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Bible Quiz notes on the “acts of the apostles”
The Book of Acts is the Fifth book of the New Testament and the Forty-Fourth book in
the entire Bible. This divine piece of Gospel was originally written by St. Luke the Evangelist
at around 70-90 AD in the Greek Language. It chiefly speaks about how God fulfilled his plan
of salvation through the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Besides that, Acts also speaks
about the story of Christianity in 1 AD, which is predominantly set in Jerusalem. Other events
of major significance describe the Day of Pentecost (Holy Spirit) and the growth of Church in
Jerusalem. Initially, the Jews were receptive towards the Gospel however later they accept it.
Furthermore, the Apostle Paul takes this Gospel towards the Gentile Nations. Later chapters of
this book explain about the conversion of the Apostle Paul whom was formerly Saul and his
numerous missions to vast continents such as Asia Minor and Aegan. To conclude, this book
ends with the Apostle Paul being imprisoned in Rome awaiting trial and punishment.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
(A) The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Now, during the Day of Pentecost a loud
mighty rushing wind filled the house where the 12
Disciples were sitting. They began speaking in
new languages as tongues of fire descended on
each one of them as the Holy Spirit gave them the
Gift of Tongues.
(B) Various responses from the crowd
Everyone gathered in Jerusalem and were
amazed with the 12 Disciples speaking new
languages. Some of them asked,
“Look are not all these who speak Galileans?”
“And how is it that we hear each in our own
language in which we were born?”
“Whatever could this mean?” Others mocked and
said, “They’re drunk with new wine”
Chapter 3
(A) A Lame man healed
Now, there was a Lame man sitting beside the Temple Gate called
“Beautiful”. Peter and John saw him at the ninth hour of prayer when they
were entering the Temple. Both of them healed and commanded him to rise up
in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Chapter 4
The Pharisees were marvelled at Peter and Now after being released, Peter and John
John as they both could heal the sick and the uttered this prayer by the words of King
lame. Nonetheless, they threatened them not David. “LORD You are God who made
to utter the Name of Jesus Christ or to Heaven, Earth and the Sea and all that is in
preach in his name. However, Peter and them. Why did the nations rage And the
John replied “Whether it is right in the sight people plot vain things? The Kings of the
of God to listen to you more than to God, Earth took their stand and the rulers were
you judge. For we cannot but speak the gathered together, against the LORD and
things which we have seen and head”. The against his Christ.”
Pharisees were forced to release Peter and
John for they glorified God in their actions.
Chapter 7
They forged a golden calf and offered sacrifices to that idol and
rejoiced in the works of their own hands. Then God turned and gave
them up to worship the host of heaven as it is written in the books of
the Prophets.
“Did you offer Me slaughtered animals and sacrifices during
forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?”
“Yes, you took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your
god Remphan, Images which you made to worship; And I will carry
you away beyond Babylon.”
(E) God’s True Tabernacle
God instructed Moses to build a Tabernacle according to the Pattern he had
seen. Later, the LORD also commissioned Joshua to drove out the land
possessed by the Gentiles in Canaan before the days of the reign of King David,
whom found favor with the God. Then, King Solomon built a house (temple) for
God. Nonetheless, the Most High does not dwell in man-made temples but as the
Prophet says:
“Heaven is my Throne and Earth is My footstool. What House will you build for
Me? Says the LORD, Or what is the place of my rest? Has My hand not made
all these things?”
There was a Sorcerer called Simon whom practiced sorcery that astonished the people
of Samaria while claiming that he was great. Many people were astonished at his witchcraft
ability and applauded him by saying “This man is the great power of God”. However, many
whom were astonished as Simon were amazed by the Gospel of Christ preached by the Apostle
Phillip whom also arrived at Samaria. As of that, all Men and Women were baptized including
Simon the Sorcerer after witnessing the amazing power of the True Living God.
(D) The Sorcerer’s Sin
As Saul was asking letters from a high priest to the synagogues of Damascus, so that he would
bind any men or women on the way to Jerusalem, a bright heavenly light shone upon him. As he
fell to the ground, God spoke to him “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is I Jesus,
whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads”. Then the LORD now
commanded Saul whom was trembling in fear to go into the city and do what is commanded by
him. However, the men whom stood beside Saul saw or heard nothing. Besides that, the light of
Heaven caused Saul to be blind for three days. And he went to Damascus without eating or
(G) The Church Prospers Now, Apostle Peter visited all the parts of the country
until he came to the place of saints in Lydda and found a
The Churches throughout all bedridden man named Aeneas whom had been paralyzed for
Judea, Samaria, Galilee had peace eight years. Peter said, “Aeneas Jesus the Christ heals you.
and were all edified and walking in Arise and make your bed”. Immediately, he was healed and
the presence, fear and comfort of the everyone at Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the
LORD Holy Spirit, they were LORD.
Chapter 10
(A) Cornelius Sends a Delegation
The Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles whom heard his preaching. And those of
circumcision who believed were astonished as many as came with Peter, because the Gift of the
Holy Spirit had been poured out on them. They also spoke in tongues and magnified God. Peter
answered, “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the
Holy Spirit just as we have?” And Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of the
Chapter 11
(A) Peter Defends God’s Grace
Now, when the Men of Judea heard about that Gentiles also
received the word of God, they accused Peter of eating with
uncircumcised men when he arrived at Jerusalem. But Peter explained
about how God has cleansed everything and that the LORD has also
received Gentiles as well concerning his vision of unclean animals
back at Joppa. Besides that, Peter told them about his preaching at
Cornelius’s household and how the Holy Spirit began to fill them all
and also concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Peter
remarked, if the LORD gave them the same gift that he provided to us
when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, then who am I to withstand
God? For God has also granted the Gentiles repentance to life.
(A) At Iconium
Chapter 16
(E) Division over John Mark
Chapter 18
While Apollos was at Corinth, Paul was passing through the upper regions and had
arrived at Ephesus. After he found some disciples, he questioned the, on whether if they
received the power of the Holy Spirit when the believed. Nonetheless, they were unaware of
the Holy Spirit as they were baptized using John the Baptists’ way of baptism. Besides that,
(B) Miracles Glorify Christ
From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus and called for the elders of the Church and he said this to
“I have always lived among you, serving the LORD with all humility with many tears and trials
happened to me plotted by the Jews and how I kept back nothing that was helpful but proclaimed it to
you and taught you publicly and from house to house.”
“Therefore, I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not
shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. Therefore watch, and remember that for three
years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears”.
“I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel. I have shown you every way by laboring like
this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that He said it is
more blessed to give than to receive”.
Then all of them wept and prayed freely and fell on Paul’s neck to kiss him. They felt sorrowed
for the most of the words he spoke as they will not see him anymore and accompanied him to his ship.
(A) Warnings on the Journey to Jerusalem
Chapter 21
Paul sailed through Cos, Rhodes, Patara, Phoenicia, Cyprus,
Syria and he finally arrived at Tyre staying there for seven days.
Nonetheless, he was told by the disciples not to enter Jerusalem.
After that, Paul left Tyre and stayed at Ptolemais before arriving at
Caesarea and visited Philip whom had four virgin daughters capable
of prophesying. Furthermore, a prophet called Agabus from Judea,
took Paul’s belt and tied it to his own hands. He pleaded Paul not to
enter Jerusalem as he would be arrested by the Gentiles. Nonetheless,
Paul was adamant to enter Jerusalem.
(B) Paul Urged to Make Peace
Paul took the purified men into the temple concerning the
expiration days of their purification and also concerning offerings.
After the seven days almost ended, certain Jews from Asia created
problems for Paul. They blasphemed endlessly that Paul was
preaching against the law and also bringing Greeks and defiling the
holy place. Immediately, people seized Paul by dragging him
outside the temple to kill him. But a commander of Jerusalem’s
garrison accompanied with several centurions commanded the
people to stop beating Paul but to just have him chained. The
multitude cried out to that commander “Away with him!” Paul
spoke with that commander and he questioned him on whether if
Paul was the Egyptian whom raised an insurrection by leading four-
thousand assassins into the wilderness. But Paul replied that he is a
Jewish man from Tarsus in Cilicia. Therefore, he was seeking
permission to speak to the people. Afterwards, Paul was allowed to
speak to the crowd but there was a great silence from them.
The angry mob urged Paul to be sent away and unfit to live.
In fact, they even tore their clothes in rage. The Commander had
ordered that Paul should be brought into barracks so that he should
(C) The Sanhedrin be examined under scourging to understand why the mob is angry
Divided with him. Afterwards, they had bound Paul with thongs. Now, Paul
questioned a centurion on whether if it was lawful to scourge a
On the next day, Paul Roman man and uncondemned. Hence, the centurion urged the
wanted to know the reason for commander to take care of Paul as he was a Roman. However, the
his accusation by the Jews. commander approached Paul and questioned him on whether if
Hence, he was released from Paul was truly a Roman to which Paul replied yes. The commander
prison and his chains. replied that with a large sum he obtained this citizenship. But Paul
Afterwards, Paul commanded replied that he was a born citizen. Immediately, his examiners and
the chief priests and all of their other Roman officers, withdrew from him after discovering that
council to appear and to be Paul was a Roman citizen.
brought and set before him.
The LORD encouraged Paul to be of good cheer as how Paul testified in Jerusalem, so now
he shall bear witness for God in Rome. But some Jews plotted against Paul by taking an oath not to
eat or drink until they have successfully killed him. Besides that, more than forty-two of them
formed this conspiracy and informed their evil plan to the chief priests of their oath until they have
killed Paul. They devised a plan involving the commander to be brought with them tomorrow in the
guise of making a normal inquiry with Paul but they shall be ready to kill him before he comes
near. But Paul’s sister heard and warned him about this evil plot. Paul took action by speaking to
his centurion’s commander. He urged the commander to not to yield to the Jews for they will be
seeking to kill him. The commander agreed and mentioned to the young man that this should be
kept a secret.
(C) Sent to Felix
Chapter 25
(A) Paul Appeals to Caesar
After some days, King Agrippa and Bernice had arrived from Caesarea to greet Festus. And Festus
spoke to Agrippa concerning Paul that, his accusers brought no evidence to accuse him, and that it is
unlawful to deliver a man to destruction or a charge without giving him the opportunity for him to answer
for himself. Nonetheless, they had some questions concerning Paul about Jesus Christ whom is alive. He
also told Agrippa that Paul chose to appeal his case before Caesar despite his offer to be judged at
Jerusalem. The next day, Agrippa, Bernice had entered the auditorium with the commanders and
prominent men of the city and Paul was brought before them. Festus implied that, Paul has done nothing
wrong either at Jerusalem or here and he is not worthy of death therefore, he appealed his case to Caesar.
However, since Festus had nothing certain in his mind to write he had brought Paul before King Agrippa
that after examination has taken, he could have something to write. They wrote that, it is unreasonable to
send a prisoner without specifying the charges against him.
Their journey of sailing grew dangerous overtime as the fast ended. Therefore, Paul
advised his companions with a word of caution hinting that their voyage shall end with a
disaster that will not only witness the loss of cargo but precious lives as well. Nevertheless, the
centurion Augustan only seemed to obey the helmsman whom was the owner of the ship
rather than the warnings given by Paul. Besides that, since the harbor was unsuitable during
winter the majority also advised to set sail from there also, by any means they could reach
Phoenix, a harbor of Crete, opening toward the southwest, northwest and winter there.
(C) In the Tempest
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come before your
throne of Grace today through the precious blood of your son Jesus Christ and we thank you
for your mercy and grace, you say in your word that you are the LORD and that is your
name. and you will not give your glory to another you also say that those who trust in carved
or formed images shall be greatly ashamed. You say that the nations serving their carved
images and foreign idols, are provoking you to anger according to Jeremiah 8: 19. You are
the LORD and there is no god beside you. You have made the Earth, and created men on it,
your hands stretch out the heavens and you commanded all their hosts. Surely, you are God
and there is no other god and there is no other god besides you.
You confirmed your word o’ LORD again and again saying there is no other god
besides you for you alone are a just God and our Saviour according to Isaiah 45: 21. You
say that the nations weigh silver and gold on the scales, they hire a goldsmith and he makes
it a god, they prostrate themselves yes, they worship these gods, they bear it on their
shoulders, they carry it and set it in its place. And it stands from its place it shall not move
and though one cries out to it yet it cannot answer nor save them out of their troubles
according to Isaiah 46: 6-8. I know that you alone are our refuge o’ LORD and you desire us
and deliver us out of all troubles and you are our very present help in our times of need we
know that you hear us, you hear our cries, we cry out to you. LORD when we call out to you,
you shall answer even while the LORD that we are still speaking you will hear o LORD yes,
it is not us who should carry you, but you carry us.
You carry our sicknesses, our sin and our sorrows even to our gray hairs, you will
carry us and you know every hair on our head, yes LORD. You will indeed carry and deliver
us, this day LORD we pray that you would bless each person today as LORD as we bless
your holy name and glorify your son Jesus Christ as our LORD and our Master. Father, we
come to you today in the name of your son Jesus Christ of Nazareth who paid the price on
the cross, yes and shed his blood for us. We confess LORD if there is any mean by any
chance or any involvement in the deception and any false doctrine of new age any false
doctrine of eastern religions, any false doctrines of Hinduism, LORD we admit that idolatry
is an abomination within your sight and we ask you to forgive us and our family for being
involved in the sin of idolatry today in any other form.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we renounce any Hindu scripture that is contrary to
your holy word, o’ LORD Jesus Christ, anything LORD, that is contrary to you we ask today
that it will be ripped from our memories in the name of Jesus Christ. We ask for your
forgiveness for having believed and obeyed any of these false scriptures, we also ask for
forgiveness for having attended or performed any ungodly sacrifice or rituals. The sacrifices
that you require we know there are a broken spirit and a contrite heart. O’ LORD today that
is the sacrifice we offered to you right now is a broken spirit and a contrite heart that you
also say that to do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to you than sacrifice,
therefore we thank you for the righteousness which LORD we have in your son Jesus Christ.
Today Father in the name of your son Jesus Christ, we want to present our bodies
to you as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. We reject the false wicked gods of Hinduism
and we turn our back on every single one of them and break the soul tie with them. Today in
the name of Jesus Christ, LORD, we shatter it from the false god of Vishnu, we destroy it
from the false god of Brahman. LORD Jesus Christ, we utterly shatter it from the false god
Krishna, we destroy the false god Indra, we utterly blind and destroy the false god Radhra.
We paralyze and destroy the false god Ganesh. By the power in the Blood of the Lamb, we
utterly destroy Hanuman and Kali. In the name of Jesus Christ, we destroy all satanic yokes
of false gods and goddesses of Hinduism. By the power of the Holy Spirit all fallen angels
shall be utterly blinded and rejected today! In the name of Jesus Christ, we reject them and
shatter any ancestral connection between the false god Shiva and the false goddess Shakti,
that is afflicting us in any way, in the name of Jesus Christ! In Jesus Almighty name, we
renounce any other false regional gods, any false local gods and any other unclean spirits
that are operating within this faith within this Hinduism, LORD we turn our back on every
single false god and goddess of Hinduism and we shatter it permanently in Jesus Almighty
Today in the name of Jesus Christ we declare a spiritual divorce with the Hindu
religion and renounce any ungodly spiritual gifts, rankings, abilities, any unholy jewellery,
rings from Hinduism that comes from Satan placed on our generational lines, we uproot it in
the Almighty name of Jesus Christ! We tear up any ungodly spiritual contracts with Satan in
the name of Jesus Christ! In the name of Jesus Christ, we renounce o’ LORD for following
any teachings of Hinduism along with any other unholy philosophies or doctrines from
Hinduism being a philosophy faith. We utterly destroy the memories of ungodly philosophies
of the mystical precepts of Hinduism such as reincarnation teachings. In the name of Yahweh
LORD God Almighty, we renounce any Hindu based salvation and any Nirvana philosophy.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we destroy the power of Hindu Chakras, its consequences
and any satanic positions of the unholy lotus flower that whirls against us, it shall be utterly
In the name of Jesus Christ, we permanently cut ourselves from the satanic wheel of
Hinduism, having been connected to the spinal column of any person and any of those
several points today in the power of the Holy Spirit! Today, we reject any unholy doctrines of
yoga, meditation and any ungodly concepts of Hindu cosmic scriptures in the name of Jesus
Christ! By the power of the Holy Spirit, we renounce every satanic Hindu rainbow colours of
clairvoyancy and every false eternal religion of all encompassing way of living or cultures
guiding anyone through the false teachings of the cycle of life, death, rebirth and we
renounce any of these satanic teachings, each and every one of them. In the name of the
LORD Jesus Christ, we claim back what belongs to us and destroy any spiritual contracts
with Satan from ourselves be it from any country having its roots in Hinduism such as, India,
Asia, Africa, West Indies, Caribbean Islands, Hinduism in Europe and in the Western
By the power of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ,
we reject any spiritual practices with Satan or any Hindu religions and new age practices of
Eastern religions! We cut ourselves free today from the false triune of the false gods Brahma,
Vishnu and Shiva in the name of Jesus Christ! We also renounce any demonic manifestations
and trances of the false god Vishnu and any satanic connections to the unclean spirits of
tortoises, fishes, bears, lions, and the dwarf. By the power in the blood of the Lamb, we
destroy the false god Raman with an axe and the false prince Avatar in Jesus Almighty name!
LORD, we pray in the name of Jesus Christ that he is the only word and the only God
who became flesh and dwelt among us as the Son of God, we thank you. Father God, we
thank you Yahweh who is the only living God, we reject any other unholy incarnation or
satanic manifestations. LORD Jesus Christ, we utterly turn our backs and destroy any false
gods and goddess of Hinduism and walk away from any satanic altar. LORD Jesus Christ,
we ask you today that you would destroy any unholy altar with the fire of the Holy Spirit
right now and cast down any idol that has been worshipped within our lives. In the name of
Jesus Christ, we know that He is the only way to truth and life and we ask you for
forgiveness. We ask you LORD that you forgive our family members whom gave honour and
worship to idols and we confess that it is an open abomination today in the Almighty name of
Jesus Christ! We also destroy every soul tie with any Hindu priest, yogi and confess that
Hinduism is a heresy and deception in the name of Jesus Christ! By the power of the King of
Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ, we destroy the false god Brahman and reclaim our
territory from Satan. LORD, we also command that all satanic doors to be closed by the
precious blood of your son Jesus Christ and throw away any idols that have been worshipped
by those of our ancestors whom worshipped the false gods of Hinduism be it knowingly or
By the Almighty name of Jesus Christ, we renounce every satanic animal or
human sacrifices conducted on an unholy altar done knowingly or unknowingly by our
ancestors in our generations! LORD, we wash ourselves clean in the Blood of the Lamb of
any involvement with such unholy practices and renounce it today in the name of Jesus
Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, we ask you now to silence any innocent blood calling out
against us with the blood of Jesus Christ on account of His victory on the cross. We ask you
LORD right now, to cleanse us of any unholy blood that might be on hour hands and set us
free in the name of Jesus Christ. We also ask LORD, for forgiveness of any incisions or any
burns, wounds, inflicted upon ourselves or on our family lines to please those false gods. We
also pray LORD, that you will remove, heal any physical or spiritual wounds, by the mighty
name of Jesus Christ. LORD Jesus Christ, we also ask forgiveness for taking part in any
Hindu festivals, such as Deepavali, Thaipusam etc. that honours the false Hindu gods.
We today renounce any unholy days of Hindu festivals o LORD within our lifetime
and we ask for forgiveness that we have participated on anything with the temple festivals
and any Hindu festivals such as Deepavali, Thaipusam. O LORD, we plead for forgiveness
and reject any Hindu rituals related to birth, or initiations or Hindu weddings and death,
Hindu washing and dressing of their household false gods, burning and feeding incense to
them. LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, today we turn away from all Hindu rituals
that we have been forced to partake in the compulsory. We also strongly rebuke the Hindu
division of caste and reject the four degrees of Hindu spiritual powers being practiced.
In the name of Jesus Christ, we throw away any unholy Hindu thread across our
left shoulders, underneath our right arms. LORD God, we renounce any Hindu wedding
rings being performed in order to ensure the passage of dead souls knowingly or
unknowingly by our family generations and any unholy funeral rights, being performed to
ensure the dead spirits passing onto a new body in the name of Jesus Christ! LORD God, we
also ask forgiveness if our ancestors were involved in burning Hindu wives alive along with
their dead husbands. O’ LORD Jesus Christ, in order to ensure the salvation of them both,
LORD we renounce all of those satanic practices and ask for forgiveness today in the name
of Jesus Christ! The Seal of Yahweh is marked on our foreheads as believers of Christ!
Precious LORD, we also destroy the Hindu tickers (mehndi) placed on the foreheads in the
place of the third-eye. We renounce them now!
O’ LORD Jesus Christ, we also rebuke any form of unholy acupuncture insertion of
needles at any certain nerve ends and we renounce them in the power of the Blood of the
Lamb! Precious saviour, we also reject any false teaching of Taoism and any such roots to
shrivel up and be consumed by the fiery power of the Holy Spirit! We declare that there is a
personal God who is our Father and Saviour Jesus Christ and we thank you o’ LORD! In the
name of Jesus Christ, we renounce any form and spirit of Chi or unholy cosmic energy and
render any new age doctrine powerless this day! We declare that there is only one God,
Yahweh who created and sustains the whole Heavens and the Earth! O’ LORD, we ask you
to forgive us in our family for having practiced reflexology or any type of unholy
acupuncture or any type of healing powers that comes from the false gods and goddesses of
We reject all unholy healing powers as we shall cure ourselves in the Blood of the
Lamb who is the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ! We confess that Jesus Christ took our sins,
sorrows and griefs upon him on the cross and we shall be healed in his amazing name! We
ask of the LORD Jesus Christ to rebuke any Eastern spirits and any evil forces and demons
related to any of the things in Hinduism in the power of the Holy Spirit! Father God, we also
rebuke any form of Taoism and unholy acupuncture rooted in astrology, soothsaying and
sorcery, teachings of micra and macroism. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we
destroy any spirits of astrology, horoscopes and tarot card readings and renounce these
teachings and anything that is not of you, to be utterly removed!
O’ LORD Jesus Christ, we rebuke any demonic deception, heresies and lies from the
teachings of Hinduism! We shatter any phases of yoga and kundalini spirits controlling both
the blood circulation of conscious and subconscious body by the power of the Holy Spirit!
We rebuke any natural forces of mastering of any black arts or sorcery in any form of
biofeedback on our family line in the name of Jesus Christ! By the power of the Lion of the
tribe of Judah, we destroy all Hindu mantras and breathing exercise techniques, techniques
of self-hypnosis requiring clairvoyance and all forms of yoga fitness! LORD Jesus Christ, we
also destroy all forms of astral-projection that we have participated and please forgive us
and our family members for any involvement in any of these things in the name of Jesus
O’ LORD, now that we have reclaimed back our territory, we destroy all spiritual
contracts with Satan and we ask today and decommission any evil gatekeepers in the second
heavens, by the power in the Blood of the Lamb! In the name of Jesus Christ, Satan you shall
be chained and bow down to the throne of the LORD! By the power of the Holy Spirit, we
command you to manifest yourself and be chained in defeat to the feet of our LORD and
Saviour Jesus Christ! Satan, you will come out from us in the name of Jesus Christ! We have
decided to walk away from all Hindu doctrines, idols, altars, rituals and practices and
surrender ourselves completely to you LORD! In the name of Jesus Christ, today we make
this declaration and bind any evil spirit that is coming up against us right now! In the name
of Jesus Christ, all Fallen Angels shall return to the pit of hell together with Satan.
We choose to trust the LORD Jesus Christ to be our personal saviour and to protect
each person from any satanic retaliation and let the Blood of the Lamb to cover each person
who is saying this prayer. The Blood of Jesus speaks better things and it covers us from all
evil attacks. O’ LORD, surround us with your love and fill any empty void right now to be
filled with the Holy Spirit of Joy, Peace. O’ Holy Spirit, come and touch us and we confess
that divine healing only comes from you. O’ LORD remove any false teaching from our
memories and from any unholy rituals we have participated in. The Blood of Jesus is
speaking better things and we are forgiven by his stripes.
We pray LORD for your blessing to come upon our people from the top of our heads
to the soles of our feet. Come and touch us and fill us by the power of the Holy Spirit in your
glory Amen!
Heavenly Father in the Mighty Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ I repent today for either
myself or family and friends that ignorantly took this poison into my/their body. Forgive us today for
allowing and even encouraging others to take without warning them and hearing the still small voice
of the Holy Spirit. Today father we ask in Faith that You would destroy not just in our bodies, but
globally all nanoparticles and DARPA ingredients that have been injected into all those who have
been vaccinated in Jesus Mighty Name.
Father God, I ask that You Supernaturally by Your Spirit Globally turn back all peoples
MRNA/DNA back to Your DNA (Divine Nature of Abba) to your perfect design by the Power of the
Blood of Your Son Christ Jesus. Lord send Your Holy Hot All-Consuming Fire on all that may have
been affected by BIOTECH type DNA modification and/or Luciferace venom substance in Jesus
Mighty Name. Father God, we ask You to Globally destroy all items that have been foreign placed
into any human brain, by use of the nose Covid-19 tests in Jesus Mighty Name and remove them
completely forever never to return.
Father God, I ask You to reverse all DARPA Hydrogel effect in the brain attacking the pineal
gland by creating triangle type crystals attacking it with parasites in Jesus Mighty Name. Father
God destroy all parasites in the brains of all humans Globally that have been covid-19 tested up the
nose and restore completely by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit all negative effects that the test
may have caused in the brain making the brain completely whole again in Jesus Mighty Name.
Father God, we ask You to Globally in all humans who have been tested with the nose swab
that You turn on the part of the brain in the right hemisphere frontal lobe that shows active when
people are believing in You and having spiritual experiences and I ask that You turn it on right now
in all people and restore it to proper functioning the way You Created the brain to work in that area
in Jesus Mighty and Holy Name. I speak these decree's according to your word in Luke 10:19 and
Job 22:28 and I seal them with the Holy Spirit fire, by the power of God through the blood of Jesus in
Jesus Mighty name according to Mathew 16:19, Isaiah 22:22 and all those that would agree with this
prayer and petition of thee according to Mathew 18:18 and 19 for Your Glory alone in Jesus's Mighty
and Holy Name. The name of Your One and Only Son Jesus Christ for Your Glory
“Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner and cannot obtain salvation in and
of myself. I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ Your Son and ask that You forgive me of my sins,
and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness and guilt, by the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ. I trust
and believe that Your Son Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day to pay my sin
penalty. I accept this free gift of salvation today, and from this day forward, I turn my life completely
over to You Lord. I thank You and praise You God for giving me a new life in Your Son Christ today.
Send your Holy Spirit to lead and guide me into all truth and prepare me for the rapture in Jesus
Mighty Name! Amen.”
O Lord, by your mercy count me worthy to escape your wrath and judgement
coming upon this world in these last days and to stand worthy before you to be raptured. Holy Spirit
that prepares the bride ready for You O Lord, Jesus. Prepare me to be ready for the rapture. Lord, we
pray for the people around us who do not realize You are coming soon and first are coming to snatch
away Your bride, so please awaken their hearts in Jesus Mighty Name! Please show us the things in
our lives that are not surrendered to You to make us rapture ready. We give these things to You and
ask You to change our hearts. Please continue to shape our characters and prepare us for Your
coming in Jesus Mighty Name!
Lord, draw close to people who are afraid of Your snatching away, so they will
not endure your wrath to come before Your second coming. May they surrender their lives to You in
Jesus Mighty Name! Please use each of us to tell others the good news of Your soon snatching away
in the clouds in Jesus Mighty Name! Father, please give us a heightened sense of urgency in our work
for You. Let us live with daily hope that Jesus is coming soon to take His bride to the wedding feast of
the Lamb. Lord, bless the work of each person participating worldwide. Strengthen them to continue
to the works of Christ Jesus in their daily life’s.
Lord, we pray for each person on our individual prayer lists. May they see their
need and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit. Lord, thank You for Your promise: “He who has begun
a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6). Thank You that
You have people in every city who are hopefully looking to heaven and awaiting your return and
snatching away in the rapture. Whatever thing is in my life that will hinder me from rapture holy
Spirit of God reveal them to me and deliver me today. Holy Spirit You that prepare the bride ready,
prepare me ready for the rapture of the saints. I pray God will answer our prayers by His mercy in
Jesus Mighty Name!
I repent from all the sins that I was conceived with that has held me back in life and any sin that will
hinder me from the day of the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the sins I committed, as a child that is unconfessed and will hinder me from
entering the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the sin that I have committed while I was in primary, secondary, and higher
institution that is unconfessed that could hinder me from heaven. Father, forgive me in the name of
Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the unconfessed sins that I committed while I started working that will hinder
me from rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the sins that I committed in my marriage that will hinder me from heaven.
Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the sins that I committed after been born again that will hinder me from
heaven and rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from all the sins I committed as a worker or minister in the vineyard of God that will
hinder me from the rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from any of the sins that I am still committing till today. Father, forgive me in the
name of Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from loving other things more than God in my life. Father, forgive me in the name of
Jesus Christ.
I repent totally from the sin of idolatry. Any area or any way that I have served idols or am still
serving idols and such will hinder me from heaven and rapture forgive by mercy in the name of Jesus
I repent totally from calling the name of God in vain (for joke/comedy, to curse, to lie, to swear etc).
Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ
I repent totally from all the disobedience that I have disobeyed to my parents that will hinder me from
heaven and rapture. Father, forgive me in the name of Jesus Christ.
Let’s us be counted amongst the few that have made themselves ready for His coming. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, I repent totally from every friendship that I have committed with worldly lustful
pleasures, forgive me, and do not let me miss heaven and the rapture.
Lord Jesus Christ, free me and deliver me from every attack of Satan and his demons that comes
against my mind, thought, body and will every day.
Lord Jesus Christ, influence my will, my mind, and my body on daily basis, so that I can be yours
Lord Jesus Christ, bring my thoughts, mind, body and will under the subjection of Your word, so that
I can make heaven. 1 Cor 9 :27
Lord Jesus Christ, all the seeds sowing into my life, in other for me to make heaven, let them
germinate and bear fruits to eternal life.
I confess in the name of Jesus Christ. I will not be left behind to shed terrible tears after the rapture
in Jesus Mighty Name!
Holy spirit of God, prepare my way and garment for heaven and rapture.
Our Father in Heaven, we acknowledge that times and seasons are in Your hands. Throughout
history, You raised up dreamers and doers to fulfil Your desires. We answer Your call today to be
Your agents of godly change within our generation. With Your help Lord, we will affect Kingdom
transformation within our cities and among the nations. Lord sends revival to the culture of Arts and
Entertainment, Business, Science and Technology, Communications and Media, to the Disadvantaged
and Marginalised, to Education and School, to Family and Home, Government and Leadership. Lord,
we know all these have been targeted by the enemy at present to bring a one world order and we pray
for revival once more before Your coming in Jesus Mighty Name! Lord anoints our eyes to see
beyond the here and the now. Tune our ears to listen beyond the norm and the natural. Open our
minds to dream beyond the human and the ordinary. Awaken our hearts to believe beyond the
practical and the possible.
By Your Spirit, we will pray the vision with faith and focus. We will live the vision with integrity and
dignity. We will spread the vision with passion and purpose. We will fulfil the vision with vigour and
vigilance. Future generations will recall this moment and praise for you showed up in power and
transformation when people prayed with one accord, in each individual place, by one people who
chose to hear and obey Your Word. May Your Kingdom come, May Your will be done in our homes,
our cities, our nations as it is in heaven Lord. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen
End-times advice from Pastor Robert Clancy
What will the world be like after the Rapture? By: Pastor Robert Clancy
Possible Alien-Deception?
What to expect and what will happen during the First 3 and ½
years of the Tribulation Period To get a good idea of the events that
will take place during the 7-year tribulation, this is best described in
the last book of the bible, the Book of (Revelation Chapters 6-19).
There are three main purposes for the tribulation period: Firstly, it
will be a time for God to focus on Israel, to save the Jewish people
and to get them to finally acknowledge that Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew)
is their Messiah. Secondly to make an end of wickedness and wicked
ones, to bring judgement upon the world for all its sins against God.
All those that serve Satan will truly get what is coming to them
because they refuse to repent. And thirdly to focus on those
tribulation saints world-wide that will have to endure. Now those that
will really be used by the Holy Spirit during this time will be the two
witnesses, the 144,000 Jews & even angels that will preach the gospel
and bring many to Christ (Yeshua).