01 Mean Value Theorem

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qj t Mean Value Theorem - 4.1 INTRODUCTION The Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorems (MVTs) are very important results in calculus and they are used in many branches in science and engineering. The general form of MVT due to Taylor and Maclaurin are presented here. These two theorems are used to expand a function into finite and infinite series. 4.2. ROLLE’S THEOREM Let a function f be defined on a closed interval [a, 5]. Further suppose that a fis continuous on [a, 5], it) fis derivable in the open interval (a, b), and WS Ka =70. Then there exists at least one value of x say c, where a < c < 6, such that f')=0. Note: ; The three conditions of Rolle’s theorem are a set of sufficient conditions. Sometimes all these conditions are not necessary to get the result. Geometrical interpretation of Rolle’ theotem: If the graph, y=/(x) be continuous throughout the interval from a to b; and if the curve has a tangent at every point on it from ato b except possibly at the two extreme points a and 5; and has the dinates at two points a, b equal, then there must exist at least one point on the curve between a and b where the tangent is parallel to the x-axis (Figures 4.1(@) and (b)). 102 Rolle's Theorem (See. 4.2) | 103 E4.1 Verify Rolle’s thedrem for each of the following cases: \o— MW, f@)=|x|,-Isxs1; (WBUT.2003) * Mh fayex -5x+6in2 in-1 $x$ 1. It is easy to observe x that both the functions f(x) and f” (x) do not exist at x = 0. Thus, /(#) is neither continuous nor derivable on -1 0 be another number that depends on €. 1 _ 1 Then is) fO)l=fssin 2 —9f=1x1 find Six x as ein 4] <1 x If@)-f£O)|Qx F124) = Ing (144) @’o<—_1_1 ew9- Ft) “Jog tx) x o —— Yeo o< ! x differentiable at x = 0 and conse ‘Thus Lagrange’s MVT is n E o ey ge! a Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem (See 4.3) | 109 AY) = ne gee. >sin'x2x, if0 clogdtxy——_>— <7. x log(i+x) x log(1+ x) x i) Tef@er Af =e fO=1_ From MVT, on [0, x], we have f@= =f(0)+x/" (6x), o 0<@K<1, b-a l+a?" Solution Let f(x) = tan 'x. f(x) satisfies all the conditions of Lagrange’s theorem on [a, 5] Therefore, by Lagrange’s MVT we have b FOAL 4 (0,acccb -1 -1 tan” b—tan or ——_—= ya< = 1+b b-a l+a™ b-a or 3 When F(x) =cos x, hoo Solution Here F(X) = 00s x. Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem (See. 4.3) | 444 £(0) = Land f(x) =~sin x f(O) + hf’(@h), we have e CA) ==5 Sony xo. rom f(H)= / =i cosh =1+h(-sin 0h) or cosh =I =—sin 0h 2 ; 2 ; —2sin (h!2) _ in Oh or (* (h/2) =7 Sin Bh or h Al2 A . ; 2 2 tim (3 org) = lim (* o)) or noot\ Oh hoot Ald ‘ of... (sin Oh) _ or 2 fim, O=1 [: sin On )=1} lim @ ! im = Hence lim e=5 EXAMPLE 4.10 Apply Lagrange’s mean value theorem, find the derivative of a function assuming that the derivatives which occur are continuous. Solution The Lagrange’s MVT on [a, a + h] is f(ath)— f(a) =hf'(at+@h),0<0<1 or far o=LOA=LO, Taking limit h > 0, we get flat+h)- f@ h h lin, (0+ =n or f'(@) = lim h>0 [: f’(x) is continuous (given), so jim f'arh= ro| > This is the well known formula for derivative. EXAMPLE 4.11 Use Lagrange’s MVT to prove that, if f(x) is continuous and £")>0, then f(x) is an increasing function. Solution ao f(x) be continuous on [a, 5] and differentiable in (a, 4) where 6. Then by Lagrange’s MVT, f(b) - f(@ =(b-a) f’(o), a0 on[a, pb] and b> a, the right hand side of the above quation is positive, and hence f(b)- fla)>0 or f(b) > f@ as fis an increasing function on [a, 5]. MPLE 4.12 Use MVT to prove that 1 ua andor =4 3(1+4) J Is this estimate high or bow? (WBUT 2003) Solution Let f(x)=sin x. The Lagrange’s MVT on [a, a + A] is flath)= f(a)+ hf’ (a+0h),0 Oasn— © for all x. N x ‘ow, lim | R, |= im > sin (nw /2 + Ox) aren no~| n! Ll < lim += 0 for all x n> nt! - plein cnn 2 201 A 5 sin x=x—-2-+2-— «forall x. 3! S! 122 | Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) EXAMPLE 4.22 Find the expansion of fi =(+ x)", where m is q negating fraction. Solution Here f(x) = (1+ xy”, where x # -1 f@o=ama+" f" (a =m(m-D + x)" fi) =m (m—1(m—2) (mk + D+)" f*(0)=m(m=-1) (m=2) -(m—k +1) FQ) =m (m= (m=ntx"™, xe 1 We consider Cauchy’s remainder after 7 terms nq gy! =e 50460), 0<@<1 feted) _x"(-@"" i =p Dm Dan +1) + 82) =m (m=1)(m=1)-(m=n+1) (1-0 Y nt (n-1)! Helles pa ieee We see that jim MD: n=n+D) oe (n-D! =0 for |x{"<1 j1-@ ey? and 14+ Ox. <1 sot 1=% se) > 0asn>o, Also, oi = so, (1+ 6x) <(+| xf) 1 eee and d+oxymto 1 1 a 7 when m . (+ axe < (= ]xp™ Thus R,, — 0 when n— 0 for| x] <1, "1+ MON) 2 | mon—1)(m— Hence (1+) 2! — for|x|<1. Maclaurin’s Infinite Series (See, 4 1 C, 4.6) | 123 MPLE 423 Find the expansion of log, (1 + 7 eas x) in : ngicate the region of validity of the expansion, Din power serie i S of x and solution Let f(x) =log, (1+ x) f@=0 Have : POnT f'(O)=1 Pee f" = da» f"O)=-1 mo = 21 f =o £0) =2! vy 3221 / SY Q)= asx! f(0)=-3! and in this way f"Q)= Cyt =D! (1+x)" Taking Lagrange’s form of remainder, Y _yy-l yn " R, =f (n= ey 1) n(1+9x)" n\l+@x Therefore, fa) = f00)+f"O)4 A PO) A SHOR 2! (nD! f 2 3 4 or, Jog, (4x) =2- 5 47 tt Ry Case I: When 0 0asn— for 0S xS1. bs the conditions of Maclaurin’s infinite series exp; Sx<1, ansion are satisfied for ch. 4 424 | Mean Value Theorem (ch. 4) Case II: When -I . Now, 1-9 <1+6x so that (=) 1 < 1+0x Also, x" > 0 as n> ce and and moreover it is independent of n. Thus R, > 0asn— oo. Hence, the conditions of Maclaurin’s series expansion are satisfied also when -10 x cos x~sin x cos x 5%) = lim cos x—cosx+xsinx (0 or x0 COS X— X SiN xX —cos 2x 0 9 fom] [ sin XCOS x =Ssin 2s| sin x + x cos x = lim — x70 —sin x— sin x — x cos x +2 sin 2x form cos x + cos x — x sin x = lim 5b —2 cos x— cos x+xsin x +4 cos 2x 1+1 -2+4 =2. : wo 0 ) cod form: This form is similar to the form o The same technique is applicable for this form, i.e. if lim f (x)=, and lim g(x) =00 xa xa tim £2 = tim LO it 7? provided lim g’(x) exists. roa g(a) > g(x) 774 then log (1+ EXAMPLE 4.26 Find the value of tim 180+), x30 x Solution lim e022 (= fo -m d a Paababeaes +x 1 = lim = lim = pra pare x30 «(1 xoe0l+x < [x] i in? i = form. (©) 0-e form: This form can be converted to either in 0 form or in That is, if tim f(x) =0 and jim g(x) =e then jim f(x) g(x) can be written in the following two forms: £@) (2 ) hi = fe @) lim f() g(x) = lim = ew lo om Gi) fim f() g(x) = tim VEO (= fom ta xa g(x) had 128 Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) +x EXAMPLE 4.27 Find lim cot x- log + -_ Solution l+x lim cot x- logo (co - 0 form) x30 —-x = lim log (1+ x) — log (1— x) [ Geom) x30 tan x 0 1 i . l+x = lim > x0 sec” x (@) e =< form: If lim f(x)=e and lim g(x) =e then lim [f(x)~ g(a] is of the form 0 — os, This form can be written as im U8Q=V SCD (3 orm ) rsa I/{g9(x) f(o} EXAMPLE 4.28 Find the following limits: 1 1 es “ tm (2 } (ii tim {4 lee} x>0\x sinx x 0Lx x Gi) timj/--_1_ |. xollx-1 logx Solution _ (1 1 @ lim}=-——] (~~ form) x>0\ x sinx = lim - x50 xsin x = lim —COS*-1 x>0 sin x+xcos x 5 form sinx—x (2. 0 om . ~sin x = lim = <6 x0 COSxX+cosx—xsinx 14] ~~ Indeterminate Form: L ‘Hospital Rule (Sec. 4, © 47) | 129 1 log (+x) img =o (ce — 0 form) Gi) xo le x x—log (1+ x) 0 = lim 3 > form x0 x 0 a I fm tt = tim —— = = 2x x902(1+x) 2 . x 1 (iii) an 5 cs] (e—% form) -(- 1) = tim 218% G1) (2 torm xol (x-I)logx 0 logxtx-=-l atime = Him —2E* 9 form rol 1 xs1xlogx+x—-1 0 log x+(x-D-— x xl logx+x-—+1 x (e) Other forms : 0°, 12", 00°; These forms occur when the limit is of the form lim [f (x)|*. This limit can be evaluated by taking logarithm of the function (F()] Jim log y= lim g(x) log f(x) or log (lim y) = sim. g 0). That is, if we take y=[F(x)] then log y= g@)log f(*) and (x) log f(x). The right hand side becomes one of the forms discussed earlier. EXAMPLE 4.29 Evaluate the following limits: @ i sin x )/* a 2\ im ; di) lim |1+—], root x x8 x 1x2 wt (iii) tin (“2 ; Gv) lim lt >0l x x8 (vy) oi «tan ,Am,, (sin x, 130 | Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) Solution (i) The given limit is of the form 1”. . Ve Let y= ( sua: } . Both sides taking logarithm we get, x 1 sin x log y=— “og (= } sin x log + x 0 .. a, Sinx Now, Bet log y= lim. —~——| — form - lim —B= x30t x 0 axsvot x xX xcosx—sin x . sin x x _ xcosx—sin x 0 = lim —W———_= lim eee — form xoot 1 x0t xsin x 0 _ cosx—xsinx—cosx —xsin x 0 = lim, —————" = Jim ——7** — form x30 sin x + x cos x x30* SIN X+xCOs x ~sin x—xcos x 0 = lim == x30 COSX+cosx—xsinx 2 . Vx or Jog (tim, »)=0 or im (=) = xootl x -. 2y (ii) Let y= ( + 2) * Taking logarithm both sides. log y= rtog(1+2). x Rae I/x tog (142 2) Jim log y = liny —\ +) (3fom) 1 (-3) =e 142/x 2 = lim —"\ 7) _ i 2 xe ie. jim n log y= 2 o tog tim y)=2 Indeterminate Form: L'Hospit le : L'Hospital Rule (Sec. 4 (See. 4.7) | 4 31 : 2 or tim (142) =e?, a x2 i ti ii) Let v=( x ) - Then tog y= tog (2) x Oe om) ¥ 0 form cs tim log y= Ii tim 108 y= E jim 2% = jim S2* (10m) = i, — 2] x90 X x30 XCOS x x30 cosx—xsinx x xsec? x—tan x 2 1 . ‘ta 2 x——sin 2x = lim =~ z = lim —2-__ Om x90 2x x90 x? sin 2x 0 1—cos 2. = lim 0 __ (3 tor) x0 2x sin 2x + 2x cos 2x 0 5 2sin 2x 0 = im psf en — form x0 2 sin 2x + 4x cos 2x + 4x cos 2x — 4x° sin 2x 0 = lim 4 cos 2x x0 4cos 2x +8 cos 2x -12 x sin 2x — 8x sin 2x — 8x? cos 2x as 123 1 tanx\* 1 lim I =— i == by y =} or ts tn (4) tan x)” or tim ( ) =el?, x70 (iv) jim x!/* (60° form). Let y= x", Taking logarithm both sides, we get log y =Liog x x 132 Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) log x = form lim ue | lim tog y= A bs =m [ey ee ( . M. log | lim y}=0 or lim x/* =e°=], xpeo x00 (vy) lim, (sin)""* I"). Let y = (sin x)""*. Taking logarithm both sides, we get log y = tan x log sin x. lim log y= lim | tan x log sin. x — (e° -0 form) vor? . log sinx (0 lim _ —=—— | — form roal2 cotx \O = lim (-cos xsin x) =0. vo3r/2 —cosec? x 17/2 lim_log y=0 or we ( lim y)=0 cond sald or lim _(sin x)"* =e? =1. x3 nl2 EXAMPLE 4.30 (i) Find the value of Jim [x — V(x a)(x =») | (ii) Determine a such that . asinx—sin2x . o lim ———— exists and it is equal to 1. x70 tan” x (iii) Find the values of a, , ¢ such that Solution = 1 (i) Substituting x= i When x —> ce then y—> 0. Now, lim [x *-V@=a@=B)] (@-- form + p00 (ii) (iii) Indeterminate Form: L'Hospital R > P (Sec. 4.7) | 43 oof ET] : - {d-ay) m2 = lim ea fom y -<[ d-a)d-5y) | I 1 = lim }- > J [Ca +b) + 2 im | 2 doa)dsby ) so} _atb a) asin x—sin2x 0 = lim SS fe Let roo tan? x (@ form) . acos x— 2 cos 2x = lim —.—_7_" x30 3tan® x-sec” x Here the numerator is a — 2 (when x — 0), but, denominator is 0. So, if a —2 is not equal to 0 then the limit does not exist. But, the limit is finite. Therefore,a—2=0 or a=2. ae* — bcos x+ce* Let/= lim . x30 xsin x Here the numerator is a—b +c and the denominator is 0. Fora finite limit a-bt+c=0 () l= lim ae*—b cos x +ce* (2 for x30 x sin x 0 _ ae’ +bsinx—ce* = lim —————_—_ x90 sin x +x COS X Again, denominator is zero, but, numerator is a — ¢ and it should be Zero for finite limit. 2 Thus, a-c=0 7 Now, [= lim 22+ bsin x= ce* ( form) '90 sinx+xcosx 0 134 | Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) “x ae’ +bcosx—ce ge" +OCOSE TCE et cos x +.cos x- xsin x a+btc. ~ 2 Given that / = 2. Therefore, at+b+c_, or, at+b+c=4. QB) Solving equations (1), (2) and (3), we get a=1,b=2,c=1. These are the required values of a, b and c. EXERCISES Short Answer Questions (Section A) 1. In the mean value theorem f(x +h) = f(x) +hf'(x+Oh), if f(x) = ae + bx +c,a#0 then 6=.... 2. Inthe mean value theorem f(a +h) = f(a) +hf'(a+@h), ifa=1,h=3 and f(x)= Vx, then @= 3. If f(x)=27, (x)= x,aS xb then the value of c in terms of a, bin Cauchy’s mean value theorem is 4. Applying Cauchy’s mean value theorem to the functions F(x) = e* and 8(x)=e™ in the interval [a, 5) then ¢ is 5. The value of c in the MVT {OT FA) 020) £0), tty @) =as=1) Go, gan bt e 2 6. The value of tim (=) . x0\ = 7 Tim x! j tim x is equal to .. s, we. 8. Jim (cos 2x)" is equal to oe X-pe0 10. The value of tim [ - Ve= a5] 9. The value of Ii 2) ie value of lim (12) 1S equal to ea Eee ee ere ete (Section B) 4. State Rolle’s theorem. bah m applicable to the function f(x) =|x| j ¢ polle’s theore! (x) =|2| in the j Re i interval 3, Isthe mean value theorem applicable to f(x) = x? +3x+2 in1< x2? 1 verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem for f(x) =x? in -1 x for x # 0. reas second mean value theorem. “State Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange’s form of remainder after ” terms we the function in the closed interval [a, a + h]. am e* in power of x containing five terms. 18“ Apply Maclaurin’s theorem to the function f (x) =(1+ x)* to deduce (+x) = 14 4x4 6x? +49 +24. (WBUT 2001) 16. Expand 2x? +5x48 in power of x—1 using Taylor’s theorem. 17. If f()=0and f(x) exists for all x > 0, then show that fq) -L2= 2x $"H.0<8<" x 18. Use LHospital’s rule to prove the following limits: 2 Vx (a) li ‘i cot x , tan x =e", tim (1+ sin x) *=e, (b) jim, 3 436 | Mean Value Theorem (Ch. 4) I i. 1 | (d) limx'* =-. (©) tim "= 1 fol urin’s theorem to prove the following: 19, Use Maclat Lol sy lyse gegel, Gi falestse tae tat 3/2 : 0<@<1 ved : 222! fr+o : (Section C) 1. Let f()= 7 Rolle’s theorem is applicable for this function on the interval x (a) [1.2] (b) [0, 1] (c) [-2, 2] (d) none of these 2. Lagrange’s MVT is applicable for the function f(x) =x? + 2 on the interval (a) [0,1] (b) [2,3] (c) [3, 4] (d) all of these intervals 3. If f(x) =x? then the value of jim, @ obtained from the MVT f(h) = :f(0)+ hf'(8h).0< <1, is (a) 0 (b) 12 (c)2 (d) none of these 4. The upper bound of the expression {log (1 + x) — x + ; x | is 1s (a) 3° (b) 8 .() 2 @) 2 5. The infinite series of log (1 — x) is 2 3 @ oot () x= ) x= < 23 2 2 3 x x 2 oC) -x+—-=_,,, ~ a (c) har 5 (a) nxt 2g. 6. Lagrange’s MVT is a Special case of i 3 (a) Rolle’s theorem b : (c) Cauchy’ theorem ® Taylor's theorem 7. IE f(Q) satisfies all (d) none of these ies all t ther © Conditions of Rolle’s theorem in an interval [a, 6] (a) at least one point in (a, b (c) at least two points in (a, 5) . ec 1 Ba a, et i ti . which of the following functions obeys Rolle S theorem in (0, a 8. ») sinx (b) cos x a tan x (d) sec x . whieh of the following functions does not Satisfy Rolle’s theorem on phd 1 1 (a) ie ) x-2 1 @* ® x+2 10, If f(x) =x and g(x) = x? satisfy the Conditions of Cauchy’s MVT on the interval [1, 2] then there exists a c such that F(2)-F(1) is equal to b) 2 (a) c (b) 2c 3e Fi OF @) fc) 11. The Cauchy’s MVT becomes Lagrange’s MVT for the functions F(x) and g(x) when g(x) (a) 1 (b) x? (x @) x3 12, The functions f(x) = x°, g(x) =x? satisfy the conditions of ‘Cauchy’s MVT on the interval [1, 3], then the value of c, 1 © TF 25 13 OT @® | 13. IE/(x) satisfies all the conditions of Rolle’s theorem on [a, 5] then there is a tangent of y= f(x) on (a, 6). This tangent is parallel to (a) y-axis (b) y=x (c) x-axis (d) none of these M4, IEf(x) satisfies all the conditions of Lagrange’s MVT on [a, 5] then there 'Sa point c, a 0 1 ‘eel :0SxS1. ght LOR gt Tag NXE Show that 72) does not satisty atthe copsitions of Rolle’s theorem, but f’(c) =0 for ¢ =1/2, wi fOd= (x— a)” (x—b)" where m and n are positive integers, show that bmt+an _ bm. oc“ m+n 4, 16 94) bea polynomial in x and / is a real number, then prove that there exists a root of '(x) + AG(x) = 0 between any pair of roots of 9(x) =0. 5, Verify Lagrange’s mean value theorem in each of the following functions: if f(x) =x* + 3x + 20n[1, 2] xcoss if x40 iy f(x= x 0, if x=0 on[-1, 1] wh f= son [-1,1] x WT =24+ x? on [-6, 3] 6. If f(x) =(x-1) (x— 2) (x—3) and a= 0, b = 4. Find c from f(b) —f(@)= (b-a) f'(c),a0 x x Wir toga +9 0 l+x 2. toy 2 > log 7** > 22, if 0 1-5 0 7 if x>0. 9. Use MVT to prove that 1 in 46° ~— 1+—_ sin 46' 33 =) wn /{01 lies between 10 and 10.05 It f(x) =e* and g(x) =e*, a. Provided f(x) is continuous in asx

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