side of a raised arch. ferent edging for direct green roof applications.

A structural engineer determined the carrying The following weights were recorded, depending
capacity of the roof selected for the GRPP prior on the plants used:
to start of construction. The loading capacity of
the roof was estimated to be between 100-150kg & * * ,
per m2. 12 12 12
Modules to be used in the GRPP were weighed 7.5 15-25 80
when fully planted and saturated with water in 10 30-40 85
order to determine the load which would be
placed on the roof structure. 20 40-50 90

11 Is a roof system where the vegetation is not planted in containers or modules, but onto specially designed layers that
are placed on top of the existing roof.
12 Is a roof system where the plants are planted in portable containers or modules which together make up the green roof.

13 Control areas were included in the GRPP so that the results of the project could be verified. These areas allow for the

comparison of measurements from treated or green roof habitats and untreated or blank roofs.

It was not necessary to measure the loading
weight of the direct green roof system as this was
deemed to be similar to that of the modular green
roof system, as the growing medium and growing
medium depth would be the same for both
Based on these results, the roof was determined
to have adequate loading capacity for the GRPP.
For more information on structural consider-
Planted modules being weighed at the eThek-
ations when creating your green roof habitat see wini Municipality’s soil laboratory.
Section 4.1.2.

,-3-, 4&
A number of locally available organic and inorganic These media were weighed when dry and sat-
growing media were investigated as part of the urated to determine the resulting loading capacity.
GRPP. These included vermiculite, perlite, potting As shown in the table below, vermiculite and
mix, compost, Berea red sand, ash, crushed brick, perlite were the lightest media, while crushed
and Light Expanded Clay Aggregate (LECA). brick and Berea red sand were the heaviest.

&  * 0 12 ! * 0 12

Perlite 174 461
Vermiculite 178 596
Potting mix 337 749
Compost 264 760
Ash 786 878
LECA 784 930
Brick crushed 1,200 1,400
Berea red sand 1,500 1,800

Saturated growing media

being weighed at the
eThekwini Municipality’s
soil laboratory (left) and
saturated samples to be
weighed (right).

Due to the loading capacity restrictions of the cessful in supporting plant growth. However, the
roof selected for the GRPP, specialised growing mixture containing the Berea red sand was much
media were developed. Three combinations heavier than the other media tested and as a
were tested at the start of the project: result a shallower soil depth of between 5cm and
1. A mixture of 60% compost, 20% vermiculite, 7cm had to be used. This is significant because
soil depth is one of the most important factors
and 20% perlite. With the exception of two
effecting plant growth. Plants generally tend to
areas, this medium was used on all green roof
do better in deeper soils. In comparison, the
habitat areas.
growing medium which contained only potting
2. A mixture of 50% Berea red soil, 20% com- mix was found to be less successful in supporting
post, 15% vermiculite, and 15% perlite. This plant growth. This is likely due to its high organic
mixture was only used in one area. content.
3. Only potting mix. This mixture was only used
For more information on choosing the correct
in one area.
growing media for your green roof habitat see
It was found that both mixtures 1 and 2 were suc- Section 4.2.

,-3-3. An entomologist from the Durban Science Mu-
seum identified the insects to their morpho-
As part of the GRPP, a broad spectrum of indig- species (insects with different morphologies are
enous plant species were planted to determine considered to be different species).
which species are suitable for creating green roof
habitats. The majority of these plants were sour- The most recent survey period started on 26
ced from within 50km of the project site, and October 2010 and ended on 07 February 2011.
are therefore considered to be locally indigenous. During this period, a large number of insects
(2,898 in total) from several different species (nine
In total, 81 indigenous plant species were tested. orders of insects) were caught. Of this, only 24
Of these, insects were caught in the control trays.
37 were found to be suitable for creating
green roof habitats. For more detailed results on the biodiversity of
the GRPP see Section 3.1.
44 were found to not be suitable for creating
green roof habitats.
In general, most of the plant species which did
,-3-6 ! 4  $
not survive required more watering or space Urban areas are dominated by hard and imperm-
than could be provided on the roof. Water and eable surfaces, from which there is substantial
space will be the key limiting factors for many stormwater run-off. This increases the burden
green roof habitats. Some of the plant species on existing stormwater management infrastruc-
which did not survive were also found to be ture, particularly during heavy rainfall events. A
more prone to pest infestations than others. key objective of the GRPP was to determine the
For more information on choosing the correct extent to which a green roof habitat can con-
plants for your green roof habitat see Section 4.3. tribute to reducing stormwater run-off.
In the initial stages of the GRPP, a simple system
,-3-5%    was set up to collect and measure stormwater
run-off. The system comprised rain gauges (placed
A key objective of the GRPP was to determine on the north and south side of the GRPP) and two
the extent to which green roof habitats can 250 litre barrels placed below each of the three
promote biodiversity in urban areas, and in rainwater outlets from the GRPP (six barrels in
particular the Durban city centre. total). A dial stick was then used to measure the
In order to determine what insects were being amount of rainwater collected in the drums.While
attracted to the GRPP, eight pan trays were this system could measure the effectiveness of
placed at regular intervals on the green roof. the different areas of the GRPP in reducing the
These were half filled with water containing a amount of stormwater run-off, it could not mea-
small amount of dishwashing liquid14. The trays sure the effectiveness of the different areas of the
were left out for between three and seven days GRPP in reducing the velocity of the stormwater
at a time, depending on the weather. Two pans run-off. EThekwini Municipality’s Coastal, Storm-
were also set out at a parking area in the Durban water, and Catchment Management Department
Natural Science Museum grounds to act as con- then installed a more sophisticated system con-
trols. The pans were then drained through a sisting of electronic tipping rain gauges (placed
strainer to separate the insects from the water. on the north and south side of the GRPP), water
The collected insects were placed in collection usage meters (placed on the north and south side
bottles containing 70% ethanol to preserve them. of the GRPP), four water run-off loggers (three

Gaudy Commodore (Precis octavia) larvae feed on the Crassula sarmentosa planted on the GRPP
(left). Mature butterfly (right).

14 The dishwashing liquid breaks the surface tension of the water, preventing insects from escaping.

have been placed underneath different areas of
the direct green roof system and one under the
blank roof), and data loggers (situated on each of
the water run-off loggers).This system was able
to measure not only the amount of stormwater
run-off from the different areas of the GRPP, but
also the velocity of the stormwater run-off.
It was found that run-off from both the direct and 250 litre drums initially used to collect and
modular green roof systems was significantly low- measure stormwater run-off from GRPP (left).
er than the run-off from the blank roof. For more The barrels were later replaced with water run-
detailed results on the reduction of stormwater off loggers to measure the amount and velocity
of stormwater run-off from the GRPP (right).
run-off from the GRPP see Section 3.2.

,-3-8 9' (%":

Another key objective of the GRPP was to deter- air temperature above the GRPP. It was also
mine the extent to which a green roof habitat can found that the air temperature above the direct
contribute to reducing the ‘urban heat island green roof system was higher than the temper-
effect’ in Durban. The ‘urban heat island effect’ atures below both the modular and direct green
is a product of the hard concrete, brick, stone, roof systems, but not as high as the air temper-
and blacktop surfaces, which occur in cities and ature on the blank roof.
absorb and retain heat. These surfaces trap and For more information on the cooling benefits of
store the sun’s heat during the day, and release green roof habitats, as well as more detailed
it back into the surrounding environment (see results from the GRPP, see Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
Section 3.3 for more information).
A number of temperature probes were installed Temperature
in the following areas of the GRPP to measure probe within a
air temperature fluctuations. Probes were placed: Stephenson
screen to
In a Stephenson screen above the GRPP to measure ambient
measure the ambient air temperature (see
air temperature
image on the right).
above the GRPP.
Under the modules to measure the air temp-
erature below the modular green roof system.
Under the direct green roof system to mea- ,-3-7! 
sure the air temperature below the direct
green roof system. A key objective of the GRPP was to determine
the extent to which vegetables can be grown on
In the roof membrane of the control area to
measure the air temperature of a blank roof. a rooftop, and thereby contribute to local food
On the surface of the direct green roof system security.
to measure the air temperature above the A broad spectrum of vegetables were grown to
direct green roof system. test their suitability. This included eggplant, cab-
It was found that air temperatures were signifi- bage, tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, basil, spinach,
cantly higher on the blank roof than temperatures nasturtium, green peppers, spring onion, chillies,
below both the modular and direct green roof and celery. With the exception of cabbage, cauli-
systems. Air temperatures below the two green flower, lettuce, basil, nasturtium, and celery, all
roof systems were very similar to the ambient the other vegetables were grown successfully.

Vegetables were planted in 20cm deep modules in a growing medium containing only potting mix.

3*   ( +

3-) (    

Durban is situated in the middle of a biodiversity

“hotspot”. This is a term that is used to describe *  +
areas that have the richest, but also the most Biodiversity, or biological diversity, refers to
threatened collection of plant and animal life on variability among living organisms from all
earth. In Durban alone, there are over 2,000 plant sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine
species15, 82 terrestrial mammal species, and 380 and other aquatic ecosystems and the eco-
species of birds. There are also 69 species of logical complexes of which they are part. This
reptiles, 25 endemic invertebrates, and 37 frog includes diversity within species, between
species16. species and of ecosystems17.
Biodiversity can be used to measure the
Biological biodiversity is under threat from a range health of a region where greater biodiversity
of factors, including habitat loss, exploitation of implies greater health.
species, climate change, and the spread of invasive Biodiversity could be seen as the engine which
alien species. In 2007, it was estimated that more drives the provision of ecosystem services,
than 60% of the 2,000km2 eThekwini Municipal such as food, safe drinking water, and clean
Area (EMA) had been transformed by urban air - which contribute to human well-being.
development and agriculture and that a number Losses in biodiversity and changes in ecosys-
of ecosystems were, and still are, under serious tem services can thus result in declining human
threat18. well-being, and even exacerbate poverty.
One way of bringing biodiversity back into the
urban areas, and in particular the city centre, is
through the use of empty rooftops to create green
roof habitats. There are a number of large, flat and
empty rooftops throughout Durban which could
be developed into a network of green spaces,
providing important natural habitats for birds,
reptiles and insects. It is not only large buildings
in the city centre, however, which could be used
to create green roof habitats. The roofs of most
houses and outbuildings in the suburban areas
could also potentially be used to create habitats
(Source: Myles Mander)
that will attract interesting and unusual wildlife.
Green roof habitats create open spaces or areas
of natural habitat within the city centre which can
attract interesting creatures, such as butterflies,
millipedes, frogs, lizards, and birds. These habitats
can also play an important role in providing green
“stepping stones” between fragmented open spa-
ces in urban areas. The figure on the right shows
how these stepping stones could help create green
corridors between large open spaces, encouraging
the movement of mobile species, such as birds
and insects. Also shown is the extent to which Aerial view of the Durban city centre near South
Beach with potential green roof habitats superim-
green roof habitats can potentially increase the
posed (adapted image from
net coverage of open spaces within the city centre.

15 According to PRECIS (2007).

16 EThekwini Municipality (2007), Biodiversity Report 2007. Local Action for Biodiversity.
17 See United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at for more information.
18 EThekwini Municipality (2007), Biodiversity Report 2007. Local Action for Biodiversity.

The GRPP found that green roof habitats have significant potential to bring biodiversity back into
urban areas, and in particular, the city centre.
In the GRPP, a total of 2,898 insects were caught during the survey period. Of these, 2,874 were
caught on the green roof and 24 were caught in the control area. The average catch on the green
roof for each of the sample periods was 221 insects, with the highest catch on a single day being
365 insects (18 January 2011 below). In contrast, the average catch on the blank roof (control
area) was 2 insects, with the highest catch on single day being 11 insects (16 November 2010 below).


Number of Insects


Green Roof
Blank Roof

27 Oct 03 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 Nov 01 Dec 08 Dec 15 Dec 22 Dec 29 Dec 05 Jan 12 Jan 19 Jan 26 Jan 02 Feb
2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Sampling Days

Total number of insects caught on the green roof and on the control area between 27 October
2010 and 02 February 2011.

As shown in the figure below, a total of 66 different insect species were caught on the green roof.
This included flies, wasps, beetles, ants, butterflies, moths, true bugs and thrips. It is interesting
to note that the presence of true bugs and butterflies indicates that a relatively healthy ecosystem
is starting to develop on the green roof.




130 133 126
200 55 4 3 2


Types and numbers of individuals caught on the green roof during survey period.

This does not mean that only insects will be attracted to your green roof habitat. A number of
birds, such as those shown below, have been recently seen on the green roof. Many of these
birds, such as the Paradise fly-catcher, are attracted by the insects, their main source of food.

Paradise fly-catcher
(left), White-Breasted
Sunbird (centre), and
Black-eyed Bulbul
(right) (source:

This project has shown that it is important to use a diverse choice of plants as this will attract a
greater variety of insects and birds.

Creating habitat or refuges for biodiversity is services which green roof habitats can provide
only one of a suite of very important ecosystem us with.

* "! +

Ecosystems services refer to the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to human well-
being. The suite of services provided by ecosystems can be grouped into four broad categories:
Provisioning services e.g. food, water, wood and fibre etc.
Regulating services e.g. climate regulation, flood regulation, disease control etc.
Cultural services e.g. aesthetics, spiritual, educational etc.
Supporting services e.g. nutrient cycling, soil formation etc.
Green roof habitats can for example provide the following services:

Provisioning Services Food e.g. vegetables Ornamental resources

(Products obtained from Natural medicines Maintenance of genetic diversity

Regulating Services Improve air quality e.g. pollution Water regulation e.g. attenuate
(Benefits obtained from Global and local climate regulation stormwater run-off
regulation of ecosystem e.g. reduce ‘heat island effect’ Pollination

Cultural Services Aesthetic values Sense of place

(Non-material benefits Inspiration Educational
obtained from ecosystems) Social relations Cultural heritage values

Supporting Services Provision of habitat e.g. birds, Primary production e.g.

(Processes which support butterflies, etc. photosynthesis
provisioning, regulatory Production of atmospheric oxygen Water cycling
and cultural services)

Ecosystem services that green roof habitats could potentially supply (adapted from Millennium
Ecosystems Assessment 2005)

Some of these ecosystem services are discussed further in more detail.

3-, ! 4  $

Cities generate a substantial amount of acceler- Projections suggest that climate change will ex-
ated stormwater run-off as a result of large areas acerbate this situation by increasing the frequency
of impervious surfaces, such as roof tops and and intensity of rainfall events. This can result in
roads. This is channeled into the city’s storm- extensive flooding and possible damage to houses,
water drainage system, from which it is discharged businesses, and municipal infrastructure, as de-
into rivers or the sea. In the case of Durban, this picted below.
can result in the capacity of the city’s stormwater
drainage systems being exceeded, resulting in the Green roof habitats can capture and absorb rain-
flooding of rivers and streams, and possible de- water, thereby reducing, and delaying storm-
struction of property and loss of life. water run-off from roof tops.

Several small towns on

the KwaZulu-Natal
south coast were
flooded in June 2008
when heavy rainfall
resulted in a number of
rivers overflowing
(source: John Gore).

Results from the GRPP indicate that green roof habitats can significantly reduce stormwater
run-off from a roof top. As shown in the below graph, the peak flow from a green roof habitat
(green and yellow) is far lower than that of a blank roof (orange) during a rainfall event.


Litres per Minute


8 Rainfall (mm)
Blank Roof (Control)
6 Green Roof (Direct)
Green Roof (Modules)

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00

Comparison of rainfall run-off from the green roof and blank roof from 19:00 on 13 February
2010 to 03:00 on 14 February 2010

This significantly decreases the amount of stormwater that discharges into the stormwater
system, and therefore the rivers at any one time, reducing the risk of flooding, damage to
property, and possible loss of life.
It is important to note that the green roof habitat also substantially delays the peak run-off. It
holds back the stormwater and releases it slowly over a longer period of time. This reduces
the pressure on stormwater infrastructure during heavy rainfall events.

The ability of green roof habitats to attenuate off levels do not exceed pre-development storm-
stormwater can also provide a cost saving for water run-off levels. Green roof habitats can
new developments. The eThekwini Municipality’s potentially offset the cost of constructing ex-
Coastal, Stormwater and Catchment Manage- pensive on site stormwater attenuation features,
ment Department require that all new develop- such as concrete attenuation tanks or attenuation
ments attenuate stormwater run-off on site to dams, by reducing the amount and rate of run-
ensure that post-development stormwater run- off.

American researchers compared the costs of constructing a green roof habitat, such as the one
shown below on the left, to attenuate stormwater run-off, as an alternative to an underground
stormwater attenuation tank, such as the one shown below on the right19.

Examples of a green roof habitat (source: and underground stormwater

attenuation tank (source:

The study showed that the initial cost of constructing a green roof habitat is 45% more than the
detention vault (R125 per square foot vs. R85 per square foot)20. The annual maintenance costs
of a green roof habitat are however 25% lower than that of a detention vault (R60,000 vs. R80,000).

19 Source:
20 Cost estimations have been converted to rand values based on exchange rate of R8 to $1.

The study also showed that if the following benefits of a green roof habitat are factored in, the
additional costs of establishing a green roof are significantly offset:
More than doubles the lifespan of the roof.
Reduces heating and cooling costs in the building.
No loss of space for detention pond or disruption during construction period.
Potential to increase rental due to more aesthetically pleasing work environment.
Social benefits, such as greater worker productivity.

Germany has started introducing tariffs for depth of 10cm can reduce annual stormwater
stormwater run-off which accumulates on run-off by as much as 50%, thereby effectively
impervious surfaces, such as roof tops. Studies halving the amount of run-off, which would be
have shown that a green roof habitat with a soil subject to annual fees, from the roof 21.

3-3 ;  %

Durban experiences a sub-tropical climate with ding of the building, through
high temperatures and high levels of humidity, evapo-transpiration, and
particularly in summer. Buildings in Durban are improved insulation.
generally energy intensive, requiring high volumes
of electricity for cooling. This is often the result
of poor building design, that is, architectural (4 $  
design has not allowed for the free movement of  +
air or ventilation through the building. Projections Evapo-transpiration occurs when water from
suggest that climate change will exacerbate the the leaves, stems, flowers and roots of plants
already high temperatures in Durban, increasing have sufficient heat or energy to turn to
the need for and use of energy intensive cooling vapour. As the faster moving water molecules
systems, such as air conditioning. break free and rise up into the atmosphere,
the slower moving molecules remain behind.
Green roof habitats can reduce the demand for
This process results in a cooling of plants,
energy intensive cooling of the inside of buildings, and thus the surrounding environment.
and hence GHG emissions22, through direct sha-

Green roof habitats, such as the one on the building of the Master Builders Association (left) and
the GRPP (right), have the potential to significantly reduce the temperature inside the buildings.

21 Porsche U. and Köhler M. (2003), Life Cycle Costs of Green Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil, Paper presented
at the World Climate & Energy Event, Rio de Janeiro.
22 The majority of South Africa’s electricity is generated by coal-powered fire stations which release large amounts of

CO2 into the atmosphere. Reducing the use of electricity reduces the amount of electricity which must be generated
and therefore the pollution of the atmosphere.

A study undertaken by Canadian researchers found that green roof habitats were very effective
in reducing a building’s energy demands23.
The results show that a conventional roof (shown in blue in the figure below) absorbs solar
radiation during the day, creating a high daily energy demand for cooling internal air spaces. In
contrast, the growing medium and plants of a green roof habitat reduce the heat flow through
the roof by providing shading, insulation, and evaporative cooling (shown in green below). It was
found that the green roof habitat reduced the daily energy demand for cooling by 95% from 19.3
kWh or 7,080 British Thermal Unit (BTU) per m2 for a building under a conventional roof to
0.9 kWh or 324 BTU per m2 for a building under a green roof habitat.

Heat Flow (kWh/day)

Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

2000 2001 2002

Reference Green

Average daily heat flow through roof systems from 22 November 2000 to 30 September 2002

In addition, the study also found that a green roof habitat can reduce heat loss from a building
by approximately 26% during the winter months, reducing the energy demand for heating from
44.1 kWh or 16,200 BTU per m2 to 32.8 kWh or 12,120 BTU per m2.

Studies in Germany have shown that a green roof habitat can decrease the ambient temperature
in underlying rooms by 3-4°C 24.

3-5 9' (%":

As mentioned earlier, Durban experiences high otherwise be the case. This is known as the
temperatures and high levels of humidity in the ‘urban heat island effect’.
summer months.This situation is exacerbated in
the city centre where there is a higher surface Green roof habitats can significantly reduce the
area of heat absorbing materials, such as con- temperature of a rooftop by providing shade, in-
crete, asphalt, and steel, than the surrounding sulation and evaporative cooling, thereby contrib-
countryside. These materials act as a heat sink, uting to the reduction of the ‘urban heat island
resulting in higher temperatures than would effect’ in the inner city.

23 Liu K. and Baskaran B. (2003), Thermal Performance of Green Roofs Through Field Evaluation, NRCC-46412, National
Research Council, Ottawa.
24 Porsche U. and Köhler M. (2003), Life Cycle Costs of Green Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil, Paper presented

at the World Climate & Energy Event, Rio de Janeiro.

*9' (%":+
This is a phenomenon where urban areas experience higher temperatures than the surrounding
countryside. On average, temperatures can be between 5°C and 15°C higher in urban areas
than in rural areas. This effect is caused primarily by the change in landcover from green open
spaces to buildings, roads and other infrastructure which absorb solar radiation during the day
and release it as latent heat during the night (see figure below).

Surface Temperature (Day) Air Temperature (Day) Surface Temperature (Night) Air Temperature (Night)



Rural Suburban Pond Warehouse Urban Downtown Urban Park Suburban Rural
or Industrial Residential Residential

Increase in day and night time air and surface temperatures as you move from the rural areas to the
urban areas (source:

Projections suggest that climate change will exacerbate the already high temperatures in Durban,
contributing significantly to the city’s existing ‘urban heat island effect’.

Results from the GRPP show that green roof habitats can significantly reduce ambient air
temperatures.Temperature readings taken above the green roof (shown in green below) were
found to be considerably lower than temperatures taken above the blank roof (shown in orange
below).The average ambient air temperature above the green roof and blank roof was 22°C and
41°C respectively from 24 March 2009 to 24 November 2009.

Temperature (Degrees Celsius)


50 Blank Roof
Green Roof



25 Mar 25 Apr 25 May 25 Jun 25 Jul 25 Aug 25 Sep 25 Oct 25 Nov

Average temperature readings taken on blank and green roofs from 24 March 2009 to 24
November 2009. All temperature readings were taken at 13:00.

On average, there was an 18°C temperature difference between the green roof habitat and blank
roof from March to November 2010. However, on 28 November 2010, the difference in ambient
temperature above the green roof (24.2°C) and the blank roof (60.4°C) was 36.2°C.
It was also found that the green roof habitat reduced or moderated daily temperature fluctuations.
On average, there was a 2.7°C fluctuation in ambient temperatures above the green roof habitat
with a maximum difference in temperature between the lowest and highest reading of 17.6°C.
In contrast, the average fluctuation in ambient temperatures above the blank roof was 9.8°C,
with a maximum difference in temperature between the lowest and highest reading of 45.6°C.

Thus, there exists a significant opportunity to tops. This refers not only to empty roof tops in
reduce the ‘urban heat island effect’ in Durban the city centre, but also densely developed
by creating green roof habitats on empty roof suburban areas.

Conventional roofs, such as those covered roof by reducing temperature fluc-
by bitumen, asphalt, or gravel, deteriorate tuations and exposure of the roof
over time due to extreme temperature surface to ultraviolet light, wind,
fluctuations (see Section 3.4), the negative rain, and hail. This results in reduced
impact of ultraviolet light, and exposure to maintenance costs. It also decreases
wind, rain and hail. In general, roof replacement the disruption to building users during
is required every 20 years. maintenance work and the amount of waste
European studies show that green roof habitats material that needs to be disposed of at a landfill
can easily double the life span of a conventional site 25.

A study by German researchers compared the life cycle costs of different roof types26.
  =  =#   
;           ;
1 <,2  1 2  1 2  1 <,2 1 <,2 1 <,2
Bitumen 320 27 10 15 (6 x 320)1920 160 2,560
Gravel 400 15 15-20 (5 x 400) 2000 200 2,360
Extensive green 680 - Occasional 320 160 1,480
roof habitat

As shown in the table above, over a 90 year period, the total cost of an extensive green roof
habitat is the lowest at R1,480 per m2. In comparison, gravel roofs, such as the one shown below
on the left, cost 60% more than a green roof habitat. Bitumen roofs, such as the one shown
below on the right, cost 70% more than a green roof habitat.

Example of a typical gravel roof (source: and a typical bitumen

roof (source:

It is important to note that while the construction costs of gravel and bitumen roofs are
substantially lower than that of a green roof habitat (70% - 225)%, the renovation costs over
the lifecycle of the roof are significantly higher (500% - 600%).

25 Peck S. and Kuhn M. Design Guidelines for Green Roofs,

26 Porsche U. and Köhler M. (2003), Life Cycle Costs of Green Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil, Paper presented
at the World Climate & Energy Event, Rio de Janeiro.
27 Cost estimations have been converted to rand values based on exchange rate of R8 to $1.

Air pollution is generally concentrated in densely Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), and Partic-
populated urban areas, particularly where there ulate Matter (PM) into the air, which can be
is heavy industry or large numbers of motor ve- harmful to human health and the environment.
hicles (see images below). These anthropogenic Poor air quality can result in a number of health
sources of pollution introduce pollutants, such effects, including difficulty in breathing, coughing,
as Sulphur Oxides (SOX), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardio-
Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), vascular conditions.

Vehicle exhaust fumes (source: and industrial emissions (source: Michael van
Niekerk) are two of the main sources of air pollution in many cities.

Some types of pollutants, such as Carbon Dioxide does this by trapping the fine, airborne particles
(CO2), Nitrous Oxide (NOX), and Methane (CH4) on the moist surfaces of the leaves. Rain then
also contribute to global warming and climate washes the trapped particles into the soil. Plants
change. also absorb gases, such as CO2, during photo-
Studies, such as the ones presented below, have synthesis, while at the same time releasing oxygen
shown that vegetation is relatively effective in (O2). Green roof habitats can therefore play an
removing pollutants and GHGs from the air. It important role in improving air quality.

Canadian researchers estimate that each square metre of green roof habitat can remove ± 200g
of PM from the air each year28. Based on this research, a green roof habitat of 6m2 can absorb
roughly the amount of PM that one passenger vehicle will emit in a year29.
Similarly, a modeling exercise undertaken in Washington DC, examined the air quality benefits
of establishing green roof habitats on 20% of the total roof surface of buildings with a roof surface
of greater than 930m2. It was estimated that green roof habitats would cover about 2 million
m2 and remove 6 tonnes of Ozone (O3) and almost 6 tonnes of PM annually. This is equivalent
to what could be absorbed by about 25,000 to 33,000 street trees.
A study was recently undertaken by American researchers to determine the carbon storage
potential of an extensive green roof habitat (i.e. shallow green roof)30. Several plots were established
with substrate depths ranging from 2.5 - 12.7cm. All the plots were planted with Sedum species,
which is typically used for green roof habitat applications in the USA.The results from the two
year study showed that on average, the extensive roof system sequestered 0.38kg of carbon
per m2 in the above and belowground plant material, and substrate organic material.
If the above findings were applied to the GRPP, the 550m2 green roof habitat would:
Remove annually, approximately 100kg of PM, which is roughly equivalent to that emitted by
92 passenger vehicles in a year.
Sequester approximately 209kg of carbon over a two year period31. This is equivalent to the
carbon that one passenger vehicle will emit in approximately four months32.

28 Wong E. (2008), Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium of Strategies, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
29 This estimate is based on a passenger car that travels an average of 20,000km p.a. and emits on average 0.1g of PM per km.
30 Getter K.L., Rowe D.B., Robertson P., Cregg B.M. and Andersen J.A. (2009), Carbon Sequestration Potential of Extensive

Green Roofs, Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (19), pg 7564–7570.

31 Note that these are estimations used for illustrative purposes. The potential of a green roof to sequester carbon is

dependent on a number of factors, such as climate, soils, condition, and plant species, and therefore varies widely.
32 This estimate is based on a passenger car that travels an average of 20,000km per year or 1,666km per month, and emits

on average 120g of CO2 or 33g of carbon per km.

3-7%  * 0 "  
Green roof habitats can greatly improve the Several studies have shown that green spaces, in
working and living environment in the inner city the inner city such as green roof habitats, can play
by bringing back nature and breaking the an important role in reducing stress, anxiety, and
monotony of concrete buildings, asphalt roads, depression of the people living and working in
and empty roof tops. the city.

The GRPP can be used to illustrate the positive effect that a green roof habitat can have on the
aesthetics of a building, where the bare roof on the left has been converted to an attractive green
roof habitat as depicted on the right.

Dutch researchers looked at the health records of 350,000 people across the Netherlands to
determine the effect of green spaces on the annual rates of 24 major physical diseases33.
The study found that people living closer to green spaces (less than 1 kilometre) had lower rates
of 15 of 24 diseases, and in particular, anxiety disorders and depression. Researchers think green
spaces have contributed to this by helping people recover from stress and by providing an
important space for social interaction.

Studies have also shown that introducing plants This is because employees feel
into the work place can improve the aesthetics happier, more relaxed, and more
of the working environment and also worker motivated with plants around
productivity. them, improving their productivity.

Norwegian researchers looked at the effect of indoor plants on well-being and health of workers34.
The study found that levels of complaints were significantly lower among workers that had plants
on their office tables. The researchers attributed these results to a combination of the improved
air quality in the office and to the positive psychological effects of bringing people in contact
with nature.
In another study, an American researcher looked at the effect that the view from a window has
on well-being and health35. The study found that patients with a view of nature from their window
generally had shorter post-operative hospital stays, required fewer injections of strong pain
reducing drugs, and tended to have fewer minor post-surgical complications, such as persistent
headaches or dizziness, than those that looked out onto a brick wall.
These results indicate that the presence of a green roof habitat could play a role in improving
the health of workers.

33 Maas J (2009), Vitamine G: Effecten van Groene Ruimte op Gezondheid, Welbevinden en Sociale Veiligheid.
34 Fjeld T. and Bonnevie C. (2002), The Effect of Plants and Artificial Day-Light on the Well-Being and Health of Office Workers,
School Children, and Health Care Personnel.
35 Ulrich R. (1984), View Through a Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery, Science, 224: 420-421.
3-> ?.

Ambient noise levels in the inner city sorbing part of the sound. For ex-
are generally very high due to a con- ample, dense vegetation can reduce
centration of industry, business, traffic noise levels by up to 5 dB for every
and people. In this context, noise can 30m of vegetation, up to a maximum
be defined as any unwanted sound, reduction of 10 dB.
such as hooting, sirens, or shouting. Green roof habitats could therefore
Combined, these make the inner city a very noisy play an important role in absorbing and damp-
working and living environment, both indoors and ening the ambient noise levels in the city centre,
outdoors. as well as, in office complexes, dense housing
Plants can act as noise buffers, reflecting and ab- developments, and industrial zones.

Researchers from Germany have tested the noise insulation properties of green roof habitats36.
The study found that insulation of the building from airborne sound improves as the thickness
of the green roof habitat increases.The study also found that green roof habitats can reduce
noise levels by 2 -3 dB compared to a gravel roof. A green roof habitat with a substrate depth
of 20cm can, for example, improve sound absorption by up to about 46 dB.
Green roof habitats therefore provide an excellent opportunity to insulate buildings located
in noisy areas, such as near airports.

3-@.  ! 

Food security refers to the availability of basic creases the accessibility of basic foods for poorer
foods and how accessible they are. For many of communities, threatening their food security.
the residents of Durban, this is one of their great- The response of Durban, and many other cities,
est challenges - it is estimated that 15% of house- has been to promote urban agriculture as a means
holds in Durban do not earn enough money to of ensuring local food security. This allows people
pay for food37. to grow their own food, making them less suscep-
Projections suggest that climate change will ex- tible to changes in commercial food availability.
acerbate this situation as agriculture is very sen- The problem is that there is very little open space
sitive to changes in temperature, rainfall patterns, for agriculture in the city centre and surrounding
and extreme weather events. It is likely that suburban areas.This is where empty rooftops can
changes in agriculture will result in food shortages be used, not only for creating a network of green
in some areas, increasing the cost of foods, which open spaces, but also for urban agriculture, there-
need to be imported from other areas.This de- by contributing to local food security.

The green roof or roof top garden depicted in the images above was created on the roof of a home
in the suburb of Glenwood, in Durban. A number of fruits, vegetables, and herbs have been successfully
grown for several years, including tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, green peppers, spring onion,
eggplants, cowpeas, amadumbe, and chillies.

36 Porsche U. and Köhler M. (2003), Life Cycle Costs of Green Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil, Paper presented
at the World Climate & Energy Event, Rio de Janeiro.
37 EThekwini Municipality (2011), eThekwini Quality of Life Household Survey 2009-2010.

One of the objectives of the GRPP is to assess the feasibility of establishing urban agriculture
on Durban’s roof tops. In total, 10m2 of the GRPP was planted with vegetables and herbs. A
number of different vegetables and herbs were tested, including:

Eggplant Cabbage Tomato

Cauliflower Lettuce Basil
Spinach Nasturtium Green peppers
Spring onion Chillies Celery

Spinach and spring onion were found to be relatively successful green roof plants.

With the exception of cabbage, cauliflower,

lettuce, basil, nasturtium, and celery, all the
other plants were relatively successful as high
yield, low maintenance crops.
The cabbages, for example, did not do well
because they were attacked by cabbage worm
(see image on right). While an insecticide
could have been used to remove these pests,
the decision was taken at the start of the
GRPP to avoid where possible the use of
The following table presents the amount of
vegetables harvested from the 10m2 of the Cabbage was found to be prone to pest
GRPP planted with vegetables between June infestations which makes them relatively
2010 and January 2011, as well as, the approx- unsuitable as a green roof plant.
imate retail value.

A  *1B2 1 <B2 ; 1 2

Spinach 14.6 10 146
Tomato 22.2 11 244
Green pepper 2 17 35
Chillies 1 25 25
Eggplant 2.2 20 44
Spring onion 1.4 50 70
;  685-CC

In total, approximately R564 worth of vegetables was harvested from the GRPP. This represents
potential savings or a source of income for the household.

5(4   ( 



The very first step towards creating a green roof It is therefore highly recommended that a struc-
habitat is to determine whether or not your tural engineer is consulted to determine the load
existing roof can accommodate the additional bearing or carrying capacity of the existing roof
weight. People tend to underestimate the weight as this will determine the type, size and design
of the linings, substrate, and the plants needed of the green roof habitat. If, however, your build-
to create a green roof habitat, including the ing is yet to be built, ensure that the engineers/
weight of the green roof habitat when water- architects have accommodated the need for
logged. extra weight loading in their design.

The loading capacity of the roof for the GRPP was determined by a structural engineer to be
between 100 and 150kg per m2. The roof was therefore able to safely accommodate the estimated
weight of 80 - 90kg per m2 for the proposed green roof habitat with a depth of 10 - 20cm.


If the green roof habitat has been designed for
It is important that strict safety considerations public use, then safe and easy access to the roof
are taken into account during the planning and must be provided, as per relevant safety regula-
construction of the green roof habitat, to protect tions. For example, it is a requirement of the
against damage to property, human injury, or National Building Regulations that the stairways
possible loss of life. This includes the following: or ladders up to your green roof permit the safe
movement of people. The regulations also require

the edge of a flat roof be designed to prevent
Green roof habitats can potentially be a fire people from falling off. A fence should therefore
hazard if they have not been constructed prop- be erected along the perimeter of the rooftop
erly or if they are not being adequately main- as a preventative measure.
tained. For example, a green roof habitat planted
There should also be adequate warning signs and
with succulents is less flammable than a green
a liability disclaimer on the rooftop. It is also re-
roof habitat planted with grasses which die back
commended that you notify your insurance com-
in winter. Fires can also be prevented by re- pany of your intention to allow staff or visitors
moving potential sources of ignition. For example, onto the roof top.
smoking should not be permitted near or on the
green roof habitat.
5-)-3 !
It is also recommended that fire fighting equip- The pitch (or angle) of the roof is an important
ment be situated near your green roof habitat. consideration. If it is too great (i.e. more than
This will help to minimise the spread and intensity 10°) the substrate materials tend to slip/slump,
of the fire within the building and spread of fire and water tends to run-off too quickly. While it
to other buildings. It is important to allow a 50cm is possible to construct green roof habitats on
to 1m walkway around your green roof habitat steep roofs with a pitch of up to 70°, or on verti-
to act as a fire-break and to allow access for fire cal walls, specifically designed systems have to be
fighting. This pathway can then also be used for used. If, however, the roof is too flat, water tends
future maintenance. to pool, leading to root rot and damage to plants.

The ideal roof for a green roof habitat should therefore have a slight angle of between 3° and
10°. The roof used for the GRPP was relatively flat (approximately 3°), which meant that the
drainage system needed to be effective in preventing rainwater from pooling.


Any roof, whether it is only a few square metres zones in order to achieve optimal plant growth
or several hundred square metres in area, will rates, minimise watering and maintenance, and
have a range of micro-climates on it. The choice curtail plant death rates. The location of the roof
of which plants to place where on the roof needs will therefore influence both the design and
to respond to these different micro-climate selection of plants.

As shown in the images above, the green roof habitat at the Master Builders Association building
in Westville (a suburb of Durban) is situated adjacent to a large glass wall, which reflects sunlight
onto the green roof habitat, creating very hot conditions. As a result of the high temperatures,
only plants resistant to drought and high temperatures, such as succulents, can be used.

The table below lists elements which must be considered when identifying micro-climatic zones on
a roof top:


Regional The general climate of the region must be considered when choosing plants for a
climate green roof habitat. For example, coastal versus inland.
Aspect Sloped roofs which face south or west experience less direct sunlight and are therefore
cooler and wetter.
Sloped roofs which face north or east experience more direct sunlight and are therefore
warmer and drier.
Wind Plants in exposed areas of a rooftop experience higher wind influence. Wind stresses
plants by increasing evaporation off their leaves, and damaging foliage and branches.
Shading Some areas of the rooftop may be permanently or periodically shaded by surrounding

The table below presents the elements which were considered in setting up the GRPP:


Regional The climate in Durban is generally hot and humid, particularly on the roof top, which
is under direct sun. Plants, which are drought, temperature and wind resistant, were
therefore selected for the GRPP.
Aspect Aspect has no real influence on the GRPP as the roof is not sloped. The roof is, however,
orientated in a east-west direction and experiences morning sun with shading in the
afternoon from the surrounding buildings.
Wind As shown in the images below, the roof is generally shielded from the prevailing winds
by the surrounding buildings (i.e. NW and SE winds). However, when the wind does get
between the buildings, it tends to swirl, creating wind eddies around and above the GRPP.
Shading The south-west areas of the GRPP are permanently shaded by surrounding buildings.
This provided the opportunity to plant shade-loving plants, such as Sanserveria hyacinthiodes
(Iguana Tail) and Chlorophytum comosum (Vittatum or Spider Plant).

surrounding tall
buildings shield
the GRPP from
the prevailing
winds and
shade parts of
the roof at
certain times of
the day.


The second step in creating a green roof habitat
is to select the type of green roof system. In order !
!  "
to simplify the information, this guideline will only  
discuss extensive green roof systems, in which
there are two forms; direct and modular green

roof systems. In a direct green roof system, the plants are
not planted in containers or modules, but
Which green roof system is best for you? The onto specially designed layers on top of the
table below provides a useful comparison of the existing roof membrane. In a modular green
two green roof systems with regards to weight roof system, the plants are planted within
considerations, installation, cost, maintenance, specially designed containers or modules.
alterations or additions, and plant selection.


Weight Direct systems are often heavier than Modules can be installed on any existing roof surface in
modular systems, and may require good condition and with sufficient structural capacity.
additional roof surface replacement or Modules are able to be installed on corrugated roofs with
support. a pitch up to 15 degrees.
Installation Various layers need to be installed prior Modules can be pre-planted, thus offering quick
to planting. installation. The modular system components can quickly
be put in place on the roof in accordance with design. It
is also a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) user-friendly technique.
Costs Cheaper as no modules are required. Slightly more expensive owing to the costs of the modules.
Repair and Layers need to be lifted, rolled until Modules can be moved easily without disturbing plants
maintenance problem found. This may disturb plants. and growing medium.
Alterations Often difficult to change and requires The modular application allows for the installation of
and additions longer periods of time for installation. green roof habitats in sections. This offers opportunities
for future add-ons and alterations.
Plants Plant roots have more space to move Some plants may struggle as the containers or modules
and network. constrain root growth, particularly for plant roots which
need space to roam.

The green roof systems discussed in this guideline Lower maintenance – shallow growing med-
refer only to extensive green roof systems which ium limits plant selection to less demanding
are generally shallow (i.e. soil depth of less than and low-growing plants.
20cm) and not meant for use as a recreational In contrast, intensive green roof systems tend to
area. Preference is given to these systems for the be a lot deeper (i.e. soil depth of between 20cm
following reasons: and 1m) and used primarily for recreational pur-
More suitable for retro-fit installations on ex- poses. Intensive roof systems, however, add con-
isting buildings – lower load bearing demands. siderably more weight to roof structures and
Lower costs - systems are lighter and require additional cost for the required structural support
less structural support. or construction.


This is a system where the vegetation is not plant- designed layers that are on top of the existing
ed in containers or modules, but onto specially roof.

The above images of the GRPP depict what a direct green roof system could look like once the
plants have established themselves.

The construction method adopted for the GRPP will be used to illustrate a suggested method for
installing a direct green roof system. This system consisted of the following seven layers:

&' () *+,&' 

Purpose of this layer to protect the root barrier (i.e. layer
2) from being damaged or punctured by the existing roof.
Recommended: Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric.
&' (-&+ 
Purpose of this layer to is to protect the existing roof from
wandering roots which can cause structural damage.
Recommended: 1000μm polyethelene sheeting.
&' .(&+,& &' 
Purpose of this layer is to prevent oversaturation, ensure
roots are well ventilated, and provide roots with extra
space to grow.

Granular materials, such as crushed bricks or stones.
These store water more effectively than synthetic
drainage mats, but are much heavier.
Geotextile/synthetic materials which are usually made
of strong, lightweight plastic and come in a range of
sizes and shapes.
Recommended: 7.5 mm PRO 600 GSM, LDPE Zip core.
&' ( )&&+,&' 
Purpose of this layer to prevent the growing medium from
entering and blocking the drainage layer.
Recommended - Geomesh BSP.
&' /(&++,&-&+ 
Purpose of this layer is further protect the roof from
wandering roots.
Recommended - Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric.
&' 0( +, +1
Discussed in more detail in Section 4.3
&' 2()&,
Discussed in more detail in Section 4.4

Researchers working on the GRPP noticed that many of the plants which were planted had aggressive
penetrating roots. As shown in the images above, in the absence of a root barrier layer, these
roots could potentially damage the roof structure. The root barrier layer is therefore very important.

Plant layer
Growing Medium
Additional Root Barrier (Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric)
Separation Layer (Geomesh BSP)
Drainage Layer (7.5 mm PRO 600 GSM, HDPE Zip Core)
Root Barrier (1000μm Polythene Sheeting)
Protection Layer (Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric)
Existing Roof

The above figure shows the seven layers used to construct the direct green roof system for the
GRPP. The GRPP adopted a best practice approach to the construction of the direct green roof
system. Of these layers, the most important are the root barrier layers, drainage layer, growing
medium, and plants. These layers should be included in all direct green roof habitat applications.

Please note that before starting construction of check the integrity of the existing roof, and also
both the direct and modular green roof systems, for any existing holes in the roof to be repaired
it is very important for a structural engineer to or patched.

In the GRPP, a structural engineer checked the integrity of the roof and identified a number of
holes in the existing membrane (as shown in the images above). An acrylic-based sealer and geofabric
membrane was then used to seal the various holes or defects in the membrane.


The modular green roof system is is a roof system tainers or modules which together make up the
where the plants are planted in portable con- green roof cover.

The above images of the GRPP depict what a modular green roof system could look like once the
plants have established themselves.

The construction method adopted for the GRPP will be used to illustrate the installation of a
modular green roof system. This system consisted of the following four layers:

&' () *+,&' 

Purpose of this layer to protect the root barrier (i.e. layer
2) from being damaged or punctured by existing roof.
Recommended: Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric
&' (-&+ 
Purpose of this layer to is to protect the existing roof
from wandering roots which can cause structural damage.
It is however also the most expensive layer on the roof.
Recommended: 1000μm polythene sheeting.
&' .(1 
Discussed in more detail below.
&' ()&,
Discussed in more detail in Section 4.4.

Plant layer
Root Barrier (1000μm Polythene Sheeting)
Protection Layer (Bidum A2 Geotextile Fabric)
Existing Roof

The above figure shows the four layers used to construct the modular green roof system for the
GRPP. Initially 250μm polythene sheeting was used for the root barrier in the GRPP. Experience,
however, showed that this was too thin and likely to result in either tearing from the expansion and
contraction of the green roof materials, or provide little or no protection against wandering roots.
A 1000μm sheet was used in order to eliminate these problems.

The creation of green roof habitats is relatively roof top, particularly from UV rays. For example,
new to South Africa and as a result, there are geyser trays perish within months on a rooftop.
very few options for modules or trays. The great- While car tyres and wooden crates are more
est challenge is finding suitable modules or trays durable options, they are relatively heavy, and
which can withstand the harsh conditions on a can be unsightly.

The containers or modules used in modular green roof systems are available in a range of sizes38.
The size of the module is generally determined by the depth of the soil that the container can
hold. As depicted in the below image, 20cm (left) 10cm (centre) and 7.5cm (right) deep modules
are available.

The modules used in the GRPP are patent-pending custom-made trays. These trays were chosen
for the following reasons:
Made of recyclable HDPE (High Density Polyethylene);
UV resistant;
Made in varying depths of 7.5cm (shallow), 10cm (medium) and 20cm (deep) - allowing for
greater variety of plants;
Each module has a built-in drainage system and water reservoirs that aid in both storing
water for plant usage, as well as slowing down rainfall run-off;
Modules are raised 30 mm off the roof by custom designed reservoirs on the underside
of the modules. This allows for free movement of air, which aids in cooling and insulating
the rooftop, as well as allowing the unhindered movement of excess run-off water; and
Modules are portable allowing for easy maintenance of the existing roof, and changes in

Another advantage of the modular green roof system is that the modules can be used as ponds (see
below images). This creates small aquatic habitats which attract water-loving insects, such as dragonflies.

As part of the GRPP, five modules were used as ponds to test the suitability of aquatic plants, such
as Nymphoides thunbergia, for green roof habitats. In general, these plants survived if the ponds did
not dry up.

38 See Section 7.4 for local suppliers of green roof materials.

.*! $)

The third step in creating a green roof habitat is also important as this provides plants with a
choosing the planting medium. While the depth nutrient base and space to grow. In most cases,
of the growing medium is probably the most im- a specialised growing medium will need to be
portant factor, the type of growing medium is developed because of weight considerations.

As part of the GRPP, the dry and saturated weight of a number of potential growing media was
measured. The results showed that soil-based materials, such as Berea red sand, were 8.5 times
heavier than vermiculite and perlite, 5.6 times heavier than compost, and 4.5 times heavier than
potting mix. It is therefore impractical to only use a soil-based material.

The above image depicts some of the growing materials tested. This includes, from left to
right, vermiculite, potting mix, Berea red sand, compost, and perlite.

The ideal planting medium should be lightweight, to be imported. The considerable distance that
well-drained, and be able to retain a high degree the media have to be transported means that they
of water, without becoming waterlogged. Inter- also have a high carbon footprint.
national studies show that planting media made
up of lightweight materials, such as expanded clay, In order to reduce costs, you can produce your
perlite, vermiculite and volcanic rock, are most own planting medium.
suitable. A good starting point for producing your own
A number of commercial media are available. substrate is to aim for a blend of 60-80% inorganic
These are, however, generally expensive and have materials with 20-40% organic materials.

One of the lessons learned from the GRPP is that the organic material content, such as potting
mix shown in the image on the right, should not be too high for the following reasons:
The high rate of decomposition and loss of substrate
through weathering – therefore medium requires
constant replenishment.
The high concentration of salts, such as magnesium and
potassium, in potting soil makes it difficult for plants to
abstract water from the substrate – i.e. salts retain water
in soil.
The high animal manure content of compost results in
numerous young plants/plant cuttings not surviving as
conditions are too acidic.
Some succulent species, such as Crassula spp., do not (Source:
grow well in organic materials and eventually rot.

The concept of green roof habitats is still relatively strates are not yet locally available. The following
new in South Africa and as a result, many of the tables present potential growing media which are
internationally recommended materials and sub- readily available39.

+ $  

# $!


Vermiculite 178 grams Extremely light weight.

Readily available at a reasonable cost.
May break down over a long period of time.
Perlite 174 grams Extremely light weight.
Readily available, but most expensive of inorganic materials.
May break down over a long period of time.
Berea Red Sand 2kg Very heavy (when saturated).
Readily available.
Dark Building Sand 2kg Very heavy (when saturated).
Readily available at a reasonable cost.
Decomposed Granite 2kg Very heavy.
Readily available.
As granite decomposes, it releases both macro and micro
nutrients, which are essential for plant growth.
Crushed Brick 2kg Very heavy.
Difficult to crush unless one has relevant machinery.



# $!


Compost 760 grams Readily available at low cost - ensure that it is good quality compost
before purchasing (i.e. plant derived and contains bark/woodchips).
Potting mix 749 grams Readily available at low cost - ensure that it is good quality potting
mix before purchasing.

It is highly recommended that you first test your This will ensure that the composition of your
growing medium with a selection of the plants growing medium is appropriate for your chosen
you intend growing. planting theme.

*! $')


The next step in constructing a green roof habitat
is the selection of suitable plants42. It is important
to note that conditions on a roof top are relatively
unique and differ from those on the ground.

Roof top conditions in Durban are very similar

to the dry granite and sandstone outcrops and
cliffs found in the Valley of 1000 Hills. In areas
such as the ones depicted to the left, the soils
are relatively shallow and temperatures relatively
high (source: Michael van Niekerk).

39 See Section 7.4 for local suppliers of green roof materials.

40 In this context, inorganic media are something that was either mined or human-made. This includes vermiculite, perlite,
tyre chunks, pea gravel and sand.
41 In this context, organic media are something that is or was alive. This includes compost, sphagnum peat, wood chips,

grass clippings, straw, compost, manure, bio-solids, sawdust and wood ash.
42 See Section 7.5 for a list of nurseries which stock indigenous plants in Durban.

When selecting plants for a green roof habitat, of naturally occurring species which will attract
it is important to remember that they will be ex- local populations of birds, butterflies, and other
posed to high temperatures, periods of little or insects.
no water, and high levels of saturation during rain- Plants must be grown from seeds collected
fall events (due to shallow growing medium), and locally (i.e. within 50km radius of the green
must therefore display the following character- roof habitat site), as plants more suited to local
istics: conditions are likely to require less mainten-
Drought, flooding, temperature and wind res- ance (watering, pest control etc.), and have a
greater chance of survival.This also reduces
the carbon footprint of the plants used, and
Small and low growing. maintains the genetic composition of the local
Reproduce easily from seed or vegetatively in species populations.
the event that the parent plants die-off during Variety of plants – the greater the variety of
times of extreme heat or drought. For ex- plants, the greater the variety of birds and in-
ample, Kleinia fulgens and Kalanchoe rotundifolio sects attracted to the roof. Plant diversity also
grow well from the leaves of parent plants. increases the chance of year round plant cover
as some species may die off seasonally or under
Have a mildly creeping habit so that they are
certain conditions, while others survive. For
easily able to fill gaps left by die back during
example, if only bulbous plants, such as Clivias,
times of moisture stress. Plants with a very vig- are planted, there is the potential that all the
orous creeping habit are mostly unsuitable. plants could be lost with an outbreak of a pest,
As green roof habitats provide space for bio- such as Amaryllis Worm or Lily Borer.
diversity in the city and create biodiversity corri- One of the main objectives of the GRPP was to
dors in urban and suburban areas, there are add- determine which plants are suitable for creating
itional biodiversity considerations when selecting a green roof habitat. Due to the harsh conditions,
possible plants: many of the plants tested did not do well. The
Plants must be indigenous and endemic where following table lists plants which were found to
possible, as this helps to increase the presence be suitable for green roof habitat applications.

3( GC: Ground Cover B: Bulb SH: Shrub S: Succulent CL: Climber
  ( Full Sun Semi-shade Shade
3# ( Pink Blue Purple White Orange Yellow Red

 , * , 3 4 $!
  3#  *
Aeollanthus parvifolius Rocksheet Spar Bush GC 0.4 Nov-Apr A hardy green roof habitat plant.
Attracts insects when in flower.
Uncommon nursery availability.

Agapanthus praecox Large Agapanthus B 0.8 Dec-Feb A hardy green roof habitat plant.
Attracts insects when in flower.
Medicinal properties – ensure
easy child birth and for healthy
Susceptible to attack from Lily
Common nursery availability.
Albuca nelsonii Candelabrum Lily B 1 Sep-Dec Medium size feature plant.
Uncommon nursery availability.

 , * , 3 4 $!
  3#  *
Albuca setosa Climbing Albuca B 0.3 Aug-Jan A hardy green roof habitat plant.
Attracts insects when in flower.
Available at nurseries.

Aloe arboresecens Krantz Aloe SH 1-3.5 May-Jul Large feature plant.

Very successful green roof
habitat plant – may require
pruning if it gets too big.
Flowers attract bees and birds.
Common nursery availability.

Aloe maculata Common Soap Aloe S 1 May-Oct Good feature plant.

Flowers attract bees and birds.
Common nursery availability.

Asparagus densiflorus Emerald Asparagus GC 0.5 Nov-Apr Good hanging or trailing green
roof habitat plant.
Produces red berries which are
eaten by birds.
Looks scruffy in dry periods.
Common nursery availability.

Bulbine abyssinica Bushy Bulbine GC 0.4 Aug-Mar Hardy succulent.

Attracts insects when in flower.
Average success as green roof
habitat plant.
Common nursery availability.

Bulbine natalensis Broad-Leaved Bulbine GC 0.5 All year Hardy succulent.

Attracts insects when in flower.
Medicinal properties - used for
certain skin ailments.
Common nursery availability.

Cissus quadrangularis Cactus Vine CL 10 Dec-Jun Vigorous climbing plant - must

be monitored and pruned when
Easily planted from cuttings.
Uncommon nursery availability.

Cotyledon orbiculata Narrow Pig’s Ears S 1 All year Easily planted from cuttings.
Attracts birds, butterflies and a
wide variety of insects.
Prone to being fed on
excessively by butterfly larvae –
can effect plant growth.
Medicinal – sap heals warts.
Available at nurseries.
Crassula alba Common Crassula S 0.2 All year Attracts a wide variety of
Uncommon nursery availability.

 , * , 3 4 $!
  3#  *

Crassula expansa Dainty Crassula GC 0.2 All year Groundcover that has a variety
of forms – good ornamental
Easily planted from cuttings.
Uncommon nursery availability.

Crassula multicava Fairy Crassula GC 0.4 May-Nov Easily planted from cuttings.
Miniature groundcover.
Successful green roof habitat
plant when grown with other
plants which provide shade.
Common nursery availability.

Crassula ovata Kerky -Bush S 2 Jul-Aug Great succulent feature plant.

Attracts a wide variety of
Easily planted from cuttings.
Common nursery availability.

Crassula pellucida Carpet Crassula GC 0.15 Dec-Apr Semi-succulent ground cover.

Attracts a wide variety of
Easily planted from cuttings.
Uncommon nursery availability.

Crassula perfoliata Pointed Leaf Crassula S 0.4 May-Oct Great succulent feature plant.
Successful green roof habitat
plant, especially in shallow soils.
Attracts a wide range of insects.
Prone to being overcrowded by
other plants.
Uncommon nursery availability.
Crassula sarmentosa Bushy Crassula GC 0.5 Jun-Aug Successful green roof habitat
Attracts a wide variety of
Easily planted from cuttings.
Available at nurseries.

Crassula setulosa Furry Crassula GC 0.2 Jan-May Good ground cover to small
Easily planted from cuttings.
Plant must be kept dry – too
much moisture can lead to plant

Crinum macowanii River Crinum B 0.9 Oct-Feb Medicinal properties – used to

treat urinary infections and itchy
Prone to damage from Lilly
borer/Amaryllis worm.
Common nursery availability.

Cyanotis speciosa Dolls Powder-puff GC 0.35 All year Hardy trailing plant.
(rupestris var.) Easily planted from cuttings.
Medicinal properties – used to
treat infertility.
Available at nurseries.

 , * , 3 4 $!
  3#  *
Cyrtanthus sanguineus Inanda Lily B 0.35 Dec-Jan Colourful feature plant - large
red flowers.
Medicinal properties – used to
ensure easy child birth.
Uncommon nursery availability.

Delosperma lineare N/A GC 0.2 May-Sep Good ground cover.

Easily planted from cuttings.

Delosperma Trailing Delosperma GC 0.15 All year Good trailing plant.

tradescanthiodes Easily planted from cuttings.
It was noted that plants sourced
locally grow less vigorously than
plants from other areas.
Available at nurseries.
Drimiopsis maculata Spotted-Leaf Drimiopsis GC 0.25 Sep-Apr Suitable for shady areas on a
green roof habitat, but can
tolerate some sun.
Needs to be planted with other
plants which provide additional
Common nursery availability.

Gladiolus dalenii African/Parrot Gladiolus B 2 Feb-Jun Colourful feature plant.

Attracts birds.
Prefers deeper soils – from
Available at nurseries.

Gloriosa superba Flame Lilly B 2 Nov-Mar Colourful feature plant.

Prefers deeper soils – from
Available at nurseries.

Huernia hyterix Porcupine huernia S 0.2 All year Hardy green roof habitat plant.
Attracts African Monarch
Easily planted from cuttings.
Available at nurseries.

Kalanchoe rotundifolia Common Kalachoe GC 0.6 Mar-Dec Successful green roof habitat
Easily planted from cuttings.
Available at nurseries.

Kalanchoe thyrsiflora White Lady S 1.5 Feb-Sep Successful green roof habitat
plant – good feature plant.
Easily planted from cuttings.
Available at nurseries.

Kleinia fulgens Coral Senecio S 0.6 Jan-Aug Successful green roof habitat
Available at nurseries.

 , * , 3 4 $!
  3#  *
Ornithogalum B 0.9 Dec-Apr Good feature plant.
Attracts a wide variety of insects
when in flower.

Plectranthus spicatus Long-Spiked Spur SH 0.15 Mar-Oct Hardy feature plant.

Attracts Gaudy Commodore
Easily planted from cuttings.
Grows vigorously and may need
to be pruned.

Plectranthus Swedish Ivy SH 0.5 Apr-May Spreading ground cover for semi
madagascariensis shady areas.

Portulacaria afra Porkbush/ Spekboom SH 2 Sep-Nov Attracts certain moth species.

When in flower it attracts a
wide variety of insects.
Easily planted from cuttings.

Sarcostemma viminale Caustic Vine CL 5-10 Nov-May Successful green roof habitat
Creeping stems can grow up to
7m - must be monitored for
vigorous growth and pruned
when necessary.
Easily planted from cuttings.

Senecio barbetonicus Succulent Bush Senecio SH 2 Aug-Sep Low maintenance - does not
require pruning.
Available at nurseries.

Senecio brachypodus Climbing-Forest CL 4-6 Apr-Jul Scrambling type of shrub.

Senecio Vigorous growth- needs
Attracts butterflies.
Available at nurseries.

Senecio Pleistocephalus Honey Scenecio CL 2-4 Nov-Jun Attracts butterflies.

Uncommon nursery availability.

Stapelia gigantea Carrion flower S 0.3 Mar-May Very hardy succulent.

Attracts butterflies.
Medicinal properties – used to
treat hysteria and pain.
Easily planted from cuttings.
Available at nurseries.

Tetradenia riparia Iboza/Ginger bush SH 3 May-Aug Can get quite big - may need
Attracts birds/butterflies and
other insects.
Easily planted from cuttings.
Common nursery availability.


A planting theme is a combination of plant types habits using a variety of plant species and features,
selected with the aim of producing a particular such as logs, rocks, and gravel. It is also beneficial
effect. A green roof habitat can be based on one to choose a variety of species that flower and die-
or a combination of the following themes: back at different times of the year so that there


  is always food and a breeding place on your green
roof habitat.
The aim of this theme is to attract a variety of
birds, butterflies, and other insects to your green This planting theme may, however, become un-
roof habitat. This is done by using plants which attractive at certain times of the year when the
provide food and a refuge or nursery for the in- insects utilise the vegetation or certain plants
sects or organisms that you are trying to attract. naturally die back. It is also important to remem-
It is important to choose species that are either ber that pesticides or herbicides should not be
larval host plants (e.g. caterpillars) or needed for used to control these pests as these chemicals
the breeding cycle of your target species (e.g. but- will kill or chase away species that would other-
terflies). The key is to create a variety of micro- wise be attracted to your green roof habitat.

For example, plants such as the Porcupine Huernia (Huernia hysterix), depicted above on the left, can
be planted to attract African Monarch Butterflies, depicted above in the centre (Source: Viren Vaz).
These plants are a favourite food source of the butterfly larvae, as depicted above on the right. These
plants also attract flies which are an important food source for lizards, birds, and dragonflies.

Based on experience from the GRPP, the following indigenous plants were found to be successful
in attracting birds, butterflies, and other insects to the green roof habitat:
Heurnia hysterix Plectranthus spicatus Tetradenia riparia Crassula species
Cotyledon orbiculata Aloe arborescens Aloe maculata Bulbine natalensis
Bulbine abyssinica Cyanotis speciosa Portulacaria afra Senecio species

  look and not necessarily for what birds, butter-

The aim of this theme is to create a green roof flies, or other insects they attract. It is important
habitat which is attractive to the eye. As shown to remember to plant a variety of plants that
in the images below, this is done by using var- flower at different times of the year. In this way,
iations of plant mass, texture, and colours. These the green roof habitat can remain attractive all
plants are selected primarily for the way they year round.

Images from
the GRPP
showing how
variations of
plant species
can be used to
create a roof
top which is
attractive to
the eye.

Based on experience from the GRPP, the following indigenous plants were found to be suitable
for creating an attractive green roof habitat:
Portulacaria afra Plectranthus species Aloe maculata Aloe arborescens
Delosperma tradescanthoides Crassula sarmentosa Senecio barbetonicus

 useful for roof tops which are not easily acces-
The aim of this theme is to minimise watering sible. This is done by planting species, such as
your green roof habitat. This theme is particularly succulents, which tolerate low-water conditions.

A number of succulents were planted in the GRPP. Most of these were found to be very successful
green roof habitat plants.

Based on experience from the GRPP, the following indigenous plants were found to be suitable
for creating a water-wise green roof habitat:
Aloe maculate Aloe arborescens Portulucaria afra Stapelia gigantea
Heurnia hysterix Tetradenia riparia Senecio barbetonicus Delosperma species
Crassula species Kalanchoe rotundifolia Cotyledon orbiculata
It was also noted that the growing medium for succulents should not have a high organic content
(i.e. less than 40%) as this results in root rot.


The aim of this theme is to maximise the sequest-
ration or trapping of carbon, thereby reducing
the amount of GHGs, which contribute to
climate change. Very little research has however
been done on the carbon sequestration potential
of indigenous plant species in South Africa. One
species which has shown some potential is
Portulacaria afra (Spekboom) from the Thicket
regions of the Eastern Cape 43.

Spekboom has become a popular plant for carbon sequestration projects because it requires very little
water and has great carbon sequestration potential, estimated to be similar to that of tropical forests.

The aim of this theme is to maximise the use of herbs. For more detail on the suitability of a roof
your roof top for growing fruit, vegetables, and top for this purpose, see Section 3.9.

The GRPP found that the following improved the success of the vegetables and herbs planted:
A growing medium with a high organic content. The vegetables tested in the GRPP were planted
in 100% organic growing medium comprising only potting mix.
More regular watering than for areas planted with indigenous plants.
Some form of fertilisation. Organic fertilisers should preferably be used. The directions for
use on the product must also be followed.
Although vegetables and crops can generally be planted all year round in Durban, the best
time for planting is from April to May.

43 Mills, A.J. & Cowling, R.M. 2006. Rate of Carbon Sequestration at Two Thicket Restoration Sites in the Eastern Cape,
South Africa. Restoration Ecology 14: 38-49.

The next step in creating a green roof habitat is to select the type of edging. Edging is necessary to
prevent the spread of fires and to prevent the loss of growing medium to wind or rain erosion.
The following table summarises the advantages and disadvantages of common types of edging that
can be used for green roof habitat applications.

Wood Readily available. Needs to periodically be treated to protect wood.
Average cost. Needs to be replaced in long-term.
Easy to work with.
Light in weight.
Is a carbon sink.
Aluminium Readily available. Relatively expensive.
Provides clean finish. Needs to be firmly secured to prevent it blowing
Can be custom-made to fit away with strong winds.
any roof. Large carbon footprint – mining and smelting
Light in weight. aluminium is energy intensive.
Fibre Cement Readily available Can be cumbersome to install.
e.g. fascia boards. Can crack and break.
Fairly light in weight. Can have a large carbon footprint.
Concrete Readily available. Very heavy.
Can be custom-made to fit Can be cumbersome to install due to weight.
any roof. Can have a large carbon footprint – cement manu-
facturing process produces large amount of CO2.

In the
types of
(top), fibre

Maintenance is necessary to maintain and enhance butterflies, and other insects, and performing
the condition of your green roof habitat. If the other ecosystem services, such as stormwater
green roof habitat is not properly maintained, it attenuation, temperature reduction, noise insula-
can become an eyesore, and detract from the ex- tion, and improving air quality.
perience of bringing nature back into the city. A The following section discusses important points
poorly maintained habitat is also less functional which need to be considered when preparing
in terms of providing food and shelter for birds, your green roof habitat maintenance programme.

In general, indigenous plants require less watering drought-resistant than other indigenous plants.
than exotic plants. Due to the harsh conditions By choosing indigenous plants which are drought-
on a roof top, the plants recommended for a resistant you can also minimise the need for
green roof habitat are also more water-wise or watering.

For the GRPP, new plants were watered two to three times a week for the first 3 months until
the plants had become established. Thereafter, the plants were watered on an ad-hoc basis when
there had been no rain for several weeks and plants were starting to die-back.

The following tips should also be considered to afternoon. Afternoon is preferable as the plants
further reduce the need for watering: have more time to use the water provided.
Purchase and plant young plants or shrubs, as Remove weeds as these compete with indig-
these require less water before they are estab- enous plants for water.
lished than larger more mature plants. Check the weather forecast to avoid watering
Planting should ideally take place between Aug- before rain.
ust and November when Durban’s climate is Instead of removing leaves or cuttings from the
relatively mild. This will reduce the frequency green roof habitat, spread them across the sur-
of watering required and increase the plant’s face of the growing medium, as mulch. This will
help to reduce water loss from the soil. Weeds
chances of survival.
must, however, not be used as a mulch as they
Include water absorbing materials, such as ver- will drop their seeds in the soil. Bark chips, cut
miculite, in your growing medium to hold water grass, or sawdust can also be used as mulch.
in the soil for longer.
The sustainability of a green roof habitat can be
Plant larger plants or species along the edges
further improved by installing a water harvesting
of the green roof habitat to act as a windbreak,
system. With the rising price of water and the
reducing the drying effect of the wind.
likely reduction in the availability of water in the
Group plants with similar water requirements future, it is becoming necessary to reduce the con-
together (i.e. low, medium, and high). sumption of potable water, especially for watering
Reduce water loss through evaporation by plants. For a green roof habitat there are two
watering early in the morning or late in the feasible options, described in the following table:


Provides high quality water.

Can be collected from roofs using gutters, which feed into a container, and pumped up to green roof
Containers should be mounted on a secure, level platform, and include an overflow pipe for heavy rainfall.
Ensure roof and drainage system (gutters etc.) are in good condition – clean and free of holes.
Run-off from the green roof habitat can also be captured using this system.
Refers to waste water from basins, showers, air-conditioners and baths.

Can be collected in a container and pumped up to the green roof habitat or collected by hand.
Unlike rainwater, greywater is not seasonal.
Considered safe for use in green roof habitats as long as organic detergents are used.
Avoid watering edible crops or fruits with greywater.

For the GRPP, a greywater harvesting system was installed. This system collects waste water
from the building’s air conditioners and stores it in two 5,000 litre rainwater tanks (see below
images). The water from the tanks is then pumped up to the GRPP were it is used for watering
the plants. It is interesting to note that during hot periods when the air-conditioners are running
continuously, it only takes four days to fill these two 5,000 litre tanks using waste water from
the air conditioners.

In general, 4.3 litres of water was used for watering a square metre of the GRPP, with a soil
depth of 10cm. Based on this figure, the 550m2 GRPP uses approximately 2,365 litres when it
is watered. If the GRPP is watered twice a month, the total amount of water used is approximately
4,739 litres per month44.
Thus, there is sufficient capacity in the greywater tanks to water the GRPP for two months
without ongoing replenishment.

There are two options for watering your green mary of the advantages and disadvantages of com-
roof habitat; hand watering or installing an auto- mon irrigation systems which can be used for
mated system. The table below presents a sum- watering your green roof habitat.

Hand-Watering Simplest system. Time consuming.
Easily avoid over-watering. Easy to use excessive flow – wash
Control flow using nozzle on hose. away soil and mulch.
Requires easy access to green roof
Micro-Sprayer Most common automated system. High water losses through drift and
System Effective for flowering evaporation (up to 70%).
plants/vegetables. Not effective for large areas.
Flexible spray options e.g. 360°, Not effective for penetrating soil
180°, 90° and fine mist to jet spray. beyond mulch layer.
Relatively costly to install.
Sprinkler System Cover large areas. High water losses through drift and
Flexible spray options e.g. 360°, evaporation.
180°, 90° and soft to hard spray. Not effective for sensitive plants –
excessive force.
Relatively costly to install.
(Source of images:

It is difficult to give guidelines on how much to water a green roof habitat as this is largely
dependent on the type of plants and characteristics of the growing medium.
In the GRPP, the plants were watered by hand. It would take on average 20 minutes to water
45m2, and four hours to water the entire 550m2 GRPP. The general rule was to water an area
until the top 2 to 3 cm of the planting medium was saturated. A fine spray was also used to avoid
pooling of water on the surface.

44 By choosing hardy indigenous plant species it is possible to limit irrigation to the establishment phase.

A sustainable waste management programme used over again instead of thin plastic bags
should form part of the maintenance programme which can only be used once.
of your green roof habitat. Waste is defined as 3. ! or convert garden materials into a new
anything that is no longer useful for it’s present or different form (e.g. composting).
purpose and needs to be disposed of. Sustainable
waste management aims to move away from dis- Composting is an easy way to reduce the amount
posing of wastes (e.g. to landfill sites) to the avoid- of organic waste which needs to be disposed of.
ance or re-use of wastes. The golden rules of res- This process breaks down organic materials, such
ponsible waste management are to reduce, reuse, as fallen leaves or leftover food, releasing and
and recycle: making available nutrients essential for plant
1. !" the amount of waste produced. For growth. This compost can then be used to en-
example, choose products which do not have hance the quality of the growing medium by re-
excessive packaging. turning vital nutrients.
2. !#" garden materials again and again. For The following table lists useful tips for setting up
example, use durable refuse bags which can be a composting site for your green roof habitat45:

1 The compost site or heap should be placed in a sunny area to ensure that there is
always warmth.
2 The compost site or heap should be contained using a cage made of wooden
slats. There should be sufficient space between the slats to allow circulation of
air. A commercial compost bin, which is generally less of an eyesore, can be used.
3 Compost heaps must be situated on bare soil to allow insects and bacteria to move
up from the soil into the compost heap. As this is not possible on a rooftop, a “starter
pack” of manure or commercial bacteria activator must be used to start the process.
4 Organic materials, such as kitchen scraps, left-over food, dry leaves46, and weeds
should be added to the compost heap.
5 It is important to ensure that there is sufficient water to keep contents moist (not
6 The compost heap should be turned regularly to increase oxygen levels and to kill
the seeds of weeds and fly larvae. In general, the heap should be turned when it gets
cool inside.

Both organic and inorganic fertilisers can also be only reliable indicator of the frequency and
used to replace essential nutrients in the growing amount of fertiliser to be applied.
medium instead of compost. Based on experience, it is be best to give 3 to 4
The amount of fertiliser and the frequency of ap- light dressings of fertiliser per year rather than
plication are dependent on a number of factors, one or two large doses as this greatly reduces
such as plant type, soil composition, soil depth, the run-off of fertiliser and loss of nitrogen to the
and amount of watering. The manufacturer’s ap- atmosphere. In general, more applications need
plication rate recommendations should be used to be made in summer than in winter.
as a guide when calculating the application rate It is important to water your green roof habitat
for your green roof habitat. Careful observation within an hour of fertilising to ensure that the
of the plant growth and health is therefore the fertiliser does not burn the plants.

It is important to note that in the GRPP, inorganic fertilisers were only used twice in the first
year to assist the newly planted plants in becoming established. Ideally, however, the use of
fertilisers should be minimised where possible, and if fertilisers are to be used, organic fertilisers
are preferable to inorganic fertilisers.

45 See eThekwini Municipality (2010), Green Landscaping Guideline, for more information.
46 Please note that succulents are generally not suitable for composting. If they are to be used, they need to be air dried
before being added to the compost heap.


Weeds refer to plants which grow where people their commercial value (e.g. timber plantations).
do not want them. In many cases, weeds are
There are generally two methods for controlling
actually indigenous. In a green roof habitat, the
weeds and invasive alien plants; physical removal
primary source of weeds will be the organic
or treatment with a herbicide or weed killer. In
growing media, such as compost and potting mix,
most cases, physical methods, such as hand pull-
and the soils that the plants come in.
ing, are the most effective for a green roof habi-
Some weeds must, however, be controlled by tat. Weeds should ideally be removed as soon
law. These are referred to as invasive alien plants as possible before they are able to seed.
as they do not occur naturally in an area and have
The use of herbicides is only recommended as
the potential to invade an area, pushing out
a last resort because these chemicals can impact
indigenous plants.
negatively on the birds, butterflies, and other
These plants are classified as either Category 1, insects, attracted to the green roof habitat, as
2 or 3, depending on the extent to which they well as potentially killing the plants within the
colonise an area, displace indigenous plants, or green roof habitat.

For example, in the GRPP, there were several plants which started to grow, that were never
planted. While most of these were left alone, trees such as the Swazi Fig (Ficus bubu), were
removed, because their root system can cause structural damage to the roof (see above).

In the early stages of the GRPP, weeding was done weekly. This was because the plant cover
was limited, leaving large, exposed areas of growing medium where weeds could become
established without any competition. During these early stages, a 15 litre container could be
filled with weeds after 45 minutes of weeding. The frequency of weeding, however, decreased
as the plant cover increased.
The following are images of weeds that commonly occur on the GRPP:

From left to right: Talinum paniculatum, Lactusa spp., Euphorbia maculate, Bidens pilosa and
Portulacca alaracea


As with the use of herbicides, the use of chemical Attempt physical pest/disease control meth-
insecticides or pesticides is only recommended ods first (e.g. remove by hand or wash with
as a last resort. This is because these chemicals water from hosepipe).
also affect non-target species. In addition, many
Set traps for particular pests e.g. snails and
of these chemicals are potentially dangerous to
slugs are attracted to liquids containing yeasts.
Set the trap by placing stale beer in a shallow
The need or use of insecticides can be greatly plate or container. The snails and slugs will
reduced by the following: crawl into the liquid and drown.
Select pest resistant plants which are suited Use either a plant-based insecticide, using,
to local conditions. Most of the plants listed for example chilli or garlic, or an organic in-
in Section 4.4.1 were found to be relatively secticide, using wood ash or bicarbonate of
resistant to pests. soda.
Ensure that planting areas have been suf- Check plants regularly for early detection of
ficiently prepared (e.g. good drainage, compost pests and diseases. Remove infected parts of
etc.) – healthy plants are less susceptible to plant or whole plant in severe cases. This
pests and diseases. reduces the spread of pests and diseases.

As part of the GRPP, one of the plants tested for its suitability in a green roof habitat, was Clivia
miniata. Clivia spp., like most bulbous plants, are generally known to be susceptible to the Amaryllis
Worm or Lily Borer (Brithys crini).
Within weeks of being planted on the GRPP, the Clivias were infested with Amaryllis Worm.
As no insecticides were used on the GRPP, the Clivias soon died. The Amaryllis Worms then
spread to several of the other bulbous plants, such as the Crinum spp. Albuca spp. and Agapanthus
spp., killing some of them too.
This highlights the importance of selecting pest resistant plants for your green roof habitat.

Crinum macowanii infested with Amaryllis worm.

Fungal or bacterial infections can also be a prob- prevent the spread of infection. As a last resort,
lem in a green roof habitat. Infected parts of the fungicides, such as Copper Sulphate, can be used
plant should be removed and tools sterilised to to treat infections.

&"  "

The aim of this guideline was to provide a guide perience from the GRPP and evidence from inter-
for designing green roof habitats in Durban. It national studies that green roof habitats can:
forms part of the Green Roof Pilot Project contribute positively to the creation of habitats
(GRPP), an initiative of the eThekwini Municipal for biodiversity,
Climate Change Programme (MCCP), and the reduce stormwater run-off,
Green Guideline Series, an initiative of the Green- reduce the temperature inside buildings,
ing Durban 2010 Programme. reduce the ‘urban heat island effect’,
The guideline started by providing the reasons extend the life of roofs,
for designing a green roof habitat. In this context, reduce air pollution,
green roof habitats have the potential to decrease improve the living and working environment,
the carbon footprint of a building (by reducing reduce noise pollution,
energy use) and therefore its contribution to cli- and enhance food security.
mate change. Perhaps more significantly, they also Section 4 presented a step-by-step guide to cre-
facilitate climate change adaptation through a ating a green roof habitat. This included structural
range of positive impacts. These include reducing considerations, safety considerations, the slope
the temperature of the building (and potentially of the roof, the roof location, the types of green
the city if established on enough city roofs) there- roof systems available, the types of planting media
by reducing heat stress and its associated negative available, suitable plants and plant themes, and
health impacts. A very significant adaptation ad- types of edging. The information presented in this
vantage is the reduction in stormwater run-off section was based primarily on experience gained
which reduces the chance of flooding and infra- through the GRPP.
structural damage. Green roof habitats also en-
Section 5 presented a brief guide to maintaining
hance biodiversity in the urban environment, and
a green roof habitat. This included irrigation,
offer an opportunity to improve inner city food
composting and sustainable waste management,
controlling weeds, and controlling pests and dis-
Section 2 introduced the GRPP. It presented the eases. The information presented in this section
background to the project, its aim and objectives, was again based primarily on experience gained
the location and design, and a summary of the through the GRPP.
key findings. In summary, the following table presents key rec-
Section 3 unpacked the benefits of green roof ommendations obtained from this guideline and
habitats in more detail. It was found, based on ex- the GRPP:

" ! 
Roof slope Ideally between 3 - 10°
Type of green roof system Modular or direct.
Planting medium 60% inorganic (containing mixture of decomposed granite, crushed
brick, Berea red sand, and vermiculite).
40% organic (containing only compost).
Most successful green Aloe arborescens Aloe maculate
roof plants Crassula sarmentosa Heurnia hysterix
Kalanchoe rotundifolia Stapelia gigantea
Recommended edging Treated wooden edging.
Irrigation Hand watering – until top 2-3cm of growing medium saturated.
Fertilisation Compost or mulch.
Controlling weeds Hand-pulling.
Controlling pests Selecting pest-resistant plants.
Physical removal of pests or infected plants.



%,   eThekwini Municipality Green Roof Pilot Project

- +
. 2008
/0  eThekwini Municipality

  Municipal - Offices
%" Pilot / research
2 Extensive.
Direct and modular
  Single source provider

3 550m2
!) 1-3%
 Accessible (not to general public).
Visible from balconies and windows of
surrounding buildings.
%,     Green Roof Designs cc.
 Ecosystems Management & Green Roof Designs.
Geoff Nichols Horticultural Services.

%,   Beachfront Promenade

- +
. 2010
/0  eThekwini Municipality

  Municipal - Retail
%" Part of Greening Durban 2010
2 Extensive to Semi-intensive
  Single source provider

3 240m2
!) 1-5%
 Accessible (not to general public).
Visible from sidewalks.
%,     Mike Tod Arhitects.

%,   Master Builders’ Association

- +
. 2010
/0  Master Builders’ Association

%" Pilot /research
2 Direct
  Single source provider

3 80m2
!) 1-5%
 Accessible (not to general public).
Visible from inside building and adjacent sidewalks.
%,     Green Roof Designs cc.




Bergs J. (2009), The Effect of Healthy Workplaces on the Well- Kadas G. (2006), Rare Invertebrates Colonising Green
being and Productivity of Office Workers, Amersfoort, The Roofs in London, Urban Habitats, (4: 1)
Netherlands Kö'9ahler M. (2006), Long-Term Vegetation Research on
Brenneisen S. (2006), Space for Urban Wildlife: Designing Two Extensive Green Roofs in Berlin, Urban Habitats,(4:1)
Green Roofs as Habitats in Switzerland, Urban Habitats, (4:1) Liu K. and Baskaran B. (2003), Thermal Performance of Green
EThekwini Municipality (2007), Biodiversity Report 2007, Roofs Through Field Evaluation, NRCC-46412, National
eThekwini Municipality: Environmental Management Research Council, Ottawa
Department, Durban Lundholm J.T. (2006), Green Roofs and Facades: A Habitat
EThekwini Municipality (2006), Climate Change: What Does Template Approach, Urban Habitats, (4: 1)
it Mean for eThekwini Municipality?, eThekwini Municipality: Milford R. (2009), Green House Gas Emission Baselines and
Environmental Management Department, Durban Reduction Potentials from Buildings in South Africa, Discussion
EThekwini Municipality (2010), Green Landscaping Guideline, Document for United Nations Environment Programme,
eThekwini Municipality: Environmental Planning and Climate South Africa.
Protection Department, Durban Peck S. and Kuhn M. Design Guidelines for Green Roofs,
EThekwini Municipality (2010), Energy Efficiency Guideline,
eThekwini Municipality: Environmental Planning and Climate Porsche U. and Köler M. (2003), Life Cycle Costs of Green
Protection Department, Durban Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil, Paper
EThekwini Municipality (2011), eThekwini Quality of Life presented at the World Climate & Energy Event, Rio de
Household Survey 2009-2010, eThekwini Municipality, Janeiro
Durban Rosenzweig C. (Ed.) (2006), Mitigating New York’s Heat Island
Fjeld I.T. and Bonnevie C. (2002), The Effect of Plants and with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs, and Light Surfaces, Research
Artificial Daylight on the Well-Being and Health of Office Report 06-06, New York State Energy Research and
Workers, School Children and Health Care Personnel, Floriade, Development Authority
Norway Rosenzweig C. Gafflin S. and Parshall L. (Ed.) (2006), Green
Gedge D., Dunnet N., Grant G., and Jones R. (2007), Living Roofs in the New York Metropolitan Region, Research Report,
Roofs, Research Report, Natural England Columbia University Centre for Climate Systems Research,
Getter K.L., Rowe D.B., Robertson P., Cregg B.M. and New York.
Andersen J.A. (2009), Carbon Sequestration Potential of Ulrich RS. (1984), View Through a Window May Influence
Extensive Green Roofs, Environmental Science & Technology, Recovery from Surgery, Science, (224), pg. 420-421
43 (19), pg 7564–7570 Williams N.S.G., Rayner J.P. and Raynor K.J. (2010), Green
Grant G. (2006), Extensive Green Roofs in London, Urban Roofs for a Wide Brownland: Opportunities and Barriers
Habitats, (4: 1) for Rooftop Greening in Australia, Urban Forestry and Urban
Grant G., Engleback L. and Nicholson B. (2003), Green Roofs: Greening, Article in Press.
Their Existing Status and Potential for Conserving Biodiversity Wong E. (2008), Reducing Urban Heat Islands: Compendium
in Urban Areas, Report No. 498, English Nature Research of Strategies, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Project, Peterborough Washington

4 +

Centre for Green Roof Research
CSU Green Roofs
Ecosystems Management & Green Roof Designs
eThekwini Municipality: Bylaws
eThekwini Municipality: Environmental Planning
and Climate Protection Department
Greenroofs Australia
Greenroof Centre, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Greenroofs for Healthy Cities
Greenroof Research Programme
U.S. EPA - Heat Island Effect
Urban Habitats – An electronic Journal on the
Biology of Urban Areas Around the World
4$! 6


Conservation of Agricultural Classifies weeds and invader plants as either Category 1, 2 or 3 plants based on extent
Resources Act (43 of 1983) to which they colonise an area and displace indigenous plants.
Requires landowners to control Category 1, 2 and 3 plants.
Constitution of South Africa First legislation to introduce an “environmental right” into South African law.
(108 of 1996)
Requires protection of the environment, for the benefit of present and future
generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that:
Prevent pollution and ecological degradation.
Promote conservation.
Secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources.
Environmental Conservation Regulates waste, noise, and activities which may have a detrimental impact on the
Act (73 of 1989) environment.
However, the regulation of activities which may have a detrimental impact on the
environment were repealed when the National Environmental Management Act (107
of 1998) came into effect.

eThekwini Municipality: Regulates roof coverage, loading of buildings, and management of stormwater.
Building Bylaws Most of these bylaws were repealed when the National Building Regulations and
Buildings Standards Act (103 of 1977) came into effect.
eThekwini Municipality: Regulates the installation of water systems, storage tanks, wasting of water, prevention
Water Supply Bylaws. of the pollution of water, and use of water from other sources other than the municipal
Natal Nature Conservation List plants which are specially protected and protected.
Ordinance (15 of 1974) In terms of the Ordinance:
It is an offence, punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment, to gather, export,
import, purchase, sell, relocate, or translocate a specially protected species without
a permit.
It is an offence to gather, export, import, or sell a protected species without a
permit. You may however buy a protected species from someone that has valid
license to sell the plant.
No permit is required for collecting seeds or cuttings from unprotected species.

National Building Regulates construction of new buildings and alteration of existing buildings.
Regulations and Buildings Sets minimum standards for buildings in terms of public safety, fire installations, and
Standards Act (103 of 1977) management of stormwater.

National Environmental Gives effect to the environmental rights contained in Constitution.

Management Act (107 of Sets out several environmental management principles which apply to all actions which
1998) effect the environment.
Regulates activities which may have a detrimental impact on the environment and for
which prior Environmental Authorisation is required.

National Environmental Was enacted to meet South Africa’s obligations in terms of the 1992 Convention on
Management: Biodiversity Biological Diversity.
Act (10 of 2004) Represents a shift in the approach to species protection, acknowledging that in order
to protect a particular species, such as Black-Head Dwarf Chameleon, its habitat and
the ecosystem of which it is a part must also be protected.
Empowers the Minister of Environmental Affairs to publish a list of ecosystems that
are threatened and in need of protection. The draft national list of Threatened
Ecosystems was published in GNR 1477 (of 2009).
Also empowers the Minister of Environmental Affairs to publish a list of species which
are considered to be critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or in need of
protection. This list was published in GNR 150 (of 2007).
In terms of the Act, a permit is required for the collection, transport, and possession
of any of the above listed species.

4 !)  

The following table presents list local suppliers of green roof habitat materials47.




Waterproof Membrane a.b.e. Construction Chemicals Limited Index Unigum Torch on 031-913 5400
Derbigum Derbigum CG4 031-700 2195
Root barrier a.b.e. Construction Chemicals Limited Index Defend H 031-913 5400
Derbigum Derbigum CG3 and Derbigum 031-700 2195
CG4H (horticultural)
waterproofing membrane
Gundle Pastall 1000 micron dam liner LDPE 031-263 0777
Sika MTC Green. MTC Ballast 031-792 6500
Drainage layer a.b.e. Construction Chemicals Limited Abe drain G 031-913 5400
Maccaferi Macdrain 1L or 2L 031-705 0522
Derbigum Delta MS20P (perforated) 031-700 2195
Modules Green Roof Designs cc UV Resistant, Recyclable HDPE 083398 6902

4 !)% "

The following table presents a list of nurseries in the Durban area that supply indigenous plants48.
7  2.  7  2. 

Assagay Nursery Assagay 031-768 1333 Indigro Waterfall 031-763 3045

Bloomingdales Glen Hills 031-564 5859 Jenny Dean Wildflowers Assagay 031-768 1209
Garden Centre
Jungle Garden Nursery Sherwood 031-207 7642
Burgess Garden Westville 031-266 4366
Palms and Tropicals Westville 031-267 1111
Dieters Nursery Hillcrest 031-768 2173
Plant Collectors Nursery Queensburgh 031-464 9909
Dunrobin Nursery Botha’s Hill 031-777 1855
Plant Nursery Bluff 031-466 5599
Garden Hub Nursery Kloof 031-764 6329
& Garden Centre Plants-a-plenty Westville 031-266 7455
Geoff's Jungle Pinetown 031-702 0836 Queensburgh Garden Queensburgh 031-464 9938
Greenman Nursery Kloof 031-764 3944 & Hobby Centre
Halls Garden Pavilion Amanzimtoti 031-903 6737 Silverglen Nursery Chatsworth 031-404 5628
Havenside Nurseries Chatsworth 031-400 3355 Tropical Nursery Sherwood 031-208 4925
Illovo Nursery Amanzimtoti 031-916 2491 Ridgemont Nursery Waterfall 031-766 3794

4& !)


8  8
Cell: 083 398 6902 Cell: 082 061 2593
Email: Ecoman Email:

47 While care was taken to be as comprehensive as possible in compiling this list of local suppliers at the time of writing,
some suppliers may have been omitted.
48 While care was taken to be as comprehensive as possible in compiling this list of local suppliers at the time of writing,
some suppliers may have been omitted.


Meggan Spires
Tel: 031 311 7920
Contact details:

Environmental Planning and

Climate Protection Department
eThekwini Municipality
PO Box 680
Durban 4000
Tel: +27 31 311 7875
Fax: +27 31 311 7134

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